All That Glitters (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Bro Jianzhi, how about you?
What about me?
Ever thought of becoming a bad man?
So you're a good person, right?
Bad people aren't bad
because they want to be bad.
They turn bad after doing wrong.
Bad people don't necessarily
think they're bad either.
The more you say that,
the more I don't understand.
I mean
it doesn't mean you're bad
just because you want to be.
Like me?
Some people are evil to the core.
You might think they're good,
but they can turn bad any time.
Bro Jianzhi, are you that sort?
I don't know.
I might be, and I might not.
So don't crack such jokes.
You'll be in trouble
if you meet bad people
or those you mistake for good people
when they're actually wicked to the core.
It's very late.
My beer!
Come on, I'll see you home.
Come on.
Thank you, Bro Jianzhi.
Go in.
Remember what I told you.
I should put my earphones in
and pretend that they don't exist.
I'm going.
Can you sit there and chat with me
a while longer?
Ten minutes will do.
Go ahead.
You must keep
what we spoke of tonight a secret.
You can't even tell Bro Musen.
All right.
And can you get me another can of beer?
You poured that can of beer away.
I told you
girls stand to lose out when they drink.
And men won't lose out?
Why is this so?
Xiaomei, I love you.
Why is this so?
Why do you keep saying that?
How annoying!
Why did Xiaomei seem totally unmoved?
Did she not hear me telling her,
"Xiaomei, I love you"?
She's not hard of hearing.
Why did she act as if nothing happened?
Doesn't she know I love her?
She must have thought
you damaged your brain
after that beating from those idiots.
She thought you were talking nonsense.
Yes, that's a logical explanation.
That must be what Xiaomei was thinking.
Tell her your feelings once more.
I was really slightly dizzy
from the beating then.
That's how I got the courage to tell her.
I don't dare to now.
-I don't dare to.
I don't dare to.
-What are you doing?
-Damaging your brain.
I'll kick you!
It stinks! Lift it up!
You stepped on dog poo!
I've lost my appetite!
Meng, get to work.
Liu Mu!
The nightclub boss who fired us
told me to give this to you.
I forgot about it.
-Call him.
Why should I call him?
To wipe dog mess off his shoes?
-Liu Mu.
-What is it?
Hit me in the head.
You're really out of your mind!
Here, bang your head
against the wall yourself!
Bang my head against the wall myself?
I'm not an idiot!
Thank you.
Auntie, I'd like to take You're-so-Pretty
to Orchard Road.
your mother has agreed. Let's go.
I didn't say anything.
You didn't say yes,
but you didn't say no either.
That means tacit permission. Let's go.
I'll help you. Be careful.
Mom, I'm going.
Be careful. Orchard Road is bustling
with people and vehicles.
Why do you have to go to Orchard Road?
Those shops there all sell branded goods.
Can you afford them?
Indeed I can't now.
But I'll take note of them
and buy them one day.
Auntie, I'll look out for branded handbags
and jewelry for you first.
I'll buy them for you in the future.
In future? You might as well do it
in your next lifetime!
-What are you waiting for?
-Go in.
Go in!
Dinosaur peng?
About what I said to you
the last time I was here
What's that?
"I love you," right?
Fortunately, it's you.
If it were anyone else,
I'd have poured boiling water on him.
Those rotten men!
Should they dare to say anything improper,
I won't go easy on them!
How old are you this year?
Twenty-eight? Why are you so childish?
Are you really 28?
You don't believe me? I'll show you my ID.
There's no need.
You look really old.
You haven't been taking
good care of yourself.
You look 38.
Why are you so happy
when I'm saying you look old?
It's possible then.
What do you mean?
I can be in love with you.
You're out to get fresh with my mom too?
Mom, your charm is really irresistible.
Those uncles are all falling
head over heels with you.
Now even a tough guy
has professed his love for you.
A tough guy? He's more like a fool.
He's an idiot.
I'm not angry with him.
Why are you so serious?
Sit down.
From his name alone,
you can tell that he's an idiot.
Who would be named Huang Jintiao
in this day and age?
But Mom, you've always told me
that fortune favors fools.
And though he's a fool,
he's not repulsive.
