Crash Course in Romance (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Chance Becomes Fate through Inductive Reasoning

I haven't seen you in ages.
I thought you'd left the country
or something, you brat.
I'm sorry.
I've been busy making ends meet.
How's business?
By the way, who is he?
Your boyfriend?
Just a neighbor.
He's a very famous star teacher.
I see. He's a teacher.
Eat up, Haeng-seon.
Thanks, Auntie.
Eat up. It's tastier when it's hot.
Nothing's changed.
The kitchen, the tables,
and even the chairs.
What are you craving today?
The baekban, as usual.
Wait here.
Thank you for the meal.
Hey, come here.
All right.
Take more meal tickets.
For my favorite regular.
-You don't have to do this.
-Take them and go.
Thank you.
It's pretty shabby in here, right?
It's exactly how it looked
back when my mom ran this place.
So I get to reminisce whenever I visit,
which is nice for me.
When did your mother pass away?
The year the World Cup was held
in South Africa, so…
That was in 2010.
It was the week before chuseok.
I had gotten a special leave
from the dorm for the holiday.
The week before chuseok…
in 2010?
Come in and eat.
I've used up my meal tickets.
Cripes. I never asked for one.
You need to fill your stomach
if you want to stay strong.
Hurry up.
Cripes, don't make me repeat myself.
Just come in.
Guess who's here?
It's your national athlete daughter.
Be careful. It's hot.
She was a very healthy woman.
But she suddenly passed away
due to a car accident
that happened in front of our house.
I hated the world
for taking someone as kind as her.
It was so unfair and infuriating
that I used to run to the temple
mid-training to visit my mom.
There's a small temple in Seongbuk-dong
that my mom used to go to,
and her ancestral tablet is there.
I'd bawl in front of hers
and vent my anger.
Then everything
would be bearable for some time.
I did that for a few years.
-So? Did you look into it?
-I did.
Nam Hae-e.
Her mom runs a side dish store
near Imperial Apartments.
And she rose to the top of her class
in the September mock.
After just a few tutoring sessions
with Chi-yeol?
I hate that guy.
Wait. Her mom runs a side dish store?
I thought she'd be from a wealthy family.
But why is he tutoring her?
I'm not sure if this is related,
but in the All Care Program,
a student was pushed out,
-and Young-min took that spot.
That student was Hae-e.
Chi-yeol said he'd quit the program too
if they didn't bring her back.
He seems to have
one favorite student every decade.
You're right.
The past incident
didn't get much attention,
but this will be different.
This will be a huge scandal.
Right? It'll be quite a story.
Okay. Let's get to it right away.
Did we park in that alley?
It's a bit further.
Turn right at the dry cleaners
towards the church.
I'm the one who used to live here,
but you know the streets better than I do.
How fascinating.
I have a good sense of direction.
This is so fascinating.
How are you so accurate?
This is why one should be
wary of smart people.
You never forget how much money
you lend people, do you?
Today is Lunar New Year,
and many highways are already congested.
We will brief you on the routes
to and from Seoul.
It'll take about seven hours
from Seoul to Busan.
That's four times the usual traffic.
Be wary of accidents due to illegal turns.
Please drive safely
and enjoy the holiday with your family.
This was Reporter Choi So-hui from JBN.
I'd like to pay.
I'm sorry.
I bought this, so I'm a bit short.
Could you take the pen too?
Forget it.
Just give me what you have.
Then put it on my tab.
Cripes, what tab?
You don't even have money.
If you feel bad, just come by more often.
And take this.
-Here. Just go.
Thank you.
Go on then.
-Thank you!
-That little…
But I only ordered baekban.
I had some leftover meat.
This is burnt. You take care of it.
It doesn't look burnt.
Thank you, ma'am.
Thank you for today.
Ice your wrist again when you go home.
And refrain from using your left hand
as much as possible.
Okay. You can go.
Go first. I'm home anyway.
I'll see you off.
He was acting like a baby at the doctor's,
so why is he suddenly so quiet?
He was even teary-eyed.
I'm sleepy.
Now I understand
why I was able to only stomach her food,
why I'd become teary-eyed for no reason,
why I was drawn to her and her family.
This is so surreal.
She's the daughter of the savior
you always talked about?
