007: Road to a Million (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

[James Bond theme music tones]
[helicopter whirring in the distance]
[James Bond theme music intensifies]
I feel sick.
I feel like a tiny little bee.
When I see something
that's breathtakingly amazing,
I know I'm in for shit.
[James Bond music intensifies]
[Kamara] Whoo!
[James Bond theme music ends]
[Kamara panting]
[Josh] Whoa.
This is amazing.
- [Kamara] Oh my God.
- I've got goosebumps.
[mobile buzzes]
Hey, hold on.
Oh, shit.
- [Kamara] Hands are cold, innit?
- Yeah, yeah.
[mobile pings]
[both] What?
We have to get there?
- [Josh] Yeah.
- Oh my God.
I think it's somewhere
down that way, head east.
[whispering] North, east
- [suspenseful music]
- [Josh groans]
[Kamara] This is just a few steps
and I'm, like, tired already.
Oh my God.
[Kamara screams]
- [Josh] You're gonna cause an avalanche.
- Shut up.
[Josh] Okay.
[both panting]
This is hard.
[Kamara gasps]
[Josh laughs]
[Kamara, laughing] I can't do this.
[Josh] I think we just need to kick.
In and go.
That's it, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah! Yeah!
[Kamara] Toes in, feet in.
Toes in, feet in.
Toes in, feet in.
[Kamara] Toes in, feet in.
Toes in, feet in.
[Josh] Take a moment.
[sighs] Never gonna see this again.
[Kamara] These things don't happen
to people like you and me.
[Josh] No, man!
[suspenseful music continues]
[Kamara] If we don't succeed
past this level,
just look at what we have accomplished.
- And we take that home with us.
- [Josh] Yeah.
Like, we take that home,
we take this experience.
We take some of the money as well,
but, like, seriously,
we've done really well.
Putting myself through these situations
has made me just realise,
yo, you gotta believe in yourself, man.
You gotta fucking believe in yourself.
[James Bond theme music tones]
[music fades]
[Controller] Three pairs left.
Each just three questions away
from one million pounds.
[Jen, panting] This way, then?
[Beth, panting] Uh, are we still going
in the right direction?
[Jen] Yeah.
[Beth] 'Cause we're facing that way,
we've got to go across there.
North is probably
What time is it now?
[Jen] I don't think I've ever been
on snow this deep before.
[both panting]
[Jen] It's actually easier on your knees.
- [Jen] Just crawling along like a dog.
- [both laugh]
[Jen] With my arse in the air. [chuckles]
Oh, God, this is
- Why don't you give me a foot up?
- [Beth] Okay.
[Jen] Ready? One, two, three.
[Beth] Alright?
[Jen] It's just exhausting.
- That's part of the plan, isn't it?
- [both laugh]
[Jen] Ooh!
[Beth] Are you alright?
[Jen] Ooh, ow, ow, ow.
[Jen] It's never gonna be easy.
[dramatic music]
[Controller] My two unflappable nurses.
[Jen] This way.
[laughing] This is absolutely ridiculous.
[Beth] Woo!
[Controller] I just wonder
Have you got what it takes
to go all the way?
[dramatic music continues]
[Beth] For me, I'm trying to block out
the money bit, not think about it,
because it's so massive now
and it's proper life-changing, but
I think the further we get,
the more I don't want to fail.
[Beth] There's a hut there.
[suspenseful music]
[speaker crackles]
- [Controller] Beth and Jen.
- [Jen] Ooh!
[Controller] Well done
for making it this far.
How about some target practice?
In front of you
is a precision laser rifle.
The case you need is inside the barn.
To get it, you must blow the doors off
by shooting the five explosive charges.
Each of you must hit at least one charge.
You have three minutes
from the moment you touch the rifle.
Fail and the case will explode,
and your journey will be over.
[Jen] Okay.
[Beth] Remember, logic.
[Jen] Let me just try lying down.
- Hmm
- [Beth] What are you thinking?
I don't know.
- Maybe lying down.
- You gonna go lying down?
- It's more secure.
- Yeah?
- You pass it to me.
- Yep.
- I'll see if I can get a couple.
- Okay.
And then how are you gonna do it?
Um, I'm gonna probably use the table.
- Okay?
- [Jen] Yeah.
Which shoulder do you want the butt on?
Right shoulder.
- Tell me when you're ready.
- I'm as ready as I'll ever be, so
- [Beth] You sure?
- Yep.
[clock ticking]
[Beth] So, it's ready to fire.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[Beth] Lovely.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
Nice, that's two.
[Jen] Go.
[tense music]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
That's three.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
Okay, that's four. We've just got
the very left one to go.
