Valley of Tears (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Night at the Bunker

Water. Water.
87 to Tokyo.
Do you read me?
Check how many bullets you have
left and how much water.
They could be here any minute.
Water, please.
Water. Water.
- Water! Water, Alush!
- Shh, be quiet.
- I don't have anymore.
- Water!
- Shh!
- What's wrong with him?
- Water!!
- I'm getting you some water.
All right.
Drink up, Caspi.
Here. Drink.
Thank you.
That's enough, okay?
Listen to me now.
Hey, you're all right.
You're gonna be okay.
What are you doing, Melakhi?
I'm going out to look for a signal.
No, they'll see you if you do that.
They'll know we're here
and kill us all.
He's right, Melakhi.
Gutterman, get up.
Help me out here.
Hold this up for me.
Don't let the antenna show.
- Just keep it low, Melakhi.
- Careful, careful,
- so no one sees it.
- Higher, higher.
That's it, that's it, yes.
- Yes.
- You think it will work?
Let's go!
Let's go! Come on!
Get a move on!
Faster! Faster!
- Come on!
- Move it!
If anyone can hear us,
we need more artillery,
we need more gear.
The Syrians are surrounding us.
They could be here any minute
and slaughter us like sheep.
We need you to answer!
87, we're trying our best.
Trying doesn't cut it!
Tokyo, you hear me?
Don't try!
You need to do something!
Do something!
Tokyo, do you read?
87, do you read?
I read you, over.
Yoni, remember the story about
the seagull and the fish?
Your dad is so embarrassing, I swear.
Yoni, do you remember?
One day a white-winged seagull
stood on the riverbank
waiting for her beloved.
Everyone tried to warn her:
"Seagull, you can't fall
in love with a fish."
Where will you live?
Up in the sky?
In the water? On a tree?
Hey. What's going on?
We good here?
I'm just talking to my son, pal.
Give me a few minutes.
No problem, but we're leaving soon.
Thanks. Thanks.
She would glide up in the air for hours
watching over him from above.
Her friends cried out:
"No time, Seagull.
We have to go.
"Spread your wings.
Winter's coming.
"We have to go to the South Pole,
then make our way north."
Who is this?
Free up this frequency now.
But the little seagull,
she was in love.
And she was left behind,
alone and scared.
What if she flies away
only to come back and find her love
is not there?
What happens if he gets lost
or is devoured?
Who will protect him
if she's not around?
She can't stand the thought
that perhaps
she will never see him again.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, whoa!
- Whoa!
- Stop him!
- Where's he going?
- Hey, hey!
Come on!
Gotta get after him!
You, drive! Come on!
In the evening,
her beloved fish finally decides
to come to the surface
and implores her,
"My kindhearted angel,
"you won't survive if you stay here.
"You must migrate.
"You were born to encircle the world.
"If you get stuck here with me
you'll die.
It's not worth it."
The stubborn seagull refused to fly.
She closed her eyes and envisioned
how she'd learn to breathe
in the depths,
how they'd transform
two souls into one.
This is Eagle.
I don't know who Seagull is,
but free up this network now!
Free up the network!
Cease chatter!
Copy that. Copy that.
Her smart fish
climbed onto the sand.
He kissed her beak with his wet
lips and said to the seagull,
"Oh, my love,
"if you agree to fly now
"we will be separated,
"but you will survive,
"and that's the only chance we have
"of meeting again next year
and the year after that.
We will continue to love."
"Fly, Seagull, fly," he whispered,
and then dove into the depths.
The seagull finally got up the courage
and spread her wings.
The hope of reuniting next year
and the year after that
gave her the strength to go on.
87, do you read?
Yoni, Yoni, do you hear me right now?
87, do you read?
Yonatan, do you hear me?
- Keep them coming.
- Okay, got it.
Clear this bed.
More coming in here.
Easy, easy, easy.
Hold him down, hold him down.
Hey, let me go!
AVINOAM, quietly:
Excuse me.
Stay down. Stay down.
Can someone come over here?
Excuse me.
Be right there.
I left a wounded man in the field.
Someone has to go rescue him right now.
