7th Heaven s01e08 Episode Script
What Will People Say?
Mom, you want me to go in and find them? - That's OK, they'll be here.
- When? When there's no one left to see they're being picked up by their mother.
- There they are! - Finally.
- I got front.
- Why do I have to ride in the back? Why don't you just sit back there? Because you were just in the front.
Give me a break.
- Is it like this for you every day? - Heck no, Mom.
- Anyone crosses me, I put 'em out.
- Oh, I see.
- The car sounds good.
- For the $250 to fix, it should.
- How are you feeling? - Nervous.
You really think I should be doing this? Yes, I do.
Look! There's Daddy! He's going into the hotel with that woman.
I'm sure it has something to do with the church.
I'd sure like to know what.
- I'm glad you finally told me.
- I don't think I made the right choice.
- It's the right thing.
- I don't know.
It just seems to be getting worse, but it's not his fault, really.
- Abby.
- No.
It's not as if he hits me for no good reason.
I'm not good at making him happy and he loses his patience.
It's absolutely not your fault.
I can't keep the house the way he wants it.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
It's not you.
Something's wrong with him.
But he's just so nice to everybody else.
Yeah, that's the way men behave in these situations.
Look, I wish I could talk you into going to a women's shelter.
You'd be with women going through this.
I don't want anybody else to know.
Not yet, anyway.
Don't protect him from embarrassment when your life's in danger.
I don't think he'd really hurt me.
- You've got two broken ribs.
- I know.
He didn't mean to do it.
Maybe not, there's no telling what he won't mean to do next.
I don't know.
Maybe if I just had a bit of time alone I could make a decision.
Take as much time as you need to.
Are you sure it's OK to use the church's money? The family emergency fund is for family emergencies.
This is an emergency.
I can't think when he's screaming at me, and he's always screaming at me.
Sure you don't want to tell a friend? Maybe your sister in New York.
- Maybe I shouldn't have come here.
- Yes, you should have.
Unless you want to come home with me and stay with us.
- Annie would be happy to take you in.
- No, I really don't want her to know.
I need some time alone.
Well, let me know if there's anything else I can do.
- Get some rest.
- OK.
- What do you think Dad's up to? - Mom said it was church stuff.
What else was she going to say? Dad's at a hotel with that woman from church, and she's married.
What do I care? You shouldn't talk to Lucy about Dad, that's an adult conversation.
- What do you think about it? - I'll tell you when you're an adult.
If you didn't come in here to talk about Dad, what do you want? - I wanted to talk about Richard.
- Why? I thought you liked him.
- Not that it matters.
- Well, he's OK.
He's OK? He's a little more than OK.
I mean, he's practically the best player on the football team, and he's funny, and he's handsome, he's nice and he's a really good kisser.
That's the one.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
- What? - I just think you should take it slow.
Don't let him pressure you into anything.
- We're just kissing, that's all.
- Well, just keep it that way.
Well, what do you know that I don't know? He's really popular and he's been out with lots of girls, and he's more experienced than you are.
- That doesn't mean anything.
- It does.
- What does it mean? - It means be careful.
- Richard's a really nice guy.
- There are no really nice guys.
What's going on over there? Simon? Mom? Oh, I mean, yes, ma'am? Ma'am? Wow.
You must be in some kind of trouble.
Trouble? No, no trouble at all.
- You feel like talking? - Sure.
- What's up? - Is Dad dating or what? - No, your father's not dating.
- Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure.
Your dad works with women all the time, it's just part of his job.
- And that doesn't bother you? - No, it doesn't.
- I trust him.
- Really? Really.
- Well, speak of the devil.
- Hm? It's just a saying, Dad.
So how was your day? Anything interesting happen? No, nothing out of the usual.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Dinner will be ready in about an hour.
I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone.
Hey, Simon.
- Look who's back.
- Hey, Richard.
- How's it going? - Great.
- Richard, what brings you by? - I just came from practice.
I thought maybe we could throw the ball around.
I see.
Actually, it's been a long day.
Maybe some other time.
- I'll throw the ball.
- Finished your homework? Almost.
- I think you lost that one, Dad.
- What do you think of him? Richard? He seems OK.
You think so? Dad, she's 14.
The way I figure it, there'll be a Richard a month for the next ten years.
Ten, hut, hut! - Stop! Don't you dare tackle me.
- I was going to kiss you.
I still am.
- You can't.
- Why not? - Not here.
Somebody might see us.
- So? I'm in enough trouble.
I got a "C" on my math test and I have to get it signed.
A "C" sounds OK to me.
You'll get a basketball scholarship to college.
- I can't count on a scholarship.
- Sure you can.
- I have to keep my grades up.
- You should relax, like me.
- You'll get a football scholarship.
- I hope so.
- Or I couldn't afford it.
- What'll you major in? You.
- What? - Do you believe in love at first sight? Absolutely.
That's what happened with me and Jimmy Moon.
I heard that he liked me, and I knew who he was and everything, but there was that one moment, that one very special moment, when I was standing outside of school talking to my friends, then he walked by, almost brushing my shoulder.
At first, he just kept walking, but then, as I was about to give up hope, he turned back and our eyes met.
It was like lightning striking us both at the same millisecond in time.
Yet we were the only two who noticed.
And it was over as quickly as Thanks for listening.
What are we doing? You wouldn't understand.
I might.
Do you believe in love at first sight, Ruthie? I don't remember the first time I looked at anyone.
Yeah, but do you think it's possible for a man to look at a woman and know that he's in love right then and there? - Sure.
- Really? I guess it could happen.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
Look, you can't tell anyone, OK? There's this new girl at school, her name is Gabrielle, and I think this could be the one woman I could love for the rest of my life, outside of Mom.
Then why can't I tell anyone? Because everyone else would think it's stupid.
- That's why I'm only telling you, OK? - OK.
