Alpha Males (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Just When We Were Doing So Well

Let me tell you,
since that failure of a three-way,
Luz is so much calmer.
No, really. She didn't like it at all.
But was it a failed experiment?
No, no, it was fucking great.
The other girl was super hot,
but Luz was overwhelmed.
She pretends she's all modern.
I'm the only modern one.
Yeah, but is it good that she's calmer,
or you gonna go back to your old ways?
- Huh, what?
- Are you gonna go back to cheating on her?
- I've evolved now, okay?
- Great, Raúl. Thanks to that course, hmm?
Luz is the woman of my life.
I don't need to be with other women.
Well, that's great.
Just need her to feel the way you do.
Well, enough about me.
Eeny, meeny.
How's your old-school courtship going?
God, here we go.
There's not much chemistry there,
to be honest. It's a shame.
Heart, heart, kiss, kiss.
- Smiley face emoji. "I love you." Ooh!
- Oh, shit.
- I have to break up with her.
- Didn't you say she was a good one?
It's just that she's really boring
in bed, really boring, man.
Maybe she's just shy. She'll loosen up.
The first time's always weird, hmm?
- The first time's great.
- It only gets more boring.
Well, give it time.
It's like with doubles tennis, hmm?
That complicity
doesn't happen immediately.
She's the first you've been into.
It's just that Álex
found someone new on Tinder.
- What's the problem?
- We're meeting at five.
- Who goes out at five though?
- She likes an early dinner.
Night shift at a bingo hall?
Uh, what should I tell Eugenia? Come on.
She's still online.
She knows I saw her message.
- Uh, do a thumbs up, heart then heart.
- No, not sending a heart.
Send her a unicorn emoji to confuse her.
- Huh?
- Heart, heart, flamenco dancer, turd.
You play it hot and cold.
She won't know if you're serious.
A poop emoji?
It's got a smiley face,
so it'll feel lighthearted.
What do you mean, send her poop?
Why the hell would I do that?
I don't wanna string her along.
Send a unicorn. It's colorful.
Are you fed up?
Censured, oppressed, even mutilated?
Enough with all these new masculinities
and all that bullshit.
Wanna feel like a brand-new man?
A new man who's empowered?
Well, sign up for my course
on reconstructing virility God damn it!
- Oh! Sir, I'm sorry.
- Patricia, please knock on the door.
I tapped with my foot,
but you didn't hear me.
- No, no.
- Oh!
Where you going, woman?
What do you mean, no birthday party?
Girl, they can pay for it all.
Your virtual family
is looking forward
to a huge party, just as God intended.
Yeah, with that gorgeous house of yours,
we can through an amazing pool party.
- Want me to charge the drone?
- My hubby's saying no way.
The breadwinner calls the shots.
No, but he's right here.
Pedro. Hey, screw you!
Hey, girls, I gotta go.
Georgina's calling me now.
- Mm.
- Ciao.
I'm not a fan of your sister.
What do you think, bit of a pain, huh?
Well, why not rent a venue?
Didn't she say it's all paid for?
Yeah, but it's more intimate here, right?
More personal.
Well, invite whoever, but do it
in the garden. Don't let them in.
Oh, and and what about the bathroom?
Well, we can hire one
of those port-a-potties, you know.
All the alcohol would be free.
Jonás is taking care of the decorations.
I'll find a DJ, got a few followers.
Hmm, and you can organize
all the the catering.
How about someone, hmm,
someone slicing ham over there?
A sushi chef there?
Honey, we need to talk about
about being a personal assistant.
You know that
I love helping you out and all.
And I love your help.
But I don't think I'm in the right place.
I feel a little underutilized, you know.
Kind of like if Messi was playing
in the third division.
Well, what if he's happier
in the third division?
Don't think so, but, well,
I'm not a minor league player.
I'm more League of Champions.
- Honey, I know this is gonna hurt, but
- Hmm
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
No, I I understand you perfectly.
I get it. You're right that your
your talent is being totally wasted here.
I can see it too, and I feel bad.
Well, but but I thought you were
gonna be more disappointed than this.
No, no, no, for sure. Well, you know,
I'm disappointed,
but you're right. You're right. Well
- Well, good. That's that then.
- Hmm.
What'll you do with your life now?
I'll think something up.
So, I just have to go home,
grab my things,
and then I'm a free woman
for the whole week.
All right, and and where you gonna stay?
