When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

When The Devil Calls Your Name
There's something I wanted to talk to you about.
About money?
Yeah, it is, you punk.
Do you have some money to spare?
Episode 7
It's a joke! Don't need to say you're broke.
Let's have a drink sometime.
What the hell!
My guitar!
Stay right there!
Whoa, student.
Let go of me. Let go!
I said to let go!
- This bitch!
- Whoa!
- Follow me!
- Wait.
- Follow me!
- Wait!
You should stop now!
Who are you?
I'm her father.
- You're her dad?
- What the hell are you doing to my daughter?
This little bastard!
- What the hell?
- What'd you do to her?
- What relationship do you two have?
- What are you talking about?
- Let go of me.
- Answer me!
I asked what the hell did you do with her, you bastard!
What is this man saying?
- What did you do?
- I said stop!
Move, bitch! As for this bastard.
You bastard! Acting like that to my daughter.
Sir, are you okay?
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
He turns into a different person when he drinks.
We committed such a big sin.
Lock him up. Feed him beans and rice (meaning: send him to prison).
This isn't his first or second offense. He isn't human. Don't settle.
I'm so sorry.
Get up. I said, get up!
What did you do so right to be lying down?
Get up! I said, get up!
Are you crazy? Get up.
Let go of me!
Get up. Get up!
What are you?
Doesn't the owner get annoyed if it makes sounds like that every day?
The landlord's near deaf. That's why I'm still in this crappy room.
But, every day?
I live at the end over there. When my dad acts up,
- I come out for some air.
- Then run away.
I won't do that.
If I'm not there, my mom might really die.
Then why does your mom keep living with someone like him?
Why did you agree to settle? You should've sued our asses off.
I'm already regretting it.
There's an event tomorrow, too.
How old are you?
- Eighteen.
- Hey, eighteen year old. Listen carefully.
You want to know something about drunk losers who beat their wives and children?
They can't fight against strong people.
Don't just futilely resist.
Stand up to him and give him hell. Just enough so he won't die.
Don't say random things just because it's not your business.
Do you know why my eyebrow is like this?
My dad hit me with a guitar when I was about your age.
- I almost went blind.
- So?
- I hung that old geezer upside down.
- Really?
It's a joke. Go home.
Sing a song. I'll listen to you.
Forget it. My guitar's broken, anyway.
Why is it called "Liver and Gallbladder"?
It's not a name for a butcher shop.
What kind of name is that?
I get that a lot.
"Liver and Gallbladder."
Even with a knife in your neck, you won't lose courage.
It's that kind of musical pride. It was the best bluff.
Even now I'm offering everything for sale, liver and gallbladder.
But what event do you have tomorrow?
A congratulatory song for a wedding.
I'm totally ignorant and being a nuisance.
How are you going to fix this?
It'll heal, I guess.
That part's busted, too.
Give me that.
Hey. I'm especially playing this for you.
It's different from other songs. Listen carefully.
In the beginning, it sounds like rock.
Then, the song starts with sweet ballad-like lyrics.
♫ The day we first met by coincidence ♫
♫ Could I have felt that warm memory? ♫
- Finished.
- Huh?
I only wrote up to here.
What's that? I agreed to listen to it for you
Wow, this song
- It's really good.
- Really?
♫ There's no one in the street which you left ♫
♫ I can see your beautiful smile every day ♫
♫ You who were the desert's oasis ♫
♫ The soft voice which made me laugh ♫
♫ From that time I first met you ♫
♫ The streetlight sheds light on us like hope ♫
♫ Stay here forever ♫
♫ Stay with me forever ♫
♫ In your arms forever ♫
Did I do well? We were good, right?
Well, for not having much practice.
I think we match well. Should we be a duet act?
Our name could be "Right Atrium Left Ventricle."
It needs to be both of us or it won't work.
Just study, you punk.
I already gave up on studying in this life. I want to do music.
Let's be a duet!
That's around the time my dream died.
That's why I can never forget it.
I taped up the guitar for him.
Ten years ago.
Your guitar is taped up the same way as Seo Dong Cheon's.
Play it one more time.
That guitar where did you get it?
Where did you get that guitar from?
A dealer.
