Vinland Saga (2019) s01e07 Episode Script


In the 11th century,
the invasion by Denmark's army
and the Vikings
continued to intensify.
In October,
the attacks, which had continued for several years,
reached a turning point.
Are you telling me
to withdraw my troops from England?
We're not withdrawing. We're letting them rest.
Marching in the winter weakens them.
Let the soldiers rest.
Yes, sir. As you wish.
The summer.
We're going to strike next summer.
I, too, shall lead an army in battle.
So, suddenly we get a break?
I want to go home.
We don't need those pirates for now, either.
I thought I'd be able to earn a lot this year.
We can't do anything,
now that the army is staying put.
This is why I hate being a hired hand.
What's Askeladd going to do?
It'd be a shame to spend all winter like this.
And we already raided all the good villages.
What are you going to do?
We can't do anything about it.
We're going to do what the birds do.
We'll go to where the food is.
Don't just stand there.
They have a ram.
Bring the crossbowmen.
One. Two.
Alternate fire with two groups.
It's no good. Retreat.
It looks like the Franks are fighting
amongst themselves.
The fort's defended by only a few men.
The attackers have 800.
I can't believe they attacked the fort head-on.
So, this is the local clan's headquarters.
How about it? Doesn't it smell like treasure?
So, that's what you're after.
Let's do it, Askeladd.
We'll side with the attackers.
Let's smash open the treasure chest,
and take everything inside.
All right.
I was wondering why we came to the boonies.
You're amazing, Askeladd.
Your predictions were spot-on.
Let's make up our loss from England.
Okay, Thorfinn.
You're up.
We're going to war.
We're going to war.
Make contact with their leader.
Give him this message:
"You're terrible at battle.
I can't stand watching you.
Therefore, my men will help you.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer.
I shall lead you to victory, no matter what.
Once the fort falls, we will take half of the spoils.
We shall attack again tomorrow morning."
After you deliver the message, stay in their camp,
and observe the situation.
Got it? Then go.
What's wrong?
Go, Thorfinn.
Do you have any idea how many people I've killed?
I went scouting,
and I also brought up the rear.
I've accomplished enough.
But you
What? You want a reward?
If you close the deal, I'll give you three gold pieces.
I swear in the name of Tyr.
Don't test me.
How long do you plan to keep running away?
I'm so scared.
I was just joking.
But you know
You'd have to bring me at least one head with a helmet,
if you want that.
He never changes.
Are you sure it's okay
to let him handle the negotiation?
Soldiers are short-tempered
when they're weak.
They might kill the messenger,
before the negotiations start. It happens all the time.
Who cares if we lose some kid that follows us?
What are you doing, kid?
This is no place for a kid.
I'm a messenger.
Is there anyone who can speak Norse?
What's wrong with you? What language is that?
He's not a Frank.
Is he a spy from the fort?
Secure him.
I'm a messenger.
Is there anyone who can speak Norse?
You want half of the spoils?
You mercenaries. Don't push your luck.
"You want half of the spoils?
Don't push your luck."
You're pretty confident in yourself.
Normanni kid.
Those people from the north attacking England?
"Those people from the north attacking England?"
Even a kid can see it.
If you keep attacking the front gate,
your men are just going to die.
Their defenses are weak on the lake.
We're going to attack there.
Your plan is ill-considered.
The river that leads to the lake gets steeper upstream.
There's even a waterfall.
Our ship sunk downstream.
That's what would happen
if you attacked from the lake.
"That's what would happen
if you attacked from the lake."
Then do you want to turn down my offer?
Then Askeladd and his hundred men are going
to join the defenders in the fort.
He'll do the same thing if I die too.
If I don't signal that the deal has been closed,
you're going to make enemies
of a hundred fierce men from the Northern Sea.
Very well.
Your Highness.
if you're lying, I'm going to cut off your head.
If you're telling the truth,
then in the name of Jesus Christ,
I'll share my bread equally.
"I'll share my bread equally."
Give me back my dagger.
It's a memento from my father.
It's Thorfinn's signal.
One high arrow, and two low arrows.
Let's hurry.
Let's cross the pass before the moon rises.
