Undercovers (2010) s01e07 Episode Script


[Sirens blaring.]
[Crowd cheering.]
[Speaking spanish.]
Gracias! Buenos dias, Peru! Gracias.
[Muffled rifle shot.]
Hey, I thought you were coming in early.
I'm sorry, honey.
I did go to the gym and the Farmers' Market.
Then I had a thing for the Fentin-Brown wedding.
A thing? I thought that wedding was a month ago.
Exactly a month.
Mark wanted to make Bob breakfast in bed for their anniversary, so I talked him through the frittata.
Have I ever told you that you get way too emotionally involved with your clients? Yes.
All the time.
But it's hard not to care for the people you cook for.
It's really not that hard.
UmThere is a client in the office.
She came through the back entrance and made herself very comfortable.
Jennifer Anthony.
She said she knows you, Sam.
Jennifer Anthony? Mm-hmm.
Really? Sammy! [Squealing.]
Oh! Ah.
It's like time stood still, and so did your ass.
Jennifer! This is Steven, my husband.
Hey, nice to meet you.
This is Jennifer.
We went to Yale together.
Nice to meet you! So Jennifer, it's really great to see you, but I assume you want to hire us for something.
I just got a job in L.
anchoring the local news, and I'm throwing a little party to celebrate.
And when I heard you became a cook here, I knew I had to use you.
Actually, I'm a Chef.
She's also pretty brilliant.
No argument from me.
She was quite the star in J school.
She was the only person Professor Schilling recommended for the News Corps internship in Hong Kong.
He must have freaked when you quit.
I heard he left Yale.
He did.
Actually, he died a few years ago In a car accident.
[Cell phone beeps.]
Sam, we gotta go.
Nice to meet you.
So sorry, Jennifer.
We have another meeting.
But my sister Lizzy will take great care of you--I promise.
Are you familiar with Victor Guzman? He's one of the most elusive hit men in the world.
Not anymore.
Several days ago, the Agency completed an eight-month operation and captured Guzman in Santiago, Chile.
That's pretty impressive.
I'll pass that along.
Guzman's capture is secret, and he has begun to talk.
After some persuasion, he admitted that he had recently gotten a new contract.
His assignment was to assassinate this man-- Alberto Loya, President-Elect of Peru.
Won by a landslide by promising to take back Peru for the people.
The U.
needs this man in power.
His death would result in political chaos, so we're getting involved.
Did Guzman say who ordered the hit? He didn't know.
He was hired by a broker.
Mikhail Ivanov.
So Guzman was hired by Ivanov and Ivanov was hired by whoever wants Loya dead.
So we have no idea who's behind this.
Could be Loya's closest advisor.
Could be someone within the peruvian government.
So we can't go in as CIA.
The agency's position is we must keep our involvement in this secret until we know more.
You will travel to Peru first thing in the morning, get in to see Loya, find out what you can.
We need to make sure this man stays alive.
Hey, where'd you get that? Wow, is that the new one with the locator beacon? It's just a regular bracelet.
From my old Professor.
He gave it to me before I left for Hong Kong.
I'd forgotten about it till Jennifer brought him up.
So Sammy really was teacher's pet, huh? Schilling was different.
He had this passion that was just inspiring.
He made you feel like anyone could change the world if they tried hard enough.
Well, he sounds pretty amazing.
He was.
On my first assignment in Hong Kong, I made so many rookie mistakes.
But when I called and told Schilling, all he said was, "tell me all the things you did right.
" And when I did, I felt better.
That's the kind of man he was.
Always supportive, always proud of me.
I just wonder if I don't know.
If he'd still be proud of me.
Are you kidding me? You're an amazing chef and superspy.
Who can beat that? Okay.
There's a press event in Lima tomorrow afternoon.
Every reporter gets an exclusive ten minutes with Loya.
He tries to make himself available for anyone who wants to talk, which is kind of amazing.
Hoyt's working on getting credentials and an interview slot for me.
It seems like the best way of getting time with Loya.
So you get in to see him.
Then what? I don't know.
All I have to do in convince the next president of Peru to tell a total stranger which one of his enemies would want to assassinate him.
I'm about to check in.