There's an old man who deals in secondhand items.
I was told it belonged to a famous singer.
I pretended to believe him and bought it.
That was Seo Dong Cheon's? I thought it was Cho Yong Pil's.
I got scammed.
I thought you might be Seo Dong Cheon.
What if I am?
When I became a real singer,
he was the first person I wanted to tell.
Tell him and then what?
I had a feeling that he'd be able to tell me
what to do afterward.
He's the one who inspired me to dream,
for the first time.
The child I gave a dream to, is her.
I will take away this child's dream, twice.
The soul that I'm going to take
belongs to this child.
3 years ago
So what are you going to do after you quit?
Someone I know own's a blueberry farm.
There are not many people in the countryside so he's short-staffed.
Look here, Mo Tae Kang, do you think you're suitable for farming?
You've been exhausted these days.
Take a short break and start auditioning again.
Even if I do, I'd keep failing and failing.
Just keep trying and I'm sure you'll find the perfect job.
- Really?
- Of course.
Eat, let's eat.
aren't Mo Tae Kang, are you.
You aren't Mo Tae Kang.
You're right, I'm not Mo Tae Kang.
Then who are you?
The devil.
You're asking me to beg on my knees, right? Fine.
As you can see, I'm wearing a dress so I can't kneel, but
If that's what you really want, I'll acknowledge it.
Okay. You can be the devil.
Let's start over again.
Us, starting over again.
From the beginning.
None of those words fit me.
The more I see, the more complicated they are.
What are humans to throw me away and you away to come here?
The human you are thinking of is yourself.
It is not as simple as you think.
You think the grade 1 soul you hope for still exists?
It doesn't exist. It doesn't!
There's only garbage in the human world.
There's more to it than meets the eye.
Humans are already complicated as they are.
When you gain that knowledge,
you will also suffer greatly.
Thanks for today, as well. Get home safely.
I'm sure he's dead.
Why else would a musician sell his instrument?
It's obvious.
He even sold his guitar, probably became an alcoholic and ended up on the streets. Who knows?
No, why would he be dead?
Why are you talking badly about someone you don't even know?
Why don't I know him?!
He probably didn't have a speck of talent and pretended to be a musician to a kid.
People who have no drive and act like know-it-alls who say they'll do music?
There are plenty of people like him in this field.
Your car won't start? What a gabage.
A gabage?! Watch your mouth. Dong Baek will hear. He's only fifty years old.
Fifty? You should've scrapped it long ago.
What's wrong with fifty? You said you like Seo Dong Cheon who's over fifty! You said you like him more than Lee Choong Ryeol!
- Seo Dong Cheon is a person.
- What's the difference?!
This rascal, Dong Baek, also inspired me to dream.
- This car?
- Yeah.
You don't even know anything. Who's an oldie?
I never said oldie.
When I became a real singer,
he's the first one I wanted to tell.
Oh, it's good! Very good!
There are more than two million views.
In this short time. Isn't it a new world record?
Where are you, Guinness World Records?
Wow, there's even an article about Harib.
Let's see what the title is. Ooh!
"Where is the end to Harib's arrogance?"
Oh? There's another one. "Ruins the showcase and does guerilla busking."
"No apologies for the change of plans."
Yes, that's right. A person shouldn't act like that.
You think I'd be angry about that?
Until when are you going to ignore my calls?
Are you mad at me about something?
He gave me a dream, for the first time.
He won't pick up.
After all that fuss he made about debuting her? Now there are a lot of reactions to a new source of music.
And what's with the MIA stunt they pulled?
Was PD Ha always this irresponsible?
- He seems to be in a predicament. He'll show up soon. Don't worry.
- Aish.
I still don't like him.
Anyway, do you know anything about Seo Dong Cheon?
Seo Dong Cheon? No.
Nothing at all?
I met him ten years ago, but that's it.
How about Harib? Wouldn't he know?
Probably not.
But why are you asking about Mr. Seo?
Oh, I just, keep getting reminded of Dong Cheon.
I saw him ten years ago and he looked like he was having a really hard time.
I don't even know if he's dead or alive.
I was too indifferent back then.
One's vanished, another's missing.
