Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

Why won't it come off?
A second audition? We're in?
What crap are you trying to pull?
If anyone's trying to pull something,
I think that's you.
Also, this is the men's bathroom.
I'm working undercover--
What? Is someone here?
Do you want everyone to know
who you really are?
Your shoes. They can see your shoes
on the floor.
-Put your feet up, come on.
-Oh, gosh.
I've got a bad feeling about that guy.
He's fixated on me somehow.
You're still so full of yourself.
You're so heavy.
Don't come closer.
He definitely knew I was here, but he was
still on guard when he came in.
He acts polite
but has an insulting look in his eyes.
His suit is top of the line,
but his skin is rough.
He's suspicious on a lot of fronts.
How do you call yourself a cop
when you can't even notice these things?
Just tell me why you're here
and start cooperating.
This seems more like a threat.
If you share your information
and cooperate,
then I'll do the same.
Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment
may be related to the Kang Eun-hye case.
So I tried to see if he has a scar
on his wrist,
but he was wearing a pain relief patch.
What about you?
Kang Eun-hye's friend sent her a strange
message to her social media account,
so I'm here to find that person.
They feigned ignorance out of fear?
I'll find that friend for you.
In return, help me.
What? How can I help you?
Didn't you say you wanted to be an idol?
Yes. I did.
But he recommended
that I audition to become an action star.
The spirit
tells me that she has the potential
to become one.
She has a sturdy frame,
and most of all,
she has the face of an athlete.
"An action superstar
discovered by Joyce Entertainment."
I think I smell big money.
Money's good.
Well, let's take a look.
Damn it.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!
I'm sorry!
Come on!
I thought you said
this plan was infallible!
You should have aimed for his wrist
and checked if he had a burn scar.
How am I supposed to do that with a kick?
-I can't believe you messed this up.
Never mind, I'll go change.
Call 911. Hurry.
I told him he had a misfortune coming
and he should be careful.
Mr. Shaman. You were right.
The misfortune…
Hey, wake up!
Yes, Mr. Cha.
Director Park Jin-sang
of Joyce Entertainment…
He has an alibi for the day.
Mr. Shaman…
-What's going on?
-It's okay.
You're not going to die.
It's not your time yet.
It isn't, right?
Are you with Mr. Nam right now?
-Poor thing.
-What happened is…
-I ran into him at Joyce Entertainment.
-I'll put in a prayer for you.
Mr. Cha, I'm a bit busy now,
so I'll call you right back.
-Mr. Cha.
Here's the data on Joyce's cash flow
that you requested.
I'm sorry,
but I'll take a look at it
after I come back.
You two can head home first. Bye.
All that fuss and we didn't even
-find Eun-hye's friend…
-I know.
This is all because of your terrible aim.
You're making it sound like
it was some grand operation.
You're picking a fight with me again.
You two are fighting again.
How are we going
to work together like this?
-I'm not working with this fraud!
-I'm not working with Grumpy!
Hey, you are…
She's the one who sent the DM.
I think she saw something.
Stop fighting and come hear her out.
"Lee Ji-eun, 18 years old."
She's a Korean Dance major
at an arts high school.
She joined the company when she
auditioned with Kang Eun-hye.
I heard you and Eun-hye
were at the same audition.
Can you really see Eun-hye?
Eun-hye says that you looked pretty
like a bird when you danced.
She wanted to be friends with you.
She's sorry that she didn't
take the first step.
You really are
Minamdang's Shaman Nam Han-jun.
I am pretty popular with teenagers.
She's asking you to tell us the truth
about what you saw
so her grudge can be settled.
She doesn't remember much.
It must have been hard on her.
Something weird happened
before Eun-hye stopped
coming to practices.
I went back to the studio
because I forgot my wallet…
and Eun-hye was dancing
in front of some people.
I thought she was secretly getting
one-on-one lessons,
so I hid and filmed it.
But the woman said something
after she finished dancing,
and Eun-hye cried.
She cried?
Well, the thing is…
It's okay. You can tell us.
-took off her clothes.
-These scumbags.
She took off her clothes?
So I sneaked out right away.
I thought they might make me
do it too if they found me.
But now that I know Eun-hye's dead…
You don't have to tell us anything else
if you don't feel up to it.
But do you still have that video?
I was so scared that I deleted it
and sold my phone.
Do you remember the bastards--
I mean, the people who were there?
-Do you know who they are?
I'd never seen any of them before.
