Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e07 Episode Script

Episode 7

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 18: Who Comes First]
[To be honest,
I've been feeling that way every day too.]
[So I wasn't the only one
thinking this way.]
[After all, everyone thinks the same.]
Yu-mi, Ms. Kim.
Hey, don't fall asleep here.
Just finish it quickly and go home.
What time is it now?
I was wondering why you didn't pick up.
You were asleep.
Here. You didn't pick up,
so I just bought whatever they had.
Wake up.
Thank you.
-It looks like you had a good nap.
-Yes, totally.
I even had a dream.
It's Goo Woong!
[Love Under the Umbrella]
Why are you getting soaked in the rain?
You'll catch a cold.
What time is it?
Seoul time.
[Love Under the Umbrella]
It's a re-run.
I bought Goo Woong Coffee.
[Let's Drink, Goo Woong]
My gosh.
I just had a dream about Goo Woong.
-About Goo Woong?
I met Goo Woong on a blind date.
Are you Goo Woong?
[We started seeing each other,
and I went over to his place.]
[He ran in the rain,
carrying me in his arms.]
There was even a kissing scene.
What? A kissing scene?
Gosh, anyway It was so nice.
Darn it.
I can't believe it was all a dream.
[Love Under the Umbrella]
Ms. Kim, get up.
-Get up.
-What? Just get up!
Why is he telling me to get up?
Wake up!
My gosh. Wake up!
[Wake up!]
[-Wake up!]
-Why is he telling me to wake up?
[Wake up!]
[-Wake up!]
-What is this?
[-Wake up!]
-That was a dream too?
[Wake up!]
-My gosh.
[-Wake up!]
Gosh, that startled me.
[Wake up!]
Hey, Dream cell!
-What kind of dream is that?
My heart sank, you crazy fool!
-What's wrong with you?
Why? That was a good dream.
-It's a special dream I made for Yu-mi.
Don't hit my face with it.
You did nothing to be proud of!
-My gosh.
-Stop right there, you crazy fool!
You don't even know anything.
If you're happier in your dream,
you'll be so depressed when you wake up,
you idiots!
[A truly good dream makes you feel happy]
[and appreciate your reality
when you wake up.]
Thank goodness. It was just a dream.
[Did you sleep well? I just woke up.]
[Goo Woong]
Hey, Woong. I just woke up too.
Can you stop by my place
on your way to work?
Why? It's a secret.
Hold on.
This is too
It doesn't look cool.
Hey, Cooking cell.
Can't you make it look nicer?
I just cook.
I can't make things look nice.
Still, a lunchbox should look nice.
I care about the taste, not how it looks.
This looks like one of the lunchboxes
from my school days.
This won't do.
I think this is how they make it.
Oh, that's
It's so cute.
She made the eyes
using cheese and black sesame seeds.
Who made this?
What? That cell over there.
My gosh.
Hey, who are you?
You're very crafty.
I just gave it a shot
because she had those sausages.
What? I've never seen you before.
What's your name?
I'm Seen It Somewhere cell.
I've seen this somewhere.
My gosh. Yu-mi really made this for you?
The heart gimbap
and these octopus sausages
She actually made these?
-Yes, of course.
-Yu-mi must be a good cook.
Can I try one? No, please let me try one.
What's with all the fuss?
-Have you never seen a lunchbox before?
-What? Why are you so arrogant now?
Okay, fine. I will let you taste it.
But you have to eat it
with a deep sense of gratitude.
I will enjoy it
with a deep sense of gratitude.
Wait. She made it for me,
so I should try it first.
Fine, go ahead.
-Why? Is it not good?
-It's so delicious.
So? Can I try it now?
Yes, go for it. But don't eat too much.
She made this for me.
Thanks. Thank you, Yu-mi.
It's good. It's tasty.
Of course. Yu-mi made it.
Hey, try one. It's really good.
-No, thanks.
-It's really tasty. Try one.
No, I'm good.
-Come on. Try one. Here it comes!
-I said, I'm good. No!
-It is good.
It's really good.
Hey. I envy you, Woong.
Envy me all you want.
