Unicorn: Warriors Eternal (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

The Heart of Kings

What if we go into the future,
see how to do it,
and then tell
ourselves now?
My benefactor is aware
of your current predicament
and would like to
offer his services.
Geniuses. Otto.
Now we're going on a journey,
a great quest to Edred's home.
Your daughter
looks beautiful, Thraen.
My King,
you honor my family.
Let our houses join
and long live the line.
Long live the line.
My daughter
has all the best
that the Eastern Realm
has to offer.
She is a fine match
for Prince Edred.
Together they will
uphold the sacred bloodline.
Bear witness,
the unbroken line,
2,000 years strong.
We bond these two
under your great light,
the everlasting
Heart of the forest.
I cannot do this, Father.
I cannot marry her.
You will.
I love another.
What is this nonsense?
You will do this
and fulfill your duty.
You are the firstborn, heir
to the unbroken line of Kings.
I am sorry, Father.
Brother you must not.
I must!
Twillion, my truth
for ruin, for love,
send me flying high above.
You will pay for this
What have you done, my son?
The blood to remake will flow
for all time.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
Why does he keep
saying that?
So, why haven't you been home
for so long?
was my wedding day,
but I loved
I gave up my family,
my duty, my people
I left it all
for you.
Why did you do this?
For you.
You --
You remembered?
Didn't you?
No. Remember what?
Oh, one other
little thing.
Everyone there blames you
for me leaving
and breaking
the sacred unbroken line.
This is your home?
It didn't look like this before.
Oi, mate,
lend a hand would ya?
I'll do it!
All ready 'a go!
Now where'd that
little fella go?
Off we go!
I'm outta here!
Ready to go!
The blood to remake will flow
for all time.
These poor trees, it's as
if their souls have died.
Something's not right.
This is the King's Road,
a majestic entryway
leading to our kingdom.
A-Are you all right?
Are you hungry?
Here we are.
Don't be afraid.
That's it.
There's nothing
to be afraid of.
Melinda, wait!
What is the meaning
of this?
You have ventured
into Eastern territory.
You are mistaken.
This is the King's Road.
Only a Northern scum
would say such a thing!
Death to the North!
Destroy the Northerners!
We musn't hurt them.
There is something amiss.
Oops, it's hard
to see in there.
One moment, please.
Ready to go!
More Northerners?
Why do you strike your own
flesh and blood?
It is I, Edred!
Edred is dead!
Be merciful.
Be fast.
Make this fool see at last.
It cannot be!
How do you have
this sword?
Because I am
your brother.
The dark witch.
Is it really you?
You've returned.
Fall back!
Stand down!
They are friends
of my brother.
He has returned.
I never thought
I'd see you again.
Nor I.
The blood to remake will flow
for all time.
I thought you would be
angry with me.
That was long ago,
my brother.
Why does the East
fight the North?
There is much to discuss.
Will you be staying long?
Until we can fix
our friend.
We need to use the magic
from the Heart of the --
Let go of her!
You thought I'd embrace
a traitor?
Aelwulf, please!
Listen to me.
Spare me your lies.
We ride.
Open the gate!
Aelwulf returns.
I do not understand.
Why are you at war?
Because you broke
the unbroken line
and killed
the Heart of the forest!
You severed
the blood connection.
It lost its power.
The forests died.
The alliance between
the clans is over.
Everyone is at war.
And now, Thraen
and the Eastern clan
have stolen the Heart
and mean to forge
a new unbroken line.
This is all
because of you
and your witch.
Where is our father?
Here is our father,
waiting for you to return.
He has begun
the ancestral sleep.
Someone to see you,
Yes, Father,
it is I
But why have
you done this?
You're still young.
Because of you, my son.
Once the line was broken,
the Heart stolen,
I withered.
The only thing left for me
was to join the line of Kings
in the forever slumber.
But you have returned.
You can mend the line.
Take back the Heart,
restore the kingdom,
take your rightful place
as King.
The Heart will surely beat
once more.
Your return has filled him
with hope.
He's not spoken
for some time.
He is right to hope.
Our Kingdom
will rise again.
It is you
and her.
That girl!
You are so young.
You speak?!
Of course I can speak.
Oh, wait, no.
He can't, but I can.
Odin's eye!
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
But you are mere children.
How can this be?
what have you done?!
He can't answer you,
he's broken.
are you all right?
You are young, as well?
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
How have you come to be
a prisoner here?
I was captured not long
after we defeated
the evil that first time.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
Your souls had just gone
into slumber,
your shells lifeless,
when your brother came.
He captured me and I
was blamed for your death.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
Fortunately, he had no idea
you were all safe
inside Copernicus.
The blood to remake will flow
for all time.
What is he blabbing on
We're not really sure.
I have secured a deal
with my brother.
What deal?
I'm going to retrieve the Heart
of the forest
and take my place as King.
You cannot!
You have a sworn duty
to Unicorn!
My oath is fulfilled.
The evil has been
Then why are you
still here?
Because Copernicus broke before
we destroyed the evil.
That's why we need him fixed,
so we can recall our spirts.
But that is not
how it works.
We're wasting time!
I will return
with the Heart soon
and then set you free
from all this.
But then you'll have
to stay here.
There is no other way.
She cares.
Copernicus is broken?
Toot, toot, twee.
Not much further.
No, come back!
What is happening?
Why has Twillion left you?
Because he
has willed it to.