Who bought your phone?
Tell us who you sold it to,
and we'll take care of the rest.
Yes. We need to catch
whoever did this to Eun-hye.
Here's their number.
Thank you for stepping forward.
I'm sure Eun-hye's grateful too.
But could you please tell Eun-hye
that I'm sorry that I pretended
not to see it?
Come on, it's okay.
Eun-hye thanks you
and says not to
let it weigh on you anymore.
Poor thing.
I found where the buyer is.
But he's somewhere warm
down south on an island.
An island? What island?
I'll text you their location
and a picture.
-Bring me some sashimi and roasted clams.
-Cut the crap and get over here.
Why? I don't want to! I have a date.
Before I send a picture of your face
without makeup to your new boyfriend.
We need someone
to run forensics on the phone.
That son of a bitch…
Hey, the thing is
the Chief made such a fuss
that I had to send
Sang-hyeop and Gwang-tae to
the illegal election activities division.
That can't be helped. Let's go
before Nam Han-jun gets the phone.
But I did call for backup.
Mr. Cha, what are you doing here?
He said you were going
to an island with Mr. Nam.
It'll be a good cover story
if the Chief finds out.
-Come on already.
I'll do my best to assist you.
After you.
Hurry up and step on it.
We have to get there first no matter what.
-I'll be over the speed limit then.
-We have to get the phone first.
If Grumpy gets it,
she'll make all sorts of excuses
not to show it to us.
You shouldn't have been so mean to her.
Didn't you just see?
I used my acting skills
to pretend not to be interested,
so we just need to get on the boat first.
-Then it'll be game over!
-Step on it!
-There's a traffic camera.
We should respect that.
-That's what's right.
You're really here, Mr. Nam.
-I'm just as offended.
I also have to…
I grew up quite sheltered…
Jeez, youngsters nowadays…
-That hurts.
-It hurts.
-Come on, jeez.
-My gosh.
-I'll double it.
I'll pay you one million won.
You bought it for 500,000 won,
so it won't be a loss for you.
If you sell it to him,
you could get into trouble later.
This phone might hold
evidence to a murder.
You're not a suspect.
You don't have to cooperate
with the police.
Phones turned in when there's no
warrant are hard to get back later.
A warrant? Did you just say "warrant"?
Cooperate with us before we get a warrant.
-I'll give you plenty of compensation--
-I can't believe what I'm hearing.
Sir, you've never even seen
that video, have you?
Right? It's better if you sell it to us
before the headache begins.
-Make the right choice.
-Goodness, how ghastly.
That's so dirty.
Wait, how much did I bring?
Who cares? Two million!
-Two million? That's too much…
-No, it's fine.
I'll give you two million won.
Whether I submit it to the police
or if they confiscate it,
I'll take full responsibility.
I'm going to…
sell it to him.
Here it is.
Look what we've got.
Mr. Cha, run!
-Get him! Get him!
-Don't you move.
-Hey, Jo Na-dan, get Cha Do-won!
-Stay still.
-Get him.
Out of my way!
-Hey, you!
-Get out of my way!
-Give it back!
Hey, let go!
Mr. Jang!
Grab it, Su-cheol!
Okay. I'll be off.
Come on, get off!
-Hey, you! Hey!
Jeez, I don't know why they're doing this.
It must be tiring.
Come on, why are we doing this?
We can all look together.
What are you saying?
She'll just do whatever she wants.
Get lost, you fraud!
Give it here.
-Hey! No!
-Come on, give it to me!
-Mr. Jang!
-Hurry. Give it.
Where do you think you're going?
Stay still.
-Damn it, what are you doing?
Damn it. Time out!
-You wanted to look at it together.
-You said no.
Don't be so cheap.
What should I do with him?
-Hey, look over there.
Do you think I'm going to fall for that?
No, look.
What the hell?
I can't believe he hit me.
-Hey, let go!
-Give it!
I'm an officer of the law.
There's no way I'm losing to you!
Let go. I said, let go!
You freaking perverts.
-Jeez. What a bunch of idiots.
-I said, let go.
Let go.
Hey, my hair.
-Let go.
-Get off me.
-Gosh, my hair!
-I said, let go!
It's over, so why don't we just go eat?
The last ship of the day left.
We have to stay the night here anyway.
Wouldn't you rather have me
run the forensics and share it with you?
Do you want to fight some more?
Damn it, why did you wait till now
to tell us that?
