Welcome to Utmark (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Hello Darkness

Walk 1000 miles in that direction,
take a right, and you're home.
Nature can be hard.
Hard as a rock.
Like mountains. Like granite.
But nature can also be soft.
Soft like moss, earth or water.
And when the soft meets the hard
then the soft must adjust.
Every part of nature
has found its place.
Just like your mom and me.
We've only just begun
to find our places.
We're finding out what's hard,
and what's soft.
And once that's done
this house will be at peace.
Happy birthday.
-It's not my birthday.
-But it was your birthday.
Yes, but we don't usually
give each other gifts.
But you're my brother.
Here you are.
I couldn't find any pink shells.
Miss Heige.
I think the little miss
looks a bit uncomfortable.
Maybe it's that time of the month.
That's enough.
Don't fucking tell me when it's enough.
You're a disgrace to our family.
I'll say it like it is.
A few times during a man's life,
he may think that
if he can't be with a certain woman
then he must find another woman.
If only for an hour.
There's this motel. Of sorts.
There you can meet women.
-That's how Elena came into the picture?
And there were certain
language barriers.
We were standing there, and we pushed
each other around a little
And then Elena fell.
In a rather unfortunate manner.
Right through a glass table.
That's how she got that face injury.
And in her line of business,
face injuries aren't
I was a bit down
when your mom left me.
And a bit tormented
by the fact that she chose Bilzi.
But she was right.
Our marriage wasn't the best.
And yet
I was a bit
-Bilzi isn't home right now.
-Who are you?
Me? I'm Siri.
Bilzi's wife. Or rather, his girlfriend.
I live there, with my daughter Marin.
And I run Cool Clean.
A cleaning company.
-Who are you?
-Where's Maria?
-Bilzi's mother.
Oh right! She's in a nursing home.
Tell Bilzi
that I'm staying at the motel.
Did you hear about
the two Finns who disappeared?
Yes. Into the swamp,
along with their van.
-Where did you hear that?
-Eilif saw them.
They must have been Swedes or Finns.
They certainly weren't from around here.
Half an hour, not a second longer.
And I don't need to remind you
to treat Drita with respect.
Half an hour.
Stop! Stop, I said!
Look at yourself, man!
You only live once!
And this is no life, damn it!
You pay some woman to whip your ass,
whilst wearing plastic!
Know what? That's a poor substitute
for something real.
Go find love and intimacy
before it's too late.
Go on a date. Go to cultural events.
Women love culture, exhibitions, poetry!
Come on.
Get a grip, Torbjørn!
You're out, then?
I can't eat. I can't shit.
I can't breathe.
Besides that, I'm just fine.
Bilzi's got a woman at home?
-She cleans.
-She has a daughter.
Somebody rang?
How may I help you?
You can probably tell me
about the woman living with Bilzi.
-I think it's Siri.
-Who the hell is Siri?
She was married to Finn.
Finn with the sheep.
She's running Cool Clean.
I'm not quite sure
what happened last time
You know how it is up here.
Can't be leftist, can't be Muslim.
And you most certainly can't be
a lesbian.
That's a lot of gin.
It's 1200 bottles.
I might be able to get 125
or maybe even 150 a bottle.
If you sell one for 125.
That's a hundred and fifty thousand.
And if you sell one bottle
for 150, then that's
One hundred and eighty thousand.
That might be enough
to buy your kiosk back home.
-I've got some liquor for sale.
Okay. So do I.
So that makes two of us.
I've got 1200 bottles of Russian gin.
So you've got Russian gin?
Yes, 1200 bottles
Right. It's 150 per bottle.
Do you take us for fucking morons?
-Do we look stupid to you?
-Perhaps we do.
But hell if we're fucking morons.
Let's say 125 per bottle.
Do you know what?
I've heard that the customs service
has a task force looking around here.
Could this be a trap?
-Yes, you.
Aren't you the guy
with 1200 bottles of Russian gin?
Three hundred.
Thirty-five hundred.
Nah, fold.
I call.
Two pairs, eights on top.
Three of a kind, kings.
And Willman wins.
Then the debt is paid.
It's a crazy world.
Aspirin, egg,
vodka and sleeping pills.
We call it "Tirana Twist".
Drink it all.
A guy came by today, asking for you.
Old guy. Bald.
-What did he want?
-No idea. He asked for you.
Said he's staying at the motel.
Little brother
-You have a younger brother?
-No, I don't have a younger brother.
But my mother has a younger brother.
It's my uncle.
-What's the deal with him?
-Shut up and mind your own business.
And something for the throat.
And here's reindeer jerky.
Some cigarettes
-And some good bread.
-I'm gluten intolerant.
Your mom would like to see you.
But I just visited her.
Your mother wants to see you. Again.
I'm sorting out clothes, Marin.
I can't talk right now.
