Angels of Death (2021) s01e08 Episode Script


!!! Hope you enjoy the show !!!
Defence turret ammunition expended,
The doors will hold for
They will hold for a while.
Begin the rituals of destruction.
What of Techmarine Hadrael?
His last signal was that he had a means
of getting us free from the dock.
Should Lord Hadrael fail,
I will not see the Sword
become a nest for xenos.
Aye, Ship Mistress.
Angel carry you swift, Hadrael.
They are coming.
The false angels rise through the tower.
This means nothing.
They cannot hope to pass
through the tower and live.
The tech-witch found a way
into the sky-hoists
that lead to the sanctuary,
and has brought them to it.
You have failed, sibling.
And now your pride would allow the unclean
into the sanctuary of our father.
I shall send the true angels
to face the false.
They shall do what you could not.
I am coming.
They shall fall to our claws
even if it is
at the doors of the sanctuary.
Do what you like, it matters not!
He is waking
Father! I hear you!
Do you fear me a phantom, Sergeant?
No, my Captain.
I am pleased to find you alive
and with a sword in your hand.
As am I, Ancaeus. As am I.
You have done all
that duty calls for and more.
As I knew you would.
Tiro, does your arm yet grow
weary of carrying that thing?
Never, my Captain.
Well met, brother.
My Captain.
It is good to see you
standing with us once more, brother.
Sangrael, what do you make
of our fate this day?
The enemy is many and we few.
We shall be tested,
but shall be found the equal of our trial.
This is our hour.
We are the Angels of Baal.
We are the Emperor's wrath.
And we bring death!
They come!
My thanks, Tiro.
Log data observation.
Aggression and survival instinct
still in place,
in spite of its kin abandoning it.
Something has catalysed
heightened aggression
and overridden
the normal biological shut-down processes.
Omni Fifty-Five Fifty-Five.
Oversee promethium refuelling
and loading of the ammunition.
The soul of the Machine God
surrounds thee.
Meridian One-Seventeen,
stabilise fluid pressure
in the vanguard infusion stents.
The power of the Machine God invests thee.
Ferrum Eighty-Six,
test all coaxial terminus cables
in preparation for biological relay.
Ferrum Eighty-Six, acknowledge command.
Ferrum Eighty-Six logged
as destroyed.
Yes, yes.
Dirge Three-Three, execute previous order.
The hate of the Machine God drives thee.
Zeta Six!
Lower the sarcophagus.
The Machine God endows thee with life!
Request confirmation of final
machine spirit ignition evocation.
Our father, he wakens.
He has sensed the approach of our exodus.
He feels the blades
of the unclean on his children.
He hears
He wakes
He wakes!
These beasts don't know
when they are dead.
It is their brood mind.
The Patriarch wakes
and they respond to its will.
If we do not slay it,
there shall be no stopping them.
A fine kill.
They mean to overwhelm us
before we can reach the doors.
We are with you, Captain.
The enemy shall not break us.
You and Ancaeus take Palidus
and Melchior and breach the doors.
The sire of this brood must die.
We will give you what time we can.
- Captain
- Go!
As you order.
Sons of Sanguinius! Angels of the Emperor!
We end this now!
Awake, Lord Ignis,
I, Hadrael of Baal, priest of Mars,
beseech you
I am the death of foes.
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