When the Streetlights Go On (2017) s01e07 Episode Script

Warmth of The Sun

It's just, you know, you write a song,
and in your head, it's perfect.
And go to play it,
and Kurt's picking his ass
and Clark's fucking up the bass line,
and before you know it,
whole song's ruined.
Like, ruined.
Well, sure.
In your head, things are sacred.
Yeah, sacred, exactly.
What's sacred to you?
I don't know.
The Beach Boys.
The Beach Boys?
The Beach Boys? Are you serious?
They remind me of this one family
vacation we took when I was a kid.
Chrissy was obsessed
with "Warmth of the Sun."
That was a long time ago.
When things were normal.
I'll make sure the Hillbilly Wolves
learn some Beach Boys.
Got any plans for Halloween?
Anatol Depner's throwing a party.
Isn't that the kid who exposed himself
to the auxiliary class?
No, no, that was, uh,
that was Mutt Riley.
- Oh, yeah, yeah, right.
- Yeah.
Hear he's got some kegs or something.
I don't know.
That sounds like fun.
No, I mean, let's be realistic,
it's gonna be fucking lame,
but we should go.
I gotta go.
I really dig you.
I'm sure she's just confused.
I mean, I am too.
I just
Can you come in here?
Well, it was very kind of you
to drop by, young man.
Oh, absolutely, sir, I'm just
I guess I'm trying to do
what I feel is right, for Chrissy.
Through their crushing grief,
the Monroes hadn't paid much attention
to Becky's social life,
nor to the outside world, for that matter.
She was prohibited from seeing Casper
and grounded indefinitely.
The week of Anatol Depner's
party was ironically serene.
There was a feeling in the air that week,
something charged and mysterious.
We all thought it was just Halloween.
We had no idea what awaited us.
We are absolutely going.
Are you sure you want to go to this?
Why not?
It's Halloween, Charlie.
All right.
Plus, I made a really cool costume.
- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
Wait, isn't this the kid that exposed
himself to the volleyball team?
No, that was, uh, Eli Hickey.
Oh, yeah.
What time should I pick you up on Friday?
I can't go.
What do you mean?
I'm grounded, remember?
What is this, third grade?
For how long?
I don't know.
They're super pissed.
They're talking about enrolling me
in Catholic school.
Yeesh, Catholic school?
I know.
You, uh, you want me to talk to 'em?
Well, I'm sure you can figure
something out.
I, uh, have a gift I want to give you.
What is it?
Get to the party and you'll see.
You're trouble.
I'll take that as a yes.
Brad. Hi, it's Becky.
Yeah, Monroe.
Uh, so listen, um, I was wondering
if you had any plans Friday night?
Yeah, uh, Depner's throwing
that Halloween party, and I was
wondering if you could give me
a ride or something like that.
Brad's here.
I've given him permission to take you
to the Halloween fair.
Thank you, Dad.
You have her back at a decent time,
young man.
Oh, absolutely, sir, she's in--
she's in good hands.
You are still grounded.
You ready?
All right.
Hey, you came!
I'm so happy to see you.
You look so good.
You too, you look--
I like the dots.
So, what are you supposed to be?
Oh, I'm the Lady in the Radiator.
And who are you?
"Pulp Fiction."
Samuel L. Jackson.
"My name is the Lord!
I will strike you down."
Oh, damn!
- Classy.
- Yeah. Where's your goatee?
- I couldn't get it to stick, so
- Aw.
- Tried to get it
- Oh, no.
Well, I wish you would've told me.
I could've been Mia Wallace.
- That would've been cool.
- Mm-hmm.
I guess she does work better
with John Travolta's character, though.
What do you mean?
Well, just 'cause
they're, like, a couple.
They have scenes together.
I'm glad you called.
Me too.
Look, I'm really sorry,
about the dodgeball thing, and all, I
I just get so fucking competitive.
No, no, it's okay.
Really, it's okay.
No, but I mean it.
I am sorry, I
I'm not a bad guy.
No, I understand that.
Let's have fun tonight, yeah?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You know, you and Chrissy,
you guys have similar lips.
Maybe later, okay?
All righty, then.
Yo, shitheads, let's go.
Uh, yo, hold on.
UhI'll be right back.
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