Beast Tamer (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Let's Make Weapons

I hope there's a
vacant room soon
(Beast Tamer)
I've always been running
for someone else's sake
But, you taught me something
The uneasiness to trust someone
You erased it
Day by day
I can feel our fate
To say farewell
to this loneliness
I've closed it off
But somehow, from somewhere
Suddenly your voice
melts down my heart
That night when I closed my heart off,
saying that nobody understands me
Your warm hand held mine
and melted down my heart
Carry the oath on my chest,
and hope in my heart,
Hold me and fly to the sky
With the new bond we made
I can become stronger
because you're with me
I fight for you and I
I won't ever forget your name
Let's start running again from the start
We'll change the world from now on!
New equipment for me?
(Let's Make a Weapon)
Yeah, we already talked about it, right?
(Let's Make a Weapon)
That's right.
Rein became very strong because
of your contract with me, but
My bare hand is not practical
enough, huh
This flavor! It brings out the
sweetness of the vegetables so much!
Big sis, this soup is delicious!
Runa, it's impolite to shout
while you're eating.
Geez, you made a mess too
You're right.
We've filled our stomachs with the
reward from Arios's request anyway so
Let's sort out my equipment.
I have more friends that
I want to protect too, after all.
As I expected, is filled with humans.
It'll be bad if they
know that we're Fairies.
Don't let your guard down, big sis!
Don't worry!
This time, I'll make sure to protect
you, no matter what may happen, Runa!
It'll be fine. I've told you, right?
Not all of us are bad.
I understand that, but
We're a couple of
reclusive Fairies
It'll take time before
we get used to it.
Stop saying that we're recluses!
Big sis Tania!
Good day!
You guys came again?
You got a lot of free time.
My pride was broken in Stride Bridge,
and I was depressed for a while, but
To think that my
opponent was a Dragono
And it was such an honor to have
Big sis Tania as an adventurer!
We have to show respect to you!
Well, it can't be helped then!
Once you got stronger,
I don't mind fighting you again!
Yes! Big sis Tania!
Hello, auntie!
My my, Kanade is lively as always, huh?
Take this with you.
Thank you! But, is it okay?
You helped me out
last time after all.
If it's okay with you,
I'll ask for your help again sometime!
Sure! Leave it to me!
Both Kanade and Tania
are accustomed to it
Yeah, even though they're
also the ultimate species
What is it?
I won't give any mercy,
even against children, you know
Big bro Rein is bringing
more brides with him!
The third and fourth ones!
Who are you calling
a new bride?!
Don't get so flustered, big sis.
Big sis, you're really cute
Are you flower fairies?
Cu, cute
Thank you very much
You got a pair of good eyes
there, little girl!
we are not flower fairies
Witness this,
the depth of my wickedness.
I am the one who's mastered
the power of evil
You two, why did you stop me?!
When someone expects something,
we should try and fulfill it!
Did you forget that our Fairy wings
will appear when we use magic?
We'll get into trouble if they found that
we're Fairies, especially in the town!
Well, it's fine as you slowly
get used to living here
Wait, I think it's here?
If I remember correctly, this is
the best equipment shop in town, right?
As I thought, it's important
to be the best in anything.
Alright, let's go!
What is it?
Dwarfs aren't that rare around here.
Ah, I'm sorry.
Actually, I'm looking for
some weapons and armor
Just choose whatever you like.
That shopkeeper is pretty scary
Well, Dwarfs are full of
eccentric people after all.
I'm convinced that this place is the best in town,
after knowing that the blacksmith is a Dwarf.
Rein, Rein!
How about this?
A whip?
Runa, Rein doesn't use a whip, you know?
But this is the best fit for
Tamer, right?
When someone disobeys him,
he'll just whip them back to shape!
No, maybe there are
other ways to use it!
Like this, or that,
or those stuff!
This, that, and those
How inappropriate!
Rein won't do such a thing!
What did you imagine?
My sister is quite the pervert!
Geez, Runa!
If you hit me like that,
it'll hurt, big sis!
No, wait, Ouch! It really hurts!
This looks great.
A dagger? With your strength now,
I'm sure you can hold a better weapon, no?
But well, I'm used to it.
How beautiful!
What's with this
strange feeling
From it looks,
it doesn't look bad at all, but
Is this the best
weapon shop in town?
Give me the best-grade
weapon that'll fit me!
I have all the money you need!
Money, huh
How about this?
What a sharp-looking sword!
This is the best sword ever!
I'll take it!
Come again
That was such a
beautiful sword
Excuse me.
About that weapon,
the one you sold just now
Is that really the best you got?
What are you getting at?
It's good as a trophy, but in
a real fight, it's lacking something.
No, it's not just that weapon.
Every weapon here is the same.
Don't tell me
You're actually
hiding something?
Quite an eye you got there, young boy!
That's correct.
Those that I sold are things that
I can make even with one hand.
It's a mass-produced thing that has
normal durability and sharpness.
