Veronika (2024) s01e07 Episode Script


You're wondering
if I killed Hanna Hagman.
Did you?
Are you running your own
investigation from home?
I can see people who are no longer
-I'm not crazy.
There is someone she's afraid of.
Someone she calls T.
I'm from the psychiatric ward.
Please come with me.
Go to the forest where Hanna was
found. Look for a gumboot nearby.
It's Oskar's gumboot.
Nassir! Tell them there's
been a misunderstanding.
Good morning.
I've brought some breakfast for you.
Are you okay?
You need to sit back down.
-I shouldn't be here.
-Calm down.
I'm telling you I shouldn't be here!
-I shouldn't be here!
-Calm down, calm.
No! Let me go!
No! I'm a police officer.
-No! No! No!
Let go.
Will I be hospitalised too?
No, why do you ask that?
Because at school, they're saying
there's something wrong with me.
There's nothing wrong with you.
You're good Simon.
You're perfect,
just the way you are, okay?
Well, he's not
completely normal, right?
Says you?
The detention hearing went our way.
Alex stays.
Congratulations, Nassir.
You should be proud,
you did an exceptional job.
Thank you.
Well, I don't know what to say,
but I really hope she's better soon.
Yeah, thank you.
Hey, Simon.
Hey? This is
Yes. Hi, Simon. I work with your
mum, I've heard a lot about you.
-Hi, nice to meet you.
Don't you have maths homework?
I'll come help you shortly.
Okay, buddy.
-Right, sorry, what was it you
-Right, yes, we
I'm here to collect
parts of an investigation
that Veronica apparently
took home with her.
Yeah. Apparently it's in
a wardrobe or something.
Yeah. Okay. Come on.
Thank you.
It's in the back there.
How are you doing?
Like, how are you coping
with everything?
-What do you mean?
-About your mum.
Hey, everyone. Are you excited?
You have to stay focused
for the competition tomorrow.
Just like Magnus and Li.
-I'll take number three.
-I'll take two.
Hello, Veronika.
My name is Erik Berg, I'm a doctor.
I have not tried to kill myself.
There's been a misunderstanding.
That's good.
Soon you'll see a psychologist,
who you can talk to.
You can't keep me here.
You've been hospitalised
according to CPCA.
The Compulsory Psychiatric Care Act.
But I haven't tried to kill myself.
Okay, but rest now
and I'll see you soon. Okay?
And the murder of Josefin Forss,
is that right?
Yeah, that's right.
-Among your victims
-No, not victims.
Among your acquaintances,
Josefin stands out.
Josefin was older.
She was a teenager,
that's an unusually large age gap.
So, my question is,
why did you contact Josefin?
It was easier.
How do you mean?
Let me put it like this
It's not particularly difficult.
Teen girls' need for affirmation
is insatiable.
Either they're self-absorbed
or they're broken.
Either way,
they just want to be seen.
Did you know Josefin
was in contact with others?
I thought you were here
to talk about Hanna Hagman.
Right, why did you think that?
Did you know Hanna?
You told my colleague that it was
easier to find acquaintances online.
You contacted Josefin
as WinnieThePooh3.
What else did you call yourself?
Piglet? Big Bird? TForTiger?
During the trial you were asked
how you killed Josefin.
You replied,
"I caught up to her and hit her in
the head with a tire iron,
she fell to the ground and tried to
escape but I hit her again."
You said you tossed
the tire iron in the river.
But it was never found.
Why didn't you say all this
when the hearings started?
Why wait until trial?
Maybe I thought it'd be more
exciting that way.
More dramatic.
All these young girls you've seen.
You call them your acquaintances.
But I don't think of acquaintances
as someone you know very well.
Not someone you care about.
Or do you?
About teenage girls, you say
"Either they're self-absorbed
or broken,
either way
they just want to be seen."
You didn't have particularly strong
feeling for Josefin, did you?
And Hanna?
What about her?
Maybe I killed her too.
Okay. How?
I strangled her.
Then I dumped her in a hole.
So she could rot
like the whore she was.
