Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher (2018) s01e08 Episode Script

Curly and the Sock Doll/In the Park

Catching Fuzzlies,br /to give them hugs ♪
They're soft and cuddly ♪
Like my best pal, Bozzly ♪
Don't worry, Fuzzlies ♪
You're safebr /when we're together ♪
You know we're going to bebr /friends forever ♪
Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Abby Hatcher,br /Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Hold my hand,br /let's find adventure ♪
Abby Hatcher, Fuzzly Catcher ♪
Open up your armsbr /and catch a hug ♪
Shh! Tickle attack!
[Abby giggling]
Watch out, Bozzly!
'Cause I'm a tickle fuzzly!
[Giggling]br /Abby not fuzzly!
Oh yeah?br /Tickle, tickle, tickle!
[Laughing]br /Okay, okay!
Careful!br /Watch out for the roses.
Sorry, Mom!
Ha!br /That's okay!
Thanks for catchingbr /that one, Bozzly!
[Sniffing]br /Mmm! Smells good!
[Sniffing]br /That's not all that smells good!
[Sniffing]br /Chef Jeff must be cookingbr /something delicious!
Yay! Delicious food!
[Sniffing]br /Yum!
To the kitchen!
To the kitchen! Yay!
Chef Jeff,br /something smells great!
Indeed it does!
I have sweet-smellingbr /caramel cornballs,
savory-smellingbr /chicken noodle soup,
and fresh-smellingbr /pink lemonade!
[Both sniffing]
Yegh!br /Ugh.
What's that?
[Both coughing]
It's terrible!
It's such a bad smell,
it's ruining all the wonderfulbr /smells of my cooking!
Whatever it is,br /it's really strong!
Where's the smell coming from!
Bozzly find out!br /[Sniffing]
Chef Jeff smell good. /Thank you, Bozzly!
Aha! Big smell here!
ALL:br /Ew!
Hi! Say "hi" Sprinkles! "Hi"![Squeaking]
Ah! Ugh!
MOM:br /Abby! Bozzly! Will you help mebr /arrange the flowers?
Be right there Mom!
Sorry, we gotta go!
Bye, Chef Jeff!br /Bye, Sprinkles!
Curly, my dear assistant chef.
I think we need to putbr /"Sprinkles" somewhere else.
No! Love Sprinkles!
But she smells terrible!
I'm so sorry but Sprinklesbr /cannot be in the kitchen.
No, Sprinkles stay![Sprinkles squeaking]
CHEF JEFF:br /Now Curly, be reasonable.
[Sighing]br /Mmm.
Nothing tastesbr /as lemony sweet
as Chef Jeff's perfectbr /pink lemonade!
Hmm. Rose?
Hmm Rose?
Done! Ah!br /This bouquet is beautiful!
[Sniffing]br /Mmm! Smells good, too!
[Sniffing]br /Smells splizzacular!
[Fuzzly spotter chiming]
ABBY AND BOZZLY:br /The Fuzzly Spotter!
[Pinging]ABBY: Spotted!
Curly's in troublebr /in the kitchen!
Uh-oh! Curly and Sprinkles!
Fuzzly trouble,br /can't delay!
To the rescue, save the day!
[Grunting]br /Hi-yah!
Doot-doo-doo ♪
Wha! Ah, ah?
Ready, Bozzly?Ready!
Then let's ride!
Vroom, vroom, vroom!
Yeah, ha-ha!
To the kitchen!
[Tires squealing]
No! No! No!
I'll trade you this deliciousbr /pink lemonade for the doll!
[Chef Jeff grunting]No! No! No!
Uh-oh! Curly upset!
I got this.
Hey Curly! Big hug?br /I know you like big hugs!
[Giggling]br /Curly big, big hug!
[Abby giggling]Sprinkle hug too!
Ughbr /[Coughing]
You know it's not nicebr /to get so upset!
Sorry, but Chef Jeff saysbr /Sprinkles has to go!
Sprinkle stay!
Sprinkles can't stay!
The doll smells too bad to bebr /near my beautiful-smelling food!
Beautiful-smelling food?br /Hmm
I have a splizzacular idea!
Chef Jeff, if we made Sprinklesbr /smell beautiful,
could she stay?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Sprinkles stay!
If she smelled beautiful?br /Of course!
Hee-hee, yay!
How Sprinkles smellbr /beautiful, Abby?
I don't know.
But I do know we have twobr /experts on what's beautiful,
right here in this hotel!
Come on, Bozzly and Curly!br /To the salon!
BOZZLY AND CURLY:br /To the salon!
Think they canbr /make it smell better?
I hope so!
Oh, this is so relaxing!
That smellbr /is not relaxing!
It's Curly's soft doll--
[Squeaking]CURLY: Sprinkles!
She loves it, but it's toobr /stinky to keep in the kitchen!
Can you help us make itbr /smell beautiful?
We are experts inbr /all things beautiful!
Including beautiful smells,br /like perfume! Watch!
Sprinkles has tobr /smell good now!
[Gagging]br /Uh-oh!
Sprinkles no good?
Sprinkles is great, she just
kinda still smellsbr /like feet.
[Sniffing]br /Flowery feet!
[Sniffing]br /Ugh!
I guess the small is too strongbr /for the perfume!
[Clearing throat]br /I'm sorry,
but we havebr /customers coming.
And they expect our salon tobr /smell clean, and fresh!
Clean and fresh Hmm
[Snapping]br /Brain spark!
Fresh air, that's it!
If we get Sprinkles outsidebr /in the fresh air,
I bet that'll really get ridbr /of the smell!
To the park!
Yee-haw![Curly giggling]

