Cracked s01e08 Episode Script

The Thump Parade

Previously on Cracked You'll keep me in the loop about Aidan's behaviour.
Just just B-Billy! Hey! I have nightmares, and not just when I'm sleeping.
It's over.
Sorry that we backslid.
Terry "The Terror" Dwyer.
How you doing, buddy? - Hey, man.
How's it going? - Got your break coming up? Uh, yeah, I think so, in a little bit.
You want to grab a bite to eat or something? Well, we're short a man on D.
Feel like ringing some bells out there? Yeah, I'm not really supposed to do that anymore.
OK, man, if you don't want the money.
Terry, pass it! Over here! John's wide open, man! Terry, shoot it! Shoot it! - Ugh! - Hey! Take it easy, man! Come on, man! Get him off the ice, ref! For a two-on-three, and Dwyer breaks up the play.
Nice hit there by Dwyer.
Hey, bud.
Dwyer, are you crazy?! I got out of bed today Swear to God I couldn't see my face I got out of bed today Staring at a ghost Oh, have you seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Seen my ghost? Oh, have you seen my ghost Staring at the ground? Na na na na na na na - Still not sleeping? - Huh? Your head kept bobbing every time the car stopped.
- Red-light power naps.
- Nightmares? You can't have nightmares if you're not sleeping.
Stop looking at me, Ridley.
What's going on? We got a Terry Dwyer.
Current rink employee, former pro hockey player.
This one slipped him a hundred to play on his team.
Dwyer tuned up another player pretty good.
Look, Terry's played with us a couple times before.
I was trying to help him out.
Didn't know he was a mental case.
- Any weapons? - Just his hands.
Victim's gonna need some stitches.
Dwyer's in there, and he's all yours.
Lawrence, dial 182, please.
What is this, the psych ward, or? Yeah.
I used to work here.
And it's strange, but it's got the best food in the whole hospital.
I don't know why, but it's true.
We're just gonna chat in there.
You're gonna stay, right? OK.
You know, sometimes it's like I'm fine, right, and then sometimes it's like just some switch gets flipped or something, you know? Right? Did that happen to you when you played in the league? Did you lose control of the switch? No, when I was playing in the league, I was an enforcer, right? It was my job to flip switches, you know what I'm saying? So, what teams did you play for? Uh, Calgary, Boston, and, um It's right in the middle there.
Um You'd think I'd remember what team I played for.
Louis! Played for St.
Louis too.
OK, so you played a lot.
Probably got knocked around a lot.
Broken bones Yeah, a few, I guess.
How many concussions do you think you've had? I don't know, as many as anyone, I guess.
Two or three a year.
Hey, listen, about, um, earlier today, can we, like, not tell my wife, Clara? You know, I'd just like to keep her out of it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Just here to watch the show.
Can you catch me up? And you are? Sorry.
Rachel Fenton, Organized Crime Joint Task Force.
Aidan Black, Psych Crimes.
Psych Crimes.
I heard about that.
You're a detective, and she's the shrink? Yup.
Can I ask what you're doing here? Farm boy in there used to stick up for me growing up.
He picked the apples I couldn't reach.
I was so proud when he went pro.
He just wanted to play; Instead, they made a goon out of him.
So he ended up in the penalty box with black eyes and broken knuckles.
Yeah, been a rough go since he retired.
He blew all his money, been in some trouble So now you're his guardian angel? I got a third-party hit on him.
Anybody runs his name, I get the call.
Probably not kosher, but a girl can look out for a friend, can't she? Thank you.
Then what happened? What did the other player say to you? I don't even remember.
But you were pretty angry angry enough to attack him.
Detective Fenton, this is my partner, Dr.
Terry, I guess you guys know each other.
- Yeah.
Hey, sorry, Rachel.
- You I'll talk to later.
It's good to meet you, Dr.
Detective Fenton is gonna drive Terry home.
I sweet-talked the deputy chief and the guy Terry gave a beat-down to.
There's been an agreement not to press charges.
Come on, Ter.
You're off the hook with them, but still gotta deal with me.
I'll get you an appointment with a neurologist I know.
I'll make sure Clara kicks his ass if he doesn't show up.
E-Excuse me, excuse me.
Uh, Detective Black, Dr.
Ridley? Yeah.
I'm Clara Dwyer.