[Beth] How do you think
we're doing for time?
[Jen] I don't know.
We've done that pretty quick.
[clock ticking]
Want me to have another go?
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[Beth] One more.
Yep, you go.
[Jen] Okay.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[clock ticking]
- [Jen] It's really difficult to see
- [Beth] I know, I couldn't see it at all.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[clock ticking]
Keep going. Just remember, rapid.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
It's so difficult though.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
- Can I have a go? Is that possible?
- Yeah.
[Jen] It's really difficult to see.
[Jen] Why don't you kneel down?
[tense music]
[clock ticking]
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[Beth] I'm really struggling
to see where it is.
Do you want to have another go?
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[Jen] Oh!
[clock beeps]
[Beth] Oh, I can't believe we did that.
[both chuckling]
- [Jen] Okay, there's the case.
- Is this the question, do you reckon?
God, it stinks.
- [Beth] Right, on three?
- Yep.
[both] One, two, three.
[suitcase clicks open]
[Jen] Oh.
- There's not a question then.
- [Beth] No.
Is it gonna be a tracker to go somewhere?
- Oh, a key?
- A key.
[Jen] Oh. A key for what?
- [mobile buzzes]
- [Jen] Oh, the phone.
[mobile pings]
Okay, so that's where we've got to go.
[suspenseful music]
[Jen] We've got limited energy left now.
[Beth] This must be where we've gotta go.
[Jen] Yes, it's leading us to the barn.
Do you think that's where
we're spending the night?
[Beth laughs] Don't say that.
Gotta look for, potentially,
something that the key's gonna fit.
[Beth] Is that a padlock over there?
On that door?
Actually no, I don't think it is.
[James Bond theme music tones]
[Jen] Oh, wow.
Good lord, that is a beautiful car.
Aston Martin, wow.
[Beth] Oh, please say
the key is for the car.
[Jen] There's the case.
[Jen] You wanna reach it?
- [Beth] You got it?
- Yeah.
[Jen] Oh, it's heavy.
[Beth] That's it.
- [Jen] Really heavy. Got it?
- Yep.
[Jen] Okay.
[Beth] See if I can try
and get this key to work.
- [Jen] Doesn't look like the right key.
- No, it doesn't.
Oh look, what about under here?
[Jen] In there? Inside of this?
Oh, hang on.
- Brown envelope.
- Ah.
Now, here we go.
- Oh. [laughs]
- Oh, wow. [laughs]
[Beth] That's you.
That's me.
- [Jen] What's that?
- Oh, God.
- [Jen] Grindelwald?
- Grindelwald.
[Jen] That's where we've got to go?
[Beth] Do you reckon
that's where we need to go?
- [Jen] How do we get there?
- Um
Could maybe try the key in the ignition.
[Jen gasps]
- [Beth] Oh, hello.
- Wow.
[Beth] Let's press some buttons.
What about this? Rear smoke.
[Jen] Oh.
Front guns. Front gun.
[Jen] Oh my. Oh!
Oil slick.
[Jen] Oh, bullet shield.
- That's awesome.
- That's absolutely brilliant.
What's in the case then?
We still don't know what's in there.
I literally can't open the case.
Is there anything else to push?
- [whirring]
- Oh!
[repeated beeping]
- Grindelwald, there it is.
- Grindelwald.
And this must be where we are.
[Jen] Yeah.
- [Beth] Right, we need to go there then.
- Yeah.
[engine roars to life]
[upbeat music]
[helicopter whirring]
This is out of this world.
[upbeat, dramatic music continues]
- Nothing is ceasing to amaze us.
- No, no.
[James] This is completely different.
I'm well out of my comfort zone,
I've not been to anything like this.
- This is gonna be hard graft.
- Yeah.
- Hard graft, mate.
- 100 percent.
- We're trying to win a million pounds.
- Yeah.
We'll do what we've got to do.
- Mate.
- It's just unbelievable.
- Look at this place!
- It's like
- [Joey] Now what?
- [James] Now what? [laughs]
Jumped out of a chopper
and we are somewhere in the Swiss Alps.
- Have you ever been to the Alps?
- No.
I've never even been
to Milton Keynes ski rink, let alone
[Joey laughs]
- [mobile buzzes and beeps]
- [James] Oh.
- [Joey] Got a text.
- Phone's gone.
[mobile pings]
- [James] It's a map.
- Right.
[James] That's where
we've got to get to, so
Hold on a minute. So, you see that?
- You ain't got your bins on, have you?
- Nah.
No, it don't look like that way.
- [James] I think it's up there to be fair.
- [Joey] Yeah.