Well, my girlfriends
have all said I can stay with them.
It's just I don't
I don't know if I want that.
Come stay with me.
No, dude, no. No, I don't want you
to feel obligated to, you know.
Then I can spend more time with you.
Then we can do it in a real bed.
I'm getting sick of the car.
Shut up.
Well, uh, I could stay a few nights,
play it by ear.
Yes, right, but give me a full squat.
Come on, you're being lazy now.
Down. That's it.
We haven't been to the movies
in quite a while.
We're doing better than ever now.
I think we've begun to reconnect
with each other.
- You know?
- Totally. Totally.
Oh, yeah, um, I wanted
to talk to you about something.
Tell me.
I would like
to maybe renegotiate one of our rules.
I wanna have a repeat with somebody.
The first rule.
No repeat partners.
It's been signed before a notary.
Yeah, I know, but I'm just asking you
to be a little bit more flexible for now.
You're asking me to let you go out
and screw the same guy twice.
What's going on? You in love now?
Hey, no way, darling.
Of course I love you.
Well, then stop pushing the rules, Luz!
If you keep stretching the band,
it's gonna break.
- Okay, fine. Not gonna do it.
- Right when things were going good.
- Santi?
- Hey, Gala. Nice to meet you.
- Who's this?
- This is Mateo, my son.
Oh. How's it going, big guy? Hmm?
Uh, the babysitter canceled or
I brought him along to meet you.
You need his seal of approval.
Are you serious?
Hey, I'm not looking for a father, okay?
I didn't need a man to become a mom.
I don't need one now.
Oh, uh, in that case,
why are you on Tinder?
I mean, you and your kid?
You never know, you might come across
someone special. That right, honey?
To be honest,
the man in my life is my son.
Yeah, I have a kid too,
and she's the world to me.
And you didn't bring her?
What kind of dad are you?
I'm normal.
Uh, but but look, gotta say,
this feels like a very weird situation.
- My gut is telling me to get out of here.
- No way.
We're here now and with all the trouble
to find parking, we're staying.
I'm going to the restroom.
You two can get to know each other.
What would you like, a milkshake?
I'm gonna kill you while you're sleeping.
Well, you've been repeating hundreds
of times and keep saying you love Luz.
Not the same though.
'Cause guys are different.
When girls wanna repeat,
it's 'cause they're in love.
I asked that, and she said no.
What else would she say?
They lie more than they talk.
- She's in love. She's in love.
- I'd let her just repeat.
She's gonna obsess over him,
and you're gonna feed into it.
No way she's repeating.
Hey, but isn't the whole purpose
of being in an open relationship precisely
that you ease up
and stop being so paranoid?
You know the best part
of an open relationship? Nothing.
An open relationship is a shit smear,
a ripoff.
Just like this course.
Tonight we're gonna talk about intimacy.
A high percentage of you guys
define yourselves as heterosexual.
That right?
After all, we all know
the patriarchy is heteronormative.
But how many of you guys here
would consider yourselves homophobes?
- You raise your hand.
- No.
- Hey, raise your hand.
- No.
No one? Liars.
Because one of the foundational pillars
of toxic masculinity is homophobia.
And I've got some more bad news
for you guys.
Homophobia reveals your underlying fear
of your own homosexual urges.
It's a defense mechanism.
It serves to reinforce
your fragile heterosexuality.
Wow, look at all these
nervous little faces.
Homophobia poses a huge obstacle
for friendship between males.
We're gonna try something.
Hold each other's hand.
I'm out of here.
Try holding hands
with the guy next to you.
Doesn't matter if you're strangers.
That's it. That's great.
Perfect, good.
It's awkward, right?
Physical contact. Wow!
Women cultivate intimacy
without any problems,
but we men prefer to hang out as a group.
Because that's how we prevent temptations
that might turn homosexual.
- I disagree with you.
- How surprising.
I hang out with my friends as a group
because it's more fun,
not because I'm afraid of anything.
Do you consider yourself to be homophobic?
No, not at all.
- How many gay friends do you have?
- Uh, got one.
Well, we met him recently.
The thing is, Patrick,
could it be we're not actually messed up
because of all this psychological
and cultural stuff you're talking about?
No, I'm not.
Maybe what's messing us up
is that they've got us by our throats.
Uh, who?
Society, because it's made us believe
that we're the bad guys,
and we actually believe them.
