Veneno (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Fue más o menos así

Woman: Do you prefer
men or women?
[Sighs] I like men.
Do you identify as a man or a woman?
Like a chameleon, my love.
I need an answer, Cristina.
I'm a woman.
Have you had surgery?
Which surgery?
Genital surgery.
Oh, that one. No.
Any mental health issues?
Any mental issues within your family?
Listen, my dear.
Those questions are very personal.
But not that I know of.
Who are you most comfortable with?
With men, with women,
or people who are trans?
I'm best around people
who aren't stupid, for example.
This isn't working, right?
Maybe we should start again.
[Pen clatters]
You tell me, Cristina.
What cellblock do you prefer,
men's or women's?
Do I get to choose the block, then?
Actually, you can't, to be honest,
but with this examination,
I can offer a recommendation.
Where would you rather be, Cristina?
The women's one.
I promise I'll do everything
in my power, Cristina.
She can't go to the men's section.
She's a woman, so she
should stay among other women.
You know it could be dangerous
for her otherwise.
Warden: Are you insinuating
that we are incompetent?
No. Of course
I'm not saying that.
I'm sorry.
The inmate Ortiz rodríguez
hasn't changed his I.D.,
and he hasn't had surgery.
Legally he's still a man,
and as such,
he'll be joining a men's prison.
I'm sorry.
There's nothing I can do.
Please don't insist.
Cristina, I'm so sorry.
- [Buzzer]
- [Gate creaks]
Why do I have to take my clothes off?
Take your clothes off now.
Your underwear, too.
Now put your arms up.
Both arms.
Untie your hair.
Very good. Good.
Stand up against the wall.
Then turn around.
Now cough.
This how you want to see me?
Come on. Just cough.
Can I put my clothes on?
[Guard sighs]
Are we done with this yet?
You aren't gonna need those clothes here.
This is what you'll be wearing.
[Shoes clatter]
[Chair scrapes]
- Clippers, please.
- No, no, no, please.
Don't shave my hair off.
It's for your safety.
Please, don't do it.
Inmate: Come on.
I'm gonna have such a good time.
- Beautiful, come over here.
- Gorgeous.
- Come on.
- Hey, here!
- Aww!
- Hey, right here!
Inmate: Come to cell 23.
- I want a piece of that!
- We'll have some fun.
Hey! Fuckin' faggot.
She's famous!
Ortiz rodríguez, José Antonio.
Inmate: Fresh meat.
- Finally, a woman.
- Yes.
Why me?
Do I look like a faggot or something?
What about my hormones?
You aren't gonna need them in here.
[Music playing]
Cristina: Paca!
Paca! Paca!
Paca: You scared the crap
out of me, sweetheart.
It's just a bad dream.
Don't worry.
Where am I?
Here in valencia, my place.
What do you mean, valencia?
I mean valencia,
in "rehab del paca," my love.
I have to get out of here, paca.
I'm gonna die,
and nobody will know if I do.
But what do you mean
nobody will know you're dead?
I'm here with you all day.
You're losing it, girl.
This is like a prison.
Where's Valeria?
Valeria's in Madrid.
She said she'll be back this evening,
but I'm not sure she'll make it.
- What are you doing?
- Leave me alone.
Are you crazy?
You better stop that.
You can't just take those pills
anytime you feel like it.
No way, you cow!
You can't just take
that medicine at random times.
Those things aren't gummi bears.
Let me be, paca.
I will when you stop being so annoying.
I'm gonna call Valeria.
I have to tell her.
I got a call from TV. We have
to give them the scoop now.
She has to publish the book.
Look at you. It looks
like you're dancing the mambo.
Every single time a TV show
calls, you totally lose it.
You're unbearable, Cristina.
Well, I won't argue.
You're the worst.
I should've left you in Madrid
in the cibeles.
You dumb-ass.
[Ringtone plays]
[Ringtone ends]
You didn't have to pick me up.
I could have called a taxi.
Why would you have extra
expenses when I can pick you up?
Mama, the articles I write pay for them.
- It's vanity fair.
- I know, honey,
I just really wanted to see you.
How's Miguel?
[Sighs] Good. Busy as usual.
And looking at this week's weather,
we can expect more of the Sam
Let's chat a while, hon.
How did it go in Madrid?
Not that well, to be honest.
And the meetings
with the publishing houses?
[Sighs] They all like the book.
They say it's interesting.
But the memoir
is from the mouth of la veneno.
What's wrong with that?
