A Sign of Affection (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

One Small Step

Let me introduce you to
My girlfriend.
Your girlfriend?
Maybe he didn't want us
showing up all of a sudden?
Have I met her somewhere?
Kyoya's cafe.
You were drunk, though.
Wanna come in?
You okay with that? Or not?
Hey, that hurts.
I'm a bit scared,
stepping into a new world
But I'm sure it's going to be okay.
Our breath is white under the blue stars
In the scenery reflected in your eyes
Even if the color is different
In the world you're in
And the world I'm in
There are no such things
As borders anywhere
Our hands shiver in the swirling
Falling snow
But if they touch, our fingertips warm
It is embarrassing but I want
This feeling of our beating hearts
To remain like this forever
I've been searching for
How to express my love
That confession that
Only the two of us understand
Find me in the world you see
I chant it silently in my heart
What a collection.
I wonder how many CDs he has.
So cute!
How long was your trip this time?
-Around a month.
Shoot, I only got alcohol.
Does she drink?
Nope. She's still 19.
Same college?
Yup. Your British rock collection's
gotten bigger.
Wanna borrow some?
What kind of music does she listen to?
Yuki can't hear.
What do you mean?
She's been deaf since birth.
How do you communicate?
Wanna sit?
Yuki reads lips
or types messages on her phone.
We've also been signing each other
more lately.
Sign language
What's wrong, Emma?
Is it Itsu-kun again?
That's right!
It looks like
he's studying something new again.
Oh, really?
Yup. Sign language, I think?
It all makes sense now.
So, who asked who out?
You know, I always thought
your next girlfriend would be a foreigner.
Well, I thought I wouldn't be
in a relationship for a while.
Ever since I met Yuki, I've
always wanted to see her
whenever I can.
Even when Kyoya
and her friend were there,
I always tried to be alone with her.
I've never seen you that way
with a girl before, Itsu-kun.
Ms. Girlfriend.
Can you. Understand. Me?
Do you like Itsu-kun?
I guess I've never told him I liked him.
Do I have to tell him here? Right now?
I like you.
Was that sign language?
I don't know what that sign means,
but I can tell what she meant.
I'm happy for you, Itsu-kun.
I managed to get my feelings across.
I'll tell Emma for you.
I think it'll be too much of a shock
if she hears it from you.
Got it.
How do I tell her without hurting her?
Ever since we were in high school,
I always knew she was in love with you.
I wonder if she'll stop for us.
What are you going to do, Shin?
Me and Emma
have been friends for too long.
I don't think bringing it up
will change anything.
I've always waited
For so many years.
And that's not going to change.
They're probably talking
about something important.
I tried to avoid looking at their mouths.
Your roots are growing out.
Stop by the shop
so I can dye them for you.
Yeah, got it.
I'm sure you two have it rough,
but I'm rooting for you.
What did she say?
Take. Care. Of. Itsu-kun. Okay?
That's my Shin.
Since when was I ever yours?
Am I wrong?
I was so nervous.
Shin-san seems like a nice person, though.
Yuki. Were you nervous?
Is that the sign for "nervous?"
By the way
You misunderstood me
back at the crossing, didn't you?
"Chu" as in smooch, and "gyu" as in hug.
I knew it.
Was that some kind
of foreign greeting?
Nah, you just looked like
a cute little ermine back there.
An ermine
I'll give you a signal next time
so I won't shock you like earlier.
A signal?
Like this.
So he's going to kiss me
the next time he does that?
You can pinch me, too,
if you want to kiss.
No way, that's too embarrassing!
You'll get used to it.
We've got plenty of time.
It's rare for you
to call me at this hour.
I'll be coming to your cafe alone tonight.
Sure. Did you call just to tell me that?
Itsu-kun introduced me
to his girlfriend earlier.
He didn't waste any time
showing her off after he got back.
I never knew
Itsu-kun could look like that.
You think I should try asking Emma out?
You okay?
For real? Finally?
I've always thought Itsu-kun
had a thing for Emma deep down.
Nah, I really don't think so.
I think Emma-chan's
actually been waiting for you.
I really don't think so.
You think?
Anyway, see you later.
See ya.
Emma, when's your next day off?
I want to talk
What's this? Did he finally reply?
No! It's from a friend!
My second spring since entering college.
Everything feels so different
than a year ago.
So they do post ads
for part-time jobs at school!
I never thought of checking
Hey, that curry bread's mine!
Let's go halves, then.
What? No.
Stop fussing over curry bread, Ashioki.
No one's gonna like you
if you keep acting like a kid.
You're one to talk, Mitoki.
Split with Batayan or something.
C'mon guys, we're gonna be late for class.
Shin-chan! Here I am!
It's been a while! Last time we saw
each other was at that karaoke.
Well, you're early. Leave your things
over there and have a seat.
The owner must really trust you,
You think?
He does leave the store to you a lot.
I don't think so.
You've always been working hard
for your dream.
