Zorro (2024) s01e07 Episode Script

El mito

Heal that wound.
See you soon.
Rest up.
Good evening, Diego.
Good evening.
You killed Hut Xwal
in a cowardly manner.
Fight me if you have the courage.
I thought you had honor.
Without law, there is no honor.
For my father.
Well done.
"And thus, in a cowardly manner,
Zorro's right hand fell."
What is this nonsense?
Yes, because it doesn't say that
you treacherously pulled the trigger.
Zorro won't come after me,
I know, Bernardo. Very funny.
Who is Clarence Reginald Montgomery?
And how does he know
that Monasterio left first?
"Diego de la Vega was the only one whose
father would've killed the liberator"
Now the main thing
is Nah-Lin and the carriage, yes.
I must find out if he's the one
who took me to see the Clan of the Bear.
"And a bullet that quickly"
How does he know this?
"Diego smiles, pleased.
He will carry on."
Clarence Reginald Montgomery.
Clarence Reginald Montgomery
What are you doing here?
I know who you are,
Nah-Lin told me.
What do you want?
Your secret,
in exchange for her freedom.
You belong to their world.
They won't suspect you.
- Help us.
- Are you trying to blackmail me?
Why should I believe
you'll keep your word?
Because we, like you,
keep our word.
All right.
I'll visit La Perla later.
I must go to the prison and convince
Nah-Lin that I'll get her out of there.
Are you seriously asking me
to free the native woman?
I'm suggesting that
if you want to trap the real Zorro,
use her as bait.
Let's see how that wound is doing.
You know as well as I do
that Zorro is not a woman.
A scar on my chest
proves it to me every day.
I've had him up close to me.
It looks good.
You must understand something.
That woman is very dangerous.
She caused the explosion
in the governor's palace.
In case you didn't remember.
So she'll be transferred
to the capital to be judged.
That is what's going to happen.
Miss Kohl, a fresh bandage
and a little alcohol.
- We'll clean the wound.
- Here.
Mexico City.
That's right.
This may hurt a little.
Taking her there is the best way
to avoid turmoil.
When will she be transferred?
- When she's in a state to
- Captain!
The native woman
has escaped from her cell.
Stay here.
In position!
Stay alert.
Let the doctor go.
You won't leave here alive.
No! Stand down!
They're taking you to Mexico. Stop
or they'll kill you. I'll get you out.
You're like them.
If I don't do it,
your men will say who I am.
Is that guarantee enough?
Trust me.
You were right, Captain.
She is dangerous.
If you kill me,
it'll be worse for you
and for your people.
Get her.
Are you insane?
Are you going to kill her?
That's up to the governor.
For now, she's earned
exemplary punishment.
For attempted escape,
the sentence is 30 lashes.
- 30 lashes isn't enough.
- It's what the law decrees.
- What about Dr. Ros?
- He has a broken arm,
so Miss Kohl will replace him
until he recovers.
Give me one reason not to shoot
that native in front of the church.
Because it'll make her a martyr.
And that's what we want to prevent
by sending her to the capital.
Have you read the stories
about Zorro in The Californian?
I've heard talk of them.
In that pamphlet
we are the bad ones.
Garbage to feed
the peasants' imagination.
One more reason to be prudent.
Yes, I suppose so.
we'll wait until she heals,
then shoot her.
We're not as inhumane
as they describe us.
Yes, sir.
Before you go, do me a favor.
Give this to Mr. Andreyevich.
It's insulting.
He insinuates that unless we pay,
there'll be consequences
In business,
pride is like a fog.
It clouds one's vision.
It's not pride, this is blackmail.
The governor promised us
the Ramírez mine.
And his lack of discretion
deprived us of it.
Discretion is essential.
You know better than anyone,
after the way Tadeo Márquez came
when he heard about the auction.
It'd look like a mistake,
a sign of weakness.
Weakness and prudence
are easily confused.
The problem is that not paying
will gain us an enemy.
You're a very intelligent woman,
but remember,
you're not in charge.
It was an observation.
Rest assured that
it will be as you command.
Is there a way to not pay
and avoid an enemy?
Yes. Get rid of him
as soon as possible.
His trust is your best weapon.
Mom No.
What are you waiting for?
- Is it yours?
- Yes.
If you don't like it, we can go
to the store for fabric and
I love it.
- How is it?
- Try it on.
Try it on.
It's the same carriage.
I found one of their masks.
How is it possible that Tadeo?
He wasn't at the auction.
How many hooded men
were there the night he died?
Ramirez was one.
Was Tadeo the other?
Too many mysteries.
And those that are becoming clear
do not look good.
I was going to propose to Lolita
the night Nah-Lin attacked Monasterio.
