Call It Love (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

What? I'm not going to the internet cafe.
I'm heading over to fill in a part-time.
They'll pay me twice the usual.
I'm saving up to buy a guitar. Hang on.
Maybe it's not her?
My goodness!
Hey, I'll talk to you later.
I thought she saw me.
Come on, Woojoo.
Can we please be normal? Seriously.
Gosh, she's killing me.
I was just…
More than Jigu
who quit studying and ran away!
More than you who's acting
this crazy because of me!
More than Haesung who's dating
a boy much younger than her!
More than my sick mom!
I just worry about him a little bit more.
I just wish he could be
a little less lonely.
So what is this?
What is this feeling?
What is this
that freaks you out this much?
I really am a lunatic.
My sister is drunk and asleep
at the playground outside.
Could you take care of her for me?
I'm on my way to a part-time job.
Ms. Sim.
Do you have any idea what time it is?
Aren't you scared to be out here?
If you came, you should have called me.
Why are you just sitting out here?
Are you sure
I really came here to see you?
So I was the only one
who didn't know my own feelings.
This is why I didn't know.
You pretend not to notice every time.
Go back inside. I'll go home on my own.
Get up. It's late.
If you're not planning
to spend the night out here, get up.
I'll walk you home.
Aren't your feet cold?
It's almost summer.
I wear socks even in the middle of summer.
My hands and feet are always cold.
Let me go get some water.
Stay here. I'll get you the water.
Drink slowly.
Do you know the athlete Ki Bobae?
She's a gold medalist in archery.
I almost had a chance to train with her.
I've won medals in national competitions,
and I prepared
for the national team selection tryout.
I was a promising archer.
That's impressive.
I was.
Until I was half-forced to quit archery
after a big injury on my shoulder
from a car accident.
Maybe I shouldn't call that an accident.
I found out
that my father was having an affair.
So the 17-year-old me tried to fix it
and followed him.
And I saw him come out of a motel.
I jumped in front of the car
my dad was driving without even thinking.
I was trying to scare him
and make a statement saying that,
"Your daughter knows everything.
So come back to your family."
But as time passed on,
I realized that I was lying to myself.
What I wanted was to hurt my father.
I wanted to leave a scar
that would last him a lifetime.
And give him twice
the amount of pain I felt.
I was born rotten like that.
Your pain was probably greater.
And it wasn't that you were rotten,
but that you didn't know any better.
You really shouldn't like me.
If you don't like me,
then there won't be any problem.
I'm asking a favor.
Okay, Mr. Park Junkyu.
The medicine is for three days.
Don't forget to take them regularly.
All right.
I don't know whether this is
good news or bad news,
but your mother didn't pick up
the phone so I couldn't tell her.
I just wanted you to know that.
I'm going
to look for Jigu from today.
I want you to know that too.
Is this it?
This is so you, Woojoo.
That's a bummer.
I was looking forward to working
with you on this fair.
We'll make it happen next time.
Are you really not going to tell me?
Where are you hosting your fair?
Is it Samseong-dong or Yangjae-dong?
Or is it all the way over in Songdo?
I'll also answer that next time.
At any rate,
I'll wait and see if you're successful
without working with us.
-That's you wishing us well, right?
-Of course, it is.
Uh, I don't know if you heard.
It's about CEO Shin.
Apparently, he can't even afford
the middle payment for the venue.
-The manager was my former co-worker.
-Don't worry.
What do you mean
the funds haven't come in?
T-T-That can't be.
Take care, sir.
He hasn't received
the investment that he was promised.
And he barely charged booth rental fees
from the companies.
I think he was planning to make up
for that by attracting visitors,
but that's easier said than done.
Some participants have caught on
and already pulled out.
So it does look like he's struggling.
This is just between us,
but doesn't that make you feel nice?
It makes me dizzy.
I've never wished him to succeed,
but I didn't wish him to be ruined either.
Now I wonder if I should wish him well.
I don't know if I have to be
that concerned for him.
You really are something.
Director Kang Minyoung
doesn't come to work at the gallery.
Please don't come here looking for her.
If she's got a business card
that says she's a director,
she's bound to show up to work one day.
