Behind Your Touch (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

- The person
- The person
- who killed me…
- who killed me…
- is here.
- is here.
- Oh, no!
- Mr. Park!
- Mr. Park.
- Detective Bae,
- call an ambulance.
- Yes, sir.
- I'll carry him.
- Okay.
Get him on his back.
- Be careful.
- There you go.
Let's go.
Are you okay?
I twisted my ankle.
Hurry up and go!
Jong-muk, are you okay?
I'm fine.
- Let me see.
- What just happened?
I just twisted it.
- Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
Be careful.
Why did this…
For goodness' sake.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Give us something cold to drink.
Girls, bring out some iced coffee.
Why are you all so worked up?
Wasn't the village rite today?
Don't get me started.
The rite was over the minute it started.
The soul of a dead person
went into the shaman's body.
His eyes were fluttering like this,
and he was saying things like,
"The person who killed me is here."
It was totally, you know…
How scary.
Oh, my goodness!
Pick up the phone!
Mujin Coffee Shop.
- Two cups of coffee to Mujin Realtors?
- I was thinking.
How can we believe
everything that shaman says?
But when it was all happening,
I actually got goosebumps
all over my body.
It seemed real.
Come now.
So what if it's real?
Are you saying
that there really is a killer among us?
Thank you.
In any case,
I think I'll be too scared
to go around the neighborhood now.
But we can't just
lock ourselves up at home.
This is bad.
This might completely ruin our village.
Have you found anything yet?
Not yet.
How can this be?
There's absolutely no trace left behind.
Maybe the shaman is right
and the killer is a resident here.
Otherwise, how could the killer know
how to avoid all the CCTVs?
According to my father,
that shaman has occasionally
been right about things in the past.
Then should we seriously consider
asking the shaman who the killer is?
I told you countless times
that the killer is from around here
even before the shaman said it.
Detectives should rely on
scientific methods, not superstitions.
Listen. We're grasping at straws here
because there's nothing else to go on.
I'm not going to grasp at straws.
I'm going to grasp the killer.
Jeez, you really have a knack
for making things awkward as hell.
I'm heading out to investigate.
You can't just leave like this.
What does that make me?
Shall I go ask the shaman?
Sure. And while you're there,
ask him whether your husband
is cheating again, why don't you?
Mr. Park, are you okay?
Why am I here?
You fainted during the rite.
You were running a fever all night.
I fainted?
Do you not remember?
I remember performing the rite,
but I don't remember
a single thing after that.
You said that the killer
was among the people who came to watch.
You don't remember that either?
I don't remember a thing.
I'll come back after work.
Get some rest.
Are you okay,
What the hell am I doing?
Is here okay?
But what are you doing here this early?
I was on my way to work,
but it was a little hot today, so…
That'll be 3,000 won.
What's wrong?
No, it's just…
- There's a problem!
- What happened?
I think I'm sick.
What do you mean?
Fireworks are going off like crazy,
and I hear bells ringing.
What are you talking about?
Everyone looks like a squid
except for one guy.
Who? Detective Moon?
That's why I think I'm sick!
The person who looks most like a squid
doesn't look like one!
So you have another crush.
This is natural.
When you like someone,
everyone else looks like a squid to you.
Some hear bells ringing,
and others see fireworks.
Come with me.
It's that guy over there.
You are sick.
You're really sick.
Come here.
It's 37.1 degrees Celsius.
It's hard to tell
whether you're running a fever.
I'm definitely sick.
I should head home and rest.
What about the store?
There's no one around anyway.
The streets have been empty
since what happened to Mr. Park.
That shaman is a fraud.
Do people really believe him?
He apparently used to get things right.
And what he said
isn't something you can easily brush off.
I guess the killer could've been curious
and come to see the rite.
Right? He must be curious
about the investigation too.
There's no doubt about it.
They say that criminals
always return to the scene of the crime.
He's probably hiding
and watching what the police are doing.
Then he's probably seen you
and Detective Moon looking for evidence.
Of course.
Who found the first body?
It was me, right?
And I was there
when the second victim died.
Unless he's stupid,
he must know that I'm trying to find him.