Does Sprinklesbr /smell good, yet?
[Groaning]br /Maybe a little more time.
Woo-hoo!br /[Laughing]
Woo-hoo! So much fun! Woo-hoo!
Windy. That's it.
We should take Sprinkles upbr /where it's windier,
then she'll getbr /more fresh air!
Curly, is it okay if Bozzlybr /flies up with Sprinkles?
Bozzly make Sprinklesbr /smell good!
[Sniffing]br /Mmm. Whoa!
Splizzacular!br /Ready to fly, Bozzly?
Come on!
[Laughing]br /Sprinkles' flying!
Whoa, whoa-whoa whoa!
So windy!
[Straining, gasping]br /The wind's blowing too hard!
Teeny Terry, look out!br /[Screaming]
[Gasping]br /Pogo Spring Shoes, activate!
Nice catch!
ABBY:br /Your turn Teeny Terry!
Tickle, tickle, tickle!
[Giggling]br /Oh, that's the spot--
Whoa! Whoaaa!
I got him, I got him!br /[Grunting]
Nice catch, Bozzly!
Thanks for deflating me, Abby!
It was gettingbr /too windy up there!
Maybe I should walk /It'll be much safer.
BOTH:br /Bye, Teeny Terry!
CURLY:br /Oh, no! Sprinkles!
Bozzly dropped sock doll!
Aw! Sprinkles more stinky,br /and dirty!
I guess Sprinkles can't staybr /with Curly anymore.
Don't worry, Curly!br /We can still fix this!
Sprinkles isbr /a sock doll, right?
[Snapping]br /Brain spark!
When my socks are stinkybr /and dirty,
my mom washes them,br /and makes them smell great!
We should givebr /your doll a bath!
Bath? No, no, no bath!
[Squeaking]Sprinkle no want bath!
I really, reallybr /think it will work!
Can we please try?
BOTH:br /Please?
Okay, bath.
Bubble bath!br /Straight from the salon!
Okey-dokey, Curly!br /Bath time for Sprinkles!
Bath time for Sprinkle!
And now for somebr /tubby-time music!
Splish-splash,br /splish-splash ♪
Sprinkles' gettin' bubble bathbr /Scrubba-dubba-dub-dub-dub ♪
I'll wash awaybr /the mud and grime ♪
[Hairdryer blowing]I will make her nice and dry ♪
I'll wrap her upbr /from head to feet ♪
Now her bath timebr /is complete ♪
What do you think, Curly?br /How does she smell?
[Gasping]br /Clean!
ALL:br /Woo-hoo!
ABBY:br /Attention, please!
Introducing Curly and herbr /no-longer-stinky sock doll,
Ba-ba-da-ba-ba-ba-ba-bah ♪
Ooh! Let me smell!
Ah! Magnificent!
Why I'd be honored to have thisbr /glorious aroma in my kitchen!
Welcome home, Sprinkles!
Curly and Sprinkles home!
Bozzly, we made a fuzzlybr /very happy!
Two fuzzlies very happy!
Mm! Yum!
ABBY:br /And Goldilocks sat in Papabr /Bear's chair and said,
"This bear chair is too hard!"
Ooh! Too hardbr /makes my tail sore!
[Gasping]br /Rain stopped, Abby!
Play outside!
That's a splizzacular idea,br /Bozzly!
FUZZLIES:br /Woo-hoo, yeah!
Moe and Bo go!
Ding-ding-ding outside!
Go! Go! Go!
We can play in the park and jumpbr /in puddles, come on!
ABBY AND FUZZLIES:br /Park! Park! Park!
But park, muddy, park.
ABBY AND FUZZLIES:br /Park! Park! Park!
Me, stay /You stay, too.
Come on Princess Flug,br /it'll be fun!
FUZZLIES:br /Park! Park! Park!
Everybody rain ready?
Ready!br /Ready!
Ready!br /Ready!br /Ready!
To the park!
PRINCESS FLUG:br /Wait, listen, wait.
Me, princess, /Me need to stay.
Really? Why?
Dirty park, dirty.
Me clean, princess, me. See?
I understand you don't wantbr /to get dirty,
but if you do,br /you can just clean up again!
Show her, Bozzly!
Hmm-hmm. Ta-da!
Hmm. /Whoa!
Hmm Wow!
Ta-da! Dirty!
Sparkly clean!
See? Good as new!
Now, will you comebr /to the park!
Play!br /Come! /Come play!
No. Flug /Flug can't.
If you don't wanna go,br /you don't have to,
but if you change your mind,br /you can come find us, okay?
Come on, everybody!br /To the park!
FUZZLIES: [Cheering]br /Park! Park! Park!
[Sighing]br /Me alone, me.
Curly, stay, Curly!br /Play with me?
Sorry. Curly just need /Bye-bye!
Curly, stay. Curly.
[Gasping]Curly stuck!
Oh no!br /Me mess up, me!
Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
Ding-ding!br /Whee! Whee!
[Laughing]br /Whee!
[Fuzzly Spotter ringing]
[Gasping]br /The Fuzzly Spotter!
[Fuzzly Spotter pinging]
Spotted! Curly's in troublebr /in the lobby!
Fuzzly trouble, can't delay!
To the rescue, save the day!
[Grunting]br /Hi-yah!
Doot-doo-doo ♪
Wha! Ah, ah?
Ready, Bozzly?Ready!
Then let's ride!
Vroom, vroom, vroom!
Yeah, ha-ha!
ABBY:br /We're coming, Curly!
BOZZLY:br /Yeah!
I must find the perfectbr /muffin tin,
for my magnificentbr /munchable muffins!
Hi, Chef Jeff!
Uh-oh! Better movebr /out of the way!
Whoa!br /Oh no, not the eject button!
Are you okay,br /Chef Jeff?
Are you kidding?
Finding a muffin tin has neverbr /been more fun! Whee!
BOZZLY: Yee-haw!br /[Giggling]
[Flug gasping]
[Tires screeching]
ABBY: [Gasping]br /Glitter goo!
[Straining]br /Curly want park.
And I'm late for a nap!
We got this!br /Goo-Gripper Gloves activate!
And Goo-Gripper Plunger!
CURLY: Whoa!
WOMAN: [Gasping]br /My word!
Pogo Spring Shoes activate!
Oof! Caught ya!
Oh no, I gotcha!br /I gotcha!
I don't gotcha!
[Woman laughing]
What a fun waybr /to come into the hotel.
[Dinging]Thank you.
BOZZLY:br /Heh! Awesome!
Here you go, Curly!br /Now you can go to the park!
Yay! Park!
Abby, look!
ABBY:br /Glitter goop!br /It's from Princess Flug.
She must have left a trail afterbr /she sticky-stringed the door.
Follow the trail?
Follow the trail!

