Vagrant Queen (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Sunshine Express Yourself

Let me get this straight.
You towed our ship?
That does seem to be the case.
And now you want
us to pay for a train
The Sunshine Express.
because it's the
only way to the impound lot?
- Unless you have a ship
- Which I don't have
- because you towed our
- Oh
Gimme one ticket.
That'll be 500 units.
Have a Sunshine Express-ive day!
- Hi!
- Two tickets, please.
Guessing a large part
of the economy on this planet
is scamming people
into getting on this train?
- You have to admire that.
- Have a many suns shining day!
All aboard the Sunshine Express!
Tickets out. No ticket,
and you get shot in the face.
With sunshine!
But seriously,
please have your tickets
or else
I'll have to call security.
You have every reason to leave.
But it won't solve anything.
You don't have to
do any of this alone, El.
Look, I know you
just want to help, but
this is for the best.
I'm glad you're taking Winni.
- El, if we stay together
- All of this
was just a mistake.
- I'm sorry.
- I know, Isaac.
Please take your seats.
The ride of
a lifetime is about to begin!
- Seat's taken.
- For your bag?
That's not very
Never mind.
This is the sixth
cart we've checked.
You would think there
would be guaranteed seats
for the prices of these tickets.
I thought the Xija shuttle
was expensive,
but this is just ridiculous!
Sally, honey!
I saved you a seat.
- Thank you, but I'm with
- No one.
No one but you.
One of us might as
well enjoy this damn journey.
Catch you later.
Thank you,
I owe you one. Big time.
Can I start making
it up to you
with a drink?
Greetings, sunshine.
I'm here to take your order.
- Alcohol.
- We have many alcohol options.
- Which type would
- Alcohol.
Payment accepted.
Have a sunshine-y day.
Hurry, Eldaya!
Mom, get in!
Trust only yourself.
No, Mom, Mom, no!
evacuation system activated.
Hello? No, no, hello,
can someone hear me?
Can you please help my mom?
Please help my mom, please!
This is transport ship Diplod,
we received your distress call.
Is everything okay, over?
Are you in need of assistance?
We received a distress call
It's Terex!
We worked
together once, on Galianox.
You were scavving
with another dude,
- man, what's his name? Uh
- Not anymore.
fancy seeing you here!
I got some good gigs coming up.
Like this one
I'm setting up today
I'm good, thanks.
All right.
Your loss.
Oh, sorry.
You should watch where you sit.
Yeah, well that is one of the
many things that I need to do.
Please tell me they stop
playing this tune at some point.
It's so annoying.
I'm sorry.
Want one?
So that was it.
Had to take my
pilot's course half-naked
and covered in blagorian slime.
- No!
- Yes. But!
I still passed, and get this.
I got my first
shipping gig two weeks later.
Transporting blagorian slime.
- You're lying.
- I'm not.
I had to spend the whole trip
with my nose plugged
trying not to throw up.
So, aside from being
my hero, you're smart,
worldly, and a hilarious
travel companion.
Lucky me.
I'm feeling pretty
lucky at this moment too.
Don't flarking
screw me over now, Darryl.
I ain't going to Arriopa.
Their defences are insane.
the nice compensation, asshat.
haven't you heard the rumours?
Republic is toast.
Your job's in Arriopa?
- Yeah.
- I'm interested.
100,000 units, plus a ship.
- Get to keep the ship?
- Hell, yeah.
Needs some TLC, and it's just
- a one-seater bubble drifter.
- Good.
- I work alone, I'm in.
- Yeah, well, that's my gig.
Oh, now you want it, Darryl?
Well, ya snooze, ya lose.
- But would you
- Get. Lost.
- The job?
- Stripping parts.
I need someone right now,
if you get my drift.
Contact's on route.
Town's coming up.
You can bail off the train.
Coordinates to the ship.
The guy will give you more info.
You gon' finish that?
All right.
