365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e08 Episode Script

Who's the Bad Guy?

You got here pretty fast like a bullet.
The photos were pretty risque this time, weren't they?
You extorted enough money out of me.
How much more do you want, you scumbag?
That's not something I'd like to hear
from a guy who secretly met up with his mistress on his family vacation.
If I were extorting money out of you because you gambled,
it wouldn't feel right for me either.
Should I sent these photos
to your wife via international mail?
You know, I'm trying very hard not to explode on you.
So you have money to pay the thugs and to put a price on my head,
but when I'm trying to keep your family together,
how could you call me a scumbag?
The thugs keep
their promises better than a scumbag.
It's been a while.
There's no point talking to jerks like you.
Where's the original copy?
Don't you know the world we live in?
Don't you know the cloud?
Don't just stand there. Get him.
Hey, Jung Tae.
Doesn't this scene look familiar to you?
Doesn't it? You punk.
Hey, getting rid of a scumbag like you
doesn't even cost that much.
Don't you know I can do anything
as long as I have money in this capitalist society?
- Jerk. - My gosh.
Kill me when you have the chance.
Otherwise, I'll kill you with my own hands.
Hey, you might not have anything in this brain of yours.
But you should think, you know.
Calculate which one of us
has a higher chance of dying?
You jerk. Scumbag.
Hey, get him out.
Don't come. No.
If he dies,
you won't get the rest of the money.
Get that scumbag!
That darned scumbag. Gosh.
You must catch him!
the client who hired those thugs
was Mr. Cha Jeung Seok.
He pretended to be a victim,
but he was secretly chasing Bae Jung Tae.
Do you think Ms. Lee Shin knew about their relationship?
Is she still not back?
Mr. Cha Jeung Seok, are you there?
Mr. Cha Jeung Seok?
Do you think he'll come?
- I'm not sure. - No way!
- Hello. - Are you here alone?
I've been calling Mr. Cha Jeung Seok since yesterday,
but he hasn't picked up.
He has already settled the balance. I came here because he told me to.
But is he not here?
What's going on?
Wait. Mr. Bae Jung Tae took these?
Has he been stalking us?
It can't be. Then does that mean
(I'll Carry You: You always sit in the same seat. Enjoy your meal.)
(I'll Carry You: You always sit in the same seat. Enjoy your meal.)
What? Wait.
But why would he?
It must be the master's plan.
Ms. Lee Shin's photo isn't in there.
He's been watching all the people who have reset,
but Ms. Lee Shin isn't one of them.
There's something going on between those two.
It's true
that they've been in touch.
Then we shouldn't be talking about this here.
We should visit her.
I did, but she's abroad due to a seminar.
I've checked, and she did leave.
About Jeung Seok's not picking up,
do you think it has anything to do with Jung Tae?
What do you think?
It's possible.
Or it could be the opposite.
- What? - Opposite?
Mr. Cha Jeung Seok and Mr. Bae Jung Tae
knew each other even before the reset.
- What? - But why?
He's such a goodhearted man.
Hey, getting rid of a scumbag like you
doesn't even cost that much.
Don't you know I can do anything
as long as I have money in this capitalist society?
- Jerk. - My gosh.
Kill me when you have the chance.
Otherwise, I'll kill you with my own hands.
How could that well-mannered man say such things?
What is this?
You knew about everything and recorded their conversation.
That's because Bae Jung Tae was the key suspect.
But I actually found out a new side of Mr. Cha Jeung Seok.
He's like the villain of a PvP game.
What was that?
Hey, Soon Woo.
Where? Got it.
I need to go.
Let me know once you reach Mr. Cha Jeung Seok.
About Jeung Seok's not picking up,
do you think it has anything to do with Jung Tae?
It's possible. Or it could be the opposite.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
Mr. Bae Jung Tae.
I know this makes no sense.
I know I sound crazy.
But I think Mr. Cha Jeung Seok is in danger.
Hyeong Ju, are you there?
I got in touch with them. They said it'll take 3 to 4 days.
- All right. - We found his ID card.
Thank you.
(Cha Jeung Seok)
What's wrong? Do you know him?
He's that stock firm employee.
