Wave Makers (2023) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

I was born between 1961 and 1970.
I was lucky to go abroad when I was young
and have a good career.
But all I can think about
is my beautiful hometown, Taiwan.
When I came back to Taiwan,
I especially went to my favorite beach
during childhood for a walk.
I didn't expect it to be so dirty
and full of garbage.
Beautiful Taiwan in my memory
no longer exists.
It really pains me.
Some may say
that the beach is dirty
because of government failure.
But I think if you blame everything
on the government,
you'll miss the underlying causes.
Taiwan is small with a big population.
The garbage problem concerns our survival.
When I was abroad,
BPL was the mainstream material.
It can decompose and be composted
to generate electricity.
It's very environmentally friendly.
When I talked about this
with Taiwan relatives and friends,
I realized that very few people know this.
I think a lot of noisy voices in Taiwan
drag down its development.
Are these voices
for the good of the country
or for the good
of the politicians themselves?
I hope everyone can make
a clear distinction.
Do you guys know Kuo Wen-li?
My family group,
senior high group,
and ball team group are also reposting it.
-Isn't this too exaggerated?
-It has been shared 5,000 times.
Ms. Ya-ting, doesn't your family
vote for GZD?
That's why this kind
of fake neutral article is scary.
It's obviously fake.
Why are so many people reposting it?
His sharing and posting times
are the same.
AI robot.
Fuck, paid Internet posts?
Chung-ning, how much do you think
"A Painful Confession From One Born
between 1961 and 1970" affects us?
The content of the article is just okay.
This kind of writing is far from my level.
Respect your opponent, okay?
But I think it's like a warning.
The opponent must be preparing to launch
a large-scale smear campaign.
Right, our local group also receives them.
Every single day.
It's all these smear fake news cards.
This is not so bad.
The point is that
three articles
are widely circulated online.
Come on, show them.
These three articles are attacking us.
Since we've been attacking them
and the Longchuan case before,
now they're saying we're colluding
with plastics companies.
We're already working on this.
We'll make photos to clarify.
We discovered that a PR company
is behind this.
They're making a lot of reposts
using a program.
I suggest holding a press conference
to clarify the fake news.
No, that's too slow.
This must be dealt with quickly.
Here's what we'll do.
Sheng-ming, work with Chia-ching.
If such slanderous graphics are released,
immediately release graphics
to refute them.
-These fake news
are always present in an election.
They used to place poison pen letters
in mailboxes. Now, they send it in LINE.
I think large-scale fake accounts
is an issue that we can pursue more.
The paid Internet posts.
Maybe there are even forces from abroad.
Chung-ning, can we use this issue?
Since MHD is working with a PR company,
a middleman does the dirty work.
If we attack without any evidence,
it may hurt us instead.
I think we must wait for new evidence.
That would be better.
Can the Longchuan case still be used?
Currently, the prosecution and MJIB
have no further actions.
I think it will cause a backlash
from neutral voters
if we continue attacking.
We're at the point
where believers will always believe
and unbelievers never will.
We're back to our original bases
to do large-scale positional warfare.
This isn't beneficial to us.
This won't do, we need to open
a new battlefield quickly.
But we're the opposition after all,
we must still supervise the government.
That's why we'll just show
an attitude of continued concern,
but it shouldn't be too strong.
Then should the News Department still hold
the Ask Sun Ling-hsien
press conference daily?
Or we can change it to Ask MHD.
Then it's not aimed at Sun Ling-hsien.
I think that's good.
-Let's do that.
Since we have limited time,
next topic, please.
Our campaign headquarters
will be established at month end.
I hope you can host it this time.
Remember to bring more fans.
Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang.
Fair and Square.
Chung-ning, please don't do that.
Okay, let's all take a look.
This is where
our campaign headquarters will be.
I'd like to make the whole event bigger.
You can do it.
What's the matter?
Mr. Chen went to an executive meeting
and won't be back until noon.
The first cut of our non-district
legislator advertisement is out.
-We need Mr. Chen's confirmation.
-I'll check it for you.
He's super busy.
-I'll play it now.
I'm Chou Ming-chen.