I mean, for years, they've been telling
us not to be feminine males,
And now they're turning around
and saying that we shouldn't be masculine.
- No, now look, it's not it's not
- We don't know who we are.
That's why I'd like
to officially announce my course
on the reconstruction of virility.
Pre-enrollment at
- How's it going, guys?
- Hmm.
Listen, I can give you a refund,
but don't come back to the class.
No, no, no, no, no. Hang on.
This has been so helpful for me, really.
It was starting to get interesting.
I come here to distract myself.
I've just been dumped and
Why are you guys even here?
To fuck me over?
Patrick, that's not very becoming behavior
for a guru of empathy and new sensitivity.
Uh, pardon, pardon.
You have the dates yet
for the course about virility?
I'll let you know.
Sign up for my newsletter.
- Great. Thanks, man.
- "Newsletter."
You're late.
I've already given them their dinner.
- Hi, Daddy.
- Hello, sweetheart. Mmm!
I really missed you.
How you doing, champ?
Well, you're not gonna give me a kiss?
Her gymnastics leotard is
on the drying rack.
Don't give them pasta or sausage
for dinner, no matter how much they beg.
Remember to turn on the humidifier
at night, otherwise Ulises gets a cough.
I've been doing it for eight years.
Okay, well, I don't know.
I worry anyway. Give me a kiss, my love.
And after you eat, you can read
My Parents Are Friends Now, okay?
- It's super boring though.
- I'll pass.
Drink some water.
Well, that's great.
- Don't guilt me with the kids.
- When have I ever done that, Esther?
- I'm going.
- To that pretty boy from the gym?
How come you've bought a new outfit?
What are you talking about?
I got this over five years ago.
I can see the tag's still on.
Oh. You're right, yes.
This is the new one.
From the outlet. I'll see you.
- Hey, there.
- Hello.
- Took a while finding a place to park?
- Forty-five minutes.
- I've never been to this neighborhood.
- Well, come in. I made you some dinner.
- This is my favorite dish.
- Mm.
You want some more mayonnaise?
No, no, no, thank you.
It's keto, huh? Fat-free too.
No, it's just that I'm not very hungry.
Got any wine?
- No.
- Hmm.
Wanna watch something?
Oh, yeah. Yes.
I didn't know you wore glasses.
You've been very quiet.
Having dinner.
I'm gonna go shower.
My cell phone.
- Your mother?
- No, it's about work.
- You busy tomorrow?
- Mm. Nah, normal.
- It's Pedro, dude.
- Wait, what?
The guy who's fucking Luz.
The guy she wants to repeat. It's Pedro.
You're kidding me.
How the hell could it be Pedro?
Yeah, that's what I told him, man.
Besides, if she'd asked permission
to repeat,
she would've asked permission
to fuck your friend too.
Well, no, because our agreement
said no acquaintances,
and Pedro is a friend.
She's gonna use that loophole.
She's a lawyer. They can twist everything!
- Shh! Lower your voice.
- But acquaintances includes your friends.
That's not true.
An acquaintance doesn't count as a friend.
To be someone's friend,
you gotta be acquainted.
No, siree! You can be a guy's friend
without knowing them at all.
Hmph! Look at Pedro.
What amazes me, that you actually
signed off on this in front of a notary.
Like, what was their reaction?
Bro, come on. I caught them hugging
each other at their housewarming dinner.
- They've been gaslighting me.
- Fuck! Not on my notes, God damn it.
- What notes? Chill out.
- Get
There's an internal promotion.
I'm gonna apply for the position,
move up to sub-inspector.
I'm fed up with busting drinking parties.
Let 'em spit on someone new.
- Congrats.
- You don't do that, man.
- You don't fuck your friend's woman.
- Yeah, but you were fucking Jero's girl.
Jero is my coworker.
He's not my friend. See?
- Jero is an acquaintance.
- Come on, Raúl, we've all been cheated on.
- Does it matter who with?
- It's not the same though.
Cheated on with some douche
from the gym versus your best friend.
You see? He is his best friend.
- No way, dipshit. I love you all equally.
- Right.
There's no proof of this.
Don't go splitting up the group, okay?
I don't wanna be left alone, in misery.
Right, right, right, and you,
you just focus on your exam, okay?
Uh, here, should I quiz you?
I haven't even looked at it.
I've got a physical exam on top of that.
God damn it, just go get a gym membership.
Everyone hooks up at a
And where's the washer?