Here in Carillo,
it's going to be hot, hot, hot!
In Republic news, it sounds
as if most of the Council
have been executed for treason.
And you thought
your work day was bad.
Who's this handsome devil?
You'll get to meet
Arriopa's dashing new leader
- No
- conference later today but up-
our favourite
animal bloopers of the week!
Not a fan of
Arriopa's new leader?
I'm a fan.
I would just be
a bigger fan if he was dead.
All right.
Just like we talked about.
We keep things on the down-low.
Target is here somewhere.
Big payday, this one.
What sort of business?
Packing heat.
What is that, Shredder 500?
Enough to take the hair off your
balls if you're not careful.
I, uh,
appreciate the offer, but
I already maintain
a well-manicured garden.
So, uh, what are you,
on the run or something?
You ask a lot of questions.
Do I?
So what brings you
to the Sunshine Express?
- Well my ship was towed.
- Ouch.
- Yeah.
- Not surprising.
- That happens a lot here.
- You live here?
On Carillo?
- Here once a week for work.
- Oh.
But there is this really great
Metaxian bar at
the next stop if you're hungry?
You're asking me on a date?
Yeah, I am.
I'm sorry.
I I can't.
I get it, Metaxian
food can be pretty heavy.
There is this Kafkarian
place also not as good, but
You are funny
and lovely, and beautiful.
But I can't.
- There's
- Someone else? Yeah.
But no, I
I don't know. It's
She left.
But she's still here.
I have to go.
I'm sorry.
Don't be.
This was fun.
Good luck.
Grand Supreme Leader.
Lazaro, Grand Supreme Leader.
Guardian of the people.
Where is my other stylist?
I need this fixed
before my announcement.
Just outside,
Grand Supreme Leader.
This is your
interpretation of suave?
Honestly, where did you study?
Aha, careful!
Now, Rykal, I need you
to really emphasize the gravitas
of your failed leadership at our
press conference today, yeah?
Give it a go.
Great people of Arriopa,
we have failed
you as a Republic.
Ah, not feeling it.
It is clear that the damage
done by our poor leadership
- I am not feeling this!
- can only be repaired
with the vision
- Yes?
- and tenacity
- Yes?
- of our newly appointed
Grand Supreme Leader
- Lazaro.
- Not bad in places.
- Again.
- Gre gre great people
of Arriopa
I am honoured to introduce
our Grand Supreme Leader,
Greetings, all citizens
of the Republic Territories.
I stand before you today
a revolutionary.
I have always
fought for your worlds.
The monarchy was
the old face of oppression.
The Republic was the new.
Each living
in opulence while you toiled.
The admirals didn't
just hand over power to him.
The Republic
told you they would bring
you prosperity
I say they fed themselves.
The Republic told you
they would empower you,
but I see
how they kept you down.
Tyranny cast its shadow
across our galaxy over and over,
and I say no more!
Oh, sorry, excuse me!
How are we
supposed to do this quietly
if they're wearing
these damn bubble helmets.
You're right.
All right, Sunshine twits!
This is
a motherchucking robbery!
Hey, What's going on?
They're searching for someone.
They found me.
Uh, I'm
I'm looking for an Elida.
You just missed her, sunshine.
I suppose I could tell
you what I know about her.
- Yes, please.
- Nice comms device.
I'm sorry.
Tell them
you're going to shoot me.
Uh, what now?
Don't move, or I'll
shoot her.
Make it believable.
Don't move or I'll shoot her!
Look, we're not interested
in you, just hand
her over and we'll go.
- Why do you want her?
- Why do they want you?
Come on, man, you know
she's not worth anything dead.
How about
we split the reward?
- What reward?
- The one on her head.
Hang on a second.
If you're not doing this
to stop us from taking her
why are you doing this?
Because, uh
this is a hostage situation,
and I have demands!
- Is he serious?
- I don't Okay.
So what would it take
for you to not shoot her?
