Be Loved in House (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

(Actually, I've seen you
a long time ago.)
(I'm only getting to know you now.)
(This is fine.)
(Is that so?)
(It is.)
(Back then,)
(we didn't talk at all.)
♪One, two I got distracted
and delayed the rhythm♪
♪Clear my mind and realize
who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
♪The little prince♪
♪Goes to dreamland
and plants golden wheat♪
♪Your smile is like the sunshine
that will be always on my mind♪
♪In the next moment, the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
What's going on?
I'm sorry.
I didn't wake you on purpose.
It's all right now.
Go to sleep.
It's all right now?
Then lie on your stomach
since you're already awake.
That medicine
Don't worry.
This is from my mom.
Look at how thoughtful she is.
I think you seem more like her son.
You're very thoughtful too.
I'm serious.
You're the one who's being too careless.
You're not aware
without a boss,
the workshop will be so pitiful.
Is it just because I'm the boss?
Since you hate me so much,
isn't it good to get a new boss?
I'm concerned about my flatmate, okay?
When the time comes,
you can ask Wu Siqi to come back.
Isn't this house yours?
At a time like this, shouldn't you say,
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
You're very busy lately.
The project with Mr. Mai is almost done.
I'm not that busy.
We're not talking about Mr. Mai.
We're saying that you're very busy
with Jin Yuzhen.
He needs to go through my projects
before they can be closed.
I can understand
about delivering documents.
What about delivering lunch boxes
and tea?
Are you the team leader or secretary?
is in very bad condition lately.
You're still doing too much.
How long
will you continue acting this way?
he's more normal, I guess.
You mean when he's back
to being his annoying self?
He's not that annoying.
As long as the Singlehood Rule
is still enforced,
we have nothing to say to him.
Then there are only two options.
We would have left from the start
if we wanted to resign.
It doesn't matter to me.
At worst, I can go back
to being a tattoo artist.
What's the second option?
get a new boss.
A new boss
isn't that easy to find.
If Jin Yuzhen didn't take over
the workshop back then,
we would have gone bankrupt already.
You think
it's that easy to find a new boss?
I'll help you think of something.
Do you want to win against Jin Yuzhen
to prove
that love
is useful to artistic creation?
The project this time
is related to love.
I think you two suit that better.
Tell me
your ideas,
then I'll talk to him.
You mean
you want us to use our love
to save Jin Yuzhen,
who destroyed our love?
This is work.
It's the best way to go against
the Singlehood Rule.
I'm willing to do it.
Come and help me.
Xiaozhen, let's eat.
Sit down.
There's gelatin in that.
You can't eat it.
Warm your stomach first.
It's spareribs soup.
You two eat first.
I'll get another dish.
You like drinking soda water lately?
Soda water is quite good.
I personally recommend the lemon flavor.
Good morning.
You're awake?
We saved some breakfast for you.
I originally thought
that I'd eat outside.
Otherwise, it would be
too troublesome for you.
My goodness.
Leilei saved some for you.
where is he?
He said he's going out
to find his colleagues.
He's quite different lately.
When he's concerned about someone,
he'd cover it up by saying things
that are contrary to how he feels.
But his concern
for you
is quite direct.
I may not really understand
your line of work,
I think
you're not only worried about work.
I'm just wondering
what love looks like.
Haven't you been
in a relationship before?
You're like me.
I just had one relationship,
and I married Leilei's dad.
You married your first love?
Once his dad entered school,
he started pursuing me.
We got married after graduation.
Good thing
I gave birth to Leilei at 30.
before being the head nurse,
I would have collapsed
from exhaustion already.
Shi Lei said that you already retired
ten years ago.
Leilei's dad passed away
from a serious illness.
I must focus on taking care of Leilei.
That was the right decision.
Leilei is quite competent.
didn't have that much of a hard time.
Juan, don't you think
that only having
one relationship
makes it hard to experience
certain things?
Oh, please.
It has nothing to do
with the number of times.
