Wizards (2020) s01e07 Episode Script

Killahead, Part Two

-[all grunting]
-[horse neighs]
-Heads up! [grunts]
-Just in the nick of time.
-We're getting through this together.
-[Gumm-Gumms grunt]
-Ha, ha! Always hated those twits.
Fight on!
The day isn't over yet!
-[man] Look about!
-[men gasping]
Night has already fallen.
-[knight screams]
-Demon witch!
[Douxie] Morgana's returned!
She's enemy number one!
Go! We'll hold the bridge!
Hisirdoux, with me!
-[owl hoots]
I feel dark magic.
[Merlin] It means she's close.
[Morgana chuckles]
An old man and a foolish boy,
lost as always.
Do you dare run
or face my vengeance?
[Archie] Um, is there a third option?
[grunts] Hisirdoux, run!
[Douxie whistling]
[theme music playing]
[horse neighs]
Rally, Knights of the Round!
Humanity will not go quietly this day!
[screams, grunts]
-Waka chaka!
-With me!
-Drive them back!
I ain't afraid of no creeps!
-For Camelot!
-[Steve] Hey!
Big nasty, I can't tell which end's
your face and what's your butt!
[Lancelot] Astounding!
You are indeed a master wordsmith.
The bigger they are,
the easier they are to hit.
Hey, yeah, teamwork!
Well done! Let's keep cracking!
[Morgana cackles]
You're injured!
Hisirdoux, if I should fall this day
-"Heart of Avalon"?
-"Building a tomb"?
Why are you giving me this?
Foreseeing the future
means preparing for the worst of it,
including your wounded friend.
Jim? What about him?
The corruption in his heart has no cure.
When he returns to the future,
it will overtake him.
No! No, there must be some other way.
I made a promise to them, to Claire,
to get them home alive, all of them!
Yet, to save time itself,
you all must return home,
even if it means
James Lake will be no more.
Such is the burden of a wizard--
to make the hard choices mortals cannot.
Now it is yours to bear.
Morgana, reveal thyself!
Look what has wandered into my web.
These are dark powers
you meddle with, Morgana.
Who granted them?
Who resurrected you from death?
Wizards beyond your ken.
You three aren't going anywhere.
I have a king to slay.
Fight by my side, my son.
We'll carve a path to the bridge!
They will suffer!
Gunmar, you have terrorized
this realm for too long!
It ends here!
You cannot win, little king!
The surface lands belong to my kind!
I'm about to go medieval on you, creep!
[Steve screams]
[chuckles nervously]
You fight one knight, you fight all of us!
I'm coming, Lance!
[grunts] Nimue, grant me a blessing
to strike down this tyrant.
Your reign of terror is over.
[Bellroc] Unacceptable!
We cannot intervene.
There will be consequences.
[Bellroc] Enough waiting.
[men grunting]
[Claire] The Arcane Order?
They're here?
We may have come to the end of days!
-[all yelling]
[Morgana] Brother!
We have some unresolved issues.
Sister? You're alive?
[grunts] Stop this!
Our blood is the same.
Is that so?
Then let's spill some of yours
and make sure!
Lancelot! No!
Courage, Sir Steve. [grunts]
Carry on my banner, friend.
Fight on
for honor.
Die, creeper!
[men screaming]
-[Morgana yelling]
-[Arthur yelling]
You were right.
It is like you said.
We are all the same.
I have wronged you,
as I have all creatures in my realm.
I now fight to save them
from the violence I have sown.
This carnage, these deaths,
we can end this.
This-- This is a lie.
A trick!
No, this is our redemption.
I should have listened to you.
[Bellroc] Merlin's puppet is gone.
Go finish it!
Show us your loyalty, Morgana!
It's your fault!
You're the reason Arthur is gone!
Take down the bridge!
Let the stories say
Camelot fought to her dying breath.
My king!
Their king is dead! Leave no survivors.
[horn blows]
Hey, need some help?
Because I brought some friends.
Yes! We are here to not run away!
Well said, brother!
Let's show these glorkheads
how a real Troll fights!
[all yelling]
For the glory of Merlin,
daylight is mine to command!
Callista, glad you made it!
It's Deya, actually.
It always was.
[both] Deya?
[horse neighs]
-Hey, elephant neck!
-[man screams]
Back for more?
You fight like a lady.
Oh, I don't, but I have a friend who does.
You are not worthy!
[chuckles, grunts]
-[grunts, screams]
-[Steve chuckles]
Ha! That was for Lancelot!
Thank you, scary fish lady.
-Waka chaka!
-Away, you vile jackanapes!
Be brave, brother!
Stand valiantly against the tyranny
of our oppressors.
-[yells, screams]
-Come back with him, you detestable swine!
Aaarrrgghh, you came back for me!
Aaarrrgghh like Blinky. Give hope.
That's not exactly how that works,
but thank you, nonetheless.
We must find my brother.
This way, quickly!
She's too powerful!
We have no choice but to seal her away!
I know. I'll try to buy some ti--
[Morgana] Oh, shame!
Little Douxie finally gets his staff,
just in time to die with it!
[both grunt]
-You can't even wield it!
You should stick to your usual tricks.
Use the power of your staff!
