White Lines (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[laughter and cheering]
[Axel] Oh, this was a great idea.
[cheering and laughing]
[David] Fucking hell.
Oriol's got a fridge back here.
Happy surprise party, Oriol.
- Wahey!
- [Marcus] It's not a surprise party
when someone gets your boat
and nicks your champagne.
Hey, whatever it is, he's gonna have
the surprise of his life
when he wakes up.
Happy birthday!
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Zippin' up my boots ♪
- Happy birthday to you ♪
- Goin' back to my roots ♪
- Happy birthday, ♪
- To the place of my birth ♪
Dear Oriol ♪
Back down to Earth ♪
[in Spanish] Holy fuck!
Cristóbal, get up and get out here!
[Kika, in English]
Putting Oriol's speed boat
in Cristóbal's pool was pretty funny.
[Zoe] Was that Axel's idea?
[Kika] Everything was Axel's idea.
My God! Back then,
we only cared about the present.
We didn't think about the consequences
or tomorrow.
We only wanted to have a good time.
Where have you been
for the past few days?
I haven't seen you.
[Zoe] I've been with Boxer.
- Danke schoen ♪
- [Zoe] I haven't left his place.
- Darling, danke schoen ♪
- He's been painting a portrait of me.
- Well, of my feet.
- Thank you for ♪
It's the first time anyone's painted me,
and he just spends hours looking at me.
Picture shows ♪
We've been listening to music
and watching videos of concerts
on the Internet.
There are so many songs
that sound familiar to me,
but I never knew who they were by.
Second seat, go Dutch treat ♪
And he always comes up
with something new to do.
Danke schoen ♪
I mean
I've been peeling shellfish
for 40 minutes at a time
and making fish soup.
Save those lies ♪
I love fucking your tight little pussy.
- Darling, don't explain ♪
- Hmm!
[Kika] Carpe diem, huh?
[Zoe chuckles]
[Kika] Three whole daysat his place.
What does Mike think about your carpe diem
with Boxer and not with him?
[wind chimes tinkling]
Boxer's just a moment in time.
And then when I leave the island
I won't see him again, and that's okay.
That's the point, isn't it?
Carpe diem?
[Kika laughs]
Living in the moment.
[David] Hey.
[Zoe] Hi.
- [David] I've got something for you.
- [Zoe] What is it?
Inside here is photos and videos
and all my memories of Axel.
And I want you to have 'em.
Oh, David.
[sighs] Thank you.
Why are you getting rid of it all?
Well, for years,
I thought I'd dealt with me past,
but then when Zoe asked for the photos
the other day,
I realized I'd just been hiding it
in boxes.
You know?
Everything that that we went through
and everything that I felt about him
Uh You know, it's time now
for those feelings
to come out
for everyone who was part of his life.
- Mmm.
- You okay?
And how are you gonna do that?
We're gonna have a dinner, tonight.
Be the first time that all of us have been
in the same place in 20 years.
We'll talk about him. Just
We'll say the things that need to be said,
and then we just
leave it behind us forever.
[sighs] We should have done it long ago.
[crowd chanting]
Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel!
- Axel! Axel! Axel! Axel!
- [house music playing]
Axel! Axel! Axel!
[chanting fades]
[dog barking]
[Anna murmuring]
Come on, put him down. Into the taxi.
Oh, Marcus. I am so sorry.
[Marcus] I'm sorry.
I'm gonna take the girls to George's.
I would ask you to come,
but it's not appropriate.
No, of course not. [sighs]
Don't worry.
Besides, you know, there’s no need.
Okay. There you go.
[Marcus] Eh?
George is allergic.
Knew he wasn't perfect.
[phone alert]
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
For you.
["Good Grief"
by Urban Dance Squad playing]
Good mornin', Vietnam, ha-ha ♪
My style is quadruple damage for MCs ♪
I make 'em huff and puff
Like mufflers from Meineke ♪
Human exhaust, you wanna get lost? ♪
Rhymes plus Exxon
Ride brains like Alain Prost ♪
[switches music off]
[man] Thank you.
Hey, Marcus,
what the fuck are you doing here?
Having some paella.
Only joking.
I'm just a small-time dealer
sticking up for his rights.
For the past 12 years,
our partnership has been
peaceful and harmonious.
We’ve lasted longer
than some legal businesses
who do things by the book.
We've had a simple agreement.
I don't report you to the police
and in return,
you only sell quality merchandise.