Look at Leilei. His love confessions
always fail.
He never even had a relationship.
How can he experience treasuring someone
and being treasured?
If he wants to compete with me,
it's not time yet.
My goodness.
That may be true,
but moms
always worry about their kids.
He's too sensible.
He's just focused on work.
He doesn't have time to date at all.
But I think
he just hasn't met the right person.
He'll surely get an opportunity.
I'm very looking forward to that.
You're still working?
I'm going to bed now.
I heard from my mom
that you two had a chat.
Did you get any inspiration?
I'll find a way.
This is very worrying.
Have you ever wondered
what love looks like?
Of course.
"The love that someone
doesn't know is waiting for him."
Actually, what that weirdo said
is also one of the forms.
And it made me think of a story.
"The Little Prince".
Have you heard of that?
I have.
He loves a rose.
does the rose really love him?
He probably didn't say it out loud
because he's actually afraid
of losing it.
But I think the rose should be
quite worried too.
It's worried that Little Price
might meet other roses.
It didn't expect that he would
meet a fox in the end.
The fox is a kept animal.
That was why when the fox
saw the wheat field,
he was reminded of Little Prince's
hair color.
will the fox be the one
who'll wait for Little Prince
in the end?
Hey, I never thought about that.
I didn't think about it
from the fox's perspective.
If you think about it carefully,
the fox and rose
are both very capricious.
I think they have different ways
of expressing themselves.
That's what they call it,
Time for bed.
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
Good night.
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,♪
♪I can't hide my excitement
and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
You did it?
After discussing with him,
he got an inspiration.
♪Im gonna share with u my luv♪
I just randomly mentioned it.
But your feelings
are very genuine.
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
Time to get to work.
♪Eternity is unfolded right
in your hands♪
What are your thoughts?
I think we can make it look
more three-dimensional here.
I want to suggest
changing the labradorite to
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
♪Eternity is unfolded right
in your hands♪
♪I know oh oh oh,
every moment is the best♪
Take a look.
I have some materials here.
♪The beauty of the shining stars
lights up your world♪
♪I do, you do, maybe somewhere♪
♪Dododo dododo dododo dododo dodo,
just as we agreed before♪
♪I do, you do, I do,
do do, I do, you do♪
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
It's finally done.
I think
we're very efficient this time.
This is how we originally worked.
This way, we can probably
submit the finished product tomorrow.
Thank you.
Impress Jin Yuzhen.
All the best.
Go, go. Go.
(HWC Roasters)
I thought you'd require more time.
I didn't expect you
to finish it in two weeks.
You're so efficient.
Of course.
Competition is intense
in our industry.
Do you have a title for this?
"The Fragrance of B612".
I'm suddenly
very interested in the design concept.
Our team leader
can answer
that question for you.
It's not a big deal.
The rose that's waiting
for Little Prince
fits this theme, doesn't it?
some people think
that the rose
isn't Little Prince's true love.
I was kidding.
This work is very unique.
I like it.
I'll wire the money tomorrow.
It was a pleasure working with you.
You didn't tell me that you plagiarized
the idea.
Many people probably used
the concept of Little Prince already.
But it was impossible
for you to get the idea immediately
once I told you, right?
You only got the inspiration
after going to them, right?
You're still pretending?
There are only a few employees
in the workshop.
You wouldn't go to a trainee, right?
You're superman.
You're the most incredible one.
You know everything.
Thank you.
you're really acting very strange.
you didn't come from Krypton.
You came
from B612?
♪To what extent do I like you?
When should I say I love you?♪
♪Now we lying on the roof,
so what you gonna do♪
What are you doing?
♪Perhaps I don't need any reason
to say goodbye to loneliness♪
♪Because awkward conversations
became warm♪
♪At which point
should I tell you I love you♪
(Life Bubble Black Tea)
Who bought these beverages?
You're beating one to the punch?
I didn't buy them.
If it wasn't you, who else would it be?
You haven't drunk those
for a long time, right?
drink them outside.