Hanna wasn't just dumped in a hole,
she was buried.
When we found the body,
it was neatly wrapped.
She wasn't just
someone's acquaintance.
You're just repeating information
you read in the newspaper.
I know you didn't
kill Josefin either.
You don't know anything, understand?
Come back.
Do you hear me? Come back!
Hi, Veronika.
I'm gonna give you something
to help you sleep.
Sleep well.
How do you feel now?
Well, I feel better, actually.
I slept well tonight,
they gave me two pills.
-That's great.
You said I'd get to
see a psychologist
and I already see one,
who I feel very secure with.
Would I be able to see her? Now?
Yeah, okay
I mean, we don't usually use
outside psychologists.
We don't, but
I'll see what I can do.
Of course.
Hi, Veronika.
How are you?
I'm glad you could come.
Susanne, I have not
tried to kill myself.
No one here believes me.
I believe you.
Can't you tell them
that I shouldn't be here?
Veronika, it's not
up to me to decide
whether you should be here or not.
All I can tell you is that you and I
have begun processing trauma.
That's big. It demands a lot of
Can you please tell them
that I shouldn't be here.
We need to finish what we started.
That's how I can help you, Veronika.
Okay. Good.
You can just
You can just lay down,
if you'd like.
Lay down so that you
feel comfortable.
When you feel ready
close your eyes.
Just continue breathing.
Feel the weight.
Sink into your body.
Keep your eyes closed.
Let your thoughts wander
where they will.
Direct your attention
towards your breathing.
Just keep breathing.
And listen to my voice.
Soon I will count to three.
When you hear me count to three
I want you to let through the first
childhood memory that surfaces.
Breathe in
Breathe out.
What can you see around you?
What can you hear?
No, Dad, stop!
No, Dad, stop!
Stop, Dad, you can't!
I'm sorry, you can't
come in here right now.
Sorry to interrupt,
but there's a visitor.
I understand, that'll have to wait.
He says it's important.
I got your things.
Your investigation.
I think you're right.
The murders are connected
and it isn't Alex.
I went to the woods where you said,
I found that gumboot.
How did you know where it was?
And how did you find the diary?
The only explanation
is that you were there.
I was hospitalised
when Oskar and Hanna died.
I read about that in your notes.
You were also hospitalised
when Josefin died.
Why is that?
Why have you drawn a connection to
yourself? How are you involved?
We can't use any of the
evidence you've collected.
None of it.
I can't do more.
They show themselves to me.
Hanna, Oskar and Josefin
show themselves to me.
I see what's happened to them.
I can hear what this sounds like.
I think I've had this ability
since childhood.
I'm sorry.
Come on then.
She has to be discharged first.
-Hello? You can't just walk out.
-I'm police, okay? I need her.
-Is that allowed?
-No idea.
Hanna's goodbye letter
was dated October 15th.
She sees Alex, they have sex.
When she leaves his cabin, it's the
last time anyone sees her alive.
At the same time,
not far from there,
Oskar falls in the river and drowns.
And Hanna's body is found
between the river and the cabin.
There are too many coincidences.
didn't kill Josefin or Hanna.
The murder weapon was never found.
And his confession was almost
word for word
what you could read in the news.
What's your theory?
That Oskar was witness
to Hanna's murder.
He ran away and somehow
ended up in the river.
And that Josefin was killed
by the same person.
I just don't see
how it fits together.
Okay, so what do we do now?
We find out who gave them
the necklaces.
And who the hell T is.
-Hello. Julia?
-Over there.
-Hi, Julia.
I know I'm going on about it, but is
there anything more you can tell us?
-I've told you everything I know.
-Are you sure about that?
What's going on?
-Hi, we
-We apologise for the inconvenience,
might be guilty of another murder.
So we need to ask
some more questions.
I thought that was finished.
Unfortunately not,
we need more information.
We really need names
of the men Josefin saw.
-I understand but I don't know.
What is this?
Why are you asking about that?
Because it could be significant.
Unfortunately I can't get into
detail because of the investigation,
but we would really
appreciate your help.
