Uyanis: Buyuk Selcuklu (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7
May your soul in the
skies find peace, brother.
I took your revenge.
Sencer is dead
But our war is not over yet.
What should we do about him, Yargos?
Should we kill him?
No. It won't do us any good if we Kill him.
Get him on a horse.
Send him into the forest.
Seljuk soldiers must be looking
for the sacred chest and Sencer.
Tell our men to lay an
ambush on the road
and destroy the traces on the ground.
They know what to do with the sword.
We've been chasing the
trail since the Headquarters.
How could he go this far, Melik Hadrath?
Since we haven't found him for a
long time, something wrong, Aslantas.
This side leads to the path. Come here.
We saved the Headquarters
from the Batinis, Melik Hadrath.
Take the road and notify
our Sultan immediately.
We destroyed them in the Headquarters but
we can't find the sacred relics and Sencer.
He should know that we're looking for them.
I hope that when we find Sencer, the
sacred relics would be with him, InshAllaW?
We will possess the
sacred relics of course.
But now we need to find Sencer alive.
Let's go.
Take these traitors away.
I trusted your word.
You said you wouldn't want
brother blood to be shed.
You said you wouldn't be treacherous.
But what you did is betrayal and treachery.
Both our family and our
tribes were falling into pieces.
The reason why I wanted to
take my brother was to fix them.
To prevent blood to be shed.
So, you were trying to win our favor to
be able to kidnap your brother Kilicarslan.
But you don't know what I would
do to stop the blood to be shed.
I waited patiently because I thought that there
might be traitors who put friction between us.
Now my son Tapar and my
soldiers are risking their lives for this.
You have harmed
both our cause
and the efforts of those brave men.
I kept you and your
brother here so you wouldn't
believe the rebels and
do something wrong.
If I knew that
I wouldn't do something like this.
If you believed me like I believed you
you would find out about
this when the time comes.
But instead of believing me,
you betrayed me.
Since I'm wrong
now I surrender to fate.
From now on, our ties are cut off,
Elcin Hatun.
You are free now.
You can join the rebels of Kutalmisogullari
and stand against me if you want.
but you should know
that I am out of patience
and I'm ready for war.
We came all this way.
It's no good that there
is no trace on the ground.
They cleaned the tracks, guessing
that we would look for Sencer.
If they thought that we
would come this way
We might be in an ambush, brave ones!
Are you looking for the owner of this?
Sencer’s sword
Sencer wouldn't leave his
sword even if he Were to die.
That's right.
He is dead.
Where is Sencer?
Where are the sacred relics?
I don't know anything about sacred relics.
But ask about Sencer to the vultures!
We cut him into pieces.
Where did you fight against Sencer?
Tell me.
When you find his
body, you will believe it.
I won't tell you anything.
Then you don't need that tongue.
Pull yourselves together, brave ones.
We cannot lose hope in Allah.
We won't believe he is
dead until we find Sencer.
These dogs want us to give up.
We won't fall into their trap.
If Sencer was here
would he give up?
We won't give up either.
We won't
believe he is dead,
until we find Sencer.
You cannot continue with that wound.
Let the soldiers take
you back to the Tribe.
Come on!
Great Behram.
How could you lose the relics?
You Should have died
but you shouldn't have
let them take the relics!
With those relics..
we were going to raise our own banner.
We were going to assert the
dominance of the true religion.
You put them in many tests
How couldn't you
understand they were spies?
I'll accept whichever
punishment you see fit.
But give me a chance to get our revenge.
If your neck got
separated from your body would be suitable.
First you need to realize the
importance of the mistake you made.
Your head will stay on your body.
Yet, what use does your eye
that couldn't see the spies have
inside your head?
You disappointed me.
From now on, you have
no place in my presence.
Take our men with you.
Go to the place he lost the chest.
I want both Sencer and the relics.
As you command, Head Dai Hadrath.
And you go to the palace immediately.
Get information about Sencer
and the relics, then let me know.
Muslims cannot pass to
the west by surpassing Kuvel!
All the Muslims reaching this border
will turn into corpses, which we
will feed the vultures like Sencer!
I raise my glass for the
great warrior, Yorgos.
Long live Yorgos!
Be blessed Yorgos!
Lon live Yorgos! Be blessed Yorgos!
