Country Comfort (2021) s01e08 Episode Script

Back in the Saddle Again

[melancholic slide guitar riff]
Bailey Hart,
will you marry me?
Baby, baby, baby ♪
When you touch me like this ♪
And when you hold me like that ♪
It was gone with the wind ♪
But it's all coming back to me ♪
When you see me like this ♪
And when I see you like that ♪
Then we see what we want to see ♪
All coming back to me ♪
The flesh and the fantasies ♪
All coming back to me ♪
I can barely recall ♪
But it's all coming back to me now ♪
[relieved murmurs]
Baby, I'm just a bit confused here.
You don't want us to be together?
Just not personally,
baby, but professionally.
'Cause who still wants to sing with Boone?
This girl!
[theme music playing]
Poor Boone. Being totally
rejected by a beautiful woman like that.
I wonder what that feels like.
Why are you lookin' at me?
[Boone] Bailey Hart?
Maybe you do ♪
Maybe you don't ♪
Maybe you will ♪
Maybe you won't ♪
Maybe you'll stay ♪
Maybe you'll go ♪
You can say yes ♪
Just don't say no ♪
But baby ♪
Give me some hope now ♪
I'll take a maybe ♪
I said no.
What is wrong with him?
When I was singing
that Celine Dion song last night,
did he not get that's when
everything came back to me?
The pleasure, the pain, the realization
that I don't care for the pain?
I'm finally over him.
- What Celine song did you sing last night?
- Y'all didn't hear me sing it?
I slayed it.
I think she's losin' it.
I'm not losin' it. I'm perfectly clear
about what I want and what I don't want.
I want Boone professionally.
I do not want him personally.
Mic drop.
Okay. You're all quiet.
you're talking about my birthday.
Beau, when's your birthday?
Oh, nice try, Bailey. Stick to singin'.
Now, to make it clear to you
as I already made it clear to the kids,
this year, no party, no presents.
No nothin'.
- Beau
- Bailey?
You know how some people say
they don't want a party, but they do?
- I don't.
- You know why you don't?
- [Beau] Bailey
- Exactly.
You're on a break with Summer,
you're depressed,
and it's hard celebratin'
with a hole in your heart.
You know what? Maybe you're right.
Maybe you should do somethin'
for my birthday.
- What?
- Listen to me for once.
No party.
You think he likes piñatas?
Well, everything's all set
for your daddy's "no party."
What "no party"?
The one I said I wasn't gonna plan,
which now makes the "no party"
a surprise party. Surprise!
'cause I found the best gift for Daddy.
A glitter nail art kit?
Y'all remember
when the ranch was losin' money
and Daddy sold his favorite saddle?
Yeah, his Billy Royal Classic.
He loved that saddle more than anything.
Well, I found the exact saddle online,
and it's on sale!
Now, that's the no-birthday spirit.
How much is it?
Twelve hundred dollars.
Does he need socks?
Bailey, can I just say, I'm excited about
the surprise party and I'm all in.
But if, for some reason, it backfires,
girl, you are on your own.
It's not gonna backfire.
But if it does, by the time he finds out,
it'll be too late.
All his friends will be at Toosies and
they'll all be huggin' and kissin' on him.
- Who's huggin' and kissin' on who?
- Us, on you.
For a very small, intimate
no-birthday celebration at Tootsies.
- [sighs] Bailey
- It's just dinner. You gotta eat.
Please, Daddy. You know I love a party.
Which we're not havin'.
Just a family dinner?
Yep. Just us.
- Okay.
- And Summer.
Absolutely 100% no.
No Summer. She and I
are on a break that she caused, okay?
- I don't wanna see her.
- Oh, really? You don't wanna see her?
Hey, if she wants to see me,
she knows where I live.
And she knows it's my birthday.
She knows I love birthday Cronuts.
I won't be the one to cave.
- Beau, I
- I mean, look, if she caved, I
That's a whole different conversation.
It's not gonna be me.
All right? I am not the caver.
Fine. A boring family dinner, no Summer.
Happy freakin' birthday.
Did you see that? He is dyin' for Summer
to go to his no-birthday party.
He literally just said the exact opposite.
Men, they are so stubborn.
I mean, now he's got no Summer
and no saddle.
Unless we make 1,200 buckaroos
before tomorrow.
Well, there are six of us.
How many kidneys do we have?