She's a controversial figure.
Mario conde is also
a controversial figure,
and he's got a couple of books published.
Yeah, but he's not a semiliterate,
transgender prostitute, mama.
That's true, hon.
I didn't consider that.
[Sighs] To be honest,
it's frustrating that people
only see her as a liar
and a vulgar woman.
What are you gonna do?
No idea, mama.
Oh, sweetie.
Why don't you go back
to Seville with Miguel
and focus on your work?
The book is wonderful, Valeria.
It will be published
when the time is right.
Don't rush it, honey.
[Dog barking]
What should I do, Cristina?
Don't give me that look.
It's the last thing I need.
Martín and Sergio.
Luis Fernando and Carlos José.
Aimar and coldo.
Fernando and Roberto.
José Antonio and Alberto.
Luis and Pedro.
[Faint chatter]
Now before you go to lunch, eh,
you'll go to, uh, chucho's cell
and give him a full one.
It'll cover the cigarettes you owe me.
The cigarettes that I owe you
aren't worth a full service.
Just a blow job is enough.
- [Gasps]
- Don't try to outsmart me.
Get off.
[Bed thumping]
[Siren blaring]
[Siren continues]
What's up, hottie?
Don't cover up.
Hey, I'm talking to you.
Where are you rushing to?
Don't run.
Maybe you should do your job better,
or one day,
I'm gonna end up dead in here.
I do my job watching over you.
Quit being paranoid, José Antonio.
- [Overlapping chatter]
- Are you gonna eat that?
You want it? Take it.
Man, are you serving or what?
Relax, brother. Relax.
We've got six years
for me to serve you this shit.
- [Spoon scrapes]
- We're locked down.
You need a light, my love?
[Lighter flicks]
[Cristina exhales]
The fuck you want?
I don't want anything,
just to introduce myself.
I'm Juan. They call me juanillo.
You a gypsy?
If that's what you're into.
You look like a gypsy.
Why do you say that?
It's in your aura.
Are you new to prison?
I wish I was, my love.
I've been here once or twice already.
So are you a prison brat?
[Chuckles] How do you know that?
Well, you were assigned a kitchen job
as soon as you arrived.
That's not the treatment everyone gets.
I guess you got business up in here.
You're quite an intelligent girl,
very smart.
Well, I do my best.
And would an angelical flower like you
go on a date with this gypsy?
Ah, there you are, girl.
Has anyone seen her?
Not a soul, honey.
No one's seen her in three days.
Can you believe it?
One night is normal, fine by me,
but three nights in a row?
She's got my nerves on edge.
And besides, she needs to go
to the deluxe show, so
You should have called me earlier, paca.
I didn't wanna call you
with all you've had to deal with, baby.
Come on. Let's go.
Honestly, I don't know what to do.
That asshole.
I can't deal with this, Valeria.
I don't know how to help her.
Hello. Hospital la fe, please.
- [Overlapping chatter]
- Fuck is going on?
You're not allowed to treat us like that.
There he is.
- [Chatter continues]
- Go fuck yourself!
- Get out of here!
- You piece of shit!
Thanks for the ride, honey.
Every day is something new
with her bullshit.
One of these days, I swear
I'm gonna send that cow to hell.
Where could she be?
Honey, I don't know how much
more of this my heart can take.
I'm getting sick of her.
You know what she did the other day?
She went to the x-rated theater.
She said she was with four Romanians.
Can you believe that slut?
Came back with her dress
soaking with semen,
saying, "my mouth is my pussy.
My mouth is my pussy."
Come here, sweetie.
Oh, wow, she looks absolutely gorgeous.
Paca! Oh, my god,
how are you honey?
Long time, no see.
Do you remember who this is?
- Hello.
- This is Valeria.
- No.
- Yeah, well,
actually we met a long time ago, but
Wait a minute.
Weren't you the one
looking for veneno ages ago?
Yes, she was. Here we are
10 years later looking for her again.
Oh, I don't know. Wait.
Brittany, have you seen veneno?
No, she hasn't been here.
- Of course not.
- She must be with some guy.
- Is she working again?
- No, sweetie.
She's not whoring for money.
She whores for free with anyone.
- That filthy slut.
- And then she comes back here
totally hammered and bragging.
She is, uh, complicated
to say the least, love.
Tell me about it.
She's been missing now
for three whole days.
Cristina is not missing, paca.
She always ends up showing up, right?
Paca: I can't believe you.
Two. Two days
completely lost partying.