Everything looks good, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
OrShould I say Edna? Edna? What? That's the best name you could come up with? Had a babysitter named Edna once.
Oh, lord.
She smelled like lilacs dipped in honey.
Edna Karter from the Kirkway News Agency.
[Computer beeping.]
Is something wrong? IsSomething wrong? You don't seem to be on the list.
Hoyt, what the hell's going on? - You cleared the name, right? - Yeah, yeah.
Here you are.
I didn't know it was Karter with a "K.
" Karter with a "k"? Really? That's how my babysitter spelled it.
Really? I can see why that's a problem now.
I haven't seen you around here before.
I'm sorry.
That sounded like a line.
- I swear it wasn't.
- Oh, yeah, it was.
You know what else is a line? "I swear that wasn't a line.
" Clearly a line.
I should write this stuff down.
I'm Matthew Hunt.
I freelance for the AP.
Edna Karter.
First time meeting Loya? Yes.
I usually work in Asia, but I got this assignment to get some dirt on the new President.
But it seems like he's a Saint in politician's clothing.
No enemies.
No story.
Trust me.
There's always an enemy.
You just have to be the first person to find him.
Edna Karter? Señora Edna Karter, por favor.
I'm up.
Good luck.
My early days.
To remind me why I chose politics.
And why was that? To help people.
To make a difference.
I've always felt that anyone can change the world.
I agreeMr.
Not Mr.
president just yet.
So what can I answer for you, Miss Karter? Okay, Mrs.
Agent Bloom, the diversion is on its way.
We haven't seen a response like this to a Presidential Candidate in years.
What do you attribute that to? The Peruvian people.
They're ready for a different way of doing things.
Karter and I will be fine.
You need to leave now, or security will escort you out.
[Pounds table.]
I've been covering this campaign since the beginning.
My name is Robert Storm.
Canadian Press Agency.
Check again! I do not need to check again.
Is this 'cause I'm from Canada, huh? I'm not going anywhere.
Who's in charge of security here? I'm Robert freakin' Storm! Who's in charge of security? I am.
Uh Okay, who's next in charge of security? Your life is in danger.
What are you talking about? I know what this must sound like but I've been working on a story, and a reliable source claims this is a credible threat.
I'm a politician.
There are many threats.
That's what my security detail is for.
I'm not sure you can trust them.
I can trust them with my life.
So if you have no other questions and you have no proof, I think you should leave now.
Please, I know I'm asking you to take a risk and trust me, but you'd be taking a bigger risk not trusting me.
You said you wanted to change the world.
You can't do it as a dead man.
And why do you so badly feel the need to save me? Because I know about you.
Who you are, what you stand for.
I know you must be a good man and You remind me of another good man I used to know.
Actually, you remind me of someone as well My daughter.
Both very stubborn.
Of course, she's only five years old.
I'm sorry, but-- but do you have any idea who would want to do something like this to you? My platform has upset many people.
Then would you consider canceling your public appearances until the threat has been contained? Absolutely not.
I am many things, Ms.
A coward is not one of them.
[Door opens.]
The interview is over.
It was nice to meet you.
And don't worry.
Everything will work itself out.
Good day.
Loya doesn't know anything.
He's not gonna change his mind.
He's a strong man.
Passionate about what he believes in.
It's actually inspiring.
You're doing it.
You're getting emotionally invested.
I am not.
I heard you talking to him.
He's not your Professor, Sam.
He only reminds of you Schilling because Schilling is on your brain.
But this is a mission.
I know that.
- So what now? - I'll stay here in Lima, see if I can find someone in Loya's inner circle and get close to him or her.
Preferably her.
I have an idea.
- Definitely risky.
- I'm good with risky.
Ivanov lives on top of a nightclub he owns in Rio.
We should pay him a visit.
That's the assassination broker.
I know who he is, Hoyt.
But he's not gonna tell us who hired him.
- He probably doesn't even know.
- You're right.
But what's the best way to stop an assassination? To become the assassin.
It may be a long shot, but Ivanov doesn't know Guzman's been captured.
So we just have to put the word out on the street that there's a new assassin in town.
[Exciting music.]