Take some time,
you know, and make up our minds.
Yes, yes, I I love you too.
How could I not love you?
All right, get some sleep. I love you.
Me too, me too.
I love the smell of incense.
It's always gonna remind me of you.
I read that it's very toxic though.
So watch out.
- Do you wanna sleep over? Huh? Huh?
- Hmm.
It's it's just that I,
uh, I gotta go home.
'Cause my daughter's
been having nightmares.
- How old is your daughter?
- She's 16.
Oof, she was traumatized
by the divorce and now
She dreams the dentist tightens
her braces, and her teeth fall out.
Well, I was also really affected
by the separat
- Well, gotta go, okay? Okay, later.
- So I'll talk to you tomorrow?
Yes, yes, yes, call you tomorrow.
You rest up.
Oh, hey, your ass
doesn't shake when you wash dishes.
You're getting pretty tight, huh?
You leave dishes in the sink,
fill it with water. They'll get crusty.
- Want some coffee?
- Yes, please.
Hey, uh, at night, mm,
are you always in the bathroom
for a while before you go to bed?
Yes, my digestive system
is very well-trained.
And and you talked
very affectionately on the phone
with a girl who is
Uh, Rosa.
My ex. Yeah, poor thing.
She's not doing too great.
Did you have a recent breakup too?
Been about a month.
Well, I gotta go
'cause got a cycling class at nine, hmm?
See you at the gym, okay?
Rosa, Rosa.
- Hey, look, here's a Rosa.
- Who is she? Let's see.
Wow, they've got a lot of photos together.
And they're wearing
the same uniform there.
No fucking way! She works at the gym too.
And I fucked him in the room
with all the Pilates balls.
What the hell!
Well, be careful. Looks like
she'd kick your ass if she wanted to.
Look at the arms on her.
I've never seen her before.
Well, maybe she's on sick leave
for depression.
- Because they broke up last month.
- You sure?
'Cause look,
this photo was posted two weeks ago.
- See that? Fuck this bullshit!
- Follow them, follow them!
- How though? They're on a motorbike.
- Just try it, Raúl!
Don't get so close.
They'll see us behind them.
Look at him. You asshole!
You're not allowed
to zigzag like that between cars.
This can't be happening.
I can't believe this.
How are you guys doing?
As a couple, I mean, you doing fine?
Oh, it's not our best moment
You're neglecting him because you're
always busy posting on the Internet.
- Excuse me.
- You having sex?
I'm not gonna talk
about our sex life with you, Raúl.
Wait, he's gone. He's gone now.
There! There, there!
Right, now he's running red lights.
How irresponsible.
And with my girlfriend on the back.
I don't know, doesn't make sense.
Luz. Luz. Not his type at all.
Luz is everybody's type, come on.
Your boyfriend's bored
and has tons of free time now.
- They'll deny everything. Got no proof.
- Yeah, we'll get the proof.
How do you break up with someone,
just without hurting them, you know.
Is the old-school girl not good?
She's great. So great.
But in bed though. Pfft!
Maybe you're the boring one.
And she's just adapting to you.
Hang on, your mom never complained.
She traded you.
Doesn't that tell you something?
How about you go ask your mother
what I was like in bed?
Why would I ever ask her?
To well, to clear any suspicions.
- Have you actually talked to her?
- To your mom?
With Eugenia.
To see what she thinks about sex with you.
It's Mom.
I'm not well, Santiago. And I know
you don't care, but I'm not well.
I do. You're the mother of my daughter.
I need to go on vacation.
Of course, yes, good idea. To disconnect.
Look here. The Maldives.
Kanifushi atmosphere, premium.
A private island, excursions,
four restaurants, Teppanyaki grill.
It's beautiful, but it doesn't
look cheap at all.
You can put it on your credit card.
- Uh, put it on my card?
- Of course.
Wait a minute.
I just mean, you slept
with the dentist treating our daughter.
You divorced me.
Then held onto our apartment,
which I still pay for,
and then there's the alimony,
and on top of that,
now you want me
to pay for a trip to the Maldives?
Really great story.
You're great at twisting things.
Uh, without
without meaning to offend you
and solely out of sheer perplexity,
where the hell do you get the nerve?
This marriage fell apart because of you.
While you were out valuing homes,
ours was falling apart.
Somebody had to make some money
while you were at home on your ass.
- I spent time raising our daughter.
- Getting your teeth cleaned!