Judicial reform must be achieved.
I promote the partnership
and family system.
I am Huang Chia-le…
-Creating a win-win for generations…
-The list is really great this time.
When I saw Attorney Chou Ming-chen, I got…
I got so excited.
And she's at the top of the list.
I like her a lot too.
And Liao Mei-hsiu from Women's Hearts.
My former social movement classmates said
that both parties are equally bad.
But when they see how nice this list is,
they'll definitely still vote
for our party.
It's fine in general.
However, Chou Ming-chen's promotion
of the partnership and family system
may have to be re-recorded.
Promoting diverse families
would be better.
Is there a difference?
Diverse families are more intuitive.
Everything else is fine.
Ask the Policy Center to check
if the names and titles are correct.
If they are,
you can apply the special effects.
Yi-an, Lung, well done.
We'll send everyone
to the Legislative Yuan.
Ms. Wen-fang.
Wen-chun, what brings you here?
-I'm here to see Yi-an.
-Okay, this way, please.
I want to tell you something.
I heard that Beautiful Realm
is following you.
They're following me?
Wait, what's so interesting about me?
My coming out isn't a secret either.
But you're very popular lately.
My whole echo chamber
is watching your videos.
And my peers
are even copying your headlines.
Anyway, be careful.
Okay, I got it.
If only the voting is tomorrow.
I must film programs every day,
then film YT.
I get less than four hours of sleep.
I even get scolded
for not replying to comments.
Then we got that post
from the one born between 1961 and 1970.
I saw that post. It's very popular.
Yes, where did you see it?
Somewhere called…
the National Observation Office,
an MHD Wing.
What's wrong?
This one. Claire.
A model with 20,000 followers.
Her previous posts were all about makeup.
Or she'd share some casual
and Instagram-worthy photos.
Don't you think it's weird for her
to suddenly post
"A Painful Confession From One Born
Between 1961 and 1970" today?
So do you think someone is behind this?
The National Observation Office…
It was posted at exactly eight o'clock.
There were over 100 reposts
before 8:01 a.m.
There were a lot of reposts on LINE
at the same time too.
This can't be a coincidence.
But I don't think this can prove anything.
The article itself
isn't spreading any rumors.
Even if MHD is behind this
by using a PR company,
we can't really say
they did anything wrong.
Of course.
But what if
administrative resources were used?
I have no evidence.
But with such a big operation,
they'll surely disperse the payment flow.
Maybe they'd use
the Executive Yuan
or Presidential Palace's budget.
No bids are required for expenses
under 100,000 dollars.
But that's just my personal opinion.
It's for reference only.
-I'll reference it.
-Thank you.
-Okay. A clown?
I think I can find it.
Hey, Shi-min, is the graphics ready?
I'm going to post it.
Okay, wait. I'll be done soon.
Lung, is the policy manual format done?
I must send it for printing
or it won't be done in time.
I don't even have time to edit videos.
Si-chin, can you help?
I'm not done with my graphics, please.
I can help.
Who has graphics software installed?
Thank you.
What the heck?
Mr. Chen said the higher-ups want us
to set up a parent-child activity area.
Doesn't the Women's Department
organize those?
Who knows? Have you seen them do any work?
Maybe that department doesn't even exist.
Who says those should be
that department's responsibility?
Isn't that a stereotype?
Who are you siding with?
Lung is pursuing a girl
in the Women's Department.
-Damn you.
-It's really hoes before bros for you.
-Lung, you're so…
-I got Axe Bee.
I got Axe Bee to perform
in the campaign headquarters opening.
-Axe Bee?
-How did you get them, Yi-an?
-A junior in my college
-is the drummer's brother's classmate.
-Ms. Ya-ting, the chairs there
-might not be enough, so order more.
-Can you ask for an autograph for me?
-Kai-kai, aside from…
-I want.
Posters, graphics, and stuff.
Yi-an, you'll entertain them
when the time comes.
You're in charge, you can do it, okay?
-I can do it. Leave it to me.
-Mr. Chen will be so happy.
There's a hand warmer there.
I put the painkillers in your bag.
-Thank you.