If you're really interested in him,
I won't object.
What are you saying?
Do you know how old I am?
Mom, a woman's age is a secret.
And your appeal has nothing to do
with your age.
Stop talking nonsense.
I haven't even asked you
where this watch and that bag came from.
A friend gave them to me.
I told you not to take things from others.
I didn't force him.
He wanted to give them to me.
What could I have done?
How many times must I tell you
not to covet others' belongings
or take advantage of others?
Mom, do you know why the peacock,
which is the world's most beautiful bird,
is always male?
Is this even relevant?
The peacock
has to be at its best
to court the peahen.
Do men have feathers? They don't.
So they have to give women gifts
to show their sincerity.
This is the law of nature.
Law, my foot!
Why would he give you something
for no reason?
-Mom, are you worried that
-What would you like?
Two teh-o kosong.
-Two kaya toast.
-Yes, right away.
S$3,60. Thank you.
Mom, are you worried that
he'll be like that petty George
who wanted his gifts back?
Don't worry.
He's a billionaire. He's not that stingy.
If you ever date that old man,
don't ever call me your mother!
You're disgusting!
Who wants to date an old man?
He's so rich. He must be
in his sixties or seventies.
He's a rich man's son, all right?
He's only a year older than me,
and he's in university.
He comes from a rich Indonesian family.
Rich young men aren't good either.
You must have watched too many TV dramas.
Arthur isn't just good at his studies,
he's also very humble
for a rich family's son.
Most importantly, he's really good to me.
He cares about me.
A man can say anything
before he wins you over.
He'll even say it smells good
when you break wind!
It'll be different once he wins you over.
I know.
So I won't let him have me so easily.
I'll let him look but not touch.
Let him look?
-I'll let him see me in a bikini.
-You're asking for trouble!
Wearing a bikini is as good
as wearing nothing!
You're really exaggerating!
My bikini looks sexy.
Sexy, my foot!
All right.
-It's done?
Any fractures?
You're fine. Don't worry.
You can try walking around.
Doctor, I'm really fine! You're amazing!
Please wait outside.
A loan shark is after me! Let me hide.
Don't be impatient. Wait outside first.
-Where is he?
I have a patient here. Don't come in.
-Let go!
-I said, get out! Don't you understand?
Let go!
Stop fighting!
We can talk things over.
Do you know why I'm looking for him?
You're a loan shark.
What's that?
You don't know what a loan shark is?
Are you not Singaporean?
No, I'm Thai. I'm working here.
That man is my boss.
He owes us five workers
three months' wages.
I'm here to ask him for the money.
He even tricked a female employee.
He got her pregnant
and refused to be responsible for it.
So he's the bad guy!
Over there!
Open the door!
Stop there!
Stop there!
-Don't think of getting away!
-Susakong, don't be rash!
If you touch a single hair on my head,
I'll sue you and have you taken to prison!
I'll knock all your teeth out then.
All right, I'll pay!
-Don't try to run away!
-I won't!
Why did you run away
when you had the money?
They came all the way from Thailand
to work for you.
You cheated them out of their money!
Do you even have a conscience?
I've already paid up. Can I go now?
No, he hasn't counted the money yet.
You can't leave!
Is the sum correct?
There's still S$2,000 missing.
This is all I have. I have bad debts.
I can't even help myself.
Even if you were to kill me,
I wouldn't have the money to pay you back.
You don't have the money?
This punch is to tell you
not to mess with Thai women!
-May I go now?
Thank you, friend.
Thank you.
Your punches are lightning-quick.
Zhenting, my stall isn't open yet.
I'm not here to buy satay.
Why are you here, then?
You have a great physique.
It's a pity that you're holed up here
selling satay.
I used to be a model.
If you're interested in being one,
I can link you up.
Stop fooling around.
I hear nude models earn even more.
And how is that relevant to me?
I thought you'd like it.
You like to go around naked.
You were running on the street naked
in the middle of the night.
-You know about that?
Your sister told you
after hearing about it from Liu Mu, right?
-How did you know about it, then?
Don't you know you're famous now?
Is that you?
That's me.
You have guts! I thought
you wouldn't dare to admit it.
