X-Men (2011) s01e07 Episode Script


There has been abnormal mutant activity
in the Tohoku area.
Did you find something out?
Nothing in particular.
It's jumping to conclusions
to blame the twisted bridge
and the strange occurrence
in the river on mutants.
However, the U-Men's mutant detection
device found a strong signal.
I can't understand that.
But I'm surprised.
Little Hisako becoming a member
of the X-Men!
When I remembered the Sasaki Institute,
Professor X was happy too.
Charles was
Will Professor X be joining
you here as well?
No. He left the investigation to us.
-I see.
-What exactly is this Sasaki Academy?
We were never as big
as the Xavier Institute
but we took in the mutant children
from the area temporarily.
So are you also a mutant?
-In that case, why?
I wanted to do something for the children
who were snubbed
and couldn't go to school,
just because they were mutants.
I suppose there were limits
to what I could do alone.
So you shut it down?
Yes. Now I use the facility
for medical and mutant research.
You know, Dr. Sasaki, I
I was really good friends
with a kid in school.
Good friends?
Yeah. I think that kid
was a little younger than me.
It was a boy, but
I can't remember him
no matter how hard I try.
Dr. Sasaki, do you remember him?
Back then
I had so many children here.
I really don't remember.
It's almost time for the meeting.
These are the members
of my research team. From the left
this is Koichi Kaga,
Jun Sanada
and Riko Nirasaki.
And these are the X-Men.
I've heard about what you've done.
It's an honor to meet you.
-That's everyone?
Go ahead.
Excuse me.
The weather appears to be clearing.
It might be a good time
to go check on the Blackbird.
I'm sorry to trouble you,
but could I borrow some tools?
-I'll go too.
-I'm coming too.
You talk to Hisako and Emma.
The research facility
is in the back of this house.
The main equipment is underground.
A boy
Younger than me
You used to go to an ordinary school,
Yeah. I used to come to the Academy
after my regular school let out.
Maybe that boy
was a friend of yours at school?
-By the way, Yui.
Aren't you an acquaintance
of Professor X?
It was more than 15 years ago,
but I did meet him once.
More than 15 years ago?
But we were never close.
It was such a long time ago,
I don't really remember.
I have to go to a meeting,
so please make yourselves at home.
If you need anything,
you can reach me on this intercom.
I feel like Dr. Sasaki's changed.
Yeah. She used to be kinder
and warmer, I think.
She still seems kind
at least to me.
That's true, but
Yui Sasaki is lying.
She said she hasn't seen
Professor X in 15 years.
But she has seen him since then.
Did you read her mind?
It's because of things like that
that people hate mutants.
No. I didn't use telepathy.
This is a woman's intuition, right?
A woman's intuition?
When we mentioned the Professor
she called him "Charles."
Even though they weren't that close.
Some people use first names
even with people
they're not friendly with.
But she had asked you
if Professor X was planning on coming.
Yui Sasaki is involved with Professor X
on a much deeper level.
A deeper level
-All right, let's pull it out!
-That's impossible.
I'm joking.
Storm! Could you melt all this ice?
That's also impossible. Look at this snow.
I wonder if you could even call it snow.
At first glance,
it seems like snow, but
It doesn't melt. It's not even cold.
It seems more like a mineral.
So in Japan they have diamond
or ruby snow?
Of course not.
It's as if just this place
was suddenly changed.
At any rate, there's nothing
we can do like this.
I'll contact Charles and have him
send a spare Blackbird.
Yui Sasaki?
Yes, I thought I'd let you know,
just in case.
Understood. In any event,
I'll send you the backup jet at once.
Thank you.
-It's been a while.
I wasn't expecting you to contact me.
From the sound of it
you've already heard a report
about me.
I hear you've shut down the Academy.
Let me just state my business. I want
to continue my research here in peace.
Are you saying the X-Men
are in the way?
I'll help if needed.
But I want them out of here
as soon as the investigation is over.
Would something be disturbed
if they stay too long?
It may be the key
to solving the string
of mutant occurrences
around your lab.
I have nothing to do with it.
I'm not so sure about that.
When I sent my mind to Tohoku
I saw you and a boy.
I couldn't see his face,
but you overlapped with him.
Does that boy have anything to do
with you? Why did he enter my mind?
Answer me, Yui.
That boy is probably Takeo.
He's my son. Mine. And yours.