- Uh
- Stop the train.
- Maple syrup!
- What?
And poutine.
- What is that?
- What are you doing?
See, you wanna explain
to me what is going on here?
There's a bounty on my head.
All Aszagerologists
have been ordered to Arriopa,
or they die.
A sad geologist?
The ancient study
of the celestial powers.
The history of
the core of civilization,
before it was overrun by idiots.
And tickets to the Grey Cup!
What is that?
does this have something
to do with the Sterzaad?
How do you know about that?
That is a long story.
Don't worry,
I got friends on this train,
and one of them can take
out these goons in a second.
Call Elida.
Come on, El, answer.
All good.
Next option is just as badass.
Call Amae.
- Amae?
- Wrong number.
Don't call me again, asshat!
You don't have
any friends, do ya?
Transport ship Diplod here.
How's it going today?
My day, you ask?
Ah, it's been
pretty good, can't complain.
Twisted my arm earlier,
so that's been bugging me.
Wish I could say it was while
doing a super cool backflip,
but it was while I was reaching
for crunchies on the top shelf.
Ah, who knows. Perhaps
there's no one on this line
and I've been chatting
to myself this whole time.
I'd like to think you
can hear me, stranger drifting.
Have a good day.
Well, hello, there.
What's your name, stranger?
- Elida.
- Hello, Elida, I'm Stox.
But you know that already.
Nice to meet you.
No way.
I swear to you,
I had a pet Galaphant.
Thing wouldn't leave me alone.
Damn near smashed the door
frame crawling into my home.
And have you heard
those things snore before?
It's like
trying to sleep
during a Wreckoor tornado!
So, where are you from, Elida?
Yeah, I get it.
No reason to trust me.
I'm nothing but a strange voice.
Look, we picked up your distres
signal a few weeks back,
which means
you're either on a vessel
in need, or you're in a pod.
Either way, I imagine
your food supply is low.
If you switch on
your location systems,
we'll help you in a heartbeat.
We're here when
you need us, okay, kiddo?
No need to be alone.
I want my maple syrup!
And my poutine!
Man, we can't stay here all day.
Security's gonna
be here any minute, and we
- gotta make this delivery.
- And I don't even know
who this Mable Sorrop is.
Hey, get back.
- Little busy here.
- This is taking too long.
Back off!
Or I'll shoot her!
- Wait, you know him?
- Yes.
- No!
- What's going on, Isaac?
She's with me.
Let the scientist go,
or we kill her.
Do what they say.
Let her go.
Also, this is really not how
you handle a hostage situation.
Just let me speak to him.
this isn't what it looks like.
What do we do now?
You look lost, stranger.
Terex said you
had a ship for me.
You're the new scav, huh?
- Need any weapons?
- Always.
The Republic separated us.
- I will connect us.
- Lazaro.
Allow me to introduce
my first act as your guardian.
He seems all right, don't he?
I hereby banish all borders.
Ports open to all.
The divide between Arriopa
and other worlds ends today.
I would like to
invite the leaders of all
the planets to join us
in celebrating this new era.
Let Arriopa host you for a trul
unforgettable experience.
Grand Supreme Leader.
A photo for your
coronation invites?
Of course.
Have my deliveries arrived?
Some, but not all, sir.
Hey, don't you hurt her!
- What?
- Let her go or I'll do it.
Oh, you gotta be kidding me.
I am putting my gun away.
Let her go.
What is going on?
God, this is taking too long.
Nobody move or they'll
get blasted with several million
volts of laser-focused sunshine!
They're hijacking the train.
- What?
- And they're selling sunblock.
No, no, no, no!
Everyone stay calm.
There's there's
nothing to worry about.
- I can't stay here.
- This is still a happy day.
Hey, where are you going?
Three, two
Ah, here you go.
You good?
Okay. Let's go.
Pretty tight,
but it's no problem
for a loner like yourself.
You got about two more
hops before the regulator fries.
