Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

The New Pig

[Mighty Eagle whistling]
[Mighty Eagle]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[driving rock music]
For catapultin'!
Slingshottin'! Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zippin' in the air ♪
Crashin' everywhere! ♪
Archery, Dodgebird
Borb tennis-- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck! ♪
Flyin' Fast!
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life, you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[upbeat music]
Gah! Ha ha!
Mine, mine!
Uhh! [laughing]
Gah! Whoo-hoo!
I got it!
[Red] Whoa-ho!
Heads up!
[Chuck whooping]
All right, everyone. This is--
[blows] Uh…
Penley, our newest camper.
[Chuck sniffing]
You okay? He looks a little green.
Uh, duh, 'cause he's a pig.
Stella, be nice!
Don't listen to her.
She gets cranky when she loses.
[whispering] Especially at games
she rules at.
No, he actually is a pig, Chuck.
Oh, is he?
Ah. Well, all you young people
look the same to me.
Wait, you're just gonna leave him?
How's he gonna figure out
how things work here?
That's why I'm leaving him
in your capable wings.
But shouldn't he be at Pig Camp?
Oh, definitely, but you know how it is.
Paperwork snafu. Yada yada.
Check already cleared.
Have fun! Toodle-oo!
"Ooh! Look at me. I'm Lynette.
I don't care what happens to anyone
as long as it makes my life easier."
[blows raspberries]
[Lynette] I heard that!
[speaking slowly] Hello!
I'm Stella!
This is Red, Bomb, and Chuck.
Um, anyone know what he said?
Stand back. I did a semester
of pig latin back home.
[screeching and oinking]
Yeah, I got nothin'.
Don't worry, Penley.
You're gonna love it here.
Yeah, there's something for everyone
at Camp Splinterwood.
Stick with us and we'll figure out
what your thing is.
[bell chiming on intercom]
-[Red and Stella] Ooh.
-[Bomb laughs]
But first, my thing. Lunch!
You know, eating?
This is the fastest way to get around.
Fun, right?
Just relax. You'll get the hang of it.
[Penley oinks]
[all whooping]
-[Penley screeching]
-See? Having a great time already.
[Penley screeching]
[Red] Whoo, yeah!
-[Stella] Whoo-hoo!
-[Bomb] Hee-hee!
[Chuck] Whoo hoo hoo!
[Penley screeching]
So, Penley, what looks good to you?
He's eating garbage? Who does that?
[munching] Here, try this.
Well, this is how most of us
eat around here, Penley.
[wheels squeaking]
[all munching]
Wanna try it?
If you're not gonna finish that,
mind if I--
Whoo! [munching]
What the-- Ohh. You better
clean that up, whoever you--
Well, what do we have here?
Uh-oh. Trouble. Twelve o'clock.
Look, uh, piggy,
I'm kind of the king of camp
and you're new around here,
so I'll let you make it up to me by--
[Penley screeching]
Okay… heh.
I was thinking you could, like,
give me your fruit cup or something,
but this'll do.
Yes. This'll do nicely.
Hey, Penley, buddy.
Let's try to avoid
any unnecessary jerks, okay?
That was uncalled for. I was just--
Taking advantage of him.
Well, you have your way of making friends.
I have mine.
See you around, new pig.
[chuckles] Ta-ta!
Word of advice, watch out for Neiderjerk.
Otherwise, you'll be doing what he wants
and not what you want.
Speaking of, we have
to figure out what that is.
Okay, time for the grand tour.
First stop, basketbird.
[Penley yelping]
Okay, not the sporty type.
-Fine. Let's try… the slide!
This is the one. I know it.
-[Penley gurgling]
-He stopped screaming. He must like it.
Hey, that looked fun. Can I go next?
Okay, Penley. This is it for sure.
The dojo. Uh-- Hey, where'd he go?
Not too shabby,
new pig.
Hot tub room, check.
Now, let's get started
on that worm juice cellar.
Neiderjerk! Penley's here to have fun,
not waste his time on your stupid
construction projects! Argh!
We'll take our friend back,
if you don't mind.
Sure thing, Rod!
Hey, when you get tired of these losers,
you know where to find me! Ta-ta!
Now, back to finding your thing,
and my money's on canoeing.
[Penley screeching]
Okay, we tried archery, Dodgebird,
arts and crafts, the rope course,
and hatchling whack-a-mole,
but there's one thing we haven't tried--
this place.
[bicycle bell rings]
Actually, Penley, I have zero idea
what's happening here.
Hey, where'd Penley go?
I guess Camp Splinterwood has something
for everyone… except Penley.
I promised we'd help him find his thing,
and I blew it.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Red.
That's my job.
But yeah, you totally blew it.
[all gasp]
Huh! Well, that's new.
[wrench cranking]
Penley, why do you keep
wandering off to build stuff
instead of helping us figure out
what you love to do?
[gasps] Oh, man. We're so dumb.
Hey, speak for myself!
I know what Penley's thing is.
Isn't it obvious, guys?
Well, duh, totally obvious.
But, uh, you say it first.
You like building stuff!
Building stuff. I knew it. I said it, too.
[oinking and squealing]
See? I knew he'd figure it out.
And you're really great at it.
This takes the slide to a whole new level.
It goes through the dining hall,
over the basketbird court…
[Bomb] Through Lynette's office.
[Chuck] And finishes up sending
all the campers flying out right into--
Wait, that's our cabin!
It's totally gonna be destroyed!
[Neiderflyer on bullhorn]
Attention Camp Splinterwood!
Hello, little people-- I mean, friends.
Thanks to Yours Truly,
there's now a totally awesome addition
to the big slide!
[all chanting] Neiderflyer! Neiderflyer!
Neiderflyer! Neiderflyer!
Ah, the one you should
really be cheering for is--
Well, yes, me,
for getting the new pig to build it.
You're the bird, Neiderflyer!
I know, I know.
Though, while I selflessly
did this for you,
an added bonus is that it's
going to completely destroy Rod's cabin.
Whoa, bro. That's cold.
[oinking sadly]
You didn't know, did you?
-Don't worry.
We can fix this.
Yeah! 'Cause we have the best builder
in all of Camp Splinterwood.
[energetic music]
[wrench cranking]
Ah. Eek! Uhh.
Hey, wait a minute.
What are we doing again?
We're building a new section of slide
to stick at the end
and reroute the campers before they
smash our cabin to smithereens.
-Well, then what are we waiting for?
-Uh, we're not.
That's it. Ram in! [chuckles]
The more the merrier,
and the more damage it'll do.
[all shouting]
[Chuck] Oh, boy!
[all laughing]
Almost showtime.
[panting] Oh no! They're coming.
In three…
-[Neiderflyer] Two…
-[all grunting]
[all grunting]
[dramatic music]
[Neiderflyer] My hot tub!
[all] Yeah! We did it!
You saved our bunk, Penley!
Which makes it as much yours as ours,
if you want to join us, bunkie.
[squeaks and snorts]
Hey! You never called me bunkie before.
[water splashing]
Ah, Penley… where have you
and this hot tub been all my life?
[Chuck] Chuckieball!
[water bubbling]
-[Red growling]
-[Stella sighs]
[theme music playing]
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