You shouldn't have to deal with
this. See if Elvira needs help.
We're trying to map out what men
Josefin might have seen before
Well, we had a few male coaches who
came here and who she went and saw.
Okay. Good.
Do you know if she was involved in
any organisation or club?
Of course there are lots of people
here who work at the stables.
Oh, and she sang in a choir.
A youth choir in town who sing to
children and the elderly
during holidays.
Okay. Can we have the names and
phone numbers of these men?
I'll just go outside
and make a phone call.
I've got the names.
Can I see?
Anyone you know?
I'll go to the station
and look them up.
-Yeah, will you drop me off?
Hey, Mum.
Hi. Where's Dad?
I think he's upstairs.
Yeah, no, I don't think so.
Yeah, no
That won't work.
Yeah, no, I understand.
I get that, it
Hey, she's here now.
Yeah. Yeah, great.
Yes, she's here.
Yeah, we'll talk later. Bye.
That was Ann-Charlotte.
Veronika, what's going on?
I was discharged.
You were discharged all of a sudden?
Nassir needed my help.
I'm sorry, can they discharge you,
just like that,
after everything that's happened?
I can't do this.
This has gone way too far.
I've done everything I can
to hide
When I should have
just dealt with this right away.
I should have been honest.
I'm so sorry it's gotten so
But I can't
I can't do it anymore.
I want you to tell me.
Was Josefin in your choir?
-Josefin Forss.
-Was she in your choir?
-What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fact that
two girls have been murdered.
And they both knew you.
-Not now, Liv.
-We won the cup.
-Liv, please go to your room?
What is it you're saying now?
I'm talking about you.
I'm talking about your addiction and
that I knew about it the whole time,
that's what I'm talking about.
I'm talking about you having been
mentally ill since you were a child
and that you need help
that I can't give you.
That's what I'm talking about!
And what is it
you're actually saying?
Do you honestly think that I
could have killed those girls?
Is that what you're saying?
My students?
Is that where you're at?
Is that what you think? Answer me.
Is that what you think?
Answer me.
I'm sorry.
You know what? I can't do this.
I want you to move out. Now.
I just wanted to
-say goodbye to Liv too.
It's not the time for that.
Just leave.
-Hello, Nassir.
Listen, I've tried to reach you.
I'm sorry, I had to
work something out, with Tomas.
Okay. You know, that list we got
from Josefin's mum,
I looked up all the names.
Nothing of interest there.
-I'll call you back.
-Yeah, talk to you later.
Who's Tomas?
He's my husband.
What do you mean, Ann-Charlotte?
You're married to Bengt.
You should talk to your daughter.
I'm sure she would understand
if you just told her.
That's great,
that you're feeling better.
Why was I with Dad at work,
the day he died?
You told me on the phone
it was important.
Why was I with him at work,
when he died? Answer me.
-You weren't.
-Yes I was, I remember that I was.
But you weren't.
That's just foolishness, honey.
Bengt started really early,
and you were asleep in your bed.
No, I was awake.
I was sad.
No, Dad, stop!
Stop, Dad, you can't!
Stop! I don't want you to die.
You can't go.
-Let me go.
-Dad has to go to work.
I knew he would die.
I knew it.
What time did he die? Huh?
Is that when he died?
You've known all along.
Why didn't you help me?
Instead of drugging me.
Then maybe I wouldn't have
had to go to the mental ward.
Maybe I could have
had a normal life.
I wanted to protect you.
-From what?
-From yourself!
You are strange.
Who knows what you will
suddenly get into your head?
You're scared of me.
You've always been scared of me.
I will never be like you.
What are you doing here?
I just wanted to see
how you were doing.
I'm good.
I just want you to know that
If that's all, I'd like to go now.
-Hey Tommy.
-Hey there.
-Hey, Dad.
-Hey sweetie.
What are you doing here?
What do you mean? I'm here.
Can't you just leave?
Yes, and you too. Right?
-Mm, are you annoyed?
-No? Good.
Hi, it's me.
I know who T is. Call me.
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