Put those bitches
on silent while you humiliate me.
Blanca, I can't afford to pay
for you to go to some crazy paradise,
because I'm broke, okay?
Santiago, tell me the truth,
for once in your life.
Am I being voodoo-ed?
- Did you put my photo in the freezer?
- What?
Have you ritually sacrificed
a chicken to put a hex on me?
Blanca, are you taking meds?
- No.
- Well, you should be.
That water's still hot.
Oh, God! Holy shit. Oh, shit.
Esther, hey. Come here, come here.
- You're not gonna believe it.
- What?
That guy over there is that cop
who's been giving me fines for two weeks.
- Who?
- That guy, the guy in blue.
The one in the tennis shirt.
- No way.
- He fines me every single day.
- You wait here.
- No. No, no, no.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Holy shit.
That's it. He won't bother you again.
- What did you say?
- That he's gonna leave you alone.
- Or I'll screw him out of the kids.
- The kids?
Is that your husband?
But why didn't you say
your husband was a cop?
Well, you didn't mention that Rosa,
your ex, the one you left a month ago,
but went hiking with
in the last two weeks,
also worked here.
She's off sick.
Tendinitis of the shoulder.
Bad, Guillermo. This is starting out bad.
With this deep
ultrasound therapy I'm getting right now,
well, my facial fibers are breaking down,
and it creates a ton of collagen.
The best of all is that
it's super painless
Excuse me, Mayelín, okay? One moment.
- Tell me.
- Luz is leaving now.
- What's Pedro doing?
- But he said he was going out with you.
- You're not with him now?
- They're gonna fuck. They're gonna fuck!
Uh, Raúl, Raúl,
could you not be so blunt about it?
I'm tailing Luz. As soon as I know it,
I'll send you the location.
Mm, no, I'm not going.
You go and tell me about it.
We should both be there
when we catch them.
If I go, I'll kill him.
Okay, fine, I'll go. Let me know.
Lower the intensity. This shit does hurt.
All right.
- Eugenia, uh
- Here, try it. Try this tartare.
It's just I really feel
so comfortable with you.
It's a little bit like I've
it's like I kind of, like,
I've known you my whole life, you know.
- I don't know if
- Hmm.
Uh, one more thing.
Um, tell me, do you like how I do it?
- What?
- Make love.
Sure. For sure.
Yes, I love it.
I really love it because it's gentle.
- Pork cheek?
- And you don't like how I do it?
Yes, I do, a lot.
Yes, but you know, always room to improve.
So, it's not completely to your liking?
Yes, but I'm telling you
that I do like it.
Good, okay, well,
maybe it's a bit too soon to be
to be worrying
about that stuff, right? And
Hey, and what about trying out
some new stuff?
So we don't stagnate.
Like what?
Hmm. What turns you on?
Uh, do you have any fantasies?
Well, for example
maybe like that scene in
in the movie Out of Africa.
When Robert Redford
washes her hair, uh, Meryl Streep's.
Hmm, I don't I don't quite remember
that film. It's old an old movie, right?
- Okay, how about Pretty Woman?
- Oh, yeah.
When Richard Gere puts Julia Roberts,
well, uh, right there on top of the piano,
and, well, then
Right. I remember
the that really thick bathrobe.
- Oh!
- The fancy hotel robe.
Hey, how about we go do it
in the bathroom?
In the bath
- Sit on the toilet.
- Huh?
- The toilet. Put the lid down.
- Gross. There's pee drops.
- No, not on the toilet. Gross.
- Okay, well, hang on.
- Look, here, here, here, here. Right here.
- Uh, here?
Uh, hold on. Be right out.
There's a bathroom upstairs.
- Come on, I'm disabled, you asshole.
- Fuck, what bad luck.
Damn, that air's too hot, really.
- Too hot? Hot, hot.
- Yes.
Too hot?
Okay, fuck me here in the sink.
- Huh?
- Yeah, here.
- What do you mean?
- Yes, here.
- In the sink?
- Here.
Okay, let's see.
I'm gonna go get the manager.
That's it. That's it. That's it!
Oh! Shh! Uh, lower your voice. Shh!
Oh! Oh!
Holy shit. I gotta tell Raúl.
- Which room are they in?
- I don't know. Luz got in the elevator.
- You didn't follow her?
- I was waiting for you.
Well, how do we know where they are, Raúl?
Hmm, let's look around.
