Baccano! (2007) s01e08 Episode Script

Isaac and Miria Spread Happiness Without Realizing It

1 Instead, let's come up with some amazing gift, and go to New York! It's all-out war with the Russo Family Incredible! All right then, gentlemen, allow me to introduce to you, from the FBI, special investigators Bill Sullivan, and Donald Brown.
It's a pleasure.
It's a pleasure.
These two are pursuing suspects in a string of robberies that have taken place over several states.
They have struck more than 80 times now, and I have pledged the whole force's cooperation.
These are photos of the robbers.
Chief What is it? Are you pulling our legs? An understandable question, but it's these two who are doing the goofing around.
Chief What is it? If they have turned up in all of these photos, why hasn't anyone been able to arrest them? An understandable question, but I will ask Mr.
Sullivan to explain.
These are all photos that local people happened to shoot of them because of their eccentric outfits.
Generally, they did not realize that they were robbers until after the pictures were taken.
All of their crimes up to now have been petty offenses, not serious enough to get them on our wanted lists.
Watches, chocolates, candy, and They once stole the door to an art museum.
In that case, wouldn't it be quicker to have their mamas chew them out? I'm afraid we can't settle for just that.
The pair have made off with the entire inheritance of the New Jersey millionaire, Mr.
Chief What is it? What could have suddenly come over them? An understandable question, but if you ask me, I have no answer.
You can ask them yourselves.
Oh, crap! Miria! We've forgotten something awfully important! What's that? Ennis's Ennis's W-W-What do we do? What are we going to do?! Isaac! Miria! --We forgot to buy a gift for Ennis!! --We forgot to buy a gift for Ennis!! Hey, guys.
There's something up on the forward coupling.
Ready, set The Rail Tracer? I don't see it anymore.
Let's go.
Maybe Let's go up and see.
Donny, you head up the aisle down there, and wait for us one coupling ahead.
You can count on me.
Be especially careful about the black suits.
Let's go! Boss, you get the feeling that Jacuzzi is all worked up? He hasn't been like this since those eight were killed by the Russo Family.
He was amazing back then, even as he was crying, huh? I wonder how far he'll go this time.
I am Gustavo Baggetta, of the Runorata Family.
We may have been rough with you, but relax, we have no plans to take your life.
Runorata I've heard that name before.
Your granddad, father, and brother were all good friends with our boss.
Why are you doing this? We have business with your other brother.
With Big Brother Dallas? Your Big Brother Dallas has done something naughty.
We have to tell him off, but we have no idea where he is.
So, we're going to hold you hostage.
It's our way of calling the bastard out.
You're going to stay with us for a while, like it or not.
You scared? You're scared, aren't you? You're a strong-willed little lady.
You want me to tell you what kind of mischief your brother got into? He's blackmailing us.
He says that your father and brother were killed by us! Is that true? Did you really kill my father and Geoffrey?! I'm not telling.
Are you really related to that good-for-nothing father and good-for-nothing brother of yours? If they'd had the strength of will that you have, they might have lived another five minutes.
Whoops, that just slipped out.
God is going to punish people like you.
God, huh? The people with the power prevail.
Such is the law of this world.
That's not true! Big Brother Dallas Hey, Miria What, Isaac? She's crying.
She's crying, huh? She's looking at the picture and crying.
It must be her lover.
They were lovey-dovey.
I wonder if they've been separated for life.
I'm sure it must have been an incredibly sad farewell.
Or maybe, they've been separated by death.
How tragic.
Um How did you know?! How could you tell?! I could hear you.
What do we do, Miria? She's a formidable opponent.
We are robbers! Robbers! She's laughing.
She's laughing, huh? She was crying just a second ago.
It was an abrupt change, huh? It's just, you two are so funny.
Then we have no choice.
No choice, huh? Tell us all about your lover! We'll be guidance counselors! We'll give you good advice! --We no tellum lie! --We no tellum lie! Well? There were two lookouts.
Both of them had machine guns.
And everyone who was around us has disappeared.
Isaac-san, Miria-san, Czes-kun, Mary-chan, Beriam-san They're all gone.
Oh, no They could have been taken somewhere.
We have to find them.
Nice, you and Nick take the roof and head to the dining car.
Donny, you're with me.
Nice, I'll be coming back here for sure, so don't overdo anything.
--Eh? Your brother?! --Eh? Your brother?! Yes.
My Big Brother Dallas is really very kind at heart.
But lately, he's been acting a little violent, and doesn't come home much.
She says he's been violent.
A juvenile delinquent, huh? But why? Our family, you see, is wealthy.
That's good, isn't it? It is good! No, it isn't.
Perhaps because my family has been so blessed, people only keep superficial company with us, and what they say and what they think are two separate things.
We saw a lot of things that we didn't want to, and that's probably why my brother That's a hard one, huh? A real poser.
What should she do? If that's the case, what if you weren't rich anymore? If that happened, you wouldn't have to see that icky stuff anymore! That was simple! All right! Excuse us a minute.
Excuse us.
--Keep excusing us.
--Keep excusing us.
What is the meaning of this, Miria? It's a mystery, huh? Is it the Rail Tracer? It's a horror! Where is Jacuzzi? What do we do? What if he's already been eaten? I-It's all right, I tell you! Since his body isn't here, it could mean that he was swallowed up by the monster.
That means he's still alive inside its stomach.
He was swallowed whole, then? Ah, thank goodness.
He was swallowed whole?! Swallowed whole! He's been gobbled up! But, but, we don't know where the guy who ate Jacuzzi is! Yeah, that's okay.