Long live Yorgos.
Take your hand off me.
We celebrate for the chest but
you didn't bring the chest itself.
Seljuk will be searching
for the chest everywhere.
It will be better if the chest
doesn't stay in the castle.
So, you took your brother's revenge.
Why are you in a bad mood?
I stopped the revenge fire in my heart.
But a new fire has started now.
Yorgos. Don't tell me you fell in love.
Which lucky girl is she?
Which lord's daughter is she?
Which noble Byzantine is she? Tell me.
None of them.
She is a Turkish girl.
They are good warriors.
You found someone just in your own way.
But be careful.
Don't be the side losing in that war.
I don't know how or
when death will greet me.
I'm afraid to burn you.
My lady, are you okay?
You've been thinking all morning.
I'm worried about you. Maybe go
back to the mansion and get some rest.
No, my busy mind takes
my heart's pain away.
This place treats me well.
What's that?
They collected from far away
lands. It's supposed to be healthy,
but I don't know what it's called either.
Wee have a lot of medicines ready.
We have cures for many wounds and pains.
But we cannot cure a broken heart.
There is no healer to cure this wound.
Hatun Ana.
I've heard about your involvement
in the Elcin Hatun issue.
You let our Sultan know too.
I think our Sultan called me to his
presence to show his appreciation?
Worry not. From now on, those
who have hidden intentions
will be disappointed.
Because I won't let it happen.
My Sultan
Elcin Hatun's reveal saved
our state from a big evil.
The necessary people took
care of Elcin Hatun issue.
Now it's time for you to answer.
How did you get this information?
I told you she was a traitor repeatedly.
But it fell on deaf ears.
I always had my eye on her.
I got the information thanks to that.
How can you spy without
us knowing all this time?
How dare you be so wayward?
Am I taking a blame for working
towards our state's benefit?
Your crime is playing games behind my back.
Method comes before truth.
What would happen to my command power
if everyone did however they felt like?
I exposed a traitor who
dismissed your command power.
If there is a punishment
for this, I'll gladly take it.
There is nothing I won't
do for you. You know that.
Don't worry. I'll investigate
this issue thoroughly.
Everyone behind this will answer for it.
From now on, if you dare
to do things like this again
your punishment will
be severe, remember that.
Get out.
From now on, guys who can hold
a sword will do guard duty.
The enemy might ambush from any direction.
I want scouts at every
water passage nearby.
Ayaz came with an
injured soldier.
Is it bad, I wonder
We'll see.
Drink this,
Thank you. In the name of
Allah, the merciful, the beneficent.
I saw Ayaz wounded.
Wasn't he with his friends?
Why did he come back alone?
There was a big fight. One
of his friends is missing.
He may even be dead.
Who is missing?
Are you okay?
Basulu Hatun shouldn't know
anything until Sencer is found.
Basulu Ana.
Where is Sencer, Ayaz?
How could you lose him?
Basulu Hatun, calm down.
, They are looking for him.
They'll find him.
How can I calm down Korkut Bey?
The soldier said that he may be dead.
Our enemies made this up, Basulu Ana.
Sencer is the only
thing I have in the world.
If something happens to him,
my world will be destroyed.
I swear I'll make those who
caused this pay for it.
I have entrusted my son to the state.
But the state lost my entrust.
I know from whom to account for this.
Togan, get the Alps,
look for him everywhere.
As you command my Bey.
You will write from here.
Like you see there is
At the beginning of Aries, the
duration of day and night is equal.
I cleaned the arrow.
We'll find out who burned the house
when we look at it
in the magnifying glass.
There is the sign of Divit.
The sign of Divit.
I made them put this on
the tip of the arrows of Haces.
Did a Hace do this?
Whoever did this, they knew
that we would look at this.
We have a strong enemy
but we are stronger.
Thank you, Isfizari.
Terken Hatun.
Our Sultan got angry
instead of appreciating me.
He said that he will have an
investigation about this.
An unexpected incident
occured, Terken Hatun.
That cloth merchant was also
with Elcin Hatun. He was caught.
What are you talking about Taculmulk?
If he gives my name to them
we will be doomed.
We can't let that happen.
That cloth merchant must be silenced.
Do you understand me?
The horses should rest.