Don't eat the heart.
[Yu-mi, it was so good. You're the best.]
[I'll cook for you again.
I'm out grocery shopping now.]
I guess he likes fried tofu rice balls.
This time,
I'll make some with pollock roe.
[Yu-mi's Priority List]
[Beer, Puppy, Marathon, Restaurants,
Antiaging, Necklace]
[Frog Dress, Bow Wow Time,
Woong's Favorite Tonkatsu, Lunchbox]
[No. 20: Lunchbox]
I now see "Lunchbox" at number 20.
So another word related to Woong
has broken into the chart.
Yes, from number 16 to 20.
They're all related to Woong.
[No. 17: Frog Dress]
I see "Frog dress" at number 17. My gosh.
[No. 16: Necklace]
"Necklace" is at number 16.
[No. 1: Goo Woong]
And Woong is staying at number one.
[He was at number two up until recently.]
[I think it changed
after their trip to Sokcho.]
And Love cell has gotten stronger
since he topped the chart.
You scared us!
Let's go see Woong.
Woong? We saw him yesterday.
I know, but I want to see him again.
He's probably working now anyway.
We'll only get to see him for a moment.
I want to see him, even for just a moment!
Hey, Woong.
You came so quickly.
I told you I could just drop it off.
It's okay. I know how busy you are.
Here, it was so good.
It's really nice
to see you again like this.
-Shall we go to the movies?
Today. I think I can leave early today.
-Yes, I just need to wrap things up now.
I'll call you as soon as I'm done.
It'll be around 8 p.m.
I'll go home and wait for your call.
Go inside and wrap things up.
I'll drive you home.
No need.
My place isn't even far from here.
Then I'll walk you to the bus stop.
To the bus stop? Sure.
Let's go. I'll take that.
-Hey, Sae-yi.
Hello, Sae-yi. It's been a while.
I know. How have you been?
I've been well.
You must be busy these days.
Gosh, yes. I've been quite busy.
Right, the lunchbox. It was so good.
Really? I'm glad.
I packed extra food just in case.
I'll make another one soon.
But just so you know, Woong likes gimbap.
He doesn't really like
fried tofu rice balls.
-Louis ate all of it.
What are you talking about?
I like fried tofu too.
Woong doesn't like sweet things.
Oh, I see.
Look at her butting in again.
What does she even know?
Let's just ignore her.
Actually, wait. Let's do this.
Why don't we do this and that
feel free to visit our studio often.
Can I? I don't want to disturb you guys
when you're working.
Don't even worry about it.
You're always welcome at our studio.
Okay, I'll visit you guys soon.
Have a good day.
You too. Bye.
-I'll walk her to the bus stop.
-Hey, Woong.
-What is it?
Call me later.
Come over later.
Did you get the beef jerky?
I love you.
Be careful with Sae-yi.
Gosh, what was it?
What did she whisper into his ear?
-You scared me.
-Darn it. Why am I so curious?
The bus is here.
You should get back to the studio.
By the way, what was that earlier?
-When you were whispering in my ear.
I'm whispering.
It was nothing. Call me later.
-Nice! Well done, Love!
My gosh. We got her good
for the first time ever.
That serves her right!
She must be so curious right now.
Every time I see her,
she really gets on my nerves.
The fact that she has feelings for Woong
really bothers me.
Let's not worry about it.
It's one-sided, you know.
Woong has no interest in her whatsoever.
That's right. Woong is head over heels
for Yu-mi at the moment.
Right, I know that. But
-But what?
-But what?
Remember what happened three years ago?
That guy betrayed our trust.
[You all remember, right?]
[We were so shocked
because we had let our guard down.]
[Don't tell me Woong might do that too.]
No way!
Woong would never do something like that.
No way.
I don't think he would,
but why don't we find out
how he really feels?
How Woong feels about Sae-yi.
I've got an idea.
Hello? Are you done?
[Yes, I just finished.]
[Shall we meet at the theater?]
Okay, I'll leave now.
[-Okay, sounds good.]
-See you.
[Since he's taking her out
on a date tonight]
[Ticket Box]
-Did I keep you waiting long?
