Wakefield (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I told you to stop that,
you stupid prick!
Stop harassing me, you bastard.
I fuckin' warned ya!
I'm the captain.
This is the New Order.
Right, I think you're going to have
to take that one up with Nik.
He thinks he's the new captain.
Two captains?
We gonna go to war
over this or what?
Well, I'm hoping
we're going to work together, Baz.
Getting worked up.
It's hard to get
a decent read on you.
I shouldn't even be here.
Believe it or not, Baz,
you're not the first person here
to say that.
Where's the P4?
Hey, Nik! Hey!
How much longer is he gonna be?
Ah, why don't you go to art therapy
while I track him down?
I am an artist.
I don't do "art therapy".
Baz, you don't want to waste your
time waiting for Doctor Achebe.
But it's alright for him
to waste my time, is that right?
Is that right? Yeah?
Yeah, right.
Rohan's an hour late
for his appointment.
Oh, have you tried messaging him?
Yeah. No response.
Um, well, I'd see Baz myself,
but I have a full list.
You need to know that Linda
was covering for Rohan,
but I am not.
No-one should be covering for Rohan.
He's not cutting it.
You need to do something.
The hospital employs him, not me.
He has done 10 years of study
to get where he is.
What I am doing is I'm trying
to support him rather than just
But meanwhile.
..write him off.
Meanwhile, his patient is waiting
in the corridor downstairs.
And while you're standing here
telling me this,
we are both keeping Cath waiting.
Come in.
Sit down, Cath.
How are you feeling?
Doctor Achebe, Nik here, Ward C.
You have a patient here
by the name of Baz Madden.
Hey, so so let me
get this straight, eh?
I'm supposed to wait
there an hour and a half
for an appointment with a shrink
who can't even be bothered
to show up.
Hang on, Doctor.
I'll just put him on.
Here, why don't you tell the doctor
how you feel about it?
No shit.
Hello, Doc.
Yeah, it's Baz Madden here, yeah.
Yeah. Yeah, good, yeah.
So I was told I had
an appointment with you
Do you think that's a good idea?
..at 11.30am this morning.
Yeah, I do.
Well, according to the clock
on the wall, it's now 12:55pm.
You see I, no, I'd just like you
to appreciate
that I'm actually a very busy person.
How'd you go?
Tomorrow. First thing.
You see? That's as it should be.
Him making an appointment with me,
not the other way around.
Can't say I disagree with you there.
Oh, fuck, man.
Turn off the light!
What is it?
It's proof I shouldn't be here.
Wow. Yeah.
Definitely not the work
of someone who's mad.
You know what I reckon
the doctor's gonna say?
He's gonna say, "This man
needs to be given respect."
He's gonna say, "This man has been
done a massive injustice
"and we need to let him out
That's what he'll say.
Okie dokie.
Well, you never know your luck.
What's that?
The couplets are symbolic.
Symbolic cutlets.
Cutlets and piglets.
Mr Santo.
Hang on, you said I was first up.
It was a figure of speech.
Mr Santo had an appointment at 9.
Ah, how can first mean anything
but position number one?
One, two.
Lower your sperm count.
You'll be seen directly
after Mr Santo.
Mate, why don't you
shut up for five minutes?
Your mouth'll thank you for it.
Hey, hey, hey
No, wait a minute.
He said I was first up.
No, excuse me. No, excuse me.
Mate, you take my place,
you'll be fuckin' sorry.
Hey, excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Mate, he said I was first up.
Baz, mate, I get it.
I get it
No, wait a minute, wait a minute.
Just wait a minute. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Oh, come on.
I'm gonna rip someone's head off.
Hey, why don't you channel
that frustration into your poetry
or your artwork?
'Cause I'm a busy man.
I've got shit to do!
Try and get it out somehow.
Draw something. Write something.
Get what out?
Anger. Frustration.
Give me a word, any word.
Trev, ah, give him a word.
I've gotta get back.
Any word?
Yeah, give me a word.
Ah, OK.
Give me just one ounce.
Hoo. That's good. That rhymes.
Jacked off with waitin'.
It needs music, but.
Is that all you think poetry is?
A song without music?
Actually, yeah.
No, music'll make it sound better.
I said no.