I can't believe it either.
She fed me in Noryangjin
twelve years ago,
and now her daughter
is feeding me in Nokeun-ro.
What are the odds?
Very low.
You got that right.
Seoul is a big city, you know?
When times are extremely tough,
there are memories
that get you back on your feet.
Of course.
That's what her cafeteria is to me.
Whenever I would lose
all hope to live in this world,
I'd think of the warm food
that she prepared for me,
and that would motivate me to stay strong.
She's the reason I'm here today.
Now it's as clear as day.
She really does take after her mother.
That's why I was drawn to her.
Nothing's wrong with
my sympathetic nervous system.
I was naturally drawn to her.
That was it.
Anyway, I'd like to repay the kindness.
No, I must.
What does that family need the most?
Do we need to stop using it already?
It's still hot throughout October.
We don't need AC in the fall.
We should conserve when we can.
Gosh, you're such a scrooge.
You don't even have AC at home.
Almost all houses have AC now,
you know that?
But then again,
it has become common for landlords
to install them for free.
Anyway, this building's landlord is just…
Hold on. Isn't rent due today?
Yes. You're right.
How do we have to pay rent
every single month?
-That's because it's monthly rent.
-I know that!
I'm just frustrated!
Are we paying rent so we can make money
or vice versa?
Which came first?
The chicken or the chick?
They're basically the same, Haeng-seon.
You mean the chicken or the egg.
Gosh. Hello, sir.
I was just about to wire you the rent--
Is that so?
So that means…
someone else is the landlord now.
I hope the new landlord
doesn't want us to move out…
That's a relief.
What about our rent?
Will it stay the same or…
Did it go up?
Reduced by half?
Haeng-seon, something is outside.
Hey, go out there.
Hey, what's going on?
Our client is here.
Why are you so startled?
Did I catch you red-handed?
Can you please knock?
This isn't our bedroom.
Like I would come into our bedroom.
That'll be all for the day.
The teaching assistant has
an announcement, so don't go just yet.
And I'm Choi Chi-yeol.
Thank you.
I'll cut to the chase.
All right. The ID is
and the password is "262923."
This is the makeup class we talked about.
You can access it on the academy's website
until midnight on Saturday.
And I'm sure you know
the login credentials are confidential.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
What? Going to send it to Hae-e again?
Did the AC get there okay?
Yes. I thought it'd seem odd
to only install one in her store,
so I had them installed
in the entire building.
-Excellent work.
-No problem.
The purchase will be finalized once we get
the documents from the seller tomorrow.
Make sure they don't find out
that I'm the new landlord.
I'll do my best,
but I think you'll get caught eventually.
They could always get a copy of
the registration and see your name on it.
I'll just say it's someone else.
-Or should we use your name instead?
-That's illegal.
I'll give you the building.
It'll be yours.
That's a bit too much,
and you're just being obnoxious.
Is that so?
Then let's think this through.
-And dinner?
-I booked it.
The Deluxe A Course at Shangri Hotel.
I need to go inside
and schedule your classes.
Enjoy your meal.
Okay. Thank you.
No problem.
Wait up.
You're really something.
To fit that into your busy schedule…
I wouldn't be able to do that.
It's a compliment.
I respect you. You're incredible.
People's tastes rarely change,
whether it's 12 years ago or now.
But why female students?
A teacher shouldn't do that, you know.
Yes. What is it?
The tutoring part alone
won't be as impactful.
That'll only shock people in this area,
not the wider public.
Why is Choi Chi-yeol only tutoring her?
Because they have an illicit relationship.
That's the key point.
And you also have a photo of Nam Hae-e.
Blur her face out.
And blur the side dish shop's name
and post that too.
We need visual aids for this,
don't you think?
Darn it.
You should obviously post it
as Chiyeolsucks.
Send it to me once you're done.
What an idiot.
So it was you?
You're Chiyeolsucks?
"Chiyeolsucks"? What's that?
I thought you were all bark.
I didn't know you'd bite.
So? What'll you do about it?
Don't hurt Nam Hae-e.
If you post about the private tutoring,
I'll put you behind bars
for repeated fabrication and defamation.
Then I'll sue you for damages
until you go broke.
And you'll never be able to teach again.
Do you understand, Mr. Jin?