[Joey] It will be, won't it?
He's gonna send us up there.
[Joey] Oh mate, I tell you what
- [James] Mate, that is deep.
- That is deep!
[James] That is well deep.
[Joey] Well, you've seen
my chicken legs mate.
43 years worth.
Burning already, mate.
[Joey] Jeez.
[Joey] What, are you running
up there, boy?
- [James] Let's go.
- [Joey chuckles]
[James] You alright?
[Joey] Mate, this is brutal.
[James] Let's just get up there, boy.
[Joey grunts]
- [James] Oh, man.
- Oh, man.
[both panting heavily]
- [James] Fucking hell.
- Jeez!
[James] Oh, mate.
[chuckling] Mate, we ain't even started.
We literally have not even started,
I've got wet ice all down my bum crack.
[both, laughing] Wa-hey!
[Joey] Sometimes you've just got
to let your body go with it.
[James] Like gravity, innit?
[James] What d'you reckon,
get down here, chuck a right?
[Joey] Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
[Joey] It just zaps your energy, man.
[Joey] What do you reckon this is, a lake?
[James] Yeah, it definitely looks like it.
[Joey] That is a frozen lake.
[Joey] Oh, what's he set us?
This is a set-up.
[James] It's definitely a set-up,
it's an ice rink.
[Joey] He's got some sort of game.
[James] Well, there's a
[James] It looks like a table or a
There's a box on that table, I think.
- You see it?
- [Joey] It's some sort of game, innit?
[Joey] We've got to get out to that box,
but it's not gonna be
as easy as that, is it?
There's a gun, there's a gun.
- [Joey] My God.
- We've got to shoot
It looks like skittles.
Is that a champagne bottle or something?
- [speaker crackles]
- [Controller] James and Joey Bone.
Welcome to Switzerland.
Please step out onto the frozen lake
and approach the rifle,
for your chance to win
half a million pounds.
[tense music builds]
You will need the contents
of the case in front of you,
but it's rigged with high explosives.
To stop the case from exploding,
you must shoot the five targets.
You'll have three minutes
from the time you pick up the rifle.
If you fail,
and I do expect you to fail,
the case will explode
and your journey will be over.
Oh, mate.
Jesus Christ.
- Don't touch it yet.
- [Joey] Nah.
[Joey] Right, let's get a little bit of a
[James] I don't even know how to
But look, you've got the champagne bottle,
but you've got
these actual targets in front of it.
[Joey] Look how far away
that one is, though.
[James] Yeah, I know.
[James] Any good with a gun?
[Joey] Nah, nah.
Last time I did it was Dixie's stag do,
and I was awful.
But I was completely paralytic.
- [James] Jesus Christ.
- Oh, mate.
[distant car engine]
[tense music]
[repeated beeping]
[Beth] So, this is Grindelwald.
Yeah, 'cause it just says Grindelwald,
there's no other information,
I can't see any name on this.
[Beth] I'm trying to look literally
on the edge of every mountain.
- Just going, "Is it there?"
- Yeah.
[Jen] Oh, this case is so heavy.
- [Beth] Excuse me, do you speak English?
- [man] Yes, a little bit.
[Beth] Ah. Do you know
where this place is?
[man] This place Yeah, I know.
- You see that cable car?
- [both] Yes.
[man] This cable car goes to a place.
- Okay.
- And then you have to take a train.
- [man] And there is a public place.
- Yep.
But for that place,
I'm not sure you can go.
You cannot go that way.
[Jen] Why not?
- Because it's a non-public place.
- [Beth] Oh.
[Beth] Is there anything nearby?
Could we get near?
- Yes.
- What's the name of the nearest place?
- [Jen] That's the high one?
- [man] Yeah.
[Jen] Yeah.
[suspenseful music]
- Oh.
- Did it move?
Yeah, there's something moving.
I can't hear anything.
- [metallic rattling]
- Ooh.
- Ooh, that sounds tinny.
- That sounds metal-y.
- Yeah.
- [metallic rattling]
I wonder if I could pick it
with a hair grip.
I totally reckon
you could pick it with a hair grip.
[chuckling] Yes, do it.
[Jen] Just seeing
if anything's movable in there.
- Anything?
- No.
[Beth] Is it something down and twist?
Yeah, there's a little pin there,
but that's not
Oh please, please open it.
[Jen] No. [laughs]
[dramatic music]
[Beth] Why are you
still holding it? [laughs]
If I'm carrying the case,
I get to open the case.
That's fine, you can open the case.
I hope it's not a bomb.
[Beth laughing]
[Jen] Jungfraujoch, track three.
Here we go, this is us.
