Criminal Code (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

O Fim e o Início

[Soulless] I'll tell you
as much as I can about my journey.
When everything began,
I'd never even been to the border.
That was when they brought me in.
- [Bigode] Hey.
- Hey, Bigode.
- [Mamute] Hey, guys.
- [Bigode] Here's Mamute.
[Mamute] Is anyone on lookout?
- [man] No, man.
- [Mamute] Take care of it.
[man] Yeah. Excuse me, man.
So have you heard of this guy Isaac?
- Is he ours?
- [Bigode] No, but we can trust him.
He started pretty recently. You got it?
He should be taking baby steps,
but he's out here
doing hundred-meter hurdles.
[Bigode] He's flying. Bank robberies,
cash-in-transit companies.
He told Mamute here they've got
an armed robbery in Ciudad del Este.
It's a big job.
[Bigode] Proguard. Piles of cash.
The security guards are with us.
Everything's set.
In the Ambassador's turf?
In the middle of a war?
What does he say about it?
That's where we come in.
Bigode, I'll be blunt.
You know that I've never robbed a bank
or seen the Ambassador.
[Bigode] Remember that thing
with your wife? We were there for you
at the moment you most needed it.
Worked out, didn't it?
Your family's good, right?
That's a debt you have.
And not a small one.
You're doing this job.
You need to bring us this cash,
and then you just carry on
your path with Jesus. In peace.
[camera shutter clicks]
What's the face, man? Afraid of flying?
You realize that this is
the Ambassador's house, don't you, man?
Photos and private planes.
That's a distraction.
It's just us once we get in the snake pit.
Pull your head outta your ass.
You have to be sharper
than a butcher's knife. You get me?
[tuts] Chill out, man.
Pull your shit together.
I always have my shit together.
[tense music playing]
[plane engine starts up]
[Djeison] Hmm.
You, wait outside.
[Djeison] Just in case.
Yo, bro, that glass isn't cracked, is it?
We want this war done.
The time to think of that
was before you killed Ryad.
Isn't it time to get over that one?
This is our house.
Don't be such a cocky asshole.
Your house, your rule.
That's why we didn't come empty-handed.
We have $10 million for you.
Am I blind?
Proguard in Ciudad del Este.
There's 40 million there.
It's all set up. Nice job.
Just have to say yes,
and we turn from enemies to partners.
[tense music playing]
- Kevin?
- [Mamute] Hey, Sheik.
Okay. [clears throat]
The Ambassador.
[Mamute] The Ambassador's on the line
to speak to you.
[Sheik] Hello.
An associate offered us
a job in Ciudad del Este.
It's big money.
Everybody gets a cut.
The fighting ends.
Can we get the okay
to do the job on your turf?
[Ambassador] Listen carefully, my friend.
I get the concept,
but it's missing an important point.
You're offering me money,
but what can I do
with more money where I am?
[Sheik] So tell us what you need,
and let's work somethin' out.
[Ambassador] They want to take me
out of here, extradite me.
I'm fine here.
But in Brazil,
they'll send me to a federal prison.
[Sheik] I mean, federal prisons are tough.
A fucking nightmare.
[door slams]
[Ambassador] Do the job
in Ciudad del Este.
It's a big investment.
But let's be honest.
The payoff makes these jobs worth it.
But in return, you butts need outta here.
[theme music playing]
[Benício] So,
are we getting him out of there today?
Yes, if the judge allows his extradition.
The federal plane is landing now
with a tactical operations team.
They sent tactical ops
to help us with an extradition?
We must be pretty important.
About 150 people know about this operation
that's supposedly a secret.
[Rossi] Lightning never strikes
twice in the same place.
If the snitch was Moreira, he's gone.
Yeah, but what if it wasn't Moreira?
Why would he risk his life
wiretapping their headquarters,
just to be able
to share information with us?
Why'd he disappear?
Because he knew everyone
had made up their minds about him.
Weren't you the one
leading the charge against him?
If I were always right, you wouldn't make
me work with a partner, now, would you?
[laughs softly]
[elevator bell dings]
Listen. Just listen to me.
They know, okay?
- They've worked it all out.
- They worked what out?
They know you're gonna
break the Ambassador out.
You have to stop.
It'll be a fucking shitshow.
- You don't understand
- [Isaac] Bullshit.
- This could be huge
- [Isaac] Calm down. Stop.