Then you must be such a nuisance
to that serial killer.
Of course.
I bet he can't wait to get rid of me.
what do I do?
I shouldn't have been
poking around like that.
I must have been out of my mind.
What do I do?
This is all because of that nutjob.
Speak of the devil.
Let's finish what we started.
A thousand people a day, remember?
Sorry, but my power was gone
when I woke up this morning.
So I don't think I can help you again.
I'll call you if my power ever comes back.
What are you talking about?
I dropped my phone in the toilet!
What? Hey!
This is better than getting murdered.
What the…
What do I do now?
I'm in front of the hospital.
I'm going in.
Tell him you didn't see me, okay?
Where are you…
All criminals are the same.
Their patterns never change.
You've been doing so well until now.
What's gotten into you?
The serial killer's next target
could be me.
Think about it.
The serial killer knows
that the police are after him.
So he's watching from afar.
But then he sees this cute girl
who's not even a police officer
visiting the crime scenes.
So the serial killer will wonder,
"Who's that girl?"
He'll get curious.
That's when he starts
watching my every move.
And he'll eventually see me
touching people's butts and think,
"She doesn't look like a pervert,
so why is she touching people's butts?"
With that question in his head,
he'll end up finding out
the real reason I touch butts.
"So she's psychic."
"Then she'll eventually find out
that I'm the killer
because she is not only psychic
but also smart."
- Smart?
- That's when he thinks,
"It's such a shame
to kill someone as good as her,
but I have no choice
since I have to live."
Then he'll put on that rain poncho,
pick up the rose knife, and make a call.
"Hello, is this Bong's Animal Hospital?"
"I have a sick puppy here.
Could you come take a look?"
Then I'll feel too bad to say no.
So I decide to go,
but something doesn't feel right.
There are no CCTVs or people around.
A perfect place to kill a person.
Just then--
- Are you done yet?
- Hold on. I'm about to die.
Just then!
That bastard comes charging at me
and attacks…
I think your mouth will get you killed.
Of course, you don't have to worry.
You have a gun and you can fight.
But what about me?
I have no weapon on me. I'm helpless.
What do you mean, you have no weapon?
I'm your weapon.
Do you think
I'm going to let anyone kill you?
Is this really necessary?
Why don't you just…
Keep your distance.
What if the killer figures things out?
A better Mujin.
Mujin, the center of tourism.
I'll make our beautiful Mujin
a city bustling with tourists.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!
When I say that I will develop Mujin
and turn it into a tourist spot…
- What are you doing here?
- "Tourism destroys the environment."
No way.
You're not working
with Cha Ju-man, are you?
Times have changed.
- There are many ways…
- Come with me.
to develop the city
and turn it into a tourist spot.
I'm so hungry.
I just regained consciousness,
and I have no one to cook for me.
I guess this is my life
without my family here.
Go on.
You can tell me.
Who's the killer?
Excuse me?
Since when were you all here?
I didn't see you when I went in.
Have a seat.
Here, eat.
Are you feeling any better?
Was it all true?
Was what true?
You know.
You said so during the rite,
"The person who killed me is here."
Was it true?
The thing is…
You can't ask him about those things.
If he divulges such heavenly secrets,
he'll be struck with misfortune.
Isn't that right?
- Yes.
- Right.
It's Man-sik, isn't it?
Nod if it's a yes,
and shake your head if it's a no.
It's not Man-sik.
He may be a little rough around the edges,
but he's actually nice.
It's Dong-sik, right?
Watch what you say.
Dong-sik fixed my bathroom the other day.
It's not him.
Then who is it?
Then is it Sang-min?
Sang-min was Ok-hui's classmate.
It can't be him.
- I guess not.
- It's not him.
If we exclude former classmates,
relatives, neighbors,
and anyone who fixed our bathrooms,
who are we left with?
Hey, don't we come
from the same family clan?
The Miryang Park clan.
That's right. Then it's not her either.
It's not me.
Then who could it be?
Just wait.
Our shaman here
must have it all figured out.
Isn't that right?
I guess you can say that.
Yes, you're right.
Then tell us.
