Vindication (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


-Man, I told you it wasn't mine.
-Right, this just appeared in your pocket?
-I don't know how it got there.
This ain't even my pants.
-Yeah man, those aren't even his.
-What, you shop together?
You seem to know a lot about his pants.
-What you know about my pants?
-Dude, I'm just trying to help you out.
-Fine, those aren't his pants.
-So what you trying to say,
I can't afford pants like this?
-Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say.
-Hey, hey, hey, listen,
I've got some advice for you,
shut up.
-Sir, I am so sorry--
-Glad you could join us.
-Yes, something came up with my brother--
-I don't want to hear about it.
I want you to go around the corner,
I think they may have ditched something.
-Sir, it shouldn't happen again.
-Yeah, I got it.
-[Male] Can I have my phone back?
(tense music)
-Kris, come in here a minute.
Close the door.
Have a seat.
-Sir, if this is about yesterday,
I am so sorry for being late.
-No, that's not what this is about.
-Is everything okay?
Wanted me to ask you to
come to dinner Sunday night.
But if you can't make it, I understand.
-No, I'm free, yeah.
And you're sure this was Becky's idea?
-Oh, I'm completely sure.
It was her idea alone.
What's the attire for the evening?
-The attire?
I don't know, clothes of some sort.
And what time?
-Look if you can't make it, I understand.
-[Kris] No, I'm free.
I'm really free.
-Okay, great.
-If you can't make it, it's no big deal.
-Hey, it's me.
My guy got busted.
I don't have anywhere else to go.
All right, all right, just
look man, just please,
just talk to him for me, please.
Yeah, yeah I can do that.
Let me know, okay?
Thanks bro.
-I love your patio.
-Thank you.
-Hey, you almost look like a woman.
-Gary, that is not a compliment.
-No, I meant she dresses
like a man, never mind.
-I didn't have you pegged as a cook.
-He doesn't cook very often
so we take what we can get.
-Hey, when has anyone ever
complained about my cooking?
-Don't answer that.
Tell Katie we're almost ready.
-She went out with some friends tonight
but she said she's sorry
to miss your cooking.
-[Gary] I bet.
-So Kris, tell me about yourself.
-Oh what do you want to know?
-How did you end up on
the East Bank Police Force?
Did you grow up around here?
-Oh no, I'm from all over, really.
We're a military family,
my dad was in the army.
So we moved quite a bit.
-Well that sounds exciting.
So how did you land in Texas?
-My dad, he had trouble
adjusting to civilian life
so my mom and he split when I was 15
and my mom had family here so we moved.
But then she had to go to Virginia
to take care of my grandmother
and my brother joined the army.
But now he's back living with me
and so we're still getting settled.
-You want cheese melted on the burgers?
It's really good.
-Whatever the chef recommends.
-Definitely melted
and save one for Katie.
She can warm it up when she gets home.
-So do you do side work
to afford this place?
Because I know the city
doesn't pay this well.
-You're sitting next
to the big moneymaker.
-I do some seasonal
accounting work, nothing big.
-Well it is beautiful out here.
-Hey babe, I just got a message
saying that rent's past due.
You paid it, didn't you?
-Yeah, of course I paid it.
-I just don't understand
why this keeps happening.
You sure you paid it?
-Yeah Lindsey, I'm sure I paid it.
Could you not give me five
minutes to catch my breath?
I just got home.
-Is everything okay?
-[Kids] Daddy, daddy!
-Hey munchkins.
Who are you supposed to be?
-He's a superhero, daddy.
If you're the superhero,
then I'm the monster.
-[Girl] Get away!
-That works every time.
I'm sorry, rough day.
-You don't have to apologize.
I understand.
I just need you to tell me how I can help.
-[Girl] Daddy, come on.
(kids screaming)
-When did Katie get in?
-She decided to stay with
her friend for the night,
said she'd be home this morning.
-Well it's morning, where is she?
-I'm giving her space.
If she's not home by 10,
I will call and check.
Don't worry about it, just go to work.
-Love you.
-Love you too.
(tense music)
-Yeah, hi.
Yeah, this is the third
time I've been transferred.
I'm just looking to get some
basic information on someone.
Yes, but I'm a detective
with the East Bank Texas Police Department.
No, I don't have a warrant.
No, there's not an active investigation,
I'm just trying to see
if I can get access to that information
without having to,
yes, I will hold.
-Hey sweetie, it's mom.
It's four o'clock and you
still have not responded
to my text messages
so I'm just calling to check on you.
I hope you had a good time last night.
I think I know what's
going on and I just
I'm praying that you don't
make any hasty decisions.
I'm your mom.
And I'd love to talk to you about anything.
Anything that's going on
in your life right now.
So please call me.
I love you.
(gentle music)
(phone buzzing)
-Later Kris.
Everything okay?
-Yeah I just,
I had a late night.
-Work stuff?
-Not all of it.
-Where did you all your knick knacks go?
-Sergeant Tomlinson said
they didn't look professional.
Can I ask you something?
-[Gary] Yeah, sure.
-Does your personal life ever
get in the way of you doing your job?
-For me, it's usually
the other way around.
-And how do you balance things?
-Something going on?
-Just, you just know how the beat goes.
I just wanted to hear your thoughts.
I'll see you tomorrow.
(mysterious music)
You okay?
Think it's time to do
something, bring her home?
-She's been messaging me.
She tells me where she
is, what she's doing.
-Is it believable?
-It is.
