Actress (2023) s01e08 Episode Script


Let's not drag this out too long,
eh, Taner?
Yes, Taner.
Thanks to us, ratings are going
through the roof tonight.
The slower you die,
the higher our ratings.
No. That won't do.
Taner's my manager.
His death deserves something
much more grandiose,
especially when the whole country
is watching us live on TV.
Hold on, hold on.
Wait, Yasemin. What's the rush?
The game hasn't even started.
That's also my favorite toy knife.
But first an advert break.
Dear viewers, now for a short break.
- Applause!
Yasemin Derin and Taner's great battle
begins after the break!
What was all that
"killing me" stuff about, eh?
Is it about Ekin?
I thought we discussed
and resolved that matter.
If you're planning to spill the beans
about that on the show
What the hell is going on, Yasemin?
Nothing's going on.
We go out there and play our game
on live TV. That's all.
Geez, you've really lost it.
You really have.
The player who draws the highest card
goes first.
The cards are ready. Let the battle begin!
-Please, Ms. Yasemin.
-So, begin.
Polite as ever. Fine, I'll go first.
And five.
I win then.
- Ooh!
What a compassionate guy.
- Just wanted to increase the suspense.
- Well, I'm biting my nails here.
- I draw again. Two.
- Yes.
And it's a ten.
- Taner, it's your lucky day.
Please, I won't show you any mercy,
Taner, dear.
- Oh, Yasemin is quite stern.
Yes, Taner wins.
Be merciless? Okay.
I'd never have the heart to hurt you.
Taner is outraged.
He makes a sudden move.
I guess that's enough.
I believe I showed no mercy
this time, huh?
No mercy at all.
Oh, sorry.
- What's this? Jack.
- Let's see.
- Whoa!
- Oh!
Payback time.
Come on, then.
Let's get this over with, huh?
What do you say?
Ümit, hold on a sec.
- Open the footage for Sarica Road.
Fuck. Where the hell is this guy?
Gunfight at Hisaralti Customs Yard.
Requesting emergency backup, urgently.
What are you doing here?
Never mind. I'm calling an ambulance.
You're going to be fine, okay?
Yasemin. I must find Yasemin.
Stay here. Don't move.
Ahmet? Are you all right? Where are you?
Okay. Okay, wait there.
Okay, I'm on my way.
Victims Found at the Warehouse
Of course.
When I say what he or she wants,
I mean they are limited
to what's on the table.
Excuse me, we'll take this one.
And this one.
I'm shuffling again.
You can share your trump cards.
I haven't slept for days.
I see him lying there on the floor
every time I close my eyes.
I can't get it out of my mind.
Everywhere was red.
Yes, I wasn't very close with Mr. Taner.
I mean, not like Yasemin.
But, still, he did so much for me.
I owe him big time.
I don't understand why something like this
happened to him.
Why? It's just insane.
Great performance.
You got the lead role.
Sir, Organized Crime has already raided
all his companies.
To be frank, we're concerned
he might flee the country.
Our joint operation continues.
Fuck Mazhar Egemen.
Organized Crime handles that from now on.
- You stay out of it.
- What?
You're also off the Yasemin Derin case.
What do you mean, Chief?
Look, fine, you got a lead, well done.
But it's over.
You're off the case.
Who's on it?
What do we have, Gunes?
What the fuck happened that night?
Tell me, or you'll be off the case too.
This Mazhar Egemen guy
took Ahmet Karapinar hostage.
In return for Ahmet,
he wanted just one thing from Yasemin.
For her to kill her manager on live TV.
I'm not exactly sure, but I'm certain
Yasemin was about to do it.
Then, suddenly, a mysterious hand
reaches out and helps Yasemin.
It's a blind spot in the studio up there.
No camera footage, no leads.
But that kid close to her,
Ekin Canol, she's involved.
And her interrogation?
Nothing. She cried her eyes out.
She's a better actor
than Yasemin.