What happens now?
You can see everything, right?
The truth is…
- Yes?
- He's a shaman for a reason.
He's seen everything.
Haven't you?
The thing is,
I think there's going to be
another big incident soon.
Oh, my.
- My goodness.
- What do we do?
This is bad.
What are we supposed to do?
We were once family,
so how about a glass of--
Why on earth are you back in Mujin?
Aren't you ashamed to see Hyeon-ok?
Everyone makes mistakes.
I made a lot of mistakes in the past,
but I'm here to start over with Hyeon-ok.
People don't change.
What do you mean? People can change.
You changed too.
How can you be supporting
Cha Ju-man's election campaign?
Weren't you basically enemies with him?
I still can't stand the sight of him.
I guess you've changed.
You don't have dementia
or something, do you?
- I'm home.
- You…
What are you doing here?
Father, why did you let him in?
Don't say another word and leave.
Don't ever set foot in Mujin again.
Have you lost your mind?
Get out.
Get out!
- You must be out of your mind.
- Let go.
Back then, I was drinking because
my business wasn't doing well, and…
I was a jerk back then.
But I've quit drinking.
I won't make the same mistake again.
So please just give me one more chance.
Just give me one more chance, please.
I've already given you countless chances.
I don't want to hear your excuses anymore.
I like someone else now.
So don't ever show up in front of me.
And don't get in my way.
I liked that person before I even met you.
It's someone
I never ever want to lose.
I'm not letting him go again.
What's going on?
A power outage?
Oh, my gosh!
It's your dad.
You scared the heck out of me!
Why do you have the lights off?
They went out on their own.
They did?
They were flickering for days.
I guess it's time to replace them.
Right, Ok-hui.
You should stay put at home
for the time being.
The shaman said
there's going to be another incident.
Is that brat Ae-ran not back yet?
Did she run away again?
Do you know anything?
Kim, it looks like Ae-ran has run off.
Have some men on the lookout
at the terminal and by the docks.
That brat.
I'm here, but I'm not going in.
Excuse me.
You can tell me what's going on.
The thing is…
It's okay.
She's got a few screws loose.
You know, there's someone like her
in every neighborhood.
So you don't need to mind her.
Ae-ran went out last night
and hasn't come back.
She works with me at Mujin Coffee Shop.
I can't reach her.
Our boss said she must have run off,
but I don't think that's it.
You're saying she didn't just run away?
Something definitely happened to her.
Things have been so unsettling these days.
What if someone did
something terrible to her?
Please find Ae-ran.
The poor girl's had such a hard life.
What's this?
Why are you sending money
to children's homes?
Because my little brother could be there.
"Could be there?"
So you don't even know for sure?
When I was young,
I lost
my baby brother.
I wanted to play with my friend alone
and he kept following me.
So I lied and said I was going to school.
By the time I got back home,
he wasn't there.
He must have gone to school to find me.
we never found him again.
It must've been so hard for you.
My parents passed away
after spending years trying to find him.
All because of me.
She would send all the money she could
to any children's home she could find
on the off chance her brother was there.
Even though she lived hand to mouth.
That's who she is.
Something must've happened to her.
I just know it.
Please find her.
Please save her.
We'll help you.
We promise we'll find your friend.
Yes, we will.
He's here!
There he is.
My goodness, you really are incredible.
- I'm sorry?
- Another incident happened,
just like you predicted.
Ae-ran from Mujin Coffee Shop
has disappeared!
My eldest is applying for college soon.
Will my kid get into college?
My husband seems to be cheating on me.
Can you see who that other woman is?
My grandfather
keeps appearing in my dreams.
Can you read my fortune
and find out what's going on?
That's right, tell me!
I have the most urgent problem here!
I got here first!
Get out of the way!
What brings you here today?
All of my businesses fail.
You were born around midnight?
Now, what do you see? Let's see.
Let's proceed to land.
Oh, my.
Then I'll give you a talisman.
Aren't you going to eat?
I don't feel hungry.
You've made a lot of money today.
Mr. Kim, I think I got my powers back.
That's great.
Are you going somewhere?
Wait a second.