[The wormhole of love
will probably open up today.]
What is this?
A radio that can receive signals
within 1m.
A radio?
Let's have this face Woong.
Now, say something.
Testing, one, two. Hello? Can you hear me?
Perfect. It works very well.
I'll go over to Woong's village
when the wormhole opens up tonight.
We should get into his mind
and see what's going on
to find out how he really feels.
I'll go over there and find out
who comes first in Woong's life.
[We're en route]
[to the site at the moment.]
[My gosh. It looks like fog.]
Hey, here.
Come here.
It's the wormhole.
I'll see you later, guys.
Hold onto the radio, okay?
Got it, Love. Be careful!
Don't do anything risky.
Just come back if it gets dangerous!
I'm exhausted.
Why am I the only one doing this?
What is the currency of Australia?
Australian dollars!
Quiet science in one word. Silence!
Is this funny? Do I have to laugh?
-It's hilarious!
-It's so lame.
Get him away from me.
What is wrong with him?
This is Woong's village.
[Love! Answer me, over.]
Hey, Reason. I got here safely.
Thank goodness.
To uncover the secret,
we must find a deep corner of his heart.
[-Found it.]
-What? Already?
It happens to be right in front of me.
[Deep Corner of Woong's Heart]
[-Darn it!
-Hang in there. You got this!]
My gosh!
[Good. Then sneak in there
and make sure no one sees you.]
[Go all the way down,]
[and you'll find a spot
where he keeps all his secrets, over.]
[Dirty thoughts]
[Did you find the secret?]
[Ideas for jokes]
No, not yet.
[That can't be.]
I don't see it anywhere.
Maybe Woong has no secrets.
[He rarely shows his emotions,
so there's no way]
[he doesn't have any secrets.]
What? Hold on. I found it.
[What we want to know is
who comes first in his life.]
[The ranking probably changes often,]
[so look for the most recent data, over.]
No way.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Found it!
Look up Sae-yi first.
Find out her ranking!
Anything that comes after number ten
can be ignored.
Check if Sae-yi is beyond tenth place.
[Everything will be fine.
You will soon smile.]
Did you enjoy the popcorn?
[Goo Woong's priority]
[Top secret updated 3 hours ago]
Sae-yi is
[Priority rank]
Sae-yi is at 11.
What? 11?
That's good. If she's at 11,
we don't have to worry. Over.
I knew it. Sae-yi was acting up alone.
What's at ten? Over.
[No. 10: Meat dumplings]
Meat dumplings.
It's over.
She's below meat dumplings.
I was worried for nothing.
Then is Yu-mi first? Over.
No, Yu-mi is
-on second.
-She's not first?
What's first then?
First place is
[No. 2: Yu-mi]
First place is
[No. 1: Goo Woong]
Woong himself.
No one else has ever
taken first place before.
What is it?
[That's interesting.]
[He had the highest priority
for his whole life.]
[When Yu-mi loves someone,]
[he gets the highest priority.]
[Are we the weird ones?]
[we've confirmed Sae-yi doesn't
mean anything. It's a big gain.]
[That's what matters.]
That's right. We don't have to
feel anxious anymore.
[Well done, Love.
Return as soon as possible. Over.]
I'll cross when the next wormhole opens.
What is this place?
[That day, Love cell went inside the sea
in Woong's town]
[without us knowing.]
[she told us she saw the marriage desire]
[abandoned deep down there]
[long after.]
[Marriage desire]
[Episode 19: Excuse Me on Our First Meet]
[Episode 19: I Have a Boyfriend]
[We're getting married. A beautiful
vow where we become one in trust]
Gosh. Na-ri is treating us real good.
It's so good.
She pushed herself too hard
because she couldn't come.
We can still finish it.
Na-ri's getting married too.
Now, it's just you and me now.
I know.
Here's cheers to us.
Cheers? What for?
Because neither of us has a boyfriend.
Except for you and me, they all have one.
Si-yeon. I've been seeing someone lately.
You're still proud.
I'm serious.
You have a boyfriend?
Why didn't I hear that until now?
It's true.