Fuck your meditatin'.
We're not participatin'.
So where's the fuckin' doctor?
Oh. Oh. He went that-a-way.
Ah, just a second.
At, ah, yes. 9:56am.
So he's pissed off? He's gone AWOL.
This is bullshit.
HUSHED VOICE: Fuckin' retard.
Baz, if you want to get out
of this place anytime soon,
that is not the way to go.
It's a Master and Commander
It's all linked.
Yeah, I mean, Doctor Achebe
now thinks you're dangerous.
I am.
Check out the door.
Turns out you had some assistance
from a nest of resident termites.
Look, I mean, it's still
Doctor Achebe's ready for you
in his office.
Now, the calmer you are in there,
the better the outcome.
It was a major stuff up
on the cops' part to start with
Mr Madden
He's the one breaking the law
Your behaviour's aggressive
And I'm banged up in here
accused of being crazy.
And your mood is elevated.
Yeah, of course it's elevated.
I mean, the cops said
they're bringing me in here
for an assessment.
24 hours later, I'm still here.
Well, I'm sorry, but the incident
with your neighbour
and your outburst just now
indicates that
you need to be in here
until we can stabilise your mood.
You know, um
Hey, you know what destabilises me?
People who disrespect me.
Look, I understand you feel
disrespected, but that is not my
Stop it with your "I understand.
I understand."
You know, I mean,
that crap doesn't cut it with me.
If you understood, you'd
..you'd have the decency to show up
for an appointment.
You wouldn't
Well, I I did apologise
You wouldn't leave me waiting
out there
like some fuckin' low-life
piece of shit.
Doctor or not.
I know where you live!
You know what?
You're gonna regret the day
your mother ever pushed you
out of her fat twat.
So, you're not going to
take your medication, then?
You're just keeping me here
to turn a profit.
Baz, we're keeping you here
because you're unwell
I've run a business, luvvy.
I know the friggin' caper.
So, you're not
going to take them, then?
Did you use Doctor Achebe's phone?
My office. I know I locked it.
So you used Doctor Achebe's phone
to threaten your neighbour.
Did you go into the staff kitchen?
He's still feeding those birds.
The problem is, Baz,
is that by calling him
you've inflamed the situation
and broken your AVO.
Did you change the settings?
Can we just focus on the patient?
You know what this incident tells us
is that you're not ready to leave.
I shouldn't even be here
in the first place.
When are you morons gonna get that?
He's changed the settings.
You know what?
I'm gonna solve this problem
on all fronts.
Mobile phones -
they're now banned from this ward.
Staff and patients.
That doesn't apply to doctors,
Why would you lot be any exception?
And from now on, shrinks can make
appointments with patients,
not the other way around.
Yes! High five, my friend!
Bounce. Give me just one ounce.
Before you denounce me.
Yeah. Yeah, man.
That's good, that's good.
Mad is as mad does.
I'm the verb not the noun.
So don't bring me down.
Yeah. No, listen,
I've got a tune for it.
Mad is as mad does
I'm the verb not the noun
So don't bring me down
B-O-U-N-C-E bounce
Give me just one ounce
Before you denounce me
No time for waiting
Just bounce
Fuck your meditatin'
We're not particpatin'
Mad is as mad does
I'm the verb not the noun
I'm the verb not the noun
So don't bring me down
Just bounce! ♪
Hey, Nik.
Man. Hey, Nik, I got a poem for ya.
Yeah? That's good.
Hey, what's that on your head?
It's, uh
I mean, looks like someone
shot you in the head, man.
Fuck off, Baz.
Listen, um
..I'm sorry for
snapping at you just now.
You got me at a bad moment.
I've got some stuff going on.
Outside of work.
WOMAN'S VOICE: Shit for brains.
Gonna kill you.
Fuckin' retard.
MAN'S VOICE: What are you doing,
dumb cunt?
Can you hear something?
Look at you.
You're nothing.
Baz? What can you hear?
Look at me, you fucker.
What are you doing?
You're gonna be in here forever.
Shit for brains.
Anything else?
You fucker.
Over here.
That's why you're
a dumb fuckin' retard.
Who's talking to you?
Poet? (LAUGHS)
You're not a poet.
You're not a poet.