You're not going to the convenience store
but somewhere else today, aren't you?
Yes, that's right.
I'm going somewhere else today.
Oh, yeah. Did you hear the news?
What news?
Ae-ran from Mujin Coffee Shop
has disappeared.
Could it be the killer
that the shaman talked about?
About Ae-ran…
Don't you think people are blowing it up
when she just ran away?
That's what I'm saying.
People in her line of work
tend to disappear and come back
- from time to time.
- Right.
It might not be that simple.
She hasn't been using
her credit card, phone,
or even her public transportation card.
There are no signs that she's still alive.
What are you trying to say?
Given the situation right now,
we shouldn't investigate this
as a simple runaway case
but as the work of a serial killer.
That way, we won't make any mistakes.
You're so gross.
I'm sorry.
I mean…
My husband spends days out
without any signs of being alive
only to come back home just fine.
He leaves signs of cheating though.
And this guy here is like dirty underwear.
Excuse me?
"You iffy bastard."
That's what he means.
I'm sorry. What's wrong with me?
But this doesn't seem like
the serial killer's work.
Detective Na,
have you not watched any crime TV shows?
It always turns out to be a serial murder
when you least expect it.
She could have gotten into an accident,
so let's check
all the hospitals around Mujin.
We should also search for the bike
that Ms. Cho Ae-ran was riding.
Detective Na, you check all the hospitals.
And Detective Bae, you come with me.
Haven't you seen any crime movies?
It's always the captains that die first
because they insist on acting alone.
That's ridiculous.
You be careful too.
Those who say that tend to die first.
The captain and the youngest one
are in the most danger.
Let's go.
Where are you going?
I'm going to investigate on my own.
I'm heading to the hospital.
Meet me outside.
I guess he'll be the first one to die.
People who go off alone like that
always die first.
Are you going to work?
No, I'm going somewhere else today.
I guess you're going someplace nice.
Where are you going?
Just somewhere.
Just somewhere?
Where exactly?
I got myself a workshop.
A workshop?
It's for something
I've been doing as a hobby.
I'm still setting it up though.
That's so cool.
So what's your hobby?
It's kind of embarrassing to talk about.
I'll get going then.
Why, that little…
I told her to wait outside the hospital.
Where is she going?
So this is your workshop.
It's just a cheap, shabby place.
My hobby is woodworking.
I want to start making things.
I see.
Did you make this yourself too?
You're really good with your hands.
I'm sorry, but I need to take this.
Why aren't you coming out?
I told you to meet me outside.
I just…
I wanted to wash up before heading out.
What was that sound?
Sounded like the wind.
It's my hairdryer.
Let me dry my hair real quick.
Is that right?
Your shoelace is untied by the way.
So this is your house?
Let's go.
Let me just say bye to Seon-woo.
No, there's no time for that.
- It won't take long.
- Come on.
Forget it.
I said, let go!
Let's go somewhere quiet to talk!
Stop making me the bad guy.
- I don't want anything to do with you!
- Just get in.
What are you so afraid of?
What are you doing?
What the hell are you…
Why are we at the hospital?
Excuse me, Doctor.
Can I ask you a question?
I ran for the first time in a while,
and I think my knees are swollen now.
What should I do?
Sorry, I'm not that kind of doctor.
- It's okay.
- Okay.
Do you like that guy that much?
I won't deny that I like him.
Do you even know him?
He's a good guy.
You only just met him.
People who look like him can't be bad.
People who look like him
usually turn out to be psychopaths.
Don't you talk smack about my Seon-woo.
"My Seon-woo"?
More like "Guy I'd like to soon woo."
What, are you trying to be funny?
So corny.
You're making me cringe.
Mark my words.
You'll get hurt if you like him.
I don't know how that rumor started,
but Ae-ran just went back to her hometown.
Ji-suk didn't know the full story
when she made the report.
Didn't you?
Her hometown must be close
if she went there by motorcycle.
Anyway, I have nothing else to tell you.
So please leave.
Get ready to make deliveries, Ji-suk.
Yes, ma'am.
Touch her when you can.
Look at you.
You can't serve customers
looking like that.