- Oh, stop. You're so annoying.
- What a slut.
- You think that's normal?
- Two days are nothing, paca.
- Two days like a party animal.
- Trust me.
Hey, where's that dude going?
I don't want him here.
What do you mean?
He's my boyfriend.
Your boyfriend? You've known him
for all of two days.
I'm taking you with me to the set.
What set?
I'm not going anywhere.
What do you mean you're not going?
- Oh, god.
- You have to go.
You're totally mental.
Paca, you just need to go
and start saying that I'm a liar,
and then we pull each other's hair out.
I told them I'd bring a scoop, paca.
Listen to me. I would do
anything for you, Cristina,
but I won't let you say
on that show that I stole from you
and do it in front of the entire country
and my family, because I'm not a crook.
I'm not a liar.
And why were you looking for me, huh?
- What for, paca? Huh?
- Because for two days,
we've been wondering if you're all right.
This body needs to be seen, okay?
You know what? I'm out of here.
Go on, then.
Your body looks great,
but you can't survive
like that out there.
You can't even talk
with those new horse teeth you've got.
The truth is you've always been jealous.
- What?!
- You got rid of my lovers.
- What?
- Got me off TV.
- Oh, my god.
- Kept me outta Madrid.
- Really?
- You know what?
Get fucked, you bitch.
You sure will, whore.
Listen to that liar.
Go to the Romanians.
They'll fuck you over, Cristina.
No one on this earth gets to control me.
That fucking queer. Bitch.
I'm off to Madrid.
She can't tell me what to do.
We just want to help you, Cristina.
Yeah, right.
You say you want to help me?
You don't even pick up my phone calls.
I'm very sorry, Cristina,
but I'm having a hard time with it.
Hard time with what?
With the reluctance of the publishers.
You are scared, and if you can't do it,
it's because you're an idiot.
Give it to me,
and I'll get María patiño on it.
Valeria, let her go!
If she wants to leave,
let her go. Okay?
That's right. I'm gonna go
get on every single TV show.
Sure. Whatever, superstar.
I don't need any help
from either one of you.
Do you think I'm stupid?
You're conspiring against me.
Conspiring for what?
You both are always trying to control me.
- What are you
- But you know what?
You stay right here.
I'm taking him to Madrid.
He's the only one
that understands me. Let's go.
Go to Madrid, then.
You're not my responsibility.
- Do whatever you want.
- Yeah, yeah.
Get ass-fucked, you slut.
No, you get ass-fucked by the Romanian.
Hey, what's happening?
Where have you been?
I'm not stupid. Do you hear me?
Let go of me!
I'm not working anymore.
You'll fuck for me till I set you free.
Listen to me. I owe you nothing.
You sure about that?
If it wasn't for me,
you'd have the ass of a baboon
whenever you go to the showers.
Don't you want protection?
Yeah, but I don't want it from you.
Ah, really? And why's that?
Because I have my own protection.
I've got a boyfriend.
A boyfriend?
Nobody asked for my permission.
Who is he?
You don't know him.
I have to go.
You know that I'll find out.
Baby, could you walk with me
when I go to the shower?
I'm too busy, hon.
Please, my love.
Listen to me.
Listen. I'm being serious.
Do you know a guy named Luis?
Yeah. He's a dipshit.
He told me something I didn't like.
I'm really scared.
Don't be, love.
Nothing's gonna happen to you.
I'll protect you, I swear.
What are you doing here?
It's none of your business.
- [Chuckles]
- Beat it. Get outta here.
Get outta here.
[Faint chatter]
Complicating my business.
I'm trying to make it work
with the lady in the house.
Can you help?
That one?
- Take him away, okay?
- Consider it handled.
[Overlapping chatter]
Where's juanillo?
Your sweetheart is out on vacation.
He won't be back for a long time.
José Antonio, shower time.
Not until juanillo's here,
I won't go to the shower.
He won't be coming.
He's already been transferred.
- Come on.
- Tell me why.
To the shower right now.
What are you waiting for?
To the shower quickly. Come on.
Come on.
It's all yours.
- No, no, no, get off.
- Shh.
You son of a bitch!
Get off me right now!
Get in there, and do what you're told.
[Overlapping chatter]
We're good in this wing.
You fucking son of a bitch!
- Where are you
- [screaming]
What have you what have you done?!
What have you done?!
Get off me!
Why?! Why?!
What have you done?!
You fucker! Get off me!
Let me go!
You motherfuckers! Aah!