It's me. Why shouldn't I admit it?
I lost a bet, so I had to honor my word.
He Jianzhi, I like you.
I like people like you.
From this moment on, you're my friend.
Weren't we friends previously?
Friendship is something
very precious to me.
If anyone who invites me out
for dinner and a movie is my friend,
friendship would be worth nothing then.
You're my friend too, then.
Li Zhenting.
He Jianzhi.
Do you think your mom
has accepted our relationship?
She probably hasn't accepted it yet.
I don't think she has either.
Rather than accepting it, she just thinks
there's nothing she can do.
Your mom doesn't have faith in me.
She doesn't think I'll succeed in life.
Trust works both ways.
You can't just blame others
for not trusting you.
Instead, you should ask yourself
why others don't trust you,
and what you have to do
to earn their trust.
You have a point.
I can't keep making empty promises
I should do something.
You're already doing something, right?
What do you mean?
As long as you're good to me
as well as to my mom
and my siblings,
Mom will feel that you're sincere.
There are lots of people here.
I smell many different perfumes.
Yes. You're next to a shopping mall.
There are perfumes, cosmetics
and all sorts of brand-name items
on sale inside.
Orchard Road is really a golden path.
I mean
Orchard Road is a prime district
paved with money.
With money, you can buy branded perfumes,
beautiful clothes and expensive jewelry.
I'm not capable of doing so now.
But I promise
that one day, I'll give you all of these.
I don't need expensive perfume.
I smell good enough.
I smell of coffee.
Really? I don't believe you.
Let me smell you.
You smell of tea too.
I don't need pretty clothes
or expensive jewelry either.
I can't see them at all.
You're-so-Pretty, I've done some research.
On what?
Optic atrophy is curable.
I'll get your eyes cured.
My dad thought so too.
He took me to see many different doctors.
I was hopeful,
but I ended up being disappointed.
Don't give up.
You must believe that a good doctor
who can cure your eyes
does exist somewhere in this world.
Once I have money,
I'll take you around the world
in search of the best doctors
to cure your eyes.
You'll be able to see my handsome looks
and your near-celestial beauty then.
I'm not greedy. I think I'm doing fine.
I have family members who love me,
and I have you.
I'm contented.
You're contented, but I'm not.
I want you to be perfect.
Kopi Gah Dai, we mustn't be greedy.
How is improving your life being greedy?
Isn't that a goal everyone should pursue?
Excuse me. Are you Thunder?
Yes. What is it?
A lady wants to see you.
Please come with me.
Who is it?
I don't know. Let's go take a look.
Over here.
Miss Mo, I brought the guest over.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
So it's you.
You never expected it to be me, right?
Of course.
-Your girlfriend?
Who is she?
She's the little girl
who likes to go out at night
and gave me a fright once.
I mean young lady.
I'm Mo Xuemin. How about you?
I'm Li Zhenyu.
She wants to shake hands with you.
Your eyes
I'm partially blind.
Are you alone?
My mommy went to the washroom.
Mrs. Mo.
Thunder, you're here.
Sit down and join us for tea.
No, I'm going shopping with my girlfriend.
Mommy, his girlfriend's name is Li Zhenyu.
Sorry to bother you, Zhenyu.
No problem.
-We're going, then.
-All right.
Do you think I asked the manager
to show you in
just for a cup of tea?
My daddy wanted you to contact him.
Why didn't you call him?
Are you joking? Your daddy is a big boss.
He must be busy. Why should I contact him?
How could you say something
so shallow and off-putting?
Sorry. My daughter
is forthright and headstrong.
It's all right. My words
were rather off-putting indeed.
Call him now.
I don't have his number.
Give me your phone.
Sit down.
Let's sit down.
Be careful. There's a table here.
Daddy, it's me. This is Thunder's phone.
I'm having tea with Mommy at Orchard Road.
All right.
My daddy is in a meeting.
He asked me to talk to you.
What's there to talk about?
My daddy is headhunting you.
Have you heard of headhunting firms?
Name your terms quickly.
What terms?
If you're being headhunted,
you should naturally name your terms.
Why am I being headhunted?