I have been thinking since we departed
how Sultan Meliksah
learned that we would go there.
It was a trap, Burcak.
A vile trap.
Terken Hatun shot me
from my weakest spot.
But when the time comes
we'll have justice.
With that sword of yours
you won a great battle
in Anatolia and said
it's the apple of our
one eye, my Sultan father.
While our brave ones are fighting so
there won't be a bloodshed in Anatolia
the ones we trust are
stabbing us in the back.
My Sultan.
Melik Tapar sent news.
They attacked the headquarters.
But Sencer and
the sacred relics are missing.
What are you talking about Kamac?
Gather the soldiers immediately!
We are also going to search
for the sacred relics and Sencer.
Tell Nizamulmulk
..let him keep messengers
in Isfahan for information.
As your order, my Sultan.
Why is the hurry?
Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
Melik Tapar sent news.
They attacked the headquarters,
but a brave one called Sencer,
and the sacred relics are missing.
They are looking for them.
Sacred relics
There could be traces in their neighborhood
regarding sacred relics and Sencef.
Sent information to Emir llteber,
he should search there thoroughly.
He should tell us whatever trace he finds.
Everyone should know, I
have no tolerance in this matter!
As your order, my Sultan.
My Sultan.
I heard that Sencer and the
sacred relics are missing,
- In this matter
- Kamac will tell you my orders.
As your order, my Sultan.
Our Sultan is going
out to Search too.
He ordered you to keep
messenger around for information.
Omer Khayyam sent a private
message to you, Nizamulmulk Hadrath.
Did Meliksah entrust
his son to you, for this?
Did I give my son to the state for this?
Where is my son, Hace?
We are looking for him
everywhere, Basulu Hatun.
He will be found eventually.
They say that there is a
possibility that he is dead!
Sencer has been in many missions.
He is not someone that would die so easily.
Be calm, Basulu Hatun.
We do not have any
information regarding the matter.
I cannot be calm without seeing
my son with my own eyes, Nizamulmd
I will go search for him too.
Meliksah went to search too.
If you encounter Meliksah in the search
everything will be ruined.
His father
..and also his brother Tapar
are looking for your son.
You should pray.
And wait for good news.
A good result will come in the end.
Only thing Sencer needs
from you right now is
the praying of a mother.
If the state cannot find my Sencer.
Then it won't be a state in my eyes.
After that, I don't
care what is revealed
and what is destroyed.
What are you going to do?
Protecting him was my duty.
What I need to do is bring him
back with my own hands now.
So, my guardian angel is here.
You also opened a wound in
my heart just like this, Turna.
You will heal both of them.
What are you doing here?
You tell me what you are doing on
the road leading to our district?
You don't know, of course.
The hell will loose here soon.
Meliksah gave llteber the order to
raid the district and make a search.
I have nowhere to go, Sabbah.
I was going to seclude
myself in our district.
Be strong.
You are not alone.
Even if everyone gives up on you,
I never give up on you, know this?
Behram. You are not the responsible
one for the things happened to us.
It is the Head Dai, who didn't listen
to our warnings and did as he wanted?
The curtain fell on his eyes
led us into this situation.
Did you see how I was proved
right for all of my warnings?
But we are going to make our
cause successful anyway.
Now go and find Rustem.
We are the only ones who can
be beneficial for our cause.
Meliksah left the palace. He is
after the sacred relics and Sencef.
But he shouldn't reach them.
Do what is necessary.
That's it. Don't you worry.
I already let our men in the district.
They know what they need to do very well.
And I'll turn Isfahan into hell.
Come on.
Turna Hatun.
I was looking for you.
VVhat is it? What are you doing here?
My wounds has opened.
Can you take a look at it?
Efruz doctor.
Take care of the patient here.
We need to clean it first.
Caper bush.
I'm talking about the herbs
in the basket Caper bush.
Do you also you use it frequently here?
No, they've come this morning.
I don't know what they heal, yet.
How do you know that?
We have so many of them in our lands.
My mother used to boil them for
my brother and I all the time.
It keeps the body lively.
And keeps the sickness
away, she used to say.
So, it increase endurance.
It's enough.
- But I haven't-
- It's enough!
Turna Hatun, wait.
What is it?
Why did you interrupt your
treatment and come after me?
I can see you are not here for your wound.