Congrats, Yi Gyeong!
Thank you.
Is PD Ha not coming on this wonderful day?
He's started again.
He's depressed in the winter and maniacal in the summer. In this midsummer heat, our PD Ha
has started his winter depression already.
I've seen it happen more than once. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
But, do you really remember nothing of your past?
At all?
You never tried fingerprint identification?
When you apply for resident registration, they take your fingerprint.
If you go to the district office, they will identify you in a minute.
Busking. That's when PD Ha started to be like that, right?
Yeah. He was a bit weird that day.
They're really bad people. PD Ha must be really mad, too.
To be honest, I went to his basement
and saw Seo Dong Cheon's guitar.
His guitar?
I think the producer knows something about him.
Do you know anything?
Guess who's the owner of the old house.
Seo Dong Cheon?
But he definitely paid rent.
That's his last known address.
The owner is Seo Dong Cheon.
And the person picking up the mail is Harib.
It could be an opportunity
or luck that had nothing to do with my fate.
Anyway, I thought it was an amazing contract impossible to get twice.
Terms and Conditions of the Soul Contract /s/ Seo Dong Cheon
And I was getting drunk on the new me.
I've never thought of that girl before.
How could I
How could I have forgotten her so easily?
Actor Mo Tae Kang
Yi Gyeong was the girl from ten years ago. You knew, right?
You did.
You evil bastard!
That's not it.
Chief Kang, I'll handle this.
This is
a little exciting.
Why do you think I am responsible for everything that goes on in your life?
Don't plan on spouting nonsense and backing out.
You didn't do this again?
I don't do what you guys want. I do what I want.
You stole her songs on purpose.
And you brought her to me.
What do you really want? Why are you like this?
I told you. I only do what I want.
Whether that is someone's luck or misfortune is not my problem.
That girl's song came down to you,
let's call it regretful.
I think you've been misunderstanding something for a while.
Do you think that I called you?
It never occurred to you that you could've called me first?
Don't say bullshit.
Was the motif which the old man had and gave to you an inspiration? Or was it yours?
Have you ever thought about this?
Is she the only one you stole songs from?
No. Is she the only one your inspiration stole songs from?
Does it not matter that you stole songs from more people,
because you do not know those other people?
Since that girl is now in front of you,
is your so-great conscience bowing its head with guilt?
Is that really my fault?
Don't casually talk about others' pride!
How dare you, you soulless devil bastard!
Should I show you the other victims? There'll be two trucks full of them.
That is the size of your greed.
I'll bring them all to you, so apologize to them in the place of this devil bastard.
"I am sorry for exploiting your passion for my dirty greed."
Say it. At least apologize to them.
It is regretful that my sense of reason is still alive.
I want to kill you.
Welcome! Fury and loathing are what I live on.
Don't forget.
The clock is ticking even as you make a fuss in front of me.
That freaking contract.
All of your wishes can be canceled completely,
including the first one, of course.
You wicked bastard.
You chose to make a contract with this wicked bastard.
You should hurry.
Where is she?
Where did you hide her?
Hide her? Why would I?
Wasn't it you who so desperately made sure
she'd never be found?
Why the hell are you like this to me?
I hate that word.
Five minutes to standby!
Hope. It's a filthy, disgusting feeling.
Move out of the way. You'll get hurt.
You disguise your unrealistic and selfish greed as a hope. It's a convenient and delusional way.
Like that, you call disguised greed a hope.
You forgive yourself who are chasing that dirty desire.
You try very hard to ignore that that filthy ambition is like useless lingering attachment.
However, in the end, the dirty and nasty ambition is only a setback.
When failure smiles at you.
When you need an excuse to forgive yourself,
I will save and forgive you,
because you called my name.
I will forgive your excuses.
It's my duty to save floundering you at the end of your failure.
Saving and forgiving you who are as little-worth as an insect
is my revenge.
That is the purpose of my contract.
Cut! Okay.
You made it real. You made it completely real.
Okay. Good. Get up!
I momentarily forgot that he is really the devil.
What are you going to do?
Wasn't it a cut?
Get up!
Someone call 119 quickly.
How did this happen?
What happened here? What is going on?
What happened?
How can this happen?