Would you still love me, too? And Mary and Lucy.
- Some game last night, huh? - Richard likes the Bears this year.
Did he like them before or after they beat Dallas? - Before.
- Oh.
I'm in the pigskin pool at church.
Richard says they have great defence.
A lot of speed.
But not a lot of size.
Jimmy says it's fast but small, good for blitzing.
Yeah, but Gabrielle says that - Gabrielle? Who's Gabrielle? - No one.
Well, she must be someone.
- No, she's not.
- Come on, tell us who she is.
Maybe Simon will tell you who Gabrielle is if you tell us who that woman was at the hotel.
Are you sure you understand why I can't tell you what I was doing there? We've been married for 18 years.
I'm aware that your counselling work is confidential.
So then we're OK? Oh, yeah, we're more than OK.
So what time will you be home? Uh I don't know.
Why? I'm making pasta with a cream sauce.
I don't want to cook it too long.
- When do you want me home? - Whenever.
- Would five o'clock be all right? - Five, that's good.
OK, see you then.
- Is it a cream sauce I like? - Not particularly, but the kids do.
See you later.
What're you having, sonny, peas or corn? [CLEARS THROAT.]
I said, peas or corn? I'll have what she's having.
Did Jake get in touch with you? I called him to let him know that I was gonna take a break for a couple of days.
- He accused me of having an affair.
- He knows you're not having an affair.
He's really angry.
Thought about calling your sister? No, no, I can't.
If I call her and I don't go to New York, - she'll come here and make it worse.
- Abby.
I can't call her until I'm sure I'm going to leave.
And I don't know how I'm going to do that.
I don't have any money, I haven't worked in years.
I don't know how I'd get by.
I'm sure that you're capable of taking care of yourself.
I haven't done such a great job of it so far, have I? It's hard when you're being told you're worthless all the time.
You were taking care of yourself when you came and told me about Jake.
He says that if I divorce him, I'll go to hell.
I promised to stay with him until death.
Him who? The real Jake or the Jake you thought you were marrying? Don't you see? God knows who Jake Morris is, but you're just finding out.
Would you take those vows again now that you know the truth? - No, I wouldn't.
- That's a good answer.
You made a decision based on a lie.
Nothing says you can't make a new decision based on the truth.
Annie: How much is that doggie in the window? Ruthie: The one with the waggly tail - [GASPS.]
Oh, hello.
- Hi, Mrs Beeker, how are you? Oh, I'm fine.
Hi, Ruthie.
Who's your little friend here? - That's our dog.
Yes, I see.
How's the Reverend? - Oh, he's just fine.
- Of course he is.
But it must be so hard on you with a husband who has to spend so much time with his parishioners day after day.
I don't mind, it's just part of his job.
You should feel free to call him any time you need.
Good day, Mrs Beeker.
Did you hear that that lovely couple Jake and Abby Morris are splitting up? No, I hadn't heard.
Well, I don't understand it at all.
He is such a darling man, and he works so hard.
Well, it happens.
You know, the rumour is, Abby's having an affair.
- I really don't listen to rumours.
- Oh? Well, perhaps you should.
Goodbye, Mrs Beeker.
Have a nice day.
- Do we like her? - We try to like everybody, honey.
- NIGEL: Give her the note.
- SIMON: You think I should? - Sure, why not? It's really good.
- I don't know.
She's never going to know you like her if you don't tell her.
All right, here goes.
- Hey, Simon, what's this? - Hey, give me that! No.
"Dear Gabrielle.
How are you? I am fine.
I like you, do you like me?" "Check yes or no.
PS The corn was a good choice.
" Simon and Gabrielle sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! I never kissed her.
Maybe it was because you had corn breath.
Corn breath.
Busy? Actually, I'm having a little trouble working.
I wasn't crazy about that pasta and sauce.
I'm still hungry.
- I loved it.
- Oh.
What did you want to talk about? There's a rumour going around school.
- About Mary and Richard? - No, about you.
- You're kidding.
- No, I'm not kidding.
I don't want to pry, but I don't want to see Mom get hurt.
There's nothing going on.
I'd like to tell you what I was doing at that hotel, - but I can't, it's confidential.
- All right.
I just thought you ought to know everyone in town is talking.
Then they'll just have to talk.
- What are we doing? - Nothing, I'm just not feeling well.
You taking your temperature? Yeah, I think I'm like 110 or something.
- No, it's normal.
- What? That can't be right.
Maybe you didn't hold it up to the light long enough.
You want to tell me what's really going on? Did something happen at school yesterday? I think I got a hold of some bad corn.
I see.
So this has nothing to do with Gabrielle? Uh - Who? - You know, the woman you love.
You know, I think you could stay home from school one day.
These corn problems usually don't last more than 24 hours.
Thanks, Mom.
- [SIGHS.]
Would you hurry up? - What? Did you wake up with your clothes on? - You've been ready for ages.
- I just want to get to school.
- Why? - So I can get home and see Richard.
- I've got a study date.
- A what? - We're studying.
- Yeah, right.
How'd you get that one past Mom and Dad? - Actually, they suggested it.
- Really? You think I could get them to suggest a study date for Jimmy and me? - No.
- Why not? Because you and Jimmy aren't even dating, so there's no reason to have a date, and Richard and I are older and we're more serious about each other.
So how serious is it? - You were listening? - Not really listening, just overhearing as I was passing by.
You know, you're really getting good at sneaking around, aren't you? You mad at me, too? I wouldn't say mad, more like curious.
I'd need more information to be mad.
When I counsel people, what they tell me is confidential.
If I told everybody's problems, nobody would trust me.
Yeah, I know.
So, this thing with Mary and Richard is getting serious, huh? Dad, you don't really expect me to answer that, do you? No, it was more of a parental rhetorical question.
So are we done? I need to get ready for school.
Yeah, that should just about do it.
Nice talking to you.