No. I didn't lie to you.
I'm here for my wound.
But for the one in my heart, Turna Hatun.
You are looking for your cure in
the wrong place. Go away quickly.
Why the anger?
Is there no sympathy
in your heart for me?
If you are talking about my heart
even though it's none of your business.
Know this.
My heart is sealed. And only the
one who sealed it can open it.
Turna Hatun.
What is going on, Turna Hatun?
Is this guy bothering you?
It's fine. He won't get in my way again.
Look at me. If I see you around
Turna Hatun, I'll kick your face.
Do you understand?
I'll find the guy who
sealed your heart first
then I will break the seal.
In these lands, you always
have to fight against adversity.
Look at under every nook and cranny.
There must be some tracks.
We'll find Sencer and take
the sacred relics from him.
You are looking at the wrong place.
They cannot be here.
You have been dismissed from the duty,
Our Head Dai turned his back on you.
This is a matter of honor for me, Rustem.
If I accept your guidance
I will suffer the wrath of our Head Dai.
But I brought very important news.
Meliksah is after Sencer with the
sacred relics. We have to stop him.
We can't lose any more time.
Take our other men and make an
ambush towards Meliksah's direction.
We'll go to the place Behram
Dai fought against Sencer.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
They are coming!
I'm here with the permission of the Sultan.
I'll walk over you if you don't step away!
Only the Sultan can search our neighborhood.
We won't let a cruel man like you in.
Walk over them!
Come on.
Burn it!
Burn it all!
Don't come!
Throw it!
Come on!
Throw it!
Throw it!
Hold your ground!
Keep away!
Keep away!
Don't let them come closer!
It's coming!
Hold it!
For the cause of the Great Imam!
May your body be the fire
of rebellion against cruelty!
Search everywhere.
The sacred relics and traces of
the missing soldier will be found!
Smash those who stand against you!
There is no trace of what
you are looking for here.
You can't do anything
without the Sultan's firman.
This is the firman.
Search this evil's house thoroughly.
You tried to attack me, huh?
You perverted bastard!
Where are the sacred relics
and the Sultan's soldier?
How can we know? They're not here.
Where is Behram?
They're not in the neighborhood.
We don't know where they are.
Get out!
Perverted bastards!
They made me so angry.
There are no traces' Emir Hadrath.
Collect all their books and
take them to the square, Erbatur.
We'll turn their books to ashes
before their eyes so that
they can neither dare
write again nor poison people.
Don't ever try to humiliate me next to
the woman I fell in love with again.
Our men searched everywhere but
they found no trace, Emir Hadrath.
Is that so?
However, we will leave traces
that will turn to ashes behind us.
You can't burn all those lies
and get rid of them, Emir llteber.
Who are you?
I'm Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali
from Nizamiye Madrasah.
I've heard about you.
But why did you say that?
Should we not burn them and let their
perversions spread and poison everyone?
Ideas are implanted in
minds, Emir llteber.
Books are only conveyances for them.
What good does it do to burn books,
unless you can destroy the
essence of poisonous ideas?
You'd only burn pages.
However, as long as the ideas remain in
minds, they continue to spread and affect.
What should we do then?
Those who try to burn, crush, and bully
ideas are only those who have a weak mind.
Even if they are our enemies,
we don't burn ideas.
We fight those poisonous
ideas with our own ideas.
Because our ideas are strong
enough to confute other opposite ideas.
Because they take their
essence from Allah.
I want you to send these books to me.
Why do you want them?
The cure of the poison is obtained with
the antidote made from the poison itself.
We will read the ideas of the Batinis from
their own books, we will examine them
and thus we will produce more
effective antidotes to poisonous ideas.
The antidote that will
wrap the consciousness of
all humanity like an armor
embroidered with Allah
and no poison can affect it anymore.
Give it here Batur.
Take all the books
and bring them where Ebu
Hamid Ghazali wants you to.
As your order, Emir Hadrath.
The darts are poisonous my Sultan!
My Sultan!
They don't want us to go after
Sencer and the sacred relics.
Since they ambushed us
we are on right track.
Let's go.
I won't sacrifice myself.
When I'm on trial.
I will tell everything to the Sultan.
I'm worried, Taculmulk.
What did you do about the cloth merchant?
Cloth merchant won't be able to talk again.
