Wonder Pets: In the City (2024) s01e07 Episode Script
Episode 7
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Help the Bear Cub!"
Bye, everybody.
Sleep tight, sweet pets.
Aw, Zuri's not asleep.
Bye, Zuri.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a beeping ♪
I already sang that part.
Oh, wait, um, um, um
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs…
Whoopsers! Uh…
Us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out.
It's a baby bear cub ♪
In a forest in Romania ♪
Winter is coming ♪
The year is getting late ♪
I'm not ready for bed ♪
But my mama said It's
time to hibernate ♪
Ooh, a little bear cub ♪
Who needs to hiber ♪
Hibernate ♪
Hibernate! ♪
It's what bears do all winter.
They sleep in their caves to
save their energy till spring.
Wait, so bears sleep all winter?
I'd never want to do that.
I don't even like to
take eensy-weensy naps.
No naps, no naps, no way.
Why sleep when you can dance
and twirl and hop and
skip, and…
Zuri, were you
instead of napping today?
'Cause you sure
seem kind of tired.
I'm not tired.
I always have enough energy for
If you say so.
Let's get that bear
cub ready for bed.
The bear cub's in trouble ♪
She needs our help, for sure ♪
Unbeli… ♪
Wait. She's not ready for bed.
That's not that unbelievable.
But, okay.
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy! ♪
- Zuri! ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets Here we… ♪
I mean
Go! ♪
It's Jetcar time!
I'll get the wings.
And I'll get the bubble engines.
Zuri, can you lend a
paw with these things?
Huh? Oh, yeppers. On it.
The bubble engine
is flying away!
I got it! Or maybe not.
Maybe we can reach it
if we all work together.
- Working together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
We've got the bubbles ♪
Without any troubles ♪
Okay, maybe a few…
Are you sure you're
not sleepy, Zuri?
Yeah, that bubble engine
really got away from you.
Me? Sleepy? No way.
Okay. Come on.
Let's rock and roll out,
Wonder Pets. Bubble power!
We're coming to help
you, little bear cub.
Let's go.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart ♪
Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the baby bear cub ♪
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Check it, Wonder Pets, the
Carpathian Mountains in Romania.
Look at that big forest, Zuri.
Uh, Zuri.
Are we there yet?
Why don't you nap until
we land What do you say ♪
No way ♪
I don't want to miss a thing.
Do you two hear splashing?
I think it's coming from…
…over there.
There's the
little bear cub.
Ooh, that looks
like so much fun.
Zuri and Tate for the win ♪
Hold on, Wonder
Pets We're going in ♪
Hi, mind if I join you?
I love splash hopping.
Me too. I could do it all day.
Come on.
Splash! Hop! Splash!
Hey, little bear cub.
We're here to help
you Get ready for bed ♪
So you can hibernate
for the winter ♪
And rest your little head ♪
You're here to do what?
No, no. You got this all wrong.
I called and said I'm
not ready for bed.
'Cause I don't
wanna go to bed ♪
What? Huh?
Everyone else is going to bed,
but I wanna stay up
and keep playing.
Mom said hibernate ♪
I said that can wait ♪
There are so many
fun-tivities I wanna do ♪
Instead of sleeping The
whole winter through ♪
- Oh, now I get it.
- Now I get it.
I really think you
should go to sleep.
Yeah, then you'll have tons of energy
to do more fun-tivities in the spring.
Nuh-uh. I wanna have fun now.
Wanna play with me?
I don't know.
Yeppers, I'm with you.
Why sleep all day ♪
When you can
play, play, play ♪
If you don't want to go to
bed now, you don't have to.
We can play more first.
I'm full of…
…bunny energy.
And I'm
very, very awake.
Hey, you made me yawn.
You just made me yawn.
But I'm not tired.
It's fun-tivities time.
- Hop on.
- Wait, Zuri.
Are you sure this
is a good idea?
We'll romp through the forest
We'll skip and jump and play ♪
There's no need for a rest ♪
Not for us today ♪
But aren't you exhausted ♪
It's getting super late ♪
Soon the
forest will be frosted ♪
It's time to hibernate ♪
We're feeling too much
joy And exhilaration ♪
For hibernation ♪
That wasn't a yawn.
I didn't yawn either.
- This is so much…
- Fun.
Had enough fun-tivities yet?
I really think we should get you
back to your cave before dark.