So you're making a lot of
money by scamming them!
I need to reevaluate
dwarfs in my mind
Don't say it like that, you girls!
Even if its mass produced,
it's still made by a dwarf.
I won't charge unfairly.
Compared to those I gave my all
creating, they don't stand a chance.
Just looking at it, you can know
that it's a whole different level
You can make such amazing weapon, but
why do you test your customers like that
Well, It's just a little
exam for my customer.
Lately, there are a lot of
customers who want the best weapon,
even without considering their
skills and match with the weapon.
The weapons that I put the effort into,
would also be thrown away
once they find a new one.
After seeing that,
it all feels stupid.
For us, weapon artisans,
our products are like our children
Am I an egoist for wanting them
to find a suitable partner?
I totally understand
that feeling!
Only a suitable person should wield
a first-rate product! Definitely!
You can understand me?
- Totally!
I'm an elite too after all!
- Seems like they're getting along, huh
- Young girl,
you really got a good point there!
- I guess those with huge
pride get along well
Next, it's my turn to ask.
How did you manage to see the difference
between the weapons in this shop?
It's weird coming from me, but
it shouldn't be easily distinguishable.
I don't have any confidence
in it, but if I have to say
It might be because
I'm a Beast Tamer.
When we try to Tame animals,
we need to observe them.
Maybe because of it, I end up having a habit
of observing everything, other than animals.
I think it has an effect.
So it comes from your job, huh.
Beast Tamer is amazing as always, huh?
More like, it's just Rein.
Um, Why do you guys have
such an empty look?
You'll know soon enough.
Your smiles are scary!
I like you!
I'll make a special
weapon, just for you.
That's great, Rein!
As I thought, an elite should
have a first-rate weapon too!
It'll level up our adventure.
That's amazing!
Once the sword is done,
- let's beat up something!
- But, I have a little problem.
- let's beat up something!
- But, I have a little problem
- That's great!
- But, I have a little problem
- I agree!
I don't have the materials
It's way more crowded
than usual, huh?
everyone is in high spirits.
Oh, Kanade, good afternoon!
Good afternoon!
Hey, what's with the
big commotion today?
It's because the Hero is recruiting support
members from our remote town, Horizon!
So those guys are still here
Though it's just supporting,
if you become one of the members
who defeats the Demon King,
you'll get glory and riches,
so everyone was attracted by it.
You know it, right?
I'm already fine.
Excuse me, who are these girls?
Good afternoon
I'm Sora.
I'm Runa! Treat me nicely, okay?
My name is Natalie.
Are they your
acquaintances, Rein?
We're not just acquaintances!
Let's just say, we have a
deep, intimate relationship.
Rein, you did it with
such cute girls again
they're really young
Hold on, Natalie?!
You're thinking of something
weird, aren't you?!
- Humans are pretty interesting!
- Natalie? Natalie!
- Humans are pretty interesting!
Stop it, Runa!
In any case,
I'd like to receive this order.
Let me check
It's an official request.
An investigation into Mithril mountain
for Gantz, from the weapon shop.
A designated request for Rein?
I need an ore called mithril
to make a special weapon.
That's right. It's said that weapons made by
mithril are so good they'll last a lifetime.
But well,
it's really precious though.
Luckily, my ancestors
left me with a mithril mountain,
so I never had trouble with materials.
A rich guy!
Since I came here, it seems like they
can't find any mithril there anymore
Does that mean it's depleted?
No, I don't think
that's the case.
If the ore is depleted,
the harvest would've been reducing slowly.
It's weird for it to
suddenly drop to zero.
Ah, I see
Most probably,
there's a problem with the mine itself
Without mithril,
I can't make the best weapon for you.
I'm sorry
If you have something in your
mind, you should say it, leader.
It's shown on your face!
You already know
what you want to do, right?
We'll follow you,
so just do whatever you want.
If it's something that Rein has decided,
I'm sure no one will complain.
Thank you.
Why are you guys
whispering a lot?
About that mine,
won't you let us investigate it?
What did you say?
If there's a reason behind
the mithril depletion,
I'm sure we can solve it
by doing an investigation.
But I don't know what's happening
there, you know?
It's fine, even if we look like this,
we're still adventurers.
What do you say?
I'm sure this is some
kind of fate too.
I'll request it
for you guys then.
Thank you.
Oh, right,
my name is Rein Shroud.
I'm Gantz Stoloff.
I'll be counting on you, Rein.
Now, I'll need to decide
on your reward, huh.
I'll pay you lots of gold.
How much do you want?
If that's so
I'd like the weapon made by you.
You want my weapon
more than money, huh
Is that a no go?
That's the best answer!
I thought Gantz
was a stubborn man at first,
but it turns out he's
just a weapon mania!
That's right, and that Gantz
is going to make me a weapon,
we have to fulfill this request
no matter what!
Turns out the mine is pretty close.
Thanks to that,
we don't have to bring a lot of supplies.
Yeah, rather than an adventure,
it's more like a picnic, it's fun!