I poisoned him in the dungeon.
And put the poison on
the ring on his finger.
Everyone will think
that he poisoned himself.
We handled the matter, which
would eventually harm us, completely.
Elcin Hatun's matter is closed.
So you love the one in your heart
to the degree to risk your life.
My Sultan.
I've finished the necessary examination
about fire in the master Hayyam's house.
Unfortunately, someone is
playing a game inside our state.
Yet, we'll reveal him
without implicating anything.
In every hard struggle
I've never hesitated to stand beside
you and our state even for a moment.
Just as it's been for almost 40 years
standing beside you is my
essential duty in this hard day, too.
I know my Ata Bey.
I know, don't worry.
This darkness hides the
sacred relics inside of itself.
Yet, the darkness cannot
endure for a long time.
So, I don't have any doubt
to find the sacred relics.
I wonder
how our brave Sencer's situation.
Sencer is a man capable of overcoming
every kind of calamity, thank Allah,
I don't know where and how he is.
But there is no situation that
he can handle in any condition.
Brave men like Sencer
are not only men of the state
but also men I consider
as if my own sons.
However a father never
gives up on his son
I never give up on my sons like Sencer.
It's time to learn who he is now.
Who is my father then?
Who is he that I had to
know as if he had died?
You'll see now.
That great man on the horse.
Is my father Sultan Meliksah?
I don't believe you.
Then, why am I not with my father?
For my father is a great sultan
wasn't there any place for me
beside the man who rules the world?
I opened my eyes and saw.
I gave my heart and loved you, my Meliksah.
In the dark night, our son, our son
Two sons, one heart. Our son
Seljuks captured the sacred relics by
shedding the blood of our brothers.
Then, they lost the chest.
Seljuk hide their
clumsiness from the people
in order to get rid of this shame.
Your duty is exposing
the clumsiness of Seljuk
and provoking people
against the Sultan now.
Isfahan will be turned
into hell for Seljuk.
As you order.
You will never reach the
sacred relics you stole from us.
There are tracks here.
There was a fight in the cliff.
There are blood trails.
Maybe it's not Sencer's.
Melik Hadhrat
this is Sencers clothing.
They threw him off the cliff.
There is a river down the cliff.
Search along the river.
Wee are not going back
before finding Sencer.
I've said bad things to you. Forgive me.
I know you want
what's best for me.
That's you keep away from me.
Not because you have a cold heart.
Dear Allah, protect him.
Give me a piece of cloth, son.
Tree is also an alive being.
Once the water of life is in its veins
you'll see the guests it brings.
A shade for some,
a house for the other.
In the universe, seed drops to
the soil first. It is glazed.
Then it becomes a sapling.
The dead leaves fall and heal the soil.
When the seasons turn alongside
the universe, so does the nature.
The green dries.
The dry gains life once again.
Turns around and finds Allah.
Our Allah says in Surah Furqan
"[And it is He who sends the
winds as good tidings before
His mercy (i.e., rainfall)] “We
send down from the sky pure
“That We may bring to
life thereby a dead land”
[and give it as drink to those We
created of numerous livestock and
“And We have certainly distributed it
among them that they might be reminded”
[but most of the people refuse except
This colt may point us to some evidence.
Let's see what it will show us too.
There is somone there.
He is wounded.
It seems like he's not breathing.
My Allah who creates robust
trees from dead seeds
may make him survive.
Lets carry him.
The dogs smells something my Sultan,
hey point to the river side.
Will he live?
Another name of the Great
Allah is The Ever-Living.
If he wishes, he can bring a
person to life from a blood clot.
We strive and the eventuality
comes from Great Allah.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
O Shafi.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
O Shafi.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
O Shafi.
In the name of Allah, the
merciful, the beneficent.
Wait, there are footprints here.
The traces look fresh, Melik Hadrath.
They're going towards the caves.
Did the traces bring
you this way, too?
We found the traces of Sencer on
the edge of a cliff, my Sultan.
They threw him off the cliff.
But there are some traces here
going towards to the caves.
Let's go then.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
The Ever-Living.
Come closer Sencer.
So that
the secret that grows in your heart
can be relieved off your shoulders.
I was near a cliff, sir.
I was cut into pieces.
How did I come here?