Remember that time when you did my hair
on the rooftop back in high school?
It's nothing.
To be honest,
I thought something had happened
when you suddenly texted me like that.
Feel free to vent your troubles.
It's about time I return the favor.
Don't worry. It's not like that.
I'm gonna shampoo your hair now.
Okay, please do!
Do I remember that day?
There's no way I can forget.
Hiya, Yuna!
Morning, Emma!
Did you see the transfer student?
He's in your class, right?
Yeah, Nagi-kun!
Oh, my gosh!
There he is
He's like a prince
So cool!
The transfer student
He's eating kamaboko?
It sure is nice out here.
Are you talking to me?
You're always here, right?
You okay with me eating lunch here?
Do what you want.
What's your name?
Shin Iryu.
And you?
Itsuomi Nagi.
He's not here today.
Oh, it's you, Shin-kun.
You know my name?
You're from the class
next to ours, right?
You know where Itsuomi-kun went?
Jeez, he's always running off somewhere.
Wired earphones at this age?
The audio's better this way.
Really? Can I try it?
Nice song.
Lunch break's almost over!
Here. Thanks!
You better hurry too, Shin-kun!
Here, take this!
What's this?
One of my favs.
Try listening to it.
I never asked you to do that.
Come on,
do you really have to be like that?
You know, Shin-kun.
This is probably why
you don't have friends.
You've been alone, too, recently.
Isn't it a pain? Wondering
whether you're really friends or not.
Did something happen?
Nothing ever goes right lately.
But it's not for me to decide
what others think of me.
And I think it's wrong to force myself
to change just so I can fit in.
So I've decided to be alone for now.
But that's enough of that.
Listen to it sometime, yeah?
Didn't expect to get this from her.
So this is what she listens to.
Looks like Itsu-kun
isn't coming today.
Can I touch your hair?
What's with you all of a sudden?
Can I?
I don't mind
You've got pretty hair, Emma.
Praise me more!
I do my best to make sure it stays pretty!
It's done.
Wow, you're amazing!
I'm aiming to be a beautician
in the future.
Think of it as thanks for the CD.
Did you like it?
You can keep it, if you want.
You sure?
What's wrong?
Do you like Itsu-kun?
Yeah! I love him!
No hesitation
I've confessed to him a lot of times
and got rejected every time.
What do you like about him?
When I first saw him,
he looked just like a prince!
I've never felt that way
about a guy before.
It was like something struck
straight into my heart!
And I know you're a hit with the girls,
I'm sure you've got
lots of dating experience.
Hey, don't dodge the question!
Why won't you date Emma?
I mean, she's really cute.
You won't find anyone as cute as her.
I don't really care about that right now.
"Right now"?
So it's fine if it's not "right now"?
Please go out with me
I've always been in love with you
I want to be with you more
I'm not dreaming, am I?
I'm so happy!
Once "right now" is over,
I'm sure they'll go out.
No matter how much I love Emma,
I'll never be a match for Itsu-kun.
If only they'd started dating already
So I can finally
throw these feelings away.
Shin-chan, how are things
with your girlfriend lately?
Didn't I say I'd make you lunch today?
You're always with those two
Am I really your girlfriend?
Oh, sorry
I've had it. I know
Emma-san's the one you actually love.
It's written all over your face!
You're always looking at her!
You never pay attention to anything I say!
You think I wouldn't notice?
Why don't you just confess to her now!
So you wouldn't have
to date someone as her replacement.
Tell me who you really like!
Emma As long as I live
I won't fall in love with Emma
as long as I live!
Why'd you have to drag me into this!
You're the worst, Shin-chan!
Wow, it's so smooth now!
Amazing as always, Shin-chan!
You're such a pro at making people cute!
I wonder if Itsu-kun will notice!
You really love Itsu-kun, don't you, Emma?
Yup! I love him!
No hesitation
I love him, after all!
Yuki! How's your new notetaker?
They're all so nice
I'm relieved
Sorry, I've been so busy
ever since becoming a third-year,
but I'll help when I can.
Meeting him at school feels
a bit tricky.
It's been a while
since we've been together like this!
It'd be nice if we all went out
somewhere with Kyoya-san!
"All four of us should go out
somewhere together."
Wow, Itsuomi-san!
Maybe I should learn sign language, too.
Yeah, you should.
It looks pretty tough.
I wonder if I can do it.
"You'll be fine."
You really think so?
Now's a good time, then.
Let's invite Kyoya and go out somewhere.
And do a sign language camp.
What do you think?
Wanna hold a sign language camp?
Or not?
A camp?
Of course!
Every time
Your tenderness touches me
My heart thumps like crazy!
The warmth lingering from your hand
Fills me in every way
I've always been waiting
Shaking more than the fluttering snow
I've never felt this way before
I meet another "you"
A side I've never known before
I'm liking you more and more
I'm gonna burst!
I meet another "me"
A side I've never known before
If I end up liking you even more
I want you to hear it
Gently through my fingertips
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