Curses! (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

The Memory Box

-[grunts, sighs]
-[Sky] You've got this, baby.
Just like gym class.
[exclaims] I almost failed gym class.
-[animal roaring]
-[grunting] Hurry up!
This door isn't gonna hold much longer!
-[grunting] The bell!
-[bell ringing]
[grunts] I've got it.
[yells, grunts]
[grunts] And I've got you.
[panting] We're almost there!
Kicks don't fail me now!
[roaring continues]
[panting] Our ancestor stole this
from you a long time ago.
But this is where it belongs.
Please call off your curse
and send your watchdog away!
-[all yelling]
Uh, I don't know how much more of this
my fragile psyche can handle.
Yeah, I like the traveling,
not so much the constant almost dying.
You've both been so brave,
but a part of me wonders
if I should have protected you
from all this.
Well, that's what Dad did.
Look where that got us.
Hey, we're all just doing the best we can.
How did you two get so wise?
-Video games.
Let's go.
We still have a lot of work to do
if we're gonna get Dad back.
[engine whirs]
[buoy rings]
[car horn honks]
We returned everything else
on Larry's map.
Finally, the end of the red-thorned briar.
This should be the last artifact we need
to get Dad back.
[Pandora] But it's just a bunch
of pictures of Cornelius.
Are these cursed?
Ha! I wouldn't be surprised.
[gasps] Look.
The briar doesn't end here.
It continues through this crack
in the wall.
[debris falling]
A hidden room within a hidden wing.
I'm sure there's nothing to be
worried about in there.
Now this is the official end
of the red-thorned briar.
And the last artifact before we free Dad.
Let's do this!
Hold up, Speedy.
We don't know anything about this box yet.
[Russ] Wow. I-It's a puzzle box.
And judging by the amount of pieces,
there could be millions
of different configurations.
This has my name written all over it.
Mm-mmm. You too, Russ. Careful.
I know what you're like around puzzles.
Mom, I understand the gravity of
the situation, and I will control myself.
Great. Let's go see if we can find
any records of this thing.
I so hope there's a genie in there.
Mate, what are you up to?
[stammers] I didn't want the pieces
to fall out and get lost.
This is not controlling yourself.
The best sailor in the world
still knows to steer clear of a squall.
I'm just straightening things up.
There isn't a puzzle made
that can beat me.
-I wouldn't-- [gasps]
-[mechanism whirring]
Uh-oh. Russ?
[sighs, gasps] Oh, no.
Oh, I knew my puzzling obsession
would be my downfall.
O wise one, I have traveled many days
and nights to learn at your feet.
I am reluctant to turn away
a traveler in need.
But our order does not accept outsiders.
I understand.
There must be many men like me,
eager to receive instruction from
the keeper of the sacred Memory Box.
May I see it?
Even a glimpse of the box
would-would make my journey worth it.
Oh, very well.
The Memory Box was designed
-by our order endless generations ago…
…to store our most important memories.
For those of us who have given up speech,
it is a way to pass our customs
from brethren to brethren.
Only those with skilled minds
can unlock the puzzles on its surface.
I've always had a gift for puzzles.
I'm sure you do, but this is not a game.
It is our legacy.
I understand completely.
And I thank you for sharing it with me.
You are correct to keep
such majesty locked away.
-No! Put that back!
Who are you?
You-- You can see me?
How? I thought you were a memory!
How did you get that? Answer me!
You're not the only one
who's good at puzzles.
[mechanism whirring]
-[Sky] Russ! Are you okay?
[stammers] I think so.
I thought I was the one who was reckless.
'Twas quite a sight.
Your body was here, but your mind
was distant, and the box was gone!
I saw Cornelius.
-And he saw me.
-[both gasp]
[both gasp]
A box holding Cornelius's memories?
And they can talk to you?
That even sounds scary to me.
And not in a good way.
Could you tell where this monastery
was located?
We've been searching the journals
and can't find any references to it.
It was in the Himalayas somewhere.
How are we supposed to uncurse the box
if we don't know where it even came from?
I know you'll probably shoot this down,
but what if we reenter the Memory Box
to find out where it came from
and return it to where it belongs?
That's not a bad idea.
It's not?
It's not ideal, but I can see it working.
There is no obvious physical danger,
no traveling.
Plus, we don't have
too many other options.
A spy mission behind enemy lines
to find out an evil mastermind's weakness!
I can get behind that.
Then may I make a request?
Sure, Stanley. What is it?
Larry and I would like to accompany you
-on your adventure.
You wanna come with us?
You have not wished us
to leave the house for obvious reasons.
But this time, we would not have to.
Because you would just be in a memory,
not out in public.
We believe we could be
of great help to the family.
Plus, we talking skulls
have very few opportunities for outings.
Since you put it that way,
how can I say no?
Welcome aboard, fellas.
[both cheer]
Now, everybody,
place your hands on the box.
And remember,
they can see you and hear you.
[sighs] Here goes nothing.
[mechanism whirring]
Oh, no! Where's Linda?
She wasn't touching the box,
so she's probably outside the memory.
[sighs] That's a bummer.
She'd really enjoy the field trip.
We're still in the restricted wing?
I thought we were going to the monastery.
I did what I did last time.
I don't know why it didn't--
Wait a minute.
This part here is one notch over.
Each one of these
must be a different memory.
Like you're changing channels
on a remote control.
[Stanley] Look at this.
They were still constructing
the security system.
Is this how you remember it
back in the day?
No, we weren't awake yet.
We didn't come to until after old Corny
was already petrified.
Russ, are you having trouble
figuring this thing out?
-I can help.
-Well, I get the on-and-off switch.
It's the jumping between memories
I'm still working on.