You picked up my husband Terry at the arena today? - Yeah, we released him an hour ago.
- Is he OK? Is is the other guy? They're both fine.
Your friend Detective Fenton drove Terry home.
Sorry, uh, Detective who? So, how long have you lived here with Terry? About a year.
We used to have a six-bedroom in Streetsville before, but - It's a cute place.
- Terry hates it.
So, you were saying Terry's problems are getting worse? - Yeah.
Mood swings, can't remember simple tasks like living with a teenager.
Terry? Terry, you here? W I thought you said someone brought him home.
Can you think of anywhere he might have gone? Uh Yeah.
He, um, probably went to go see this guy that he knows.
Some Joe Lucas.
Who's Joe Lucas? Yeah, I-I-I don't really know.
Um So, thanks for the ride, and if you find my husband, could you, um could you bring him home? Of course.
So, what do you think's going on between Terry and Rachel Fenton? All I know is we released Terry Dwyer under false pretences.
I'm gonna have to talk to her again.
I think we're in trouble with the principal, Leo.
What's with the rain cloud hanging over your head today, huh? Didn't eat breakfast.
Probably just low blood sugar.
Oh, I call bull.
Paulette and I got into a fight last night, and I ended up on a friend's couch.
Whoa, wait.
What happened? She says that "You're always at work, you don't anything about what happens" with the kids or me".
And I was like, "What?" Forget it.
Look, bottom line is the kids don't have a clue, and they think Daddy's off on a conference.
Everything will be fine.
Detective Liette has a favour to ask.
So, uh, uniforms respond to a call last night.
Vincent Kray, white male, disturbing the peace, and they thought he might have a mental illness.
And then, we find out, Vincent's girlfriend was bludgeoned to death two hours earlier.
Liz thinks he's faking the psychiatric episode.
I think he saw the cops coming and switched it right on.
Right, 'cause if he's going down for murder, he wants a hospital, not jail.
OK, so, what, does he have a treatment history? A few visits to the psych ward, all substance-related.
This is what he did to his girlfriend.
I need your opinion on whether he's faking.
- OK, so, where is he? - Uh, he is in a holding cell.
He won't talk to us at all.
So, we would like to put you in holding posing as a prisoner.
OK, let's just get one thing straight, OK? I'm a mental health nurse, which means I deal with trust and honesty.
That makes me a terrible liar.
I just need your opinion on whether he's fit to stand trial.
- What's going on, Joe? - Hey, Terry.
- I heard about today.
- Nah, it was nothing.
Cops came, though, didn't they? Yeah, they let me go, though, you know? Signed a few autographs, took a few pictures, right? Try to stay out of trouble, Terry.
You're working with me now.
Yeah, yeah, no, for sure.
Cops look at you, they look at me too.
What's going on in here? Why don't you have a look around? Terry Dwyer? It's been how many years? Arnie! How's it going, bud? I'm good, man, I'm good.
How are you? Still wearing the ring, huh? Yeah, reminds me of the time I smoked past you for a breakaway.
How is it that you're the one who got to go pro, huh? Yeah, right.
Is this your place, or what? Yeah, been mine for a while now.
Trying to make a go of things, you know.
Arnie had some help starting up.
Now he wants to turn his back on his friends.
Joe, I paid you back and then some.
I don't owe you anything You don't get to make that call, Arnie.
You don't get to go it on your own.
All these cars still go through me! I just can't pay out anymore You get this idea that you can go around me, Arnie, next thing other guys star thinking they can go around me too.
I can't pay out anymore, man.
I just say no.
So, you do what you gotta do.
- Listen, Joe, I didn't know - Do we need to have this conversation? What're you doing with this guy, Terry, huh? Come on.
Do it.
- Terry.
- Come here.
Man, hey, no, you don't have to do this, man! Worst day of my life.
Oh, man.
So, what'd they pick you up for? I shouldn't talk to you.
What's up, Psych Crimes? I got your text.
Shouldn't you be off counselling hoarders or something? That whole story about you growing up with Terry: Total fabrication.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I know about Terry and Joe Lucas.
I did some digging.
Looks like you got Joe flagged too.
Can I get a coffee to go? Black.
I'm sorry, Joe who? I think you're running a project on Lucas, and I think Terry's your snitch.
And if that were true? Terry is compromised emotionally and mentally.
You can't tell me he was properly assessed for this.
