Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e08 Episode Script

Episode 8

We'll be fine.

Check out the poster. Fancy.
We're gonna need some drinks.
Thank you so much
for coming out tonight
to launch Melissa Baines'
second collection of essays,
Fit for Purpose.
I know I'm biased,
but I can promise you
this is a really special book
from one of
our foremost writers.
A writerThe Irish Times has called,
"Exquisitely irreverent."
Melissa Baines.
- Thank you, Lucy.
- Thank you, everyone.
When my grandfather died

Thank you.
So, what do you think?
Yeah, it was, um
They look good together,
don't they?
I mean,
they're a good-looking couple.
They look right.
If I was in a burning building
and it was only me,
Nick, and Melissa,
he'd save her, wouldn't he?
I don't know, Frances.
It's just
a hypothetical question.
Okay, I'm gonna go get a copy.
Come here.
- Is it difficult?
- Yes.
- I think so.
- Hi, Frances.
- Hi.
- Hi, lovely.
Oh, my gosh.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
Well, it's over at least.
Where's Bobbi?
Uh, she's just buying a copy.
Melissa. That was amazing.
- Thank you.
- More wine?
- I'm good, thanks, Ev.
- Thank you.
It's lovely to see you again.
- You too.
- So how have you been?
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, man. Great turnout.
Yeah, it's pretty good crowd.
Wine isn't bad either.
- Here you go.
- Thank you.
Nick, you look so well.
You've still got that
Croatian glow about you.
Melissa seems really happy.
You both do. Well done, man.
- That whole experience.
- Show us some time.
- Where at?
- Hey.
Yeah, more than you think
for that kind of thing.
Put out fliers at school.
Yeah. You should come.
Yeah. Okay.
How many shows do you do?
Can you send me
a link or something?
Yeah, I could send you a link.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Don't fucking use me, Frances.
For the show,
do you have a link or something?
I don't know

Gently, gently, gently, gently.
Oh, hey. Hi.
You're flatmates.
Uh, yeah.
This is Frances.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Uh, we didn't get
to meet properly. I'm Emer.
Nice to meet you.
I'm just gonna go to bed.
- Sorry.
- Sorry.

We speak in the store,
I'm a sensitive ♪

So you're doing English, right?
And, um, are you
in players or debating
or anything like that?
No. Why?
It's just you had a photo of
you on stage, on your profile.
Sorry, yeah. Um I do.
Spoken words, uh uh, with
my friend sometimes, but, um
Well, I quite like
poetry myself, actually.
Oh, yeah? Okay.
Uh, who are you into?
Well, Heaney, of course.
Of course.
And I, I love Yates.
Uh, my grandfather has
It's like a signed letter
from Yates in his home.
- Mm-hmm.
- It's pretty cool.
Hmm. If there is one thing
you can say for fascism,
it had some good poets.
Yeah, well, early Yates
is hardly fascist, is he?
Not like the romantic stuff.
Do you like any poets
that aren't on the Leaving Cert?
And you're studying medicine?
I am. Yep.
Have you started doing
placement and stuff like that yet or
- Placement, yeah.
- Uh, yeah, we had a few
So, you know,
my dog comes bounding on over
to the little dog, the poor lad,
like, his whole face
went completely white,
and and I was there
just giggling away to myself.
Like, I found
the whole thing hilar
Where do you live?
- That looks disgusting.
- Mm.
So where were you
last night then?
- You came in late.
- Just in town.
- Who were you out with?
- No one you'd know.
I went on a Tinder date.
- Really?
- Hmm.
When did you get on Tinder?
What'd you write in your bio?
Okay, it doesn't matter.
It was stupid.
Bobbi brought someone home
after the book launch.
- Let's hear about that.
- Oh.
- The bartender.
- Emer.
- She introduced me as her flatmate.
- I did not.
So how's living with your ex?
Yeah, well, Frances has a
secret boyfriend, so it's fine.
Oh, yeah?
Who is it?
Was it that Tinder guy?
- Alright, rude. Don't tell me.
- I was just joking.
I'm very confused.
It's Nick.
What, Melissa's Nick?
Is this a joke?
I've been sleeping with Nick.
- Right. Wow. Okay.
- Uh, he's married.
Oh, don't be a moralist,
Philip. That's all we need.
Does Melissa know?
Is he gonna leave her?
I doubt it.
Didn't think you'd let someone
take advantage of you like that.
That came out wrong.
Hey. Uh, sorry
if I sounded judgmental.
I'm just a bit surprised,
that's all.
Yeah, I know, it's fine.
Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?
- See you, Bobbi.
- See ya.
Four minutes away.
Do you think I'm being
taken advantage of, too?
Am I just being
a complete fucking idiot?
Philip doesn't see
the whole picture.
And ultimately, Nick's
responsible for his marriage.
Thanks for saying that.
But, Frances?
I don't know, lately I feel like
I'm watching you disappear.
Hey, it's just me.
Just wanted to see if you
wanna come out here tomorrow.
Um, let me know.

You left early the other night.
I just had work to do.
And you were busy
with your wife.
I was.
It was her night.
I know.
She was good.
Yeah, I thought so too.
I slept with a guy
I met on Tinder.
Oh, yeah?
Do you mind?
You can sleep with other people
if you want to.
I know.
Who is he?
A med student who loved Yates.
Is that bad?
I practically had to stop him
from recitingThe Lake Isle of Innisfree.
Wow, I feel terrible
for you having young men
recite verse to you in bars.
And the sex wasn't good.
Well, of course,
no one who likes Yates
is actually capable
of human intimacy.
Do you think
I'm being superior?
I don't know, Frances,
I didn't meet him.
Can we go upstairs?
No, you
You can't do this, Frances.
You can't just take it out on me
whenever you feel bad.
What am I doing?
Let's not
How would you feel if I were
sleeping with other women
and then coming to your house
to go on about it?
You're married.
- Yeah, I know that.
- Jesus.
Does the fact that I'm married
mean you can just treat me
however you want?
I can't believe you're acting
like you're the injured party.
You said you were gonna
tell Melissa about us,
what happened to that?
What do you think it's like for
me having to pretend all the time?
I don't think that part
really bothers you that much.
I said that I wanted
to tell her, and I will.
But I think you'd just
like to see us fighting.
If that's what you think of me,
why are we even doing this?
What are you doing?
I'm getting dressed
so I can leave.
Frances, look
The problem isn't
that you're married, Nick!
The problem's that
I'm in love with you
and you obviously
don't feel the same!
Fuck you.

We speak in the store,
I'm a sensitive bore ♪
You seem
markedly more and I'm ♪

We speak in the store,
I'm a sensitive bore ♪
You seem markedly more
and I'm oozing surprise ♪
But it's late in the day ♪
And you're well on your way ♪
What was golden went gray ♪
And I'm suddenly shy ♪
So, na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na ♪
Na, na, na, na, na-na, na,
na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪

After we broke up,
I didn't cut holes into my skinlike I might have done.
It just didn't seem necessary.
I hurt enough as it was.
And besides,
my head was too full of her.

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