Begins Youth (2024) s01e08 Episode Script

13th Apostle

This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
You're protecting me?
Piano Academy, 15, 12th road, Kiwa-ro, Songju city
From what?
Can you also protect me
from things that have already happened?
Who are you?
Yes, this is 911
How can I help you?
Um Well
it seems like there will be a fire soon
What should we do about Haru?
Whew, sigh
You know, since last fall
after the holidays, Haru said he
made a friend at a different school
Why didn't I know that?
Who would've thought that
it's an imaginary friend
So, how is he doing now?
I was so scared and just left him there
What should I do about this, bro?
If he is that bad
it seems like we won't be
able to handle it ourselves
Don't tell the guys, for now
I'll get you some medicine now,
then we should go to the hospital
I'll be there soon so just take it easy
Alright, thanks
We strongly oppose redevelopment
Your fever is so high
Why don't you listen to me
about going to the hospital?
I'm fine
I'll lie down for a bit
Go home
Turn off the lights when you leave
Will you really be okay?
Ah, I saw several black
cars pass by earlier
What was that?
If the condition gets worse,
call me right away, got it?
I'm leaving now, okay?
Your friend, that orphan,
he's a complete liar
- What should we do about Haru?
- Everyone moving around makes me feel uneasy
Since your friend's father got elected
they won't go through with
the redevelopment, right?
This area had
the first phase of redevelopment
What's going on,
at this hour of the night?
My bicycle's tire is flat
Sorry, I didn't know there were guests
Ah, a bicycle pump?
It should be in the storage
Let's go and have a look
Go home for now
I'll pump your bike's tire and
leave it in front of the apartment
It's because of the redevelopment, right?
Those people came because
of the redevelopment, right?
So what?
Did you think you could stop
what the adults are doing?
What's going to happen will happen anyway
This is not your fault
Just tell your friends earlier
They'll need to prepare
to move out, won't they?
How should I tell them?
My father lied from the beginning
I knew it but didn't dare to say it.
Like this?
When did I tell you to talk like that?
Just say that you didn't know
because of your father
Your friends would understand
Would you have done the same
if they were your friends?
Just go for now, later
Dogeon Kim, open the door!
Hey, Dogeon Kim!
It's me, man, open the door!
Ah, geez, where did this boy go?
Dogeon, are you here?
Ah, this boy is causing trouble again
Is he here or not, hey Dogeon!
Damn, what the!
Geez, opens up so fast
Were you asleep?
Are you sick?
No, it's just a cold
You don't have the luxury to be sick
Pull yourself together
Pull yourself together, alright?
We might have to sell this place
Why do you sell it?
Why sell it
It's obvious
Before I make any money from this land,
I’ll probably die first due to a stroke
Seeing the underhanded
tactics of those suing me
compensation isn't the issue
Seems like the redevelopment side's goal
is to harass me after taking money
Those who opposed redevelopment
are quietly moving
after receiving extra money
I should
pull myself together, before
I have to sell the land for nothing
and end up in a terrible state, huh?
I should pull myself together!
So, you
look for another part time job
And let’s just stay here
until the end of the month
I'm going, sleep well
Hey, this is
for your cold
Dogeon, Dogeon!
Oh, you're awake?
Oh, my dear. Can you see me?
What is it?
Why am I in a hospital?
Sigh, you collapsed in the container
Your boss called 911
They said it's Type A flu
They say it's contagious
You need to be isolated
for treatment in a single room
Even the emergency room would be expensive
How much does a day
in this single room cost?
I know
I know what you mean
but it's just for today
I'll discharge myself tomorrow
Oh no, you can't!
You're the head of our family
You need to take care of yourself first
Korea Workers' Compensation
and Welfare Service Suncheon Hospital
It's my first time in a single room,
and it's really nice
Hey, Dogeon
You always dreamed of having your own room.
Now it’s like dreams come true, huh?
Just enjoy it
You pay for it anyway so turn on
the TV as much as you want
use the water as much as you can, right?
play with the bed with
this remote control
- Hey, hey
- Do whatever you want
I just can't stand it
Whatever the reason
I can't bear a gloomy atmosphere
Ah, you're struggling
but I'm talking too much
Take it easy, I'll go
Hey, Hosu
My clothes in the closet
Probably in the pocket
Stay there, I'll get it for you
It's medicine
Is it time to take your medicine?
I'll do it for you
your medicine
What do you mean, my medicine?