Let's eat.
I haven't run on the beach
in such a long time. I'm starving.
Kong Su-cheol's pants ripped.
-No, don't.
Stop it!
All right.
-Hurry up. I'm hungry!
-It's done.
-The food is here.
My gosh!
Open up.
We worked hard today.
Why don't we have a drink?
-Yes, let's. We have a common goal.
All right.
Here you go, sir.
It's been a tough day, right?
Come over here.
Gosh. You look just like a local.
It's as if you were born here.
There aren't any clothes
that I can't pull off.
It's pretty comfortable, I like it.
You look great in everything, Mr. Cha.
You still have a terrible eye for fashion.
People don't change.
What are you glaring at?
Think of it as a team dinner. Drink up.
Yes. Eat up.
Pour it down.
-To the death!
-To the death!
Come on, you're being too loud.
Look how lame she is.
Gosh, she's no fun at all.
Party pooper.
Hey, I got it.
Who's that?
Is that the guy from before?
Looking at the way she's seated,
she seems to be ranked higher.
I don't recall seeing her on
the Joyce Entertainment employee list.
Curly hair and a large birthmark…
I should find out who he is first.
-Those perverted bastards.
Just you wait, I'm going to kill you
once I find you.
Those sons of bitches…
I know. These fuckers…
We should bash their faces in,
rip their eyes out,
and flay them afterward.
Sir, we have to get that bastard.
Right, we should. Yes.
Why don't we all put
our hands together and cheer
-for a resolution of this case?
You cops do that on your own.
But wait.
It seems like we have
a bit in common. Can you fight?
You too?
That son of a bitch.
Those goddamn sons of a bitches.
What are you doing out when it's cold?
You look pathetic.
What are you doing out, Mr. Nam?
Did you follow me?
Gosh, don't you think that's a stretch?
Sit down if you're cold.
I'm coughing because of the smoke,
but seeing as you offered, I suppose…
I'll sit for a moment.
This reminds me of my childhood.
We used to go camping a lot
because my brother liked it.
I don't really care for camping.
I went once because
my friend wouldn't stop badgering me,
but it wasn't for me.
Why go through
all that trouble voluntarily?
But I guess it's not that bad
once in a while. It's nice and warm.
I thought you'd have given up already.
Can I ask why you're so determined
to solve this case?
Why is that?
Because I caught Choi Yeong-seop,
yet some stupid cop let him go?
What about you? Why are you so sure
the killer is someone else?
You said you didn't even see their face.
I didn't see his face,
but I definitely saw
that he had a burn scar on his arm.
And Choi Yeong-seop didn't have
a burn scar three years ago.
Is that why you checked
Park Jin-sang's wrist?
What about you?
Why are you so fixated on this case?
The day Choi Yeong-seop was released,
I followed him.
I saw him retrieve the cell phone
he hid at the crime scene.
Jeez, he's thorough.
He planned to pin everything
on Choi Yeong-seop
when he took that cell phone
to Jae-jeong's house.
He failed because
we inadvertently got in his way.
So the culprit must have hidden
that cell phone there too.
I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry about not believing you,
doubting you, and accusing you.
I apologize
for having misjudged you until now.
Look at this.
I knew you weren't being sincere
when you apologized last time.
I would've also thought that
Choi Yeong-seop was the killer
if I were you.
We just saw different things
and believed what we each saw.
So don't be sorry.
We're both regretting enough already.
I wish
I had just said that
Choi Yeong-seop was the killer.
I wish
I had rushed to my friend more quickly.
I regret it.
You must have regrets like that
weighing on your chest too.
It's hard enough with all this regret.
Let's not be sorry as well.
Gosh, my legs.
Mr. Nam. There's actually--
There's something I didn't tell you.
Lieutenant Han.
-Are you okay?
You just can't leave her alone
being her sidekick and all.
Hey, I'm not here for you,
so mind your own business.
-You want to duke it out?
-What's he on about?
-It's cold.
-Let's go inside.
You've got to be kidding me.
It's freezing here. Gosh, it's cold.
Looks like you and Mr. Nam
are pretty close now.
Me? No way!
I want you to be as relaxed with me
as you are with Mr. Nam,
like you're with a friend.
Is it too soon for you
to think of me like that?
But kicking someone around
because they piss you off
and being relaxed with someone
are two different things.
It's just that it seems like you're closer
to Mr. Nam than you are with me.
That made me a little sad.
Mr. Cha.