It'll get you
to Arriopa all right.
It's got a radio, though.
appointed Grand Supreme Leader
Lazaro is hosting a paaar-tay!
You're Arriopian, ain't ya?
Goin' home for the party?
I'll be there all right.
To finish this once
and for all.
uh, you just get those parts.
We ain't dealin'
with patient clients.
- Starshine, come back!
- Hmm.
Carillo cops will be waiting for
us at the other end of the line.
I'm afraid we don't take kindly
to those who try to disrupt
the Sunshine Express experience.
Now I'll have
to fill in a report.
And reports don't make me happy.
And I want to
Side pocket.
Three two one.
Uh let's go.
- She's gone?
- She took a job and bailed.
I didn't think it was real.
You know?
You thought a train
journey would change her mind?
I just thought that
once she had time to process,
you know, that I could
explain what happened and
It'll be a long time
before she's ready for that.
I should've fought harder.
I should've talked to her.
- Maybe if I just
- Are you kidding me?
This is not your fault.
We never deserved you.
Are you two done wasting time?
- We need to move.
- I'm Amae, by the way.
Lazaro has a bounty on her.
Needs her to work the Sterzaad.
He needs my knowledge
to build the conduits required
to unlock its full power.
With this,
he will be unstoppable.
So the further
I am from Arriopa,
the better for everyone.
So, we just hide you?
Keep him weak enough to fight?
Wrong again.
There're at least
a dozen Aszadterologists
still around, myself included.
Unfortunately, several of
my colleagues have gone missing.
And if he has them, well
he's probably
already unstoppable.
Well, there's still hope.
Let's get you to our
ship and somewhere safe.
Where is your ship?
It's on
the other end of the line.
We'll have to get there by foot.
Well, obviously.
Unless you can fly.
You definitely
had the better travel companion.
You get her number, by the way?
Destination set:
Planet Arriopa.
Sounds simple enough.
As long as
we stay away from him,
he can't go all Jedi
mind control on us, right?
His range is limited now,
but the Sterzaad
is capable of so much more.
So how does that work?
How can Lazaro use it
if he's not of royal blood?
Only royal blood can
activate it, but once active,
it can be used by anybody
that has the right technology.
The Sterzaad is an
immense source of power,
maybe the most powerful
the universe has ever known.
But it needs the right
conduit to channel its powers.
- He has one of those.
- Hath's necklace.
And he'll want more
to harness its full potential.
This ancient
tech is extremely rare, but
it can be built again,
if you know how it works.
And you do?
Pretty clear
you're not gonna shoot her.
So, how about we just shoot you?
One second.
Yeah, no, we hate that idea!
Okay Remember,
stun her, drop the other two.
Wait, wait.
Is this still worth it?
Unless you wanna
live in your parents' basement
for another five
years, I'd say yeah!
Yeah, it's worth it.
- That doesn't look good.
- That's a Republic ship.
Oh, finally.
Backup is here.
Great, right?
Their latest stuff sucked,
but the first album
is what it's all about.
How you doin', kiddo?
I've run out of supplies.
I got enough food here
to feed an army of Galaphants.
Or you by the sound of it.
Don't kill yourself, kiddo.
What's your location?
- Bring extra crunchies.
- You got it, kiddo.
I see your signal. Looks like
you're in the Klor district.
We're narrowing in on you now.
Trust only yourself.
We lost you there, kiddo.
I I can't.
Sure you can. You'll die.
I know.
We'll help you, just
tell us where you are, Eldaya.
I never told you my name.
Look, you'll die in there soon.
Tell us where you are.
Tell us where you
We lost her.
Pull yourself together, Elida.
Pull yourself together, Elida.
Are now entering Arriopan space
About time.
She's, uh,
she's right over there.
So, uh, how about you just
pay up now and, uh, take over.
Sounds like we're
doing all the heavy lifting.
- Deal's off.
- Like hell it is.