The one who visited you last time?
Do you know anything?
Sir, this is the last message he sent.
Honey, thank you for everything. And I'm sorry.
Take good care of our daughter.
I hope you'll be happy in your next life
and not meet someone like me.
He even had a daughter.
Did you get in touch with his family?
I got in touch with his wife in Canada. She's flying in.
She seemed quite calm.
They had been living apart for over five years.
She had asked him for a divorce.
It's true that they weren't close.
But he was planning to move to Canada.
That's why he quit his work.
That's not what Soon Woo said.
The private equity fund that he was in charge of had many issues.
When I was there, the investors were causing a scene.
The company believes he quit after realizing
the details about the distressed-debt.
- That's not why. - Then what is it?
Do you know something?
He didn't commit suicide.
Given the circumstances, it wasn't an accident.
Are you saying he was murdered?
The owner of a store nearby testified
that Cha Jeung Seok purchased charcoal briquettes from him.
And we found no traces of other people in his car.
The message he had sent to his wife sounds like a suicide note as well.
His black box and the CCTV cameras showed nothing in particular
after his arrival at the scene.
Let's put this case on hold until we get the autopsy results.
If you want to reinvestigate this case,
bring me proof that this is murder.
Don't you know I can do anything
as long as I have money in this capitalist society?
You little jerk.
Kill me when you have the chance.
Otherwise, I'll kill you with my own hands.
- What is this? - It's Cha Jeung Seok
and Bae Jung Tae.
- So? - Sun Ho.
Cha Jeung Seok would've never killed himself.
I'm sure there's something going on between him and Bae Jung Tae.
We need to investigate him first.
I see.
Where did you get this?
Did you wiretap Bae Jung Tae?
If this was illegal, you won't get away
with just being disciplined.
- You'll be brought to court. - Sun Ho
I don't know why you're so obsessed with Bae Jung Tae.
But even if this wasn't illegal,
you know very well that it doesn't prove
that he didn't commit suicide.
- Of course, I do. - You better not mention this
to Captain Heo.
You'll get in trouble.
I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear anything.
Ga Hyeon.
Is it really Mr. Cha Jeung Seok? How did he die?
He committed suicide.
That can't be.
By the way,
You said he could be in danger.
What made you think that?
It's not just the two of them now.
This was also in front of Mr. Cha Jeung Seok's house.
All three of them received a bouquet of flowers.
No, not you too. You're scaring me.
Is it like a warning the Master is sending us?
Come on, stop that!
I can't even believe
that he committed suicide.
That can't be. I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
Besides, sending and receiving bouquets of flowers is quite common.
If only the dead received them,
it's pretty rare.
Could it be that the bouquets of flowers are cursed?
Like the Demon's doll.
That is not
the only strange thing.
Mr. Choi Kyung Man
definitely bought a lottery ticket.
But that disappeared without a trace.
There was something off about Ms. Seo Yeon Soo as well.
Right before the estimated time of her death,
she was on the phone according to the record.
But her phone wasn't found at the scene.
What about Mr. Cha's music box?
(Choi Kyung Man)
(Choi Kyung Man)
(Choi Kyung Man)
Everyone must be utterly shocked.
I'll go back soon.
Do you think Ms. Lee Shin is the one who sent the bouquets of flowers
It could be Bae Jung Tae.
He spied on them, so he must know their addresses.
Where on earth did he go?
I think his cell phone is still at his house.
Hyeong Ju, Hammer is spotted.
- Where? - In Jangpo-dong.
Please report to the scene with Lieutenant Park.
We'll back you up with the task force.
Okay. I'll be there soon.
I need to go somewhere.
Maru. I'm back.
Have you been well?
I told you to just leave, man. Come on.
Don't even think about joining
the big table with that chicken feed.
- Bring more money next time. - Go.
- Don't move. - My gosh.
- Hey, take him. - Good work.
- He's huge. - Good job.
Let's get some soju.
Sun Ho, something important came up. I'm leaving. Bye.
- Sa Kyung. - I can't.
- Soon Woo. - I'm sorry, sir.
They are too cruel.
What was that?
- You - Mr. Cha Jeung Seok.