I just, I'm dreading
what's at the other end.
Because if we
We obviously can get there
because, if it's a station
Someone's put that there,
someone's built it.
- Or is that just
- Oh, listen.
[announcement] This train will be making
an unscheduled stop.
Passengers are requested to stay seated,
with the exception of Elizabeth Foxwell
and Jennifer Dorward.
You must disembark the train
as quickly as possible.
[Beth] What? Go, go.
Oh God, Jen.
And there's climbing gear.
- [Jen] Yep.
- Look at that.
And here, look at this.
Look at them going
around the outside, here.
- Oh wow.
- That is terrifying.
[Jen] He's got ice axes.
[Beth] I mean
[Jen] You ever used one of these?
- Nope, never.
- No, neither have I.
[Jen] I mean, does it matter which end?
[Beth] Not a clue.
[Jen] Shall I see if I can I have a little
look at this door up here?
[Beth] Go on then.
Jen, there are ropes out here.
So I reckon we're gonna have
to get harnessed up.
[Jen] Well, that's gonna be a good view.
[Beth] I mean it's gonna be a great view,
but are you a good climber?
Um, well Indoor climbing centres.
Okay, fine.
[Beth] Oh, man.
- [Jen] You okay?
- Yeah, I've got the shakes already.
- Is it the height?
- Yeah.
[Beth] As you know,
heights are not my favourite.
[Jen] Just don't look down.
- [wind howling]
- Oh, listen to that wind.
God, that is terrifying.
[Beth] Oh, that wind
is absolutely freaking me out.
[Beth] Oh, let's just get on with it.
[Beth huffs]
- You ready?
- As I'll ever be. I'm nervous.
- No, you're not nervous.
- Sorry, no. I'm really excited.
- Excited.
- Really excited.
[Beth] Just look up, don't look down.
- You sure?
- I feel crazy nervous about this.
- Do you?
- Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Go on.
Don't be scared.
Open the door.
It's doable, remember? It's all doable.
I know.
Just slow and steady.
- Okay.
- Yeah.
- Right, ready?
- Yeah, go ahead.
Let's do it.
[tense music]
[wind howling]
Oh my God, it's high.
[music swells]
- [Jen] You okay?
- Yeah mate, I'm just, yeah.
[Beth] Oh, Jesus.
[Beth huffs]
[Beth] Look how high it is.
- [Jen] You okay?
- I just need to get it done.
[Beth] Otherwise I'll just dread it more.
[Beth] How far do you reckon
we've got to climb?
[Jen] No idea.
[Beth] How are we getting across there?
- [Jen] That's snapped.
- Oh God, don't say we've got to go down.
- Ooh.
- [sighs] Don't do that, Jen. [laughs]
There's there's something there.
[Beth] Oh God, have we got to go down?
[Jen] I don't know.
It might just be a case of going down
and fetching something.
- Do you think?
- Yeah.
I can't quite see what's there.
There's something sticking out.
How do we get down?
I don't want to get too near the edge.
[Jen] Like a little handle or something?
Do you think that's what we've gotta do,
lower ourselves down?
Oh dear.
[Beth] Ugh.
I'll just do it and look up.
[suspenseful music]
[Jen] We do know each other's weaknesses,
because we've talked about them.
[Jen] I think
we will complement each other.
[Jen] Surely it makes more sense
for me to do it
it if only one of us has got to do it,
because I'm the one
who's less scared of heights.
I was gonna say,
if only one of us has got to do it,
I'm absolutely happy
if you want to do it, but
[Jen] You happy for me to do it then?
- If you're happier doing it.
- Yeah.
[Beth] Jen's absolutely fearless.
I can't think of anything
that she would be truly terrified of
that would make her go,
"Oh, I'm not gonna do that."
I find, if something's scary
but you wanna do it,
you just have to push yourself
- Yeah.
- through it.
So, yeah.
We'll support each other through it.
Cover the tough times.
[James] What do you reckon, then?
- [Joey] I mean, this is hard.
- It's not easy, man. Yeah.
I don't know whether
to put my glasses on, you know?
Do you want me to go first?
I'll have a little look
with my bins, hold tight.
Ain't a lot of difference, really,
because of the snow.
I'll go first.
- Look, we're not marksmen, right?
- Yeah, just
Have a go.
And almost don't,
don't talk too much during this.
[Joey] No, 3 minutes
isn't a long time to hit 5 bottles.
[blows into hands]
- Should we go?
- Yeah, let's go, man. Let's go.
- As soon as you pick it up, alright?
- Yep.
- Let's go.
- What are we
- Oh, that's the sight.
- Through that.