That cheeky brat.
If she won't give me the money,
she should at least tell me why.
I'm going to find you…
…and get an explanation out of you.
I will.
If it's because of me,
you can stay. It's your house.
I'm saying…
I finally don't care what you do.
Hello, this is Best Fairs.
It's me.
Is Ms. Baek around?
-They're all in a meeting.
I'm having trouble
opening a file on my phone.
Could you tell me the booth number
for Hojin Trading Company?
Did you get home okay last night?
Booth 12.
You really shouldn't like me.
I'm asking a favor.
Sir, get in!
Did the meeting not go well?
It went well.
They'll join us in a similar capacity
as Hojin Trading Company.
Try to look a little happier then.
You scared me.
I still have a long way to go.
The stress is killing me.
You don't have to stress out
about every single thing.
Stop worrying, you'll age quicker.
Hey, Kang.
If someone says,
"You really shouldn't like me,"
what do you think that means?
Uh, what are you talking about?
Never mind.
-Pretend you didn't hear it.
-Come on, I already heard it.
You want to know the meaning behind,
"Don't like me," right?
Let's see.
The person who said that knows.
They've caught on
that the other person likes them.
So they're giving a warning.
"I know everything,
so don't confess to me."
"I don't like you."
They're just nailing that in.
I don't know who this is,
but they sure got rejected discreetly.
I should have turned left back there.
You should have put in the signal first.
He personally left it
with the realtor
not too long after you kids moved out.
He wanted to apologize
to you kids on his mother's behalf.
I only got to drive this baby
on the freeway to Paju and back.
You checked the engine, so you'd know.
-It's pristine.
Now please sign here and here.
And did you bring the spare key?
No. I didn't.
That's going to lower the price a little.
Go ahead, then.
I should keep something to remember it by.
Then just sign there, please.
The company is struggling
because there's no money.
And the CEO buys an expensive sports car?
Is that something a CEO should do?
No, that's what a stupid moron would do.
I knew I wasn't going to be loved for it,
but do you know why
I still went ahead and bought that car?
I needed an outlet.
that could keep me grounded.
I wanted something
that works and revolves around me.
A car does everything as I say,
from the steering wheel,
gears, to signals.
And that gave me
a strange sense of comfort.
Because the company…
It revolves around Dongjin.
Let me tell you a funny story.
After I bought that car,
I even turned off the navigation.
I didn't want it telling me what to do.
Ugh, maybe I'm going through
late puberty or something.
Are you listening?
Anyway, I sold that car today.
It's not just bittersweet,
but actually heartbreaking.
But my mind is at ease.
Good job.
What? Is that all?
Then what else should I say?
Did you really want to see me for this?
What's your problem now?
What I'm saying is…
You've been cold and snippy
every time you talked to me,
and suddenly you've returned
to the good old friendly Sunwoo.
Am I also nothing to you now?
Am I that trivial?
If I lived across from him
and had been around,
I thought he'd ask me at least once.
I thought he'd talk to me
just to get me off his back.
But now he doesn't care whatever I do.
He told me to live there if I want.
What does that mean?
I saw you.
You and Sim Woojoo, together.
Please just leave Dongjin alone.
He's finally trying to live a little.
If you're doing this
because you feel bad for him…
Hey! Hey, Minyoung!
Why does this feel worse
than when I sold my car?
First floor.
How rude can you be?
An elder is talking on the phone.
How dare you?
I apologized to you multiple times.
And I'm telling you
I can't accept that apology.
I can't accept it!
I honked the horn because you kept
talking on your phone in front of our car!
You could have just asked me to move.
I was so startled that I fell down!
This is a car accident, you know!
Listen here!
Just pay for her treatment.
Gosh, my clothes are now dirty.
Oh, gosh, my back is hurting too.
Oh, my gosh.
I have a reservation
under Kang Minyoung.
Sorry, I'm late. I'm Dongjin's mom.
Nice to meet you. I'm Kang Minyoung.
Thank you for reaching out to me first.
Sit down.
This is my first time
meeting Dongjin's girlfriend.
Are you doing that
to make me feel bad?
I told you not to do the dishes
without gloves.
I forgot.