I followed procedure.
And I'm not gonna let some washout from the cuddle squad mess around in my business.
Listen to me, lady, I can have your operation shut down.
I tell Inspector Caligra you're working with a high-risk informant, she'll land on you with both feet.
It's a joint project.
Inspector Caligra doesn't have the authority.
Lucas started with a stolen car ring; Now he's making plays to get bigger.
I just heard him order a beat-down on some guy that runs an illegal chop shop, and that's the nicest thing he's done all day.
It's only a matter of time before we start finding bodies.
This is way bigger than Terry Dwyer.
Look, you gotta figure out how to get Joe Lucas and leave Terry out of this.
Terry's been part of Joe's crew for a few months.
He got caught with stolen property, so I turned him.
Terry's already involved.
I'm trying to help him get out.
Thanks for the coffee.
Hey, listen.
I got a five-star lawyer.
This guy is a wolverine.
Want me to hook you up? So, what do you do when you're not in lockup? I told you I'd look into it.
I didn't tell you to stick your nose into a covert project.
Whoever signed off on Terry as an informant was wrong.
Oh, so you've done a proper psychiatric assessment yourself? Dr.
Black? Terry Dwyer's vulnerable, and Rachel Fenton is taking advantage of it.
We know it.
That makes us responsible.
The best I can do is recommend that Psych Crimes be brought in to re-evaluate Terry's informant status.
We'll take it.
You'll have to cooperate with Detective Fenton and I'm talking to you, Aidan.
Oh, we're gonna get alone just fine.
Flyers going in on goal.
It's their last chance at the dance Score! Unbelievable! Dwyer does it! - Hey.
- Really, Terry, again? Yeah, I was out late with the boys last night.
- You were with Joe.
- Agh.
You know, you lose your job yesterday, and you go out and you celebrate.
- Ah, just stop, all right? - So, did Joe buy you drinks? Get you drunk, maybe? Yeah? Did he maybe slip you a couple pills, introduce you to all his buddies? "This is Terry 'The Terror' Dwyer.
Watch him smash a bottle" Now, just stop, OK?! Let's skip to the end of the conversation when you tell me you're sorry you ever married me! I get it! OK? - Come here.
- No, just don't.
What? What's going on? OK, you tell me that you're not in trouble again.
No, no, no, he's not- well, except with me.
We had an appointment, remember? Hey, look, just please don't take this away from me.
You know, if that stolen property charge comes back to haunt me, my life's over.
We don't want that either, Terry, but, you know, even trained undercovers, they get overwhelmed when they're stressed.
Rachel said she's gonna give me a clean slate, right? I've already been assessed for this, so I don't even know what we're doing.
But have you had a CT scan? No.
Oh, yeah, I had one for my other doctor, but we never got the results, so I You mean you didn't want to know.
Know what? That I might have brain damage? CTE or something? That I'm not gonna get better? Terry, testing for Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Can only be done when I'm dead, yeah, I know.
So, lucky me, I get to wait for dementia and memory loss to kick in, right, and then fall into depression.
Like Boogard and Rypien.
No happy ending for me, right? Better to bury your head in the sand? Yeah, yeah, pretty much what I'm thinking.
I just got a tip.
Joe Lucas is meeting a guy.
We're gonna go listen in.
If it doesn't sound worth the trouble, I will drop Terry, and you can go back to not stalking me, 'K? Fair enough.
Let's go.
You've had a rough couple of years.
I read your file.
All that baggage, right now you're carrying it here and here.
- Thanks for noticing.
- Exercise, cut the caffeine, try taking anything that ends with "zepam".
Or some good, vigorous sex.
He shoots, he snores.
Story of my life.
Terry, to keep your informant status, I need to know where you're at emotionally.
You must know other guys who had it all and then their lives took a sudden turn.
How do they cope? They don't cope you know, they get depressed.
People lose control, right? Things happen.
There must be times where they feel the anger rushing in, but then they're able to get ahead of it and push it back.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Some people, they think of a good memory, which activates the pleasure centre of the brain.
Is there something you do? Are you asking me if I have a happy place? Yes, I guess I am.
Yeah, I guess I think about my wife, Clara.
The first time she slept over.
It was like in the middle of the night.
She gets up to go, right, and I was wide awake, but I figure, if she wants to go, she wants to go, right? I mean Did she go? No, she stopped.
