Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e07 Episode Script

Online Gaming and Their Respective Nights

The anime you're watching
is "Love is Hard for Otaku".
There's no mistake.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
I've leveled up a lot these days.
I can beat the enemies in this area
with a single hit now.
Here I go!
I'm logged in now! Where are you?
I'm at the beginning of the forest area.
Oh! I see you!
Kabakura, thanks for your hard work.
But, we're not at work here!
Oh, it's just a habit
Well, I understand
She's so cute.
So, you're a swordsman!
That really suits you!
It says a lot about his personality.
So, you're an elf.
Does that mean
you're from the summoner class?
I liked how they swing fast
I'm an assassin.
You're from a scary class,
and you're at a high level.
She plays a lot more than I do.
Let's pass on this one.
It hardly ever drops items anyway.
There's lots of herbs over here!
She is so cute
What a waste
Did Hana-chan log in yet?
Oh. Koyanagi said
she'd come after taking a bath.
Anyway, I didn't expect that Hana-chan would
start playing online games.
I thought Hana-chan didn't like games very much.
Well, yeah.
I was surprised when she asked me which online
games she could play on a computer.
She might look stubborn, but she's
easily influenced by others.
Maybe seeing you guys made her jealous
What did we do?
Thanks for waiting!
Oh! Your avatar's so cute, Naru!
Your avatar's so sexy!
Let me take a screenshot!
Your screenshot has been saved.
You Isn't that a paid costume!?
It's okay. It's free.
By the way, where's Nifuji?
Oh. We were chatting just now.
He said he's coming later.
I thought he'd be the first one here.
Hirotaka doesn't like online games that much.
He said he doesn't like interacting with
other people.
And that solo players
are at a disadvantage in online games.
He's just jealous because he's a loner.
But he comes anyway when you invite him, right?
Well, yeah. He's a game otaku!
I wish I could help Nifuji out here
But, considering his everyday behavior
It's a rare enemy! What bad timing.
Even if Momose and I take the front,
Koyanagi's level is too low to
guard us by herself.
This isn't going to work.
Let's run away this time and move on!
But enemies like this don't always show up!
This is our chance!
-Rare drops!
-You're being blinded by money, Momose!
A swordsman running away!? What a disgrace!
You're an assassin, right!?
It's no use!
Koyanagi, use support magic from the rear!
Why do you get to tell me what to do!?
You're always talking down to me!
You're the one who should just listen sometimes!
Fight this guy over here instead!
What's with that joke costume!?
Hey! Narumi!
And Kabakura and Koyanagi!
It's not Hirotaka!
That's Nao's voice!
Where's Hirotaka!?
My brother said he'd come after recording an anime.
He told me to log in first.
-Is that the boss?
-It's the boss!
But Nifuji's character is at the highest level.
Nao! Do you know how to control it?
I'm not really sure, but I'll try!
Which one is for punching?
Which button did I press just now?
-It's no good, Kabakura!
-You're right.
Anyway, I'm going over to you!
Be careful!
The enemy's target switched to you
-Hirotaka! I mean Nao!
I've never seen Nifuji look so
uncool before.
Let me take a screenshot.
Are you okay!?
Oh no.
I didn't bring any recovery items.
Oh! The herbs!
Oops! I ate them myself!
Calm down, Momose!
I don't have a lot of MP left either.
Because you used it to attack me!
What are we going to do?
I just have to beat it
without any damage, right?
If you can really do it, then show us!
It's over.
I haven't played online games in a long time.
But, they are fun when you do play.
-Multiplayer games are the best!
-You were solo just now!
Hey, let me play too!
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku.
Kabakura said he's going drinking with
Nifuji and his juniors tonight.
Kabakura is good at taking care of other people.
He just wants to drink.
Hey. Do you want to have dinner?
Oh. Sure!
Let's have a heart-to-heart
with just us girls tonight.
Sounds good!
Honestly, I was scared you were going to get mad.
I'll have a beer.
I'm not mad or anything!
And some wasabi octopus.
Will that be all?
Do I really look like I'm always mad?
That's not what I meant
You have a scary-looking face, Kabakura
And we can't tell you.
You have a scary-looking face,
Nifuji! You're amazing!
Yeah, yeah.
I'm used to this stuff already.
-He really is cute on the inside.
That's what someone else said.
-Oh my god.
-You surprised me.
I didn't know Nifuji tells jokes. I didn't get it.
Oh Her, huh?
Nifuji, are you talking about Momose?
Oh yeah.
I watched that anime you told me about before.
Really? How was it?
It had a nice world view.
It was good.
How many episodes did you watch?
-All of them.
-That's so cool!
Whenever I recommend something,
Hana-chan catches up fast! Amazing!
That's just my personality.