I have to take a look.
I need to see that my first wish came true. I have to check for myself.
You want to see? Then what?
Let's see first. I will then take care of what I have to.
It's been a while.
Chief Kang.
Be gentle, be gentle.
What happened?
Mom. Mom.
Hold on a little longer. Ahjussi will come for you.
How did that even happen?
I also wanted to fly.
- Oh! Oh!
- Mom! Mom!
Oh. I flew. I'm flying.
I'm flying.
He flew!
He really did.
Did you see me do that?
At 2:30p.m today, a seven year old boy
Now we need to take care of our actor's feelings. Let's go out.
The firefighters rescued the boy and avoided a big accident.
I really flew like a bird in the sky.
Did you see that?
Netizens who saw the eyewitness videos on SNS sites,
while thinking that young Choi was really flying,
are having an amusing heated discussion.
- What is this?
- The generator. Please turn the lights on in here.
It's him.
He is near.
Who is?
Scene 3-22. We are rolling. Ready!
Camera. Roll.
I am sorry. Chaebols function this way.
Please forgive me.
Someday, those souls
will make your burden heavier and heavier.
Our detective here is not deceived.
He is a veteran indeed. A veteran.
Someday, it will not be me who tosses you away.
Soon after you are thrown away, the day will come when you know yourself.
I am sorry. I am sorry.
I am sorry.
I am sorry. So Sorry. So sorry.
Cut! Okay!
Son of a bitch.
Please save me.
Over here. Save me.
Save me.
Hey there? Is no one there? Save me!
Let me borrow it for one day. I'll bring it back all cleaned up.
You sure go out a lot these days. Are you dating?
Is that the end of your basement sit-in, Sir?
I have to go somewhere.
- Where are you going?
- I also have personal business. Bye then.
Police Station.
When you register as a resident, your fingerprint is taken.
Here you go.
I saw you on TV. You live with him. You are famous.
He became famous.
What kind of person is he?
He just composes and sings.
- Single?
- Me?
No, the person you live with.
Of course.
I see. What did you come here for?
If you look up the fingerprints, would you be able to figure out who the person is?
But why are you asking?
[3 years ago]
Hey you. You there.
Come to your senses. Excuse me.
It's easy. You go to the district office, they take your prints, you wait, and it comes out.
Don't you want to know who you are?
Of coure I want to know.
Let's go. I'll take you.
I want to know. I definitely want to know.
I also do not want to know.
I am sorry.
I am sorry. I am sorry.
There could be a life that the less you want to remember,
the more you could remember about.
It could be
that it was so painful that you erased the memory.
Looks like I need more time, even though three years have passed.
I am a little jealous.
I sometimes wish I could erase everything.
Anyhow, let me know when you are ready. I will help you find out.
Thank you.
She still lives in that neighborhood.
While working in the kimbap restaurant, she takes care of her husband by herself.
It's Gyeong. Snacks.
Closed today.
Get lost.
Just die.
Please kill yourself.
Don't you have a conscience?
The greatest gift to a parent is a happy child.
- Who said that?
- My mom did.
I don't know if my mom would like this.
I have never heard her say that I did a good job.
I also have a gift that I want to give my mom, but I don't know if she will accept it.
What is it?
There is just something.
How is this? It looks good on you.
It's my mom's birthday.
B01 Baeksang-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul
87 Baeksang-ro
This worm-like person!
If you can't move your limbs,
eat what I'm feeding you. What are you doing?
Oh, you pooped!
You worm.
Are you okay?
Who are you?
I was just passing by and heard the sound.
What's your relationship?
What is this! Talk properly.
What have you done to her?
Stop, Dad!
Detective, put him in there.
It's not just a day or two. He's not human.
Get up!
Sit up, please.
No. If he's not hospitalized, he should get emergency care,
and then be observed for several hours to see how he progresses.
I'll get treated later, Doctor.
Right now I have a sick man at home.
Your pelvis is fractured.
Patient, you are going to have to be totally still now.
This is a disaster. There's no one at home to look after him.
- I must go home.
- You can't.
Just stay here. Stay.
I"ll go.
I'm sorry, but what is it to you?
Please stay.
