You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e07 Episode Script

Un nuevo sospechoso

"You're ruining Alberto's life
and the lives of those
who actually love him."
"If only you'd disappear forever.
Face it, Beatriz.
Alberto doesn't love you.
If you knew how much fun
I have with your husband,
you'd stay away. I pity you, Beatriz.
I'd do anything for you to die."
I didn't kill her.
There are several other emails like it.
Did you really wish
Beatriz Prats would die?
You didn't send them and you didn't bother
to delete them, why?
I changed my mind after writing them.
Did you think Torres would
be yours if you got rid of her?
I didn't want anything
to happen to Beatriz.
I've never wished ill on anyone.
I hated her because she didn't appreciate
what she and Torres had,
because she didn't support him
like he deserved, but I didn't kill her.
Eli, look at me. Look me in the eye.
I want to help you,
but I need to know the truth.
Did you or did you not kill Beatriz Prats?
No! I didn't kill her! I swear I didn't!
I'd like to call my father, please.
Take her away.
Don't come any closer.
-Don't touch me.
I'm an idiot.
I can explain.
Tell it to the police when they see you.
Goddamn it!
Goddamn it, Dani.
I don't even know why I'm answering.
What the fuck do you want now?
Inspector Gonzalez has had it
with you and me.
Although she dislikes you more.
A procedural error?
We have to stop the investigation
just because the Russian's lawyer said so?
Maxim's lawyer insists
he testified under duress.
-I know he's after a shorter sentence.
-But it's just
He'll make his case
and we'll bring him in for questioning.
We're wasting time, Your Honor.
We know Natalia Saldaña was taken
-to the Port of Algeciras.
-But we
Let me finish, please.
I can't close a port over
an illegitimate statement.
I don't believe this.
While we're here talking and wasting time,
there's an asshole
at the port helping gangs
smuggle women like Natalia.
Do you understand that?
Relax. I'll speak with the lawyer
and try to speed things up.
There's nothing I can do now, though.
Thank you so much, Your Honor.
Thank you, seriously.
Damn it.
Hello, Monica. How are you?
Hi, I want to talk to you.
Sure, but there's nothing new
to report. We're waiting.
-It's true.
-No, no,
it's about something else.
What do you mean by that?
I thought you had the Russian,
that you were questioning him
and, I don't know, moving forward.
Well, it's a little confusing.
We're still verifying what he's told us.
Verifying? So you have nothing.
Not exactly. We have a lead,
but we're waiting on the judge.
I'm very sorry,
but these processes take time.
I'm sorry, the judge?
My daughter's life is in danger
because of your bureaucracy?
I understand, I really do.
We're moving as quickly as possible.
Trust me.
You came here to tell me something, right?
But sorry, but I have to go.
Any updates on Natalia?
Did the Russian say anything?
Are there any new leads?
No, the Russian hasn't said anything
and we don't have any leads.
-what's wrong?
Well, it's just that
I've been feeling lonely
after Natalia's disappearance.
I know you're trying to be supportive,
but every day you're more distant.
We should meet and talk. What do you say?
Yes, of course, but I don't know
when I'll be available.
I have to go now.
I hope you have a good reason
for asking me here.
How long have you been
on the police force?
I knew I shouldn't have come.
How long?
Can you get to the point?
Natalia Saldaña. What did the Russian say?
You shouldn't give a fuck
about what the Russian said.
I thought Ana was very clear.
Listen, Velasco, I'm not trying
to meddle in the work
either one of you do,
but I also worked there.
We told families
the first 48 hours were crucial
and then we get caught up
in something stupid.
What did the Russian say?
He said something,
but Judge La Piedra is handling it.
And he stopped everything?
Procedural error during the interrogation.
What's your dear inspector going to do?
What do you want her to do?
Wait and curse or curse
and wait. You decide.
I could help.
We're talking about a young woman's life.
Give me something.
A name, place, whatever.
Give me something
and I'll go where you can't.