Are you really not taking
your medicine and throwing it away?
What in the world are you saying?
What's wrong with you?
Why would I throw away medicine?
- Hey, that's a bit
- Dohyun said so
He saw you not taking the
medicine and throwing it away
If I say I didn't,
will you believe me?
You're already suspecting me, aren't you?
You're convinced, aren't you?
- Hosu
- My illness
It's not like coughing
or lying down like you
- You might think that way
- Hosu Jeong
Oh, I see
So that's why you kept asking if I'm okay?
I thought you were worried about me
- Of course, I'm worried, even now
- Hey, Dogeon Kim
I know you're smart
I know it very well
But that doesn't mean you
know everything about me
- Hey, Hosu
- Even if it's true
I don't think I have to
tell you everything
Bye now
Hey, Hosu Jeong!
Thanks to Jeha, I managed
to beat Chairman Kim, right?
Lately, Chairman Kim
has been making his son
take intense golf lessons to beat Jeha
That's right
This was only the third time Jeha
went out with his dad, wasn't it?
I just think I was a bit lucky
it seems like your studies aren’t going so well,
maybe try focusing on golf instead
Jeha has improved his grades recently
He's been reducing his
gaming and studying hard
That's what you think
They say brain is from their parents
- Would you like some scorched rice water?
- Sure
You said you weren’t
hanging out with Cein Min
but a few days ago,
you sneaked out at dawn?
- What?
- You and Cein
talked about the key over the phone, and then
you went out and came back in the early morning
I heard everything
As your brother, I'm really worried about
you hanging out with that murderer
- Jeha, you
- That's not true
Are you sure you weren't dreaming?
What are you talking about? Hey
- That day in the cafeteria
- Yeah
the day you told me to put your lunch
tray down for you in the cafeteria
You said
Why would high schoolers
hang out with middle schoolers?
Right, they don’t hang out with me
Mingook, do you make your
brother do such things at school?
No, I don't
- Only that day
- Just answer whether you did or didn’t!
We're not talking about that right now!
I sent Jeha to the same
school as you on purpose
hoping you would take good care of him
Have you been acting like that all along?
Auntie, please stay out of it
And I’ve seen your son
continuing to hang out
with Cein Min
Mingook Seo! What?
How dare you
It's been over three years now, right?
Whether you accept it or not
living in the same house and sharing meals
make us a family
You’re the older brother,
but still act like a child
if you can’t accept my way,
then you should leave
That’s what you should do
I understand how Mingook feels
Please don’t get angry, honey
If I want to be called Mom,
I should work harder
It’s not Mingook's fault
I warned you clearly
Mingook Seo
Answer me
- Thanks for the meal
- Sit down
You barely ate earlier, right?
You must be hungry,
at least have this before you go
No, I'm fine
I noticed you've been losing your
appetite and looking tired lately
so I made this with
bananas and blueberries
Why bother pretending to be a family?
It's pointless
Mingook, it’s okay for you
to treat me any way you want
but Jeha
is your brother
Who is?
He doesn't consider me his brother either
and you don't think of me as your son
I’m aware of that
Maybe not as much as your real son
Can we really become a family
all of a sudden?
Jooan Kim
What the
Jooan, you just left
like that yesterday
Why, are you hurt?
Take care of yourself first
Okay? Will you?
Hey, what's with you lately
Did I do something wrong to you?
If it's because of my friend,
he's really a good guy
- So, if you meet him and talk
- Hey
Just go away, seriously
Get lost!
Shouldn't we visit Dogeon in the hospital?
That's what I thought
- Yeah, I want to go
- Oh, wait!
Maybe it's better not to go for a while
It's a contagious disease,
so he’s in a private room
It might be better for us not to visit
- Did you go?
- Yeah
I went because of Dohyeon
it's a bit tricky if that’s the case
We’ll have to see him
after he's discharged
Hey, Hosu
Uh? Jeongmin!
Why haven't you been in touch lately?
You haven't either
Hey, I'm transferring
to a different school
- You too?
- Moving to Munhyeon-si because of redevelopment?
I don't know
I'll message you,
let's keep in touch
Uh, hey, I'll really keep in touch
Why is everyone moving?
They’re not going to do
the redevelopment anyway
Isn't it, Hwan?