-Remember to take them.
The reporter said
a weekly journal is following me.
What for?
I don't know either.
After finishing the YT recording tonight,
why don't you go to your place and sleep?
I'll just go home and rest anyway.
There's nothing you can do.
You can't eat cold stuff anymore.
Look at how much pain you're in this time.
I'm just so stressed out at work.
For what?
Because you won't keep telling me
to take a break or not get too busy
or nonsense like
you'll support me financially.
I can't afford to support you.
Besides, you're an adult.
If you want to rest, you will.
You'd better be careful these days.
Will the paparazzi
follow people so obviously?
-But he agreed two hours ago.
-Create a good weekend.
-MHD's Concert…
-He verbally agreed
-and I wanted to meet with you.
-Why are they going to the MHD event?
-Can we still discuss this?
-Axe Bee isn't coming?
-How did this happen?
Axe Bee's manager just called to say they
have a schedule conflict and can't come.
A schedule conflict?
If they're siding with them, fine.
A schedule conflict?
Have we released
their performance's promotion?
If so, cancel it
and post a correction notice.
Of course we haven't. They have,
and he even agreed two hours ago.
-I've asked my friends to come.
-Okay, it's fine.
It's a blessing in disguise.
So should we get another band
as their substitute
or ask other bands
to perform a bit longer?
If we want another band,
I have a list, I'll ask around.
Ya-ting, organize the list and show me.
I think it's simpler to ask other bands
to extend their performance.
And adding another band
will surely cost more.
Kai-kai, you've made
an effective judgment.
You're even helping to save money. Nice.
-Fuck. He's from NTU.
-Not bad. Nice.
Come to my office.
-Let's continue working.
Let's organize this quickly.
They said this one is more eco-friendly.
But I think the other brand is good too.
Can you help me check?
-It's over here.
Here, this is for you.
What is it?
An electric heater.
Your house is already so cold
before winter.
When the cold snap comes,
it will freeze you to death.
Thank you.
It's nothing.
Let's go.
All right.
That's all
for Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang today.
If you have any thoughts on today's topic,
please leave a comment.
If you like this, don't forget
to like, share, and subscribe.
That's all. Bye.
It's a wrap.
My gosh.
It's already 12 a.m.
It's already 12 a.m.
I can't believe I must drive back
to Three Gorges.
You're not staying over
at Julia's tonight?
No, she was busy at work today.
And I haven't been home for a while.
Won't you be too tired?
No, I just need…
to lie down for ten minutes.
Then I'll drive back.
Ten minutes.
-Mr. Wen, it has been a while.
-Good job.
Ms. Ching-hsia, Mr. Chia-le.
-Thank you for your hard work.
-No worries.
There are many fun stalls in the back.
-Check them out. Okay.
-Okay. Don't mind us.
100 DAYS
-Good job.
-Please take one.
Thank you.
Yes, it's worth commemorating.
-Okay. Thank you.
Okay. Thank you for your support.
-Thank you.
-Good job.
Ms. Wen-fang.
-You want some?
-I have one. Is Mr. Chen performing?
Not yet. It starts at 4 p.m.
What will Mr. Chen do?
He volunteered
for the Women's Department task
-to tell a story.
Because his wife is bringing his son,
so he wants him to see how he is at work.
That's not his job.
They just reconciled,
so he probably wants to do his best.
-That's good.
-Thank you. 1717.
Don't gossip.
Don't forget to take photos for me.
I'll send it to the group chat.
-You guys are…
-Yes, two adults and two kids.
We have two kids.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-I'll inform you the time.
-No problem. Thank you.
-Thank you.
Ya-ching, it's your turn.
Don't we have a megaphone?
This is out of battery.
Kai-kai went to buy some batteries.
We don't have batteries?
We're saved.
Walk faster.
Good job.
-Thank you, Ms. Wen-fang.
-I'll buy snacks later.
Thank you, Ms. Wen-fang.
Will Mr. Chen really wear that?
He insists.
I'll take photos for you later.
Thank you, Ms. Wen-fang.
It'll surely be so cool later.
A tyrannosaurus rex!