I'm an otaku.
since you told me about it,
I wanted to be able to talk to you about it soon!
Would you like a drink?
By the way, I like the hero/rival pair!
That's opposite from me!
Just as I thought.
I wonder if we'll ever be able to
laugh together as friends someday.
It'll happen.
In the next world.
-I want to eat that again.
-You took a lot of pictures.
-I'll upload them later-
You and Momose are close.
-You're childhood friends, right?
-Really? You're so lucky.
Momose's so cute, right?
Even though she's a little childish.
That's what I thought at first too
Yeah. She's always smiling and friendly.
She's a bit of an airhead.
What about you, Nifuji?
Are you going after Momose?
He doesn't like talking about this kind of stuff.
I thought so!
But you know, I heard the other day
How was Christmas, Momose?
Uh It was normal.
I had chicken and cake at home.
-With who?
-Huh? Uh
With who?
Well with my boyfriend.
Did you hear that?
Momose has a boyfriend!
Of course.
Momose is so cute when she blushes
These guys
This is bad.
We've got to change the topic.
He's so obvious. His mouth stopped.
Oh well
Momose, huh?
She is cute,
but I'm more into sexy girls.
Like Koyanagi.
I know what you mean!
I know what you mean
Koyanagi is a good woman
Why are we always into opposite pairings?
We like the same characters
Maybe it's karma.
Talk about this to Nifuji instead!
Why Hirotaka?
I'm sure he'd listen,
but he's not a yaoi fanboy or anything.
Do these two get involved in the original?
He doesn't mind talking about boys love, right?
He just doesn't have strong preferences.
He wouldn't reject it like Kabakura, but
I'll be in the Jump section.
Come when you're done in the boys love section.
I see.
He's not a good person to talk to.
You have it hard, Hana-chan.
You can't read boys love when Kabakura is around.
No, that's not true.
I don't hide anything anymore.
Sometimes, I read 18-and-over stuff
where he can see me on purpose.
That's sexual harassment.
-I see
There's something I've been wanting to ask you.
Are you against thinking about boys love
involving your boyfriend?
Not at all.
You're so cool!
Well, you know
The opposite would never work.
You're right.
There's only one choice, of course.
One two
But, Koyanagi is kind of scary!
She's cold towards men.
She has a lot of pride.
You don't understand.
That's what's nice about her.
Koyanagi is cool, elegant, and mature.
You don't understand.
She's short-tempered, panicky,
and likes dirty jokes just like a little boy.
She works hard, finishes her work fast, and is reliable.
She's fast but makes lots of mistakes.
And on top of that, she has big boobs.
Oh, right! I always look at them.
Yeah. I can't resist.
-My eyes always drift.
I want to touch them.
Why!? You like Kabakura, right?
The guy you like goes on the bottom!
You might be like that, but I'm different!
It only turns me on if the pretty guy is bottom!
Don't ever say that in front of Kabakura!
What about you?
Nifuji is your boyfriend.
- He goes on bottom, right?
- No
Hirotaka's face isn't really my type.
Kabakura looks cooler,
so he goes on bottom.
Don't ever say that in front of Kabakura, okay!?
But, I heard that Koyanagi has a boyfriend too.
Momose has better looks,
but a real man would pick Koyanagi!
You guys
I know you want a girlfriend,
so why don't you go after girls without
-You're right!
I'm not mad or anything.
But, if you were talking about my girlfriend,
I'd be mad.
He's so obvious.
You really do have a scary-looking face.
But you know,
Hirotaka is pretty good as the guy on top!
He'd tease Kabakura
without showing any emotions.
He's a cool dominant-type!
A guy on top in glasses!
No, no!
Kabakura's clumsy kindness
is going to melt Nifuji's cold heart!
The older guy who helps out on top!
This is classic!
It's normal to have younger guys on top!
And Hirotaka is taller, so it'd look better!
The taller guy goes on bottom, right!?
Kabakura's body makes him the better guy on top!
Hirotaka looks much better!
No matter what you say, Kabakura's on top!
Thanks for dinner!
Yeah. Be careful on your way home.
And Momose!
Good evening!
Are you going home now?
Yeah. I was having dinner with Momose.
Did you guys just finish too?
Yes. Kabakura treated us.
Oh That's great.
Oh! Do you want to go to another
place and get drinks together?
Sorry, but I have something to do.
See you tomorrow.
Eating dinner together
Those two are really close
Even though they're totally different.
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
Hey. I went to a diner with my friends the other day
And Hirotaka is taller, so it'd look better!
The taller guy goes on bottom, right!?
Huh? Is that Narumi and Koyanagi?
Hirotaka looks much better!
No matter what you say, Kabakura's on top!
That's what I heard.
It made me so happy to hear.
I think
you misunderstood.
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