Undercovers 1x07 Assassin [Shakira's Loca plays.]
dance or die die die die she's playing dumb all the time just to keep it fun to get you like ah, careful, amigo she's talkin' and walkin' just to work you up she'd die for your love but your love's only mine, boy sigo tranquila [music continues, muffled.]
The apartment's empty.
Ivanov's in his office, and he's not doing the books.
That is one hot woman.
Who knew assassination brokers did so well with the ladies? Okay.
That's enough.
So do you think Brazilian women are the hottest women on the planet too? I read that in Esquire.
You don't really think I'm gonna answer that, do you? Have you ever gone out with a Brazilian woman? Well, it depends how you define "gone out.
" - Avoiding! - Not avoiding.
Nice! Hold on.
Look at that.
He's got a wall safe.
Fingerprint biometrics and a code.
I'm so jealous you can do that.
Just put a handheld computer in there.
We have to look.
May have some info on the Loya hit.
Hoyt? I think he's headed to you.
Hoyt, are you there? Hoyt! I am here and on it.
Keep an eye out for Ivanov.
He's here.
Do not lose him.
We're on the move.
La la la la la la la la la la la oh you know, I've never felt like this before la la la la la la la la la la la la oh this feels like so real oh oh I'm obsessive when just one thought of you comes up and I'm aggressive, just one thought of close enough 'cause every moment gone you know I miss you I'm the question, and you're of course the answer Got the prints.
I'm headed to Ivanov's office.
Be careful, sweetie.
[Music continues, muffled.]
Agent Bloom, we have a problem.
Ivanov is on the move.
Destination unknown.
Mayday, mayday.
[Exciting music.]
Everyone can put their guns away.
You're a vodka man, right? And who the hell are you? I'm here on business.
We have no business together.
Not yet.
That's what I'm here to discuss.
Bartenders can apply downstairs.
That's not what I had in mind.
That gun belonged to Yuri Petrovich.
Took me off the streets when I was 17.
Trained me at his compound in Krakov.
Taught me everything I know.
Yuri said you used to do business together.
Told me to look you up when I was ready to take my career forward.
I don't hire strangers.
Now we're not strangers anymore.
And then there's this.
Where did you get this? Off Guzman's dead body.
I knew you were handling the Loya contract.
So I thought, hmm Let's make sure there's a vacancy.
Guzman was your best guy.
And I'm better than anybody you could even think of.
Be at Cafe Dos, 8:30 tomorrow morning.
If I'm interested, someone will approach.
If not, don't ever show your face again Or I'll kill you.
Ivanov has no idea Yuri Petrovich has been in the Agency's pocket for years? None.
And if Ivanov calls, Petrovich has been told to confirm my story.
Nice job taking care of that, Hoyt.
That means a lot coming from you, sir.
So if you can maybe say it again to my cell phone for a keepsake, that'd be amazing.
And we are rolling.
Whenever you're ready.
And go! Action.
You know what? We'll do it later.
I'll remember the phrasing.
So do we have anything off the drive that Sam hacked from Ivanov's safe? Yes, indeed.
These photos right here.
San Martin Square, Lima, Peru.
Site of Loya's inauguration in two days.
That confirms the when and where of the assassination.
So if we can get Ivanov to hire me, we control the how.
And we can control the how.
Cafe Dos.
You guys see anyone? No one yet.
You think Ivanov was playing you? No.
Here he comes.
That's just a waiter.
I didn't order any tea.
[Speaking Spanish.]
I wonder what type of tea you send an assassin.
I bet it's darjeeling.
It worked.
Ivanov checked my story with Petrovich.
I just need to do one more thing, and the Loya job is mine.
What is it? A test to prove I'm bona fide.
I have to be back here in eight hours.
Why? To kill someone.
Here you go, Mr.
Agent Bloom.
Your target is Martine Redondo, 45.
Lives on Sao Geraldo on the shoe store on Gon Calves Dias.
A shoe store? I mean, mostly shoes.
What else? Uh, maybe underwear.
Why do you think Ivanov wants Redondo dead? I doubt it's random.
Gotta be a loose end he wants me to tie up.
Hold the espadrilles, people.
Redondo used to go by the name Miguel Silva.
Formerly an accountant.