Do you want me to
kick you around too from now on?
No, wait. That's not what I meant.
Just don't forget that
I'm always on your side.
Well, we're here.
I'll go inside.
Don't forget
that I'm always on your side too.
-Sweet dreams.
Oh, please. What a load of crap.
I'm not on anyone's side.
I'm on my side.
I ought to headbutt you.
You're still the same, Mr. Nam.
Three years ago…
and now.
If you hadn't ignored my advice then,
I might have not been the same.
Is that so?
If you gave up then,
could we have avoided conflicts like this?
Knowing when to brake is a skill
you only need when driving.
Finding the truth
isn't something you give up on.
That was fucking charismatic.
You saw the video like you wanted,
so why don't you hand over the phone?
All right.
This is where our cooperation ends.
I know you'd love to have
a great shaman like me help you,
but what can you do?
You'll have to do without me.
You have a knack for ticking me off
when I'm trying to be nice.
I'll call you if I have a question.
What for? Don't call me.
Let's just keep going
our separate ways.
If you don't want to see my face,
step away from the case.
How about we continue
to be each other's archenemies?
Doesn't that sound better?
Yes, that sounds better.
If you don't want to see us again,
don't get too involved in the case.
What's he smirking for?
Gosh, I don't feel good.
Let's go. I had too much to drink.
I want to sleep some more.
Aren't you going to tell Inspector Han
everything we know about Gopuri?
It'll be better if we share information
and work together.
No, it'll only make Gopuri notice us.
No good can come from dealing with Grumpy.
Did you look into the employees at Joyce?
Yes. But that man
from the video wasn't there.
They all have straight hair.
He might be wearing a wig.
There's no one with a birthmark either?
I'll see if anyone
outside the company fits the bill.
Look into Kang Eun-hye's movements
and dig into the people
who were around her.
But I need some sleep first.
I still feel drunk.
Who gave Hye-jun alcohol? Who?
-It was you.
-Did you blackout?
-I did?
-Why are you so upbeat these days?
-We haven't left the house in a while.
-Wake me up when we're there.
Yes, Ms. Lee. What is it?
I don't know if this will help…
…but I remembered something.
Eun-hye used to always get off
at Hankuk University Station.
Thank you for letting me know, Ms. Lee.
We might be able to find them
faster than Nam Han-jun!
We have to run.
Don't go.
I almost stopped the car.
We can do this…
There's this guy who left the country
whenever Kang Eun-hye did.
His name's Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
He runs a livestream service.
They call it a streaming service,
but it's pretty much a porn studio.
A 21st-century pimp.
In a nutshell,
he's a piece of shit.
Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines…
It's obviously expedition gambling.
And they took a high school girl?
Crazy bastards.
-Yes. True.
That guy, the one with
the birthmark on his face around here.
He's the acting chief
for the Jjokmun Gang.
-Hey, you guys were eating.
-Dig in.
The Jjokmun gang? The loan sharks?
Yes, they made big money with that,
and now they have
their fingers in everything.
The video must've been to check the tastes
of the people they bribe with sex.
Could anyone know
about Jeon Gyeong-cheol's trips?
Well, there is someone. Madam Wang…
-"The Queen Bee…"
-"Queen Bee"?
Yes. They call her that because
she devours men who are her type.
She likes flashy things,
so you two will get along.
A queen bee,
a pimp, and a high school girl…
Not a combination I love.
That bastard…
Excuse me.
Have you seen this woman around here?
-I'm not sure.
-Have you ever seen this woman?
No, I don't think so.
Hi, have you seen this woman?
Do you know…
I'm not sure. I don't think so.
I'm aching all over. My legs hurt.
Once your legs lose all feeling,
that's when they say a miracle will occur.
Right, sure.
Let's go.
-That way.
She's a regular at our cafe.
I saw her go toward
that studio building out front.
Oh, her? She lives in unit 1802.
Her parents don't live in Seoul,
so she came with her uncle.
Give me a second.
Here's the contract
and a copy of her bankbook.
Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
I've heard of that name before.
Jeon Gyeong-cheol, with the Jjokmun Gang.
Didn't he have a big birthmark
on his face?
Yes, he did. He left a strong impression
because of that big birthmark.
I tell you to dress up,
and you dress like a middle-aged man.
Come on. Are you kidding me?
Look how well-dressed I am.
What is that?
Did you get it from the hardware store?
It's 24-karat gold!