I don't pay you to give me advice,
just information.
Tell me exactly what they've found out.
[whistling softly]
- [Yuri] Hmm?
- Hungry?
- [Yuri] That'll kill you.
- [scoffs]
The DNA from the Ambassador
that you sent over from Paraguay
matched the note
found at the mansion, right?
can I ask what you're going to do with it?
Uh, just notify the Paraguayan police
so they can charge him with a crime.
[sighs] Yuri, for Christ's sake.
Why did I stay up
processing that DNA all night
just for someone in Paraguay to say,
"Oh, just add another
few years on his sentence."
There's gotta be more to it.
[Yuri sighs]
Look, I don't have permission
to share this information with you.
Let's see if I get this straight.
All the times I had to work all night,
I'm your partner,
but when sharing the fruits of our labor,
you don't know me?
I can't. It's on a need-to-know basis.
I follow
Yuri, that work is mine too.
If it weren't for my DNA bank,
this investigation would be over by now.
Thanks a lot.
[Djeison in Spanish] No fucking way.
[Soulless in English] Fuck it.
It's in motion.
Everyone's paid. Let's get him out.
You don't get it, do you? It's over, man.
We lost the element of surprise.
There's more soldiers at Tacumbú
than in the entire Paraguayan War.
You don't get it.
[in Spanish] Motherfucker.
[in English] The whole reason
was to get the guy out of there
before he got extradited.
And what you're saying is that we managed
to get him extradited sooner?
What "we," brother?
- Are we responsible for your rat?
- [Isaac] Son of a bitch, man.
Your duty is
to get the Ambassador out of there.
- Are you threatening me?
- Calm down. Calm down, boys.
That undercover cop
at the hacienda did us a fucking favor.
They'll do the dirty work of getting
the Ambassador out of prison for us.
But they don't know we know that.
That's even better.
We just attack the convoy.
I'm on board.
Let's get this shit finished.
But after this, we're even, okay?
Gabriel, get the map.
I'll take a look at the routes.
You go prep the cars.
And now you.
Call your informant. We're gonna need him.
- Okay.
- Come on.
Think, damn it.
Fucking hell. Hey, help me here.
- Is this the main highway?
- [man] Yeah, that's it.
[indistinct chatter]
- [Wladimir] Evening, gentlemen.
- [both] Evening.
[Assunção] Hello, hello.
- Wladimir's here?
- [Rossi] Mm-hmm.
He flew in.
He's not just here for the ride.
He wants to run the operation.
He said he wanted
to help bring the Ambassador to Brazil.
[Assunção] Him, out in the field?
- [Rossi] He's gonna wait in the hangar.
- [Assunção] Ah. Sir.
- [Wladimir] Hi.
- [Assunção] Hello there.
[Benício] Evening. Evening.
- [Assunção] Brothers.
- [man] Evening.
- [Wladimir] Is that everyone?
- [men] That's everyone.
[Wladimir] So, gentlemen,
the good news is
that they've authorized the extradition.
The Paraguayan police
and the FOPE, their elite squad,
are heading to Tacumbú.
Before we leave, I'd like to introduce
the leader of our elite squad.
You know each other?
[Suellen] We were at the academy together.
She was first in class.
Long time, right?
Today she becomes the first woman
to lead a tactical operations cell.
Okay, gentlemen, Suellen.
First of all, you can count on me
and my team to manage your safety
and that of the package completely.
I've briefed Wladimir
with my proposed strategy.
[Wladimir] Perfect.
Good luck, everybody. Come on.
Good luck to you.
Rossi, we're in the van with Assunção
to monitor the situation, okay?
If I may, sir.
I would like to go with my team.
[tense music playing]
Okay, up to you.
Sir, I offer to take
Rossi's place in the van.
Okay. You can stay.
Better he's in the van
than screwing it up out there. Let's go.
[machine beeping]
[woman] I'll be back
in five minutes, okay?
[Rossi] This is not what I expected.
[Suellen] What?
Just the neighborhood.
More silent than water in a well.
There's no clue
that nearby 4,000 prisoners
are stacked in a place built for 1,200.
["Jailbreak" by Thin Lizzy
playing through phone]
It's a classic, man.
- [Rossi chuckling]
- [Suellen] Uh-huh.
[Rossi] It is a classic.