It hasn't been that long though.
Is that so?
Then show me a picture of your boyfriend.
A picture?
You probably have his picture.
Okay. Wait.
His picture
Does this make sense?
A person in a relationship
only has pictures of food.
Emotion. Calm down.
How come we never took
any pictures together until now?
What have we done until now!
We went on a trip.
Let's show her the pictures
we took in Sokcho.
There's none. There's nothing!
Why isn't there any?
What else?
We barely left the room.
What you saw was not a movie.
It was real.
You said you have a boyfriend,
but you don't have any pictures with him?
Because neither of us
likes taking pictures.
Look, Kim Yu-mi.
You and your hollow pride.
Let's just grab a drink.
Oh, that's right. I have one.
That's him in the picture.
You really got one?
[Excuse me on our first meet,
Frog festival]
Wait a minute.
It says, "Excuse me on our first meet."
Because we took that on our first day.
We weren't dating at the time.
Hey. Come on.
What a lame excuse.
Are you flustered?
Yu-mi. It's okay.
You've got me.
You don't have to feel embarrassed at all.
We're proud singles, right?
I guess you don't believe me
because I haven't been
in a relationship for a long time.
He even bought me a necklace recently.
A necklace?
Let me see.
Where did the necklace go?
I left it at home in case she loses it.
Who told you to do that?
Actually, it's at home.
Even I have a few
at home.
Fine. Anyways,
cheer up, Yu-mi.
What do you mean?
I really do have a boyfriend.
You have a boyfriend, Yu-mi?
-Who is it?
She argues she has one,
but he doesn't actually exist.
There's not even a picture.
I said it's true.
Then bring him to Na-ri's wedding.
Bring your boyfriend.
-Yes. You can do that.
Yes. We want to see him too.
I can't wait.
I'll introduce him at Na-ri's wedding.
-Let's eat.
That's good.
We'll get to see her boyfriend.
On the 15th? I can't go.
[The beta test is coming up.]
[I'm busy on the weekend. Sorry.]
No. You can't do that.
There are people who deny your existence.
Deny my existence?
[There are jealous incarnates.]
They can't stand me
being in a relationship.
You must come
and prove your existence.
I'm not an alien.
I don't have to prove anything.
Woong. Can you come here?
Yu-mi, sorry. I'll call you back.
What is it?
It's not working.
If I don't bring him, Si-yeon will
Why didn't I think
of taking pictures together?
What else? Photo cell died too.
[Photo Cell]
[Math Cell]
There are so many hobbies Yu-mi gave up
after dipping her toes in.
If he can't come to the wedding,
should I meet Si-yeon on another day?
What am I going to wear for the wedding?
What should I wear?
Should I buy one?
Is that you, Yu-mi?
It is you. I wasn't sure.
I never expected to meet you here.
What's going on? Why did the siren go off?
What's going on? This is bad.
Reaction Number One. Come out.
Sir. Do you have a mission for me
after a long time?
It's emergency. Act as calm as possible.
Act calm?
Yes. Calm as much as possible.
Are you shopping?
No, a plan with my friends.
I see.
I have a plan with my friends too.
By the way, sir. Who's that guy?
He looks like Ugi.
You'll be surprised
when you hear his name.
What's his name?
[His name is Ugi too. Ji Ugi.]
[He's the cause of great flood
three years ago]
[that wiped out the town.]
Let's break up.
I'm sorry.
[Our relationship ends here.]
Let's talk.
Yu-mi. You're really pretty.
One, two, three.
[He's Yu-mi's ex]
[whom she spent her whole 20s with.]
Do you still live in Ilsan?
-You said you'll move
because it was too far from work.
I guess you still live there.
Oh, and do you still work there?
Yes, I still do.
If she keeps answering,
she'll fall for his scheme.
She needs to be prickly.
Be more prickly.
Be a jerk. You know what I mean?
Why do you ask?
-Why do you want to know
where I work?
I'm not sure why I asked.
I guess I was excited to see you.
I'll get going now.
I'm here to meet my friends too.
Oh, that's right. Yu-mi.
Do you still use the same number?
[A confusing question,
level two spy method.]