- Uh, uh, no way ♪
- Our fun's just getting started toda… ♪
Oops! Sorry.
My cape, it's flying away!
Unbelievable ♪
It's just like the
bubble engine at school.
That's it!
I think I know what to do ♪
If we work together ♪
Maybe we can reach this too ♪
Working together ♪
I can't reach.
Let me help.
Rock on, little bear cub.
Let's try this again.
- Working together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different, but together ♪
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Okay, that time
I did kinda yawn.
Me too.
You think maybe you are
a little tired after all?
Maybe just a teensy-weensy bit.
I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean to
knock your cape off.
It's all right. I did something
just like it back in the classroom.
- You did?
- Yeah.
'Cause I guess I'm kinda maybe
sort of an eensy-weensy
bit tired, too.
Maybe we can get some sleep
and play again another time.
Sounds bunny-tastic.
And we'll have tons
of energy for more…
- …fun.
- Fun.
I'm ready to go to bed, Mama.
Aw, I'm so glad to hear that.
You must be so sleepy.
I sure… …am.
Wait, can't go to bed
without a bedtime snack.
How about we rock a
stalk of broccoli?
A bedtime snack sounds
beary, beary good to us, too.
Here, try some of
our favorite snacks.
Ooh! Beary,
beary snackalicious.
Mmm. Yum.
Have a restful hibernation.
See you in the spring.
They are the Wonder Pets ♪
The biggest little team
They're full of heart ♪
Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped a baby bear cub ♪
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Go, Wonder Pets.
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets in
the City! Save the Sad Sumi-e Frog!"
Izzy and Zuri are
both out of the classroom
getting their nails trimmed.
Ooh, very
nice haiku poem.
See ya, Tate.
How long will Izzy
and Zuri be gone ♪
For goodness' sake? ♪
I sure am one lonely snake ♪
I know what will cheer me up!
Dusting my souvenirs!
I remember when I got
this peacock feather ♪
I was with Izzy and Zuri ♪
We were there together ♪
Dancing always puts some
sproing in my boing!
Check out my moves.
I'm really running
out of steam ♪
Without my team ♪
Ooh, I know!
I won't feel so alone If I
make some friends of my own ♪
Working together ♪
Me and you and you ♪
Different but together ♪
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Hmm, missing something.
I know!
- Thanks, Tate.
- You rock!
What do you
wanna do, Tate? I'm all ears.
Let's dance!
I thought I heard someone.
I guess not.
mega-okay, Tate.
We can keep playing until
your friends get back.
Yeah, we'd love to.
They're right behind
me, aren't they?
How long have you
been standing there?
Long enough to see ♪
That you really, really,
really Missed Izzy and me ♪
I sure did.
Team snuggle hug!
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
Pardon me.
It's the walkie-phone ♪
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal
that needs us… ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out, Wonder Pets.
It's a little frog ♪
And he looks so sad ♪
That's really bad ♪
And I think he lives
inside a sumi-e painting!
Oh, yay, sumi-e! ♪
Hmm, what's that anyway? ♪
It's a style of painting
from China and Japan.
In Japanese, sumi-e means
"Painting with black ink" ♪
It's really, really
pretty Don't you think? ♪
Yeah, and I love how those trees
Have a little touch of pink ♪
Hiya, little frog ♪
Did you call for help? ♪
Or are you just
calling To say "hello?" ♪
Is that a "yes" or a "no?" ♪
I haven't got a clue ♪
Izzy, how about you? ♪
Why don't you ribbit twice for saying
"hello," once for wanting help, okay?
- One.
- Aw, that's once for "help."
The little frog's in trouble ♪
He needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable! ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day ♪
We're the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go! ♪
Come on, team!
It's Jetcar time!
Let's jam, Wonder Pets!
We've got a sad
little frog to save…
inside a sumi-e painting.
But I wonder which one he's in.
That one has some of those
same pretty pink trees
we saw on the walkie-phone.
Good eye, Tate! Bubble power!
We're coming to save you,
little sad sumi-e froggy.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the little froggy ♪
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Ooh, so artistic.
Aw, that must be
the sad sumi-e frog.
Hold on, Wonder Pets.
We're going in ♪
Hello, little frog ♪
Here ribbiting on your rock ♪
You sound sad to us ♪
We would love
to help you out ♪
Tell us what
you're sad about ♪
I think he wants
us to follow him.