- You wanna join him?
- No no.
Find the scientist.
Kill the others.
Even with a full charge, we
can't take on this many of them.
Throw away your guns,
both of you.
Hold on. Doesn't mean
we need to go down that easily?!
Trust me.
Throw them away.
be easier than I thought.
I'd block your ears.
It's about to get messy.
I, uh, don't
have much cash on me,
but would you be open to
a creative trade for that thing?
They're unarmed!
We can finish them now!
I told you
I had friends! Ahhh!
- No!
- No, Isaac, run!
I'll distract them.
You run as fast as you can.
- And you don't look back, okay?
- No, Isaac?
Run. Ahhh!
That's for Trev!
Thank you.
We should go
before she changes her mind.
If Elida was here,
the scientist would be fine.
Would've saved her.
Let's go get him.
That asshole.
Anywhere else you gotta be?
We're an engine, right?
Wasn't that your metaphor?
- Spark cable?
- Plug.
But I mean
let's take down Lazaro together.
You, me.
I wish that she was here too.
She's an important spark cable.
- Plug.
- Dammit!
I think
I think that spark plug became
something more to me, Isaac.
More than just the device
to fire the explosive mixture
into the combustion
engine, you know?
More like the turbo
charger, like
I got it.
Let's go get our ship back.
I'm so happy you could join us.
I trust you're
enjoying your stay?
Do you know who I am?
You're an arrogant,
entitled imbecile,
who's not nearly
as special as he thinks he is.
- Hmm.
- History is littered
with fools like you,
and none of them are missed.
You know, you're being offered
an incredible opportunity here.
You will have
the best facility in the galaxy.
Access to
the most advanced equipment.
I'd rather die.
You know I relish
these little
moments of resistance.
'Cause I know that soon,
they'll be
just a distant memory.
You will reveal to me
the powers of the Sterzaad.
All my knowledge is yours.
All will be revealed.
Sure. I'd be happy
to get that for you,
after you pay your fines.
Let me just pull
it up on the system here.
It seems like your
ship isn't actually here.
What do you mean it isn't here?
Well, it's showing up
on our system here
with all these fines,
but it isn't physically here.
Where is it?
It appears your
ship has been misplaced.
- What?
- How do you misplace a ship?
It happens sometimes.
Fill out this claim form,
we'll put
out a system-wide request.
It shouldn't take
longer than a couple of weeks.
What what
are we supposed to do now?
There's a Preyhound shuttle
stop just a short walk away.
I'm done with public transport.
Uh, look,
I I understand you're upset.
Could you please
step aside, though?
We have a dedicated sadness area
over by the smokers' corner.
Thank you.
Have a many sunshining day?
Short walk, my ass.
This is all my fault.
- There it is.
- Yeah
- It was cathartic, I guess.
- No, Isaac, over there!
Thought I'd catch you
on the way to the shuttle.
Sorry, I woulda picked
you up earlier, but I didn't
exactly ask when
I took Winni back.
- Nice.
- Hi.
Rough day?
Listen, um
being alone
used to feel normal and safe.
And now it doesn't.
Not being alone
would feel less sucky.
Even when the people you're
with sometimes do sucky things.
In my head, that was
way more articulate than
Being vulnerable
isn't a weakness.
It's a strength.
Everything isn't cool, but
I'm not going anywhere.
And neither are you.
We're going after him, El.
We're going to Arriopa.
I know.
I guess what I meant was,
um, may I join you on the ship?
- It's your ship, buddy.
- OUR ship.
we should probably get off
this planet before
they impound us again.
I really
don't think we need to worry
about these sunshine morons.
Just wow.
What an honour to meet agents
of the Intergalactic
Parking Authority.
What you do is
All in the line of duty.
What can you tell us
about this particular case?
I've never seen so many
parking violations before.
This one has quite the history.
We only bring
this out for serious cases.
They're not going anywhere.
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
Hey ♪
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