Damn it.
So he's going to let this slide
as long as I keep my mouth shut?
Is there really something
going on between them?
The new landlord installed
new AC units in every room?
I'm telling you.
They must be really rich.
I wonder what they do for a living.
Mr. Choi is here.
-Hae-e, let me.
-Let me.
-Hello, Chi-yeol.
Something's different, right?
Doesn't it feel cool?
You must've bought an AC unit.
You used to only have a half-broken fan.
We have a new landlord.
The rent has been reduced by half,
and AC units are now in every room.
I see.
So are you happy?
Something feels off.
Isn't that strange?
They just bought the building.
It's not like we're a charity case.
Why would you bad-mouth
someone's kind gesture?
Doesn't this call for a party?
You only have to pay half the rent,
and you got an AC unit.
I never said it out loud,
but it was boiling in here.
I feel great.
It's so cool and dry in here.
-Jae-woo, isn't it nice?
-Yes, it is.
What do you think, Hae-e?
Yes, I guess it's nice.
-Should we hold a party?
Didn't you say
good news was worth celebrating?
Don't you all love to party?
Let's party.
I'm down.
This way, please.
Come on. Hurry up.
I'm coming, Chi-yeol.
He doesn't expect me to pay, does he?
I'm not sure.
Don't you think he'll pay
since he brought us here?
Let's go in for now.
Mr. Choi.
Look, I know you want a big party,
but this is a bit…
Don't worry. It's on me.
Because I love that you have AC.
My teaching environment has improved.
I'm also grateful
that you took me to the doctor.
I can't believe it's all better.
I see.
We have the amuse-bouche and aperitif.
It's comprised of mango,
muskmelon, and jamón.
I advise you to start with the latter two,
then finish off with the mango.
I see.
Today's appetizer is
southern rough shrimp and scallop.
The sauce on top of the scallop
is made with sea urchin roe.
It is the best quality
sea urchin roe you could have.
Have a taste of the sauce first,
then have it with the scallop.
Excuse me.
I appreciate your explanations,
but could you bring out
the dishes faster, please?
My family tends to
digest food fairly quickly.
I see.
Should I bring out the soup?
Yes, I'd love that.
I was actually just craving some.
I'd love that.
Actually, could you just
bring out all the dishes
except for dessert, if possible?
We're quite hungry.
There's nothing like a table full of food.
It's a feast for the eyes and the heart.
It's tasty.
It really is, Mr. Choi.
Really? Order more.
I'll ask for the menu.
No, this is already more than enough.
I bet you spent a hefty sum already.
Don't worry about that.
Jae-woo, eat up.
Okay, Chi-yeol.
Mr. Choi, since when did you and Uncle
start addressing each other casually?
When we played foot volleyball.
He said, "Hey, Jae-woo,
keep your eyes on the ball."
-Did I say that?
It's easy to bond over team sports.
Yeong-ju and I didn't get along at first.
But we became best friends
after a few years of training.
I think it's all thanks to
her personality.
Nam Hae-e. Come on.
Mr. Choi, how are you?
I'll be having a recital in two days.
Please come.
Jae-woo, have some more meat.
Today is his lucky day.
To solve this, the left-hand limit…
and the right-hand limit…
What should they be? Equal.
Yes. It was definitely this handwriting.
Why would Mr. Choi
have written on Sun-jae's material?
Let me open it.
Thank you so much for today.
I hadn't eaten out in a while,
so it was so tasty.
It was nothing.
-Hello, Mr. Choi.
Did you have something tasty?
-Yes, it was insane.
It was so luxurious and delicious.
It was absolutely superb.
Seeing how excited he is,
it really must've been grand.
You can come too next time.
Goodbye then.
-Goodbye, Mr. Choi.
-It was so nice.
-Let's go.
I didn't know I had run out of flour.
Darn it.
I should've bought some this morning.
What a busy day.
Did I leave anything out?
No, sir. This is very thorough.
-Thank you.
Mr. Ji.
Why are you here?
Isn't that my former landlord?
Does that mean…
the landlord…
Good morning.
-Hello, sir.
-Hello, sir.
Would you like a sandwich
if you haven't eaten, sir?
-That's okay. You can eat it.
Is this breakfast or lunch?