We could all keep our kidneys
if he was still seein' Summer.
Then we could just go to her bank
for a loan.
What bank's gonna give us a loan?
We have no credit score,
and this one's credit score is
A perfect 100.
Hold on, people.
Summer knows us,
and she's dying for us to like her.
So all we have to do is pretend
we like her and the money is ours.
Cassidy, that is genius! [chuckles]
Really? What'll happen
when she asks us what the loan's for
and we tell her
it's Dad's birthday and she's not invited?
We leave that part out.
Yes, we leave that part out! Because
I promised your daddy I won't invite her,
and I won't invite her because that's what
I promised your daddy I won't do.
Now, let's go not invite her.
- [all] Saddle up, y'all!
- [all] Come on, y'all!
Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Okay. All right, talk soon.
- [gasps]
- [family] Hey!
Well, this is quite a surprise.
Not as surprisin' as these.
Oh, it's good for business.
Customers like a person
with a happy family.
- But it's not your f
- So, Summer, how you been?
Never better.
- Really?
- [Summer] No.
How's Beau?
Actually, Summer
We need to borrow $1,200.
Twelve hundred dollars? For what?
[all] Uh
Not for Daddy's birthday present.
Of course. It's Beau's birthday tomorrow.
What are y'all doin' to celebrate?
Not havin' a surprise party at Tootsies.
A birthday party for Beau.
I sure do wish I could go.
- Actually, Summer
- No.
But Mama says if I cave,
it'll be over with Beau.
Thing about cavin', someone does it first.
Although cavin' means I call him.
If y'all invite me, that's not cavin'!
Yes, but if you accepted,
that'd be cavin'.
No, it isn't,
because I didn't make the first m
It's cavin'.
I I get it.
I don't wanna be invited
where I'm not wanted
kids who want a loan.
would you like to come to Daddy's par
I'm so touched y'all want me there!
Okay, everybody gather round.
For what?
For Beau's birthday present.
Okay. All right, say,
"Happy birthday!" [giggles]
- Loan!
- [all] Happy birthday!
Oh, that's
Hey, almost-birthday boss.
What'd you do?
What is this?
Oh. [chuckles]
Boone doll.
He wanted me to be able to
play the love song he wrote for me
over and over again.
Maybe you do ♪
Maybe you don't ♪
Maybe you wi ♪
Maybe that's the reason
you haven't said yes.
[chuckles] You're funny.
Love is funny.
Some people are lucky enough to find it
and some people never find it.
Some people could possibly have it,
but blow it 'cause they're too pigheaded
to invite someone to their birthday dinner
even if they obviously wanna see her.
why do we have to have a heart-to-heart
every time we come in the kitchen?
Why can't we just eat stuff?
I don't understand
why you just don't invite Summer.
How many times do we have to
go through this? She manipulated me.
Only 'cause she wants to know
where you stand.
You've been datin' her eight months, Beau.
- Where do you stand?
- That's not the point.
It's kinda exactly the point, 'cause
if you're thinking about marrying Summer,
staying away from her
is such a waste of time.
Really? Kinda like singin' with Boone
is a waste of time
unless you're thinkin' about marrying him?
That is nothing like me and Boone.
We are havin' a professional relationship.
[scoffs] Ha!
The only reason
that you invited Boone back in the band
is because you still have feelings
for him.
Huh! The only reason why you're on
a "temporary break" with Summer
is 'cause you have feelings for her.
'Cause if you didn't,
it'd be a "permanent" break.
I still have feelings for her.
I'm crazy about her.
- But she's ready for marriage and I'm not.
- You're not now, but
Yes, since I'm not now, is it really fair
of me to keep seeing her?
Yes it's fair, because someday
you may be ready to marry Summer,
but how do you know you're ready
if she's not in the band?
- Band?
- I didn't mean "band" "Boone" "Beau!"
- Ha!
- No "ha!"
Big "ha"!
I think I just had a "ha ha" moment.
What was the "ha ha" moment?
I just realized
Summer and I are in different places.
And as much as I care for her,
it's just not fair
for me to continue this relationship.
And thank you, Bailey,
for making me see that.
But Bailey didn't make you see that.
No! You're You're doin' it now?
You can't end a relationship one day
before your birthday. It's in the book!
What book?
The Never Make Rash Decisions
One Day Before Your Birthday book.
Please, Beau,
don't make a decision you may regret.