- Sorry.
- I really love you.
We should meet here more often.
Do you want to come home for lunch? I'll fix something special.
Oh, boy.
As tempting as that sounds, I've already made lunch plans.
Hey, Dad, there's a guy downstairs who wants to see you.
Jake something.
Stay up here with the kids, OK? OK.
So, sit down.
What can I do for you? I'll get to the point.
Rumour has it you and my wife are having an affair.
I've heard those rumours.
I wonder who started them.
I don't know.
The funny thing about rumours is they're often based on truth.
I think we both know this one isn't.
Look, it wasn't easy for me to come here, and I apologise if I've unjustly accused you, but you should know this is not the first time.
Abby's done this before.
Abby's done what before? God.
This is so hard for me to say because I love her so much, but Abby has a problem.
She makes up these crazy stories about how I mistreat her, she gets some guy to sympathise with her, then she ends up in bed with him.
Surprised you haven't divorced her.
Yeah, well, I don't believe in divorce.
But, I mean, if she's cheating on you.
We tried a therapist.
Every time she makes progress, she quits.
- Why do you suppose that is? - I don't know.
I suppose it's because Abby had an abusive father - and she's never come to terms with it.
- I thought he died when she was young.
No, no, no.
I'm sure she wished he had.
That's so sad.
You know, I wonder if with all that you've been through, maybe you should get some counselling.
Me? No, no, no.
No, I'm OK.
I can deal with the disappointments.
The important thing is for her to get better.
If you should see her or talk to her, will you please tell her to come home? If she doesn't want to see me, I could give her the house to herself, maybe go to my parents' or something.
I just want this to work out.
Same time next week.
Drugs? Cos if you're doing drugs, you've seen my sister for the last time.
- What's this? - It's a book report.
I don't have a computer or a typewriter, so I have to pay someone to type for me.
I guess I made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
I've just got a lot of stuff going on with my family right now.
Come on.
That stupid rumour about your dad? I've only been around him a few weeks and I know it isn't true.
I know, it's just bugging me.
There's an explanation for everything.
- C'mon.
Don't open it unless you know who it is.
I won't, honey.
Thank you.
Who is it? Mrs Beeker.
- Hi.
Hello, Mrs Beeker.
I was in the mood to cook and thought you'd like a casserole.
- Thank you.
- Is the Reverend home? - No, he's not.
- Oh, darn.
You know, I bet that was him going into the hotel on Third Street.
I would've stopped, but I couldn't imagine what he was doing there so I just brushed it off.
I really do need to speak to him.
Is there anything I can do, Mrs Beeker? Oh, no, dear.
Is there anything I can do for you? You can take this casserole and give it to the needy.
I I - Do we still like her? - Yes.
So what are you studying now? The Steppe people.
You know, Siberia.
What are you studying? You.
Shouldn't you at least look at your geography homework? No, it might be distracting.
Pay no attention to me.
Just do whatever you do normally when I'm not here.
Yeah, well, hurry up, will you? - Would this make me sick? - Probably.
ANNIE: Simon! - Uh-oh.
Yeah, Mom? I told you to stay out of there while they're studying.
- They are studying, aren't they? - If you say so, Mom.
Never mind.
Why did you go in there anyway? Does your stomach hurt? Do you want something to eat? No, but it might hurt in the morning.
No, you have to go back tomorrow.
- Something you want to tell me? - No, I wanted to ask you something.
What is it, honey? How come Dad didn't come home for dinner? I don't know.
I hope he's OK.
I'm sure he is.
He could have what I have.
I'm just guessing.
Hi, I'm supposed to meet my wife here, it's our anniversary.
But I forgot what room she said she was in.
- It's under the name Abby Morris? - Abby Morris.
Let's see.
She checked out.
- How do you know? - Give it up, Jake.
- You're not fooling anybody.
- Is there a problem here, Reverend? Yeah.
Would you show this guy out? Forget it.
I'm going.
- Is Abby in her room? - Yeah.
I was with her in the coffee shop when he pulled up.
- I sent her upstairs.
- Thanks.
I appreciate it.
- Keep an eye out, OK? - Don't you worry about a thing.
Shouldn't you be doing your homework? Sorry, it's not that I didn't trust you, it's just It's OK.
You were just looking out for your mom.
I like that.
So, what are you going to do now? I guess I'll just wait around here for a while.
Is that woman going to be OK? I don't know.
I hope so.
You want me to follow that guy? Well, I appreciate the offer, but I don't think following is your strong suit.
Where'd I go wrong? It's pretty easy spotting a blue station wagon under a street light.
- You saw me? - Yeah.
- What was for dinner? I'm starving.
- That garlic roasted chicken thing.
Ooh, that's one of my favourites.
Well, don't get too excited.
I think Mom gave your piece to Happy.
You want to go and toss the ball around? I need some fresh air.
- No, I can't.
We have to study.
- [PHONE.]
- Want me to get that? - Believe me, somebody will pick it up.
Come on, can't we just go outside for two minutes, please? I'll take you to a chick movie this weekend, any one you want to see.
I don't want to see a chick movie either.
That's what I like about you.
How about if I let you wear my football jacket? You already promised me that.
- I could help you with your hook shot.
- I don't need help on my hook shot.
Can I see you in the living room for a minute, please? Did you forget to get your math test signed? Yeah.
I was going to give it to you this morning.
Mrs McMillan called and said your grades have been going down for three weeks.
The class has gotten harder the past three weeks.
If you paid as much attention to geometry as to Richard - Mom.
- No more study dates until your grades improve.
Get your test and I'll sign it.
And tell Richard I'll be back in a minute.
Please don't act mad at him, or you'll scare him away.
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- is on - Hi.
- Hi, Mrs Camden.
Where's Mary? - She'll be back in a second.
- She forgot to get a math test signed.
- She's having a hard time with it.