I wonderbr /where she could be
Keep looking, Abby?
[Both giggling]
ABBY:br /Hmm
Princess Flug, why did youbr /sticky string the front door?
So, Curly stay and /Me sorry, me.
Me sad to be alone, sad.
Oh, Princess /There's no reason to be sad.
Abby and Bozzlybr /stay and play?
We're playing in the park,br /but you should come.
[Sighing]br /Me stay clean, me.
Me /No get dirty, no.
She doesn't wantbr /to get dirty.
And she doesn'tbr /wanna be alone.
BOTH:br /Double brain spark!
What if Bozzlybr /and I keep you clean?
Then, will you comebr /to the park?
Me, stay clean, me?
[Giggling]br /You stay clean, you.
Then,, me park me.
All welcome,br /her most royal highness,
Princess Flug!
Me, in the park, me!
FUZZLIES:br /Park! Park! Woo!
She doesn't wantbr /to get dirty,
so she'll watch from herbr /royal viewing box!
Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da! ♪
And royal gold cushion!
And royal red carpet!
[Playing a note]
Hail Princess Flug
She'll have no mess ♪
Play in the park ♪
A clean success ♪
Me watch you
[Clapping]br /Play!
Bo slide slow.
Moe slide fast!
[Laughing]Go Moe and Bo, go!
BOTH:br /Whee! Whee!
Fun for you.
Whee! Oh! Oh!
Whoa!br /Ooh!
[Sighing]br /You fun, you.
Me bored, me.
[Voice slowed down]br /Noooo!
Princess Flug!
Sorry. /Sorry.
It was an accident!br /Curly didn't mean it.
Me, not princess, me.
Too much mud!
Hmm Brain spark!
Brush, please!
Here ya go!
Now you're Flugbr /Super Awesome Princess of Mud!
FUZZLIES: [Cheering]br /Princess of mud!
Our princess of mud ♪
Now all hail the princess,br /and humbly bow ♪
Me Princess Mud!br /Me dirty, me. Like you!
[Fuzzlies cheering]
Flug not mad?
Me, happy me!br /Me play me!
Me splash, me!
Princess of Mud, zip-line!
Play with me, play!
ALL:br /Yes!
Yeah, yeah,br /yeah, yeah, yeah!
I'll play!I'll play!
Play! Play!Ding-ding-ding!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!
Moe go!
[Zip-line twanging]
BO:br /Bo go!
Ding, ding, ding!
[Giggling]br /Whee!
[Giggling]br /Here I go!
Come on, Princess Flug,br /it's your turn!
Princess Flug, zip-line!br /Whee!
Messy playbr /with friends, fun!
Where's Princess Flug?
Ta-da! Me clean, me!
You clean, you!br /[Laughing]
Come join us forbr /the rest of the story!
Read, story, read?br /[Giggling]
So, when Fuzzly-locks,
sat in Baby Bear'sbr /snuggly, comfy, chair
It was just right!
[All laughing]

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