It's brunch. We didn't have breakfast.
You should have a proper meal,
not just some bread.
Hold on.
So Mr. Choi is the new landlord?
But why?
Mr. Ji said it was an investment.
Apparently, he bought
a few other buildings in this area.
He thought they were worth investing in
since he frequents the area.
All right, fine.
But why did he cut the rent in half?
Apparently, he's known to be
a Good Samaritan.
All the other tenants are paying
half their original rent too.
Apparently, he doesn't like
showing off his good deeds.
Mr. Ji said to keep this a secret,
or else he'll flip out.
-But you know what?
Why do I feel so uneasy?
This feels really uncomfortable.
He even treated us to an expensive meal.
Does our family look like
we're struggling in his eyes?
Is he pitying us?
I'm not sure.
I don't get it either.
With his wealth, he should've bought
a building near the main street.
Why would he invest in
this old building in an alley?
This is…
What's your take?
I'm certain that he's totally into you.
Jeez! There you go again.
You were so wrong last time too.
No, I'm sure of it this time around.
I saw his face
when he dropped you guys off yesterday.
He was looking at you, Hae-e, and Jae-woo
with so much warmth and affection.
Especially the way he looked at you.
A lovey-dovey gaze. I'm sure of it.
He likes you,
but he can't be direct
since he thinks you're married.
All he has is money,
so he's expressing his love with it.
I'm sure of it this time.
That's what you said last time.
You don't think
he's all that bad either, do you?
You did say he was surprisingly cute.
You said that last time.
Confess to him that you're single.
-You can tell him that.
-Just drop it.
You coax me into doing things
all the time.
That's not what I'm doing.
You know what?
You're right. It's for you though.
Stop working like a dog.
Marry a rich guy and live comfortably.
Haeng-seon, we have a group order.
All right.
Come inside.
He halved your rent, got you an AC unit,
treated you to an expensive meal,
and now, a group order?
He knows exactly how to help you out.
How is he so transparent?
I can see right through him.
Less flapping of the mouth,
more flipping of eggs.
I mean, think about it.
He saw you yesterday,
but he's already missing you this morning.
Hey, can you please just cook?
Go bring the containers.
Yes, of course, ma'am.
I'm coming with you.
I can't miss out on the spectacle.
She's so over the top.
Why would he like me?
Jeez, that brat.
No. It's impossible.
Never. No.
I'm glad you came with me.
This is too heavy to carry by myself.
-By the way,
did my mom visit your store?
She's a regular there.
Why do you ask? What about her?
It's nothing.
Don't lie.
Tell me.
-It's nothing.
-What is it?
-I said it was nothing.
-Say it.
-Never mind.
-Spit it out.
Stop that.
-Come on, tell me.
-Stop that.
-Tell me.
Gosh. What's so funny?
-Hey, Geon-hu.
I'm glad you're here. Thank you.
Carry that for me.
She got me.
Is this fun for you? Stop smiling.
Thanks, Sun-jae.
Hey, Geon-hu.
Hey, come back here!
Guys, grab a supplementary
English workbook.
That test material
that you lent Hae-e last time,
can I borrow that?
I have to check something,
but mine is at home.
I know you always have yours.
Can I borrow it?
Fine. Hold on.
I don't need it, so take your time.
Forget it. I don't need it.
What's her deal?
Have some more if you want.
-Thank you.
Even Michelin three-star restaurants
couldn't satisfy me,
but her lunch box did.
-This looks tasty.
-Stop ordering chicken or burgers.
You should eat rice.
Rice is our staple food, you know?
-Okay. Thank you for the meal.
-Okay. Thank you for the meal.
-Thank you for the meal.
Isn't it good?
I haven't had a bite yet.
-Try it.
-It's good.
-Thank you for the meal.
-Tell me if it's good.
We'll be ordering from them from now on.
It's really scrumptious.
Stop it. Cut it out, you brat.
It's so good.
-Mr. Choi--
-Hello, Mr. Ji.
Hello, Mr. Ji. Come sit down and eat.
-Sit down.
You have a guest, sir.
A guest?
I'm sorry for showing up unannounced.
I was visiting Ra-mi at the academy
and heard your office was nearby.
I see.
How have you been?
Good. I brought some snacks for you.