I'll buy you some clothes
and makeup for now.
What's with your look?
That's how much I spent
on your clothes and makeup.
Twenty million won?
Yes, so you should work hard
to pay me back.
I'm going to kill you.
You told me to touch her.
When the timing's right!
You can't just…
You did it on purpose, didn't you?
Come on, I'm risking my life to help you.
Whatever. Did you see anything?
She's lying.
I didn't see Ae-ran saying
she was going to her hometown.
You know,
you shouldn't believe what my boss says.
She didn't want the police
getting involved, so she--
Why are you still here?
Go. And make sure to bring back the cups.
Yes, ma'am.
That keychain…
What about it?
Did you buy that somewhere?
No. Ae-ran made it for me.
She made two of these
for our motorcycle keys
and gave one to me.
What is it? Is something bothering you?
You better be honest with me.
I just think
I've seen that keychain somewhere.
Go touch him.
I don't want to.
He must've bought it somewhere.
She said Ae-ran made it!
So go touch him!
I said no!
You wanted to touch his butt before.
But this is different!
What's wrong?
People who look like him are always good.
And he is good.
So I don't need to touch him.
What are you going to do
if he turns out to be the serial killer?
We need to catch him quick
or else you'll be in more danger.
You have gum on your butt.
I'll get it off of you.
I'm your number one, Cha Ju-man!
Thank you.
I'm candidate number one, Cha Ju-man.
Are you the seller?
Yes, where's the money?
And the laptop?
It looks good.
Can I get a discount?
I wrote, "No discounts" on my post.
Mr. Handsome. Here's a flash drive.
Just take this instead, okay?
What about the keychain?
That one's a freebie.
- Did you touch him?
- Goodness.
Look here.
You shouldn't suspect people
for no reason.
My Seon-woo would never do such a thing.
You saw what happened?
What's up with the keychain?
He bought a secondhand laptop,
and the seller threw it in for free.
So you saw the keychain
but not the motorcycle?
Kids who looked like high schoolers
were riding the motorcycle.
High schoolers?
Just keep your eyes closed.
I'll do anything you say, sis.
Good morning, sir.
Hello, sir.
Do Hyeon-u!
Put on your tie properly!
I found him! Do Hyeon-u.
Do Hyeon-u?
You know him, right?
Where is he right now?
Why do you ask?
He stole a motorcycle
that's related to a case.
And that motorcycle
is a key piece of evidence.
I'm sorry, Detective.
But can you leave it to me
to find that motorcycle?
If he's riding a motorcycle at his age,
he must be a delinquent.
Kids these days are nothing to mess with.
Aren't you scared?
We're all doomed
when teachers
start fearing their students.
Do Hyeon-u!
How dare that bastard
hit the gas in front of me?
Hold on tight.
Hyeon-u, did you steal this motorcycle?
I didn't steal it. I found it.
Finding something and not returning it
to the owner is called stealing.
You know what to do
when you've done something wrong, right?
It hurts, right?
It hurts for me too.
But when a student does something wrong,
the teacher needs to take responsibility.
Hello, Detective Moon.
I texted you the address
where the motorcycle was found.
Yes, and I apologize again.
I'll make sure
this never repeats in the future.
Okay, sir.
I'm jealous.
Of what?
I don't think
I would've ended up like this
if I had a teacher like you.
Excuse me for a second, sis.
You're already dazzling enough.
- What the hell are you doing?
- I'm sorry, sis.
- Let's go.
- Okay, sis.
- Walk back on your own.
- Yes, sis.
- This is where the motorcycle was, right?
- Yes.
Oh, my gosh. Isn't this blood?
Look at this.
Based on the bloodstains,
it seems that the victim
was stabbed at random.
Just like the streamer and Seung-gil.
And these bloodstains
are evidence that the victim
was dragged while they were unconscious.
The victim is likely to be dead.
Detective! Over here!
This is our third victim, isn't it?
Where are you going?
But was Ae-ran really killed
by the rain poncho guy as well?
The DNA results came back.
What does it say?
The DNA found on the knife matches the DNA
pulled from Ae-ran's toothbrush.
