A Shop for Killers (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

Listen Up, Ji An

Then, what? Are we supposed to wait
until sunrise?
Tell that unit to shoot during the night.
Don't worry. We'll move soon.
You said you'd finish this alone.
I guess you're not
as good as you used to be.
To be honest, it's embarrassing
that I had to bring you guys into this,
but piercing through that
is harder than you think.
It's like a fortress.
The boys who came before you are all dead.
So don't let your guard down,
and do your best.
Announcement to all residents.
From 21:00 hours to 04:00 hours,
firearm training
will be conducted on base.
It will cause some dust and noise,
and it may cause some inconvenience,
but please be understanding
of the military training
for national defense.
Perfect timing.
During the firearm training
What is all this?
It smells like gunpowder.
Jeong Jeong Jinman is shameless.
I've been living here for 14 years,
but he didn't tell me about this!
Why do these assholes keep hanging me up?
For fuck's sake! Damn it.
Don't die.
Death isn't something scary.
Death isn't something scary.
You liked my uncle, didn't you?
Where is it?
It's not the time for that.
Lee Seongjo will be back.
Lee Seongjo?
We have to get into the shopping mall.
No, we can't.
We can't go in right now.
Those ignorant bastards.
All they do is shoot their weapons.
How dare they take me for a sucker?
I'll show you what I can do, bastards.
We can't go inside
the shopping mall right now!
How many times do I have to tell you?
Why the hell are you yelling?
Why can't we go in?
I dug that underground tunnel.
We have to get inside to be safe.
No, the boss set booby traps
in there!
- What?
- Traps even you don't know about, Pasin!
The shopping mall
is designed to be operated by a manager
at all times.
So I was always there
when the boss was absent.
And the boss was there
when I was away at night sometimes.
In the last 14 years,
it's never been left unattended.
And you're another registered manager,
Jeong Jian.
That's why I told you not to leave!
Damn it.
What if a manager leaves?
Restart protocol.
No manager means an emergency situation.
All the operations in the shopping mall
get shut down.
So how long does it take
for it to restart?
Precisely 24 hours.
We have about 20 hours
and 30 minutes left.
Then, what do we do now?
What's wrong?
Someone accessed the shopping mall server.
Do you think I only have
the video of Jeong Jinman's death?
Let's see who wins.
I want to take a shower. Fuck.
Damn it.
Are you a killer too, then?
Jian, I'm glad you're alive.
Promise me
you'll tell me everything later.
This is the first thing
your brother taught me.
No matter what you do,
you'll be more at ease on a full stomach.
Eat this first.
You brothers are so different.
Honda was tech illiterate.
I think it's him, Jian!
What did you do to him?
What are you talking about? I tied him up.
Is there someone in the shopping mall?
I should've taken him out earlier.
What's wrong? What's going on?
I told you not to trust Bae Jeongmin!
Who's Bae Jeongmin?
He said he was friends with Jian.
What were you doing?
How do I know?
I've never seen him either.
Can't you do something?
Is it broken?
It might do something strange.
Just shoot it.
Hide in the bathroom passageway!
What the hell?
This is so embarrassing.
It's Minhye's turn to suffer.
You're coming to hell with me.
We have no plans of going today.
I knew it. Jeong sure was thorough.
Attain enlightenment, Kuma.
When you were young,
you were in a similar situation with me.
Do you remember?
What do you call something like this?
What was it?
Déjà vu?
You weren't even ten back then,
but you managed to escape out the window.
I was very impressed, you know.
But there are no windows
to jump out of here.
where could Jian be hiding?
A bayonet?
You haven't seen me in a while.
You should ask me how I'm doing first.
Shouldn't you?
I won't kill you right now.
I still have a use for you.
What the hell was that?
That hurt, asshole!
Goodness, Jian.
Jeong Jian!
Hurry up and run!
You have to live!
Damn it.
What's this?
Are you on death row?
Jian, run!
Get out of here!
Attain enlightenment.
I'll see you later.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Listen up, Jian.
Damn it. I told them to be careful.
Minhye, that bitch. She used poison.
No matter how seasoned a wolf is,
it can't outsmart a fox.
Look at that.
What's this?
Hello, baby.
Look at you,
all grown up.
Don't move, you son of a bitch.
I bet you're curious
about a lot of things.
You have no idea what's going on, do you?
That's why you're standing there
and not shooting.
Am I right?
Was it you?
The one who killed my parents.
Is that what you want to know?
Well, that's
It's quite complicated.
You know.
Do you think your uncle was a good person?
Shut up and just answer me!
You fuckers.
You took me for a sucker, didn't you?
You bitches!
Babylon, you sons of bitches!
I'm the one that killed Jeong Jinman.
But you're trying
to take credit for it. Fuck.
Do you take me for a fool?
Who the hell is that whacko?
What did you do? You fucking losers!
Jeong Jian.
You were just a mute bitch as a child.
But you look down on me
just because you learned how to fight.
You fucking bitch!
Where are you hiding?
Come out!
What's wrong with this?
What's wrong? It's not firing?
Using bullets on someone like you
would be a waste.
It wasn't me.
It really wasn't me.
Damn it.
What? Is this it?
Wait, was he
Goodness. We must've been
on the same side.
I wouldn't have killed him
if he'd kept his mouth shut.
You will attain enlightenment.
All right.
If you wanted me to take over,
you could've left me the key!
Damn it!