Then put them on now.
I'm done.
Is something going on?
A few days ago,
I met your mother.
I found her number on your phone
and asked her to see me.
I asked you
to introduce me to her a few times
but you kept postponing it.
My mom also wants to meet you.
How about you?
Do you even want to marry me?
I do.
That's why I'm giving you time.
So that you can think about it carefully.
Do you want to go shopping
with just us women, without Dongjin?
Just listen there.
You were right.
I did hesitate about marrying you
because of your mother.
I was afraid that my whole life
would be turned upside down
because of your mother.
You can't blame me for that.
…you also started avoiding me
from then on.
You were afraid
I'd harp on you about marriage.
It was so obvious.
For me…
a simple word like "I'll do better"
would have made everything okay.
But you said nothing until the very end.
You just left me alone as if to say,
"It's your life, so you decide."
So you share the blame too.
Your button has come off.
You're here.
Did you find another part-time job?
Supplying side dishes to a diner?
Pack some for lunch tomorrow.
You said you were tired of buying lunch.
I see you're really trying hard.
Did you have dinner yet?
How about looking at me
if you're going to talk to me?
Did you have dinner?
If not, I'll give you some.
I ate.
Then put the dishes in the fridge.
You said you'd go to look for Jigu.
Did you already go look for him?
I'm looking for him right now,
and that's why I'm cooking here.
I noticed a lot of things
missing from Jigu's room,
like underwear and socks.
Who could have delivered those to him?
Could it be my sister who doesn't care,
and thinks that he'll come back
when he does?
Or could it be you?
Fine, it was me.
So what?
Text him to stop by the pharmacy tomorrow.
I'll deal with the rest.
Do you think you're in a position
to order me around?
What's my position?
You think you finding out
that I like him is somehow my weakness?
I just like him.
So you're…
You're just openly proclaiming it now?
My head is about to burst open
without you breathing down on my neck.
So if you can see that I'm trying,
just let me settle things on my own.
I'm asking you a favor.
I think that's enough pictures.
We have to take a hundred shots
to get one good picture.
Uh, this picture makes my legs look short.
Does it?
Do you want me to take another one?
I could post this one.
So, are you planning on becoming a model?
You really like taking pictures.
Are you being sarcastic?
Oh, no, no.
I'm asking because I'm really curious.
This is just for fun.
I'm uploading these on social media.
Speaking of, should we make
a couple's account?
A couple's account? Not a couple's ring?
I guess you don't know this stuff.
It's sharing a social media account
and posting pictures of us together.
I can start learning now.
What should I do first?
Let me first create an account.
What's this?
Young Boy didn't walk you home tonight?
It's almost time for the last bus.
You're picking up smoking again?
I was thinking about it.
But this lighter wouldn't let me.
Stupid thing.
Have you heard of something
called a couple's account?
-A couple's what?
-A couple's account.
A couple…
Is it like a shared bank account?
So this is how my Suho must have felt.
It must have been lonely.
It's just a little generation gap.
I can overcome it, right?
And you're sure it's a generation gap?
What do you mean?
I'm wondering if you're confusing
incompatibility with a generation gap.
It's a mistake you make
in every relationship.
You're very passionate,
but the other is lukewarm.
You know what your mistake is?
It's that you run your mouth
without thinking.
I'm supposed to go
meet your parents, right?
If that ever happens,
then I'm changing my name
from Sim Haesung to Sim Moksung!
What's that supposed to mean?
You promised.
I don't care.
Wait, come on.
Excuse me, Ms. Sim Moksung!
I apologize. I think I misspoke!
Have a wonderful day today.
Isn't the night shift hard?
I can't be whining about stuff like that.
Thanks to you, I get to have warm showers.
-I'll see you.
Oh, right.
Someone came by yesterday.
Uh, it was a woman.
At first, I thought she was drunk
and came to the wrong door.
But she actually lived across from you.
I was wondering if you knew her.
What the…
My goodness.
I'm just…
You can't be doing this here.
All right, then…
Should I move my car over there and wait?
I'm really sorry, but I really need
to talk to Director Kang in person.
I'm not here
to collect a debt or anything.