Does he mean he'll call her soon
or is he asking if it's okay to call her?
This skill leaves confusion.
Is my number
-still the same?
My number is still the same,
but why do you ask?
Are you checking
if my number is still the same?
Or are you asking if it's okay to call me?
If that's not it,
are you giving notice you'll call?
You haven't changed at all.
You always sound people out.
You haven't changed even for a bit
[No, no!]
Do you know how much that hurts women?
No, Reason. Stop.
Why are you
Don't say that.
That's exactly what Ugi wants right now.
Her to act emotionally.
You think so?
If she gets swept away,
it will bring out the past memories.
Once she starts summoning the memories,
it will get out of control.
Then what do we do?
I will use level one defense.
A flat refusal.
Do you still use the same number?
Yes, but I'm telling you just in case.
If you're planning to call me, don't.
[Refusal in advance, level one defense]
A brazen skill
that blocks all conversation in advance.
I know you wouldn't.
Why are you so prickly?
I'll get going.
By the way,
you look pretty.
Is it an earthquake again?
The ground keeps cracking.
Because she's boiling up inside.
The anger she buried is boiling up.
What a jerk.
What a shameless punk.
How scrupleless.
"You look pretty"?
How dare he says that?
I'm afraid
Ugi will call.
If he does, she won't answer.
What if he texts?
Whatever it says,
it will make Yu-mi explode big time.
Come on. She told him not to call.
He wouldn't call.
If he has a brain
He called!
Does he have no brain?
Could it be
If it's him, I'll kill him.
[Hong Na-ri]
Yu-mi. Can you talk?
Yes. I got the invitation today.
It's so pretty.
Yes. How's it coming along?
[Yes. By the way,]
[there's something I have to tell you.]
about Ugi
Ji Ugi?
Because we went to school together,
I can't leave him out.
I sent him the wedding invitation
in the group chat.
[He said he can't come.]
[He called me today.
He's coming to my wedding.]
[Yes. Just a minute ago.]
[I wasn't sure if you'd be okay.]
I can't say anything about it.
[I'm sorry.]
[I can't tell him not to come.]
He's coming to Na-ri's wedding?
That's insane. Why is he coming?
I knew it was going to happen.
I was afraid.
No. She can never meet him again.
But she must go to Na-ri's wedding.
He'd try to do something when they meet.
You saw his face too.
She has to go to the wedding.
But with a secret weapon.
A secret weapon?
The one and only weapon
that would get rid of Ugi.
Woong. Come and eat.
I'm good. This is enough.
Yu-mi. I'm still in the office.
I have a favor to ask you.
[-A favor?]
-No matter how busy you are,
spare me an hour
to come to my friend's wedding.
Oh, that.
I'll have to see it next week
No, you must come!
You must! You must come, Woong.
This is important.
You must come and prove your existence.
If you really like me,
you have to do this.
Then you don't have to worry about
my birthday or anniversary or Christmas.
Just do this for me.
[You can't just show up.]
[You have to shave and be clean.]
You have to wear a nice suit.
You have to look fancy. Okay?
I'm telling you now.
I'm catching the bouquet.
-Why are you
-Don't take it wrong.
But I have a reason to catch it.
Yu-mi. Why are you so agitated?
Woong. You're my boyfriend.
You have to come to my friend's wedding
as my boyfriend.
You have to come
and defeat all those awful
jealousy incarnates.
Okay? Promise me.
Promise me.
[Episode 20: Friend's Wedding]
[7 days before her friend's wedding]
Woong's coming too.
I have to look perfect.
But I have nothing to wear.
Okay. I'll buy one now.
Buy it tomorrow.
She already spent so much
with her credit card.
No. Then it will be too late!
What if it doesn't fit?
Bad news.
Bad news.
Yu-mi's ex, Ugi is coming to the wedding.
It's bad news.
Still, what's it got to do
with buying clothes?
[Daily Yu-mi, "Ugi is Coming"]
It's got so much to do.
Don't you think?
[6 days before her friend's wedding]
Girls. Mr. Nam.