-Maybe she's
Maybe she's got us both fooled.
Maybe she didn't come home
'cause she needed her parents.
Maybe she came home 'cause
she needed a place to stay.
-It's more than that.
-[Gary] Pills?
-They're prenatal vitamins.
-You think she's pregnant?
No, no, no, this could be her friends.
-It's more than just the pills.
Her appetite,
she's been sleeping in
the middle of the day,
she gets nauseous.
Have you noticed?
I mean some things.
-She didn't take these
with her when she left.
Why would someone start
taking prenatal vitamins
and then stop?
-Text her, ask her about it.
-I'm afraid to.
If I do, maybe she won't come back home.
-Has she seen a doctor?
-I don't know.
-She needs to see a doctor.
-Gary, I know that!
-I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I'm just trying to help.
-I know.
You need to go to work.
-No, no, I'm gonna stay.
-It's okay.
It's okay.
-We'll figure this out.
I'll be back.
(bombing and guns firing)
-Hey, you're talking in your sleep.
I'm fine.
-Do you want me to get your medicine?
-Doesn't help.
I just need some fresh air.
You go back to sleep.
Is there a problem officer?
-Don't play games with me.
Does your wife know?
Why put your whole family at risk
just to get a fix?
-It's the only thing
that takes the edge off,
helps me forget.
-Forget what?
-I did three tours in
the Middle East, 11 Bravo.
Things I saw.
Messes with your head.
You're never the same,
no matter how hard you try.
-I know.
I know what combat can do to a person.
My brother's battling it right now.
He's not the person I remember.
And it's killing me.
But he's getting help
and that's what you should be doing.
-So now what?
You taking me in?
-Have you asked for help?
-I can't lose my job.
-You wouldn't lose your
job if you came clean.
No one would hold this against you.
-My family
They'd be so disappointed
in me if they knew.
-I want you to call this number.
It's completely anonymous.
If not for yourself, then do it for them.
I'm serious.
-I will.
-I'm gonna have to take that.
-Thank you.
Thank you.
(phone ringing)
-Kris Tanner.
Yes sir, I'll be right there.
-Take a seat.
-I had an email sent to me
by the chief this morning
asking about an open investigation into a
Matthew Thomas.
You know anything about that?
Well, let me help you out.
Apparently, the state
department called the chief.
They wanted some details on
Mr. Thomas's criminal activity,
say it has something to do
with his veteran benefit status.
Is this ringing a bell at all?
-Yes and I was gonna--
-Now do you know how this made me look?
How it made our whole team look?
When I can't answer the
chief's simple little question
about what my people are doing?
-Sir, I was following
what I thought was a lead
and it turned out to be nothing.
-And there's no report in the system.
-I didn't think that
until I had something worth
documenting that I'd
-Are you gonna help me out here?
Are you on break, what's up?
That's not the way we do things here, okay?
We have protocols for a reason.
You ever heard of CYA?
When my people don't follow protocol,
do you know who takes the heat?
I do.
It's my tale gets chewed off, not yours.
-I recognize that sir
but what if protocol gets in
the way of helping people?
-I'm gonna have a heart attack here.
Did you teach her this stuff?
Helping people?
You're a law enforcement
officer, not a therapist.
Tanner, what would you
like me to tell the chief?
Is there an open investigation or not?
-No, there's not.
It's my mistake.
-It was her mistake.
I got to go clean up this mess.
She's your trainee, Travis.
I'll let you can handle
it any way you want.
-Put that back on.
We're going somewhere.
Come with me.
Let's go.
They got ground beef, shredded chicken,
mixed up with all their seasoning
and then they melt the cheese.
Mmm, mmm, mmm, it's one big lump of mmm,
jalapenos and guac, sour cream.
-What am I doing here?
-It's a place I found years ago.
Come here trying to cool down
after Bill unloaded on
me for something stupid.
Been coming here ever since.
-Am I suspended?
-What about Sergeant Tomlinson?
Bill is all bark.
He just wants you to know who's in charge.
He'll forget about it by Monday.
So tell me,
why didn't you arrest him?
-He didn't do anything wrong.
-So those weren't narcotics
you took off him last night?
-You were there?
He doesn't need jail.
He needs help.
-That right?
-Yeah, most addicts are victims,
they're not criminals.
-Addicts are tricky.
I caught one red handed once,
thought I'd show her a
good dose of reality.
Turned out it just pushed
her deeper into her problem.
Look, you followed your convictions,
can't fault you for that.
You're doing good.
I guess I will have one of those.
-[Gary] You will?
-Yeah, what's it called?
-It's my treat.
I invented it, it's not on the menu.
I call it the Bill Buster
'cause you know it's
gonna give you heartburn
but at the end of the day, it's all good,
especially with extra cheese.
-I'll take it.
Still no word from Katie?
I think she's lying to me now,
trying to avoid us.
How was your day?
That bad, huh?
-What if I go with you on Sunday morning?
-You want to go to church with me?
-I don't know,
I just thought we could go as a couple,
go to church.
I can survive a couple hours of anything.
-Why now?
-I don't know,
I've just been thinking about Katie,
how I handled her in the
past, her addiction, lies.
I don't know, I think maybe
if I wasn't so harsh on her,
maybe she'd be here,
maybe she wouldn't run away.
-Hey, you did what you thought was best.
-And I was wrong.
(gentle music)
-Don't be so hard on yourself.
She made her own decisions.
You're still her daddy.
She still loves you.
-Mrs. Travis?
(gentle music)
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