Dumb cunt.
You're gonna be in forever.
Fuck off. Crazy loon.
I told you to stop that,
you stupid prick!
Stop harassing me, you bastard.
Right. I fuckin' warned ya!
Balls on a cow.
Shut up, or I'll chop
your fuckin' head off!
What are they saying to you?
That I'm scum. I'm gonna die.
They're not talking to you, mate.
You know, that's your head
making it seem that way.
But we can help you
get them under control.
They've got the numbers.
Well, we've got some pretty big guns
in our arsenal, believe me.
Come on.
Let's get you some help.
Hey, Baz.
Um, I've organised for Doctor Wells
to see you about these new symptoms.
Now, she can help you
control the voices, Baz.
She might even be able to
get them to stop completely.
You right?
I'm gonna write a poem about you.
Make it a good one.
I move people.
Yeats got nothing on me.
Irish cunt.
KAREENA: Where are you taking me?
Where do you want to go?
So, are you getting out?
I'm sorry.
I notice that you and Tessa
have started back on that puzzle.
She's better at it than me.
In our last consultation,
she mentioned something about
a Plan B.
What is that?
That's the plan you use
when your Plan A doesn't work out.
Is it suicide?
No, it's more of a dark joke,
If you kill yourself,
then I'll have to do the same
and you've got two deaths
on your conscience.
My concern is
..what happens when you leave?
Because you are
going to leave, James.
You're getting better.
And it's very important
that when the time comes,
you're able to do so unencumbered.
Tessa saved my life.
I'm not leaving here
until I save hers.
They're co-dependent.
The last time that James discharged
himself without notice,
Tessa took a nosedive.
Mmm, she made a connection
with someone for the first time,
and he's found
something to live for.
He has a wife and a son.
Well, let's not pretend
this kind of thing makes any sense.
The intensity between them
is potentially dangerous
if things go wrong
All relationships
are potentially dangerous.
Look, if co-dependency
keeps them both alive,
I'm all for it.
What's that?
Ah, it's a henna tattoo.
I went to Reni's Mehndi ceremony.
Right. Ah, why?
Because she asked me to.
Because I
I'd never been to one before.
It's great that James and Tessa
are connecting,
but they both need
a proper exit strategy.
This car is ridiculous.
What kind of idiot designs a car
that locks the driver inside?
You'll get the hang of it.
Maybe I don't want to
get the hang of it.
It beeps at me and talks to me
and repeats everything.
Hey, you didn't like the smart watch
that I got you, remember?
Now you're a convert.
Did you find the manual?
Yes, and it was all
fucking technobabble.
Listen, you are
an intelligent woman.
And that car is your servant.
All you need to do
..is take control.
What are you doing?
Taking control.
Friendships formed in here
can be quite intense
He's helping me do
a puzzle, for fuck's sake.
And we need to be careful
He's not even good at it.
..that they don't
get in the way of recovery.
So we can't do the puzzle
together, is that it?
My point is that whatever
relationship you have with James
Oh, how is this your business?
..we need to be sure that
it's healthy for both of you
Oh, fuck off with your
healthy relationships.
..and we need to put in place support
systems for when you have
No, you know the problem
with bitches like you?
You keep people on a string.
And when that string snaps,
you're on your own.
Tessa, I need you to move away
from the door so I can open it.
Fuck off!
The cleaner wanted to take the
..dirty dishes fro her room,
so Tessa shut the door
and barricaded herself in.
What does she want?
They want to split us up.
No, we don't.
Yeah, yeah, which means I'm out
and on the street.
Tessa, there are plenty of other
places to go than on the street
Oh, yeah, like where?
We've got a spare room at our place.
You can come and stay with us.
Yeah, right.
Your wife's gonna love that.
Me and all my shit.
I think we're getting
way ahead of ourselves here.
Tessa, we're not looking to take
away your friendship with James.
We want you to have
more people in your life,
not less,
because you can't always
hang on to the people
that you get close to.
But that doesn't make them
any less valuable.
Tessa is not your responsibility.
Then whose responsibility is she?
We will make sure
that she's properly set up.
You have Leyla and Ted.
And your work.
There's no work.
I can't go back.
Don't make Tessa your purpose.
You'll find another job.