Who the hell is committing
such terrible crimes in Mujin?
And why would he kill
a poor girl like her?
There's still a possibility
that she's alive.
What are you going on about now?
We haven't found her body.
It's too early to assume
that she was murdered.
You could be right.
Not the way I see it.
The victim is definitely dead
based on the killer's pattern.
What are you talking about?
The police must always assume
the victim is alive until a body is found.
That'd make us more desperate.
But where's Detective Bae?
I sent him to get the security footage.
Come on, we're dealing with
a pretty thorough bastard.
He seems to know
the ins and outs of Mujin.
I doubt he was caught on any CCTV.
I'm sure
that he was caught this time.
The killer was caught
on the security camera!
But why?
I guess they're not
as thorough as I thought.
After this, they went into a blind spot.
I guess this proves
that this is the serial killer's work.
Okay, we'll start investigating this
as the work of a serial killer.
Where was the victim's
last known destination again?
I'll go there and check.
Ae-ran came here
to deliver coffee that day.
Did she leave right away?
Yes, she said she'd get in trouble
with her boss if she were late.
Is there anything else that you remember?
I'm not sure.
I had a drink that afternoon,
so my memory is kind of fuzzy.
You don't remember well?
Sir, you have a sticky note stuck on you.
It's stuck to him over there.
Sir, there's a sticky note
stuck on your butt.
- What?
- I'll get it off for you.
Thank you.
Stay a little longer.
I'll get in trouble with my boss.
You should have been here on time.
I just came from delivering
Ppoppi's four puppies.
Animals' lives matter to me
just as much as people's lives.
Tell me what you saw.
After she made the delivery,
she went that way.
That way?
The coffee shop is the other way though.
But she always went this way
when she came here.
Can you get to the coffee shop this way?
I don't think so.
It's not in the direction
of the crime scene either.
Which means that she went somewhere else
every time she came here.
- Was she delivering the yogurt drinks?
- What?
There were two unopened bottles of yogurt
inside the bundle.
Yes, Captain.
Cho Ae-ran's final destination
seems to have been someplace else.
Let's go in the direction
where the victim went.
There's nowhere to make a delivery here.
I know where this path leads.
Where does it lead?
Hi, Gwang-sik.
What brings you here, Dr. Bong?
Detective Moon, you're here too.
Yes, hello.
He wanted some freshly squeezed milk
delivered to his home,
so I brought him here.
If you had just told me,
I would've brought some to you
when I was in town.
There's no reason
for you to go through all this trouble.
You must be very busy
with your investigation.
Well, it's my job.
Detective Moon.
I heard about what happened to Ae-ran.
That poor girl.
Did you know her well?
I doubt there's anyone in Mujin
who hasn't been to her coffee shop.
Then she must have made
deliveries here too.
Not really.
That never happened.
I just saw her a few times
at the coffee shop.
I didn't know her well.
I'm hungry.
Play with me. Stop working.
I adore you. What do I do?
Detective Moon,
you must work out a lot.
Your thighs…
are like the thighs of a horse!
They're not that…
Flex your muscles for me, Detective.
What? I mean…
Oh, they're all fat.
Don't you see
he has the legs of a newborn calf?
- I'm busy, let's go.
- What…
- Bye, Gwang-sik.
- Wait.
- Hurry up.
- Hey.
Bye, Dr. Bong.
Get home safely.
- What did you say?
- Come on, quickly!
The legs of a newborn calf?
Touch them again!
That's not what's important right now!
Gwang-sik lied.
What do you mean?
I saw his memories the other day,
and Ae-ran liked him
and used to visit him a lot.
He tried to touch your legs
just now, didn't he?
Yes, what about it?
Gwang-sik's actually psychic too.
So you can see memories by touching butts
while Gwang-sik can see them
by touching legs?
- Yes.
- And he tried to touch my legs.
What do you think
he wanted to find out from you?
Do you think he was curious about
how the investigation was going?
After all, he's definitely related
to this case.
But if he is the culprit in this case,
that means he's the serial killer.
But among his memories, I didn't…
You didn't see him killing
the streamer or Seung-gil.