Because he appreciates you, of course.
Why does he appreciate me?
I'm just an ordinary mover.
That's not important.
How much do you earn monthly?
Xuemin, you mustn't ask that question.
Mommy, it's necessary.
Tell me quickly
What? You can quit that job now.
My daddy will pay you double.
In other words, S$4,000
Is it too little?
How about another S$2,000 then?
Make it S$6,000.
You might as well say S$8,000.
It represents prosperity for everyone.
It's all right. I'm just joking.
Do I look like I'm joking?
But you're finally learning to bargain.
Very good.
I agree to your terms. S$8,000 it is.
I've never interfered with their business.
When can you start work?
Missy, you haven't told me
what sort of work it is.
I don't know what
you're supposed to do either.
How old is Mo Xuemin?
You can say she's 13 or 14.
You can also say she's 23 or 24.
You mean her intellect and her looks
don't tally at all?
Yes, they don't.
So you mustn't take her words seriously.
On the contrary,
I must take her seriously.
Do you really believe Boss Mo will pay you
a monthly salary of S$8,000
like his daughter offered?
I don't know.
But if he dares to make that offer,
I dare to accept it.
Why should you?
What do you mean?
Why should you command
a salary of S$8,000?
How could there be such a good deal?
It's S$8,000. You don't even know
what sort of job it is.
This is not a movie.
That's how normal people think.
Do you mean they're not normal?
Rich people are never normal.
S$8,000 is a huge amount
to ordinary people.
But they don't think so at all.
So you think
they'll pay you S$8,000 a month
without expecting much from you?
That's what I want to ask Boss Mo about.
Anyone who pays you S$8,000 a month
without expecting much
must be a lunatic.
I'm not a lunatic, and neither are you.
So you shouldn't entertain that fantasy,
even if you once saved my daughter.
I'm not fantasizing.
I can't believe it either.
I came to confirm that this is a joke.
This isn't a joke.
I can pay you S$8,000 or even more.
But you have to prove that you deserve it.
It's your turn.
Boss, I've never played golf.
You've watched me play.
I want to test your observation
and comprehension skills.
If you make the grade, you can stay.
Otherwise, you'll have to leave.
Boss Mo.
Boss Zhang, it's been a long time.
Isn't that Boss Li?
Get out of the way, you dog!
Old Li,
I abhor evildoers.
I can't tolerate
unscrupulous businessmen and cheats.
Just my luck to run into him today!
Boss Mo, after you.
No, Boss Zhang, after you.
Old Zhang, how can you give way to a dog?
-Thank you, Boss Mo.
-Be careful.
What do you think we should do
when we come across
such foul-mouthed people?
The best way is to shut him up.
S$5 million?
Buy it if you like it.
We'll talk when we meet.
A snake!
-A snake!
-Where's the snake?
It's gone.
Look, the phone is damaged,
and you've injured your head.
Don't be afraid. I'm here.
Fortunately, I caught hold of you in time.
Otherwise, you'd have been bitten
by the cobra.
You'd really have died then.
This minor injury
is a blessing in disguise.
We'll take you to the hospital, all right?
There's no need.
You really don't have to thank me.
I find joy in helping others.
He knows he was pranked,
but he can't do anything about it.
He can't sue me either.
He has no evidence.
No, he has. It was that cobra.
But it's gone.
You're bright.
Gen, isn't he a lot like me
in my younger days?
Boss, mind your head.
How many times must I tell you
that you're going to be promoted?
You'll be a supervisor.
-I don't want to.
-Why not?
We agreed on this.
I'll go wherever you go.
If you quit, I'll quit too.
When did I agree to that?
I said it, and you didn't object.
So I took it that you were agreeable.
I said this too,
I'll follow you for life.
What are you doing? For life?
You're not my wife.
I'm even more important than a wife.
You're crazy!
That's what they say in the movies.
Wives are like garments,
while good friends
are like one's own limbs.
Now that you have a better job,
you're casting me aside.
Do you regard me as a buddy?
What are you saying?
If Liu Mu doesn't regard you as a buddy,
would he have asked the boss
to let you be a supervisor?
It's a promotion with a pay rise!