What are the chances there'll be a riot
when they see
we're taking the Ambassador out?
They won't see it.
Right to left ♪
If you see us coming
I think it's best ♪
To move away
Do you hear what I say? ♪
From under my breath ♪
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak ♪
Somewhere in the town ♪
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak ♪
So don't you be around ♪
Don't you be around ♪
Tonight there's gonna be trouble ♪
Some of us won't survive ♪
See the boys and me mean business ♪
Bustin' out dead or alive ♪
[Rossi over radio] Come in, command.
The vehicle containing the package
has joined the convoy.
We're on the move. Do you copy?
[Wladimir] Copy that. Follow route A out.
[Rossi] Affirmative.
[tense music playing]
[Suellen] Awfully quiet.
I'm hungry.
[people yelling]
What the fuck is happening?
Fuck! They're trying to surround us!
[Benício] Somebody leaked it.
Let's get out!
Head west. Do you copy? We have to take
the axis road to the west now!
[Wladimir] Copy.
Switch to route B. Taking the overpass.
[Saldanha] Fuck! It's a longer way out.
They're taking the main road.
Target's in the fourth car.
Everybody, reposition.
Delta team, we are heading your way. Okay?
[music building]
[truck horn blares]
[Benício] Fuck!
[officer] The convoy is under attack!
Command, we've lost two cars.
Can you send reinforcements?
[Wladimir] Negative. The surrounding
police stations are under attack.
No one can move for now.
Forget it, Rossi. They know our route.
- Somebody fucking told them!
- Someone from the convoy.
[Rossi] Command,
our routes are compromised.
Permission to return to Tacumbú.
[Wladimir] Negative. The package
must arrive at its destination.
That fucker's saying that
because he's not here!
[Soulless] Intercept them.
[Rossi] We lost another car.
[man] Everybody out!
[people shouting]
[Rossi] Get out!
[people shouting]
We're surrounded!
Do you copy? We're fucking surrounded!
[Soulless] Isolate the target.
[Benício] Get in! Get in! Get in!
[man] Fuckers!
[Rossi] Counter attack, now!
- [Soulless] Let's fucking move. Cover me.
- [Djeison] Get down! Motherfuckers!
[Benício] Come at me, you fuckers!
[gunfire continues]
[Benício] Lower that thing!
- Cover me. I'm advancing.
- No, no, no!
- [Rossi] Inoki!
- [Benício] Cover me!
Cover me now!
[unsettling music playing]
[gunfire continues]
[Rossi] Okay, guys.
Listen to me.
We're not the ones under pressure here.
Those fuckin' bastards
are the ones under pressure!
We're gonna bring those motherfuckers
down today, or we're gonna die trying.
Let's advance.
[man] Get back!
- [Letícia] Okay, team, advance!
- [gunfire continues]
[Benício] We've made it, Rossi.
Command, we need
urgent backup. Do you copy?
[Wladimir] ETA three minutes.
Hold your position.
[man] Let's go, go, go, go!
[Rossi] Keep closing in.
[Soulless] Come in.
The pigs are determined.
Target is isolated.
[Isaac] Copy that.
Just relax, boss.
We're getting you out of here.
[man] Push in! Heads up!
[Soulless] Target is moving.
The target is moving. Do you copy?
[Isaac] Copy. Hold the pigs there.
Don't let them make any progress.
Did you give the Ambassador's car
an order to depart?
[Wladimir] Negative.
Why is it moving on the GPS?
We've lost the Ambassador's car.
Do you copy?
- [Wladimir] Can you follow it?
- Negative!
We're sustaining heavy fucking fire!
[Wladimir] What the fuck?
We'll try to intercept them here.
We lost the Ambassador.
Let's get Soulless.
[Suellen grunts]
- Russo, get the rocket launcher!
- [man] Open the trunk!
[Isaac] Hold them off a bit longer, okay?
That'll help us get the package to safety.
Fuckin' hell, Saldanha.
[shot fired]
I got him. Let's move in. There's
shitloads of these assholes to bring down.
[Djeison] Stop! Stop!
Where the fuck are you going?
[shots fired]
[Soulless] We can't hold them.
We need to fucking leave. You hear me?
[man] Retreat! Retreat!
[sirens wailing]
[Benício] Son of a bitch is running away!
[sirens continue wailing]
[Isaac] Ambassador.
The Paraguayan police
are five minutes out.