Uh, I'm just here to give
my thanks to the director.
I don't know the exact address,
but I know what apartment she lives in.
Woojoo, could you put these
in the conference room?
The daughter of that family.
She got your business card,
and she came here.
She came and told me
that she's given up on the house.
And she no longer wants to be
stressed about the house matter.
She told you to stop looking for her.
And I didn't want
to come here empty-handed.
My goodness. You didn't have to.
Thank you for these.
Goodbye then.
And one last thing.
Could you please tell him this?
My family's moved
to a better place than before,
and we're doing just fine.
So he should stop worrying about us.
Thank you so much.
Just finish this in person.
He seemed like a nice guy.
I know.
If I told him to give me back the money
his mother took from us,
he would ask
for my bank account number first.
I should have known a long time ago.
But now, I'm just trying
to undo the mistake I made.
To the conference room, right?
It's a lot.
They're for the advertisement.
Ms. Baek said she'd pick from these.
Aren't you leaving?
If there's nothing more to say…
The button.
Did you patch it back on?
I'm grateful, but don't do that again.
Okay, I won't.
Get back to work then.
Can't you just think I did it
because I could and just take it?
You don't have to be sorry
or grateful for every little thing.
I want to do it.
And I'll do it again if I want to,
so lock the door if you don't want it.
Four iced Americanos, two iced lattes,
and one hot Americano, please.
One more iced Americano, please.
And I'll pay for everything.
Gosh, Mr. Cha.
It's been a while, Yuri.
You don't look so good.
You must be busy at work.
Thanks to you.
Are you still moving forward
with the camping fair?
Mr. Cha, I'm not stupid.
Stop fishing for information.
I wasn't doing that.
I was just asking how everyone is doing
since it's been a while.
Since you're the youngest
among those who stayed behind,
you must have a lot of errands.
All the photo-copying too.
Ms. Sim still works with us.
She does?
I don't know if she's loyal
or doesn't have anywhere else to go,
but she still works here.
The CEO cares for her a lot too.
He kept asking around just because
a part-timer didn't show up for work.
Wait, which one are you talking about?
Mr. Choi or Mr. Han?
Mr. Han, of course.
The way I see it,
those two are very close.
I have to go now.
Okay, bye.
So if you really want
to ruin this company,
then try harder.
Starting tomorrow,
you no longer work at Best Fairs, Mr. Cha.
They're close?
What? Did she hang up or what?
Are you home?
Director Kang, are you home?
This is Shin Sungman.
If you're in there,
I'd like to say just one thing.
I, Shin Sungman,
do not know how to give up.
This job may just be
a matter of livelihood for others,
but for me,
it's a matter of life and death.
So I can't just give up.
Please call me.
I'll be waiting.
Uh, I'm hungry.
Ah, I want to go home.
We still have hours left on the clock.
Do you know that man?
I wouldn't call him a man.
Just a kid that I know.
May I sit with you for a moment?
Of course.
Please sit so I can
get to know you better.
One more, please.
Gosh, you came far to have lunch.
Why do you care?
I'm sorry about yesterday
like I always am for everything.
You know that.
I talk too much without a filter.
Have you thought about correcting that?
If you become Sim Moksung,
I'll try my best to correct it.
I'll be good.
Just eat your food and leave.
Do you really think
I'll just eat and leave?
I'm going to pick up the bill too.
This is my treat, so please enjoy.
Oh, thank you.
By the way, you two look really close.
I've never seen you
talk casually to anyone before.
Right, Haesung and I…
We know enough about each other
but respect each other's privacy as well.
What kind of a relationship is that?
I guess I'm too old to understand that.
It just means there's nothing between us.
You're hurting my feelings again.
How is there nothing between us?
There's something very special between us.
I am your…
A landlord that buys his tenant lunch.
How special is that?
I'm sure it's very special.
Sure, whatever.
Oh, right. You forgot to take your pills.
Go take it.
Oh, you mean the vitamins?
No, the prescription medicine
you take after lunch.
Uh, well, that's just…
I left the pharmacy closed for too long,
so I'm heading back.
-Okay, bye.
-See you.
-Thank you for lunch.
-My pleasure.
-See you at home.