You fought against the
oppressors, for the will of Allah.
To carry the banner of Mohammad PBUH
you risked your life for Allah.
If Allah wishes for it
he can make anything possible.
Do you think it's hard for the One
that created the universe out
of nothing to heal your wounds?
You just need to be faithful in this path.
We carry the life our Rabb gave us
to sacrifice for him.
I would sacrifice a thousand
lives, if I had a thousand.
Take strength from the
goals of your forefathers.
And fly off the cliffs like
an eagle, with that strength.
As the son of the Seljuk lineage
it's time to take wings
for the future now.
It belongs to your
grandfather Selcuk Ghazi.
He spread the seeds of a
state with sense of holy war.
Yet, it's like a shirt made of fire.
Do you agree to carry?
I do.
The sword of your grandfather, Alp Arslan,
which he used against the cruel for justice.
Until the whole world
reaches the order of Haqq
it’s forbidden for his owner to be
sleeping at nights and sitting at days.
Do you agree?
I do.
The flag of Kelime-i Tawheed.
Let it flap forever in the hands
of you and your descendants.
Come with me, Sencer.
it's time to go to war for the
blessing of heavens, Sencer.
While the heathens
attack the world of Islam
while the traitors
incite the fire of disorder
we need a warrior.
And the one who is a
warrior needs the water of life.
Drink it with the name of Hay.
Wake up with the honorable name of Hay.
Ya Hay.
Thank my Rab.
There are incomers, father.
Sencer. My brave man.
How is his state?
He has come back to life
with the honorable name of Hay.
Emedani Hadrath.
We know how dear you are.
Seeing your face makes us so happy.
That happiness belongs to us, my Sultan.
When will he come round?
He needs to get treatment
in order to gather
strength and wake up.
I know being an orphan is hard.
Even if you are the ruler of the world
you carry the lack of a
father inside you for a life time.
Where there is no
father is cold, my Sultan.
But thankfully the furnace
of the state warms us.
Obviously, he misses his father..
whom he lost years ago?
You wake up safe and
sound, my brave man.
I promise you.
We will warm the coldness in your heart.
If you give the orders, we can ,
take Sencer to our tribe.
He doesn't have the
sacred relics with him.
Whoever did this to him also took them.
He needs to wake up if we
want to learn who it is.
Get ready. I'm coming
to the tribe with you.
My Sultan
you don't have to. We
can do what is necessary.
I'm doing what is necessary.
I need to know the location
of the sacred relics and
take Sencer to his
mom with my own hands.
They lost Fatma Hadhrat's
box and the sacred relics.
Wee have to question those
who are responsible.
They are our honor. This is a day of
disgrace for the Islamic community.
Every coin you earn is haram!
Don't do this! Our Sultan will solve this!
Then where is he? Don't listen to him.
Let's go!
Come on.
Let's go!
Come on.
Are you done?
Not yet, father.
Come to the house without
delay when you are done.
What happened?
Things are heated, Turna.
A secret place of Batinis was raided.
We raided their neighborhood
with the Sultan's permission.
A spy who had the sacred
relics is missing.
Both Seljuks and the Batinis are
looking for them everywhere.
Nobody knows whom
this will affect. Be careful.
Who is this missing spy?
His name is Sencer
My truth is hand-in-hand
with the state's destiny.
To expose invisible threats.
That’s all you need to know.
Don't forget what I told you.
My lady, are you okay?
I need to go. Take over for me.
They found Sencer.
He is on top of the cart.
The sacred relics might be there too.
I lost an eye because of him.
I will take my revenge with my own hands.
Die! Die!
A setup inside a setup.
The enemies are everywhere.
There might be an ambush in the road.
We'll take Sencer and trail you.
If they think you have Sencer,
they won't know about our plan.
We can't survive here.
Let's go.
My Sultan, we are from the Kinik Tribe.
Our Bey sent us here to find Sencer.
You are the brave men of our tribe.
Thank you all.
Get ready.
We'll go to the tribe.
Go to the Kinik Tribe.
Tell them that the Sultan is going there.
Tell especially to Sencer's mother.
We're going to her tent. Go.
Information came from the men
we deployed for contact, my sultan.
Some people tried to
rebel in Isfahan.
The rumor spread that the sacred relics were
lost and the people gathered in the square.