Let's follow our friend ♪
And see what he
wants to show ♪
Maybe then we'll know ♪
This rock looks
familiar. Have we met?
That was a quick tour I'm
not sure what he showed us ♪
Not much to notice ♪
And almost nothing to see ♪
This place looks empty to me ♪
Maybe the reason The
frog is feeling so sad ♪
And sounding so blue ♪
Is he wishes that he had
Something mega-fun to do ♪
I know.
He's a frog, so maybe he'd
like to go for a swim.
Great idea, Tate!
Frogs do love swimming ♪
But there's no water around ♪
Only the dry ground ♪
Hey, we're in a painting,
so maybe we can paint a pond
for the little frog to swim in.
Good thinking, Izzy.
Here's the water's edge With
some pebbles, grass and sedge ♪
Now I'll lend a hand ♪
The beach, water
reaching land ♪
Made up, of course,
of coarse sand ♪
While I paint the pond ♪
Hopping, like a
skipping stone ♪
Rippling the water ♪
There. All finished.
Hop in, little frog.
I think it's working ♪
He's jumpy and
jolly Not melancholy ♪
Melon who now?
It's a fancy way to say "sad."
Looks like our
work here is done.
Let's rock and roll outta here.
Bye, little frog.
Keep smiling.
Uh, Izzy?
I have some bad news ♪
I think our
froggy friend here ♪
Has still got the blues ♪
Maybe he got tired of swimming
and wants to do something else?
Ooh, maybe some
helping will hop ♪
Or hopping will help
Him stop feeling sad ♪
Yeah! We can paint
somewhere for him to hop.
Paint, paint, paint the lily pad
And maybe the frog won't feel so sad ♪
Wanna paint with
us, little frog?
- Ooh.
- Can we play leap frog with the frog?
Everybody boing and sproing along
While we sing our leap frog song ♪
A boingy, boingy
Boingy boing-a-roo! ♪
Ribbit! Ribbit! Am I a
natural-born frog or what?
Now that this is one
happenin' pond to play in,
the little frog is
hopping and happy again.
Thanks for the hops. Bye!
Oh, no. The frog is crying.
Unbelievably sad ♪
We've made him cheerful ♪
But now I'm feeling fearful ♪
He's become tearful ♪
Wait a second.
Whenever we try ♪
To leave and
say our goodbyes ♪
He gets sad and cries ♪
Is that it?
Are you sad because
you feel lonely?
I think that's a "yes!"
Tate, that's great ♪
Oh, I mean, not that
you're feeling lonely,
but that we finally
figured out what's wrong.
I know just how you
feel, little frog.
I felt so lonely in the classroom
when Zuri and Izzy were gone.
Swimming or jumping
or playing pretend ♪
Some things are better
When you have a friend ♪
I know just what to do.
Back in the classroom,
when I got lonely,
I painted pictures
of you, remember?
Yep. Super-mega-awesome
So maybe we can do
the same thing here.
We painted a pond And
some lily pads too ♪
Now we can paint
a friend for you ♪
On second thought, what kind of
friend would you like to have?
Ooh, he's gonna
paint a sumi-e pal.
And he wants our team to
help him finish painting.
Come on, Wonder Pets!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Paint the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
- Painting together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Are you happy now that you have
your very own team, little frog?
Ribbit twice for
"yes," once for "no."
That's a "yes" all right.
Now our work here is done.
Wonder Pets, to the Jetcar!
Snuggle hug goodbye.
How silly of me ♪
I almost forgot the edamame ♪
Let's veg out sumi-e style! ♪
Aw, a sumi-e souvenir for me?
Thank you. I'll add
it to my collection.
Bye, little happy frog.
Bye, sumi-e us-es!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the little froggy ♪
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
A children's classroom, empty
but for three heroes, happy to be home.
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets
in the City! Help the Bear Cub!"
Bye, everybody.
Sleep tight, sweet pets.
Aw, Zuri's not asleep.
Bye, Zuri.
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a beeping ♪
I already sang that part.
Oh, wait, um, um, um
I hear a buzz ♪
It's the walkie-phone
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal that needs…
Whoopsers! Uh…
Us ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out.