I'm not sure
Your father
- Legislator Changjun Kim
- Yes, it was
Because it's my father's business,
so I don't really know much
I'll go first
I forgot about the homework
for the next class
Sorry, I couldn't give it to you earlier
My father
and your mother
seem to have liked each other
Then, maybe
that's why you were
at the hideout that time
Because of this last thing
But now that I see this,
maybe my father's love
was only for your mother, I guess
So then, I was really
born between a father who
couldn't forget his first love
and a mother who never
loved such a husband
I'm just
like a contract
Every time they see me,
it reminds their marital relationship
and emphasizes only duty
It was hard to accept
Even though I knew it wasn't
There could be something
in that hidden note to save me
I hoped that
That note
I found it
in that piano
in a way only mom
and I know
Maybe not
Perhaps that way
started from your father's time
What was written in it?
Be careful of
the principal
He's a bad person
please tell me everything
If we can't solve it,
- ask your father, or if not, police
- No
He's a good person, the principal
at least to me
I don't know how he was to my father
- Be careful with your hands
- Yes
For hammering, just tap
gently, no need to hit hard
Level, level
Yes, that's good enough
Brick, please
- Brick
- Oh, sorry
We must survive!
Dogeon, are you okay?
You don't seem fully recovered,
why don't you stay in the hospital a bit longer
Hey, single rooms are too expensive
Just be cautious with contact
and it should be okay in a few days
I feel more comfortable here, actually
I know it's odd to say
this when you're sick
but this seems better for me
To be honest, I just couldn't
face you and say this
I'm sorry
Dohyeon is right
That's my medicine
I threw it away
That unbearable narcolepsy
But, when they said it's getting
better, I strangely got scared
If even this illness goes away
no one would care about me anymore
just like the day I first
arrived at the orphanage
With mom, I was always called 'our Hosu'
Child Takeover Certificate
'our son'
but there, just Hosu, Hosu Jeong
just one of the many kids
You know, like those idol
audition shows these days
Something like that
Maybe I've had an attention
seeking trait since then
I couldn't stand that
no one cares about me
So I left
I ran away at just five
I even caught a fever
my vision was getting blurry
and I thought I saw someone in front of me
I called for Mom with the
loudest voice I could make
Mom shouldn't lose me again
Mom, mom!
Are you okay?
Hey, kiddo
- Kiddo?
- Wake up, kiddo
Come on, wake up
Hosu? Hosu!
Since that day, I was classified as a
'child of interest' at the orphanage
But you know, it wasn't so bad
Everyone thought I was sick and weak
so they paid attention to me
I liked it
All those eyes on me
That feeling of being seen
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine
- I'm fine
- You fainted again, did you get hurt?
When I collapsed,
everyone only looked at me
Whether it was concern or pity
it didn't matter
From then on, in similar situations
I would just collapse
as if falling into sleep
It felt like I've got a weapon
My only weapon
A surefire way
to beg for attention, you know?
Ah, it sounds so pathetic
the more I talk about it
But then one day
I noticed that this weapon had disappeared
Then what?
I threw away the medicine
Since then, I started faking
narcolepsy symptoms,
creating wounds where there were none,
moving hospitals if I was
about to get caught,
and changing doctors
Pretty awful, right?
Hey, even if you hate me for this
I totally get it
have never imagined your life
I can't even imagine it
It's too scary
So I don't even know
what to say to you right now
But you know
you haven't done anything wrong
Anyway, the five-year-old Hosu Jeong
survived until now
With that 'weapon'
Unless someone has lived your life
no one has the right
to say anything about it
Whether you survive like a cockroach
or like an emperor
only those who've lived the same life
have the right to judge it
We have to survive
I'm sorry
I did fly into a temper a bit
Yeah, endurance
Enduring is kind of
our specialty, isn't it?
Hey, but talking without seeing your face,
it's like
what do you call it,
in church with the priest
Oh, confession?
Yeah, that one
It feels like that
'I absolve you of your sins'
You're crazy
Isn't this how you do it?
If only I had experienced confession
I heard about it on my
way back from the laundry
They say there was a fire at a seafood
restaurant by the beach at dawn
Before that, the container site owner
crashed into a breaker or something,
killing all the seafood
Is the restaurant owner
cursed or something?
There's been no end to accidents, right?
Since last year, bodies have
been turning up at the beach
power outages, and fires
They need to redevelop that area
It's Cein Min again, isn't it?
When there's a fire
- Is it always Cein?
- Why?
Cein always carries a lighter around
- Are you taking his side again?
- Anyway, avoid beaches or quiet places
Come straight home after school, got it?
why did you go to the beach yesterday?