-My god, this is so frustrating.
-This stuff is expensive.
This is from the new line.
Flashy necklace and vivid-colored clothes…
She's interested in that hot pink bag,
but her makeup's very natural.
She likes getting attention
but doesn't want others to know that.
You can tell she's rich
just from her face.
She must really look after herself.
No. She's very strict
about maintaining her looks,
but she doesn't like complicated things.
And she's fixing her makeup
while looking this way,
which means she's interested in me.
That will make things easier.
Yes. You really must have something.
I think
that simple but classy black
will accentuate your beauty more.
-What do you think?
-You're right.
It's solid and elegant.
I like it very much.
Why me?
So he asked you to bring together
your best earners,
so you introduced them to him?
I could smell the money on him.
I said he wouldn't be able to afford
even one of them with the usual sum,
and do you know what he said?
"No need to worry about money."
"I'll be bringing famous politicians
and businessmen,
so prepare the women on that level."
-And then…
-And then?
He left a 100 million won deposit!
He said it was to ensure
complete confidentiality.
I brought all the top girls in the field,
and Jeon Gyeong-cheol brought someone
with him to interview them.
Who did he bring?
-Do something.
Who did he bring?
The director of Joyce Entertainment.
You mean Park Jin-sang?
I don't know his name.
Please hold on.
Let go, come on!
This is going to be
bigger than we thought.
I told you everything I know,
and you seem to have understood
how high up this goes…
Well, I'll just go take a look
at the new line.
You're adorable!
The number you called cannot be reached.
Please leave--
I can't believe she screened me.
Where did she run off to?
I told her to be on standby.
Evade me all you want,
but you're in the palm of my hand.
Han River?
She's on a date at Han River again?
If she's on a date, she'll go on a picnic,
then they'll get in the car,
and if they click…
That little minx.
Hey, Su-cheol, let's go.
-Go. I'll see you again.
Oh, god.
You son of a bitch.
I thought you were working?
I had no idea you were referring
to a hot date when you said
you had an urgent meeting.
You really know how to make a guy
sick of you, don't you?
Sick of me?
You're sick of me?
Yes. I'm sick of you.
You're too unpredictable, I never know
what you'll do, and I'm sick of it!
You said that was what you liked about me.
Please. I put up with it at first
because you were hot.
But you're nothing like your looks.
You swear like a sailor
and eat like a middle-aged man.
There isn't a drop of femininity in you,
and you have to get home before midnight?
Who are you, Cinderella?
You're truly an outdated
and condescending prick, aren't you?
I've dated you although you were an idiot
who doesn't understand quantum computing.
What did you say, you piece of shit?
What a horndog you are,
considering you can't even get it up.
-You little…
-Stop right there.
Who are those idiots?
Your angels of death.
I don't usually look at guys in detail.
It's off-putting,
learning too much about guys.
But you…
This car isn't yours, is it?
How did you…
You use cheap shampoo and perfume,
and your watch is a knockoff,
but your car's expensive,
so I thought I'd ask.
I don't care if you're poor,
but how dare you raise
your hands at my sister?
Who the heck are you?
Hye-jun's so cute and adorable
that I couldn't touch
a single hair on her head,
yet you dared to raise your hand at her?
What should we do?
Should I throw him in the river to drown?
He does deserve to die,
but it'd just end up being a hassle.
I guess so.
Then how about I break something?
What should I snap?
Did Hye-jun tell you
how her brother
is a shaman famous for his curses?
Lie to another woman again,
and this is what will happen to you.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
-It's fine. These things happen.
Get back up. It's all right.
You know,
if you ever bother Hye-jun again,
my fists will get you
before that voodoo doll does.
Got it?
keep it in your pants.
My gift to you.
By the way, why is his car like that?
I wouldn't be Nam Hye-jun
if I did nothing, would I?
Do I have to pay for the damages again?
I was tracking the movements
of Joyce's funds
and found they used
their company card in Southeast Asia.
It turns out we know the guy
who purchased the plane ticket.
Jeon Gyeong-cheol, the loan shark?
Yes. He runs a livestream service now,
but he has a record
of expedition gambling and sexual bribery.
Expedition gambling and high school girls…
Do you think Joyce Entertainment is
related to Kang Eun-hye's murder?
For now, it's just reasonable suspicion.
I don't have any proof.
I'm going to go to Daeun station.
In the meantime, could you find out
how Park Jin-sang knows Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
How does he do that?