It's a baby bear cub ♪
In a forest in Romania ♪
Winter is coming ♪
The year is getting late ♪
I'm not ready for bed ♪
But my mama said It's
time to hibernate ♪
Ooh, a little bear cub ♪
Who needs to hiber ♪
Hibernate ♪
Hibernate! ♪
It's what bears do all winter.
They sleep in their caves to
save their energy till spring.
Wait, so bears sleep all winter?
I'd never want to do that.
I don't even like to
take eensy-weensy naps.
No naps, no naps, no way.
Why sleep when you can dance
and twirl and hop and
skip, and…
Zuri, were you
instead of napping today?
'Cause you sure
seem kind of tired.
I'm not tired.
I always have enough energy for
If you say so.
Let's get that bear
cub ready for bed.
The bear cub's in trouble ♪
She needs our help, for sure ♪
Unbeli… ♪
Wait. She's not ready for bed.
That's not that unbelievable.
But, okay.
Unbelievable ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy! ♪
- Zuri! ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets Here we… ♪
I mean
Go! ♪
It's Jetcar time!
I'll get the wings.
And I'll get the bubble engines.
Zuri, can you lend a
paw with these things?
Huh? Oh, yeppers. On it.
The bubble engine
is flying away!
I got it! Or maybe not.
Maybe we can reach it
if we all work together.
- Working together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
We've got the bubbles ♪
Without any troubles ♪
Okay, maybe a few…
Are you sure you're
not sleepy, Zuri?
Yeah, that bubble engine
really got away from you.
Me? Sleepy? No way.
Okay. Come on.
Let's rock and roll out,
Wonder Pets. Bubble power!
We're coming to help
you, little bear cub.
Let's go.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart ♪
Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the baby bear cub ♪
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Check it, Wonder Pets, the
Carpathian Mountains in Romania.
Look at that big forest, Zuri.
Uh, Zuri.
Are we there yet?
Why don't you nap until
we land What do you say ♪
No way ♪
I don't want to miss a thing.
Do you two hear splashing?
I think it's coming from…
…over there.
There's the
little bear cub.
Ooh, that looks
like so much fun.
Zuri and Tate for the win ♪
Hold on, Wonder
Pets We're going in ♪
Hi, mind if I join you?
I love splash hopping.
Me too. I could do it all day.
Come on.
Splash! Hop! Splash!
Hey, little bear cub.
We're here to help
you Get ready for bed ♪
So you can hibernate
for the winter ♪
And rest your little head ♪
You're here to do what?
No, no. You got this all wrong.
I called and said I'm
not ready for bed.
'Cause I don't
wanna go to bed ♪
What? Huh?
Everyone else is going to bed,
but I wanna stay up
and keep playing.
Mom said hibernate ♪
I said that can wait ♪
There are so many
fun-tivities I wanna do ♪
Instead of sleeping The
whole winter through ♪
- Oh, now I get it.
- Now I get it.
I really think you
should go to sleep.
Yeah, then you'll have tons of energy
to do more fun-tivities in the spring.
Nuh-uh. I wanna have fun now.
Wanna play with me?
I don't know.
Yeppers, I'm with you.
Why sleep all day ♪
When you can
play, play, play ♪
If you don't want to go to
bed now, you don't have to.
We can play more first.
I'm full of…
…bunny energy.
And I'm
very, very awake.
Hey, you made me yawn.
You just made me yawn.
But I'm not tired.
It's fun-tivities time.
- Hop on.
- Wait, Zuri.
Are you sure this
is a good idea?
We'll romp through the forest
We'll skip and jump and play ♪
There's no need for a rest ♪
Not for us today ♪
But aren't you exhausted ♪
It's getting super late ♪
Soon the
forest will be frosted ♪
It's time to hibernate ♪
We're feeling too much
joy And exhilaration ♪
For hibernation ♪
That wasn't a yawn.
I didn't yawn either.
- This is so much…
- Fun.
Had enough fun-tivities yet?
I really think we should get you
back to your cave before dark.
- Uh, uh, no way ♪
- Our fun's just getting started toda… ♪
Oops! Sorry.
My cape, it's flying away!
Unbelievable ♪
It's just like the
bubble engine at school.
That's it!
I think I know what to do ♪
If we work together ♪
Maybe we can reach this too ♪
Working together ♪
I can't reach.
Let me help.
Rock on, little bear cub.
Let's try this again.
- Working together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different, but together ♪
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Okay, that time
I did kinda yawn.
Me too.