I have no reason
You had an argument with the owner
of that seafood place, right?
According to the car's dash cam
It wasn't an argument,
I was just on the receiving end
The lady was going at me
saying I was up to no good,
causing trouble
and even brought up my mom
Whew, why do you come
and go like this, huh?
Kids should go straight home after school
What's that in your hand?
A lighter?
Students should be carrying pencils
not lighters!
That's dangerous
It's not for playing with fire
It's just
something I carry around
Why do you carry that? It's dangerous
Oh, dear
Hey, was it you
who started the fire at your house?
- Did her mentioning your mom upset you?
- No
Wasn't the actual person who started
the fire caught on this car's dash cam?
The owner left right after Cein, so
The security camera around the beach
was broken yesterday
Did you know that?
How would I know?
Then around 3 a.m. yesterday,
what did you do?
I was at home
I checked the apartment's security camera
You left yesterday morning and
didn't come back until dawn, right?
You don't believe me anyway
- No matter what I say
- Ahh, this is so frustrating!
All that mattered was that he wasn't
at the beach when the fire happened!
But why doesn't he talk?
So, if Cein wasn't there
around 3 a.m. when the fire broke out,
isn't that enough to prove his innocence?
Uh, that 'Alibaba' thing
Since Cein's dad is only home on weekends
there's no one to vouch for him
Ah, damn, Cein wasn't there at that time
Seriously, it's not Cein, damn it
But how do you know?
- That Cein wasn't there
- Well
Sigh, seriously
Cein, you weren't at the beach
yesterday at that time
Let me go, I'm taking my son with me
You can't just barge in here
Why are you here during class time?
Do you have evidence? A witness?
Someone said my son did it?
- No, we're just investigating
- He is a minor!
Are you interrogating him
without consent from his parents?
Cein Min, get up
What are you doing?
You don't need to be like this
- Get up
- Excuse me, sir
you might be shocked but
- this investigation is under our protection
- Is this how the school
protects its students?
Let's go
Eat it
You must have missed lunch
I'm sorry
- Cein
- Yes
Cein Min
Should we move to another town?
Or even to another city?
you won't have to suffer
these unjust suspicions
Even if you say it's okay,
as a father, it makes me angry
to see my son go through this
Not just once or twice
Every time something happens
in the neighborhood
they treat you like a scapegoat
And I like it here
Where I lived with mom
Someday, when this place is redeveloped
our old house will
disappear too
That house
the day your mother died
Songjoo Police Station
Hey, what's this location tracking, huh?
Are you two dating?
Not hanging out? What a joke
He installed it as a joke
and just forgot to delete it
Since Cein seemed to be misunderstood,
he felt sorry for him and
went to the police to explain
- Jeha has always been so delicate
- Jeha Jeon
Are you going to disappoint
your father like this?
I thought you were studying
hard and behaving well
but you're still hanging out
with that kind of kid and lying!
You're going golfing right away?
- Jeha, what are you doing? Get ready
- Jeha is staying home today
Mingook Seo, get ready now
Yes, sir
Delete that location tracker right now
It's creepy
The call could not be connected.
After the beep
The call could not be connected
Jooan seems still mad
I'm still worried about Cein's situation
I wish there was something I could do
I really hate myself
Don't blame yourself
Haru, you're a good kid
You're too kind, thinking
everything is your fault, right?
I'm not kind
Not at all
I've always said
it's for protecting yourself
to avoid getting hurt anymore
to stop hiding
Is that bad?
it's not bad
Notice of Hideout Closure
- Did you call for me?
- Yes
I was just wondering
if you're ready for the midterm
You'll do well this time too, right?
Oh, it's good that Cein has
been cleared of arson charges
According to what Jeha Jeon
said at the police station
he was really at school at that time
The security camera showed him
heading towards the
abandoned school building
What does Cein really want, I wonder?
By the way, Hwan
be careful of the principal
He seems like a bad person
do you want, sir?
I'm really sorry
I deleted the app
I'm so sorry
I really messed up
Just forgive me this once, okay?
You're not leaving?
Then I'll leave
Bro, please
- If you just give me one more chance
- Won't you move?
What chance?
It's all over, thanks to you
Because you said I was at school that time
That was
because I was worried
you were under suspicion
- I was just worried
- I never asked you to worry about me
Don't worry about me from now on,
I won't worry about you either
Whether you jump off a building or get hit
by a car, do as you please from now on
It's not like you got
rejected in a love confession
Why is he acting like that? Bastard
Hey, don't call my brother a bastard
- What is it?