Push it in, get your mark,
take your time, stay on one target.
- And we've got 5 shots each?
- 5 goes, 5 goes.
Okey doke.
Let's go.
[clock ticking]
Can't bloody see anything.
[tense music]
Gotta push it in.
- [Joey] Get in.
- Gotta push it in.
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[Joey] Fifth shot coming up.
- [rifle whirs]
- God, this is proper hard, James.
- Can hardly see it.
- Give us a go.
[tense music continues]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[clock ticking]
[James] Quick!
[rifle whirs]
Hands are shaking as well,
you know what I mean?
[rifle whirs]
There you go.
Them glasses didn't help.
[rifle whirs]
This is impossible.
[Joey] He ain't gonna make it easy
for 500 grand, mate.
I've hit one! I've hit one!
Right, keep going, keep going.
[clock ticking]
Time's going,
just pull the trigger if you can't see.
[rifle whirs]
- [James] It's well hard.
- It's hard, mate.
- [James] It's, it's
- [rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[James] Here y'are.
- [rifle whirs]
- Mate
[James] Here y'are let me get one more.
Here we go.
[rifle whirs]
[Joey] We've hit two,
we've hit the two outside ones.
[clock ticking]
[tense music builds]
- [rifle whirs]
- [Joey] Mate
[rifle whirs]
Just keep going, keep going.
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[rifle whirs]
That's, uh, game over, mate.
Mission aborted.
[suspenseful music]
That That was insane.
Oh mate, I mean, it's gutting.
I'm absolutely, like, gutted.
[James] I am gutted.
We've always said
we'll give it our best,
and what else could we have done there?
[James] Do the honours, geez.
[emotive music]
- Yeah, don't knock my eye out.
- Eh!
It's a weird one because, obviously,
I am gutted, but
We're 150 grand richer each
than we ever were,
which is a considerable sum of money
for anyone, especially us.
We've seen parts of the world together
that we, you know,
might never get a chance to do again.
- [Joey] Amazing journey.
- It's been a pleasure.
[emotive music continues]
And thanks to the voice,
for as far as we got.
But he is driving a hard bargain, mate.
[emotive music fades]
It's annoying because there's
actually fucking a lot more to be won.
- Yeah.
- But
Anyone who hits that deserves to go on.
[Joey] A little clink.
Good luck to them, because
they've achieved something unreal.
That's impossible.
- [James] Long walk home.
- Deffo.
[suspenseful music]
- [Beth] Yeah?
- [Jen] Yeah, keep going.
[Beth] Okay.
[Jen] Keep going, keep going.
- [Beth] Bit more?
- Another few metres.
I can't hear you. Louder.
[wind howling]
[Jen] Keep going.
Oh God. I don't wanna look down Jen,
just shout again.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Jen] Okay, stop, stop, stop.
- [Beth] Yeah? Are you there?
- Um
[Jen] One more metre.
[Jen] Yeah, that's it, hold.
Yeah, there's a little bag, I'm just
Got it, it's a little pouch. Right
[Jen] Pull!
That's it, that's it. Stop! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
[Jen panting]
[Beth] That's it,
come on buddy, almost here.
[Jen] Keep pulling, keep pulling.
- [Beth] I'm trying.
- I'm slipping.
- [Beth] You got it?
- Yeah.
[Jen panting]
- [Beth] Alright?
- Yeah.
[Beth] Smashed it.
[Beth] It's not a key.
Oh, what is it now?
- Oh, God.
- Jesus, don't drop it.
[Beth] Another map.
Disused track.
So, maybe this is where we are
and we've got to find our way along?
[Jen] There's a door.
[Beth] Right, so we've got to go
back into the tunnel.
- Yeah, there's no key.
- A wall
[dramatic music]
[Josh, panting] All right.
Bubs, hold on.
Need to check the phone.
Hold on a second.
Oh yeah.
[Kamara] What is it saying?
[Josh] Two hours, 45 minutes.
- [Kamara] Oh, Bubs.
- Oh my God.
- [Josh] Eh?
- That way?
- [Josh] What's that?
- Is it that way?
[Kamara] The first time I met Josh
[Josh] Oh shit.
Where is it?
[Kamara] he was just somebody
that I had never met before
and I didn't think that somebody
like him even existed.
[Kamara] Is it that way?
[soft, calming music]
[Kamara] Very down to earth and very true.
And I think that was something
that I wasn't used to.
Someone being so open and honest.
He wears his, like, heart on his sleeve.
[Josh panting]
- [Kamara] Bubs!
- Huh?
Yeah, come on then.
[Kamara] He made me see
a new light to things.