A dinosaur!
Hello, everyone!
I'm a dinosaur!
Fair and Square Weng Wen-fang.
-Can we take a photo with you?
-Can we take a photo with you?
-Of course.
We watched your YT.
-What you said was great, so clear.
-Thank you.
I showed the video to my students.
-They loved it.
-Are you having fun today?
Thank you.
-Let's take a photo.
We're so happy.
Are you my dad?
How do you know I'm your dad?
-Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, I'm a spinosaurus.
You're probably the most famous person
-in GZD now aside from Lin Yue-chen.
-My name is Hsiao-ming.
This is my little dinosaur.
Have you reconciled?
Let's see how he does today.
How do you think he's doing now?
Like that?
How many points? From one to ten.
Five points.
Five points aren't bad, right?
Yes, it's quite high.
I'm the most handsome and cutest dinosaur!
Look at him.
No, he'll regret it
if you take that photo.
I promised my staff.
Are you good here?
Ms. Ya-ting, it's time to eat.
We'll just get some ourselves later.
-Thank you.
Good work. Time to eat.
-Thank you.
-No worries.
-Wen-fang and Shi-ming are going on stage.
-Mr. Chen, thanks for your hard work.
-Thank you for your hard work.
-Thank you.
Here. Good work, eat first.
The boxed meal is here.
-I'm starving. Can you manage?
Give me a hand.
When Ms. Wen-fang leads the crowd later,
she'll shout the slogan.
-She'll say, "Lin Yue-chen, go for it!"
-Let me ask you…
Press three for "Lin Yue-chen."
Press two for "Go for it."
For others, just press two.
-You can do this.
-Thank you.
Give yourself a round of applause.
Thank you for coming to Lin Yue-chen
and He Jung-lang's campaign
headquarters opening party.
Yes, tonight's party
will be very spectacular.
Before we start, let's warm up first.
-She'll say it soon.
-Okay, come on.
-When I say, "Lin Yue-chen,"
-Is it here? Right?
-Follow her lead.
-please say, "Go for it." Okay?
Ready, set, go!
-Lin Yue-chen, go for it!
-Three, two.
-Lin Yue-chen, go for it!
-Three, two.
-Lin Yue-chen, go for it!
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Lin Yue-chen, go!
-Lin Yue-chen, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Three, two.
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-He Jung-lang, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Justice Party, go for it!
-Go for it!
-Four for this.
-That's it.
-That's fine.
-So cute.
-So cute.
-It's very easy.
Eat up.
-I didn't study
-You're neutral.
-Tsai Yi-an.
I know you're an Axe Bee fan.
But isn't watching MHD's live stream
at the opening party
of our campaign headquarters too much?
I'm a solid and blind fan.
A solid and blind fan?
Show Mr. Chen some respect, okay?
-Show Ms. Lin some respect, okay?
-I didn't study
What's up with this comment?
I'll send it to you. Click it.
I'll check that first.
Mr. Chen.
Mr. Chen.
That's crazy.
-With a happy mood…
-I didn't study
-Thank you, Mr. Chen!
-Thank you, Mr. Chen!
Tsai Yi-an, congratulations.
You dodged a bullet.
You almost became a sinner
throughout the ages.
I'm so sad.
Yi-an, aren't you their fan?
Why don't you know about this?
It was suddenly exposed today.
-I don't think he knows.
-Mr. Chen, I'll show you.
-There's a lot right now.
-This one.
Look. Another one said
-the main vocalist bullied him.
-And there are a lot of exposés now.
-Even the political news.
-The main vocalist bullied him? Where?
-I got it.
Let's see if we want to create
graphics tomorrow.
-Yes. Please.
-No one is listening.
-Give me a day to think or a night.
-Isn't the timing of the exposé perfect?
-Could this be the doing of our…
-What's there to think about?
-Paid Internet posts?
-Of course it's not worth it.
-Who knows?
-Your youth memories just worth this much?
-Stop drinking alcohol. Drink some water.
-I didn't study
Can you still hold
the press conference tomorrow?
-Drink to your heart's content, okay?
-I can.
-Drink up.