Consider it a gift to me.
It's my birthday.
I know, but you said
you didn't want any gifts. Ha!
Um, sorry to interrupt.
I have to talk to you about
- Wasn't I in that picture?
- Oh, sorry.
It's 11 by 14. You were 15.
What can I do for you, Bailey? I'm busy.
Listen, Summer, I have to tell you
something. I'm afraid if I tell you,
you might not give the kids
the loan for the present.
- So don't tell me.
- You can't come to Beau's party.
Sweetheart no party, no loan.
I was afraid you might say that.
[all] Hey!
Oh! [laughing]
No party, no loan.
So, you were sayin'?
I'm sayin' if you
and Beau weren't on a break,
you would've sent him birthday Cronuts and
he would want you at his birthday party.
Beau doesn't want me at his party.
'Cause you tried to
manipulate him into marriage.
I did not try to manipulate Beau
Maybe I subconsciously pushed him
in a certain direction,
but only because I love him so much.
But if he is not ready,
I will wait as long as it takes
Summer, you gotta tell Beau this.
- If you're willing to wait
- Ish. I can't tell him that.
- I haven't even told Beau I love him.
- What?
Mom says you can't tell a man
you love him before he tells you.
Did she also tell you
your temporary break could be permanent?
You think I don't want to
tell Beau how much I love him?
And how miserable I've been without him?
[scoffs] Maybe
It's like this corporate jazz version
of LeAnn Rimes' song.
I can't live without him.
Can't breathe without him.
If he ever goes
How will I ever survive? ♪
- That's exactly what I wanna say to Beau.
- That is perfect!
Maybe LeAnn could sing a song
for Beau for me!
- You're friends, could you call her?
- She blocked me.
maybe I could sing the song for Beau.
Tomorrow at his party!
Yes! Yes!
Then Beau will feel my love for him
without me actually
sayin' the word "love."
- I didn't even know you could sing!
- [scoffs] Oh, Bailey.
I was fourth runner-up
to Miss Tennessee three years in a row.
Plus, you're a semiprofessional singer.
- You can give me a lesson.
- I don't know.
Oh, Bailey, please.
I'll put you back in the picture.
I need you with me ♪
Baby, don't you know
That you're everything ♪
Good in my life ♪
And tell me now ♪
[wailing, off tune]
How do I live without you? ♪
I want to know ♪
How do I breathe without you ♪
What key is she singin' in?
What key isn't she singin' in?
♪ever survive? ♪
Right, kids who Summer loaned $1,200 to?
[all] Yeah, right!
But you did ask for my help, so I'm just
gonna give you a few tiny singing tips,
startin' with your pitch.
Dylan, give us a C.
- [piano note]
- Okay, now try to match this note.
[vocalizes in tune]
[vocalizes out of tune]
Summer's rehearsing the song she's singin'
tonight for Beau at his surprise party.
[laughs] Seriously?
Seriously amazing! I'm
And you only heard one note.
Let's give him a taste
of what's to come, huh?
I bought you something
that I think you are gonna love.
- Is it noise-canceling headphones?
- Better.
Well, not just any pie.
This is the maple-bourbon glazed pecan pie
you said tastes like the one
your grandma used to make.
I remember you tellin' me how much you
loved it, so yesterday,
I drove on down to the bakery
in Alabama to get one for you.
I can't believe
you remembered Grammy's boozy pie.
[off tune] ♪ever survive? ♪
It ain't gonna get any better than that.
I'd put money on it.
Summer, quick question. Can ya lip-sync?
They're comin'.
- [Chloe] Go, go, go!
- Hi.
[all] Surprise!
Sorry, y'all. We had to take two trucks,
so Beau will be here any
[all] Surprise!
Uh, Bailey, you told me
this was a private family dinner.
Well, that's what makes it a surprise!
Attention, y'all.
Bailey told me to tell ya
it's not an open bar.
And we wanna thank all y'all for comin'.
Y'all know Daddy. He doesn't like a fuss.
Didn't even want a party.
But we insisted,
'cause he deserves a party.
Now that he's surrounded by
all the people he loves, he's happy.
Right, Daddy?
There are those dimples. He's happy.
you're always doin' everything for us,
so we thought it was time
for us to do somethin' for you.
We love you. Happy birthday!
[Brody] Hey, yeah.
Bottoms up, y'all!