-I see.
-We'll take that.
-Thank you.
-It's okay.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Should I prepare some coffee?
Let's have some coffee.
-Is coffee okay?
-Yes. Thank you.
-Excuse me.
-Sure, go right ahead.
-Who is she? She's stunning.
-I've never seen a woman visit him before.
-I think I know.
She's the blind date
Ms. Jung set him up with.
-He goes on blind dates?
-A blind date?
No way.
She said that woman
was Mr. Choi's biggest fan.
She's a pianist from a wealthy family.
But I didn't know she'd be that pretty.
-She's gorgeous.
Look, egg tarts.
Didn't they recently launch in Korea?
-I saw it on social media.
-You're right.
-There's shine muscat too.
-I want that.
These are so expensive.
She's so thoughtful.
-Take a picture.
-I want one too.
-Let's have this one first.
-Me too.
Thank you.
I'll be honest.
I didn't come by to visit Ra-mi.
I came to see you.
I see.
Was our date bad enough
that you didn't reply to my texts?
Honestly, it hurt my pride a bit.
I'm sorry. I was a bit busy yesterday.
Still, you could've replied
after you finished work.
Unless you're not interested.
That's why…
I brought the invite myself.
It didn't seem like texting
would do the trick.
I see.
I didn't want to give up.
And I was already
interested in you from the get-go.
I hope you'll come to watch me perform.
That's a very special seat.
If you don't come, it'll be a huge waste.
You'll come, right?
-What? Stay there!
You little brat. Stop!
-You little brat.
The egg tarts are delicious.
-They're so tasty.
-They're so good.
-Thank you.
I'll get going then.
Okay. Goodbye.
You better come to my recital tomorrow.
I'll cry if you don't.
We should butt out--
We should get going.
There are a lot of leftovers.
-Thank you.
That's so strange.
Was I wrong?
I was certain he was
interested in you this time.
But Mr. Choi's seeing someone?
A beautiful pianist from a wealthy family?
I told you you were wrong.
Or was he after both of you?
Did he buy her a piano or something?
That's enough!
You just don't know when to stop.
If you utter nonsense about him
being interested in me ever again,
I'll really get mad.
There's something wrong with you.
Why do you make everything about romance?
You have serious issues.
All right.
Still, you're treating me like
I'm abnormal or something.
Of course, you are! You're not normal!
Why is she so furious?
I feel so embarrassed!
Jeez. I'm right.
I was right.
I thought he was busy,
but seems he still has time
to invest and go on blind dates.
Hey, Mom.
Good work, Su-a.
Here, you must be hungry. Eat this.
The All Care Program material
that Hae-e had.
-I don't think Sun-jae lent it to her.
-What do you mean?
I checked his paper, and it was different.
There were these handwritten parts
on Hae-e's sheet,
but they weren't on Sun-jae's.
And that handwriting belongs to Mr. Choi.
Mr. Choi wrote on her paper?
I'm sure you're mistaken.
I'm not.
I've seen his handwriting countless times.
And it wasn't just his handwriting.
Numbers two, eight, and the limit symbol.
They were all written in his style.
I'm sure of it.
we saw him in front of
Hae-e's house last time.
That was odd too.
He must've seen the store was closed
from his car, so why get out?
And it was late at night.
It can't be.
You think he's tutoring her separately?
I think so. But I don't know why.
Su-a, are you positive
that it was his handwriting?
Yes. I want to go see you too, honey.
There's no food here either.
Everyone in this house ignores me.
Then let me see if I can sneak out…
All right, Mr. Shin.
I'll see you later. Bye.
Hi, Su-a.
How was your…
Don't you sometimes use
detective agencies for your business?
-Detective agencies?
Yes, a few times due to money issues.
Can they also do background checks
and follow people around?
Like they do in the movies.
Yes, but why do you ask?
It's not for me, is it?
Why would I need to keep an eye
on someone as transparent as you?
I just need them for something.
Give me their number.
Okay. Hold on.
Hello. Well…
Bang Dae-geun gave me your number.
Do you like it?
Is this really for me?
I was using that, but I got a new one.
All the students study with those lately.
It doesn't look used. It looks brand new.
I know I got first place,
but this is a bit much.