Have a seat.
What are you studying? Just some stupid geography thing.
That was my worst subject.
I never knew north from south, east from west.
Would you like me to get you a tutor? There's an old lady at church called Sarah.
She's a retired teacher.
She could help you, and nobody would have to know.
Geography's not really my problem.
My problem is I can't read too well.
Well, she could help you with that, too.
- I'm a little old, don't you think? - Not at all.
Sarah didn't learn to read until she was 40.
Her husband died.
She went to school and college.
She taught GED courses at an adult high school.
She's retired now, and frankly, she needs something to do.
- It just makes me feel so stupid.
- You're not stupid.
I'll give you her phone number.
She'll have you feeling better in no time.
Plus she's a big football fan.
That's really nice of you.
I just don't know if I can do it.
Don't know if you can do what? I was just talking to Richard, saying he should grow a moustache, but he doesn't know if he can do it.
Here, Mom, you want to sign this? Hang in there, Mare.
You can pull it up.
I guess she's going through mood swings.
Yeah, me too.
- I've gotta go.
- Wait.
Aren't you going to kiss me? Not until those math grades come up.
On the count of three, I want you to hit me over the head with this.
That's Happy's shoe.
One, two No.
Try this.
That's the nursery rhyme book.
One No.
This'll work.
Now, hold still.
No, wait.
- This'll never work! - I could've done it.
- Brush your teeth while I see Simon.
- OK.
But he's just going to try to get you to hit him.
I never have any fun.
Simon, what are you doing? Well, I was trying to get Ruthie to knock me out so I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow.
But then I realised I could get hurt.
What happened with you and Gabrielle? Well, I sent her a love letter and it was intercepted.
- What did it say? - That the corn was a good choice.
You should always ask a woman's opinion in the matters of the heart.
- I did not want to tell Mom.
- I meant me.
Look, you have to go back to school tomorrow.
But if I know kids, they'll have forgotten about it, some other kid will have made a fool of himself.
You think so? You know someone threw up or something today.
So by tomorrow you'll be off the hook.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry I forgot to call.
That's OK.
- I thought you gave my piece to Happy.
- I did, but there was still some left.
- Look - I'm fine.
You don't have to explain.
I'd usually keep this stuff to myself, but Abby wants me to tell you.
She's really uncomfortable with all these rumours that are going around.
I don't listen to rumours, you know that.
Just the same, I'm really sorry about all this gossip.
So what's really going on? Abby's husband abuses her.
He has for years.
I'm surprised.
Kind of.
Kind of? Now that I think about it, all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit.
I'm always trying to get Abby involved in the women's groups, but she always says that Jake doesn't like that kind of thing.
Abby has a degree in business and she says that Jake doesn't want her to work.
They have plenty of money, he makes a good living, yet they only have one car.
And she doesn't have any close friends.
It's all there.
When I think of him bringing her to church every week, pretending to be this solid upstanding citizen.
Men who abuse women are such cowards.
- They're also criminals.
- What are you going to do? It's Abby who's got to do something.
Hey, Simon, what's the matter? Were you out yesterday because you were lovesick? I see London, I see France I see Mark's underpants.
- Shut up.
- Thank you! They've got cowboys on them too! Giddy up, partner! Here.
Put this around you.
Don't worry, pal.
After tomorrow, they'll forget all about it.
Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? - Sure.
What's going on? - Nothing.
- Your mom seems really nice.
- Yeah, she can be.
Did she say anything about me last night after I left? - No, why? - I just thought she might.
Don't worry, she likes you.
She's just not very happy with my grades right now, that's all.
Yeah, I'm not doing that great myself.
So I thought maybe we should study separately during the week.
- Is something wrong? - No.
I've got something I have to do.
- And I have to do it without you.
- OK.
OK? That's it? You don't want to know what it is? I trust you.
I don't have to know what it is.
Are you sure you're 14? - Hi, guys, how was school? - Great.
A guy split his pants.
- What did I tell you? - Mom, Richard thinks you're cool.
Hi, Mom.
Dad just pulled up behind us.
He's with that woman friend.
So when you find out your husband is with another woman, you clean? - Yes.
Help me.
- I'm not done.
That's OK, we'll play later, honey.
Hi, Abby, how are you? You know Matt and Ruthie.
- Hi.
- Where you going? I'm moving to New York.
I have a sister there.
Is that all you're taking? For right now.
- I'll get that.
- Can I get you anything to drink? Sure.
- JAKE: Where's my wife, Camden? - Call the police.
I want to talk to her right now.
I'm not leaving until she comes out here! Go home.
She doesn't want to see you.
I don't care, she's my wife.
She'll do what I tell her to do.
- Not anymore, she won't.
- Go home, Jake.
It's over.
It was over a long time ago.
- Hey, come here! - Hey.
- I'll never let you go.
You got that? - Jake.
I can't take it anymore.
You need help.
Hey, back off.
You don't want to go there.
Annie, Abby, go inside.
You can't keep me away from her.
I'll follow her to New York, you know.
I wish you would.
I've got a couple of friends who work outside the system.
You know the kind? Bad people who have turned good but who occasionally slip up.
They'd love to show you around New York.
She'll never press charges against me.
Where have you been, Jake? This is 1996.
Your wife doesn't have to press charges.
She's got two broken ribs.
That's enough for the cops.
They'll press the charges.
- Are you Jake Morris? - Yeah, I'm Jake Morris.
So what? You're under arrest.
Spousal abuse.
All right, let's go, Mr Morris.
You have the right to remain silent Dad.
That lady's husband hits her? I'm afraid so, Simon, but I don't think he'll ever hit her again.
I just don't think I have the strength to start a new life.
Yes, you do.
You'll find strength in friends and family, and Eric and I will be here for you whenever you need us.
You can call us from New York any time, and we'll call you.
We will not lose touch.
I promise.