According to the tracker, they're nearby.
I'm Isaac.
At your service.
You're the Ghost, aren't you?
By the sounds of it,
my name reached the top.
Is there a cigarette for me in that jet?
And a bottle of rum as well.
Well done, my friend.
[Isaac] Thank you.
- Cruel, take good care of our guest, okay?
- [Cruel] Sure thing, boss.
[woman in Spanish] Welcome.
[in English] Now what?
Well done, man.
Here's your cut. What we agreed on.
And the key to your getaway car.
You have my word in Paraguay.
You have my word in Brazil.
I always honor a deal, brother. Yeah?
Thanks and good luck.
- Isaac, what about the guys?
- What guys?
The guys that stayed behind shooting
it out with the police while we're here.
Those ones. Are they all right?
Do they need anything from us?
You mean Soulless, bro?
Him, too, yeah.
You're rich, Gabriel. Damn it!
You're fuckin' rich, and I am.
Soulless didn't make us rich.
It's this fuckin' guy that we put
on that plane that made us rich.
We did that, bro.
- And now we're rich, boy.
- Got it. I hear you.
[Soulless] We gotta split up.
- Right here. Right here.
- [Djeison] You're fucking insane!
[Benício] There's that son of a bitch.
I'm going after him!
[tense music playing]
[man over radio] The package is gone.
The hangar's completely empty.
Sh Oh, fucking hell! [sighs]
We're fucked.
Do you have any idea how fucked we are?
[chatter over radio]
[siren wailing]
I'm very sorry for your loss today, sir.
We're sorry, too,
for your team's loss.
Is it true that the guy escaped?
When you go after that fucker again,
I want you to give me a call.
It's a matter of honor.
We have to give his family a call.
I'm gonna call mine too.
You should do the same.
Rest in peace, my friend.
[siren wails]
[breathing shakily]
[shot fired]
[dramatic music playing]
[Suellen] Stop right fucking there!
Your head is in my crosshairs, man.
Slowly put your gun on the ground.
Put your gun on the fucking ground!
One wrong move, I'll blow your head off.
Throw that fucking rifle far from you!
Get on the ground.
Hands on your head.
It's over, son of a bitch.
[man] Easy, man.
Just take it easy.
[Benício] Let him go, motherfucker.
Drop your gun now,
and I'll let him go free.
I'll fucking kill him.
You know I'm a murderer.
- I have a family. I beg you.
- Shut your mouth!
Are going to kill a father with a family,
you fucking coward?
Well, go on.
[man] Please!
What's up, man?
Don't you wanna be a cop anymore?
- If I kill him, you're fucked.
- Fuck it.
I'll retire.
Spend more time with my family.
But you're the fucked one
because this is the end.
I won't rest until you're dead or in jail.
[man whimpering]
I dare you. Just do it, you asshole!
- You fucking think I won't?
- Fuck your hostage to hell.
Yeah, you heard me.
You and your fucking hostage
can go to hell!
[man whimpering]
[Benício] Drop the gun.
Drop your fucking gun.
On your knees.
Get down, you son of a bitch.
- [gun cocks]
- Because of your
[Soulless grunts]
Put your fucking hands
behind your back, motherfucker.
Both of them.
Because of your love, oh God,
have mercy on me.
In your unfailing compassion.
[elevator bell dings]
[unsteady breathing]
[door rattling]
[Moreira] It's over. I got you.
Hands on your head.
Hands on your head! Come on. Now.
Yell, and I'll blow you a new mouth.
- You like to talk, don't you?
- What's going on?
[Moreira] Shut up! I've had my eye on you
for a while, João Nascimento.
[Guilherme] Easy, Moreira.
Please, man. Let's talk about this.
[Moreira] You know what you deserve?
You deserve to rot
six feet under the fucking ground.
- [Guilherme] No, calm down.
- I can spot a crook from a mile away.
For Christ's sake, man.
Don't make this mistake.
I'll treat you like a criminal.
Because you're a criminal, and I'm a cop.
I'm putting you under arrest.
Let's see if your blood
is still blue in jail.
Would you allow me a minute alone
with the prisoner?
Old scores to settle.
- [men in Spanish] Sure.
- [Benício] Thanks.
[in English] What's with this God thing?
Do you really believe it?
Don't you believe in it?
Lots of people wear God
as sheep's clothing.