I talked to dad.
It's not like you think.
But it's not a pretty story, either.
But at least he was honest with me.
Mom is there something
you'd like to tell me?
"The sun is shining today."
The sun is shining today.
Bring this on. Please.
-Are you sure?
And this one.
I'd like to pay for a full day.
-I'll buy a whole day.
And I will ask you to make "frokost".
-I cook breakfast?
I'll read the paper.
And you will talk.
But I won't listen.
And you will do the cleaning
And we watch TV.
So beautiful.
I'm just sorting to make sure we have
everything ready for the auction.
When this bazaar is over,
you should find yourself another church.
I'm planning to become myself again.
Become the Helene I know and like.
I won't allow you to make me weak.
You won't allow me to make you weak?
So you do have feelings for me?
It's just that you fear them.
So you'd rather live a loveless life?
Quote the Song of Solomon again,
and I'll knock your teeth out.
Hi! Am I intruding?
No, Dagrun.
Just tell us what's on your mind.
I get these fits, you know.
I got them when I met
with a psychic in Tromsø
to communicate with Kjell.
And he latched on to me instead.
Typical Kjell.
What do you want?
I wonder, do you do exorcisms?
-Could you help me exorcise him?
-You need a psychiatrist, not a priest.
-To rid you of your obsessive thoughts.
The fits are real.
It's not my voice, it's Kjell's.
It's his drunken voice.
Get a referral from your doctor.
Then it won't cost you as much.
-No cake?
-You are fat.
-You are fat, dear?
The occasional piece of cake
won't hurt.
Cake on Sundays.
Why are you standing there again?
You're bewildering yourself.
There never was a flat screen.
If having a flat screen
is so important to you, we'll buy one.
A flat screen is no big deal.
I'll buy one! I'll do it today.
Quite simply!
Right, Unna
Would you mind looking
for a 42-inch flat screen, on discount?
You, who have lit millions of stars
Teach us to shine for you in our homes
You are our Father
You protect and watch over
The ones who so humbly
Worship and believe
I got beat up. At a bar.
I didn't drink, I was just there.
Yes, okay That's
twelve hundred bottles of gin.
I won't drink them. I'm selling them.
I'm giving the money to Elena.
She dreams of buying a
Marin. Marin!
My laptop is becoming so sluggish.
Especially booting up.
Could you get Gustav
to take a look at it?
-I've been thinking about something.
-And what would that be?
I've got the world's dullest job.
And it's underpaid, to boot.
I feel like traveling.
Perhaps to Tenerife.
I can't raise your salary.
But Tenerife sounds like a good idea.
It would do you good.
You are in Bilzi's pocket.
You warned him of the customs agents.
You I don't quite follow.
From now on, you pay me
a fixed sum every month.
To avoid me reporting you
for corruption.
Silence is golden.
-Hey, it's Willman.
I just wanted to call it quits,
once and for all.
After all, we're even now.
I've turned a blind eye
to this vodka business of yours.
But I can't be a part
of this game anymore.
I'm becoming
a full-time county sheriff now.
It's too late to turn now, Willman.
You're caught in the net.
I've got you in the palm of my hand.
If you don't do as you're told,
I will see to it that everyone out there
will know how badly you've stained
that fancy uniform of yours.
When I say jump, you jump.
When I say sit, you sit.
When I say heel, you heel.
You are my little lapdog, Willman.
Are you drinking?
What are you doing?
Bilzi beats you up and abuses you,
and you let it happen.
I can't stand watching
or listening to it anymore.
I will I will get him to stop.
I'll leave him!
We can move out.
We'll stay at the motel, you and me.
Come on, then!
I'm an adult, Marin,
so I can't simply
I knew it.
Fine! Go then, if you must!
Go move in with your dad!
You'll have a blast!
Call me when you've had enough
of that drunk and his disfigured whore!
I hear you've moved in
with a Norwegian slut.
And her little bastard kid.
You can't help it.
Help what?
You are half daža.
Muddy blood.
And it's my fault.
My fucking fault.
Your father
that whoremonger, that liar.
He pretended to be Russian Sami
to trick me into sleeping with him.
He told me the truth once
when he was drunk.
By then we'd already had
our grand Sami wedding.
And you'd been born.
I'm sorry.
Go rest for a bit.
Now I will set the stage
for having sex.
I'll tell you that you "smell good".
And then you say
that you've taken a sleeping pill.
And then I'll say, "No problem.
Tomorrow is a new day."
Who's that lying beside me,
smelling so lovely?
Sleeping pill, dear.
No problem. Tomorrow is a new day.
I'm stuck here.
My daughter is here.
Her life is here.
It's different for you, Kari.
You're still free.
You're not stuck here.
You can pack your bags,
get in the car and leave.
Just hurry up and get out of here.
Translation: Nicolai Herzog
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