- When? When there's no one left to see they're being picked up by their mother.
- There they are! - Finally.
- I got front.
- Why do I have to ride in the back? Why don't you just sit back there? Because you were just in the front.
Give me a break.
- Is it like this for you every day? - Heck no, Mom.
- Anyone crosses me, I put 'em out.
- Oh, I see.
- The car sounds good.
- For the $250 to fix, it should.
- How are you feeling? - Nervous.
You really think I should be doing this? Yes, I do.
Look! There's Daddy! He's going into the hotel with that woman.
I'm sure it has something to do with the church.
I'd sure like to know what.
- I'm glad you finally told me.
- I don't think I made the right choice.
- It's the right thing.
- I don't know.
It just seems to be getting worse, but it's not his fault, really.
- Abby.
- No.
It's not as if he hits me for no good reason.
I'm not good at making him happy and he loses his patience.
It's absolutely not your fault.
I can't keep the house the way he wants it.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
It's not you.
Something's wrong with him.
But he's just so nice to everybody else.
Yeah, that's the way men behave in these situations.
Look, I wish I could talk you into going to a women's shelter.
You'd be with women going through this.
I don't want anybody else to know.
Not yet, anyway.
Don't protect him from embarrassment when your life's in danger.
I don't think he'd really hurt me.
- You've got two broken ribs.
- I know.
He didn't mean to do it.
Maybe not, there's no telling what he won't mean to do next.
I don't know.
Maybe if I just had a bit of time alone I could make a decision.
Take as much time as you need to.
Are you sure it's OK to use the church's money? The family emergency fund is for family emergencies.
This is an emergency.
I can't think when he's screaming at me, and he's always screaming at me.
Sure you don't want to tell a friend? Maybe your sister in New York.
- Maybe I shouldn't have come here.
- Yes, you should have.
Unless you want to come home with me and stay with us.
- Annie would be happy to take you in.
- No, I really don't want her to know.
I need some time alone.
Well, let me know if there's anything else I can do.
- Get some rest.
- OK.
- What do you think Dad's up to? - Mom said it was church stuff.
What else was she going to say? Dad's at a hotel with that woman from church, and she's married.
What do I care? You shouldn't talk to Lucy about Dad, that's an adult conversation.
- What do you think about it? - I'll tell you when you're an adult.
If you didn't come in here to talk about Dad, what do you want? - I wanted to talk about Richard.
- Why? I thought you liked him.
- Not that it matters.
- Well, he's OK.
He's OK? He's a little more than OK.
I mean, he's practically the best player on the football team, and he's funny, and he's handsome, he's nice and he's a really good kisser.
That's the one.
That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
- What? - I just think you should take it slow.
Don't let him pressure you into anything.
- We're just kissing, that's all.
- Well, just keep it that way.
Well, what do you know that I don't know? He's really popular and he's been out with lots of girls, and he's more experienced than you are.
- That doesn't mean anything.
- It does.
- What does it mean? - It means be careful.
- Richard's a really nice guy.
- There are no really nice guys.
What's going on over there? Simon? Mom? Oh, I mean, yes, ma'am? Ma'am? Wow.
You must be in some kind of trouble.
Trouble? No, no trouble at all.
- You feel like talking? - Sure.
- What's up? - Is Dad dating or what? - No, your father's not dating.
- Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure.
Your dad works with women all the time, it's just part of his job.
- And that doesn't bother you? - No, it doesn't.
- I trust him.
- Really? Really.
- Well, speak of the devil.
- Hm? It's just a saying, Dad.
So how was your day? Anything interesting happen? No, nothing out of the usual.
- What's going on? - Nothing.
Dinner will be ready in about an hour.
I'll just leave you two lovebirds alone.
Hey, Simon.
- Look who's back.
- Hey, Richard.
- How's it going? - Great.
- Richard, what brings you by? - I just came from practice.
I thought maybe we could throw the ball around.
I see.
Actually, it's been a long day.
Maybe some other time.
- I'll throw the ball.
- Finished your homework? Almost.
- I think you lost that one, Dad.
- What do you think of him? Richard? He seems OK.
You think so? Dad, she's 14.
The way I figure it, there'll be a Richard a month for the next ten years.
Ten, hut, hut! - Stop! Don't you dare tackle me.
- I was going to kiss you.
I still am.
- You can't.
- Why not? - Not here.
Somebody might see us.
- So? I'm in enough trouble.
I got a "C" on my math test and I have to get it signed.
A "C" sounds OK to me.
You'll get a basketball scholarship to college.
- I can't count on a scholarship.
- Sure you can.
- I have to keep my grades up.
- You should relax, like me.
- You'll get a football scholarship.
- I hope so.
- Or I couldn't afford it.
- What'll you major in? You.
- What? - Do you believe in love at first sight? Absolutely.
That's what happened with me and Jimmy Moon.
I heard that he liked me, and I knew who he was and everything, but there was that one moment, that one very special moment, when I was standing outside of school talking to my friends, then he walked by, almost brushing my shoulder.
At first, he just kept walking, but then, as I was about to give up hope, he turned back and our eyes met.
It was like lightning striking us both at the same millisecond in time.
Yet we were the only two who noticed.
And it was over as quickly as Thanks for listening.
What are we doing? You wouldn't understand.
I might.
Do you believe in love at first sight, Ruthie? I don't remember the first time I looked at anyone.
Yeah, but do you think it's possible for a man to look at a woman and know that he's in love right then and there? - Sure.
- Really? I guess it could happen.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
Look, you can't tell anyone, OK? There's this new girl at school, her name is Gabrielle, and I think this could be the one woman I could love for the rest of my life, outside of Mom.
Then why can't I tell anyone? Because everyone else would think it's stupid.
- That's why I'm only telling you, OK? - OK.
Would you still love me, too? And Mary and Lucy.
- Some game last night, huh? - Richard likes the Bears this year.