I thought that was the case with you.
But you let the hostage live, didn't you?
That made me think that, maybe for you,
it's the other way around.
Maybe you are actually the sheep
wearing the wolf's clothing.
[Wladimir] Commissioner Rodrigo,
nearly 50 guys were arrested,
15 more were killed,
and no civilians were harmed.
And in spite of
Given this situation,
the breakout looks like it was our fault.
Looks like it's your fault, Wladimir.
Hold on. What? No.
I'm sorry, sir, but I can't
be held responsible for the decisions
made out in the field.
The decisions that were made in the field
were correct.
And Rossi held off
an army of mercenaries
with the support of tactical operations.
Of course. I meant
Only yesterday, Wladimir, you told me
you'd signed off on the operation.
Now, you take
responsibility for that sign-off.
[door closes]
[Benício] Hey.
Here's the deal. I spoke to Rossi.
Guilherme's phone has
his fingerprints and his DNA.
We don't need any other proof.
But you have to wait for the inquiry.
Another one?
Turns out you're not a bad cop.
How did you know he was the rat?
[intriguing music playing]
Well, maybe you're right,
and I'm not a bad cop.
It was a tracker.
[Benício] Hmm?
In Loanda, before the shootout,
you asked how I found you that day.
You're saying you put
a fucking tracking device on my car?
Police work.
Nothing personal.
["I'd Love to Change the World"
by Ten Years After playing]
Everywhere is ♪
[woman] They're ready for you, sir.
Dykes and fairies ♪
Tell me, where is sanity ♪
- [Rossi] Thank you.
- Of course.
- [Rossi] Commissioner.
- Rossi.
[Rossi] Director.
- Congratulations. Excellent work.
- Thank you very much, sir.
Feed the poor ♪
Till there are no rich no more ♪
DNA will revolutionize
criminal justice in Brazil.
I'm counting on you.
[presenter] The DNA Hit of the Year
goes to
Maria Clara Siqueira
for the Proguard case,
the robbery of the century
on the Brazilian border.
Thank you so much.
It was such a lonely journey,
with a lot of study and dedication
What a fucking bitch.
[Maria Clara] But the important work
of DNA analysis
[commissioner] So we'd like
to offer you the opportunity
to lead a mission
to apprehend the Ghost Gang
with a team of your choosing.
It'd be a national case. Enormous.
Of course, you don't need to answer now.
Take some time. Talk to your family.
- Ask them what they think.
- [Fernando] Here she is.
[commissioner] It's a big decision
that will affect them as well.
- Oh, it's Mama! Mommy's here.
- Hello, my sweetie!
I missed you so much, my girl.
Hi, my love.
- Of course. You good?
- Good. You?
- Good. I'm good. I love you, baby.
- Say bye-bye.
- Ciao.
- Bye, Papa.
["I'd Love to Change the World"
continues playing]
So I'll leave it up to you ♪
Oh yeah! ♪
[song continues]
[over radio] All units,
the target is approaching.
Just black and white ♪
Rich or poor ♪
Them and us ♪
Stop the war ♪
[siren wailing]
I'd love to change the world ♪
But I don't know what to do ♪
So I'll leave it up to you ♪
Oh yeah! ♪
World pollution ♪
There's no solution ♪
Institution ♪
Electrocution ♪
Just black and white ♪
Rich or poor ♪
Them and us ♪
Stop the war ♪
- Hey.
- Hey.
[Benício] Start celebrating without me?
Beer, please.
I don't know if I'd call it a celebration.
It doesn't really
seem like a celebration to me, so
[Benício] Is it bad?
I don't think I can stand
to look at any more boxes.
Do you wanna talk?
Because you give such good advice?
[inhales deeply, exhales]
I don't remember
that much from my separation.
We fought.
We were angry.
I do remember feeling like
a piece of shit, you know?
How did it go with your son?
It was very
But I've accepted it, you know?
See, I don't
I don't think
I'm like you like that, Benício. Uh-uh.
I don't know
if I'll ever accept this happened.
[server] Excuse me. Here's your beer.
And one for my partner, please.
[server] Of course. Just a minute.
I just had a thought. That's the first
time I've called you my partner, isn't it?
No, sir.
The very first day we worked together,
you called me your partner.
But you weren't serious, were you?
Now I am.
["Zafra Negra" by Vicente García playing]
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