How did you know?
Let's follow him.
What? Why?
If we lose him now,
we may never see Cho Ae-ran
or Jeon Gwang-sik again.
What happened? Where did he go?
Let's split up.
I'll go this way, you go that way.
- Call me if you find him.
- Okay.
Hello. Please follow that truck for me.
Thank you.
Sir, I can't lose that truck.
Could you drive a bit faster?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Could I please use this charger?
- Go ahead.
- Thank you.
Detective! I found Gwang-sik,
and I'm following him right now.
I'm in a cab.
Where are you?
I think he's headed
to Mujin Industrial Plant.
But the road here is a little scary.
Sir, please stop the car here.
- Here is fine.
- Okay.
Thank you.
I'm at some kind of warehouse right now.
Oh, my.
Looks like the next victim
will appear soon.
- What?
- What does that mean?
If you buy this talisman,
you'll be able to avoid any misfortune.
How much is it?
I've been following him,
but I don't see him anymore.
I found him.
I'll keep following him.
Dr. Bong.
Did you follow me here?
why did you lie?
About what?
About Ae-ran.
She used to visit you on the farm a lot.
And she liked you.
So why did you pretend
you didn't know her well?
Dr. Bong, don't you know
the situation this neighborhood is in?
Everyone is suspicious of one another.
If I had told the truth,
everyone would have suspected me,
just as you did.
All right.
Then let me touch your butt just once.
Once it's clear
that you're not the killer,
I'll do everything in my power
to prove your innocence.
What's wrong?
Is there a reason I can't touch you?
Dr. Bong,
exactly how much do you know?
Come out already.
Ms. Cho Ae-ran.
I already know everything, so come out.
You'll never touch my legs.
And why is that?
Then give it a shot.
Dr. Bong,
then you try to touch me.
Detective Moon.
How did you know?
You were captured on the CCTV
and the weapon was just lying there
like it was meant to be found.
The bloodstains were strange too.
When you stab someone,
it leaves a spray of blood.
And blood splatters differently
at different heights.
Our current serial killer stabs at random,
but the blood splatter was uniform
at the scene you staged.
And most importantly,
the amount of blood found was too little
to say that someone had been killed.
You were probably only able to
slash her hand to stage the scene.
What's the reason you did all of this?
has debts.
I offered to pay them back,
but her boss wouldn't accept it.
Those debts are just an excuse
to stop me from running away.
The only way for her to live…
was to die.
I understand that you care about Ms. Cho.
But this is still wrong.
I'm sorry.
Then what happens to Ae-ran now?
I'm not sure.
This is a pretty serious case.
For now, the two of you would have to
follow me to the station.
I ended up telling Detective Moon
that you're psychic too.
That's okay. He seems like a good man.
And seeing how you two are an item,
I'm sure he's trustworthy.
I saw it when I touched your leg earlier.
You two seem to get along very well.
You're devoted to each other, and--
What are you talking about?
I'm just helping him
with his investigation.
To catch the serial killer.
Right, Dr. Bong.
The night we were hit
by the meteor shower.
Did you know there was another person
who was there with us?
Another person?
Yes, I'm sure of it.
I didn't know before,
but I saw it when I touched your leg.
No, that's my name.
She's Geumsil.
There was definitely someone else.
So there's someone else
who is psychic like us?
Bye. Have a good night.
Just toss it. We don't have time for that.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, sir.
There's someone else who's also psychic.
Gwang-sik saw that person
when he touched my leg.
So that other psychic person
- is the serial killer?
- Yes.
All you need to do is find out
which Mujin resident is psychic.
They're all potentially the killer.
Don't trust me either.
I heard another murder
took place yesterday.
This is the third victim.
The murder weapon is indisputable.
There's no doubt about it.
What is the killer most afraid of?
It's you.
He probably saw your memories.
- Ye-bun.
- Dr. Bong.
Dr. Bong, you were fooled.
Detective Moon,
you're the only person I can trust.
- The rain poncho killer has been spotted.
- What? The rain poncho killer?
Please, help me.
Subtitle translation by: Yoon-ji Chi
Ripped and synced by
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