Did you kill him?
He's dead? That jerk is dead?
I know everything. That you were spying on us,
the nature of your relationship with him,
and you're on Ms. Lee Shin's side. I know everything.
If you know everything,
you shouldn't come here alone.
Do you think I came here alone?
To a place like this?
- Get him. - Get the other side.
- Stay down. - Arrest him.
Are you the one who made the report?
- Get him. - Yes, I am.
- Call my lawyer! - Stop it.
- I want my lawyer. - How can you say that?
- You can't do that! - Hey, you over there.
- I can't believe this! - Let go of me!
- Be quiet! - What are you doing?
- Quiet down! - You're unbelievable.
(Investigation Room 1)
Ga Hyeon.
Hey, Hyeong Ju.
Are you all right?
How could you go to such a dangerous place by yourself?
I wasn't alone. The first thing I did was call the police.
They arrived right on time.
How did you know I was here?
I have my own informant.
But you handled everything even before I got here.
You're amazing.
By the way, it's about Mr. Cha Jeung Seok's death.
It looked like Bae Jung Tae really had no idea.
I've never seen a criminal confess to his crime right away.
Let's go. I have more questions other than that.
Let him go?
He was arrested at the scene. Why would you let him go?
Besides, he has gambling prior too.
He said he had just arrived at the scene.
He couldn't even join because the stake was too high.
Although he had been arrested for illegal gambling before,
someone with a good status was willing to vouch for him.
I released him
because investigating him without detainment wouldn't be a problem.
Someone vouched for him?
That jerk wouldn't have anyone
(Fund manager at Hello Investment and Securities)
(New message, Ms. Lee Shin)
(Corporal Ji Hyeong Ju)
This is Lee Shin.
Please meet me at Zian Clinic at 2pm tomorrow.
I am sorry that I wasn't available for the past several days.
I was abroad.
Mr. Cha Jeung Seok passed away.
Yes. I read the text messages
- you sent me. - You probably already knew
even without my texts.
Someone would have reported to you simultaneously.
You ordered Bae Jung Tae to spy on us.
We already know that.
That's right.
I ordered him to do so.
I've undergone the reset several times,
but this was my first time
going through the reset with other people.
I thought that I was sharing a piece of luck with you.
But right after the reset, Park Young Gil died.
And one of you told me that you regretted doing the reset.
So I was confused too.
That's when he came to me.
Come in.
You know,
since you've done this several times,
you must have a few good tips on making money.
Whether it's horse racing, stocks, or lottery,
just tell me one.
In exchange, I have a favour to ask you.
I want to know about the people who went through the reset.
You want to spy on them?
- Why? - If he didn't go through with this,
Park Young Gil would have been alive.
It is definitely a butterfly effect from the reset.
And this may happen to other people who did the reset.
I must know what will happen to them.
And that's how I found out Mr. Ji Hyeong Ju was a detective.
So I asked for your help separately.
I called Mr. Bae Jung Tae to stop him.
And you were the one who answered it, Ms. Shin Ga Hyeon.
Why did you help him get released?
Weren't you behind that?
What? You helped him get out too?
As we went through the reset together, I was willing to help.
And he didn't commit any illegal activities.
I also wanted him to join us at this meeting.
Even so,
making an ex-convict dig up information about us
- wasn't prudent, don't you agree? - An ex-convict?
Usually, when there's a detective, there's an ex-convict.
Then, are you really a murderer?
- What? - You killed Jeung Seok, didn't you?
You killed him and covered it up as a suicide, right?
Should I really commit murder?
What's this?
This was to be delivered to the meeting room.
(It's you this time.)
"It's you this time."
(It's you this time.)
(365: Repeat the Year)
I don't know anything about this.
Why do you keep playing innocent?
I'm sure this person knows about the reset.
The message. What do you mean?
Why do people keep dying? You must at least know the answer.
Keep playing detective.
Hyeong Ju, you were sussing me out because you don't believe me, right?
Hero. I have a hero.
I thought about turning myself in.
It means one of us will die in a couple of days.
The reason why Ms. Lee went through the reset.
That means she's in as much danger as we are.
Isn't this why?
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