Alumni and friends are one thing,
but it's hard to be
that cold to your relatives.
There's a reason he's famous for being
absolutely unapproachable to women.
No wonder.
What could have happened
to make her cry like that?
But I heard she got around
using the subway.
So why did she come out
of the underground car park?
Did someone come to pick her up?
-Jeon Gyeong-cheol…
-Did Jeon Gyeol-cheol lease
Kang Eun-hye's studio?
-Mr. Cha.
-Oh, hey.
The building looks like it should
be registered with UNESCO,
but it has a high-tech security system.
They've got dozens
of proxy servers overseas.
They're pulling that crap
to avoid having their IP traced.
-Are there any CCTVs inside?
-I can manipulate them all
except the one that's not
connected to the internet. This one.
Are they just begging
for someone to steal it,
or is it some convoluted trick?
That's the problem with smart people.
Why would you make things
unnecessarily complicated?
They just installed it there
because it's important.
-It's that simple?
What's going on there?
They must be crazy. In broad daylight?
-Su-cheol. The camera.
-Send it.
It's Re-a, an adult
entertainment streamer.
It's obvious she's high on drugs.
She's forced into doing livestreams
to pay back her debt to Jeon Gyeong-cheol,
then is forced to buy drugs with the
money she makes. It's a vicious cycle.
She disappeared during a livestream,
and the chat room went wild.
But she's not the only victim.
Eun-a, another streamer,
was dragged away
during a livestream a few months ago,
and she hasn't been heard from since.
There are no signs of life.
I think we should call the police
since this is serious.
What? Even the police
won't be able to get in there.
Guys in the drug trade are really brutal.
Damn it, all I wanted
was a lousy document.
Why can't they be good? Those scumbags.
Hey, Na-dan. We need a delivery.
-We should go too.
-Let's go.
Hey, are you listening? Can't you hear me?
-He's here. Jeez.
Is the AI done learning…
Hey, is the AI voice recognition…
Is the AI done learning her voice?
The AI voice learning!
Yes. It'll be like Eun-ha
came back to life.
Okay. I'm ready. I'm here.
Are you going to war?
-Where's the outfit?
This is dangerous.
I'd rather just fight them.
I'm not wearing this!
-Oh, it'll look good on you.
-Aren't you coming?
Let's go!
Yes, okay.
Gosh, she's going deaf.
-We've all been through this.
-Come on.
-You can do it too.
-No, I can't!
-Darn it.
-Even before I bet?
-This is going to be good.
Darn it.
That doesn't work these days.
Who are you?
Do you think you can just barge in here
and pull your crap?
Me? I'm Shaman Nam Han-jun
the wonder of Yonghae-dong.
And your savior
who will rescue you
from that vengeful spirit over there.
A vengeful spirit?
Oh my.
So that's why that spirit is wandering
around the land of the living
because of you lot.
Are you kidding me? He's crazy.
You haven't been
beaten up recently, have you?
-Yes, sir.
-Drag him out.
-Yes, sir.
Jung Eun-ha.
The spirit behind you
says that's her name.
You really don't know her?
Hi, guys.
Nice to see you again.
Isn't that Eun-ha's voice?
-Oh my.
Oh my. What to do.
You fools.
Oh my.
-Oh my.
-I sure am glad to see you again,
-but I don't think you are.
-Oh my.
Oh my.
Goodness. It's so realistic.
What's wrong?
-Are you going to kill me again?
-Oh my!
Oh my. Your ill intent is about to
Oh my. The spirit grows evil
in its vengeance.
Oh my.
-Oh my.
-Ghosts don't fucking exist!
Oh my…
Who's pulling this crap?
Oh my.
Mr. Shaman, do something, please!
You're a shaman.
You can get rid of spirits, can't you?
Oh, that? It requires
a lot of time and effort.
I'll do anything.
You miserable, vicious,
horrible, vile creatures.
I pray to the gods of heaven and earth
to have mercy
on this vengeful spirit turned evil.
I pray upon you.
You cannot leave this office
until I get rid of the spirit.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
Disobey me,
and something terrible will happen.
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
Don't even look! Turn around!
-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!
We did it!
I wonder
why you were in such a bad state today.
I'm sorry.
I promise I won't do it again.
The viewers already saw
your eyes roll back like this.
Now that off-putting sight is
what they'll think of when they see you.
So what do you mean again?
How much does she owe us?
One hundred and thirty million won.