And it has worked.
We've shared the profits
and kept the drug business under control
in our clubs.
But now
the Martínez narcos are taking over.
You're the one that asked us to stop
selling. You wanted clean fucking clubs.
- [man 1] Healthy.
- [man 2] Yeah. Fuck's that even mean?
It's the scourge of the 21st century, man.
Healthy, vegan, crudités.
Say no to meat
because fucking cows
contaminate the Earth.
- Yeah.
- No more rock and roll, man.
No more Barbie Girl. No more fun.
What are you talking about? It's Ibiza.
Getting wasted
never's gonna go out of fashion.
[man 1] I'm talking about
five years' time, man.
The avocado and the vegans
will be the death of drug trafficking.
You'll see.
Is that your plan, Oriol?
To open up a fucking cucumber water bar?
[both laughing]
- [clinking bottles]
- [man 2] Is that why we're here?
Why do I feel like I am the only one who's
actually worried about the business? Eh?
Why aren't you surprised
they're selling their shit in your patch?
Were you expecting it?
Or are you selling
in the Martínez clubs now
instead of respecting the pact
that you've got with me?
Is that it?
Oh, you're fucking kidding me.
[man 1] What the fuck did you expect us
to do, eh? Keep it all in a cookie jar?
[man 1] Yeah, sure, you lost control.
But we lost more than that.
We lost the coke,
the clients, the suppliers
Yuri and Grigor have disappeared.
They haven't disappeared, man.
Something happened to them.
Their boat was found 90 miles
from the shore,
abandoned, full of coke.
Nobody just leaves a boat like that.
It's weird.
Yeah, it's fucking weird.
[man 2] Want to know what's even weirder?
I went to the longlines today.
There was nothing down there.
Just a cement block and an anchor.
- [man 1] What the fuck does that mean?
- [man 2] I don't know what that means.
But if I find out one of you took it, I'm
not just gonna fucking break your legs.
You'll be pulling yourself around
in a little wooden trolley. Got it?
I paid for those drugs, you asshole.
I paid you not to sell them.
So go find yourself one of those fucking
trawlers and shove it up your fucking ass!
[Kika] Just shut up, please,
and stop with the threats. All of you.
We're all here to work this problem out.
You're all gonna come back
to our clubs.
We're looking into new suppliers
from Afghanistan or Amsterdam.
We'll know soon.
Your cut is going to be 55 percent
from now until the end of the summer
for all your troubles.
We're going to start
working together again
and we will start
trusting each other again.
Marcus! Marcus, wait up.
- What the hell do you want?
- Don't just walk off like that. What's up?
You wanna talk about loyalty?
I'm the only cunt round that table
that's respected your brother's pact,
and now I'm fucked.
Homeless, livin' in me car
with two fuckin' poodles.
[Kika] Marcus
Fucking joke.
[club music playing downstairs]
What's with Jack Sparrow's chest?
Did you really go to David's house,
or were you hunting for treasure?
Yeah, David gave it to me.
It's everything he had of
Don't you want to open it?
The last thing I found out about Axel
was that he
ripped his own teeth out of his mouth.
And that he needed
to feel extreme emotions
to make him feel alive.
I don't know that person.
Everyone has two faces.
Face A, which is the public face.
The best version of yourself.
Honorable, social, political.
And then, there's Face B,
which is the one you wear to bed.
The one you're ashamed of.
But it's also
the side you feel things with.
It's intimacy.
You look amazing.
[both chuckle]
Thank you.
Hey, talking of perversion,
did you like that last photo I sent you?
I'm not the head of the Catholic
Parents' Society anymore, am I?
[laughs] What photo?
[Zoe] The photo of my bum.
[shutter clicks]
Oh, fuck.
I sent it to Mike.
[Boxer laughs] Well,
it's not like he hasn't seen it before.
Hey, what's the problem?
We don't send each other photos like this.
We don't have sex in the shower.
We don't talk dirty to each other
when we make love.
Why not?
I don't know. Because
we’ve been together for so long. We
It's a different kind of relationship.
We we're
We're affectionate. We're parents.
A parental relationship.
- [laughs] Okay.
- I asked him to give me some space.
I haven't spoken to him in three days.
And now he gets a picture of my bum.
What on earth is he gonna think?
[phone rings]
'Course. 'Course he is. He's calling me.
[phone ringing]
I'm going to David's house.
I'll see you there.