[6 days before her friend's wedding]
We can get a steak for lunch
in the cafeteria today.
A steak? My goodness.
I can't believe it.
Has the company gone mad?
We must have it.
Let's hurry up before it's all gone.
You're a fool if you don't have lunch
in the cafeteria today.
-Hurry up.
-Yu-mi. Come on.
It's a steak.
Aren't you coming?
I'm sorry I'll go first.
Why steak of all things?
[Vegetable lunch box]
Repeat after me.
I'm a herbivore.
I'm a herbivore.
I like vegetables.
I like v
No. I don't like vegetables.
I want the steak.
Bad news.
Yu-mi's ex, Ugi is coming to the wedding,
It's bad news.
Did you hear that?
I'm a herbivore.
I like vegetables.
-I like vegetables.
-How much did you eat?
I didn't count it.
I'm full.
My gosh.
Ms. Kim. Is that enough for lunch?
I guess I'm a herbivore.
I love vegetables so much.
No, you look like you're having poison.
[5 days before her friend's wedding]
Did I reach 10,000 steps?
[Number of steps]
[You need to walk more.]
It's still at 9,000 steps?
Let's take just one more round.
I only had vegetables and walked all day.
I'm dying.
I don't even have the strength to shower.
Please sign here, so Yu-mi puts on
a facial mask.
-I'm sleepy.
-I'm tired. Why would you do that?
I haven't got any signs yet.
What now? Her skin won't look fair.
Bad news.
Yu-mi's ex, Ugi is coming to the wedding.
-This is bad news.
"Ex Ji Ugi Attending Na-ri's Wedding"]
I must be in the best condition ever.
Woong and I
must be the best shining couple.
The best shining couple.
[1 day before her friend's wedding]
My skin feels moist.
-Is it good?
Yes, Woong. When are you coming?
I'm ready.
Yu-mi. I'm sorry, but can you go first?
[-I'm almost done.]
But there's one last problem.
I'll fix it and be there soon.
Did you stay up all night?
You said it will be done by yesterday.
I couldn't finish it
because there was a problem.
I just need to say hello.
[I don't have to see the wedding
from the start, right?]
That's true, but
I'll be there as soon as I'm done.
Sorry. See you there.
What time is the wedding?
At 1 p.m. Let's hurry up.
Hey. Have one. It will wake you up.
Do you have to go to that wedding?
You don't even know her.
It's Yu-mi's wish. I should grant it.
I told you when you said
you were going on a blind date.
Women that age expect marriage
when they're on a blind date.
Yu-mi is probably thinking
about marriage seriously.
I bet she isn't.
What a fool.
That's what she meant when she asked you
to go to the wedding with her.
That's what it means
to introduce you to her friends.
That makes sense.
When women reach this age,
we don't care about how long we dated.
It wouldn't matter if you're thinking
about marriage soon.
But you are not.
Are you?
If not, it's better not to go.
-We're busy anyways.
-We are busy.
Woong. If you don't go there,
we can take a break.
Are you giving me pressure?
We're worried about you.
It's a good excuse.
Because we're so busy.
[Wedding Mass,
Groom: Shin Hyo-jo, Bride: Hong Na-ri]
Sang-soo. Long time no see.
Kim Yu-mi. You look wonderful today.
I know you don't mean it.
-I mean it.
-You look amazing.
Not at all.
I'll talk to you later.
I have to go say to Na-ri.
Okay. Bye.
I didn't know she was so pretty.
She's always been pretty.
I can't believe
that's the first face I saw.
I should've come with Woong.
-You look so pretty.
-You look beautiful.
Na-ri. You look so pretty.
Thank you so much.
Let's take a picture first.
-Sit here.
Si-yeon. You should come too.
Hurry up. Join us for the picture.
Where's your boyfriend?
Oh, that's right. You said
you were going to bring your boyfriend.
Where is he?
He's on the way.
Something came up at work.
Is he really coming?
He's really coming.
I'm not leaving until he gets here.
Look at the camera please.
One, two, three.
-It's still alive.
-The bride and groom face each other.
-They pay for all that too.
-I didn't know that.
-Right. How many is it now?