Do you reckon you could carry me?
[Josh] After we got married,
we kind of had the kids in a row.
Three in a row,
so there's literally been no time
to look at ourselves.
[Kamara laughing] Bubs!
[Josh] I want for my children
to look back and think
that both their parents explored,
were adventurous,
didn't close doors, you know?
It's about living your life.
[Josh] I think it's there.
- Can you see?
- [Kamara] Yeah, yeah.
[Kamara] What is it, a table?
[Josh] It's a table.
There's something on the table.
Is that a beer bottle?
- No.
- What is it?
Looks like a sniper, mate.
- [Kamara] Let's do this.
- We're here now.
- [speaker crackles]
- [Controller] Kamara and Josh.
Congratulations on getting so far.
You are now tantalisingly close
to winning half a million pounds.
In front of you is a case.
[suspenseful music]
[Controller] To release it,
you have to shoot the explosive charge
at the top of each of the five chains.
Both of you must hit at least one target.
- I can't see five chains.
- I can't see them either.
- One, two
- [Kamara] Okay, I think
[Controller] From the moment
you pick up the rifle,
you will have 3 minutes
to complete your objective.
Fail and the case will explode
and your journey will be over.
[suspenseful music]
- Have you ever used one?
- [Josh] No.
I've never shot anything in my life.
Neither have I.
[Kamara] Let's try and get
one each in a minute.
[Josh] Yeah. Alright, if you can see
that you're better or I'm better,
then that person gets the gun to run with.
[Kamara] Yeah, yeah.
- As long as I've got one
- Yeah, yeah.
Or as long as you've got one,
then it's all good, just go.
[Josh making gun noises]
[Josh] That's a bit
I think maybe standing.
How do you feel?
Or do you want to go on your knees?
[Josh] It's sturdy, innit?
When you're just on your hands,
your hands start moving and whatever.
Whereas if you're here,
you're just resting.
All you're doing is just literally
[imitates shooting noise]
[Josh] Yeah? So you, here.
Next to me, yeah?
Or do you want me there?
- So, it's here?
- Yeah.
I feel like I'm missing something
and it's pissing me off now.
What? Do you need your glasses?
Do you need to put your glasses on?
Oh yeah, I need to put my glasses on.
That's what it is.
- You sure? Will that help?
- Yeah.
[Josh] Okay.
[Kamara] Okay cool, and let's
work our way from the outside in.
[Josh] Yeah.
[Josh huffs]
- [Kamara] It's cool, we got this.
- Yeah, you ready?
Warm up your fingers.
[suspenseful music]
Alright, literally
[Josh] On your shoulder.
Get all those prayers in, mate.
Alright, cool.
- You got it?
- Yeah.
- I'm ready.
- Alright, go for it.
[Kamara] Okay.
[clock ticking]
[tense music]
[rifle whirs]
[music intensifies]
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[Kamara] There you go.
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
Come on, come on, come on.
[Kamara] Where is it?
[clock ticking]
[rifle whirs]
Come on Kamara, you're taking a long time.
[Kamara sighs] Shit.
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
[Kamara] Yes! You got one.
- You got one.
- [rifle whirs]
Well done.
Go, go, go. Push it in, push it in.
[clock ticking]
[rifle whirs]
- Yes, that's my girl!
- Shh!
[laughs] Go for the other one,
go for the other one.
Go on. Sick, come on, quick.
- Alright, my turn now.
- Sorry.
[chuckling] Getting trigger happy.
- [Kamara] Quickly, come on.
- Where is it?
- [rifle whirs]
- You got this, Bubs.
[tense music continues]
- [Josh] Go, go, go, go, go.
- [rifle whirs]
[Josh] Yes!
[Josh laughs]
[rifle whirs]
- Come on.
- [rifle whirs]
- Come on.
- [rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
- What's the time?
- Shh.
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs repeatedly]
[rifle whirs]
[rifle whirs]
Push it in, come on.
Come on, come on, come on Kamara.
[rifle whirs]
[Kamara huffs]
[Josh huffs]
["We Have All the Time in the World"
by Louis Armstrong plays over speaker]
What the hell?
["We Have All the Time in the World"
continues playing]
We timed it all right.
It's alright.
We did our best. It was our best.
Come on, it's alright.
We did well, man.
It's not sinking in. I just don't know.
[Kamara] I feel sick, I feel sick.
But I'm glad that we got this far.
Yeah, we did it, man.
It is was it is, man, we did it.
[Kamara] Come on,
let's go home, let's go see the kids.
- Yeah, I miss my kids.
- Yeah.
Come on, man.
[Beth] Right, so this must be
the disused track.