She can't stream anymore like this,
so how shall we get our money back?
Send her to make videos
and receive clients.
Sir, please.
I promise I'll work really hard.
Please, don't.
You wouldn't be here
if working hard is all it took.
Why do you think you're here?
I don't think she'll last much longer.
-Hurry up with the video.
-Yes, sir.
Hey, get the camera.
What are you rolling your eyes back for?
What are you? A zombie?
-Damn it.
You startled me, you prick.
-Are you a cop?
That's so rude, calling me names
when you just met me.
That's right. A prick?
I know he looks like an idiot,
but that's going too far!
I guess you're not cops. So what are you?
Hey, wait. An idiot?
You think I'm an idiot?
Isn't "prick" way worse?
How are you bothered about that?
How am I an idiot?
-Then you're a cheapskate!
-You're embarrassing us right now.
-Can't you hear me?
I'm embarrassing you?
-Two can play at that game.
-That one time, you even--
Are you kidding me?
One's dressed like a hobo…
…and the other is an idiot.
-An idiot?
-Hey, beat him to a pulp.
You're not supposed to be here,
so hurry on out.
-Damn it.
-My neck!
Watch your words, you moron!
What was that?
What? An idiot?
Was it you? Come over here.
-Yes! You knocked them all out!
-What did you say? An idiot?
An idiot?
-An idiot?
-No, of course not.
-I know how smart you are.
Here. How long has it been
since I gave you some pocket money?
-Are you hurt?
You did a good job.
What did you say to me before?
A prick?
I can't fight. Let's talk this out.
Go easy on him.
I told you it's dangerous
to ambush them without a plan.
We'll split up, then.
Mr. Cha and I will go in first.
You, Detective Kim,
and Detective Na can back us up.
Watch our backs, please.
She didn't listen to me, right?
Is she just working hard
or messing with me?
She's working hard to mess with you.
Does she have it in for you?
I guess so.
Damn it.
Shouldn't we call Mr. Nam?
Don't bother. It's too late.
What we need to do right now is…
run away.
Wait for me!
Didn't they say this place was dangerous?
Did the other detectives
make some sort of mistake?
That or something's going on.
-Follow me.
Are you still not going to talk?
What's the password? Come on.
I said, I don't know.
This isn't working.
-Su-cheol, you'll need to step in.
You're dead now.
Come on, tell us.
I told you I don't know!
Really? Okay.
The emergency responders
will be here soon, so don't worry.
I'm going to let you go
on a count of three.
-I really don't know!
How about now?
I'll tell you.
-I will.
-What's the password?
-It's 9876543.
-It's 98, what?
-It's 9876543.
-Did you get that?
Okay, 987654!
So 987654.
Jeez, what a simpleton.
Now, everything's going to be fine
as long as you answer my questions.
-Could you untie me first?
-What do you want to know?
-What we want to know?
You should be asking me.
How are Joyce and Jjokmun related?
Did Director Park Jin-sang send you?
I guess you two don't get along?
Who sent you on those overseas trips,
if not Park Jin-sang?
I don't know what you're talking about.
-You're going to pretend you don't know?
Yes, okay, I hope this rope's sturdy.
I just know that Joyce is involved
but I don't know any details!
I just did it because
they offered me a lot of money.
I'm telling you the truth!
Did someone with a burn scar
on his arm put you up to this?
Who is it?
Come on, who is it?
Don't move. We're the police.
Mr. Nam?
What are you doing here?
You know, I was passing by with Su-cheol,
and I felt this strange energy.
I dropped by again and found that
he was being haunted by an evil spirit.
An evil spirit?
Don't you have any other excuses?
Put that down.
Move, and I'll shoot.
I know we're archenemies,
but isn't it a bit much,
holding us at gunpoint?
I said I'll shoot if you move.
Do you think
I'll fall for an empty threat--
Take off your clothes.
He's the cop from three years ago.
What should we do?
How bothersome.
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
There are people who are
trying to protect Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
Protect him?
I've heard that Park Jin-sang
of Joyce Entertainment is your cousin.
-Is it because you're afraid, or…
-Lieutenant Han.
…is it because you don't want to know?
I might endanger the people I love again.
I was told to take care of him
since Our plan will be foiled
once he starts running his mouth.
We'll make him come on his own accord
and tell us everything.
Please, help me, Mr. Shaman.
The only way for you to live
is to sort him out.
He has a burn scar on his arm, right?
You bastard…
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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