Did he like them before or after they beat Dallas? - Before.
- Oh.
I'm in the pigskin pool at church.
Richard says they have great defence.
A lot of speed.
But not a lot of size.
Jimmy says it's fast but small, good for blitzing.
Yeah, but Gabrielle says that - Gabrielle? Who's Gabrielle? - No one.
Well, she must be someone.
- No, she's not.
- Come on, tell us who she is.
Maybe Simon will tell you who Gabrielle is if you tell us who that woman was at the hotel.
Are you sure you understand why I can't tell you what I was doing there? We've been married for 18 years.
I'm aware that your counselling work is confidential.
So then we're OK? Oh, yeah, we're more than OK.
So what time will you be home? Uh I don't know.
Why? I'm making pasta with a cream sauce.
I don't want to cook it too long.
- When do you want me home? - Whenever.
- Would five o'clock be all right? - Five, that's good.
OK, see you then.
- Is it a cream sauce I like? - Not particularly, but the kids do.
See you later.
What're you having, sonny, peas or corn? [CLEARS THROAT.]
I said, peas or corn? I'll have what she's having.
Did Jake get in touch with you? I called him to let him know that I was gonna take a break for a couple of days.
- He accused me of having an affair.
- He knows you're not having an affair.
He's really angry.
Thought about calling your sister? No, no, I can't.
If I call her and I don't go to New York, - she'll come here and make it worse.
- Abby.
I can't call her until I'm sure I'm going to leave.
And I don't know how I'm going to do that.
I don't have any money, I haven't worked in years.
I don't know how I'd get by.
I'm sure that you're capable of taking care of yourself.
I haven't done such a great job of it so far, have I? It's hard when you're being told you're worthless all the time.
You were taking care of yourself when you came and told me about Jake.
He says that if I divorce him, I'll go to hell.
I promised to stay with him until death.
Him who? The real Jake or the Jake you thought you were marrying? Don't you see? God knows who Jake Morris is, but you're just finding out.
Would you take those vows again now that you know the truth? - No, I wouldn't.
- That's a good answer.
You made a decision based on a lie.
Nothing says you can't make a new decision based on the truth.
Annie: How much is that doggie in the window? Ruthie: The one with the waggly tail - [GASPS.]
Oh, hello.
- Hi, Mrs Beeker, how are you? Oh, I'm fine.
Hi, Ruthie.
Who's your little friend here? - That's our dog.
Yes, I see.
How's the Reverend? - Oh, he's just fine.
- Of course he is.
But it must be so hard on you with a husband who has to spend so much time with his parishioners day after day.
I don't mind, it's just part of his job.
You should feel free to call him any time you need.
Good day, Mrs Beeker.
Did you hear that that lovely couple Jake and Abby Morris are splitting up? No, I hadn't heard.
Well, I don't understand it at all.
He is such a darling man, and he works so hard.
Well, it happens.
You know, the rumour is, Abby's having an affair.
- I really don't listen to rumours.
- Oh? Well, perhaps you should.
Goodbye, Mrs Beeker.
Have a nice day.
- Do we like her? - We try to like everybody, honey.
- NIGEL: Give her the note.
- SIMON: You think I should? - Sure, why not? It's really good.
- I don't know.
She's never going to know you like her if you don't tell her.
All right, here goes.
- Hey, Simon, what's this? - Hey, give me that! No.
"Dear Gabrielle.
How are you? I am fine.
I like you, do you like me?" "Check yes or no.
PS The corn was a good choice.
" Simon and Gabrielle sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g! I never kissed her.
Maybe it was because you had corn breath.
Corn breath.
Busy? Actually, I'm having a little trouble working.
I wasn't crazy about that pasta and sauce.
I'm still hungry.
- I loved it.
- Oh.
What did you want to talk about? There's a rumour going around school.
- About Mary and Richard? - No, about you.
- You're kidding.
- No, I'm not kidding.
I don't want to pry, but I don't want to see Mom get hurt.
There's nothing going on.
I'd like to tell you what I was doing at that hotel, - but I can't, it's confidential.
- All right.
I just thought you ought to know everyone in town is talking.
Then they'll just have to talk.
- What are we doing? - Nothing, I'm just not feeling well.
You taking your temperature? Yeah, I think I'm like 110 or something.
- No, it's normal.
- What? That can't be right.
Maybe you didn't hold it up to the light long enough.
You want to tell me what's really going on? Did something happen at school yesterday? I think I got a hold of some bad corn.
I see.
So this has nothing to do with Gabrielle? Uh - Who? - You know, the woman you love.
You know, I think you could stay home from school one day.
These corn problems usually don't last more than 24 hours.
Thanks, Mom.
- [SIGHS.]
Would you hurry up? - What? Did you wake up with your clothes on? - You've been ready for ages.
- I just want to get to school.
- Why? - So I can get home and see Richard.
- I've got a study date.
- A what? - We're studying.
- Yeah, right.
How'd you get that one past Mom and Dad? - Actually, they suggested it.
- Really? You think I could get them to suggest a study date for Jimmy and me? - No.
- Why not? Because you and Jimmy aren't even dating, so there's no reason to have a date, and Richard and I are older and we're more serious about each other.
So how serious is it? - You were listening? - Not really listening, just overhearing as I was passing by.
You know, you're really getting good at sneaking around, aren't you? You mad at me, too? I wouldn't say mad, more like curious.
I'd need more information to be mad.
When I counsel people, what they tell me is confidential.
If I told everybody's problems, nobody would trust me.
Yeah, I know.
So, this thing with Mary and Richard is getting serious, huh? Dad, you don't really expect me to answer that, do you? No, it was more of a parental rhetorical question.
So are we done? I need to get ready for school.
Yeah, that should just about do it.
Nice talking to you.
- Sorry.
- I really love you.
We should meet here more often.