True, but
Seems like Sora and Runa
are having a hard time
We're fine
This much is nothing at all
Big sis,
you don't have to act strong
I'm already half-dead
Are you two okay?!
I'm sorry, Rein.
The Fairy's evolution is focused on
magic, so we don't have the stamina
no wonder you got exhausted.
Yeah, today is pretty hot too,
after all
Oh, right!
If I remember correctly,
there's something around here
It's a lake!
It's super beautiful!
It's cold!
Quite a nice place you got here, Rein!
It was written on
the map of the mine.
I thought if we're going to
take a break, then this is the place.
If that's so, can we play
in the water for a bit, Rein?
That's nice,
playing in the water!
It's going to feel good!
That's right!
It's okay, right? Rein?
Well, it's not good to
force ourselves so
Alright, you girls can go
Alright then, I'll be there
watching over our things
Wait, Kanade!
Rein is still here,
think about it for a second!
I'm sorry, Rein.
Why is Kanade always
so carefree
Oh, right!
If Kanade and the others run into
danger, can you tell me about it?
I should take a break too then
It's cold and it feels good!
Right, Tania?
Yeah, this is not bad at all.
Is something wrong?
Ah, no, how do I say this
You two have quite big
breasts, huh
Is that so?
Yeah, they're gigantic!
On the other hand, for us
I wonder what made
us so different
I'd like you to teach us
the way to make them bigger!
It'll grow in no time for you two too!
That's right, maybe.
Runa! Don't get so desperate!
You made us look more pitiful!
I'm joining too!
The animals weren't
reacting to anything though!
What the heck
happened in the lake?!
Kanade! Everyone!
Are you o kay?
I'm really sorry
I didn't mean to peek at all
Big sis, keep it together!
It's just small damage!
- My naked body
- It's quite the situation
we got here, huh
- My naked body
I'm really sorry.
I'll do anything,
so please forgive me!
You said anything,
just now, right?
You're not going to take
back your words, right?
If that's so
Just act normal, as always.
Well, being seen was
embarrassing as heck, but
You rushed in because you
heard my scream, right?
Then Rein is not wrong at all.
I'm much troubled if we became
awkward just because of this.
In the first place,
I don't even mind at all!
I'm embarrassed too, but,
I won't mind it anymore!
I really love this party after all,
so I'd like it to get along well as usual.
Thank you, everyone!
Oh right!
While we're at it,
why don't you take a dip too, Rein?
It's cold and feels good, you know!
Oh, so it's our turn to peep, huh?
Rein's naked body
I'll pass on that.
Even after that accident happened,
we continued without any problem,
and finally, we reached the
mithril excavation site.
Hey Rein, we're not going in?
Remember I said that it's weird that the
mithril collection suddenly falls to zero?
The only thing I can think of is
Illegal miners, huh?
So that's why we're observing it
I see, so even now,
there might be illegal miners inside!
I think the chance of it
being true is high.
That bird's movement
Keep it down!
Hey, what is it?
Is someone here?
Come out!
Let's attack them.
But I'd like to get information from
them, so be careful not to go overboard.
I've told you not
to go overboard
That's not it!
This guy suddenly moved and hit my fist!
It's impossible to get
information from them, huh
Excuse me
Should we try and peek inside
this guy's memory with magic?
Can you do something like that?
Yes, Fairies have
unique magic after all.
Just leave it to us!
Alright then, let's go.
Memory Search!
It's as Rein had expected.
I can see these people
doing some illegal mining.
These 2 we defeated and
Another 5 guys.
Seems like all of them are adventurers.
As I thought, the cause of the
shortage was illegal mining, huh
they're adventurers like us
Excuse me
Did we manage to
be useful to you?
Yeah, you really helped me out.
Thank you, you two!
If that's so
I'd like to request a pet!
Kanade and Tania told us that the way you
pet them is like getting exclusive goods!
If that's so,
then we'd like to experience it too!
I don't think it's something to
look forward to like that though
Well then
Good job, Sora, Runa.
It felt good!
And I'm feeling somewhat happy too!
My heart is feeling aflutter!
Is that so?
Okay then,
let's keep our guard up.
Now, we're going to strike
the excavation site.
You can act as if you're
already noticed by the enemy.
That's right
But how did they
find out about us?
They were observing us from the sky.
That unnatural movement that
the bird from before made
Most probably
There's a Beast Tamer
among the enemy.
Everyone has been telling me to be myself
But I don't really understand
what that means
With a sigh and a crooked smile
I strayed into the forest
While feeling restless
If beyond the image of this world
that everyone says,
There's a different world
I want to find all the things I hold dear
And keep count of them
Please Please Me, please show me
I'm holding out my hands,
and I want to be embraced by you
Let me free, please smile
The answer has always
been inside the mirror
I look at the night sky
vacantly, and say
Ah, the moon is beautiful
Please don't let this dream ends
Next time,
Beast Tamer vs Beast Tamer.
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