I often get gifts for my students
when they get first place
or raise their grades.
You know it's rude
to adamantly refuse a gift, right?
Just be thankful and use it well.
Okay. I'll do that.
Thank you.
-Let me see that.
-This here.
It's a math app.
You can download sample questions
and solve them on this app.
If you get stuck,
you can watch the explanations too.
I filmed the CSAT explanations
for the past two years.
When did you move here?
In eighth grade.
Where did you live before?
In Jangseo-gu.
That's where my mom opened
her first side dish store.
Business was good,
so we lived there for a while.
Then we suddenly moved here,
partly because of me.
Did something happen?
I was just going through puberty.
Why do you ask?
I was just curious.
You must barely remember your grandmother.
That's true. She passed away
when I was really little.
Chi-yeol, are you free
from 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. tomorrow?
It's Chicken Day.
Let's watch a movie
and have chicken together.
Are you talking about
that famous Chicken Day you have?
Yes. We'll be watching
a documentary tomorrow.
It's my favorite documentary,
Reservation Bengal Tigers.
There's a place called
Bandhavgarh National Park,
which was built to protect these tigers.
It's about the tigers that live there,
and it's really entertaining.
I'm not really into documentaries.
He can't, Jae-woo!
He has an important appointment tomorrow.
You have a recital to attend.
We can skip tomorrow's lesson too
since you'll have to get ready.
No, I should--
No, that's okay. We can take a rain check.
It'd be shameless of us
to interfere in your love life.
Make sure you clap a lot
and have some wine afterward.
Here's your lunch box. Oh, right!
You won't need one tomorrow, right?
I'll be free tomorrow night!
We can have Chicken Day
right after I close.
That's the tea.
Get home safe
and have a great time tomorrow.
Why would she order me around
when it's my love life?
I should drink wine and clap a lot?
She's one nosy woman.
Did something happen between you two?
What do you mean?
He seemed a bit different today.
He didn't provoke you like usual
and just passed by.
Maybe he finally grew up.
Come on.
That can't be.
I'll explain later. Don't worry.
You'll attend the recital, right?
Should I get some flowers?
Do you think I have the time
to appreciate culture?
Just think of it as socializing
and go to the recital.
I spoke with Ms. Jung today,
and you're one of the reasons why
Ms. Hong set the recital on a weekday.
She's waiting for you.
Then I'd rather appreciate culture.
I detest wasting my energy on socializing.
But you're socializing
quite a bit these days.
You played foot volleyball
and repaid the kindness.
That's because--
All right.
You can get flowers or whatever.
I'm tired.
Wake me up when we get there.
Come back for the braised pollock.
-Okay. Thank you.
Have all the customers left?
Let me give Hae-e this pumpkin porridge.
Is Chi-yeol really not coming today?
No, he's not.
How many times have you asked that?
Once. I only asked once.
I wanted to watch
my favorite documentary with him
and chat with him over some chicken.
Jae-woo, Chi-yeol seems to have
a fickle heart.
He's here one day and gone the next.
Are you free tonight?
Join us for Chicken Day.
No. I'm not your rebound.
Today's my first day at the Drone Club.
You signed up for a Drone Club now?
Do you even know how to fly one?
Of course not.
That way, the other members will teach me.
Then after flying some drones,
the next thing that will be flying
is the sparks.
Good for you, Ms. Love Doctor.
I'll order four chickens just in case.
Order three.
Hey, order four chickens.
Gosh, that brat.
We'll take a ten-minute intermission.
Please return to your seats on time
and turn off your phones upon re-entry.
Mr. Choi, I'm trying to watch
the explanations on the app,
but it's not working.
How can I watch them?
-Hae-e, so for that,
you need to solve the problem first
to watch the explanation.
Aren't you at the recital right now?
You can tell me--
No, I can talk right now.
If you just want to watch the explanation,
go to the settings.
Okay. Settings.
Do you see the wheel icon
at the top-right corner of the main page?
I found it, Mr. Choi.
Gosh, that's hot!
Mom, are you okay?
-That's hot.
-What's wrong, Hae-e?
What's wrong, Hae-e?
Come on.
Right. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry,
but could you please talk outside?
Okay. I'm sorry.
It could've been much worse.
Thank God it was just your hand.