- My brother?
Hey, you're not in character today
It's because the auntie
told me to be nice to him
Hey, isn't it cute that my
brother is looking for them?
No way
Hey, do you guys have time today?
- Hey, dude
- What?
You are really fearless, aren't you, Cein?
Going into that abandoned
school building alone that night
I know there's a ghost story
related to that place
About a woman ghost who
suffered from severe depression
abandoned her husband and child
selfishly committed suicide alone
She was more attached to
her high school crush
than her husband or child
I know it's all lies
The truth about your mom's suicide
disappeared in the fire that day
The choice was your mom's
and there is nothing you can do, Cein Min
What you did
I'll uncover everything
Sure, do what you want
it won't bring your mom back to life
Eunjoo was always severely depressed
Everyone kept quiet because she's dead
Your mom's mom was known
- for her scandalous behavior
- Shut up!
And will anyone believe the words from
a troublemaker like you?
If you wanted to reveal that,
you should have lived more
exemplary and diligent
Like me
To the Ministry of Education, the police,
the Blue House, the internet
I will tell everyone, and!
to legislator Changjun Kim too
I'll also talk about Hwan's story
How the principal is ruining his own son
You should listen to your mom
to be a good son
Cein, can you open the door?
You really won't see me again, huh?
Do you really hate seeing me that much?
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'll come back tomorrow
Let me apologize face to face tomorrow
I'm leaving now
A message that informs
Jeha's location to Mingook
Text me if it's done
Jeha's just left
Banner of Changjun Kim, National Party
Member of Parliament's office
If you keep hating me,
I might as well die
This guy
Just as your mom did
I'm gonna kill you for real, just wait
What's this?
Did you do this?
I don't particularly have
a grudge against you
But I hate that Jeha
likes you so much
Surprisingly, that kid is strong and
doesn't seem to hurt when he gets hit
I have to trouble you
to make that kid suffer
Hey, why aren't you answering the phone?
It was Mingook joking around
Do you think he looks happy?
Not really
But I wish he were more miserable
I wish his mom just suddenly
died and disappeared
Leaving Jeha all alone
And then
I wish some strange woman came
to take his Mom's place
bringing her own son
Stop making excuses
Just admit you're scared
of being abandoned
And don't drag me into your family issues
I'm overwhelmed with my own
You guys!
Pretending to be okay for
each other, I can't stand it!
I wish you and Jeha were
both suffering miserably
It's annoying that's not the case
Why do you live like that?
Hey, annoying, right?
Want to hit me?
Hit me
Hey, hey!
That's why I set this up
You're about to get expelled
from school anyway
If you hit me, that'll be
the end of you at school
And once you're gone
Jeha will crumble too
Hit me, come on
Hit me!
Hit me!
Hit me
Let's go
Where are you going, Jeha?
What's with you? Wake up!
You're gonna stay with him forever?
No, you won't
And Jeha,
he gets scolded because of you
My dad and his mom
hate it when he hangs out with you
But he still follows you around
Yes, it's Jeha
Why are you guys so close?
Birds of a feather?
I heard it was your mom who seduced
Changjun Kim and caused his divorce
Your mom attempted suicide
several times because of her depression
Actually, it was not you
who killed her but
she just committed suicide, right?
Then you didn't kill her
Must be tough for you, hey
You just
let your mom die on her own, right?
Letting it happen
Yes, right
You must have had it hard too
You wanted to feel at ease, didn't you?
Ah, so you just left it be?
Just letting her die?
Cein, don't do it, please don't!
Hey! Hey, this is all being filmed, right?
Hey, upload this unedited!
Hey, hey, hey Cein Min
Hey, hey, no Cein Min
Hey, hey, wake up, hey
This isn't right, hey, stop him!
Hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey, don't do this to me
Come back safe
It's me
Jeha, Jeha
Let's go now
Let's stop this and go, bro
Let's go now
Let's stop this and go, bro, okay?
It's all fake, damn it!
There's no such thing
as friends or whatever
It's all fake, you idiot!
No, he was just here until a moment ago
We Must Survive!
do you want, sir?
Seems like Cein knows something
Hwan wasn't just taking care of the plants
Didn't you know?
You seemed close so I thought
you already told him
Seems like you kept it secret
even from them
Oh dear
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