If I don't go there,
more people will rebel.
And if the city rebels
it will be a disaster.
Get ready Hace, we'll go to Isfahan.
Melik Hadrath, you should come too.
If I can't go to the tribe, Tapar
should take Sencer to his mother.
Let's go.
Let's take Sencer to the tribe.
You can't run, drop your swords.
Kill him!
Who are you?
You saved us from certain death.
We owe our lives to you.
As long as we have this dagger,
I won't let the devils take you.
Now I need to go back to Isfahan.
Wait news from me.
If the most important leverage I had,
that traitor who was
working with Elcin Hatun
did not poison himself
We could learn the
truth behind this betrayal.
He also had the
information to show Terken
Hatun's involving in this matter.
That traitor was not our
only leverage Hatun Ana.
Fridevs Hatun.
Terken Hatun makes her do every
bidding she has, both good and bad.
Fridevs must have a finger
knowing about the note
that came to Elcin Hatun.
But I'm not sure if she would talk.
Each nightingale has a desire.
I know what Ftidev's desire is.
And how to make her talk.
This council will determine
the destiny of our tribes.
First, I want my Beys to speak.
Let's seek for our
vengeance on battlefield.
We will either save Kilicarslan
Bey, and rule Anatolia again.
Or we will die fighting for this cause.
You are right.
The time for battle has come.
What do you think, Elcin Hatun?
My brother Kilicarslan
will be saved from the captivity
that was seen fit for him.
And the tribes that are under
the rule of Kutalmisogullari
will stand strong forever.
But I don't want to spill
the blood of our brothers.
For the peace of our tribes
their safety
and for my brother's freedom
there is only one way.
And that is obeying Sultan Meliksah.
What are you talking about Elcin Hatun?
We want revenge, now.
And you talk about obeying him!
When we can solve this matter peacefully
fighting would cause for
brothers to kill each other.
I won't allow that!
A brave one dies only once, but a
coward dies a thousand times, Elcin Hatun!
We cannot go back in this matter!
You went to meliksah's palace for once
and now you are just speaking like him.
If you choose Meliksah over us,
then become a concubine in his palace!
We won't back down from our cause!
I'm going to kill anyone
..that will insult my dignity!
You spilled blood in the
council, Elcin Hatun.
This will bring bad luck to us.
What's bad luck is speaking
evil like that in the council.
Anyone that attempts to do it,
will pay the price with his blood!
It's my order
From now on, in order not to spill
the blood of our brothers
we Will do whatever necessary.
Anyone that stands
against Sultan Meliksah
will be accepted as
standing against me too.
You either go back to your home
or we will do
what's necessary.
Sultan Meliksah Hadrath!
Look at this sword!
The blood on it is the blood of
the traitors that we spilled
for you, and the world of Islam.
While we are fighting the
traitors, and infidels
are you sowing discord among people?
My Sultan
my son was martyred for you.
I have one more son and I'm
ready for him to become a martyr too.
But tell me.
How could you lose our mother
Fatma's chest, and our sacred relics?
The state your son
sacrificed himself for
is the protector of the
Islamic world, and caliphate.
When everyone is raising
banners themselves
didn't we invite people
under the banner of Allah?
Would this state let the sacred
relics be kept by the enemies?
Until today
didn't we keep the world of
Islam's head high across the world?
What happened now that you were tricked
by the provokers instead of uniting?
I am Sultan Meliksah! I'm right before you.
If you your trust for me was
shaken, bring me to account.
Yet, let the earth be my witness
let the the sky be my witness
let my Rab be my witness that
I will either take the sacred
relics back, or I'll die while trying.
Go now!
If all the people were furious
they would cause
a great stir in Isfahan.
There are some provokers.
How couldn't you see?
How couldn't you know?
Firdevs doesn't even take a
step without my knowledge.
Where is she? Tell me now!
Don't worry, Terken Hatun.
Firdevs, is in safe hands.
She has an important and personal duty.
Excuse my curiosity, Hatun Ana
What is this important matter?
Telling what is behind
the betrayal of Elcin Hatun.
Are you okay, Terken Hatun?
You look so pale.
I don't understand, Hatun Ana.
What business can Firdevs
have with this matter?
The betrayer who was
arrested with Elcin Hatun
poisoned himself in the dungeon.