If I were to guess, he probably did some work for him at some point.
Maybe he was embezzling Ivanov's money.
And now Ivanov is settling the score.
You have enough time? I've done more with less.
And if this gets us closer to saving Loya, I'll do whatever I have to to make that happen.
Because it's the job, not because I'm emotionally invested.
Hey, we do have a plan, right? I mean, we're not actually gonna kill this guy, are we? [Chatter over walkie-talkie.]
Hoyt, what's with the police? Increased response to gang robberies, sir.
There was a huge article in Newsweek.
I can send you the link if you want.
No, I'm good.
Where's Redondo? Closing up shop as we speak.
I gotta go.
He's headed West on Gon Calves Dias towards Cafe Dos.
Coming to you, Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
He's the one in the Italian loafers.
Oh! I'm sorry! Let me just-- it's okay.
Thank you.
I speak English.
Thank you.
I am so lost.
I feel like I've been walking in a circle for two hours.
I'm looking for the Central Terminal? I can show you.
Oh, you don't have to.
It's okay.
I'm headed there now.
I'll show you.
- This way.
- Thanks.
Well Central Terminal.
Right over there.
Thank you so much.
I'd still be wandering around if it wasn't for you.
No problem.
Can I at least Buy you a drink? To say thank you? Well Who doesn't have time for a quick drink with a beautiful lady? Yes.
They're in.
Hoyt, where the hell is Redondo? We only got three minutes, and Ivanov clearly is a stickler for punctuality.
He just came out of the restroom and he's on his way now.
Got him.
[Muffled shot.]
Unh! [Siren blaring.]
Was that enough for you? I'm done proving myself.
You can hire me or don't.
Even though Yuri vouched for you, I had to be sure.
Be in San Marcus Square in Lima on Sunday for the Loya job.
We're clear.
Wow! That mask was hot.
Leo, you cut it kinda close there.
I had to pee.
Where are you going? The Presidential Palace.
There's a party.
I have to talk to Loya again.
We have less than 24 hours before the inauguration.
Shaw notified Peruvian Intelligence there was a plot against Loya Without directly mentioning us being here, of course.
He says it would be political trespassing if they know.
At least we control the trigger.
I'm worried what'll happen after you don't pull the trigger.
We have to find out who's behind this.
He just wants to help people.
He's a good man.
He is a good man.
That still doesn't make him your Professor.
So you need to stop projecting before it affects how you do your job.
Weak minibar.
Remind me to talk to Shaw about that.
Ah Anyhoo, in all the mask-wearing craziness, I forgot to mention I hooked up with a mega-babe when I was here, man.
Said babe happened to be a member of Loya's administrative staff who just sent me a rather interesting email.
Don't share your email with us.
Oh, come on, Stevie.
I'm a classy guy.
I will obviously skip the graphic parts and go right to the speech-- boom--that I asked for.
Loya's inauguration speech? That's the one.
The same speech in which he reveals for the first time he's giving all oil pipeline usage rights to a Peruvian Company, I.
, and he's kicking out the current controlling company, Despina Oil-- his first step to take back Peru for the people.
That pipeline is huge.
Despina Oil's stock value will plummet.
This could be a disaster for them.
Yeah, I think we just found some enemies of the state to check out.
We find a Despina connection, maybe we find out who ordered the hit.
You guys work on Despina.
Edna Karter's going to the preinauguration party.
How's the story coming? What story? I barely have a hundred words.
And only ten of those are worth anything.
I know the feeling.
Maybe there'll be something in the speech to write about.
Who knows? He's promising a lot of changes.
[Cell phone rings.]
It's my sister.
Excuse me.
Hello? Sam, your friend Jennifer is driving me crazy.
She's a nightmare.
She can't decide what she wants, how many people are coming, whether the cake should say Jen or Jennifer.
Just stay calm, Lizzy.
I'm trying, but I'm sorry.
I do not understand how you two were such good friends.
We weren't.
We just had a Professor in common, that's all.
Can I just fire her? Please? I gotta go.
Good luck.
Papi! [Speaking spanish.]
[Whispers in spanish.]
[Trigger cocks.]
[Speaking spanish.]
Miss Karter.