[Jen] Okay.
[suspenseful music]
[Beth] Right, I'm putting the map away
because that's where it ended.
[Beth] Where are we going now?
[Jen] This must be
the service tunnel, mustn't it?
[Beth] Yeah.
- Oh.
- [Jen] Oh.
[Beth] Music?
["Air on the G String" by Bach playing]
[Beth] We've got to blank him out.
[Jen] He's just trying
to confuse us, isn't he?
[Beth] Yeah, it's creepy,
he's trying to creep us out.
I don't know. Why is he doing that?
- [Jen] Why is he playing us that music?
- I don't know.
- Is it Vivaldi?
- I don't know.
Bach's "Air on the G String".
God, I feel short of breath, don't you?
I wonder how high we are now.
[Jen] I don't know.
God, look at the ice.
That is actual ice.
[Controller] Did you know
that recordings of Bach's music
were sent into interstellar space?
["Air on the G String" by Bach continues]
[suspenseful music]
- [Beth] What's that?
- What's that?
[Beth] That looks like a cart.
- Are we gonna get in?
- [Jen] Yeah, have a look.
[Beth] I reckon
we've got to get in the cage.
[suspenseful music builds]
- [Beth] Whoo!
- [James Bond theme music tones]
[James Bond theme music continues]
[music fades]
[Jen] We must be at the top now.
[suspenseful music]
I don't know if we go through here.
[Jen] Look at these clothes.
Oh, Jen, there's champagne.
Here we go.
[Beth] He's been watching us.
Check mate.
- Let's have a look.
- Look, he's got pictures
of where we've been.
I think.
[computer beeping softly]
[Controller] Beth and Jen.
[both] Oh.
[Controller] You finally found
my little mountain retreat,
here at the top of Europe,
over four thousand metres above sea level.
I'm so sorry I'm not here
to greet you in person.
make yourself at home.
Have some champagne
and toast how far you've come.
Nine hopeful pairs started this journey
and it was such fun to watch them.
Oh, look at these people.
What are these?
- [Jen] Look.
- Are these
Oh, look.
[Jen] Wow.
- So they were in Switzerland.
- Yeah, they were here too.
They were here.
[Controller] And now
You are the only ones left.
Oh my God.
[suspenseful music]
[Controller] Just three questions
stand between you
and a million pounds.
Imagine it.
Last ones.
[Jen] Can't believe it.
That's crazy.
How did we manage to go so far?
I mean, weirdly,
it's great to know we're not the worst.
But it's pressure, isn't it?
[Beth] God, three questions, though.
- Yeah.
- And it's getting harder and harder.
Well, we need to open the case, don't we?
- So
- Oh, we've still got the case.
[Controller] Now, if you wouldn't mind
making your way outside.
[Controller] It appears the weather
is quite changeable up here.
- [Beth] Ready?
- Yeah.
[wind howling]
[tense music]
Oh dear.
Looks chilly.
[Beth] Don't look down.
[Controller] Weather
at four thousand metres.
Wind, 75 miles per hour.
[Beth] That is too fresh. Wow.
minus 22.
[Beth] I bet the case
is frozen in the ice.
Let's see how calm you are now.
[Beth] Brilliant.
- That's it. Right, ready?
- [Jen] Here we go.
[Beth] Okay, so we got the case.
- Ready?
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Jen] Oh, my glasses
are completely frozen.
- So are mine, shall we take them off?
- Yeah, can't see anything.
Right, on three.
[both] One, two, three.
[both] Oh no.
[Beth] What's that, as well?
- That's a key.
- Let's have a look.
[Beth] Yeah, it's the key.
We need to get the case.
[Jen] Finally, after all this waiting.
[tense music builds]
[Beth] There we go.
- Okay.
- Finally. Okay, ready?
- [Jen] Oh!
- Oh my God.
[Beth] Whoa!
Oh my God.
[dramatic music]
[Controller] The next question
is for five hundred thousand pounds,
which is approximately the value
of the ten gold bars in front of you.
[Jen] Oh wow.
[Beth] Let's take them.
No, I'm joking. [chuckles]
[Controller] Which of these five things
is also worth around
five hundred thousand pounds?
An Aston Martin DB5 Silver Birch.
24 bottles of Bollinger RD 1969 Champagne.
The maximum bet
in a casino in Monte Carlo.
A four-acre private island
in the Caribbean.
25 grams of radioactive plutonium.
[Jen] Oh wow, okay. Well, I don't think
So, Aston Martin DB5, we think no.
- It's not that, no.
- No, because that's more.
[Jen] It can't be a private island
in the Caribbean, either.
- No.