Turned around, came back into bed.
We've been together ever since.
Terry, do you think she wants to leave you right now? Every time I go home, I think I'm gonna open the door and she's not gonna be there.
I have to tell you, you know, just just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm gonna cry, you know? Terry, you are crying.
Man, they gotta be violating our human rights or something, right? You got any family to spring you out of here? Not anymore.
Well, I'm divorced.
Thanks for asking.
Why did you get divorced? Always working, never saw the kids, so the wife and I, we get into a fight about how much they need me.
And guess what I do? I walk out the front door three years ago.
But you know they're safe.
What about you? Where's your family? They got killed.
Oh, man, I'm I'm sorry.
It's by the same guy that killed my girlfriend, and he's still out there.
That's why we have to be very careful what we say in here 'cause he's still trying to get me.
Hop in.
Make yourself at home.
So, who's Joe Lucas meeting? OK, first off, this is a small, enclosed space, so you're gonna need to use your spa voice.
Yeah, I don't have a spa voice.
Who's Joe Lucas meeting? The Barber.
Here, drink this.
It's a wheatgrass shake for the massive bags under your eyes.
Please, tell me again how terrible I look.
So, what's the deal? You really believe in putting shrinks in Kevlar? Your weapon jams, what's she gonna do? Whip out her stickies and pass him tiny reminders to surrender? You know, Psych Crimes does a lot of good.
Ten years from now, every city's gonna have a unit just like ours.
But right now, we still have to put up with a lot of this ignorant - Spa voice.
- Hey, Pat.
- Here he comes.
- What do you got for me? Glock 17, or a Smith & Wesson MP 9mm.
What do you prefer? The Glock.
But I won't be the one carrying.
Same old Joe let everyone else get their hands dirty.
Just make sure when your man uses it, it doesn't blow back on me neither.
My boy wouldn't remember his name if I wrote it on his hand.
So long as he remembers who he's pulling the trigger on.
Is Terry's ready for this? He's gotta be.
Wow, Terry, you, uh, you really let yourself go.
Terry, just make sure you get Joe to tell you exactly what he wants you to do.
You mind? I'm his handler.
Let me do the handling.
If he's not clear about what he wants from you, just pretend you don't understand.
You know, just make him spell it out.
You want me to sound stupid, right? I can do that.
There you go.
Upstairs for questioning.
Vincent Kray's family died in a car accident.
No foul play, no question.
Maybe so, but he says they were killed.
He also claims the same guy killed his girlfriend.
I say if he's lying about the family, he's lying about her.
Well, it's not a lie if he's delusional.
We have a witness who saw someone matching Vincent's description dumping something near the storm grate by the victim's house.
And you think it's the murder weapon? We've got teams searching the sewers right now.
Could be they find something before you do.
Look, he says he knows a man killed his girlfriend.
He says he knows who he is.
So come on, get me a name.
Still got the moves, Terry.
How you feeling? Is your back OK? Yeah, you know.
All right, I guess.
Well, we can do better than mostly.
You're too good to me, bud.
How much am I into you for now? Come on.
I like helping you out.
But, um I do have something if you want to square us up.
What kind of something? It'd put your right on those mortgage payments, the meds all of it.
Keep you on Clara's good side a while.
I'll come by the house tomorrow.
Yeah, well, wait, wait, wait.
What, uh Do I gotta get into it with somebody, or what? You gonna tell me what I gotta do? You and me both know you weren't the most talented guy out there.
Yeah, I did all right.
You did better than all right.
'Cause you were all heart and no fear.
You didn't care if you got hurt, and you didn't care if you weren't the hero.
That's the guy I need.
OK? I'll see you tomorrow, Terry.
So, we know when.
- Not much else.
- Yeah.
I gotta make some calls.
Might as well go home, Aidan, get some sleep.
Might as well ask a dog to climb a tree.
So, why do you do this? Sit in a van, all alone, listening to other people's lives.
What's the appeal? That's easy.
My parents split when I was eight.
Both binged on self-pity.
Me, I started spying on people.
Neighbours, mostly.
I guess I just needed to feel a connection of some kind.
Eavesdropping, as weird as it is, I guess it makes me feel less lonely.
I'm I'm just messing with you.
Um I'm gonna go.
OK, wait, wait, wait.
I'm sorry.
Um for real I just like the long game.