Everybody knows.
And if they do?
It's unacceptable.
Tell me what you've done
that's unacceptable.
I tried to neck myself.
You don't think people
can see past that?
Well, they can,
maybe, in your world.
Not in mine.
Then you will make
a new world where they do.
And how do I do that?
Could you could you do that?
I just can't understand
how someone so capable
can be so technologically
It's not funny!
Come on, it is a little bit funny.
I mean, you did leave the car
running all day.
I don't I don't have time
to wrap my head around
that stupid car.
I have complex human beings
to deal with.
OK, I get it.
You're stressed and
you've lost your sense of humour.
How about we just
Look, let's forget about cooking
dinner at home tonight.
Let's just go out.
No, I don't want to.
I think I just need to be alone.
Hear that?
They've been tunnelling.
It's just about hollow.
Toxic, electric.
Nothing spawned in the game of life.
Interesting workplace
you've chosen for yourself.
That colleague of yours,
with the dot on his head.
Indian bloke.
Mm! Lunatics really are
running the asylum.
Excuse me.
I think we have a problem.
What's this about
a mobile phone ban?
We have pagers, we have landlines.
We don't need mobile phones as well.
And psychiatrists making
appointments with patients?
Yeah, Baz suggested it
and I think it makes sense.
You know what?
I am tired of seeing patients
waiting around for shrinks.
You guys have no idea
how much they hang out
for their appointments.
You know they're afraid
to go to activities
they might actually benefit from,
from fear they'll miss the doctor.
That weekly appointment
is their one hope
that something
might actually change,
that someone might actually
do something
to help them get out of
what feels like an eternal hellhole.
What is going on?
Nothing's going on.
What is this anti-shrink crusade
that you're on?
I am not anti-shrink.
Yes, you are,
and you need to look at it.
Maybe it's because
you didn't become one yourself.
That's how you saw it.
Now that I chose nursing, but that
I failed to become a shrink
I didn't say failed.
What about you look at the fact
that me doing nursing
was never going to be
good enough for you.
What? What?!
It didn't fit in with your family
or your plans.
That is not true.
Course it is.
It's the reason we split up.
We split up because
you slept with someone else.
Hi, it's
It's Kareena.
Yeah, um
Are you Where are you?
You should cash in
on this problem of yours
and claim disability allowance.
I'm I'm so sorry.
I don't know why I called you.
All good. I'm here now.
You OK?
Why does someone
who could get lost on an escalator
go running in the bush?
Normally I stick to the track,
but just I don't know how I
Do you actually want to get lost?
No, I
My mind wandered
and then I didn't know
..I I couldn't find
Well, you should double back.
Retrace your steps.
Well, I did. I was
I thought this other track
could cut across and
Well, hang on.
No shortcuts.
Set your anchor points
and stick to it.
That way you can always
retrace your steps.
Thank you. I really
I really appreciate this.
All good.
I'll add it to your bill.
Can you simplify it in some way?
Well, that's exactly what it's
supposed to do. Simplify things.
Well, it's not working.
It's a brand-new car.
It is working.
Um, well, maybe you could, um,
deactivate something.
Because, to my mind,
I know it's meant to be a smart car,
but when it's doing things
you don't necessarily want it to do,
it's not I mean, there's smart
and then there's just
He doesn't know what you want.
Well, I want my old car back.
Thank you.
Is that why you took the job?
Because of Nik?
No, I took the job
because it was a promotion.
For Christ's sake, Kareena.
Why don't you practise
what you preach?
Stop deluding yourself.
I'm not!
Then why are you taking
the pill again?
I found the packet.
What's going on?
David, please, please don't do this.
There is
there is nothing going on.
Then my guess is that
you wish that there was.
Maybe you took the job
because you wanted to see
if there was anything left
between you and Nik
before entrenching yourself
any further in us.
Look, let's just
Let's just go down
the Koorong River.
We'll take a break.
We'll sort this out.
No, I can't just pick up
and leave without notice.
I have patients
Kareena, if you want to save
this marriage, then we have to go.
ROHAN: On it.
Moving forward, guys.
Come on. Right side now.
MAN: Got him.
MAN: Nice one.
Fuck, man!
We're screwed.
