Vividred Operation (2013) s01e07 Episode Script

A Dream I Won't Give Up On

"Alone Appears at Blue Island"
That makes five.
Nice job last night, Akane.
We did it, everyone
Six more shots.
"Episode 7 - Resolute Wishes"
"National New Ōshima Middle School 1st Year Exam Schedule"
Good work last night.
I've gathered you here today on other business.
Concerning the upcoming proficiency exams
Not enough sleep?
We were out pretty late last night.
I'll be okay.
I'm sorry, Mizuha-sensei.
You don't look okay to me.
Or did I imagine you nodding
off in class this morning?
I'm sorry.
You've been forgetting your homework lately,
and your quiz scores are abominable.
I'm sorry.
But it's not her fault!
Akane-chan's busy with her part-time job,
and if an Alone appears at night like it did yesterday,
she won't have any time to study.
You're quite right.
That's related to what I called you here to discuss.
Several of your teachers have come to me about you.
They said that if you fail the
upcoming proficiency exams,
you'll have to quit your part-time job.
Furthermore, you'll need to attend remedial lessons after school every day until the next set of exams.
What? Come on!
If that happens, it will interfere
with your Vivid Team operations.
Worst comes to worst, we can have military intelligence agents manipulate your grades.
Cheating is wrong!
Then will you work for it?
U-Um, Mizuha-sensei.
We'll do something about this!
Like what?
We could have a study session at Akane-chan's house.
We can help you prepare for the exams.
Sounds good.
You'll all help me?
Yay! Thanks!
In that case, I'll put my faith in you.
You girls make a great team.
Good luck.
All right!
See you Saturday!
Saturday's seriously the only day she has free?
She even has to work right after school.
Talk about busy.
She had good grades in elementary school, though.
If we teach her well, she'll do fine.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
And one more thing.
How do you feel about inviting
someone else to this study session?
That sounds good.
Yeah, let's do it!
There you are.
Do you like it?
I'm glad.
That tickles.
I'm sorry. Did I surprise you?
What do you want?
W-Well, you see
Would you happen to be free this Saturday?
So what if I am?
Want to study together?
The proficiency tests are coming up, after all.
So we decided to have a study session on Saturday at Akane-chan's place.
And we were wondering
Would you like to join us?
Sorry. I have plans that day.
What's her deal?
Oh, sorry.
Did I surprise you?
Oh yeah, Kuroki-san!
This Saturday
do you wanna hang out?
There's gonna be a study session with Akane and the others.
If you'd like, you can join in.
I can't.
I'm busy that day.
Really? That's a shame.
If your schedule frees up, the offer still stands!
Hey. You.
You free Saturday?
You see, we're having—
I'm busy on Saturday!
Just study on your own!
She really is a weirdo.
But an intriguing one.
Say, Bisque.
Why won't those girls leave me alone?
I don't want to go to school anymore.
I'm afraid I can't let you do that.
You are not to meddle in the affairs of other humans,
however you are to attend school every day.
That was the agreement.
All I have to do is use the Alone to destroy the Incarnate Engine.
What's the point of going to school?
That is what they have decreed.
It is not your place to question their decision.
Exceptions may be made if your actions lead to the destruction of the Incarnate Engine.
But in all other cases, you are to uphold the agreement.
Do you understand?
I-I understand.
In the end, I have no choice but to
destroy the Engine as soon as possible.
I can't count on the Alone to accomplish this.
If I knew more about the Engine's weaknesses
What's this?
The developer of the Incarnate Engine, Professor Isshiki Kenjirō.
And his granddaughter
Isshiki Akane!
Oh, coming!
I was waiting!
The three of you came together?
Bzzt! Nope!
Thanks for having me.
Hey, where's Professor Isshiki?
Blue Island.
He said he'd probably be there overnight.
Come on, Himawari-chan.
We're not here to have fun.
By the way, Akane-chan.
Where's Momo-chan?
An apron.
Anyway, we all compiled some notes on the key points for each subject.
With these, you should be fine.
My sister can be a bit slow,
so please help her in any way you can.
I'll be out shopping.
She's so cute
Unlike her sister, she's a capable girl.
Something wrong, Rei-chan?