You think maybe you are
a little tired after all?
Maybe just a teensy-weensy bit.
I'm really sorry.
I didn't mean to
knock your cape off.
It's all right. I did something
just like it back in the classroom.
- You did?
- Yeah.
'Cause I guess I'm kinda maybe
sort of an eensy-weensy
bit tired, too.
Maybe we can get some sleep
and play again another time.
Sounds bunny-tastic.
And we'll have tons
of energy for more…
- …fun.
- Fun.
I'm ready to go to bed, Mama.
Aw, I'm so glad to hear that.
You must be so sleepy.
I sure… …am.
Wait, can't go to bed
without a bedtime snack.
How about we rock a
stalk of broccoli?
A bedtime snack sounds
beary, beary good to us, too.
Here, try some of
our favorite snacks.
Ooh! Beary,
beary snackalicious.
Mmm. Yum.
Have a restful hibernation.
See you in the spring.
They are the Wonder Pets ♪
The biggest little team
They're full of heart ♪
Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped a baby bear cub ♪
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Go, Wonder Pets.
We are the Wonder
Pets The biggest little team ♪
We're full of heart, super
smart And stronger than we seem ♪
We're different, but together
We can do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets More
wonderful as one ♪
Let's go! Come on! All right!
"The Wonder Pets in
the City! Save the Sad Sumi-e Frog!"
Izzy and Zuri are
both out of the classroom
getting their nails trimmed.
Ooh, very
nice haiku poem.
See ya, Tate.
How long will Izzy
and Zuri be gone ♪
For goodness' sake? ♪
I sure am one lonely snake ♪
I know what will cheer me up!
Dusting my souvenirs!
I remember when I got
this peacock feather ♪
I was with Izzy and Zuri ♪
We were there together ♪
Dancing always puts some
sproing in my boing!
Check out my moves.
I'm really running
out of steam ♪
Without my team ♪
Ooh, I know!
I won't feel so alone If I
make some friends of my own ♪
Working together ♪
Me and you and you ♪
Different but together ♪
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Hmm, missing something.
I know!
- Thanks, Tate.
- You rock!
What do you
wanna do, Tate? I'm all ears.
Let's dance!
I thought I heard someone.
I guess not.
mega-okay, Tate.
We can keep playing until
your friends get back.
Yeah, we'd love to.
They're right behind
me, aren't they?
How long have you
been standing there?
Long enough to see ♪
That you really, really,
really Missed Izzy and me ♪
I sure did.
Team snuggle hug!
I hear a beeping ♪
I hear a buzz ♪
Pardon me.
It's the walkie-phone ♪
That's what it does ♪
And if it ever
makes a peep at all ♪
Then an animal
that needs us… ♪
Is trying to call ♪
Check it out, Wonder Pets.
It's a little frog ♪
And he looks so sad ♪
That's really bad ♪
And I think he lives
inside a sumi-e painting!
Oh, yay, sumi-e! ♪
Hmm, what's that anyway? ♪
It's a style of painting
from China and Japan.
In Japanese, sumi-e means
"Painting with black ink" ♪
It's really, really
pretty Don't you think? ♪
Yeah, and I love how those trees
Have a little touch of pink ♪
Hiya, little frog ♪
Did you call for help? ♪
Or are you just
calling To say "hello?" ♪
Is that a "yes" or a "no?" ♪
I haven't got a clue ♪
Izzy, how about you? ♪
Why don't you ribbit twice for saying
"hello," once for wanting help, okay?
- One.
- Aw, that's once for "help."
The little frog's in trouble ♪
He needs our help for sure ♪
Unbelievable! ♪
What are we waiting for? ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
- Oh, yeah!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Save the day ♪
We're the Wonder Pets ♪
Wonder Pets, here we go! ♪
Come on, team!
It's Jetcar time!
Let's jam, Wonder Pets!
We've got a sad
little frog to save…
inside a sumi-e painting.
But I wonder which one he's in.
That one has some of those
same pretty pink trees
we saw on the walkie-phone.
Good eye, Tate! Bubble power!
We're coming to save you,
little sad sumi-e froggy.
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We'll help the little froggy ♪
And do what must be done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
Ooh, so artistic.
Aw, that must be
the sad sumi-e frog.
Hold on, Wonder Pets.
