White Wall (2020) s01e07 Episode Script


We have 650 tons of nuclear waste
in temporary containers.
We stay quiet till we know what it is.
No one knows what it is.
It's a miracle.
I have to leave the project.
- They'll be waiting for you.
Why are you telling me?
- 'Cause you've been honest with me.
They had found it.
- And they left it alone.
You think you're in control?
You have no idea what you're dealing with.
It twists the minds.
I'm going back home soon
but I have time for a beer.
Goodbye, Astrid.
We have no right to destroy it.
The only option is to know what's inside.
I'm calling about a security violation.
Lars are you ok?
- I'm fine
Are you sure?
- Yes.
I heard on the radio
Gina just drove through the entrance.
Let's see if I got this straight.
You found an object
that no previous test drilling
found in tunnel C6.
Made of some unknown substance
and as high as Cheops' pyramid.
That's more a visual metaphor but
it's 200 meters tall and 50 meters wide.
But you do know that it's hollow
and it's filled with something.
That's right.
All this you knew a month ago.
We wanted to know more before we reported it
- But you still don't.
We thought we were at this critical point
the facility was too big to fail
and we'd eventually figure something out.
- And you suspect Lars is down there right now?
He's down there right now
and he's going to break it.
You called for me?
- Get a team down to tunnel C6.
Locate Mr. Ruud and get him out of there right now.
He might resist.
That won't be a problem.
Who's been running this, Helen?
Has it been under the instruction of Lars?
What's this?
- Radiation alarm.
Could it be a drill or?
- No, nothing planned.
Get the buses,
they must be ready for evacuation.
What section is it from?
- Wait which section?
Tunnel C6.
We lost contact with the control room.
English, please!
Is that the tunnel?
I'm sending out 3 teams
to measure radiation levels.
And Lars is still down there?
- I think so.
Is it one of the nuclear waste capsules?
- There shouldn't be anything really active in that tunnel.
Did they break your finding?
I must get my son.
You're out of your mind.
Where did you get the glove?
- Tunnel C1.
We're not crazy.
- I hope so this will cause a mess.
And buy us some time.
Turn around.
You're green.
- Thanks.
Lars? Said?
- It's Mange.
Are you there?
- Don't answer. We must change the drill bit.
Are you ok?
We have a radiation alarm in tunnel 6.
Are you there?
You receive me?
Li? Axel?
- What's going on?
Have you packed?
Hey! We have to leave.
- I'm watching something.
I know but we really have to go.
Put on your jacket now.
- It's Oskar.
Do you know where your father is?
- Why you ask?
There's been a radiation alarm.
And you think it was Besse?
- I don't know, what do you think?
I'll go check on him. I'll call you.
- Ok.
We gather here!
We got an evacuation alarm!
What are you doing back here?
- I can't stand that noise.
They must think we're dead.
I wonder what Helen is doing.
It's none of my business but
she must be scared to death.
There's nothing to fear!
We're only finding out what that is!
Then we'll go on with our lives.
You, me and Helen.
It depends on what that is
if we can go on with our lives.
If they give the evacuation order, you go,
even if I'm not back yet.
- No. I've been calling them for hours.
Lars, can you hear me?
I just want to know
if you're down there and you're ok.
Please answer if you hear me.
Is everything ok?
Lars just answer, please.
I only wanna tell you
I'm leaving along with Axel.
But first I want to hear your voice.
I'm scared to death.
He's ok, don't worry.
Said, answer me.
C6 is the only tunnel
where radiation has been detected.
Everyone except those two are out of the tunnel
and the radiation team is on its way to locate them.
So what do you know about
what they found down there?
Well I heard rumors and you?
- I'm asking.
Nothing worth reporting, of course.
Just gossip.
So they found something a month ago and
all our head of security knows is gossip?
If there was anything out of the ordinary,
they must have kept it between a small group of people.
And why would they do that?
It's about money, right?
- Is it?
Lars and company wanted to try make sure
everyone got their bonuses.
That's why they hid that finding.
Or maybe they just wanna do the right thing.
- Which is?
Solve whatever the issue was
and make sure the nuclear waste
can be disposed safely.
I guess they could have come to that conclusion.
So are we done?
I should
Thank you.
What's taking so long?
- I just
I need the bit.
Show us your hands!
Away from the truck!
Should we go in and have a look at what caused all this?
- Why?
To see how it looks like,
the thing they were hiding.
It's not necessary.
Let's get back up.
"Following the successful inauguration of
the permanent waste repository,"
"Lars Ruud has decided to leave his position
as site director for Ecso Inc."
After your retirement
we'll release a statement
saying we'll launch an internal investigation
into practices at the site
which no one will notice.
No absolutely not ok.
Look at yourself
you've lost it, you can't see the bigger picture.
You knew there was a problem.
You knew it would delay the project.
You wanted to resolve it yourself.
I do respect that.
But you didn't succeed.
My hands are tied.
I'm giving you a way out,
an opportunity to explain yourself.
What are you gonna do with
- With what?