I suppose I should be glad
that I didn't but
I don't know.
I saw her dressed as a bride.
She looked beautiful.
Perhaps I should've told her,
even if it was a mistake.
Of course I love her.
Protect her from whom?
From me?
From Zorro's enemies?
So just friends from now on?
Take a break, Marco.
We'll continue shortly.
I was going home
and decided to say hello.
A new barn?
My new home.
Do you want to see it?
Watch your feet.
This is the living room.
It's big.
Do you want lots of children?
I suppose because
I have no siblings.
Wouldn't you like to have some?
I've never thought about it.
Since my mother died
when I was a boy
But yes,
I would've liked to.
Is that the kitchen?
It's small for a big family.
You didn't just come
to say hello, did you?
Is it about what you were going
to say to me the other night?
Did you know what
I was going to say?
I know you feel something for me,
though I don't know what it is.
That's why I don't understand
why you behave the way you do.
I thought it was immaturity, but no,
it's something else. It's
like a veil between us.
It's an enigma, Diego.
I had my doubts, but
your silence convinced me.
Sometimes the main thing
isn't what one desires,
but what's best for everyone.
Do you think that marrying Enrique
is the best for us?
Enrique is an honorable man.
And he has a sense of justice.
It's not the same as mine,
but he has it.
And he doesn't hide anything.
With him I can be who I am.
And he loves you.
He truly loves you.
And you?
I'll always be by your side.
- Doña Guadalupe?
- Yes.
We've come on behalf
of Mr. Vanderveen.
He is the chosen one.
What's going on?
From now on, Doña Guadalupe
will be your mother.
Before going to Los Angeles,
we must stop at Capistrano.
There's a matter to fix.
We'll leave the day after.
You may spend the night here.
Señor Diego,
- Did you do as I asked?
- Captain,
I spread the word among the natives
that tomorrow at 12 o'clock
Zorro's right hand will be shot.
With me as a witness.
I'm sure Zorro will try to free her.
Thus we will finally
be able to hunt him down.
To California.
To California.
It looks good, you were lucky.
I just need to make sure
that you survive
until your friends come for you.
Today the legend of Zorro is over.
Miss Kohl, a fresh bandage
and a little alcohol.
- We'll clean the wound.
- Here.
This may hurt a little.
It's almost time.
The native woman
has escaped from her cell.
In position!
Stay alert.
Weapons down!
It's a trap.
No, no, no.
I want her alive.
She tried to escape.
Aren't you going to punish her?
30 lashes will make her
think twice next time.
Bring her!
"The native woman was punished,
but her sacrifice was not in vain.
She saved Zorro from certain death.
His vengeance will be terrible."
This is nothing like what happened.
There was no trap for Zorro.
"Everyone who has read it
believes it".
Sure, it's a story.
People must distinguish
between reality and fiction.
No, Bernardo,
I'm not annoyed that
Well, a little, yes.
But this gives me an alibi.
Sure, sure.
If everyone believes it,
then it's real.
Maybe that's the solution.
Yes Never mind, Bernardo,
I'll explain later.
It's time that the real Zorro
meets the writer of the stories.
Who is Clarence Reginald Montgomery?
- I don't know.
- Your partner or you?
What partner?
Okay, yes.
It's true, I have a partner.
But it's neither of us
and we have no idea who it is.
May I?
The stories are a success.
They've made sales go up.
We've kept his money aside.
We can't give it to him because
we don't know where he is.
- If you want, it's all yours.
- How do the stories get to you?
Sometimes someone slips
an envelope under the door.
Good evening, Mr. Montgomery.
I assure you,
I didn't mean to offend you.
In fact, I'm your greatest admirer.
Why the pseudonym?
I needed to protect my identity.
And signing as a woman,
they wouldn't take me seriously.
I had to sign as a man.
How did you know so much?
I'm the doctor's assistant.
All the town's injuries
pass through my hands.
I've heard their stories.
If all you say is true,
I need you to do me a favor.
Of course.
Write a new story.
One that begins with a firing squad.
I had other plans for you.
But your rebellion forces me
to apply exemplary punishment
to send a clear message
to Zorro and his collaborators.
if you publicly repent
and renounce Zorro,
I will let you live.
Between betrayal and death,
I choose death.
Your wish is granted
You can't kill me.
- Why?
- Because I'm the governor.
If you kill me, chaos will ensue.
Don't you understand'
Better chaos than tyranny.
My men will kill you
and your whole family.
No one will be left.
You can kill me and mine,
but never Zorro.
Zorro is the people.
The last time we saw each other,
I made you a promise.
And I always keep my word.
Change of plans, Captain.