[all cheer]
Thank you, kids.
Come on, Daddy, open it up!
All right. Okay.
It's a saddle!
Oh! Are you serious?
This is It's a Billy Royal Classic.
That's just like the one your mama
- We love you, Daddy.
- It's okay, Daddy.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, and there's someone else
we'd like to thank, Daddy.
We couldn't have pulled
your gift off without
- Summer!
- Summer!
- [crowd cheering]
- Oh! [laughs]
Well, sugar, I
I know you weren't expecting to see me.
But surprise!
This is never gonna work, Boone.
- Darlin', have I ever let you down?
- Seriously?
One time.
[Summer] Orchestra?
[music starts]
[Bailey] How do I
Get through one night without you? ♪
If I had to live without you
What kind of life would that be? ♪
Oh, I ♪
I need you in my arms
Need you to hold ♪
You're my world, my heart, my soul ♪
If you ever leave ♪
Baby, you would take away everything
Good in my life ♪
And tell me now ♪
How do I live without you?
I want to know ♪
How do I breathe without you?
If you ever go ♪
How do I ever ever survive? ♪
How do I, how do I ♪
Oh, how do I live? ♪
[crowd cheering]
[Summer] Thank you!
One more time!
[off tune] How do I ever ever survive? ♪
[Summer sobs]
Beau, I'm so sorry.
- I gotta find Summer. You need to
- Pack my bags.
- take the kids home.
- That's what I was gonna say. Let's go.
Don't come in! My face is naked!
Oh, no, no. You
You look beautiful.
In fact,
I have never seen you look so beautiful.
[sniffs] It's only 'cause four
of the lights are burned out.
Hey, come on, don't cry.
- [sniffs, sobs]
- What you did was so sweet.
You liked the singin'?
The gesture.
- [sobbing]
- No, hey, come on.
Baby, don't.
I'm sorry I embarrassed you.
I just wanted to tell you
how I felt in a song
'cause it's so hard for me
to tell you with actual words. But
turns out I'm lousy at both.
why don't you let me be the judge of that?
You remember when we met?
[laughs] I mean, I walked into that bank
and there you were.
- [breathless laugh]
- Smart, dynamic, funny.
Even a little flirty,
which was wildly inappropriate
for a financial adviser, but
you got my account.
And for the first time
in a long time,
you made me feel alive again.
And I remember tellin' you I don't think
I wasn't sure I could ever love again,
and you remember what you told me?
You weren't afraid to try.
And every time that I pulled back,
you just pushed forward.
I am crazy about you, Summer.
I'm crazy about you, too.
- I gotta be honest with you, okay?
- Mm-hmm.
As much as I love what we have,
I'm not ready to put a ring
on your finger.
[mouths] Okay.
Beau, I am
I'm willing to wait as long as it takes
Well, let me finish.
I may not be ready to put a ring
on your finger, but I am ready
to take a step forward with you.
Oh my Lord.
I never thought
I'd be so happy not gettin' a ring.
Bro, you were on fire with the ladies
tonight. How many numbers did you get?
Just one short of a whole phone number!
- Here, I'll take her.
- Yeah. [grunts]
I'll bring her up.
All right.
Thanks for thinkin' up
that ridiculous plan tonight.
Hey, it almost worked.
And you drove all the way
to Alabama to bring me
the maple-bourbon glazed pecan pie
like my grandma used to make.
'Cause I know how much you love it.
And how much you love your grandma.
It's the sweetest thing
anyone's ever done for me.
Now, is that good cryin' or bad cryin'?
"I don't think I'm over you" cryin'.
I thought I was,
and then I was forced to ask myself,
did I invite you back in my band for you
or for me?
I think it might've been
a little bit for me.
That's because
we are meant to be together, Bailey.
I can't trust you, Boone.
That's why I said no to you.
But I proposed to you because I wanna
spend the rest of my life with you.
You can't just go from A to Z.
You gotta earn all the letters in between.
That takes time.
[softly] Right.
But you're not sayin' no.
You're sayin'
Earn it.
I'll take a maybe ♪
Maybe you do ♪
Maybe you don't ♪
Maybe you will ♪
Maybe you won't ♪
Maybe you'll stay ♪
Maybe you'll go ♪
You can say yes ♪
Just don't say no ♪
But baby, give me some hope now ♪
I'll take a maybe ♪
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