Do you want to come home for lunch? I'll fix something special.
Oh, boy.
As tempting as that sounds, I've already made lunch plans.
Hey, Dad, there's a guy downstairs who wants to see you.
Jake something.
Stay up here with the kids, OK? OK.
So, sit down.
What can I do for you? I'll get to the point.
Rumour has it you and my wife are having an affair.
I've heard those rumours.
I wonder who started them.
I don't know.
The funny thing about rumours is they're often based on truth.
I think we both know this one isn't.
Look, it wasn't easy for me to come here, and I apologise if I've unjustly accused you, but you should know this is not the first time.
Abby's done this before.
Abby's done what before? God.
This is so hard for me to say because I love her so much, but Abby has a problem.
She makes up these crazy stories about how I mistreat her, she gets some guy to sympathise with her, then she ends up in bed with him.
Surprised you haven't divorced her.
Yeah, well, I don't believe in divorce.
But, I mean, if she's cheating on you.
We tried a therapist.
Every time she makes progress, she quits.
- Why do you suppose that is? - I don't know.
I suppose it's because Abby had an abusive father - and she's never come to terms with it.
- I thought he died when she was young.
No, no, no.
I'm sure she wished he had.
That's so sad.
You know, I wonder if with all that you've been through, maybe you should get some counselling.
Me? No, no, no.
No, I'm OK.
I can deal with the disappointments.
The important thing is for her to get better.
If you should see her or talk to her, will you please tell her to come home? If she doesn't want to see me, I could give her the house to herself, maybe go to my parents' or something.
I just want this to work out.
Same time next week.
Drugs? Cos if you're doing drugs, you've seen my sister for the last time.
- What's this? - It's a book report.
I don't have a computer or a typewriter, so I have to pay someone to type for me.
I guess I made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
I've just got a lot of stuff going on with my family right now.
Come on.
That stupid rumour about your dad? I've only been around him a few weeks and I know it isn't true.
I know, it's just bugging me.
There's an explanation for everything.
- C'mon.
Don't open it unless you know who it is.
I won't, honey.
Thank you.
Who is it? Mrs Beeker.
- Hi.
Hello, Mrs Beeker.
I was in the mood to cook and thought you'd like a casserole.
- Thank you.
- Is the Reverend home? - No, he's not.
- Oh, darn.
You know, I bet that was him going into the hotel on Third Street.
I would've stopped, but I couldn't imagine what he was doing there so I just brushed it off.
I really do need to speak to him.
Is there anything I can do, Mrs Beeker? Oh, no, dear.
Is there anything I can do for you? You can take this casserole and give it to the needy.
I I - Do we still like her? - Yes.
So what are you studying now? The Steppe people.
You know, Siberia.
What are you studying? You.
Shouldn't you at least look at your geography homework? No, it might be distracting.
Pay no attention to me.
Just do whatever you do normally when I'm not here.
Yeah, well, hurry up, will you? - Would this make me sick? - Probably.
ANNIE: Simon! - Uh-oh.
Yeah, Mom? I told you to stay out of there while they're studying.
- They are studying, aren't they? - If you say so, Mom.
Never mind.
Why did you go in there anyway? Does your stomach hurt? Do you want something to eat? No, but it might hurt in the morning.
No, you have to go back tomorrow.
- Something you want to tell me? - No, I wanted to ask you something.
What is it, honey? How come Dad didn't come home for dinner? I don't know.
I hope he's OK.
I'm sure he is.
He could have what I have.
I'm just guessing.
Hi, I'm supposed to meet my wife here, it's our anniversary.
But I forgot what room she said she was in.
- It's under the name Abby Morris? - Abby Morris.
Let's see.
She checked out.
- How do you know? - Give it up, Jake.
- You're not fooling anybody.
- Is there a problem here, Reverend? Yeah.
Would you show this guy out? Forget it.
I'm going.
- Is Abby in her room? - Yeah.
I was with her in the coffee shop when he pulled up.
- I sent her upstairs.
- Thanks.
I appreciate it.
- Keep an eye out, OK? - Don't you worry about a thing.
Shouldn't you be doing your homework? Sorry, it's not that I didn't trust you, it's just It's OK.
You were just looking out for your mom.
I like that.
So, what are you going to do now? I guess I'll just wait around here for a while.
Is that woman going to be OK? I don't know.
I hope so.
You want me to follow that guy? Well, I appreciate the offer, but I don't think following is your strong suit.
Where'd I go wrong? It's pretty easy spotting a blue station wagon under a street light.
- You saw me? - Yeah.
- What was for dinner? I'm starving.
- That garlic roasted chicken thing.
Ooh, that's one of my favourites.
Well, don't get too excited.
I think Mom gave your piece to Happy.
You want to go and toss the ball around? I need some fresh air.
- No, I can't.
We have to study.
- [PHONE.]
- Want me to get that? - Believe me, somebody will pick it up.
Come on, can't we just go outside for two minutes, please? I'll take you to a chick movie this weekend, any one you want to see.
I don't want to see a chick movie either.
That's what I like about you.
How about if I let you wear my football jacket? You already promised me that.
- I could help you with your hook shot.
- I don't need help on my hook shot.
Can I see you in the living room for a minute, please? Did you forget to get your math test signed? Yeah.
I was going to give it to you this morning.
Mrs McMillan called and said your grades have been going down for three weeks.
The class has gotten harder the past three weeks.
If you paid as much attention to geometry as to Richard - Mom.
- No more study dates until your grades improve.
Get your test and I'll sign it.
And tell Richard I'll be back in a minute.
Please don't act mad at him, or you'll scare him away.
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- is on - Hi.
- Hi, Mrs Camden.
Where's Mary? - She'll be back in a second.
- She forgot to get a math test signed.
- She's having a hard time with it.
Have a seat.
What are you studying? Just some stupid geography thing.