If you get the green light,
I'll step aside and you guys
or Ana can handle everything again.
Can I get a beer?
She was smuggled in a container
from the Port of Algeciras.
I have something for you.
I didn't kill her.
-Why should I believe you?
-You don't have to.
Even if I did,
you didn't tell me you'd been involved.
You son of a bitch.
We've been sleeping together!
What other lies have you told me?
It happened over 20 years ago in Mexico.
-It's stupid!
-We're talking about murder!
Not a fucking traffic violation!
I was named a suspect
of something I didn't do!
Goddamn it, Laura.
Someone who isn't willing
to face you sent this.
I think it's the same person
who drew a target on my picture.
Don't you see?
Someone is trying to screw me over.
I can't believe you.
Monica? Really?
You're an asshole. You knew I knew her.
You wouldn't have wanted
to see me again if I had told you.
My relationship with Monica is over.
-We were going to break up.
You have two problems right now.
One, you have to convince me
you're not a fucking liar.
Two, you have to convince
a judge and prosecutor
that your daughter
didn't kill Beatriz Prats.
What? What are you talking about?
She's at the station.
And you're telling me now?
Why hasn't she called?
Because I didn't let her.
I wanted to tell you myself
while looking you in the eye.
That was my plan before I found out
what was in that envelope.
My daughter has nothing
to do with any of this!
Dad! Dad!
Eli! Hi, honey.
Dad, I swear I didn't do anything.
There, there. Calm down.
Everything's going to be OK.
You have five minutes to yourselves.
I didn't do anything.
I know, I know. Calm down, calm down.
Come on. Sit.
Calm down. Sit. Calm down.
Eli, honey, look at me. Why are you here?
I was in relationship with Alberto.
What? I don't understand. Alberto Torres?
He made me believe
we had something meaningful
and I don't know
I wrote some e-mails to Beatriz,
but never sent them.
In them, I said
I wanted her to die and the like.
I know that was wrong,
but I would never hurt her.
Come here, sweetie.
Eli, promise me you'll be strong.
It'll all work itself out, OK?
I'm sure whoever's guilty will turn up,
sooner than you think.
Help me stop this madness.
There's no way in hell Eli murdered Prats!
She could be as much of a liar as her dad.
Fine, it was wrong
to not say anything about Monica,
but that has nothing
to do with my daughter.
What about the envelope?
An anonymous letter
blaming me for something
that happened abroad ages ago.
What's that got to do with my daughter?
You got away because of a procedural error
during the evidence collection process,
not because you were declared innocent.
Look at me.
Did you or did you not kill that woman?
You can't be tried twice
for the same crime, so out with it.
I did know her, though.
We had a history together.
We fell in love.
We had a lot of fun,
butIdidn't kill her.
-How long were you together?
-I don't know.
-However long I was in Mexico.
-How long?
Two, three months. What's the difference?
The envelope's content provides
strong incriminating evidence.
There was no trial, so it seems
I have a murderer before me.
I only care about whatyou think.
Know what I think?
That you're a fucking liar.
You can come to your own conclusions.
Someone thinks I'm responsible
and they're going to great lengths
to convince you.
You were head over heels
and you did something stupid, right?
Your issues and your obsession
with death did you in.
Or am I wrong?
As a cop, you know I can't be tried again,
so I don't know why the hell
you're so insistent.
if I'm talking to the woman
who's shared a bed with me,
I know you believe me.
Unless we find another suspect,
your daughter is in trouble.
I live with her
and I know her perfectly well.
No one, and I mean no one,
much less her could hide
something like that.
If she didn't do it, calm down.
We don't put innocent people in jail.
Where are you going?
Are you going to stop me?
You're afraid of me, aren't you?
Do you really think me capable of it?
I don't like these games.
I think you do.
What do you want?
I have to talk to you.
I've been calling you,
but you won't answer.
You can send me to hell if you want,
but first, listen to me.
I have information about Natalia.