- [ringing continues]
- [sighs]
Hi, Mike.
I I got your message.
It's, um
But I don't get it.
Well, it's my arse, Mike.
What is there to explain?
Yeah, I know, I mean,
I get I get that, but
I don't know, it
It, uh it’s a bit weird.
You've never done
anything like that before.
It's a sexy photo from a woman
to her husband who she hasn't seen
in a while.
I don't know, maybe I sent it
because we've never been apart before.
Okay [sighs]
Look, you were the one
who asked me to wait for you.
I mean, what's the idea here?
I mean, are you trying to make me horny
as well?
No, I'm ju I'm just trying to
breathe some life into our relationship.
You you know, just be
a bit more spontaneous and
less like parents, and
a bit more like
uh, lovers.
Zoe, is something wrong?
No, there's nothing wrong.
Um can I call you back later?
I love you.
Yeah. Bye. [sobs]
[dog barks]
[Marcus] Here.
you’re gonna have to give me a hand
- You got Oy.
- Come on. Go on.
[Marcus groans]
- Steady. Steady.
- Well done. Well done. Yeah.
[Marcus groans]
It looks like David's having a party.
I don't give a shit about that.
My daughter told Mike that he's got
all the photos from Axel's party.
We need to get our hands on them.
We'd need a court order.
Well, can't we just make one up?
These people are off their fuckin' heads
most of the time.
- They won't even notice.
- [sighs]
Isn't it better to wait till tomorrow
and ask for them nicely?
The photos have been there 20 years.
Surely it can wait another 24 hours.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Tell you what, why don't we all go
and have a nap?
And then we can go and play frisbee
down the fucking beach.
[in Spanish] Fucking hell.
[in English] What are you talking about?
Those photos have been there for 20 years.
And yet it's taken my daughter
to come out here and find out
that Axel was killed at his party.
The day he disappeared from Ibiza,
he rented a car in the port of Valencia
using his passport.
Well, it can't have been him.
Someone's used his passport
to rent the car
when he was already dead
and taken him to Almeria to bury him.
I almost went crazy
trying to find out why,
a few days before he disappeared,
he sold all his property.
But the money never appeared.
So did you did you trace the accounts?
Did you investigate unusual purchases
by people close to him? I expect not.
You think English police are much better
than Spanish ones. Right, Clint?
Or maybe you just think you are better
than everyone else.
But let me tell you something.
Your son was an English asshole.
He was a shit
who was always high, partying,
jumping into swimming pools
from balconies.
And you?
You are the father who brought him up.
[stone rattles]
Stay here. Long as you like.
Garden room, sofa, wherever.
Thanks, mate. No
I mean it.
Anna said I could stay with them
at George's place,
but we both decided
it was a bit of a non-starter.
Mm. Mm, mm, mm, mm.
[wind chimes tinkling]
You know, what kills me is she saw it all.
You know, me getting
thrown out of the house like a
total fucking loser.
There's something me guru taught me
in India.
He said you can spend
your whole life searching
for who you want to be,
but you'll never be happy
until you accept who you are.
The fuck does that mean?
Well, your whole life, you
you've tried to make out that you're
talented, and famous,
and and rich, but
but you are none of those things.
And now, life has put you in your place.
Maybe it's time to just start
being you.
Do you know what, mate?
Maybe it's not such a good idea
me staying.
You know, there's only so many yoga chants
I can handle in one day,
and, you know, the dogs will play havoc
with your cow.
What will you do?
I'll talk to Anna.
Maybe I can stay with her
till George comes back from his trip.
Speak of
[in Spanish] Welcome to my home!
[in English] Hello, sexy. And you, Anna.
[George] Hey, David.
[horn beeping]
- You told your friends we were here?
- [Anna] Oi, oi!
- [whooping]
- I didn't think they'd come.
- [horn beeps]
- Here we are!
- Hey!
- Hiya.
[in Spanish] How are you?
- How are you?
- I'm all right.
- Is it through here?
- Yeah, right at the end.
- Wahey!
- [laughter]
[in English] Oh, God.
[tapping on glass]
[Marcus] I want to say
thanks to David
for gathering us all here together.
To old times.
- Old times.
- [Kika] Sí.
- [laughter]
- Oh, oh
You're gonna toast with juice?
What's wrong with that?
Uh, that's the thing about this island,
Marcus, remember? Freedom.