We're going in ♪
Hello, little frog ♪
Here ribbiting on your rock ♪
You sound sad to us ♪
We would love
to help you out ♪
Tell us what
you're sad about ♪
I think he wants
us to follow him.
Let's follow our friend ♪
And see what he
wants to show ♪
Maybe then we'll know ♪
This rock looks
familiar. Have we met?
That was a quick tour I'm
not sure what he showed us ♪
Not much to notice ♪
And almost nothing to see ♪
This place looks empty to me ♪
Maybe the reason The
frog is feeling so sad ♪
And sounding so blue ♪
Is he wishes that he had
Something mega-fun to do ♪
I know.
He's a frog, so maybe he'd
like to go for a swim.
Great idea, Tate!
Frogs do love swimming ♪
But there's no water around ♪
Only the dry ground ♪
Hey, we're in a painting,
so maybe we can paint a pond
for the little frog to swim in.
Good thinking, Izzy.
Here's the water's edge With
some pebbles, grass and sedge ♪
Now I'll lend a hand ♪
The beach, water
reaching land ♪
Made up, of course,
of coarse sand ♪
While I paint the pond ♪
Hopping, like a
skipping stone ♪
Rippling the water ♪
There. All finished.
Hop in, little frog.
I think it's working ♪
He's jumpy and
jolly Not melancholy ♪
Melon who now?
It's a fancy way to say "sad."
Looks like our
work here is done.
Let's rock and roll outta here.
Bye, little frog.
Keep smiling.
Uh, Izzy?
I have some bad news ♪
I think our
froggy friend here ♪
Has still got the blues ♪
Maybe he got tired of swimming
and wants to do something else?
Ooh, maybe some
helping will hop ♪
Or hopping will help
Him stop feeling sad ♪
Yeah! We can paint
somewhere for him to hop.
Paint, paint, paint the lily pad
And maybe the frog won't feel so sad ♪
Wanna paint with
us, little frog?
- Ooh.
- Can we play leap frog with the frog?
Everybody boing and sproing along
While we sing our leap frog song ♪
A boingy, boingy
Boingy boing-a-roo! ♪
Ribbit! Ribbit! Am I a
natural-born frog or what?
Now that this is one
happenin' pond to play in,
the little frog is
hopping and happy again.
Thanks for the hops. Bye!
Oh, no. The frog is crying.
Unbelievably sad ♪
We've made him cheerful ♪
But now I'm feeling fearful ♪
He's become tearful ♪
Wait a second.
Whenever we try ♪
To leave and
say our goodbyes ♪
He gets sad and cries ♪
Is that it?
Are you sad because
you feel lonely?
I think that's a "yes!"
Tate, that's great ♪
Oh, I mean, not that
you're feeling lonely,
but that we finally
figured out what's wrong.
I know just how you
feel, little frog.
I felt so lonely in the classroom
when Zuri and Izzy were gone.
Swimming or jumping
or playing pretend ♪
Some things are better
When you have a friend ♪
I know just what to do.
Back in the classroom,
when I got lonely,
I painted pictures
of you, remember?
Yep. Super-mega-awesome
So maybe we can do
the same thing here.
We painted a pond And
some lily pads too ♪
Now we can paint
a friend for you ♪
On second thought, what kind of
friend would you like to have?
Ooh, he's gonna
paint a sumi-e pal.
And he wants our team to
help him finish painting.
Come on, Wonder Pets!
- Izzy ♪
- Zuri ♪
And Tate Now, let's… ♪
Paint the day We're
the Wonder Pets ♪
- Painting together. Me ♪
- And you ♪
And you ♪
Different but together
There's nothing we can't do ♪
Are you happy now that you have
your very own team, little frog?
Ribbit twice for
"yes," once for "no."
That's a "yes" all right.
Now our work here is done.
Wonder Pets, to the Jetcar!
Snuggle hug goodbye.
How silly of me ♪
I almost forgot the edamame ♪
Let's veg out sumi-e style! ♪
Aw, a sumi-e souvenir for me?
Thank you. I'll add
it to my collection.
Bye, little happy frog.
Bye, sumi-e us-es!
We are the Wonder Pets
The biggest little team ♪
- We're full of heart ♪
- Super smart ♪
And stronger than we seem ♪
We helped the little froggy ♪
And now our work is done ♪
Wonder Pets ♪
More wonderful as one ♪
A children's classroom, empty
but for three heroes, happy to be home.