-The Presidential Palace is stupid.
-What did you say?
-I said the Presidential Palace is stupid.
They put up an ad for the one born
between 1961 and 1970.
Wen-chun wrote about it.
I think others also checked it.
-As for what happened with Axe Bee today,
-No photos,
-it will be very spectacular tomorrow.
-videos. Drink up.
-Drink up.
-To commemorate your youth, bottoms up!
-I didn't study
-You didn't study
Yes, Li-min.
Come on, drink up.
-We'll drink to your heart's content.
-You didn't study
Fine, we all didn't study. Okay.
-We didn't study, okay?
-Write about me?
Don't think too much. Come on.
Come on.
-Finish it.
-Good work.
Let's drink together.
-Let's drink together.
-Wait. Pour me some, okay?
-Thank you.
Wait a moment.
This makes me seem like…
What? What's up?
Beautiful Realm photographed me
sleeping over at Ya-ching's.
They're saying
I'm having an office romance.
Li-min just called to give me a heads-up
that it will be published
in the next issue.
-You and Ya-ching?
Then how did you respond?
I haven't responded yet.
I want to hear your opinion first.
Don't say that I'm bullying you.
-I spilled it.
-Stop taking photos.
-Drink up.
-Maybe we should talk to Ya-ching.
Wait, Wen-fang.
So did you…
Even if you cheated, I'll support you.
But I must know what exactly happened.
What the heck?
Of course we didn't.
No, we have different responses
to different situations, right?
I must know why you slept over
at Ya-ching's.
I film at her place.
If we finish quite late at times,
I'd stay over.
That's it.
-That's it?
Then it's nothing, it's very simple.
Just tell the truth.
Should I tell them
my relationship status then?
You also don't intend to hide it, right?
So just say
that you have a steady girlfriend.
She's not in the political circle,
so you hope the media won't disturb her.
Respond to the weekly journal first.
They'll only release it
on Wednesday, right?
We still have time to prepare.
It won't affect the election much.
-It's just tabloid gossip.
Our party supports gay people anyway.
But in your dad's area…
The conservative organizations
will surely make noise.
-I didn't study
-I'll tell my dad to get ready.
Okay, sit properly. All right.
-You didn't study
It's okay.
-You didn't study
-You didn't study
-I didn't study either.
-I didn't study
-I didn't study
-You didn't study
Let's fight
and work hard together.
Am I right?
Dad is so eloquent.
I was the one
who wrote his first election speech.
We see President Sun…
I thought you were not
interested in politics.
Your grandpa also helped a lot.
Back then, we wrote speeches
and met financial backers together.
What happened afterward?
Why didn't you continue helping him?
-My writing isn't good.
-These past few years,
under President Sun's leadership,
-I have something to discuss with you.
-under MHD's administration…
It's about Dad.
He's very close with the female assistant
in his office.
and more beautiful.
Don't you agree?
-Your dad
doesn't know the line between people.
He's quite friendly,
so he's easily misunderstood.
How did you know what I was going to say?
But those aren't misunderstandings,
they are true.
He and his female assistant's conversation
-is just really strange.
-That's how men speak.
There are many people
who flirt in the political circle.
Some even bring home the woman
and have illegitimate children.
The Democracy and Peace Party…
It's nothing for your dad
to speak a bit exaggeratedly
in this kind of environment.
If it's nothing, why aren't you happy?
I'm not unhappy.
I've already responded
to the weekly journal.
Chia-ching and I will come up
with a statement.
After it's released,
we'll invite reporters
for a press conference.
This fabricated stuff
would only be talked about
for two or three days, then it's fine.
Julia finds it hilarious.
She said she has always wanted
to hold a press conference.
If necessary,
she can hold one with me.
Did they capture me in the photo?
We're both in it.
Will they publish the photo for sure?
The article will surely post a photo.
If you're afraid of being harassed,
you can work from home next week.
Just come to the office
after this blows over.
Must they publish my photo?
I'm not a…
A famous person.
Why must they publish my photo?
Don't you know a lot of reporters?
Can you ask them not to publish my photo?
I'm sorry, Ya-ching.