We'll meet you there then.
-Order a lot.
-Yes, sir.
All right.
-I have to come in early…
-Aren't you wrapping up for the day?
-Tonight's office dinner is at six, right?
I wonder if we're going
to have pork again today.
I'm craving beef.
Should I try asking him?
-You should.
-Wait for me, I'll go ask.
-Shall we go?
It's the usual barbecue place, right?
It's beef tonight! The one next door!
It's a proper dinner for a change.
You told Kang
to come straight there, right?
Yes, I told him.
But I don't see Ms. Sim.
I think she went home.
You didn't tell her
about the office dinner?
Of course I did.
I asked her to come.
-And guess what she said to me.
-What did she say?
I'm not going.
Why not?
An office dinner
is to get to know each other.
I don't want that.
She said that she's a part-timer
who will quit once her contract ends,
so she saw no point in getting to know us.
She didn't want any
unnecessary relationships,
so she didn't want to go.
She really said that?
it really took me by surprise too.
Gosh, you never know
what to expect from her.
I thought she'd want to
work with us longer.
Oh, CEO Han. You're here.
Oh, it's here. Let's go.
Get in, everyone.
-Yes, that.
Eat up.
-Order anything.
-Yes, sir.
Whatever you guys want.
Is that okay, Mr. Han?
Our Mr. Han is ever so shy,
so he won't give any speech, right?
All right.
As always, I'll make the toast.
Everyone raise your glass.
The fair is coming up very soon.
I'd like to thank those of you
who were loyal enough to stay with us,
and those of you brave enough to join us.
I chose this phrase for the toast
because I really wanted
to say these words to you.
Let's all say it together.
Let's survive!
Let's raise our glasses of love!
Raise them!
I really think this company
wouldn't have survived without me.
Don't you think?
We've come this far
thanks to you, Ms. Baek.
Please thank me after the fair.
Then I'll thank you again then.
Eat up.
You can take some home too.
By the way…
I didn't stay with the company
over some loyalty
like CEO Choi was saying.
Nobody really cares about loyalty.
So why would I care about that?
It only stabs you in the back.
I just wanted to work, that's why.
And Yuri stayed because of her savings.
don't be burdened by us.
Honey, honey… ♪
Excuse me.
Do you have to turn back? ♪
I only want you… ♪
Have a good time.
Why did it have to be a karaoke?
Maybe he wanted to at least hold
a karaoke mic if not a stage mic.
Where's he staying?
That's the one thing he wouldn't tell me.
He just told me
to let you know he's all right.
Just wait quietly and talk it out.
Don't barge in and give him
a heart attack at his workplace.
That's just unfair.
Unfair, my foot.
I'm hanging up.
Just how much did we drink tonight?
Can you make it to work tomorrow?
I'll make it no matter what.
I even sold my car,
pledging to start anew.
So I must show up to work.
You sold it?
Of course.
I had the most emotional farewell.
I'm asking you because I'm drunk,
but why won't you go out with Sim Woojoo?
Will you please stop?
explain the tension
in the conference room today.
Can't you just think I did it
because I could and just take it?
You don't have to be sorry
or grateful for every little thing.
I want to do it.
And I'll do it again if I want to,
so lock the door if you don't want it.
Stop pretending.
You definitely have feelings for her.
Think simple.
Just follow your heart, okay?
I removed all the furniture
in the living room.
Then I set up a tent inside my place.
And I swore this one thing to myself.
I will not be hurt again.
I will not be abandoned again.
I know
how every relationship ends.
I'm just…
protecting myself.
So that I won't be swayed.
Does that mean you were swayed at least?
But you won't go down.
You know how sometimes you can tell a lot
about someone just by the way they walk?
I can tell you won't go down
no matter what.
I just wish you could live
comfortably in your own place.
You really shouldn't like me.
I'm asking a favor.
I want to do it.
And I'll do it again if I want to,
so lock the door if you don't want it.
You just said yes.
You already have some.
Let's raise our glasses of love.
Did you drink?
Good for you.
I don't really have the right to say this…
but stop drinking.
You've punished yourself enough.
Those two were working together.
Trying to ruin me.
Damn them.
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