You know you should not be here.
You still working on that story? Yes.
And I think I know more about the threat against your life.
Please Just hear me out, sir.
The N.
has contacted me.
They're aware of the threats as well.
So please, if you don't mind.
It has to do with your plans for the pipeline.
Someone at Despina or someone related to Despina has to be behind this.
- Despina? - Yes.
I'm not actually a reporter.
I'm-- What are you doing here? Hey Cortez Your stunt just cost you your press credentials.
If any of my men see you in the square tomorrow, you will be arrested or worse--got it? I got it.
We got it.
Who's that? That's the guy that was hitting on you, right, Hunt? Yes.
But he wasn't hitting on me.
Just see what you can find out about Despina.
I know I messed up with Guzman.
Now this guy.
I came to Lima to help you.
I know people here.
I can even do the job myself if I-- [gagging.]
Ma'am, take a look at this.
I finally hacked into Despina's database.
I'm still working through all the executives, but I did find this.
A group photo.
Is it from some sort of retreat? Exactly.
The Despina group ten years ago at some resort, right? But check this out.
Used to be Despina's Head of Security.
Ran detail for the pipeline.
Whoa, whoa, no, no, wait! You stay here and we'll notify Agent Bloom and Nash.
I have to warn Loya.
Ma'am, you can't go out there.
Cortez will be looking for you.
Tell Steven what you found out.
I'm not letting a good man get killed again.
[Distant cheering and shouting.]
All right.
I'm in place for the final call from Ivanov.
Hoyt's all set to trace it.
You ready out there, Leo? I'm assuming that's rhetorical.
I need you to scan for sharpshooters.
Loya's people don't know I'm up here playing make-believe.
If they spot me, they'll arrest me.
Or worse.
I guess you'd better stay hidden then, huh? Thanks for the advice.
That's why I am here.
[Cell phone rings.]
Call coming in.
You ready? Yes.
And it looks like Cortez is our guy.
He was the head of security at Despina.
In place and have the package.
[Distorted voice.]
Now, listen to me and listen carefully.
Who's this? I'm only dealing with Ivanov.
Ivanov had a prior engagement.
You're working directly for me now.
Do you have a problem with that? Not as long as I still get paid.
Deal's a deal.
I'll be in touch with final instructions.
Hoyt! I got a partial hit.
The caller is definitely in the square.
- It's gotta be Cortez.
- It's not Cortez.
- You sure? - That was the client, and I saw Cortez while I was on the phone.
It wasn't him making the call.
Unless he's a great ventriloquist, I am sure.
Keep looking.
Oh, and, um Mrs.
Agent Bloom is out there trying to warn Loya.
What? Hoyt, I told you to keep her in the van! Listen, I tried, but she's a force of nature.
You can't control her.
She's also not thinking straight right now.
She said she didn't want to let a good man get killed again, whatever that means.
Go and look for Samantha before she gets herself killed.
I'm on it.
You don't understand, you have to-- I am sorry, Ms.
Karter! No press credentials, no entrance.
Do I need to call Chief Cortez? Cortez is the problem! Oh, you need to leave right now.
LeoAnything? Not finding her, Stevie.
Keep looking.
I know her.
She's not gonna stop until she gets to Loya.
Sounds like you got a good lead on a story.
Care to share? Loya's in danger.
There's gonna be an assassination attempt.
Wait--what? I need to get to him now.
Whoa, whoa, just slow down.
Okay? Slow down.
I need to warn him right now.
I think I can get you near Loya and away from Cortez.
Follow me.
What the hell? LeoAnything? Not yet.
I'll find her, Stevie.
I promise.
You're never gonna believe this, but the reporter that was hitting on Mrs.
Agent Bloom is part of the family that owns Despina Oil.
Matt Hunt.
It's him.
I don't believe in coincidence.
Loya! Loya! Loya! Loya! Loya! Loya! Loya! Loya! Gracias! Buenos dias, Peru! [Cell phone rings.]
Trace it.
On it, sir.
Ready for final instructions.
Just like you were ready to shoot that shoemaker in Rio? That was very clever.
Let's see what a good shot you are for real this time.
When Loya says, "I want to take Peru back," that's when you kill him.