Our son? You're telling me I have a son?
So then that was
My son entered my consciousness.
That is incorrect.
If you say you saw him, then you just
happened to look in my mind.
But I'm certain I met that boy.
You said you couldn't see his face.
That's natural.
Because Takeo is already gone.
What does that mean?
Do you mean our son is dead?
Someday I'll tell you everything.
But for now, please stop
meddling in my affairs.
Staying here is pointless.
In the meantime,
let's go back to the Sasaki house.
An avalanche?
Doesn't seem like it.
Is a mountain monster
making snowmen or
What on earth is that?
It seems that snowman
has business with us.
So let's go say hello!
-What's that?
There's one here too.
Greetings, ladies and gentlemen
of the X-Men.
How do you like Japan?
It's not bad.
The food is good and the scenery's nice.
Then you'll have no regrets
when I kill you here!
Sorry, but I haven't seen
any Kabuki yet.
What are you?
Some kind of hedgehog monster?
Beast! Did you pulverize him?
There was no resistance.
You are pretty tough.
It's about time.
So that was the aim
of the attack just now.
The greetings are finished.
Let's meet again.
I see. He can liquefy his body.
That's why he offered no resistance.
This is no time for analysis!
Let's get out of here!
I'm going to take my shot in my room.
Make sure the X-Men don't see you.
-Be careful.
-I understand.
Is something wrong
with your right hand?
The bruise on my hand is hurting.
It used to be bigger.
-Do you remember an injury or a burn?
Mom and Dad also say
they don't remember it
so I thought it was just a birthmark.
It suddenly started hurting
when I got here.
-Has it ever hurt you like this before?
-I don't think so.
That's strange.
I wonder if something irritated it.
I'm going to ask Dr. Sasaki
for an ointment.
Hey! She told us
to use the intercom, remember?
It's all right.
It's not as if she's going outside.
This is a good opportunity.
I need to talk to you.
Blackbird auto-pilot engaged.
Launch preparations complete.
You want me to let you read my mind?
-What for?
To remove your hesitation.
My hesitation?
I heard you couldn't fight
the berserk mutant
at the U-Men base
and almost lost your life.
Is it because of Jean?
The Professor proved I had nothing
to do with Jean's death.
So what is making you suffer?
Hisako also asked me.
"Help him," she said.
It's none of her business.
She's worried about you
in her own way.
And I also don't want a leader
who's so hesitant.
At this rate,
it may impede our work as X-Men.
Face your heart.
I'm sure Jean would wish for that too.
-I don't like this.
-What's wrong?
Yui Sasaki said she introduced us
to everyone in the mansion.
But I can still smell someone else
in there.
Indeed. She doesn't seem
to want us there.
Yui Sasaki's presence at the center
of the mutant phenomena
and the appearance of the U-Men
seems a bit too much for coincidence.
Seems we'd better keep an eye
on Yui Sasaki.
That's why I asked
Scott and Emma to stay.
The X-Men are a light for mutants.
I want to become that light.
And I want to continue shining a light on
the future for human and mutant children.
I'm begging you, Scott. Kill me.
You know I could never do that!
You What did you do to Jean's heart?
I love you, Scott
You are?
Now you die too.
Dr. Sasaki?
-Feeling better?
The shadow you saw behind Jean,
it's natural that you'd think it was me.
I was attacked by myself.
What on earth was that?
That must have been your subconscious
the part of your mind where you can't
forgive yourself for not saving Jean.
tried to escape my inability to save
Jean by blaming you for her death.
You're right,
the one person I can't forgive is myself.
Now that I know you had nothing to do
with Jean's death
what should I do?
One year ago, if I'd been there
when Jean went berserk
I might have been able to save her.
And you, as well.
Listen to me, Scott.
Aren't you the one who taught Hisako
that an X-Man's most important
quality is his heart?
You need a stronger heart
than anyone else.
Don't let Jean's will go to waste.
I want to become that light. And I
I want to continue shining a light on
the future for human and mutant children.
So now you want to coach me
just like Hisako?
The beast that suddenly appeared
in the lab
turns out to have an unexpected
Amid the confusion, Emma becomes
suspicious of Yui Sasaki's assistant Jun.
Meanwhile, danger approaches
Professor X
as he flies to Tohoku from New York
on the Blackbird.
A new facet of the case is revealed.
Next time on X-Men: Omen.
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