I'm not up to being a supervisor.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have
to convince the boss either.
You're right.
The boss has no faith in you.
But he's willing to give you a chance.
Take this chance to prove yourself
I don't want to! I want to follow you!
Forget it!
Since he doesn't want
such a good opportunity,
let him follow you.
My job might not be suitable for him.
I can do anything.
-Can you commit murder or arson?
If you tell me to do it, I will.
You're really crazy,
I'm done talking to you!
Where are you going? Lin Musen!
-Don't go! We're not done yet!
-That's enough!
He's clearly casting me aside.
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Why should I be ashamed?
You're a grown man.
Why would you need someone
to look after you?
Is it something to boast about?
I've been looking after him too.
I work overtime when he tells me to.
When he asks me to carry heavy objects,
I don't complain,
even when I'm almost crushed
by their weight.
And once, when he stepped on a nail,
I carried him down from the 17th floor
because the lift had broken down.
I didn't even complain.
Yes, you're so capable.
Why are you dependent on Liu Mu?
Why can't you rely on yourself?
I can't.
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
No matter what I do, I can't do it right.
Do you know why?
Because you look down on yourself.
It's because I'm stupid.
I always failed my exams.
I always finished at the bottom.
Others might master something
within a day,
while I still don't get it
after many days.
Take getting my driving license,
for example,
I spent half a year
just learning how to park.
I failed the test over 20 times.
Liu Mu told me to keep trying
and not to give up.
So I tried again and again
and finally passed
after more than 30 attempts.
Even now, when I drive,
I need Liu Mu to tell me where to turn.
And even if I go the wrong way,
he doesn't blame me.
With Liu Mu around,
I don't feel that I'm stupid
no matter what I do.
Without him, I just can't do anything!
Do you know why Liu Mu
won't let you follow him?
Because he thinks I'm a burden to him.
He doesn't want me to follow him.
Because he wants you
to have confidence in yourself.
Even if you're buddies,
he can't look after you for life.
Do you understand?
Jintiao, if you can't look after yourself,
who will look after you
once you're married
with children of your own?
Do you expect Liu Mu to look after you?
If I can't even look after myself,
how can I look after Xiaomei?
It's such simple logic,
yet you had to spell it out for him.
He's such an idiot!
It seems he's really in love
with Auntie Xiaomei this time.
He's really a pain
when he's set on something.
But this is going to be interesting.
Have you told You're-so-Pretty
that you're going to change jobs?
So she still thinks you're working
at the moving company?
This is so important.
Why didn't you tell her?
If she were to know about this,
she'd tell me this.
"It's too good to be true.
You should earn an honest living
instead of craving overnight success."
But it's natural that she'd feel that way.
Do you really know Mo Yicong well?
Just what does he do?
Apart from owning a nightclub,
he has other businesses too.
I think he runs an investment firm,
I'm not too sure.
Aren't you worried about working for him
when you don't know him well?
Why should I be worried?
He might tell you to do illegal things.
What are you laughing at?
People die for money.
People pay us to risk our lives.
It's fair.
But isn't S$8,000 too little
to do that for?
If I were to risk my life for S$8,000,
I'd be a great idiot.
And if he thinks I'll risk my life
for him for just S$8,000,
he's a greater idiot.
I can do it.
I don't need to depend on Liu Mu.
I can be a supervisor too.
I can do it. I'll protect Xiaomei
I'll protect Xiaomei.
-What are you doing?
-That's not proper Muay Thai.
It's none of your business!
You'll hurt yourself.
I'll hurt you if you don't let go.
You're that Sun Wukong?
It's Susakong.
Why are you here?
I'll be teaching Muay Thai here
from today onwards.
Here, ten sticks of pork satay.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Boss, is my satay ready?
It's almost ready. Just wait a moment.
Boss, 20 sticks of pork satay.
Twenty sticks of pork satay?
Anything else?
And ten sticks of chicken satay.
-How about ketupat?
-Yes. Two.
Will it be ready in 15 minutes?
Ten minutes will do.
Come back in ten minutes. Thank you.
Why are you here alone? Where's your dad?
He went on a gambling cruise.