So? What's on your mind?
First, let's get the search warrants, sir.
If that yields nothing, we go to Mazhar
with Organized Crime.
Her next target is bound to be Mazhar.
If we get to the guy first,
we also take down Yasemin.
If this Fatih is hiding something from us,
it'll be the end of him.
- You know that, right?
- I do, Chief.
And if you know something
and you're withholding it
just to protect Fatih,
then you can be sure
it'll also be the end of you.
- What the heck?
- Fuck off, Fatih.
So, now you've got your eyes on my job?
You say job?
The only missing thing is both of you
killing the guy holding hands.
Finally remembered you have a job?
Stop pissing me off, Gunes.
I'm not the one letting feelings
blur judgment. It's you.
You had a fit of jealousy
and had to poke your nose in my business.
I'm doing my job,
and I know what my duty is.
When you come for Yasemin,
I'll already be there waiting for you.
Will it break my heart? It will.
Will it hurt? It will.
Am I in love with her?
I fucking am.
But I'll be the one
who takes Yasemin down, not you.
Get that into your head,
Raside Gunes Yilmaz.
I'll be seeing you.
Hi there.
Sorry, but we're gonna
mess up the house a little.
You, go upstairs. You, go downstairs.
You, go down. You, go up.
You too. You, go down.
Conduct a thorough search, guys.
- Found anything?
I want a thorough search!
There is nothing here!
Nothing here either.
This door is locked.
So you guys get
all the ripe avocados, eh?
How's Ateş?
What happened with Defne?
I hated that girl. She's cunning.
Ateş is fine. Don't worry. I told him.
He said he'd visit you, occasionally.
But guess what sucks the most.
You won't get any avocados in the can.
Oh, that's terrible.
Ma'am, there's another partition here.
We'll be meeting again,
Yasemin Derin.
We will.
We're clearing out.
Ma'am, you never conducted a body search.
Go ahead, light up, but I won't
get involved if the police stop us.
- Where to, Sis?
- Sariyer.
- Are you
- I'm not.
Geez, you look so much like her, Sis.
I hope your fate is different though.
Look what happened to her in one night.
But I swear
there's something fishy in that.
Her bodyguard gets killed on the same day
her manager gets his brains crushed.
No one buys that.
I think some guy has it in for her.
It's bound to be the Mafia.
So the girl turns this guy down
and he lashes out.
You know how it was
back in the day.
The things that happened
to the superstars in those nightclubs
It's a bad world out there, Sis
You packed my suitcase.
So you leave.
That cop, she thinks I helped you out.
Didn't you?
I didn't. I did it for myself.
Not everything has to be about you.
Stop being so in love with yourself.
Yeah, I get it, you're the star,
but I'm not your extra.
Give me a call if you want
to share the lead role one day.
- Is this a secure line?
- It is, sir.
Good. Is the ship ready?
It's docked, awaiting delivery.
Okay. Pick me up just before dawn.
Send me the address
and I'll arrange it, sir.
I'm doing that now.
Here we go.
Stop! Stop! I beg you!
Please! Stop. Stop! Please.
How far could you have gone?
How far?
- We're going.
- Where to, ma'am?
To where she wants to die.
Locate the closest junkyard for me.
Well done.
Well done, excellent.
But there's stuff
you still don't know about.
So release me.
I'm sure you'll be very interested
in what I have to say.
The only person who truly loves you.
The only one. So release me now!
You think it's all over, right?
Well, it's not.
It's only just beginning.
So release me
and I'll tell you everything!
You were the same as a child.
Obstinate, bullheaded.
Just like your mom.
That's why you never found happiness.
There was a song like that, right?
What was it called?
"I'd rather be miserable
if I'm unhappy for not being happy."
Are you scared?
It's over.
Why did you take me for a fool?
What was the point?
Surrender, Yasemin.
Fatih! Fatih, can you hear me?
Fatih, can you hear?
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