-It's 221.
[Woong. Where are you?]
[I'm on my way. I took the cab. Sorry.]
[I'm sitting in the front row.]
[I'm sitting in the front row.]
[Are you wearing a suit?]
[I don't have a summer suit.
So I'm wearing what I was wearing.]
What? I know him.
What on earth is he wearing?
[What you were wearing?]
[I bought it a few days ago.
You haven't seen it yet.]
It's new?
If he didn't buy a suit, what did he buy?
You should've spent that money
to buy a suit.
Is he
[wearing what he felt like?]
[Like on the blind date?]
That's only okay when you've known
each other for a long time.
Not for an occasion like this.
What now? What do I do?
Wait a minute.
If I reduce their expectations,
they will be less disappointed.
Fishing cell. Help me.
Give me an idea to reduce expectations.
By the way, when is he arriving?
Your boyfriend.
I know. When's he getting here?
I can't wait to see him.
He'll be here soon.
Guys. By the way,
my boyfriend isn't interested
in fashion at all.
All he cares about is his work.
He's a complete workaholic.
What does he do?
He's a game developer.
He's just ordinary.
But he's very kind.
But he's not interested in fashion at all.
He didn't look ordinary.
If it's the person I saw in the picture,
he looked very unique.
-That's amazing.
He'll be here soon.
I can't wait to meet him.
I hope Woong washed his hair.
When he stays up all night at work,
he doesn't get to wash his hair.
I doubt it. What do you think of Woong?
Woong takes showers.
It's a real flower. I touched it.
-Do you want it?
[Woong. You said you stayed up
all night at work last night.]
[Woong. You said you stayed up
all night at work last night.]
[Then did you wash]
[So I couldn't wash my hair.]
[But it doesn't show.]
Actually, my boyfriend
stayed up all night at work last night.
He's been very busy lately.
So he might look a little messy.
He's really busy lately.
Right. My boyfriend looks messy too
when he's busy.
Really? Right?
My husband can't even shave
when he's in a rush in the morning.
That's not right.
He needs to shave at least.
What are you saying about my husband?
It looks like leads. It doesn't look nice.
I don't like people who don't shave.
[Woong. Did you shave?]
[Oh, that's right. I forgot to shave.]
[I forgot to shave.]
Then what on earth has he got done?
Why didn't he shave?
Yu-mi. Isn't that Ji Ugi?
He's still good-looking.
He shines. He looks handsome.
That's it.
I told Woong to wear like that,
but why is that punk wearing that?
People are going to compare
her ex and her current boyfriend.
What do we do?
Guys. I'm afraid it's going to
be embarrassing. What do we do?
Should I tell him not to come?
Honestly, I don't want him to come.
We begged him to come
when he was so busy. We can't do that.
He's late anyways.
Tell him to take his time.
[Woong. If traffic is heavy,
don't rush. Take your time.]
[Actually, I'm stuck in traffic.]
[Then don't push yourself]
[So I got out of the cab and running.]
If he runs, he'll sweat.
His hair must be oily already.
On top of that, he'll be soaked in sweat?
Now that I gave up on everything,
I found peace.
That's good. Repeat after me.
It is what it is.
It is what it is.
[It is what it is.]
[It is what it is.]
Let me just tell you in advance.
A hobo is going to walk in soon.
A hobo?
Yes. But don't be surprised.
That hobo is my boyfriend.
My goodness.
[Text Messages]
[Yu-mi. It's me, Ugi.]
[Are you busy?]
[If you have time, do you want to talk
for a second before the wedding starts?]
[I'll wait at the back of the cathedral.]
You're here. I didn't think you'd come.
[Guys, are you ready?]
You heard how our trustworthy Woong
is showing up looking like a hobo, right?
-We did.
-We did.
There's nobody here to help us.
We don't need anyone either.
So let's get rid of them
on our own, right here.
That little jerk!
Get rid of that jerk!
Is everyone holding a bomb?
Ji Ugi is a strong opponent.
The longer the conversation,
the bigger the disadvantage is for us.
So there is only one plan.
The moment he tries to do something,
we will end the situation,
by cursing him out relentlessly.