And if I don't? Well, that's simple.
If Loya doesn't die, someone else does.
I believe you know her as Edna Karter.
Your partner He'd better take that shot.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, let's see, if he doesn't do it, I guess I'm gonna have to kill two people today.
Could you get any more on his location this time? I'm on it now, sir.
There is a lot of interference.
Humor me.
Tell me the truth.
Well, I, uh I actually am a reporter.
And you work for Despina? Yeah.
Yeah, you could say that.
My family owns it.
Anyway, this wasn't how we wanted to play this, you know.
Loya's the one that gave us the ultimatum-- share the pipeline profits more equitably with the country or he'd revoke our usage rights.
And you chose to have him killed.
We need him killed.
We'll get our man in as president, and all will be right again.
I mean, this is hundreds of millions of dollars you're talking about.
- You'll get caught.
- Really? By who? Hmm? You'll be dead.
And I'll be the hero who found the fake reporter who killed the President.
And after that stunt you pulled last night to sneak in to see Loya, I'm sure Cortez will back me up on that one.
So you and Cortez are in this together.
Cortez? No.
He left the company years ago to work for Loya.
His mistake.
Come on, come on.
Come on, come on.
Hunt is calling from a building on the southwest corner of the square.
I've got a visual on Hunt.
He's got Sam in the tower in the southwest corner of the square.
Got it.
[Cheers and applause.]
Come on, come on.
Aah! Oh! [Gun cocks.]
You were right.
There always is an enemy.
[Cheers and applause.]
[Whispering in spanish.]
[Cheers and applause.]
Good luck with everything.
I don't know what you did today, but something tells me I'm alive because of you.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Despina had a deal with the old regime.
When they tried to buy Loya off with the same deal, he wouldn't bite.
- What about Hunt? He's been arrested for attempted murder and three of his family members for conspiracy.
Despina's rights were revoked, but more importantly the Peruvian economy is stable with Loya firmly in office.
Or, more importantly, we saved a good man's life.
Whatever floats your boat.
[Knock at door.]
Time for my Thai massage.
Would you pass the news on to Agent Nash, since, for some reason, he felt this meeting was optional? Will do.
And then Jennifer made a toast to herself about herself for the next 20 minutes.
- She sounds fantastic.
- Mm-hmm.
But it sounds like you pulled it off.
I did, actually.
What is it that you do for the hotel exactly? Oh, public relations.
I am a people person, you know.
- Oh, right.
- Mind if I? No.
Hey! Uh-oh.
Mom's home.
Missed you at the meeting, Leo.
My bad.
I thought we were meeting here.
SoLizzy, how'd it go with Jennifer? Oh, your little sis rocked it.
Yeah, I kinda did, actually.
See? Jennifer's not that bad.
Oh, no, she was horrible.
But I totally overcharged her.
Oh, nice.
Gimme some.
Good for you.
I'll talk to Leo, okay? I promise.
And I'll talk to Lizzy.
How 'bout we take a break from Lizzy and Leo? Gladly.
You will talk to him, right? [Laughs.]
So what was going on in Peru? Hmm? You told Hoyt you didn't want to let a good man die again.
Were you talking about Schilling? We don't talk about the past, Steven.
Sam IAm not going anywhere.
But this is big.
I've been wanting to tell you for a while.
It's about why I left the Agency.
Was it about Schilling? He wasn't just my Professor at Yale.
He was the one that recruited me to the Agency and then left school to mentor me in the field.
He died five years ago.
- It was my fault.
- What are you talking about? The last mission that I had was with him, a routine meet in Tel Aviv.
But something went wrong, and I ended up in the wrong place, or he did.
It's still not clear.
But by the time I got there A car bomb had exploded, and he was dead.
I'm sorry, babe.
Schilling's death really shook me.
You couldn't have stopped it.
That's why I guess I was trying so hard with Loya.
I--it felt like a second chance to save Schilling.
Crazy, I know.
So what was he like? He was brilliant.
And funny.
A little skeptical of you, though.
What? Said I could do better.
Well, I guess he wasn't right about everything then, was he? No, he wasn't.
Thanks for being here.
Anytime Superspy.

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