I'm inside too.
Oh, my He made this here?
Jeong really was incredible.
But why is it so hot in here?
Wow, I wonder how many years
it took him to build all of this.
I bet it cost him a fortune.
Baby, hang in there for a bit.
How much is all of this?
I can see why Babylon got involved.
You're good at dodging, aren't you?
You're so good that I want to recruit you
and put you on my team.
Jian, be careful.
This is very expensive.
By the way, I'm so sorry
about your parents.
They seemed like nice people.
But there's something you should know.
Your uncle went around
killing a lot of people too.
We were all in one team.
All those people he killed
must've had families too, right?
Just like your mom and dad.
Well, I grew up in an orphanage,
so I wouldn't know much about it.
my team was like family to me,
but your uncle ruined everything.
So don't resent us.
Blame your uncle, okay?
Let's be honest. It's messed up.
He died
and left the suffering to his young niece
who should be spending her time
studying and dating.
My, my. I know that sound.
It sounds like you're out of bullets.
My goodness.
This place is packed with weapons.
But there's nothing
for our niece to use, is there?
If you want to run away
from this situation,
use the back door that leads
to an escape route to run away.
You'll have a new identity.
You'll be able to forget everything
about this life and start over.
I thought I was going to die.
Where are you?
Damn, I'm too old to be doing
something like this with a kid.
When are we going to hell again?
-Not today!
-Not today!
When I used to work
with your uncle,
we came up with a slogan.
"Let's not go to hell today."
He always said it,
but he was the first to go.
I'm no different from Jeong.
We're all destined
to go to hell.
But you have a choice, Jian.
Your uncle's already in hell anyway,
and this place, well
Babylon will take care of it soon.
But you
You can leave this place quietly
and live a normal life, right?
if you try to get revenge
and try to fight me,
then, you'll be destined
to the same fate
as your uncle and me.
Destined to go to hell.
Do you get it?
Once you taste blood,
you'll end up rotting in hell
for all eternity.
You'll never attain enlightenment.
Wow, Jeong taught her well.
Hey, gold tooth.
Are you sure you can shoot that?
That gun isn't for just anyone.
You've never shot anyone, have you?
I haven't.
Oh, shit!
Do you really think
you can go to hell like that?
Attain enlightenment!
Minhye, wake up.
Jeong Jian?
My goodness.
Lee Seongjo
Are you okay?
What about Master Pasin and Minhye?
They're alive!
Bae Jeongmin, that asshole.
He sure was good.
I can't believe he got through this.
What's this?
What is that?
Killers who used to
do business with the boss, maybe?
Shit! They already started!
I told you we had to hurry up!
Chungsik, how could you
be still so clueless?
You suffer damages
showing up early to a party like this.
Just show up at the appropriate time
and get the targets.
Watch how I do, and learn, got it?
- Let's go make some money!
- Let's go!
Hey, Choi Yeongik!
How have you been?
Who do we get first?
Are all the targets gathered?
Why would I tell you that?
Figure it out yourselves.
Yeongik, you'll get a bellyache
if you're too greedy.
It would hurt me more to see you take it.
Whatever. Anyway, I'll give up Minhye.
You take her if you have a death wish.
Hey, guys. Long time no see!
Don't you have work in the morning?
You guys are working so hard.
Leave them.
They're at that age.
It's Babylon.
It's Babylon!
They put all of us on the hit list.
They're all those
who used to do business with us.
all those people
are on their way to kill us?
Jeong Jian.
What are you going to do now?
Did you just ask me?
Of course!
You're the owner now!
- Follow me.
- Why?
- Open it.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
What are you going to do with that?
Where's Jian?
They've sent more men.
It means she's still alive.
Don't worry.
They can't get into the shopping mall.
This place is a mess.
Are you sure
Jeong Jinman's niece is in here?
Even if she isn't,
collecting the weapons alone is a win.
Where's the shopping mall?
Can you hear me?
It's nice to meet you, shoppers.
I'm the new owner of murthehelp,
Jeong Jinman's niece, Jeong Jian.
I want to start by offering a gift
to the shoppers who came all this way.
Lee Seongjo?
That's right.
It's Lee Seongjo
whom I killed not too long ago.
Lee Seongjo?
Six in the warehouse.
Six in the living room.
Six more in the garden.
There are a total of 18 Code Red shoppers.
I'd like to make you an offer.
If you leave right now,
nothing will happen to you.
As for the four-million-dollar bounty
Babylon offered,
I will divide it evenly and wire it
to each of you without tax deductions.
As you did with my uncle, Jeong Jinman,
you may do business with me.
Your codes will be maintained.
Every once in a while,
I promise to give you discounts
and a better price than Jeong Jinman did.
if you don't give up
and keep trying to take this place,
all of you
will die here.
I will count to three, and you can decide.
Won't it be inconvenient
without this place?
Plus, she'll pay us tax-free.
Only Babylon will benefit from this.
She's definitely Jeong Jinman's niece.
Jeong Jian is good.
Right, we all get a cut.
There's no income deduction.
It's not bad.
Never again.
Don't make me do something
like that again.
I should go out there.
Stop coming here, you sons of bitches!
Are you okay?
We're in charge of cleaning up.
Code Yellow?
It's still dangerous, so you should
stay inside the shopping mall.
Sir. Something's coming this way.
You should stay here.
It's okay.
Are they one of ours?
No, we can't confirm that.
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