- He?
- Gobi!
The shepherd
of all swords?
Gobi, enough of these games!
You made the sword for me,
it is not yours to take.
Gobi, you are
breaking your oath!
Oh, we're talking
about oaths now, are we?
I could have never
imagined that
Your father and your
ancestors begged me
to make you
a magical sword
so you could forever protect
the Heart of the forest.
Fine, I said.
And let me tell
you something,
Twillion was one of the best
swords that I ever made.
And what did you do?
You run off with a girl!
But, Gobi --
Gobi nothin'!
That day I swore,
if you ever returned,
I'd take Twillion,
and I have done exactly
what I said I would do.
But, Gobi,
I never broke my oath.
I just did it
in a different way.
You broke the line of Kings,
did you not?
Well, there you have it.
You can't take it from me
because if you break your oath
with the ancestors --
Oh, yes. They won't let you
live here
in the sacred woods
You wouldn't let them do that,
would ya?
I can't go back and live
with me mum and dad.
At my age, it'd be downright
Well, that's what happens
to oath breakers.
Fine! But I'm taking
the magic out.
Here ya go,
oath intact.
But --
The magic will return
when you mend your oath.
Twillion of the North,
tell me this isn't true.
Sing your song, I command you!
we don't have much time.
Not you.
You have to talk to him.
I can't.
You must.
You've carried this pain
for too long.
What would I even say?
You have to trust me.
There is more to this
than you think.
This is your chance
to finally make things clear.
Did you say something?
The Eastern Kingdom.
The Heart.
The Black Keep.
What evil have they planned?
Time is short.
The blood to remake will flow
for all time.
You have to do it!
Talk to him.
Stop it!
No, I don't have to do anything.
What is going on?
This is it, talk to him!
What about her?
Did I
Kill her?
You exposed the magic to Morgan,
so she tried to take it
and was completely
consumed by its power.
You should have
controlled it!
I-I didn't mean to
You should have
been stronger!
How could you?
What evil is this?
You're the evil!
How could you put this on her?
I was there.
I saw what happened.
You! Emma!
She was just a child!
She should have
stopped it!
Why didn't you stop it?
I tried!
I didn't have the power.
You, the greatest wizard ever,
didn't have the power,
but a small child does?
Can't you see?
She's right.
How could you stop something
so powerful?
This burden is not yours
to carry.
You are not to blame,
my child.
You can hug her,
ya know.
Well, it's not really
a thing we do.
Um, well
Do you require a hug?
Very well then, I
Just like old times,
A necromancer.
Ith Vrema it laigh vey.
An fhuil gus ath dheanam
a sruthadh fad na vine.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time!
That's what he was saying!
- Huh?
- The traitor returns!
You're too late!
A new line is born!
Duigg Spioradan Mora!
what are you doing?
Well, I was a bit thirsty,
so I thought I would
get myself a little drink.
But you left your cell?
Well, yes, I had to.
I can't possibly reach it
from all the way in there.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
What are you doing
out of your cell?
I'm just drinkin' water!
Why is everyone so concerned
about what I'm doin'
out of my cell?
Hey, I'm out of my cell!
Get him!
All right, let's get you
out of there.
The blood to remake
will flow for all time.
Tell me, how did you come upon
such a peculiar phrase?
What is it?
We must leave at once!
Merlin? Melinda?
Seng? Copernicus?
Odin's beard!
You foolish child,
what have you done?
Who is that?
What is going on?
We were trying to retrieve
the Heart.
I have it!
I will have that Heart,
The unbroken line will be
reforged from my blood!
No, never!
Help my brother!
Where is he?
This is not your realm,
My powers
have no boundaries!
Well, if it's a fight you want,
a fight ya shall have!
The Heart of the forest belongs
with it's true bloodline!
Then you should have
never broken the line.
Hold on, take it easy.
Stand still, would ya?
Your witch is destroyed!
You abandoned my daughter.
You left our land
to wither and die.
I am sorry that I have hurt you
and your family,
Thraen of the East.
But now I have returned,
and the unbroken line
can be mended
And be unbroken again!
The line is unbroken once more.
And Copernicus?
This is it.
It's finally over.
After everything.
I guess
this is good-bye.
I think it is.
No matter how much
time passes
just know that I will
always love you.
Ah, I love you, too,
and you.
Okay, Copernicus,
we are ready.
What are you waiting for?
Why isn't he taking
their souls?
That part is not
Copernicus' doing.
What? What?
When the evil is destroyed,
your souls are released
from their hosts,
and Copernicus' job
is to merely collect them
and keep them safe.
- But then
- The evil
It is still out there?
No, no, no.
Not again, brother.
I won't leave.
I will not break
my vow.
Then we will face the evil
without you.
So you'll leave.
So, you're staying?
Aelwulf gave his life
for the Heart.
He will live on forever,
an Eternal Warrior.
We honor you, brother.
Let the light bring peace
to your soul.
Great King,
we now return the firstborn
to his rightful body.
Long live the line!
Long live King Edred!
Long live the line!
In honor of your service
to our people,
I bestow this sword to act
in my stead in your fight.
Thank you.
You can stop now.
It worked!
Will they ever know
what happened?
Aelwulf will be
a great King.
That was brilliant.
Your brother is in
your original body
and you're still you.
But how will you return?
I cannot.
What of the evil?
Yes, I need to tend
to that question.
I will return!
Wait, what?!
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