- Hold on one second.
- He's losing so much blood.
His leg is blown off, and I
couldn't carry him with me.
I'll go and get someone for you.
Now! There's no time.
He has a rifle.
He could shoot himself.
I'm doing IVs, just hold on a minute.
Please, I said I'd get you.
I promised him!
He stepped on a mine.
We lost everybody on the way,
and we went down Mount Hermon by foot.
Hurry! Go over to him.
You're from the Hermon outpost?
Can you please
go get me a topographical map?
Hold on, I'll be right back.
Doctor, this man has a severe
stomach wound.
I have to bandage him up.
I'll be right back.
- Can you hold him?
- Yeah, hold on.
Excuse me. We have a man
from the Hermon outpost.
Make sure you maintain these valves.
Let him go.
I hear you're from the Hermon outpost.
- Yes.
- I need info from you.
Info? First send someone
to save Yoav Mazuz.
I left him at the bus stop
near Kibbutz Gesher Zvi.
He'll wait. You abandoned
a military outpost.
That's more important now.
Abandoned? You-You have to
find him right now.
It's urgent.
Forget the debrief
What was your job?
Give me more information.
Why aren't you going?
Fine. I'll just have to
go get him myself.
- Answer me.
- I want to speak
to your commander right now.
- You can't get up.
- Get me your commander!
- Let go of me!
- You can't get up.
- No, let me go.
- Medic. I need help here!
- Keep it down.
- Help me.
I need to get a topographical map.
Calm him down.
Give him something.
- Relax, relax, relax!
- Let me go! This isn't funny.
What are you doing?
No, no, no
- Calm down.
- This can't be happening!
No No, no, no, no, no
- Look, look
- Calm down.
Please listen to me!
- We have to get to Yoav Mazuz.
- Shh!
- Shh, shh.
- Please listen.
- No, no, no.
- Shh.
Listen to me, please listen.
You have to help him right now.
His name's Yoav Mazuz.
He's at the bus stop
outside the kibbutz and
You have to help me.
I left him there.
He's all alone.
I need your help.
Shoot me.
I'm begging you.
I'm begging you.
Shoot me!
Help me!
Leave the rifle!
That's an order!
Look at me! Look at me!
- Maybe they're not coming.
- Amen.
Maybe they're waiting for dawn.
Maybe they're waiting
till we're out of water.
Yeah, fuck them.
Okay, guys
I'm gonna write our wills.
Maybe my hand will survive.
Alush, that orange sweater that
my grandma complimented you on,
Wanna leave it to her?
I think she'll like that.
It's hers.
- Done.
- Me?
It's hers.
Orange sweater
to Grandma.
Tell my mom that
I really don't want any songs
by Naomi Shemer at my funeral.
No way, no how.
Good call.
- Melakhi.
- What?
Write my girlfriend that I love her.
Good time to be a romantic, Sulami.
Okay, done.
Anyone else?
Yoni, something to your dad?
He can have the drum set.
Drum set.
It's done.
All right, Gutterman.
Wanna try one last time?
Yeah, sure, let's try.
Put it up there.
In the hole.
That's it. Enough.
That's good.
This is 87 here.
We're trying one last time.
If anyone can hear me,
we're surrounded.
Do you read?
Tokyo, give our regards back home.
Tell everyone we love them.
Do you read?
Melakhi, that's enough.
Turn off the radio.
Turn it off.
Tokyo, this is 87.
Tokyo, this is 87,
do you read? Over.
Tokyo, this is 87, do you read?
87, are you there?
87, do you read me?
87, are you there?
Do you read me? Over.
Dafna! We got a wounded man
from Hermon.
Where's the wounded soldier
from Hermon?
Over there.
Don't let me die!
Why are you standing around?
Go help them with the water.
What's his condition?
Overall, he's fine, a bit dazed,
but I think he'll be up soon.
All right, you can go now.
Gutterman, move over.
- Rikki?
- Rikki.
- Water. Water.
- Shh! Caspi!
Shut him up already.
- Water.
- Shh.
CASPI, faintly:
- Marco!
- Water.
Hello, hey!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Stop, stop!