[Screams fade]
[Cellphone rings]
- Hello.
- Hi. Is this Valeria Vegas?
- Yes?
- Hi.
I'm susana from espasa.
Hello. How are you?
Have you read my draft?
That's actually the reason for my call.
We just finished reading it
here in the office,
and to be honest,
it's not a good fit for us.
But is it the approach?
Maybe I can change it.
I could send a different version.
It's not about the approach.
It's about the character.
Don't get me wrong.
Cristina is great,
but right now our audience
is looking for fresher,
more recent references.
Cristina is a worn-out character,
even harmful for the lgbt community,
so we think it's a bit risky.
Sorry about that. Bye.
Thank you.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Thanks. Keep the change.
But it's 19.90.
I know that.
I said keep the change.
See you.
Baby, it's no wonder that they
don't want to publish it.
What do you mean, "no wonder"?
Those people only think about money,
and apparently, to them,
Cristina's life
isn't worth any money at all.
- But listen to me, hon.
- Hello.
On Twitter, she's all the rage,
with hashtags and gifs.
She's all over the place.
I know, but
No buts, okay?
Girl, why did you write that book?
Hey, hey, she's on.
Let's give it up for Cristina la veneno.
Please sit down.
I heard you're
in a serious relationship now?
So no more random sex?
Do you spoon with him at night, or
I do. I now sleep
in his arms, yeah,
and and, man, he's smoking hot.
Very well, and where do you sleep?
You'll see. I have a bed
in my flat here in Madrid.
It's a round bed
like the whorehouse type,
with mirrors on the ceiling.
He puts me on all fours
and stuffs me like a Thanksgiving Turkey.
But yeah, after sex,
of course we spoon. Really!
But I thought you were in valencia,
recovering, and on a diet.
Are you done with all that,
or are you just visiting us in Madrid?
No way, man.
I've left valencia for good.
- Oh, yeah?
- I'm back here in Madrid.
I decided to leave paca.
So I'm guessing that's the scoop
- you had prepared for us?
- Of course.
Today I want to let you know
that paca the piranha and I
have been friends for a long time,
and that big slut
is nothing but a traitor.
Let all of Spain
and all of her family know
that she has stolen millions.
Every time I brought in
cash from TV shows,
I would stash it in envelopes back home,
and that fat slut would steal all of it
and keep it for herself.
And you know what?
I'm letting everybody know
that that old slut is a thief.
[Sighs] That's heavy.
Well, maybe I should
just go back to Seville.
I mean, this doesn't
make sense anymore, right?
Oh, no, Valeria.
No, don't say that.
Don't give up now.
You've worked so hard.
Paca: She can't do this to me.
Ugh. She's gonna pay for this.
I'm going back home.
I need some time alone. [Sighs]
Amparo: Okay, fine, just give us
a call if you need anything.
Fuck that cow.
[Cellphone buzzes, chimes]
Dear Valeria, I've read your book.
It's wonderful.
Where everybody sees
a fame-obsessed woman,
you show us a woman seeking
what she never had, love.
Don't give up. Only you
can see her clearly. Blanca.
When yolanda came to prison,
I'd been on the pills
that made me feel dizzy
and weak for a while.
Because I was problematic, they said.
Little by little, I started
getting hooked on them.
Without them, how could I have survived
in that men's prison I was trapped in?
It was hell on earth, kiddo.
I just wanted time to fly
while I went as unnoticed as possible.
I survived, trying
to stay away from the rest.
It was like I had disappeared.
To be honest, kiddo, when I saw her,
I wondered which one of us was worse off.
That's yolanda.
She's your new cellmate.
I know they have us like tomboys, but
I managed to sneak this in.
Don't wash your hands.
[Overlapping chatter]
How are you?
Piss off.
Would you please do one thing
- Piss off.
- For me?
Can you do me a favor?
I said piss off.
We're not gonna be friends
just because you're trans.
Go. Get lost.
Go on. Piss off.
Give me the ball.
Give me the ball.
Give me the ball.
Over here.
- [Laughing]
- Yeah.
[Chatter continues]
Cell number 22.
[Metal door creaks]
What did you want?
Huh? Excuse me?
What did you want from me?
Well, an autograph.
I'm not into that usually,
but I know who you are,
Cristina, and I'm a huge fan.
It doesn't have to be today.
We'll get the chance.
We'll get a piece of paper and pen,
and you can write, "for yolanda
From la veneno."
[Siren blaring]
Good night.