The wall, the capsule
In the instance we encounter something
preventing it as a suitable disposal site
we simply stop drilling.
Seal the tunnel and find somewhere else to drill.
You're a site director, how's it not clear to you?
- You can't seal it or hide it.
Have you seen it?
You haven't seen it
You should go see it.
You should go fucking go see it!
You'll be transferred to Östersund tomorrow.
I want you to know I'm sorry about this.
It wasn't me who told Gina.
Now I'm only doing my job.
- Do what you have to do.
I must keep a low profile, Gina is suspicious.
- I understand.
It wasn't me!
I've always been on your side,
doing everything you asked me to do.
But you never trusted me.
- Hi.
I didn't know where to go.
- Get in.
Besse is dead.
He killed himself.
- What?
I don't understand why he did it.
- I'm very sorry
Why did he give up?
The alarm today it came from that tunnel.
The site director is under arrest.
He was talking about a wall or a capsule
- It's what he said.
There's something in that tunnel
that Ecso is trying to hide.
- Besse said something.
I thought he had lost it but
he said it wasn't just about nuclear waste.
Your boss probably knows.
That's my mother.
Can I stay?
- Yes.
- Hi.
There's been an alarm today at the plant.
A "false alarm" of course.
Are you one of those who packed their cars?
Or you just stood there and thought:
"How nice to die in my hometown!"
It's not a question of where we're going,
but WHEN it will be.
Far from Bryksele, of course.
But then what?
If Earth itself don't want us alive?
What do we do?
Is there a way to start over again?
All our expeditions, all our searches
Or is it just a dream?
A naive, vain fantasy?
A desperate longing for hope and meaning?
A search for a place where we can start back
and forget about the planet we leave behind shattered.
- Thanks.
- Hi.
How are you?
- I'm ok.
Was it worth it?
- If I only could tell what it is
or what is not.
You only want to prove you're right?
- And finally stop thinking about it
and make you stop thinking about it.
It was
It was me who told Gina.
I was worried.
- I was hoping Atte did it.
I was afraid you could die so
- I didn't die.
I'll wait in the car.
Dad was gonna drive me to the station
but he didn't show up.
Then they called to say he got arrested.
What did he do? What happened?
- I don't know
Anyway I saw him and he was ok.
Could you drive me?
- Sure but I have to go to work
So you're leaving
- Yes.
Your girlfriend is waiting in the car.
- Come on you can't be serious
Yes, I am.
- Bye.
She came to say hello.
- Ok. Are we going?
Good morning.
- Good morning.
I was hoping we could talk about how
we should move forward with the research plan.
It's a bit rough but I think
it's a good,solid start.
I've got a schedule here to show you
- Thank you, Helen good work.
But the decision on how to proceed has already been made.
- So the board agreed?
We're doing what you said.
We're leaving it alone and we're sealing the tunnel shut.
No, that's not what I said.
I said we should not drill through it
but we can't just leave it down there and forget about it
I'm sorry, Helen.
Do you honestly think I'm just gonna let it go?
You signed an NDA like everybody else.
You might want to consider that before you make a rush decision.
I get the impression your son wouldn't cope
particularly well with his mother behind bars.
Fucking idiot
You fucking idiot!
There's no need to get personal.
Can I trust you
to leave the site by yourself?
Or do I need a guard to escort you out?
Yesterday, while listening to Lars,
I heard about something in the tunnels.
What is it?
- I don't know what he was talking about.
Astrid contacted me.
What she wants is to meet with you.
With me?
- That's what she wrote.
I guess she thinks she can get a lighter sentence
if she gives you information.
Good good.
We're in position.
Report as soon as you see anything.
I'll talk to her alone.
- Roger.
No, I haven't finished yet.
Ok, now I'm finished.
You can take this.
What then?
- I have the evidence with me.
What am I supposed to do?
Can we meet there?
Ok, thanks.
I'll call when I'm nearby.
Are you sure you want to go alone?
- Yes, absolutely.
I'll drop you off at the station.
You finally get some time off.
- Take care.
Was it another leakage?
- There was no leakage, just a false alarm.
That capsule
- I can't talk about it.
It will be our secret.
It's like a mission to Mars
we need to know more about it.
We need to explore it.
We're on a mission to save it.
Do you agree with that?
Do you?
How is it in the back?
- There's no one there.
We wait a bit longer.
You've reached Oskar.
Please leave a message
I just saw you left your lights on.
You're kidding?
- No I can wait here till you turn them off.
Thank you.
Why are you here?
- What you mean?
There's something in tunnel C6
and they're trying to hide it.
What is it?
- Nobody knows what it is.
- Lars!
I'm not coming I'm sorry.
Good luck.
Hi, Hasse. How are you?
Could you get out of the car?
- What?
You know it, we're at level 3 alert.
What the
- You know how it works.
Come on, it's cold out here.
Open the trunk.
- The trunk.
I wanna talk to the security guard.
Hasse! Atte is on the phone!
Wait here.
Come on dammit
Where are we?
Hi. We need your help.
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