That’s why we moved here
in the first place, so
Oh! Great! Oh, here’s to Ibiza.
To Axel's promised land.
And freedom
and hippies.
Mind you, these days,
you can buy yourself an orgy, so
who even cares
where all the hippies went, eh?
[Boxer] I want to toast
to Kika's return.
- [in Spanish] Yes! Yes, sir.
- [laughter]
[in English] And because we left it
too long since the last time.
[Marcus] Really? Oh.
It was Axel's party.
That was the last time
we were all together.
He's not here today, but his sister is.
Here's to you, Zoe
I don't need a toast.
- [laughter]
- [Marcus] Come on.
[George] Hey, Marcus.
Is it just me, or is this dinner
getting really intense
before it's even started?
So many fucking toasts.
- It's a bit odd.
- Leave it out, George.
- [laughs]
- [David] We're here to talk about Axel.
And about the people we no longer are.
We're leaving the past behind,
and we're moving on.
We're embracing our decay.
What do you mean, "decay"?
[David] Well, everything is worse
than it was before.
I mean, the world doesn't like
to admit that, not with its shiny adverts
but really, at our age, it's probably wise
that we start embracing
the spiritual life.
I don't know about everyone else,
but my life is much better
than 20 years ago.
[Anna] Of course it is, darling.
- I'm doing great too.
- [laughter]
[Kika] But you’re right
about the decay thing, David.
It’s a shitty feeling to know that
the best times of your life have passed.
It’s like, why do we remember
our childhood summers?
It's because they went on forever.
You know, everything was stimulating
for the first time,
like our first
Our first boyfriend.
Our first fuck.
[Oriol] Our first kiss.
- So amazing.
- [laughter]
It's true.
Our brains are recording everything and
as time goes by,
it's harder and harder
to find new experiences, and
everything becomes ordinary.
At our age, friendship is boring,
sex is boring
[Anna] What, sex? Seriously?
- I don't agree.
- [Oriol] I know. I know.
But, I mean, what once gave us pleasure
is now boring.
A threesome, a foursome,
sleeping with someone new,
telling them your life story
[David] I remember when you could try any
position you liked without asking. Now
- we all do it lying down.
- [Kika] What?
- What?
- Oh, come on.
- Come on!
- Speak for yourself, David!
[Anna] Uh, no, I don't believe that.
All right. When was the last time
you had a
memorable fuck in a a crazy place,
with somebody unexpected
in a crazy position, hmm?
Hmm? Yes, thank you. See?
David, your theory's bullshit.
Sex is the perfect gauge
to health and love.
And it does not decay.
[Boxer] I'll toast to that.
- [Anna] Yeah.
- [Kika] Me too.
- [in Spanish] Yes, sir.
- Thank you.
[Kika] Very good.
[George, in English] I think we must be
very healthy and in love, Anna.
[Anna laughs]
Ooh. Oi, hey, hey.
You're a dark horse, George.
No, no, look.
- He might look like a middle-aged bloke
- Sorry.
but in his spare time,
he's a sexual acrobat.
So now, what are your other hobbies,
now you're retiring?
- I paint watercolors.
- Yes, you do.
- Anna loves them.
- Yes, I do.
Almost as much as she loves my yoga body.
[Anna giggles] Seriously.
So, hey, Zoe,
how are you doing?
I heard you're trying to piece together
what happened to your brother.
And piecing together my own life
while I'm at it.
[Zoe and Kika chuckle]
[Oriol] Where are you living?
- Um
- She's living with me.
Oh! Your holiday romance is with Boxer?
[laughs] Oh, wow!
Great! [laughing]
It's fine, Zoe, you know? You're in Ibiza.
All people around here fuck a lot.
You might fuck lying down, David, right,
but I did it in a wheelchair
with a broken leg.
A lot.
With Anna.
And it was fucking unforgettable.
[Anna] Jesus, Marcus.
Excuse me.
What are you doing? Why did you say that?
Why did you say
that I was living with you?
I didn't realize I wasn't allowed.
Uh I mean, you could
you could have said
that I was just staying at your place
or living at your place.
But instead you chose to say
that I was living with you.
Like we've made a decision,
like we're buying towels,
like we're making dinner for each other.
[chuckles] We are doing that.
I'm married. I'm married!
Half those people out there know that.
So what are we doing?
Because according to your rule book,
which says stuff like, "Don't send
your husband photos of your ass,"
according to that, I
- I really don't know what this is.