Of course, the examination about
this won't be finalized by this.
For you were also in this incident
then, I'll also question
.. . the ones around you.
And about Firdevs Hatun.
Wee will understand if she has any information
about this incident in the end of the questioning.
Don't worry.
Don't run!
Stop! Don't do it!
Don't run!
Come here! Don't run!
Stop! Leave me!
Don't run!
Stop! Don't do it!
- Leave me!
- Don't run!
Emir Hadrath. Thankfully, the
provokers has been caught.
You solved who was the provokers
with your sharp mind, Hassan sabbah.
We've caught them thanks to your report.
Sir. Why did you sell our men?
Sometimes you sacrifice pawns in order to
capture important pieces in chess, Sadik.
Emir Hadrath. Elcin Hatun has
been sent away from Isfahan.
For Elcin Hatun returned her tribe
it means she fell out
with Sultan Meliksah.
It's time to get in
return for our alliance.
Both Meliksah and Kutalmisogullari
are danger for both of us.
We need to eliminate them
to get what we want, right?
They will pay the price of despising me.
For there is small fire between them
we'll flare it up to a great fire.
Well set such a game that
they will destroy each other.
Then we'll get rid of Meliksah.
You will be the sole ruler of Anatolia.
May our alliance be auspicious.
He was killed by his neck
being broken, Emir Hadrath.
How could this be?
Who could do such a thing to my
soldier in the lands I rule?
Was there someone he disliked?
Say whoever you have doubts on.
No, Emir Hadhrat. But there was a
man who was bothering Turna Hatun.
He talked him down.
Maybe he did it.
Who is it?
I don't know him. I hadn't
seen him around here before.
Is that the guy from the tribe?
If that's the case
this time, nobody
will save him from me!
Basulu Ana.
I'm Turna.
I'm here for healing.
So you are the girl.
The girl you healed me.
They say Sencer is missing. Is it true?
I hope it's good, InsAllah.
O Allah, spare him to us.
My son!
Is he going to be fine? Tell me, brave men.
He'll be fine. Rest assured.
I killed you. How can you
come to your tribe injured?
O Allah, help us.
My son.
O Allah.
So you are the one
who sealed Turna's heart.
Let me come. I want to
apply every healing I know.
Spare him, o Allah.
Hamedani Hadhrat, welcome.
Wee can go to our tent if you'd like to.
You are safe from my brother's
revenge for now. But I won’t leave
Turna to you.
Is he going to be fine?
Will he heal?
Don't worry, Basulu Ana.
Sencer is strong.
You know that best.
I couldn't even touch your hair
look at your face out of fear.
How can they do you like this?
Those swords they sliced you with
tore me apart too, Sencer.
The ointment is ready.
I know, you will wake up.
Because my heart feels it.
Our destiny is not over yet.
My Sultan.
My Sultan.
The executioners wait for
your orders to remove the heads
of the trouble makers that
aroused disorder among folks.
The punishment of rebellious
ones is given with the sword.
They got their punishment.
Now it's your turn.
Hasan Sabbah!
We need to renew the
ointment on the cloth.
There is no ointment left.
Don't you have anymore in your tent?
This is all I have in my tent.
There are herbs around the tribe
necessary to make this ointment.
I will go pick up some.
Bring some cloth from your tent.
Alps should accompany you, daughter.
Can I come in?
Come in.
How is he?
He managed to come here
He will be better from now
on, with the help of Allah.
You tried very hard to find my son.
And you have been worried
about him since you came.
May Allah bless you.
I was happy before coming
here that we found him alive.
And now I'm proud that I made a mother
happy, whose only wealth is her son.
May Allah bestow you to
your mother, too, young man.
My mother is gone.
She died when I was little.
I always felt the absence
of the warmth of a mother.
When I see you like this now
I understand better what
a mother means for a son.
It's enough. Let's go back.
You can run from me but you
can't lose me, Turna Hatun.
Drop the sword. Don't
make me hurt you.
How much more can
you hurt me, you scum?
I'll die if it's necessary
but I won't give up.
I said I don't want to hurt you.
I've never seen you
with Sencer before.
And I haven't asked. Where do
you come from? What is your name?
Son of Sultan Meliksah, Melik Tapar.
O Allah.
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