I mean at home.
I think
soda water
is nice.
I am
the landlord and resident here.
Whatever I want to do with the fridge
should be fine, right?
Good morning.
Mom, you went to HWC?
Where is that?
The flavor is very similar.
is it good or bad?
It's good.
Xiaozhen made breakfast today.
If you like it,
eat more.
Time's up.
Why are you so quiet?
I'm not.
Are you leaving tomorrow?
You didn't ask me before.
Why are you asking me now?
You're staying longer this year.
I'm just concerned.
I wanted to spend more time
with your boss and new flatmate.
Our initial meeting
may have been like a farce,
but he's really nice.
After I leave,
show more concern for him.
You're not concerned about your son.
We're concerned about you.
Xiaozhen and me.
you must be concerned
about your boss too.
I'm very concerned about him, okay?
Did you notice
any change in him then?
Our company
noticed changes in him.
Why are you talking about that?
Get me a glass of water. Thank you.
Be careful.
What's the matter?
You really
just want to walk around here?
Where do you usually go
with your friends?
Don't youngsters nowadays
go to creative bazaars
and the like?
What's the matter?
I'm counting my friends.
I think
I can use one hand to count them.
They're that few?
It's okay.
and Jing.
And Wanwan.
What are you laughing at?
If I asked you a month ago,
I would be on that list.
Perhaps it must be six months ago.
You've been eyeing me
so long ago?
only finding out now?
Come on.
I'll get going.
What's the matter?
I feel like you want
to tell me something.
Are you worrying about something?
You want to tell me,
but you don't dare to?
Is it
something very important?
I feel like I've never cared
about anyone this much before.
Then follow your heart.
You don't understand.
It's not that simple.
You're not hurting anyone.
What are you worrying about
so many things?
I'm afraid of disappointing you.
Xiaozhen is a good kid.
A mother knows her son well.
A mother's instinct is quite accurate.
I've also once imagined you
confessing your feelings
to a guy.
If you'll be happy with him,
I'll accept that.
But isn't that too selfish?
When your dad and I got married,
my parents also made a lot of comments.
you've always focused on work.
You finally met the right person.
It's time
to be a bit selfish.
The point isn't one's gender,
but how you
love someone
and yourself well.
Mom, I love you.
I love you too.
Tell me the result.
The title of the product is
"The Fragrance of B612".
Is this the answer you want?
Isn't it too boring to just watch
on the side
and not fall in love?
The contract is fully executed.
Don't wire the money too slowly.
I've already reported to House
that you've completed the work already.
You're that efficient?
Let's work together again
if there's a chance.
I'll be
your most loyal servant.
(House Rules)
I think I can go back
to my room already.
to tear up
the rules.
I'll post them on the fridge again.
Do whatever you want.
Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?
I want to sleep on the floor
for one last night.
I'll help you turn off the light.
Jin Yuzhen.
I also want to experience
sleeping on the floor.
♪I'm like a colored painting♪
♪The flower of dawn has bloomed in me♪
♪No one wants to make a mistake
with the time difference in parting♪
♪I thought about it, erase the truth♪
♪I want to fly to the sky towards
complex yet simple stubbornness♪
♪The wind is lightly
blowing over your world,♪
♪perhaps it's fine even if
it's just a pretense♪
♪A comma without a continuation,♪
♪who nodded his head,
who gave up the seat?♪
♪Why do they always apologize
to me and dump me?♪
This time,
it's my turn to come to you.
♪I'm used to wastefulness,
food has no flavor if you don't love it♪
♪Move forward, numb♪
♪Honesty comes from owing
someone something♪
♪I do! I do! I do!♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do!♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river,♪
♪I can't hide my excitement
and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪Im gonna share with u my luv♪
♪I do, do do,
we agreed to meet in early summer♪
♪Back to when we had our encounter,
soar after the rain♪
♪Eternity is unfolded right
in your hands♪
♪I know oh oh oh,
every moment is the best♪
Have you ever thought about
what our relationship is?
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