The stepfather was seriously injured but did not die.
He is a quadriplegic now.
Is this now something I did to you,
or is it the karma you deserve?
Hey eighteen years old, listen carefully.
You want to know something about drunk losers who beat their wives and children?
They can't fight against strong people.
Don't just futilely resist. Stand up to him and give him hell.
Just enough so he won't die.
Do you know? You're guilty for what you did to your daughter.
And I'm guilty for talking to your daughter.
It's here.
Aren't you in jail yet?
Ashtray killer!
Please die!
- Kelly!
- Don't come!
Don't follow.
If you have come, you should see his face too.
Is everything all right?
I must be crazy.
Gyeong Yi, did you come?
- How did that happen? Are you okay?
- Not to worry.
- You're injured.
- Not at all.
- What are you doing here?
- That, that is
It's just that
- This person—
- Get out.
- No. This person—
- I told you to leave here.
Do you know that person?
Gyeong Soo, do you also know him?
What are we supposed to do? Why did you bring him here?
Have you forgotten your brother's a civil servant? What are you going to do now that the whole world knows?
In a civil servant's house a convict. Are you in your right mind now?
Ma'am, please stop.
Don't try to stand out.
Live quietly so nobody notices you.
How did your brother become a cop?
What are you going to do if something happens?
I told you so many times not to do it, so why did you?
Will there be no problems if only I live quietly?
Take your medicine.
I know you're not sleeping.
Do you really not want to see me?
Just wait a little. I'll go to the market.
No, I have to go to work right away.
You should at least eat.
I don't have time. I just came.
Happy birthday, Mother.
You could've come without bringing anything.
I'll go now. Rest.
Next time, tell him to call me right away.
You can tell him yourself.
That woman is the one who's worried about the slightest thing happening to her son.
Does he know about our family, too?
That friend?
Get in. I'll drop you off.
I'll take the bus.
Get in! If I say to get in, just get in.
How come you never listen to me, not even once?
Will I kidnap you? Scam you?
Have you ever thought of me as your brother?
I never did, so stop acting like one to me.
You, seriously.
Don't take Mother's words to heart.
Do whatever you want without caring about others like you're alone in this world.
Live like that.
- The ambulance came before.
- She's from that family, right?
She attacked her father. It won't be long before she does the same to her mother.
Yeah, she definitely will in this hot weather.
She keeps causing a fuss, we can't live in peace.
- How deceptive.
- They're not moving?
- Hello.
- Oh!
She must've heard us.
♫ On an unexpected trip ♫
♫ will I meet a friend? ♫
♫ Shall I ♫
Please go.
♫ tell you my name? ♫
I'm leaving because you told me to. You think I'm the type to go when—
Please just go.
♫ I am not an immature child who doesn't know anything ♫
♫ Shall I tell you how I feel? ♫
♫ Shall I tell you my story? ♫
♫ Whether sad, laughing, or in pain, I'm happy. That's the way I am. ♫
♫ Even when I can't understand ♫
♫ I will say I understand very well ♫
Is is this window okay?
Should we add a crime prevention glass?
If a thief gets hurt and asks the house owner for compensation, it's going to be a pain in the butt.
Are you watering these?
We can't kill them. It'll make things complicated.
Kang Ha was good at watering them.
Don't worry about it. I just came by
If I showed her my singing,
if I showed I am being loved by people, I thought my mother would cheer me on.
I thought I gave her a good gift for the first time.
I guess I am the worst to my mother, too.
Still, thank you for helping my mother today.
It probably was the best gift to my mother.
Thank you.
Why do you always thank me?
Would you want me to get angry instead?
I can't get angry because what people are saying is true.
Despite hearing that, I still want to sing though.
Since I've got plenty of stories, I need to show them something again.
I am
For what? What are you sorry for?
Everything I ruined for you.
Your youth, your talent.
Your life. All of them.
Find the right place to boast yourself.
My life was never ruined.
That's right! Think like that.
If you are not good at study, then do the music. And if no one listens to your singing, then keep singing to yourself.
You weren't just giving it a try but you did it because it was your exit and escape. And you had moments of the
music becoming the stairways to heaven for you, right?
Remember that only, making yourself happy.