That was my worst subject.
I never knew north from south, east from west.
Would you like me to get you a tutor? There's an old lady at church called Sarah.
She's a retired teacher.
She could help you, and nobody would have to know.
Geography's not really my problem.
My problem is I can't read too well.
Well, she could help you with that, too.
- I'm a little old, don't you think? - Not at all.
Sarah didn't learn to read until she was 40.
Her husband died.
She went to school and college.
She taught GED courses at an adult high school.
She's retired now, and frankly, she needs something to do.
- It just makes me feel so stupid.
- You're not stupid.
I'll give you her phone number.
She'll have you feeling better in no time.
Plus she's a big football fan.
That's really nice of you.
I just don't know if I can do it.
Don't know if you can do what? I was just talking to Richard, saying he should grow a moustache, but he doesn't know if he can do it.
Here, Mom, you want to sign this? Hang in there, Mare.
You can pull it up.
I guess she's going through mood swings.
Yeah, me too.
- I've gotta go.
- Wait.
Aren't you going to kiss me? Not until those math grades come up.
On the count of three, I want you to hit me over the head with this.
That's Happy's shoe.
One, two No.
Try this.
That's the nursery rhyme book.
One No.
This'll work.
Now, hold still.
No, wait.
- This'll never work! - I could've done it.
- Brush your teeth while I see Simon.
- OK.
But he's just going to try to get you to hit him.
I never have any fun.
Simon, what are you doing? Well, I was trying to get Ruthie to knock me out so I wouldn't have to go to school tomorrow.
But then I realised I could get hurt.
What happened with you and Gabrielle? Well, I sent her a love letter and it was intercepted.
- What did it say? - That the corn was a good choice.
You should always ask a woman's opinion in the matters of the heart.
- I did not want to tell Mom.
- I meant me.
Look, you have to go back to school tomorrow.
But if I know kids, they'll have forgotten about it, some other kid will have made a fool of himself.
You think so? You know someone threw up or something today.
So by tomorrow you'll be off the hook.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I'm sorry I forgot to call.
That's OK.
- I thought you gave my piece to Happy.
- I did, but there was still some left.
- Look - I'm fine.
You don't have to explain.
I'd usually keep this stuff to myself, but Abby wants me to tell you.
She's really uncomfortable with all these rumours that are going around.
I don't listen to rumours, you know that.
Just the same, I'm really sorry about all this gossip.
So what's really going on? Abby's husband abuses her.
He has for years.
I'm surprised.
Kind of.
Kind of? Now that I think about it, all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fit.
I'm always trying to get Abby involved in the women's groups, but she always says that Jake doesn't like that kind of thing.
Abby has a degree in business and she says that Jake doesn't want her to work.
They have plenty of money, he makes a good living, yet they only have one car.
And she doesn't have any close friends.
It's all there.
When I think of him bringing her to church every week, pretending to be this solid upstanding citizen.
Men who abuse women are such cowards.
- They're also criminals.
- What are you going to do? It's Abby who's got to do something.
Hey, Simon, what's the matter? Were you out yesterday because you were lovesick? I see London, I see France I see Mark's underpants.
- Shut up.
- Thank you! They've got cowboys on them too! Giddy up, partner! Here.
Put this around you.
Don't worry, pal.
After tomorrow, they'll forget all about it.
Hey, can I talk to you for a minute? - Sure.
What's going on? - Nothing.
- Your mom seems really nice.
- Yeah, she can be.
Did she say anything about me last night after I left? - No, why? - I just thought she might.
Don't worry, she likes you.
She's just not very happy with my grades right now, that's all.
Yeah, I'm not doing that great myself.
So I thought maybe we should study separately during the week.
- Is something wrong? - No.
I've got something I have to do.
- And I have to do it without you.
- OK.
OK? That's it? You don't want to know what it is? I trust you.
I don't have to know what it is.
Are you sure you're 14? - Hi, guys, how was school? - Great.
A guy split his pants.
- What did I tell you? - Mom, Richard thinks you're cool.
Hi, Mom.
Dad just pulled up behind us.
He's with that woman friend.
So when you find out your husband is with another woman, you clean? - Yes.
Help me.
- I'm not done.
That's OK, we'll play later, honey.
Hi, Abby, how are you? You know Matt and Ruthie.
- Hi.
- Where you going? I'm moving to New York.
I have a sister there.
Is that all you're taking? For right now.
- I'll get that.
- Can I get you anything to drink? Sure.
- JAKE: Where's my wife, Camden? - Call the police.
I want to talk to her right now.
I'm not leaving until she comes out here! Go home.
She doesn't want to see you.
I don't care, she's my wife.
She'll do what I tell her to do.
- Not anymore, she won't.
- Go home, Jake.
It's over.
It was over a long time ago.
- Hey, come here! - Hey.
- I'll never let you go.
You got that? - Jake.
I can't take it anymore.
You need help.
Hey, back off.
You don't want to go there.
Annie, Abby, go inside.
You can't keep me away from her.
I'll follow her to New York, you know.
I wish you would.
I've got a couple of friends who work outside the system.
You know the kind? Bad people who have turned good but who occasionally slip up.
They'd love to show you around New York.
She'll never press charges against me.
Where have you been, Jake? This is 1996.
Your wife doesn't have to press charges.
She's got two broken ribs.
That's enough for the cops.
They'll press the charges.
- Are you Jake Morris? - Yeah, I'm Jake Morris.
So what? You're under arrest.
Spousal abuse.
All right, let's go, Mr Morris.
You have the right to remain silent Dad.
That lady's husband hits her? I'm afraid so, Simon, but I don't think he'll ever hit her again.
I just don't think I have the strength to start a new life.
Yes, you do.
You'll find strength in friends and family, and Eric and I will be here for you whenever you need us.
You can call us from New York any time, and we'll call you.
We will not lose touch.
I promise.