We're taking the prisoner
to the capital sooner,
to prevent any disturbances.
Isn't that what you wanted?
- She leaves today.
- She's in no state to travel.
I haven't come to argue.
It's an order.
If she doesn't reach trial alive,
there will be an uprising.
Bloodier than the one before.
Two days.
Double the guard and send
two men to the cell of Zorro's aide.
I want her watched at all times
until she leaves this prison.
Now we just need to
get her out of prison.
Knowing Captain Monasterio,
he'll have doubled security.
So we can't get in.
Do you have any idea?
- Mice.
- Here?
I clean everything.
"If you can't go in,
make her come out". Good idea.
But it's easier said than done.
You only get out
of that prison dead.
Now she's killed herself.
"No, not poison".
Come in!
You wanted to see me?
It's an invitation for the governor.
Take it to him in person.
- I decided to follow your advice.
- Which of the two?
The second.
Although the note says
we're going to pay him,
we'll get rid of him.
Officially, someone else
will be responsible.
- Have you read the story?
- Yes. It's not bad.
It's not "Ruslan and Ludmila",
but a good idea.
Coming from someone as smart
as you, it's high praise.
I'm more intelligent than smart.
But I'll do my best
to not disappoint you.
Are you familiar with laudanum?
Of course, we often use it.
I'll explain my plan.
First thing tomorrow,
with Dr. Ros still hurt,
you'll visit Nah-Lin.
I've come to see the prisoner.
And you'll give her the laudanum.
Take this, it'll do you good.
Nah-Lin, Zorro sent me.
We're getting you out of here.
You have to take this, please.
If the dose is right,
and that depends on you,
she'll plunge into a state
similar to catalepsy.
You'll certify her death.
- I'm sorry.
- What happened?
She was too weak,
I couldn't do anything.
You'll take the body away
with the excuse that Dr. Ros,
who shouldn't move,
can do an autopsy
and certify that it was
from natural causes.
Miss Kohl, stop!
Is something wrong, Captain?
We're not taking her out of here.
If we do, she'll end up with
her people and become a martyr.
And the autopsy?
I trust your word.
So, what do you aim to do?
This way we avoid trouble.
Thank you, Miss Kohl.
Where's Nah-Lin?
Welcome, Governor.
Mr. Andreyevich awaits you.
Nah-Lin is dead!
She's not dead.
We saw them bury her.
Believe me, Nah-Lin is alive.
But she hasn't much time left.
Let's go!
A good wine. Yes, sir.
As we agreed on.
For a moment I thought that
paying your debt annoyed you.
And you were right.
That gold isn't leaving here.
Have you gone mad?
What's your intention?
To kill me?
not me.
Zorro will do away with you,
My men are outside.
Call them.
Leave two near the carriage,
one here and throw the other
into the water.
I'll deal with the rest.
That's enough.
Relax, not long to go.
Fine, keep the gold
and we'll forget the matter.
No, you wouldn't forget it.
That's precisely why
we've come to this.
You're not the first one to try.
Spread the word that
we've been attacked by Zorro.
Don't come near me!
You tricked me,
you wanted to get rid of me.
Then what am I doing here?
Let's go.
Only your identity will be safe.
I knew that sooner or later
you'd betray me.
Your suspicions hastened events.
What a pity.
What a shame.
End it once and for all.
You underestimate me.
I'm not going to kill you.
And if I did,
they'd take you somewhere else.
And what about me?
With luck, I'd keep
my position as advisor.
However, with you incapacitated
by the actions of Zorro,
because this was his work,
I'll run the company.
But don't worry,
you'll still get the credit.
You'll still be the director.
She's alive.
Just as well. In her state,
the oxygen wouldn't
You must leave. I'm sorry.
- What? I don't understand. Why?
- I arrived late.
She got out by herself.
Now she doubts that
we wanted to save her.
No, that makes no sense.
- Isn't she your right hand?
- Not exactly.
It's a long story. Listen closely.
If she thinks we tricked her,
she'll come for you.
You must leave.
It'll only be for a while,
until things calm down.
You have my word.
I've written a final story.
It may help.
Get her out!
Drink, rattlesnake.
- Arise!
- Arise!
- Arise, snake!
- Arise, snake!
- Zorro orders it!
- Zorro orders it!
"After her near-death experience,
Zorro and his companion will fight
injustice once more together
to end a corrupt government
and banish tyranny from California."
Until a new governor is appointed,
I, Enrique Sánchez Monasterio,
Captain in the Mexican Army,
as the highest military authority
in the region,
will temporarily take charge.
And I swear,
before the body
of Governor Pedro Victoria
and in the presence of God,
that I will put an end to Zorro
and all his allies.
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