As long as it's still aboard this train, it means we're still together with Jacuzzi! Mm-hmm he still lives on in our hearts, huh? Miria-san! He really was a great guy a great guy! Are you all right?! Jacuzzi, up in heaven, thank you.
Isaac-san! Yeah, his voice, calling out to me like that is something I'll never be able to hear again! T-Thank goodness, you're both still safe! W-We're glad you're safe, Jacuzzi! You got out of its stomach, huh, Jacuzzi? S-Stomach? F-First thing we should do is leave this room and go to the freight hold.
All right, let's go! So that's it.
I get you.
This train is now "The Annals of the Three Kingdoms.
" T-The Annals of the Three Kingdoms? What are the Annals of the Three Kingdoms? The Annals of the Three Kingdoms is a famous history of China.
It's a story about these great samurai who divide the land in three, and feud with each other.
--Go on.
--Go on.
As I recall, they were Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Hokusai.
They are often likened to the snake, the slug, and the frog, huh? Slug? So you see, Jacuzzi, you have to be Yoshitsune! Be him! M-Me, be someone that great? You can do it! I-I was planning to make sure all the passengers are saved, and to defeat the black suits and the Russo guys.
But I'm not all that outstanding a person.
I make liquor, and just yesterday, I killed three men.
--Killed?! --Killed?! No! We're the ones who killed them! It wasn't you, Jacuzzi! It's the same difference.
We had eight of our friends killed by the Russo Family.
--Killed?! --Killed?! S-So I lost my temper, and robbed 18 of the Russo Family's shops.
E-Eighteen?! That must have taken all month! N-No, one day! --One day?! --One day?! Jacuzzi was ten times more fearsome than usual.
And he also cried a hundred times more than usual.
I was out to avenge them, but it turned out I overdid things, and more people ended up killed.
So I'm not some outstanding person.
Don't let it bother you! Cao Cao and Yoshitsune killed thousands, millions, billions, and trillions of people! Even so, if those around them said they were great guys, then that makes them great guys! Well, I mean, you know You've got to live in the moment! That's right! So you see, Jacuzzi, we're telling you that you're a great guy.
Don't miss out on that wave! Even if someone is against you, you've just got to let yourself go with the flow! Still, still, in order to make those waves, you need to have at least one of the people around you think that you're a great guy.
We know you are! So, we're making waves for you! --Okay? --Okay? Thanks.
We're going to take all of the unhappiness out of your home for you.
Then, the whole family will enjoy tranquility.
I'm sure your brother will regain his footing.
He'll be rehabilitated! --Bye.
U-Um That's right.
What's your name? Eve Eve Genoard.
Eve, I'm sure that you will find happiness! Happiness? --Bye.
Where are you going? Why, to look for the Rail Tracer, of course.
We're going to ask it to leave this train.
What if that doesn't work? --We'll beat it up! --We'll beat it up! What if that still doesn't work? --We'll run and hide! --We'll run and hide! Huh? The monster is sure to be strong.
You'll be killed.
No problem! If it comes down to it I'll use my hundred-shot pistols.
You don't even have a single-shot gun, do you? Indeed I don't.
But you know what gunmen of old used to say Everyone has a gun in their heart.
Don't go dying, now! --Bye.
What a couple of willful, do-as-you-please folks.
Those two are much bigger bad guys than I am.
Let's go do a little as we please.
If we're going to do this, let's be the biggest bad guys on the train! Yeah.
Sounds like fun, Jacuzzi.
That's the end of that, huh? The end of that.
You know, this car looks just like the one that hit us, huh? Just like it, huh? Um, actually --Huh? --Huh? Nothing, never mind.
By the way, miss, where are you taking these guys? To the police.
I see.
Well then, this is goodbye.
That's too bad.
Is something the matter? The police might be a bit, you know They would arrest us, and all.
Well, if I had to say, we're kind of on a journey to redeem ourselves.
We're doing good things, to make up for all the bad things we've done.
I see.
You two are strong, aren't you? Oh, yes, I'm strong! I'm strong! I'm so afraid to face my sins, I can't stand it.
What do you mean, miss? Have you done something bad? I've I don't know what might have happened, but you just got done saving us, right?! So then, let's just call it even! Mm-hmm! However many bad things a bad person has done, if they do one good thing, everyone will think, maybe they really are a good person, after all! --So, call it even! --So, call it even! --Okay?! --Okay?! T-Thanks I have to go now.
Yeah, okay.
Oh, I'm Isaac Dian.
I'm Miria Harvent.
I-I'm Ennis.
No last name.
You don't say? No last name, huh? That's unusual.
We'll remember it.
Ennis, right? Bye, now, Ennis! Bye, now! Hey! See you later! We'll see you later! Bye-bye! See you later.
Eve Eve Big Brother Dallas Sorry I've been away so long.
What do you say tonight, I teach you some billiards or something, for old time's sake? Mm-hmm.
Oh, no! We've been robbed! I'll go see what it is.
Stop that praying, will you?! They say there's been a burglar.
I can't take this.
And here, I came home for some spending money because I'd inherited something from Grandpa.
Big Brother You're a fool for believing in God! Looking up at the starry sky that goes on forever, we sing a melody of a dream we have of our limited eternity The water of adoration, overflowing in our hearts will reach someone in the distant future I believe so Running through time prolonged, our voices calling out will someday become a great song We can go on spinning our love though it may still be such a tiny light now Hey, Isaac, who is Claire? What do you mean, Miria? You don't even know that? Let's see"carries out the mission" What's the matter, Isaac? Well, you know, with a name like "Claire, " she must be a woman, right? Incredible!
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