No wonder everyone says
he's the God of Gamblers.
God of Gamblers?
He's just an inveterate gambler.
He's debt-ridden.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
You burnt your hand?
Here, sit down.
I'm really all right,
I'm not that delicate.
I often burn my hands
toasting bread at my mom's shop too.
A girl's skin is very important.
You mustn't let a scar form.
Apply it quickly.
-Thank you.
-Why should you thank me?
Aren't we friends?
I'm only a true friend if I appear
when you're in need of help.
Your satay smells great.
Do you want to try some?
Be careful. It's hot
I'll dig in, then.
It's really good.
Can I have another stick?
You can have as many as you want.
We're friends.
Good friends.
Are they serious?
I can't take it any longer!
Why are you shouting?
Weihao is doing his homework.
Sis, how could anyone
buy such a stupid story
in this day and age?
I really don't understand
why people like Korean dramas these days.
Sis, I'll tell you the storyline.
That rich young man fell in love
with a poor girl.
His parents objected.
The whole world was against it.
He was supposed to marry a rich heiress
of equal social standing.
At first, that rich young man
was against it.
But he couldn't bear to lose his fortune.
So he broke up with that poor girl.
The poor girl cried her eyes out.
Don't you find it
hilarious and unbelievable?
-If I were her, I'd have cut that jerk's
Come here.
He's wearing headphones.
He's practically deaf.
And I meant
I'd cut all that jerk's photos up.
The scriptwriter must be an idiot
to come up with such a scenario!
Do you think such scenarios
don't happen in real life?
Throughout time immemorial,
rich people have always
been disdainful of poor people.
Do you mean
that if Arthur is going to marry me,
his family will object?
Did he say he'd marry you?
The question you should ask is,
if I have to marry him.
I have my qualities.
What's the matter?
What is this?
-What is it?
It can't be!
What is it, Sis?
Find out what Zhenting is looking at.
This is infuriating!
Sis, mission accomplished!
How did Zhenting look?
A storm is brewing.
That jerk!
What are you doing?
What are you washing?
What are these red stains?
-What's this?
It's just tomato sauce
from the burger I had just now.
Tomato sauce?
This is clearly blood! What happened?
-I'm finished!
-What trouble have you got into this time?
I might have killed someone.
Are you joking?
I'm not joking.
I was gambling
with a fat guy on board the cruise.
I lost all my money.
And that fatso won lots of money.
He won tens of thousands.
I saw him leaving alone.
I had an idea.
If only I could take all his money,
all my problems would be solved.
-Are you crazy?
-I am crazy!
The thought of that loan shark
hounding me every day
and stopping by our stall
every now and then
to take our money away
drove me crazy!
It hardened my resolve.
I took a taxi and followed him.
Let go!
So did he die?
I ran for it! I couldn't stop to worry
about his fate!
He lost a lot of blood
I guess he might be dead.
You're really an idiot!
You killed someone
without taking the money!
I'm finished this time!
-You must help me!
-How am I supposed to help you?
Do you have money? Give me money.
Are you still thinking of gambling?
You're really insane!
No, I need to go on the run.
Do you know that murder
is punishable by death?
I don't want to go to prison.
I don't want to die.
I'm begging you. Give me money
I don't have any money!
You took all of it to pay your debts.
I know you still have money.
On account that I'm your father,
help me one last time.
Otherwise, if the police come
The police are here! What should we do?
Find a place to hide quickly!
Where can I hide?
-Who are you looking for?
-Sorry to bother you.
Please read this booklet when you're free.
Believe, and you shall be saved.
Thank you.
It was someone
handing out religious tracts. Come out.
Zhi, I'm here.
Do you have a death wish? Come up!
Was it the police?
Mom, no! Don't let go!
I really can't live on.
We can leave this place together.
Leave him, and you'll be fine.
-I'll never be free of him.
-Mom, you will.
-I'm sorry
Back then, Mom jumped from here.
You forced Mom into desperation.
Do you have to bring this up at this time?
Your mom had depression.
I told her to see the doctor,
but she refused.
It was you. You killed Mom!
Why was she so stupid
as to trust a useless man like you?
You killed Mom!
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