Some words might sound insignificant
Even when said
with very little intention.
They can make you wake back up.
I thought I had forgotten about myself
That I'd lost myself.
I was wrong.
I hadn't.
I wasn't gone yet.
I was still in there somewhere
Just waiting for my moment.
[Line rings]
- [Party chatter]
- Hello. Valeria?
Blanca, can you hear me?
Yes. Uh, wait a second.
Um, what's up? Are you okay?
The moment has come.
I-I can't wait for anybody.
I'll I'll publish it myself.
I'll do it on my own.
What? Valeria,
I can't hear you.
Wait a second.
Let me go outside, okay?
- Wait!
- Man: You all right?
Yes, yes, it's fine.
Give me just a second, please.
- [Door closes]
- [Chatter fades]
Okay, ready. Go on. Talk to me.
I won't give up.
If no one wants to publish it,
I'll do it myself.
Fue más o menos así ♪
vino blanco,
noche viejas canciones ♪
y se reía de mi ♪
Dulce embustera ♪
la maldita primavera ♪
que queda
de UN sueño erótico si ♪
de repente me despierto
y te has ido ♪
[Line rings]
Paca: Who's this?
Paca, open up.
It's cold out here.
Oh, it's you, the lying bitch.
Come and pick up your stuff now.
It's just a TV show.
What are you saying?
I'm dead serious.
You're not welcome here anymore.
Pienso en ti ♪
si ♪
para enamorarme ahora ♪
volverá a mi ♪
What is this?
Paca, open the door.
Paca! Open the door!
Open the door now, paca! Fucker!
Cristina, my love.
Pasa ligera ♪
la maldita primavera ♪
- Oh! How are you?
- Paca, my love.
What did they do to you, honey?
Oh, my poor, sweet little veneno.
Open the door, paca!
Fucker! Motherfucker, open up!
- No more.
- Paca!
Open up!
Open up, paca!
Open the door!
I'm begging you, paca!
Open up, paca!
Don't leave me, paca!
Open the door!
Para enamorarme
pasa una hora ♪
pasa ligera ♪
la maldita primavera ♪
pasa ligera ♪
me hace daño solo a mi ♪
Let me look at you.
You're so beautiful.
[Laughs] Thanks so much.
I couldn't believe it when you called me.
I'm so happy.
Being back here is so weird.
Here we are, and nothing's changed.
No, something has.
You have a phd in gender.
That's true, and you finished the book.
I read it in one sitting.
My god!
Now come in.
I want to know everything.
I'm so delighted you decided
to publish it independently.
We can go homemade version
or high quality.
Mm, I'm in this fully, so
Then we can't go skipping
any steps, all right?
Let's make a list, step by step.
We have to register the book.
The isbn is the identification number.
The printing house
is of great importance,
the grade of paper, and the cover.
Let's figure out
whether you want it printed
in matte or engraved.
Then the book flap.
The photographer, it depends
if you want a man or maybe another woman.
Let's talk layout.
Wait a minute, blanca.
How much is that gonna cost?
5,000 or 6,000 Euros.
I'm not getting that much
writing the articles.
Hold on.
No need to panic yet.
The most important thing is to
find Cristina, so look for her.
[Distant siren blaring]
Cristina: Walk the dog.
I'm not gonna do it, Cristina.
I can't stand picking up the shit.
Okay, okay. I'll tell mihai.
And what are you doing here, my love?
My dear Cristina,
so we're publishing the book.
We're all set.
You're coming back.
But just one thing.
I-I don't want paca
quoted in the book, okay?
Because she's upset,
and that slut isn't picking up the phone.
This is mihai, my husband.
A-And another thing, kiddo.
I want to sign the books
in El corte inglés,
and that's the end of it.
And this is cebollina, my friend.
We're friends and neighbors.
Oh, that long-awaited book,
after all this time,
you're finally getting it.
I found Cristina, and now what?
Blanca: The photos.
Don't forget the photos.
There. I'm a famous star.
[Telephone rings]
Call for you.
[Gasps] This is the boite?
Yes, yes.
I was waiting for your call.
- Hello.
- My name is Valeria Vegas.
You're a printing house.
Is that right?
The writer of Cristina la veneno's book.
- Great.
- Of course.
Well, I'm calling, 'cause I want
to organize the launching of a book.
We still need a printing house.
I want it to look sort of modern pop.
- Well my idea is
- Cristina la veneno.
To go easy on the budget
where we're having
- Well, something
- Independent launching so
Thank you.