You go up. I'll go down.
How many rooms does this hotel have?
Ignore the suites.
If you're here to hook up,
you're not gonna spend the money.
- This is so shitty, God.
- This way.
Good evening.
Sorry, man. Got the wrong door.
Have a good night. Hmm?
- They weren't in any of them.
- Yeah.
Okay, I'll go this way.
Hi. I'm the manager.
Thank you for choosing our hotel.
The bathrobe looks marvelous on you.
So you can keep it. Good night, sir.
Good evening.
May I come in, please?
- Hello! Where is that son of a bitch?
- What are you doing here?
Hey, how dare you, man! Fuck my
- Oh, uh
- Who the hell's this?
- My partner.
- Uh, yes, but I was just leaving.
Hmm? Huh.
Hey, I wanna say
that I'm so happy that it's you.
Raúl. It's a pleasure.
Go right ahead. Go on, honey.
Enjoy it. See you later, huh?
Well done. Hmm? Hmm?
Signature, when you have a moment, hmm?
- Tell me.
- False alarm. It wasn't Pedro.
I cannot fucking
believe you, Raúl.
- You had me so worried, dude.
- See you later.
But where is Pedro? Why'd he lie to me?
Daniela, don't get me involved
in your problems, okay? I'm feeling great.
- Uh, Raúl. Ra Ra
- Uh, what's that?
And how was your exam, Ulises?
He's taken a vow of silence.
He says he's not speaking to either of you
until he's 18 and you get him a car.
And how are you, my love?
Uh, last night,
Dad had a party with his friends.
- And they drank lots of beer.
- B-But
- That didn't take long.
- But no, no, come on.
What party? It wasn't a party.
And you made them sausages for dinner?
On the menu I left,
tonight was cream of zucchini soup.
They're nutritious.
Hey, you see? 100% turkey.
That's a conglomerate of the beaks,
the skin, the toenails
and the feet of the turkey.
Hey, when it's your turn with them,
okay, you can give 'em
all the veggies you want. Hmm?
You're trying to buy the kids' affection
with junk food, you asshole.
- Esther, for God's sake.
- Guillermo!
That's the guy from the photo.
Hey, uh, finish your food, honey, go on.
- I want zucchini soup.
- Kids, I'll call you tomorrow.
I love you so much.
Have a pear for dessert, okay?
You may not have pudding.
Is that man going out with Mom?
Uh, no, it's, um
It's it's her personal trainer, okay?
Because Mom has been studying very hard
for an exam, just like Dad.
For the driving school?
Well, I think he's going out with Mom.
Because Martina's mom signed up
to do yoga
Go to bed now. Come on.
Let's go. Get a move on.
Look what you've done, Esther.
Look what you've done.
Honey, I ordered some sushi.
Raúl, we have to talk.
Or not. Let's eat and not talk.
This open relationship thing
isn't working out.
Oh, no? Why not?
You've been overwhelmed
with all these insecurities.
What insecurities?
Me and Pedro? You're serious?
Look, if you ignore the terms
and start lying to me, I worry a lot.
Anyone else would too.
They're not insecurities.
Look, hon, I love you,
but nobody is having fun here.
It's better
if we're just a regular couple,
and whatever's gonna happen, happens.
We'll sabotage ourselves,
like everyone else.
Uh, whatever you decide, honey.
When we've had enough of each other,
which will happen,
we'll see you later, alligator. Hmm?
I'm going to bed, 'cause I'm burnt out.
And the sushi?
Oh, yes!
Where have you been?
You lied to me. You weren't meeting Raúl.
Okay, yes. I mean, no.
Wait, how can I put it?
Well, where'd you go?
Daniela, I need to talk to you.
- Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I knew it.
- Wait. No, relax. It's nothing bad though.
I'm gonna teach a course
on the reconstruction of virility.
- What's that?
- How to be an alpha male.
Reclaim your inner self,
'cause it's been stolen.
Babe, you take a course
of the deconstruction of sexist pigs,
and your conclusion is this?
There's a business opportunity here.
Hold on.
Credit card. I don't need it anymore.
but you were with Luz,
and you didn't tell me anything.
- You followed me?
- No, not me.
Raúl. He told me.
She helped me
to set up the sole proprietorship.
We went to the notary.
Gonna make so much dough.
Look, you've lost your mind, dude.
Don't you want a drink
to celebrate though?
But it's a nice one.
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