- I don't know what this is either.
An adventure.
A one-time thing.
A holiday romance?
Friends with benefits.
- Do you know what that is?
- Yeah.
- I know what that is.
- Okay.
Please don't go around
saying things like that.
Whoa. [sniffs]
Back there, you didn't look great.
It showed a lack of courtesy, of manners.
- Do you know what that means?
- Oh, no, but I expect you do.
It means you looked like a cunt.
That's a bit harsh.
You humiliated yourself
in front of everyone.
For one thing, it doesn't even matter.
What do you mean?
Everybody fucks their ex.
I've just been in Ireland fucking my ex,
for Christ's sake.
Oh, fuck.
Let me tell you something.
Your problem is not inertia or sex,
or your complicated feelings
about how your life
is slowly slipping away from you.
Your problem is
you think something is just beginning
when actually it's already over.
I'm the luckiest guy in the world.
People spend a lifetime looking for love.
They try out relationships
with different people and
sometimes they find it at 40, 60.
Most never do.
I found it at 20, for fuck’s sake.
Do you know how that feels?
Being so fucking sure
that everything's gonna turn out right?
- I’m gonna live the good life
- Mmm.
my whole life.
Of course,
my darling.
[Kika] Shit.
- [whispering] What is he doing?
- He looks really drunk.
He just can't do it himself.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, what you doing?
What are you doing?
I just realized I'm your ex.
You know, the guy from your past.
I don't want to be the guy
from anyone's past, especially yours.
Leave George.
Look, I've never said it before, but
- No, Marcus.
- No, I want you back.
Marcus, stop. Don't make a scene.
Fuck, I don't mind making a scene.
I'll do whatever you want.
Oh, fucking hell, Marcus!
That was from Kathmandu!
[Marcus] Fuck Kathmandu!
That's enough, right? Just relax.
[gasping] I've spent a year and a half
waiting for you
to realize you wanted to come back
so we could just get on with our lives.
But now it's time, Anna.
It's time.
I don't
I don't want you.
Marcus, I want George.
What about last few days? You know,
look, you you've been at my place.
- Yeah.
- No, we made love.
Yeah, I know.
Because I was helping you.
Because you got in trouble
with drug traffickers.
I needed to look after the children.
No, but what about
uh, what about the sex?
We've always done that.
I guess we always will.
If it's what we both want, we will.
What's the problem with that?
The problem is
it's not enough.
- [David] Ooh Aah
- Aah! [laughs]
[electronic music playing]
Ooh, ahh, yeah ♪
Ooh, ahh, yeah ♪
Fuck, man.
[Axel] What?
I can't feel my face.
Ooh, ahh, yeah ♪
Whoa, David! David
Oi! Oi, stop! What are you doing?
Why do you always end up bleeding?
Come on.
Why are you taking something
that's not doing you any good?
Speed is not your drug.
All right? We've all gotta find
the right one for us.
I'll look after you.
[David] Listen to me.
All of this
tension between us,
it's all about Axel.
He's come back into our lives
because we have never let him go.
That's why you're living in the past,
Do you know what, mate?
At least I'm still
the same fucking person.
At least I can still recognize meself
in photos.
Who are you, eh? The Dalai fucking Lama?
You you dish out advice to everyone,
but do you actually think
you're really helping?
He's helped me, for sure.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Do you know he's an ex-heroin addict?
Do you know that, Zoe?
Yeah, your brother got him
hooked on smack.
Sort of like his
little gift.
No, I didn't know that.
Why the fuck are you telling us this now?
Well, she's trying
to piece together Axel's life.
And do you want to know something else?
Every one of you was at his party,
and most of us had a reason to kill him.
Zoe. Don't listen to him.
Yeah. It's like Cluedo. [laughs]
Hey, let's play Spin the Bottle
for the killer.
- [clattering]
- [gasping]
- [Anna] Jesus!
- [Marcus laughs]
- Get the fuck out of my house.
- [Marcus] If you want me to go,
you're gonna have to chuck me out,
you twat.
- Oh
- Why don't you drink the water I gave you
and you shut the fuck up?
Everyone here had a reason to hate Axel.
Because he went around
screwing up our lives one by one.
It wasn't like that.
You don't know what you're talking about.
[Marcus] No, I wanted to be like him.
I wanted to be as great as him,
but he he always made me feel like
I just wasn't good enough.
He despised me.
No, a and you, Kika.