Dude, what are we doing?
Shit, no way, man. No way.
Was that all the explosives?
No ammo, man.
No skills, shotgun kids.
Alright, look, we'll
..we'll check in tomorrow
while they're offline
and see where we went wrong.
Doctor Achebe, Nik here, Ward C.
You have a patient here
by the name of Baz Madden.
Yes, I was delayed.
Tell him I'm sorry,
but I'll have to re
Hang on, Doctor,
I might just put him on.
BAZ: Hello, Doc.
It's Baz Madden here.
The couplets are symbolic.
Symbolic cutlets.
Cutlets and piglets.
Mr Santo.
Hang on, you said I was first up.
It was a figure of speech.
Mr Santo had
an appointment at nine
Hey, how can first mean anything
other than position number one?
One, two.
You'll be seen directly
after Mr Santo
Mate, why don't you shut
up for five minutes?
Your mouth'll thank you for it.
Calm down
He said I was first up.
Mate, you take my place,
you'll be fuckin' sorry.
Hey, excuse me. Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Have a seat.
Excuse me.
Wrong bin is a sin.
No plastic.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
I'm gonna rip someone's head off.
NIK: Why don't you channel
that frustration
into your poetry or artwork?
'Cause I'm a busy man.
I've got shit to do!
So he's pissed off?
He's gone AWOL.
This is bullshit.
I'll just let your patient know
you'll be a while longer, shall I?
We'll let him demolish
the rest of the building,
and then we can all go home, right?
He needs to be transferred.
Says who?
I'm having him
transferred to Ward H.
Baz is not Ward H material.
Yes, he is.
He threatened his neighbour
with a hedge trimmer.
He's a safety risk.
You know what?
He gets volatile
when he's dicked around.
And not showing for an appointment
one day
and making him wait an hour the next
is, I believe, dicking him around.
I'll see you there.
He's in the wrong unit.
I don't think that he is.
Well, did you see the door?
He's threatening me,
other patients
But if you look through his history,
there are no actual incidents
of physical violence.
Well, not against a person.
Well, I don't want to be the first.
Rohan, you need to be able to handle
a certain level of aggressive
behaviour in this work.
I understand that.
Where were you yesterday?
I can't keep rescuing you.
I don't expect you to.
I think that you do.
And this stops now.
You need to see your patient
and find a way to help him,
or you need to seriously
consider your options.
Look, I understand
you feel disrespected,
but that it's not my
BAZ: Stop it with your
"I understand. I understand."
You know, I mean, that crap
doesn't cut it with me.
If you understood,
you'd have the decency to show up
for an appointment.
Look, well, I did apologise
You wouldn't leave me waiting
out there
like some fuckin' low-life
piece of shit.
Doctor or not,
I know where you live.
You know what?
You're gonna regret the day
your mother ever pushed you
out of her fat twat.
You will stay in this hospital
until you've had treatment
and you are well enough to leave.
I don't need treatment.
My neighbour
In my professional opinion you do,
and if not in here, then in Ward H.
No fuckin' way.
This conversation's not productive
while you're making threats.
We'll talk about it
when you're calm.
I don't need treatment.
I refuse to go to H.
I'm the captain.
This is the New Order.
I think you have to
take that one up with Nik.
He thinks he's the new captain.
Two captains.
We gonna go to war over this
or what?
Well, I'm hoping
we're gonna work together, Baz.
See, you've got Naomi there twice.
Linda's gotta go there.
No, hang on, hang on, hang on.
Pete's got three shifts in a row.
Oh, yeah.
Here if you need.
You know, I still don't understand
why she withdrew her application.
Maybe she just knows that
you're more qualified for the job.
You've gotta get better, mate.
We need you to get better.
So you can't do Saturdays?
I can do nights.
But Saturdays are a problem, yeah.
And Jack's just started
training on Wednesdays,
so it'd be probably better
Just make a wishlist.
I'll see what I can do.
Thanks, boss.
And don't get too stressed out.
You'll get used to it.
It's bad timing.
Your sister's wedding.
I think you should give it a miss.
I'm serious.
I've got a bad feeling.
I didn't know you had any.
Well, it's more than a feeling.
It's it's a knowing.
Mate. Stop talking shit.