You know, playing out an arrest over months.
The hunt of it.
It's just about the only thing that makes my heart race.
Just about.
I get that.
All right, well, uh goodnight, Rachel.
Goodnight, Aidan.
I saw you I saw you Did you see me? I was off-screen Off-screen From there I From there I Watched the flood rise - Hi.
- Hi.
In my daydream Daydream Ooh ooh ooh ooh Oh oh oh oh So, how did this guy do this? I mean, why haven't the cops arrested him yet? I went to her place for dinner, right, and I went outside for a cigarette.
And then I saw that he had followed me there.
Who had? His name is Marcus.
It was Marcus.
He follows me.
He's been after me for years.
And he was he was at my girlfriend's house.
And he made himself look like her neighbour.
Wait, what do you mean? He can change his appearance.
He can make himself look like other people.
I don't know how he does it, but it's real.
And he pretended like he didn't know me so I confronted him.
He said, "I don't know any Marcus", right, because he's a liar.
And I-I-I tried to get him to go, and he fought, so I thought, "His wallet his wallet will prove who he really is", and I grabbed it.
OK, so what did you do with the wallet? It was fake ID inside the wallet.
It was fake.
So I threw it in the sewer.
So, you think he really believes it? Yes, 'cause it's too detailed and consistent for him to be faking it.
OK, Vincent's thoughts seem to be rational with everything, Marcus.
Yeah, a man who changes his appearance to just follow and torment him.
Leo, it's extremely rare, but I think this is- - Fregoli Delusion.
- Yes, but I've never seen it before.
OK, wait, wait.
So, what if Vincent thought Marcus took the form of his girlfriend? Wouldn't that be reason to kill her? I've got to go.
Look into the neighbour.
Already on it.
What are you doing here? You must think I'm a real idiot, don't you? - What? - Oh, c I know you're sleeping with Aidan, but you could have had the common decency to tell me that it was over between us.
Sean, it's over.
It's not gonna drink itself.
I didn't mean to screw your brains out literally.
You look even worse today.
Are you ever nice? We gotta go.
Terry got the call.
Joe's on his way to pick him up.
- All right.
Let me get Ridley.
- No time.
She can catch up.
- I'm not leaving without my partner.
- She's in the middle of something.
I am not sleeping with him.
He's my partner.
How long has it been going on for? Tell me.
How long? - Sean, please.
- I just want to know.
Once they head out, we'll follow at a distance.
A spotter car will stay close to them.
- Terry, you ready? - Ready for what, man? I got you something, Terry.
I've been your friend, your turn to be mine.
Sometimes that means you have to do shit you don't want to do.
You want to keep that pretty wife of yours, you need money.
And away we go.
So, uh, where are we heading, anyway? You'll see when we get there.
I really don't like guns, Joe.
- Relax.
Haven't I always - Don't lose them.
[They're heading towards Lakeshore.
Tell me you still got him.
[Talk to me.
Where are they?.]
We've lost visual.
They're gone.
Talk to your wife yet? She didn't pick up the phone.
She always picks up the phone.
Tell her you spent the weekend in lockup.
That'll at least make her curious.
Yeah, well, I don't know what I'm gonna do.
- This job is killing my marriage.
- That's why cops marry other cops.
- Yeah, but I'm not a cop.
- Guess what? Uniforms found a wallet down in the sewer where Vincent was seen.
The ID belongs to the neighbour, one John French.
The guy's got a history of assault.
So, the neighbour's pissed at Vincent, goes looking for him, and finds the girlfriend instead.
Oh, Leo.
Thank you.
I don't know what it was about this Vincent.
I just ah, I couldn't see past him.
Anyway, you should go home.
So, what's gonna happen to him now? He'll be released.
I mean, he didn't commit a crime, he didn't pose a threat to himself or anybody else.
Yeah, but he needs help.
Not your problem.
Go home, Leo.
What's happening with Terry? And where is Aidan? - He left without me.
- You two are supposed to be together on this.
What is he thinking? I don't know.
He's not sleeping.
Well, has he talked to you about it? No, and I'm not gonna come running to you every time he has a rough morning.
Hey! Where is he? Where's Terry? - I don't know.
- I know he's doing something with the police, OK, so don't lie to me.
If anything happens to my husband anything and I will make sure that you will pay.