- That's got to be more than that.
24 bottles of Bollinger RD 1969.
- Plutonium is crazy expensive.
- Yeah.
- So 25 grams is a tiny amount.
- Yeah.
[Beth] Right, so we're ruling out A?
- [Jen] I don't think it's D.
- D, okay.
- Four acres.
- A private island
[Beth] Four acres.
[Beth] Okay, so champagne's a possible.
- So B is a possible.
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Beth] I don't know about betting,
I know nothing about gambling.
So, maximum bet in a casino
[Jen] I don't see why they would
make people not bet that much.
- [Beth] Aston Martin, definitely no.
- Yeah.
Bollinger, I don't know about,
but I think it doesn't sound like
That champagne isn't even that old, is it?
It's only 1969.
Maximum bet, why would you maximise a bet?
- It's a casino.
- Yeah.
Four acres, private island
I reckon the plutonium just cause I feel
like the plutonium's the most expensive.
- The weight is so small.
- Yeah.
You would never expect something
that small to be that expensive.
- So that's what I feel drawn to, E.
- Yeah.
- [Beth] Should we go for E?
- [Jen] God, go on then.
- Shall we do it? I'm gonna lift it up.
- Yeah, go on.
You sure?
As soon as I touch it, we're decided.
[Jen] Yeah.
[Jen] You know us.
- [Jen] We doing it together?
- Yep.
- [Jen] Alright.
- [both] One, two, three.
- [both] There we go.
- [Beth] Hold it up.
[emotive music]
[Beth] Gutted.
- Never mind, we did really well.
- [Jen] Yeah.
[Beth] Gutted, gutted, gutted.
[Controller] The correct answer
is D.
- [Jen] D?
- Caribbean
[Controller] Your journey is over.
It was the Caribbean island.
- [Jen] Wow.
- Brutal.
[Jen] Well, we would have never got that.
[Controller] You didn't quite have
what it takes to win the million,
but you could take some pride in knowing
that you got further than anyone else.
- [Jen] Right, well
- Don't worry buddy, you did really well.
[Jen] Yeah, yeah.
- Let's get inside because we are freezing.
- Yeah.
[dramatic music]
- [Kamara] Right, the end of the road.
- [Josh] I know.
It's been so amazing though.
Come on man, look at what we travelled.
- Where we travelled.
- So amazing.
- We started with Scotland.
- Scotland.
[Scottish accent] Wee Scotland.
And then we went
into [Italian accent] Italy.
And then we went to
- [Chilean accent] Chile.
- Chile.
[both laughing]
And then we was
in [Jamaican accent] Jamaica.
[Josh] And then here we are,
in Switzerland.
- [Kamara] Switzerland.
- Switzerland. Wunderbar.
- What does that mean?
- Wonderful.
Ah, yeah, it has been wonderful, actually.
- [Kamara] There it is.
- Yeah, yeah, that one.
Let's see what's inside.
[Kamara] Ooh.
Come on, let's go over here
and have a look.
[Josh whistles]
[James Bond theme music plays softly]
Oh shit.
[both laughing]
[laughing] Oh shit. Close it, quickly.
[Josh] Okay, okay.
Alright, alright, close it.
[Kamara laughs]
Alright, alright, alright.
[Kamara] Well done, Bubs. Well done.
- We did it, man.
- We did it.
We did it.
- Smashed it.
- We did it.
What do you reckon?
[both laughing]
What do you reckon it is?
A cheese sandwich
and a cup of tea or something?
[James chuckling]
[James] Now then, do the honours.
[Joey gasps]
[both laughing]
[Joey] Mate!
Look at that!
- [James laughing]
- Look at that.
Amazing, just a bag of cash.
How are we gonna get that through customs?
[James] I've never seen
this sort of cash before in my life.
Next month's heating bill covered.
[both laugh]
[Beth] Oh my God.
That's a huge amount of money.
- [laughing] Holy crap.
- [Jen] Wow.
Right, one for you [laughs]
I'm happy to go now. [laughs]
[Josh] Let's catch this train.
Come on. Let's go, let's go. Yeah.
Come on, let's go.
[announcement in Swiss German,
over loudspeaker]
- [Joey] Right.
- [James] Train home.
[dramatic music]
[Beth] How smug do you feel
being in this car
when everyone else is on the trains?
- [Jen] Yeah.
- [Beth] I mean, pretty smug. [laughs]
[music fades]
[Controller] So
no one reached the million-pound question,
this time.
[suspenseful music]
[Controller] Shame.
I wonder if there's anyone out there
who has what it takes to go all the way?
[James Bond theme music tones]
[End credits music]
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