It's not the first time
it's happened.
And I've never been wrong.
You leave the house that day,
and something seriously bad
is gonna happen.
This is my sister's wedding
we're talking about.
And I'm best man.
I'm going.
Don't say you weren't warned.
The Pithi ceremony
starts at six tomorrow.
And don't be late, because
I need you to introduce people.
How's the job going?
And the speech?
I've, ah, got a bit of
writer's block, but I'll get there.
Oh. No buts. Just do it.
Reni, I'll get it done.
Why did you invite Kareena
to the Mehndi ceremony?
Because I ran into her one day
and we got talking and,
you know, actually,
I think Sanchi invited her.
Blame Sanchi.
It's not about blame.
I just want to know
why you asked her.
I just realised
how much I missed her.
You get to know people
and then you don't see them
anymore, you know?
It's sad.
Far as I know, she and David
aren't coming to the wedding.
Anyone who knows Reni knows that
Kiran is a brave man to take her on.
Even as a kid
Even as a kid
You leave the house that day
and something seriously bad
is gonna happen.
You know, I've been doing
some reading and the more I read,
the more I realise
that as long as we're sticking to
our little agreement,
this might actually be an amazing
opportunity for growth and change.
How's it going, by the way?
The, um the therapy?
Should have done it a long time ago.
I'm just heading there now.
Hey, um
I need someone to take Rod
over for a blood test.
Linda, can you?
I'll do it.
Linda's busy with some
some things.
Yes, yeah, right. Ah, now.
That's an infestation alright.
They don't call 'em
the silent destroyers for nothing.
When can you start?
I'll come back.
Yeah, great.
WOMAN: Look at her.
She's missing a tooth.
I brought up my daughters
to be good wives.
And my Nikhil to be a good husband.
This is Nikhil,
at his baptismal ceremony.
How old were you?
You know, I wanted all of them
to receive the gift of Jesus
into their lives, as I did.
Did the girls do this?
Only me.
They refused.
But, you know, I can't refuse to be
a part of this ceremony.
I'm simply saying that this wedding
will be hard for me.
Mum, please.
I'm not causing any trouble, Nikhil.
I'm just saying the worshipping of
false idols is uncomfortable for me.
He knows. You've told him already.
Another one of
the baptismal ceremony.
Look at you down at the river.
Look so happy.
I wasn't happy.
That's not true.
Yeah, it is.
Is this the face of
a boy who is unhappy?
Yes, it is.
I wanted the minister
to hold my head under the water
until I drowned.
What was that about?
She's reinventing history.
Nik Don't.
Oh, what, so you're allowed
to be over her, but I'm not?
Not this close to the wedding.
Where are you going?
I've got stuff at work
to finish, yeah?
You're coming back later, right?
For dinner?
Of course he is.
Nik. Nik.
Looks like someone
shot you in the head, man.
Fuck off, Baz.
KAREENA: What? What?!
We split up because
you slept with someone else.
You don't get to start that
and not finish.
This conversation is over.
We both know that what I did
wasn't the reason for our split.
You wanted out because I was never
going to be good enough
No, you wanted out.
Actually, you were never even
really in it to begin with,
not completely.
How can you
I loved you.
You know, what happened to us,
it nearly killed me.
You you had this dark,
angry corner that you would go to
and I could never reach you.
For fuck's sake,
can you turn that off?
Talk about a dark, angry corner.
It's not over between us.
You must know that.
Nik, I'm worried about you.
Because you seem unhinged.
I've never been saner in my life.
..why did you tell Nik
that you had a premonition
about the wedding?
Well, it's just you give me such
a hard time about my beliefs,
and it turns out that
you've got some of your own.
What are you talking about?
You told him to stay at home.
No, I didn't!
I've never had a premonition
in my bloody life,
let alone had a conversation
about one.
OK. You win.
Mum can stay at mine.
What is it?
Dilshan would have been 28
..if he was here.
I was thinking about Dad.
You know, getting the call and
then coming to get us from school,
knowing what he was taking us to.
You weren't at school.
You didn't come in that day
because you'd been sick.
Hang on.
You had asthma from the cane fire.
No, I I thought I
No-one told me.
I thought you knew.
Be happy for me.
Leave the past behind.
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