She was taken to the Port of Algeciras
to be smuggled out.
I know I'm the last person
you'd want to trust,
but you have no choice.
Where was she taken?
I don't know.
I just know they have
a contact at the port
who turns a blind eye
and makes everything easier.
Why? Who kidnapped my daughter?
We don't know.
Human trafficking is one
of the many businesses mafias handle.
We have to go there now.
The police are bound
by protocol, but I'm not.
I'm leaving to Algeciras.
I'll call if I learn anything.
Who hired you to kill me?
I don't know.
A broker hired me. He never told me
who had hired him or why.
I've been thinking about it
and I can't think of anyone.
The only person I feared is dead.
I'm coming with you.
I'll wait downstairs in the car.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
But you're being difficult.
If that makes you feel better.
What's this?
Keep it.
I'll let you know when it's time.
Time for what?
Do you want to leave, yes or no?
Well, I do, too.
But just like I'm helping you,
you'll have to help me out.
Are you in or what?
I'll drive.
You reek of alcohol.
I can drive, seriously.
There are checkpoints.
Give me the keys or I won't go.
Elisabeth Molina, former PSD intern
and daughter renown photographer
Alex Molina,
is being investigated
in connection to Prats' case
the news came out days
after she was kicked out--
What could motivate a 19-year-old girl
to do such a heinous thing?
It is believed this was
a crime of passion
but we can't forget
the news went viral just hours ago.
After the news leaked
to the press.
Who the fuck leaked it?
No idea.
Are we there yet?
I fell asleep.
For over two hours.
Could you look up
the hostel's address on your phone?
Hostel? No, let's go straight to the port.
It's late. It's probably closed.
Let's go first thing tomorrow morning.
No! I don't want to sit
around at the hostel.
Please, let's go straight to the port.
If we do that,
we'll only call attention to ourselves.
Listen to me.
Get in, stop resisting.
-No, no!
What are you doing? Drop it!
If you say anything,
I'll kill you myself! Get in!
Whose blade is it?
Who did you take it from?
Get him out of here! Check him!
Now, what?
I don't know. What should we do?
I already told you
we'll blow it if we go in now.
I'll see what I can find out
tomorrow morning.
You'll see? No, I won't stay
at the hostel while you're here.
I didn't say that.
Let me do things my way.
In any case,
it'll be easier tomorrow morning.
It'll be busier
and we won't stand out as much.
-Good afternoon.
-Good afternoon.
-Anything I can help you with?
-No, thank you.
Then I'll have to ask you to leave.
You can't be here.
Yes, we were already leaving.
Thank you. Good day.
Don't move.
It's very deep, boss.
Can anyone explain what happened?
It's Diego's blade.
I think she stole it.
That's bullshit!
Were you outdone by a girl
who weighs less than 50 kilos?
What am I paying you for?
We have to take him to the hospital.
Where's the girl?
She's with Manuel.
He's keeping her in check.
Hugo set her straight.
Very well.
We'll carry on with the plan.
Please, I don't want any more mistakes.
are only two of us going?
One of us has to drive.
I can go.
I won't mess up again, boss.
That girl's very difficult.
You need an extra guy.
Listen, I'll just drive if you want.
Thank you very much.
Please stop.
It's OK, Isabel. I know him. Thank you.
Could you tell me why the fuck is
my daughter is being questioned
-about your wife's murder?
-They have nothing against her.
Why the fuck is she being investigated?
Who mentioned her?
No one. And before you continue,
I'll remind that you that
she was only an intern here
because you asked me.
I was just doing you a favor.
What happened next wasn't my fault.
A favor? Are you fucking serious,
you son of a bitch?
You took advantage of a naive 19-year-old,
slept with her, and you're not to blame?
Alex, you just realized
you didn't know your daughter
and I understand that must be awful,
but you can't come here to negate
what they've told you about her.
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you,
but you don't even know the half of it.
Your daughter wasn't so innocent.