Everything is the same here.
Nothing has changed.
Why did you call me here?
Don't you remember?
Hyun-soo got married here too.
How many years ago was that again?
We came here for the wedding,
and then you and I
Don't you remember?
There he goes trying to bring up
old memories.
He's probably going to start soon.
When he says, "I thought about you"
or "Let's start again",
we're going to throw the bombs!
We were so innocent back then.
Why did you call me here?
I asked why you called me here.
If you're going to talk about the past--
I have something to tell you.
Excuse me.
-Are you
Kim Yu-mi's friends?
Something to say?
Can you hurry? I need to go back in.
Get ready
I'm getting married soon.
I'm getting married in the spring.
In March.
With whom?
That woman?
He's marrying that woman?
My gosh! That jerk is a jerk
until the very end!
Oh, that hurts!
Emotion, where are you going?
Really? I see.
-Why are you telling me that?
I'm going to tell our classmates soon,
but I didn't think it was right
to make you hear it from someone else.
-I heard you were coming to the wedding,
so I thought this was my chance.
Yu-mi. Are you okay?
You look really surprised.
Are you okay?
I'm worried you might take it hard.
What is that crazy idiot saying?
Yu-mi. The time I spent with you
will remain in my memories as
one of my brightest days forever.
You were the blessing of my 20s.
So I'd like it if you weren't so shocked.
Why would I be?
It just means we're at the age
to get married.
To be honest,
I'm getting married soon too.
I think our wedding will be
sometime next year.
But of course,
you'd get married before us.
Emotion! Where did she go?
She's getting married next year?
-Did I hear that right?
Oh, really?
With whom?
Who do you think? A guy, of course.
It's been a while since
we started dating too.
Who is it? Who's lying like this?
It's me. What are you going to do?
Gosh, she's causing trouble again!
Didn't you hear?
Na-ri and all my friends already know.
He has terrible style, but he's nice.
That's all that matters!
Emotions! You can't just say
whatever comes to mind!
Even if you're mad!
Who cares? That jerk is bragging about
getting married. Should we stay quiet?
We have to say something to him too!
He proposed already.
Emotion! Stop!
-He said life is meaningless without me.
-Hey! Stop right there!
-You punk! What are you doing?
-Stop it!
It hasn't been long since he proposed.
Oh, right. I forgot to bring my ring.
We're going to set the date soon.
Earliest date will probably be
in late spring No, early summer.
To be honest, my boyfriend keeps
trying to rush the date.
I want to get married later,
but I didn't think it'd be right
to make him wait.
Where are you getting married?
Send me your wedding invitation.
I'm sorry, but I don't think
I can invite you to our wedding.
We're thinking about going abroad
and having a small wedding.
My boyfriend likes romantic things.
We're thinking about Hawaii
for the destination.
Hey. Will you stop? Stop!
It must be starting. We should go in.
In any case,
It's Woong!
It's Woong. Woong heard everything.
You ended up causing trouble.
It's all your fault!
What are you going to do?
Yu-mi. I've been looking all over for you.
You said you'd be inside.
Oh, right
Are you
Yu-mi's boyfriend?
Hello. I'm Yu-mi's
I'm Yu-mi's friend.
We were all classmates
with the bride in college.
I see. Hello. I'm Goo Woong.
Nice to meet you. I'm Ji Ugi.
You're very
You're very handsome.
You don't look like a hobo.
Also, congratulations.
For what?
I heard you're getting married soon.
What should we do?
What should we do?
I just heard you guys are getting married
next year.
Yes. Thank you.
[Yumi's Cells]
[Everyone's talking about how handsome
your boyfriend is!]
He looks better in person than in photos.
[Are you and Yu-mi getting married?]
[Is it true?]
[I don't regret it.]
[I gained full confidence in Woong
this time.]
Can I stop by your place?
What are you doing here?
[Yu-mi, I Well]
-It's nothing.
[-Excuse me.]
Who is it? Do you know him?
-Who are you?
[Aren't you Ms. Kim Yu-mi?]
[I'm Yoo Bobby from Marketing.]
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