I mean, how many times
did he cheat on you?
What does that have to do
with anything right now?
We broke up, we got back together.
It was pure passion,
it was all very intense.
[Marcus] Well, at least your brother
had the balls to burn down his club.
- I don't know what you're talking about.
- No, look, just relax, mate, yeah?
I reckon Axel got off pretty lightly,
seeing as you'd just found out
he was shagging your mum.
- [Anna] Jesus Christ!
- [Oriol] Ahem [scoffs]
[Kika] Axel was a free spirit.
He always wanted more, whatever that was.
And, yes, maybe sometimes
he didn't think about the consequences,
but he just didn't have any prejudices,
unlike all of us at this table right now.
Prejudices? What he didn't have
was limits, Kika.
I mean, the man had no shame!
Right, he cheated on youwith your mother,
humiliated your brother, and me, and Anna.
- Marcus, do you know what?
- Ooh!
[scoffs] Right, you're being like this
because of me.
I'm really sorry, right,
- but I think it's time to go
- No, what's wrong Sit the fuck down!
What are you doing?
Oh, what, you
you you don't want me to talk about Axel
in front of his friends?
Go on then, Marcus.
What do you want to talk about?
How he betrayed you.
How he screwed you over.
Even though you warned him against it,
- he pissed away all the money.
- [Anna] He was the star.
Everything had to go through him.
[Marcus] You wanted to help him.
No, but in the end, he lost everything.
He turned you into a nobody.
Just like me.
And he turned David
into a
[whispers]into a fucking junkie.
Why don’t you just sit down, mate?
You're embarrassing yourself.
Uh, Zoe, why don't you ask him
why he went to Goa?
[laughs] You are a pitiful little shitbag.
You're sobbing
because Anna's finally chucked you.
Tell you what, mate, Axel realized
she was out of your league
20 fucking year ago.
Do you know what else he knew?
That you was in love with him.
And you'd do anything that he wanted.
Now you go around giving lessons
about how to feel in control of your life.
Why don't you write a fucking book
about that, eh?
Yeah, you can fill it with photos
of your last 200 lovers.
Every one of 'em under 30,
and not one of 'em lasting
more than a fucking month.
So I'm the loser.
And he's the spiritual one.
Or maybe, really, you're just the guy
that could never tempt Axel
over to his side of the street.
- Fuck you! You fuck!
- [Anna] Stop it!
- I'll have you!
- [Anna] Marcus!
[David shouts] Fuck!
Go on, fucking come on, then!
Stay there. Stay back.
- Stay the fuck back.
- Oh, fuck.
- Get the fuck off me.
- For fuck's sake.
- [Marcus] Fuckin' hell.
- Who gives a fuck who killed him anyway?
- It's what he wanted!
- [Marcus groans]
[Marcus grunting] Oh, fu
Sorry, what what do you mean?
[Marcus groans]
You you think my brother killed himself?
He was stabbed,
run over,
and half-drowned.
Right, but he could just as easily
have died jumpin' off a roof into a pool
or drivin' at 300 kilometers an hour
or gettin' into a fight
or from an overdose
'cause he was a fuckin' animal.
He fucked us all over.
[sobbing] He loved pain. He loved it.
Whatever happened to him
that were assisted suicide.
I need to go and clean this.
[David gasping]
Speed is not your drug.
What do you mean, it's not my drug?
You always end up violent,
hurtin' yourself.
It's not about that, is it?
It's about having a good time, right?
I've got a better drug for you.
I'll look after you.
[slaps arm]
[wind chimes tinkling]
[Boxer] How are you doing?
Two weeks ago, I would have been in bits,
but not now.
Turns out I don't know
who the fuck my brother was,
and whoever killed him
probably had good reason.
I don't believe that.
You know what, I don't I don’t I
I don't wanna hear about it anymore.
I I don't wanna talk about it.
I was doing really well
just not thinking about it.
I just want to sit in silence
with you painting me. Is that all right?
I don't think that's going to be possible.
I've been thinking about what you said
about friends with benefits.
I think I'll pass.
At this moment in my life,
I need something else.
Call me kamikaze, but
I want to be with you.
Are you in love with me?
[scoffs] Huh!
Fuck. Zoe, that that’s
That's a question that you ask
when you're 15 years old.
Are you?
This thing, it's like a ladder.
You climb one step,
and then you climb another,
and then one day,
you realize you can climb 15 in a row.