Cool it, slow down, cool it!
Opa! Opa!
I have to get to 87.
Engine off right now.
Just where do you think
you're going, my friend?
- 87, I have to get there.
- Turn your engine off.
- Look
- I said, engine off.
Off, off.
Where do you think you're going?
- I have to get to 87.
- Sure!
You got Syrian citizenship?
- I have orders.
- Orders from who?
- You can't go through here.
- It's a life and death matter.
I mean it, let me go.
Let me through.
Wait, aren't you
Oh, my God.
You're the guy
You're the guy that's screwing
that actress, aren't you?
- Dude, give me a break.
- You're Leonard Cohen's friend.
Whoa, I can't believe it.
Meni Ben-Dror.
Hey, guys!
Meni Ben-Dror has come here
to film a victory movie
about all of us!
- He's here, guys!
- Very funny, very funny.
- Now can you let me go?
- Yeah, sure, sure.
What's this?
What's with all this ammo?
If anyone here lights a cigarette,
your jeep will turn
into a mushroom cloud.
- Light up the sky.
- Yes.
Okay, listen to me, man
Look over there.
Those are Syrians.
You're only able to go there
in a tank or chopper,
you get me?
You can't go, you just can't,
my friend.
How many tanks do you have?
We're reserves.
At the moment we only
have the three tanks.
Tomorrow we might have five more.
Then why are you waiting here?
We don't have night vision gear.
We're waiting till dawn.
Where did you say you have to go?
- North?
- Yeah.
- What's your name?
- Bentzi.
Nice to meet you.
- Likewise.
- So tell me, Bentzi,
how can I convince you to get
to the southern Golan Heights?
Come on
Let's make you
No Shut off the engine.
- I have to
- No, get out here.
Come. Be our guest.
Be our guest. Come, stay.
Stay and honor us with your presence.
Meni Ben-Dror!
Meni Ben-Dror!
Meni Ben-Dror! Wow!
Join us! Join us!
Come into our living room.
What will you have, Meni?
Turkish coffee would be great.
Turkish coffee for the man!
Of the 13 that abandoned the outpost,
how many were intelligence officers?
I'm not saying anymore until you
send an ambulance to Yoav Mazuz.
Which intelligence officers
were taken captive?
How am I supposed to know?
I already told you, we split up
right after the attack.
What are the odds
that they were taken captive?
Don't you even care about human lives?
I don't know.
When I left Yoav earlier,
he was still alive.
We're trying to rescue him.
Did you destroy the receivers
before the outpost fell?
No. We didn't
You're lying.
You're not trying to find him.
Did you destroy the teleprinters?
- No.
- The encryption keys?
I'm not going to cooperate.
I repeat, were you able to destroy
- the encryption keys?
- If you could see the way
he was suffering every second,
crying and bleeding,
believe me,
you wouldn't be sitting here
asking me these questions.
- Avinoam!
- No, okay? No!
We didn't destroy the encryption keys
and didn't shred all the documents.
Only what there was time to do.
Look, if you and your friends
had the balls to stay and fight
and not run like wussies,
we'd still have control
of Mount Hermon.
You weren't there.
My friends were very brave.
He's a Golani officer like you.
If he dies, that doesn't matter to you?
Do you realize what a disaster this is?
Do you realize it's treason?
You're accused of treason.
Were the intelligence officers
at the outpost
exposed to external sources
that weren't produced at your outpost?
Yes. That's exactly why
Yoav smuggled me out.
We didn't abandon our posts
or commit treason.
We protected the country's security.
I know everything.
Every Mossad agent.
"Ingrown Toenail" is the alias
for the secretary of Anisa Assad.
- She's a spy.
- Shut up!
Idyll, Rotten Lime, Remote Country.
I memorized all the sources
and their names.
All of them.
By the time they're done with you,
you'll be looking at
a long prison sentence.
Take him to the triage tent
and keep an eye on him.
Got it.
I'm afraid Mazuz is not gonna survive.
The Syrians are moving to the valley
between Hermonit and Quneitra.
We won't be able to reach him.
- Who's there?
- Eran. Eran.