N-No, nothing.
Then let's get started!
Oh yeah.
Rei-chan, what subjects are you good at?
Well, I'm
You seem like you'd be good at everything.
Her grades are as good as Wakaba's.
Your weak subjects stand out too much.
Why can't you manage even
an average grade in Japanese?
There's no romance to it.
But literature is very romantic!
What do you think, Kuroki-san?
What do you like?
I-I prefer plants and animals to books I guess.
You're friends with the terns and all.
Do you have any pets?
Can I use your bathroom?
Oh, sure.
Left out that door, at the end of the hall.
I'm not here to play around.
What's gotten into me?
From what I could see of the layout,
Professor Isshiki's lab is probably the annex on the right.
This is
What happened here?
See, and then x cancels out.
"Made by Isshiki Kenjirō."
Is this another of Professor Isshiki's inventions?
Tengen Rishin style, Stunning Blow.
What happened to me?
You fell down in the kitchen and lost consciousness.
What is it?
Correct correct correct!
That's 19 out of 20 correct!
Well I'll be! You can do it if you try!
Good job, Akane-chan!
Your body is seeking fuel after expending its energy studying.
Then let's start preparing dinner.
I'm back.
I've got some groceries,
so we can all eat together.
Onee-chan, could you get some vegetables from the garden?
What's that?!
Urgent message from
the UN Defense Forces HQ!
So they've come.
This garden is so well-tended!
Are you the one who takes care of it?
Me and Momo.
These cucumbers are spiky.
Akane-chan, what are you doing?
I-It's good.
Isn't it?
She's an odd one, that Isshiki-san.
Did you get a tingling feeling?
Akane-chan always says that.
When she meets someone she wants
to befriend, she gets a tingling feeling.
At first I didn't get what she meant,
Hey, stop that.
You're putting on too much mayonnaise.
but after meeting Wakaba-chan and
Himawari-chan, I think I'm starting to understand
Yay, yay, yay!
Hey, get back here!
that "tingling" feeling.
That's what drew us together and brought us here today.
Akane-chan is like the center of our solar system.
It tastes like the sun.
Aoi-chan! Pass!
You three have mayonnaise on your cheeks.
Come on Rei-chan, try one.
They taste great.
They're stuck together.
They're buddy tomatoes!
It's a lucky sign.
Something good will happen to you!
Something good?
Yeah. Like a wish coming true.
A wish?
My wish
Rei-chan, it's not good to waste food.
I just remembered something I have to take care of.
I'll be leaving now.
What was I doing smiling with them?
I have but one wish.
It's the only reason I'm in this world.
Duty calls, Rei.
That's an EMP attack.
It sends a powerful electric surge through cables and antennae,
causing damage to the circuitry of any connected electronic devices.
Put simply, it uses strong electric
signals to break nearby machines.
Take a look.
That's the trail of devastation the Alone has left.
It's pitch dark.
The Alone is making a beeline for Blue Island.
In other words, if it maintains its trajectory
the seat of Japan's government will be paralyzed.
The ramifications could be disastrous.
Hear that, girls?
You must stop its advance at all costs.
We're counting on you!
"Chiyoda Airspace"
Texture on!
There it is.
We can't afford to lose.
Momo's waiting for us with dinner!
Naked Rang!
Naked Impact!
Naked Blade!
It doesn't seem that strong.
But it shows no sign of stopping.
Akane-chan, we have to finish it off before it's too late!
The city's right below!
You can't let its remains crash down on it!
Blast it into oblivion with the Vivid Collider!
Got it.
Engine critical point exceeded.
Output: 200%!
Please make it!
Final Operation!
We did it, Akane-chan!
As soon as I relaxed, my stomach rumbled.
Yeah, I could tell.
All you were thinking about was food.
They stopped it before it reached the shore.
This is my Vivid System we're talking about.
Did you expect any less?
Something is strange.
The Alone's signal isn't dissipating.
Oh no!
Watch out!
I hope they'll be back soon.
"To be continued"
You're still fighting
Don't worry.
We won't give up yet either!
Next time: More Vividly Than Ever.
"Episode 8 - More Vividly Than Ever"
Akane-chan, we're with you all the way!
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