Whoa, whoa, Joe, what are you saying? You want me to kill Arnie Underwood? - Broadcast it, why don't you? - No, hey, hey, hey, I can't do that.
I I'm not gonna hold your hand anymore, Terry.
This is what you do.
This is all you can do.
Where could they have gone? Have you heard anything since you've had ears on Joe that can help us? I have been on this for months.
They could be anywhere.
You said you had Joe on tape making threats, right? Yeah, more than once.
OK, but the most recent one, it was somebody at a chop shop or something? Uh Underwood's Garage.
Arnie played junior with Terry.
He's been stepping on Joe's income.
His garage is They were heading in that direction.
All right, well, then let's go there.
I mean, even if we're wrong, it beats sitting around waiting here.
Terry's out there all alone.
Take us to Underwood's Garage, North York.
- [Roger.
- What are you doing? Calling my partner.
Ridley, take down this address and get there as fast as you can.
You know why we came here.
He can't walk out now.
You don't get to tell me what to do anymore, you little prick! We've got a signal.
You don't know how to use that thing, Terry.
- I said shut up! - All right, we gotta go! Why don't you get around the side? - Terry - Shut up.
You shut up.
You hear me? Terry.
It's Aidan.
Where were you, man?! You were supposed to be here! Well, I'm here now.
Terry, put the gun down and just tell me what happened.
It's over.
It's not over.
It's not over, is it? Is it?! Terry! Terry! You don't want to do that, man! Come on, man! Look at me! Look at me! Hey.
Where's Arnie? He fu sh He shot him! All right! Then he's gonna go to jail for that, no question! - Help's on its way.
- Lower your gun - Ah! Ah! Ah! - Shh, it's OK.
Terry, listen to me! Lower your gun! That's it.
Terry! Look at me, man! Look, I believe you! All right? It's over! He's gonna pay for what he's done! You're the good guy here, man! No, I'm not.
- Terry.
- I'm not.
Terry, it's Dr.
I need you to listen to me, please.
Terry, remember you told me about that night Clara came back? She did it again.
She did it just now.
She came to my office to fight for you, but it will be for nothing if you don't let this man go! - Terry, listen to her - Shut up! You shut up! Terry, listen to me.
You helped us.
You got your new start.
You don't have to fight anymore.
Yeah, but I just want him dead.
I'm gonna shoot him.
Terry, step out of it.
Step out of your anger.
I know you think your life is over, but it's not.
I'm gonna make sure you get help.
Think about what it is that Clara sees in you.
That's who you are.
I I'm sorry.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, good man, good man.
Put your hands behind your head.
Joe Lucas, you're under arrest.
Just saw my lawyer.
No charges, so I'm out of here.
That thing that I told you about earlier that just stays between you and me, right? Yeah.
Hey, listen, I got a couple friends over at St.
Stephen's Hospital.
They're really good people, and I think you should talk to them about what you're going through with Marcus.
I can give 'em a call.
No, man.
Vincent Kray, you are free to go.
These officers will process you.
Why are you doing this to me? I know it's you, Marcus.
When did you figure it out? Wait.
- You said you were my friend! - Vincent, calm down! It's OK! Everything's gonna be OK.
Can't release him now.
He poses a threat to the public.
Take him to St.
He needs help.
That's what you wanted, right? Come on.
It's time for you to go home.
Walking with you in these windswept Arnie Underwood's gonna be all right.
He can testify against Jo.
Plenty for a conspiracy and attempted murder.
What about Terry? As far as I'm concerned, he's in the clear.
That's good.
Well, it was, uh nice working with you.
You too.
Uh, and thanks to you and your partner.
I'm gonna head home.
For trumpets are sounding - See ya.
- Yeah.
In the distance tonight And ravens keep winding To their endless sights To the furthest most reach from our fingers and I With generals left not knowing what to do And they're pleading to their gods Can't sleep either.
They will look to your eyes And I'll not look away For surely I know Thanks.
If I flee here tonight That I'd be alone A singular fright And I'm sure that I'd crumble And crease in the weight And safe in your arms Thanks, hey.
In your arms I will stay For surely I'd crumble Hey.
Everything's gonna be OK now, OK? I promise.
- Safe in your arms - Terry.
In your arms I will stay Ooh Then maybe we'll lay down We'll lay down Ooh In the safe haven that we've made That we've made Ooh Ooh
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