We're stuck guarding the ship the whole time.
I want to fight too.
Damn that fat general.
Over there.
It's a dragon!
It's on the mountain.
A dragon?
You said, the dragon climbed the mountain?
Yes. Last night,
the soldiers guarding the ship all reported they saw it.
I see.
It's a bad omen, Your Highness.
I want to see it too.
Your friends haven't come yet.
"I want to see it too."
The sun is already up.
"The sun is already up."
Just attack, you fat-ass.
You'll understand soon.
You said something mean just now, didn't you?
It looks like our entertainment for tonight is going
to be cutting off your head.
Forward march.
Forward march.
Oh, no. It's started.
We're late. Bastards.
Put your heart into it.
The battlefield is waiting.
It'll be the same every time.
Come on.
Put a bridge on the west side too.
I don't care how many men we lose.
Hey. Which one is their leader?
The one with the feather on his helmet.
It's him.
A head with a helmet.
You bastard.
He was lying. Kill him.
Kill the kid.
You bastard.
You let the kid escape.
You haven't captured the fort.
What's wrong with you guys?
You're thinking you'll go home,
once the snow falls.
That's not going to happen.
You're not going home until the fort is captured.
Row. Full speed ahead.
Whoever gets there first gets twice as much.
Put your heart into it.
I see.
Those were friendly forces.
All troops, forward. Don't stop until the fort falls.
Never imagined they'd carry their ship over the pass.
Don't hesitate.
Eighty men from the right wing,
go to the boat landing.
Crossbowmen, this way.
Is that all you got?
The lake's not a barrier.
It's a shallow pond that makes for a perfect attack.
Great. We're going in.
What? They pierced my shield,
even though they're so far away.
They got Olov.
We're going to take a few losses.
This is the perfect chance.
Fire as much as you can before they land.
A child?
They stopped attacking?
Maybe they ran out of arrows.
Men. Prepare to land.
This is our chance.
-Oh, no.
-Kill him.
-This is for the captain.
-That kid's crazy.
-Get him.
Go. Storm them.
All right. Go on a rampage.
Holding the gate's too hard for these guys.
Hurry up, and kill them all, guys.
One. Two.
Those Normannis are crazy.
That fortress was no match
against my military tactics.
The captain of the fortress defense died in battle.
The soldiers said, a kid did it.
That kid?
Never underestimate a Normanni.
If I send him back now,
he's going to become an enemy.
What shall we do?
Those guys came over the pass, right?
They'll probably go back the same way,
carrying the ship.
That's when we'll attack.
A sailor on land is like a baby.
Your Highness.
I have a message for General Jabbathe.
What is it? Tell me.
The treasure room
Where's my treasure?
They also plundered the church
and the houses of all the leaders.
They took everything.
I see.
I have a message for the leader of the Franks.
As for your half of the spoils,
you get victory,
and we get the treasure.
You're fine with that, right?
I think we're being quite generous here, you know.
We let you have the fort, after all.
-You bastards.
-Oh, no.
-They'll descend the waterfall.
-Get the boats.
-You pirates.
-All boats in the fort have been destroyed.
-You greedy beasts.
You scammers.
You country bumpkins.
I can't understand French.
Now then, shall we call it a night?
Thorfinn hasn't returned.
Oh, really?
Oh, well. I bet he's dead anyway.
Now there's more treasure for us.
You're alive?
You're tough, kid. Did you get hurt?
It's the captain's head.
Well, did you cut it off?
You promised.
I won't let you say no.
I, warrior from Iceland, son of Thors, Thorfinn,
in the name of my father's sword,
challenge you, Askeladd, to a duel.
To avenge my father's death.
-He wants to duel now?
He's got guts.
I, son of Olaf, Askeladd,
in the name of Artorius, my ancestor,
accept your challenge, Thorfinn.
ask me again later.
We're getting out of here now.
Row, men.
If you don't hurry up, they'll capture the river.
You bastard. Don't play the fool with me.
Who cares if there's a dragon?
I'm not scared.
Right, right.
But you know
It's here!
-Let's go home.
-We struck it big.
We'll survive the winter.
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