What's going on? What is it?
The Syrians are coming up the hill.
An APC, a jeep
and a whole company of soldiers.
- We have to leave this place.
- Leave?
We don't stand a chance.
You wanna go out and take on
an entire army
of Syrian soldiers, huh?
Is that what you wanna do?
You know what I think?
We should surrender.
If there's the slightest chance,
I wanna live.
For two days all you've done
is look for ways not to die.
You're at war, Marco.
You're gonna die.
See anyone else complaining?
You bastard Alush.
You fucking bastard.
We all stayed here because of you.
We could've left yesterday.
They came to get us.
Yes, not everyone had to die.
But you wanted to be the big man.
The great commander.
You wanted to come across like
a hero in front of Frenchie.
Now we're all gonna die
for nothing. Mabsut?
You want us all to be taken prisoner?
No, of course not. I wish we
could fight here like men,
but we can't.
If we surrender, the Syrians
will stand us against the wall
and execute us.
Don't you get that you're alone here?
Okay, that's fine.
Who wants to raise a white flag?
You see?
Okay then.
Our funeral procession starts now.
Okay, enough with the games.
Everybody needs to keep quiet.
Not a sound, even if
they open fire on us
and someone gets hurt.
Make sure you each have a grenade.
Hold it in your hand.
And keep quiet.
No one says a word.
And maybe
that will keep
all of us alive.
Get ready.
The Syrians are coming.
Be alert.
- Water.
- Shut him up.
They'll hear him and come in.
- Water.
- Water.
- Shh.
- Water.
- Shh, shh, shh.
- Strangle him.
Kill him if you have to.
Strangle him!
Water, water!
Shut up.
- Be quiet.
- Wait.
- Shh.
- Maybe he went deaf.
Yalla! Yalla! Yalla!
Be quiet, be quiet.
Take cover!
Stay quiet.
Don't say a word.
Be quiet. Be quiet.
Marco, Melakhi, get over here.
Come here.
They're gonna toss
more grenades inside.
We have to go out
and say we surrender to them.
If anyone goes out, they'll
cut him down with a barrage.
They're afraid of their own shadows.
We don't have a choice.
Someone has to go out there.
Only the three of us speak Arabic.
It has to be one of us.
Let's toss for it.
There's no need for that.
Can you please tell Rikki
that I love her.
- Alush!
- Alush!
Stop! Don't move!
No! Don't move!
Yalla! Yalla!
Hey, are you familiar with the saying
that a kid is the better part
of his parents?
- Sure.
- Of course.
So one morning this kid is
walking around my place.
His name is Yoni.
With a six-pack like a turtle's shell,
a glimmer in his eyes,
like someone who gets excited
by every lay,
every book, every new idea,
embarrassed by every beautiful thing.
- Mm.
- Everything seems infinite.
You know, youth.
You remember youth?
- We sure do.
- Yeah.
He stands by a mirror
and no matter what he does,
he looks perfect.
Hey, airplanes.
They're ours.
Believe me, if my life were a movie,
well, Yoni would be on the poster.
I swear.
I look at him and all I see
is that my life has passed me by.
My life has gone by too fast.
I look at him and all I see
is that I'm a loser.
I see the end and my absolute
failure as a father.
It's pathetic.
Did I ever miss out.
What the hell was he thinking?
Come on! One day
he'd just show up in my life
and I'd be the dad and he'd be the son?
Excuse me, Meni, there's
something wrong with you.
Bentzi, you know what?
The kid would practice
playing the drums
from morning to night,
all day long every day.
- So what?
- I need my quiet.
I need to hear the thoughts in my head.
- Aagh!
- So I said something to him.
Nothing wrong with that.
I guess he felt the arrangement
wasn't working for me,
so he took his stuff and disappeared.
I thought he may have gone
back to France.
Then guess what!
Last month I was on stage in Jaffa,
spewing my usual nonsense, right?
Suddenly I see someone in the crowd.
It's Yoni
sitting there,
in uniform.
There he is, the kid with
the most beautiful
and saddest eyes in the world,
dressed up like a soldier
just sitting there.
He had nowhere to go,
so he volunteered to serve in the army.