I got you involved in this
since I wasn't careful enough.
But I promise.
Chia-ching and I will handle this well.
We'll minimize its effect on you.
I'm sorry.
I'm the one who should be sorry.
Didn't you think about telling me
or just stopping altogether?
I didn't want to get you guys involved.
This is a personal matter.
There's no personal matter anymore
after joining this campaign team.
If this gets exposed
and Chao Chang-tse says GZD sent someone
to approach his daughter
to break up his family,
even if you did it on your own,
do you think anyone will believe you?
It's fine even if no one believes it.
I have evidence anyway.
Your personal experience
isn't considered evidence.
He can say that you made it up.
It's not my own.
He has a new girl now.
Chao Jung-chih told me.
I even have screenshots.
We can't use evidence obtained this way.
I'm not planning to make this public.
Why did you take screenshots then?
I must use these to exchange with him.
How will you exchange it with him?
-In person?
After Wednesday, my face will be exposed.
She'll know that I'm not Anna.
I must deal with this before then.
Are you crazy?
Stop meeting with her.
You'll be recognized!
I just want my nude photos back.
Please stop doing stupid things.
If she tells Chao Chang-tse,
if Chao Chang-tse sends someone
to ambush you…
And how do you know
that she didn't make copies?
There must be another way.
-There must be. Let's--
-There's no other way.
I just want my nude photos back.
Do you know what these are?
This one!
These, they're all adult film groups.
Every single day, I must go and check
if someone uploads my photos.
This is the closest I've been.
I really have no other choice.
Ya-ching, come on.
Listen to me, calm down first.
I'm really sorry.
Ya-ching, calm down first.
I failed you.
I failed the Justice Party.
I'm really sorry.
Ya-ching, wait!
Chang Ya-ching!
Chang Ya-ching!
Chang Ya-ching!
This is the marketing promotion invoice
of Jiaruiya Integrated Marketing Company
with the amount of 98,000 dollars.
This is Jiaruiya's marketing advertisement
on Facebook.
You can see "A Painful Confession
From One Born between 1961 and 1970",
"The Right Things President Sun Did,"
"Reducing Plastics to Save Taiwan."
President Sun's monthly marketing budget
on Facebook
is as high as 200,000 dollars.
Where is this from?
The election fund
or the government's budget?
Did President Sun embezzle
the hard-earned taxes from people
to promote herself?
I think President Sun needs
to provide a clear explanation.
I tried so hard to help her.
Why did she lie to me too?
She was with us every day.
She saw how hard we worked
and how much we wanted to win.
Why did she do something that hurt us?
Ya-ching was Lung's junior high classmate.
I interviewed her.
If we must hold someone accountable,
it's me.
Her resume is fake too.
I didn't notice it.
She told me she worked in an advertising
firm in Taichung a few years ago.
I called to check
and the person
even praised her vigorously.
But when I called this morning,
-the number is no longer in service.
-Your call will be forwarded to voicemail.
A person can have many identities.
I saw that she had another phone.
Your call will be forwarded to voicemail.
We've really met an expert.
What will we do if Chao Chang-tse
uses this to attack us?
We'll deny it and say we know nothing.
Do you think people would believe us?
Then again, how will he prove
that we have anything to do with it?
He can't prove it now.
But if Ya-ching and Chao Jung-chih
meet for the flash drive,
if they get photographed or recorded…
The public will think
that Ya-ching is some kind of spy,
an undercover agent we sent,
and we used illegal means
to invade someone's privacy.
Then we'll be finished.
Keep calling.
We have to stop them from meeting.
-This way?
-The red one.
You are…
Colleagues. We're…
-You are…
-We are…
-You're Ms. Chang's colleagues?
She suddenly texted me last night
saying she was moving out.
I came to check and everything is gone.
She only left a bag.
Do you know Weng Wen-fang?
-That's her.
-I'm her.
-Take a look.
-Okay, thank you.
-Okay. Thank you.
-Okay, no worries.
Miss, here's your coffee.
It's 53 dollars.
This is yours.
Sorry, excuse me.
Thank you.
Subtitle translation by: Coleen Chua
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