You really have no idea
how thrilled we both are
to have the book launching event
take place at the boite.
At the boite?
But that's the gay place.
I said I wanted El corte inglés.
That's more money
than we have for the budget.
Actually, I don't know if she would.
Well, please, don't worry.
If you feel like sharing
some of your ideas with me,
- I would appreciate it.
- All right, bye.
Blanca: How did it go?
I have a venue
But nowhere to publish the book.
We have a printing house.
We have a printing house.
Well, it's a small one.
The owners are my friends.
Kinda underground, yeah,
but they want to help us.
How much am I paying?
How much are we paying?
I want in, too.
God, blanca.
I don't know why you're doing this,
but I'm very grateful.
You really have no idea, do you?
Valeria, you changed my life.
I have a phd in gender,
because you and the book
made me question many things,
including myself.
[Music playing]
I'm so nervous.
I've had an amazing life, right, Valeria?
Read me something.
Did you delete the parts about paca?
Yes, Cristina, just as you asked.
But there's one thing I kept.
Want to hear it?
"When I first got out of jail,
I don't know how they found out
I was hiding with my friend
paca, losing the weight"
"But one day, people
from aquí hay tomate came.
"I went out on the balcony,
"and they asked if they could come up.
"That's when I was filmed for their show,
and they shocked the entirety
of Spain with those images."
And thanks to that video,
I decided I would find you.
Thank you, my sweet girl.
Thank you.
[Applause and cheering]
Thank you all for coming tonight.
Some of you might know, some may not,
but a long time ago,
this book came into our lives.
And yet it's only now
I'm starting to understand
its importance.
[Chuckles] 10 years.
10 years later, since the day
this sweet lady saw Cristina
in the streets of valencia
and she decided to help me find her.
You know, I had, back in those days,
Cristina's posters all over my bedroom.
[Audience chuckles]
Cristina was, for me, like a guide.
And it was through her,
her strength, and also her courage
that I began to understand who I was
And to understand that it was possible
to show the real Valeria.
This book tells the story
Of a woman who with defiance
has ventured boldly,
a very complex woman,
a woman who's the outcome
of all her life experiences
and never pretended
to be a model for anyone.
But thanks to her visibility,
she has paved the way for so many of us.
Thank you, Cristina,
for your light and your darkness,
for living despite all the fear,
for living always true to yourself,
no matter what other people thought.
[Chuckles] Well,
I don't want to annoy you,
so I'm gonna stop talking.
Our one and only,
the one who evokes
everything but indifference,
the myth, the legend,
Cristina la veneno.
Spain better be ready.
La veneno has returned. No lie!
[Cameras snapping]
Here, my love.
Thank you for doing this book.
Thanks to you, darling.
Oh, my love, you're so beautiful.
I would've gotten you
a place on la castellana.
- Thank you so much.
- Cristina!
Look who came to see you.
Juani, is that you?
Come over here, you slut!
- Get over here!
- Cristina, you're beautiful!
Oh, my juani!
How are you, honey?
Oh, so good to see you, sweetheart.
Oh, my god, you look so excited.
- Sit over here, juani.
- You're so kind.
Sit, and let them
bring you something to drink.
- Oh, thank you, honey.
- Tell me, what's your name?
- Gaby.
- Oh, my song,
they're playing it.
Let me go!
Oh, oh, I need to dance.
This song drives me crazy. Uhh!
["Always on my mind"
by the pet shop boys playing]
Maybe I didn't treat you ♪
quite as good
as I should ♪
maybe I didn't love you ♪
quite as often as I could ♪
little things
I should have said and done ♪
I never took the time ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
maybe I didn't hold you ♪
all those
lonely, lonely times ♪
and I guess
I never told you ♪
I'm so happy
that you're mine ♪
if I made you
feel second best ♪
I'm so sorry I was blind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
[Fading] you were
always on my mind ♪
We still have an hour before closing,
but everybody's gone.
What do we do?
Little things ♪
I should have
said and done ♪
Let her dance for a while.
You were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
tell me ♪
tell me that your sweet love
hasn't died ♪
give me ♪
one more chance
to keep you satisfied ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
you were always on my mind ♪
Maybe I didn't treat you ♪
quite as good as I should ♪
maybe I didn't love you ♪
quite as often as I could ♪
maybe I didn't hold you ♪
all those lonely ♪
lonely times ♪
I guess I never told you ♪
I'm so happy ♪
that you're mine ♪
Maybe I didn't love you ♪
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