I don't know if he did it
so I'd appreciate him
or if it was revenge for my pacifism.
What an idiot, my God.
What an idiot.
I mean, what does a fragile boy
from France,
with espresso and croissants
and Jacques Brel
have to do in the IDF?
I don't know. Beats me.
Without even thinking
I brought him on stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
"let's hear it for my son
the chocolate soldier.
Look at the bonbon de chocolat."
Oh, yeah.
He stood there for half an hour.
And then I told everybody there that
I don't know how to be a good father.
I don't want to be a father.
I couldn't care less.
I keep putting him down.
I keep on going, you know?
I keep putting him down, like an idiot,
and the audience is in stitches
They're laughing,
and I put him down even more.
And this kid's just standing there
and doesn't even say a word to me.
Not a word.
He looks at me and smiles.
He's humiliated.
Because of me.
And for what?
For a bit more applause
and a bit more laughter?
For more "Meni, I love you"?
"Tell us more."
Ah, Meni, that's rough.
So yeah.
And now I'm here,
waiting for morning
to find out
if my kid is dead or alive.
I can't even
I can't imagine
- It's okay, brother.
- I'm sorry, buddy.
Bentzi, I'm begging you.
Take me to him.
Stations 2, this is 2.
We're going up the hill.
2B, follow me.
2A, be the lookout. Over.
2, 2A, copy that.
2, this is 2A. Copy that.
How's about some culture, Ben-Dror?
- Sing us a song.
- Yeah, sing us a song, Meni.
You want a song?
Sing, huh?
Watch your step.
Be careful.
They could be booby-trapped.
Watch out.
Anyone in here?
Can we come in?
Is the place rigged?
Go in already, Bentzi.
Go in.
Who is that?
Help Help over here.
See if any are alive.
Help please.
We need bandages!
- Water.
- I can't breathe.
- Are you all right?
- Wounded men in here.
Get bandages and stretchers!
- Where's Yoni?
- He's
Where's Yoni?
We have wounded in here!
Wounded men in here!
- You're gonna be all right.
- Wounded men!
Stretchers, hurry!
Look for pins on the ground.
We got live grenades.
Watch it.
They're holding grenades.
He's alive, he's alive.
- Bentzi.
- We got dead in here as well.
He's alive, Marco.
Yoni's alive.
- Yoni's alive?
- Help me over here!
- Get stretchers!
- They need our help!
Take my helmet off.
- Take it off.
- Water.
- I don't have a safety catch.
- Let go of the grenade.
- Give me the grenade from him.
- Let go.
It doesn't have a pin.
- Bentzi.
- Let's go.
- Melakhi
- Need water
We need some water in here!
Easy, easy.
- Hydrate the wounded.
- Are you okay?
Here, drink some more.
Is he breathing?
- Aah.
- Pick him up.
Get me a stretcher.
- Hold the stretcher.
- He's gone.
I need water.
Come on, let's get him on here.
One, two, three.
- Okay!
- Take him out.
- Aah!
- I'm sorry for everything.
- Guys.
- Melakhi.
Watch your step.
- Aaaahh!
- Opa!
Hold onto me.
-Aah! Watch my arms.
Stand up.
- Here we go.
- Unh!
Careful with the leg.
Oh, my God.
I don't believe it.
We're going home, guys.
Get another stretcher!
Yoni, are you all right?
Are you hurt?
Shh. You're gonna be okay.
You're out of there now.
- Shh-shh, shh-shh
- Water! Bring some water!
- Aah! Aah!
- Medic!
- I need bandages!
- Water! Water!
Is that Melakhi?
- Let's go, let's go!
- Come on!
- Marco.
- There you go.
Bentzi, water!
You're okay, my boy, drink, drink.
- Water here!
- Drink.
Here, here, here.
- Can you get me some slings?
- Right here.
Watch it. Watch it.
I hope we have enough supplies.
Have you checked all the wounded?
Take one more look.
Go, go, go, go!
I need some help here!
- Aah!
- Oh, God!
Is there a medic?
Is there a medic here?
Gutte Gutterman.
Is he alive?
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