I'd rather be someone with power than
becoming happy.
I want to become successful and escape from the shihole as soon as possible
so that no one can mess with my family.
I flew up like a real little bird!
You saw me flying, right?
About Mr. Seo
About showing the evidence of achieving the first wish—
All right.
I already showed him, so what more do I need to show?
If I'm taking care here, it'll burst over there. If I'm taking care here, it'll blow underneath.
At this point, Ji Seo Yeong, there's nothing in your life.
You are ruined.
How many days has it been since he called?
So you want to play head games?
Okay, dating is the head game.
Okay then.
Come in!
Ms. CEO.
How much?
It's too big to be ignored.
Yi Gyeong's past accident was so severe.
I think as much the public interest is going up the negative opinions are going up as well.
You got anything else?
There are comments on the company's SNS asking when the record would be released.
That is too big to be ignored as well.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Ji Seo Yeong
Here it is.
No sign of anyone living here.
The taxes were paid on time for the past ten years,
and there's no trace of him leaving the country, either.
So it means he is alive somewhere in this country and owns this house.
Sometimes Harib comes here.
This neighborhood is being redeveloped, so the price of houses has increased considerably in the last five years.
So Seo Dong Cheon is investing in real estate?
While he has no money?
What do you think is going to happen?
We have to break it!
I'm on your side.
I'm on your side.
Where's everybody that it's so quiet?
Teacher, son of a bitch.
What the hell?
Kelly's on the battlefield alone. Coward.
Why don't you contact me first? Why?
You need to calm down.
Calm down? Is it time to calm down?
Who didn't answer my calls?
Anyway, I'll see you later.
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yes.
She is here!
Yi Gyeong, can you tell us what happened?
Just say one word!
Mrs. Kim, please say something!
We are going to start a press conference with the singer Kelly.
Hello everyone, I'm Kelly. Kim Yi Gyeong is my real name.
First of all, I would like to apologize to all the people and journalists
who have been waiting for the showcase that I canceled without notice.
I'm really sorry.
Your classmates said you were a bully. Is that true?
Have you ever been involved in school violence?
That's not true.
Do you mean you never used violence?
I just helped a friend who was being harassed—
Did you cancel the showcase because of psychological pressure?
I'm so sorry.
Do you think a simple apology is enough?
What happened?
- Explain.
- Please, give a explanation.
What happened?
Can you give an answer?
I'm going to tell you something.
I'm busy, so let's do it later.
Hey, Seo Dong Cheon.
I heard you were Mr. Harib's housekeeper.
Yes, that's right.
So you're saying that you two have been living in a house together?
No, it's not that.
Were you a live-in housekeeper?
What kind of relationship do you have with Harib?
Did you approach him on purpose?
Since when did you have that relationship?
So what's your relationship with Harib?
So, how did you get to know Harib?
Since I first met you, I've seen you a lot and you were familiar.
But I could not remember.
I have facial recognition problems,
so I really could not remember. But now, I can.
Those eyes. Yes, I'm speaking about that glance.
Seo Dong Cheon.
It's not easy to see a person as a bug, you know.
But the moment I see these eyes, they look the same.
I mean even your walking and voice tone.
Not just that. You are the first since Seo Dong Cheon to call
Tiger Pharmaceuticals as Cat Pharmaceuticals.
So be honest with me now.
What is your relationship with Seo Dong Cheon?
When the Devil Calls Your Name
It's strange you are acting well like that.
I heard you were Mr. Harib's housekeeper.
- What happened?
- Explain to us.
I have met a lawyer who was appointed to defend Yi Gyeong's case.
- She was accused of stealing money at a wedding.
- What you looking at!
The theft was a big deal for her.
My baby's sick.
Without surgery he will die.
I was backstabbed by Harib.
Mr. Seo Dong Cheon?
- Here.
- What is this?
A contract.
This is our contract.
Is that a blank check or something?
- You don't have money.
- I have so much money.
I signed a singer's contract.
I want you to be my daddy long legs.
You are you so unlucky in life?
You bring me bad luck too.
What if she ever met the man who had completely destroyed her life?
And what if she discovers that this man is
Seo Dong Cheon, but also Harib?
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