Make it your own!
[guitar riff plays]
[slo-mo grunt]
-Bleeding balroths!
This is nuclear!
Did you just strike me with a-- a lute?
Uh-uh-uh-uh. No, uh-uh.
-Spellcaster guitar, darling.
-[riff plays]
Needs tuning, though.
I meant make it your own weapon!
Well, this is technically an "axe."
Hisirdoux, this is no time
for dreadful music!
-Absolutely infernal.
No worries,
this is just the opening track!
What do you hope to do?
Blow out our eardrums?
Well, pardon me if this rock
is too freakin' awesome
for your medieval sensibilities!
Enough of your noise!
And nope.
Plan B.
Do not fret, Merlin.
You'll find a new apprentice
to replace him.
Are people not dispensable, after all?
Arch, light me!
[Douxie] Hurry!
I can't hold her that long!
You've lost yourself, Morgana!
Bound to dark magic.
I have no choice but to seal you away!
Sigilia infractum!
-[groans] She's too powerful.
You have to finish this alone.
Sigilia infractum!
I will destroy you all!
No matter what it takes,
no matter where you go,
I will end all that you love
until you feel my agony!
Hey! Hands off my teacher!
I swear on your lives, I shall rise again!
Already seen it. You don't win.
See you in 900 years!
[Morgana screams]
-Douxie! Are you okay?
-Ugh! That's-- That's disgusting!
[sighs] Well
I think we just saved history.
And took down a ninth-level sorceress.
-Merlin would be proud.
Yeah, if he wasn't out cold.
-[Steve] Ow!
-She's awesome!
Like some sort of super Troll fighter!
Yeah, but we need to get her
to the bridge and past him.
-[men screaming]
-Your king is gone!
-[man yells]
The only thing that rules now is fear.
Come, my brothers and sisters!
I know you're afraid, but never forget
that fear is the precursor to valor.
[all yelling]
[Deya] And to strive and triumph
in the face of fear
is what it means to be a hero!
Together, we push back the darkness
and those that would see our end!
We got your back, Deya! Get to the bridge!
For glory!
[Bellroc] Mundane, simple creature.
You stain magic.
You are nothing in our eyes.
[grunts, shrieks]
[Gunmar pants]
[chuckles] Wanna dance, big horns?
How did a gutter Troll strike down
a formidable wizard?
[growls, snorts]
I won't fall so easy.
[Jim] Now, Deya!
Put the Amulet in the bridge!
[both grunt]
[both yelling]
-[Gunmar growls]
-[Deya grunts]
[grunts, pants]
Who are you that has brought
the end of Trolls?
Deya, the Trollhunter.
And all I bring is the end of you!
Oh, buckets!
Thank you, Trollhunter.
You delivered us.
[all] Hail, Deya the Deliverer!
I couldn't have done this
without you, Jim.
You're going to do great things, Deya.
Oh, and when you're looking
for a new Heartstone, skip New Jersey.
Trust me, California has better weather.
-[indistinct chatter]
-[horse snorts]
Goodbye, Lancelot.
I'll remember everything you taught me.
I'll reform the Round Table,
the knights will fight again,
and they'll all have great hair.
[man] Look, the castle!
[woman] That is so strange!
-[man] Whoa!
-[Galahad] Imagine! [chuckles]
Blessed be!
Have you ever seen such a good sight?
We miscalculated. The balance is lost.
I feel so much pain.
So many lives lost.
This was not worth it.
We will readjust and return in time.
Oh, brother.
Torn from this mortal coil!
How will I carry on without you?
Aaarrrgghh alone, too.
Aaarrrgghh and Blinky be alone together?
I would enjoy a companion.
-[yelps, chuckles]
Everybody, ready yourselves.
We don't have much time.
I'll dial us in for when we left.
But what's gonna happen when we get there?
The danger we escaped,
it'll be waiting for us.
And Jim's still hurt.
Claire, about that
-Jim is--
-Ready to face the inevitable.
Jim, are you sure?
Claire, the shard in
There is no cure.
-That's what Merlin told me earlier.
That's crazy! We can find something!
I'll learn a spell. We can stay here.
If we don't all go back right now,
the future won't exist.
And what kind of hero would I be
if I sacrificed everyone else?
Not to be ironic, but we're out of time.
Douxie, tell him! We can fix this!
You can fix this!
I'm sorry, Claire. He's right.
We must go back now, but when we do,
we'll find a way to reverse this.
I promised I would
return you home, and I am,
but the portal can only stay open
for a few moments.
This is our one shot. Trust me.
You said to make the tough calls, old man.
I hope I'm doing the right thing.
[energy charges]
[crowd gasps]
There has to be another way.
This isn't fair!
That seems to be
a reoccurring thing with us.
You sure you wanna keep dating me?
I'd date you for a hundred lifetimes,
Jim Lake.
Hey, we'll figure this out.
We always find a way to save each other.
Farewell, and thanks, fellow Trollhunter.
Goodbye, me! Ooh! Ooh, ooh!
I'll finish all the tasks you gave me,
even if it takes centuries!
Man, Camelot was crazy!
Why don't they ever talk about that
in the history books?
My burden to bear.
[theme music playing]
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