If you had spilled it on your feet,
that's at least a second-degree burn.
I guess I was lucky.
Are you okay?
Do you need to go to the hospital?
It's just a bit sore.
I iced it and put gauze on it right away.
You may be clumsy,
but you're always careful
when carrying hot food.
You should've been more careful!
I must've been distracted.
Hey, you have your Drone Club. Just go.
I'll wrap up, so go.
Can I?
Never mind. You burned your hand.
I'm okay. I'm going to finish up
and head to Chicken Day.
Leave it.
-Just leave it.
-I'm done.
Mr. Choi?
Are you okay? Where did you get hurt?
-I slightly burned the back of my hand.
But why aren't you at the recital?
I doubt it's already over.
Did you leave in the middle?
Hae-e didn't know how to use the app,
so she couldn't solve the problems.
That's why you're here?
It's detestable
to haphazardly explain things.
Plus, I'm supposed to be
tutoring her right now anyway.
And I prioritize plans
that I make in advance.
-Let me.
I'm glad it's just a slight burn.
Let's go inside.
What's with him?
You're sure about this?
Then could you send me
the photos right now?
Thank you.
No way.
I can't believe this.
I wondered why the usually aloof Ms. Jang
wanted to treat me to a meal.
You wanted to ask me about a case?
How boring.
You're the aloof one here, Judge Yoo.
I'll be honest. This feels good.
The great Jang Seo-jin caved
to ask me for a favor.
The client must be high-profile.
It's about the son
of Sun-jae's education director.
I guess the great Jang Seo-jin
is also just a mom after all.
What do you mean?
Our classmates used to call you
"Seo-jin the Best."
You had the best grades,
educational background, and family.
And the worst personality.
Right. You also have the best husband.
He's handsome, rich,
and has a great personality.
You really have it all.
And two sons who are smart on top of that.
How annoying.
How's your married life going?
You know. It's just normal.
As if.
"Normal" and "Jang Seo-jin"
don't go hand in hand.
Let's get back to the case.
So about the education director's son…
He has always been studious.
But he befriended the wrong group.
What's all this? These moms have
too much time on their hands.
Choi Chi-yeol found out
that I'm Chiyeolsucks!
So let's put a halt to everything for now,
and you should lie low.
We'll keep out of sight for a while,
then plan something new.
I'll call you again. Bye.
Damn it.
Who is it?
Damn it. Who is that?
Who is it?
What are you up to, Hui-jae?
Why are you here?
Why are you doing this to me?
Don't come near me!
Don't come near me!
Don't come near me.
That's Bandhavgarh National Park in India.
They built that park
to protect the tigers. That's B2!
That's B2.
That's B2 over there.
-B2 used to be the alpha--
-Don't spoil it, Uncle.
He hasn't watched it before.
Bengal tigers are very large.
They're 2.4m to 3.6m long,
and they weigh 140kg to 320kg.
They nap for 16 hours.
Haeng-seon napped for 14 hours once.
It was close, but she lost to the tigers.
Fourteen hours
isn't considered a nap, is it?
Chi-yeol, have a drumstick.
Their seasoned chicken
is better than the original.
Thanks, Jae-woo.
Mom, the pickled radish.
Thank you.
Let me.
It's not that heavy.
You hurt your hand.
Mr. Landlord.
I'm just so curious
and can't wrap my head around it.
About that…
I have a hobby of investing in buildings.
And people like me
should also give back to society.
Is that really why you treated us so well?
You halved our rent, installed an AC unit,
and even treated my family
to an expensive meal.
Is it wrong to treat you well?
What a weird thing to question.
Mr. Choi, one more thing.
Mr. Choi.
Then what about today?
Did you really come here because of Hae-e?
Is that the only reason why you're here?
Or is it because…
I'm tutoring her.
How are you so brazen?
-Will you arrest me?
-I begged him to tutor Hae-e.
-Excuse me.
-We need to talk.
What is the real reason they're upset?
Bring it on.
Even still, how could we have
absolutely no customers?
Like mother, like daughter. Impressive.
If I tell the truth,
Mom wouldn't be misunderstood,
and Mr. Choi wouldn't suffer like this.
What's wrong with him?
What are you doing here?
I have feelings for this woman.
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
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