If you ask me that ten years from now,
I will have a straight answer for you,
but right now,
I'm saying I want to be with you.
I just want you to think about it.
[Zoe sighs]
Do you wanna know who I am?
I I make plans.
Right? So my daughter will go
to such-and-such school
because it's good for science.
Mike and I will buy
and own our own property
by the time we're 40.
And we do, we have.
The present has always been
a stepping stone to the future.
I've never actually lived in the present.
It's easy for you
because you do live in the present.
But you don't have any responsibilities,
you don't have any family.
You haven't got anyone
waiting at home for you in the club.
I don't know if I'm in love with you,
but what I do know
is that I love what I have with Mike.
And the last few days have been
the most stupid,
self-destructive thing I've ever done.
Zoe! Zoe, sweetie, are you okay?
Listen, uh don't worry about Marcus,
his ex is getting married,
he lost his home.
So it's understandable
that he is like that.
You lot all talk about carpe diem
and freedom
and about times in the past
when you didn't give a shit,
but things do matter to you, Kika.
Why didn’t you tell me
that my brother had an affair
with your mum?
You lot have got a fucked-up idea
about friendship round here,
you know that?
I don't know,
maybe you're all just arseholes,
- like apparently my brother was.
- I never told you, Zoe,
because I didn't doubt,
not for one second,
that he loved me more than anyone.
That's why.
I'm so sorry.
See you.
[car door closes]
[engine starts]
[lighter clicking]
[Marcus] Oh, fucking hell!
[in Spanish]
Oriol, give me a second, okay?
["Already There" by The Verve playing]
[in English] Hey.
What are you doing?
What's it look like? I'm sleeping
in me fucking car with me dogs.
Could you turn the light out
when you leave?
Ah, fuck this.
Seen it all ♪
- Hey, what the hell are you doin'?
- [starts engine]
You were my boyfriend's best friend,
and I am not gonna let you sleep outside.
Need a light?
- Ta.
- You're welcome.
I'm already there ♪
Save your books and your pills ♪
I don't need them, I'm there ♪
Save your books and your pills ♪
I don't need them, I'm there ♪
Hello, hi, are you, yes?
Well, that explains it ♪
Well, that explains it ♪
Probably didn't expect to see me here,
did you?
Honestly, Zoe, I
I don't set out to irritate you.
Sometimes I can't seem to help it.
Well, I didn't go back to Manchester,
I got as far as the ferry
and I turned back.
But, yeah
I was here 20 years ago.
I met Juan Miguel Fonseca
and investigated the disappearance
of your brother.
I've been with him this week, actually.
Finding things out.
And you were right.
We can't leave an open wound.
When I said that,
I didn't know who Axel really was.
I’m starting to understand
- why you hate him so much now.
- No, no, no, no.
There were bad things about Axel,
but I tell you what
there were some amazing things
about him too.
[Kika] What am I to you?
The most beautiful thing in my life.
You're my fucking goddess.
I wish this could go on forever.
I'm sorry, but I live in the present.
If you wanna live in the future,
I'm not sure this'll work.
You never talk about the past either.
[Clint] I hated Axel.
He was my son, but I hated him.
Yeah, for
yeah, for being happy all the time.
And writing his music
and throwing parties
when all I could think about
was your poor mother, God rest her.
I couldn't even get out of bed.
And I couldn't understand
why he kept laughing
when all I wanted was to die.
[Axel] My mum was the most important
person in the world to me.
She gave me music.
When I was, like eight,
she let me play the drums
as loud as I wanted in the living room,
even though the neighbors
were all complaining,
calling the police.
She never made a fuss.
Even when she got cancer
and she had to go through treatment
and all that chemo
and her hair fell out, she
she'd just play music.
And she'd say to me
"Don't let grief catch you, Axel.
Run faster."
Said she didn't like to see me cry.
And she told Zoe that
her headscarves
were some fashion trend thing.
She'd make out
like everything was all right,
everything was gonna be fine,
so that Zoe wouldn't worry.
And after she died, I did the same thing.
I didn't cry.
I think that pain
got stuck there somewhere.
[Clint] Maybe that was just
your brother's way of expressing his pain.
And it's taken me a long time
to get me head round that.
But now, I reckon that
I reckon
your brother was just running away
from the same pain that I was feeling.
I'm sorry I never got the chance
to say it to him.
Now, all I can do
is find the bastard who killed him.
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