There's a reason
why she's being investigated.
You think you know everything
about your wife's death, right?
Know whom she slept with
when she got sick of you?
Know whose shoulder she'd cry on
when she found out
you slept with younger women?
That was never the case.
It was my shoulder, Alberto.
She would vent to me.
Pity you couldn't appreciate
a great woman like Beatriz.
She was a great lay to boot!
I don't believe you.
I'm only going to say this once,
so you'd better listen closely.
My daughter didn't kill your wife.
I know exactly who did.
Think I can smoke here?
-No, not in this bar.
Ma'am, another round
for the gentleman and myself.
-You're asking for trouble.
-We're all going to die someday.
You're right about that.
To you, man.
-Damn it! What happened?
Fuck, I'm sorry. Wait, wait.
Let me clean you up.
-I'll have to wash it now.
It's fine.
Ma'am, take our drinks
to that table over there.
-You're the man!
-And you're ugly.
-What's your name?
-What do you mean what's my name?
Dad, listen closely.
Take my sister and leave. I can't explain.
Go over to my uncle's. I'll call you.
-What is it?
-We're good.
Here's the thing.
I want to ship something
out of Spain through the port.
-Do you think--
-What is it?
Relax, man. I'm kidding.
You son of a bitch!
-The look on your face.
-You scared me, damn it.
What items are we talking about?
Nothing important.
A little contraband, nothing serious.
-Could you?
-Of course! I'll help you out!
I can't do it myself,
but I can introduce you to those who can.
Is it a sure thing?
People know about it,
but don't say anything.
What can they say anyway?
Everyone's involved.
There are a lot of interests at stake
and someone has to make sure
everything goes as planned.
I need to pee.
Where can I find these people?
Oh, that's easy. Look for Tano.
He's the only port authority officer
with a diamond-shaped pin.
He and his partner,
another port authority officer,
handle all the port's business.
-I really need to pee. I'll be back.
-Go pee.
What is it now?
-I'll go.
-No, I'll go.
-You sure you can manage?
Fuck! A little help!
Damn it!
I thought you could manage.
-Open that up.
-What? Let me see.
-Hey, hey.
-Hold still.
-Easy, man.
-Move it.
-Here. Fine, fine.
-Stop it.
-Drop it!
-Come on!
-OK, there it is.
Drop it.
Come on! Let's go!
Hurry! Let's go!
That's how it is.
Indeed, it was
That's the problem with
professional soccer players.
They wax their chest hair.
Have you ever seen
a soccer player with no chest hair?
No, that's not how it should be,
and people paid to watch him train.
Yeah, but that bastard was absent.
Wait, wait.
What's up, Tano?
I brought you some business.
You'll give me a good commission, right?
That depends on the business.
Where's the woman who was with you?
She she's at the bar.
What's it about?
I need to move some merchandise.
-The people I work for pay very well.
-I see.
I said you could trust him, didn't I?
I did, didn't I?
You were right, Pepe.
There's something fishy about him.
I gotta make a living.
-Move it, come on.
-Just a second.
I'm here to turn myself in.
I killed Beatriz Prats.
If you go to the police,
I'll be sent to prison and killed.
Then what should we do?
Find a place where
I can remove the bullet.
I think I know where we can go.
If he's a cop, more will come after him.
Then we get rid of him.
Dead dogs don't bite.
I don't think
you should question Alex Molina.
What the fuck is going on, Velasco?
As far as I know, I'm still your boss.
You're a great officer,
but you have one flaw,
you left your half-finished cigarettes
where you shouldn't.
The police arrested my father.
What did he do?
He killed Beatriz Prats
just like 20 years ago,
he killed a woman named Gloria.
Something just doesn't make sense.
All crimes have a motive, a reason why.
You hadno reason to kill Beatriz Prats.
I guess the women I love end up like that.
Someone hired Daniel
to kill me some months ago.
Who hired him?
I thought it over and Do you think--
You think it was Alex.
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