[clattering continues]
[speaks indistinctly] Yes.
[speaks indistinctly]
I've never seen anyone so happy
about a big box of blacksmithing tools.
Hmm, now, now where-where
is that blasted incantation?
Yes, yes, yes. There it is.
"Sound of steel cries.
From the forge of Vulcan, rise!"
[metal squeaking]
-[gasps] Wha-- [stammers]
Is someone in here?
[gasps] He's heard us!
-Capture the intruders!
-[footsteps thudding]
He's only a memory. He can't do anything.
-Right, Russ?
Uh, I'm not so sure.
Memory or not, we are out of here.
-Hurry up and change the channel!
I'm trying.
There's a metal monster chasing after us.
Try harder!
[whimpering, grunts]
I think I've got it.
-[panting] Stanley, Larry, hurry!
-[panting, whimpers]
Put your hands on the box.
[footsteps thudding]
[yelling, grunting]
[grunts, screams]
-Oh, dear.
We need to go back and get them.
Russ? Can you get us back there?
Yes, I think so.
I just don't know exactly where they are.
Or where we are, for that matter.
June 1909.
Does that help?
June 1909?
That's only two months
before Cornelius's journal entries stop.
And two months
before he likely turned to stone.
Great. So we know Stanley and Larry
are trapped sometime before this.
Let's go get them.
-[Cornelius] If it is there as you say…
Quick. Hide.
…then an expedition might be in order.
I've been studying the region for years.
I'm the only person who can
take you to Tlatoani's Defense.
[Cornelius] That chest will be
the centerpiece of my collection.
Now, where is it?
No offense, but I've heard you're
not that trustworthy, Mr. Vanderhouven.
I will guide you to the exact location
once we get to Mexico.
Why should I believe you
when I have a dozen men
with university degrees
telling me such a thing
does not even exist?
Because none of those scholars
have accounted for the fact
that the river has shifted west
in the last four centuries.
I forge my own path.
And if you fund the expedition, that path
will lead you right to the chest.
Tlatoani's Defense has intrigued me
for years.
The immense power such an acquisition
would bring, one can hardly imagine.
Make the arrangements.
Very good, Mr. Vanderhouven.
[gears clicking]
[Russ] You think this chest has
anything to do with the family curse?
The timing does line up.
Then let's go see
what the old gargoyle's up to.
I've never seen that tunnel before.
Check it out.
This is where the hourglass usually hangs.
And all that briar, it's not here.
I wonder what's been hiding
back there all these years?
It's a big metal door, like a vault.
What would he need to lock up
that's more dangerous
than the rest of the cursed things
out here?
-Oh, I understand this Memory Box now.
Oh, it's a cipher based on
chronological input rather than--
-Who are you?
-And how did you get my Memory Box?
[Russ] It's not yours. You stole it.
Mark my words, you hooligan.
You'll rue the day
-you trespassed upon Briarstone Manor.
-[groans, grunts]
If you do not answer my questions,
I will be forced
to become increasingly unpleasant.
[grunts] Uh, how unpleasant?
Like, rude looks,
passive-aggressive remarks?
I see by your obstinance
I will need to be more persuasive.
[grunts, groans]
Okay, okay. I will tell you everything.
[inhales sharply] I'm your
Horus Vanderhouven.
You? My progeny?
I think not.
Hey, you think I want
to be related to you?
You're the one who ruined our
family legacy with your greed.
How dare you?
No. How dare you?
This is all your fault.
-Plus, you aren't even real.
You're just a memory.
And you are a lying two-bit thief
who has snuck into my home
to pilfer my precious belongings.
If I was just a thief, how would I know
my way around the restricted wing so well?
How do you know
that's what I call this area?
Because I live here.
Same way I know about the golden
baboon head you stole from the Congo.
Or the scryer bowl
you cheated Mr. Pechman out of.
Or how you stole this Memory Box
from the monastery in the Himalayas.
You know, the one on Mount "Kashmanika"?
Ha! It wasn't "Kashmanika," you ignoramus.
It was Adrsya.
That proves you are nothing
but a charlatan.
What is Russ doing?
He's tricking Cornelius into
revealing the location of the monastery.
You're right. You busted me. [chuckles]
But if you give me the box back
and let me go,
I promise I will never tell
anyone about your secrets.
Of course you won't.
Because I will ensure
-you never leave here.
But I-I'm family!
You may have the Vanderhouven name,
but you are not family.
Way to squeeze that information
out of him, big brother.
[chuckles] Thanks,
but we need to get that box back
if we want to get out of here.
And go rescue Stanley and Larry.
[panting, sighs]
This guy is basically
an all-you-can-eat-buffet of secrets.
-Yes, I am hungry.
-[dial cranking]
[Russ] That looks like a bank vault.
[Sky] If he locks that box in there,
we're never getting it out.
This time, I've got a plan.
Come on, this way. [shushes]
[vault opens]
-[Sky] Hey!
How many of you trespassers are in here?
It would be a shame to smash these.
I'm sure they have quite
a one-of-a-kind cursed history.
You wouldn't dare.
Wanna try me?
-Let's go.
What do you want?
All we want is that box so we can go home.
-Too bad.
-[grunting] Russ! Do your thing!
-[gasps, grunts]
-Get off me, you cretin!
Trust me,
I don't want to be anywhere near you!
Even the memory of you stinks!
Russ, catch!
[both grunting]
One stop before we go home.
[all gasp]
[Sky] Oh, no, Larry!
Get away from him, you old rust bucket!
Hey, be nice.
He was just giving me a quick trim.
And his name is Hank.
[all sigh]
[squeaks, clatters]
Turns out Hank was cursed by an
angry blacksmith, but don't say anything.
He's rather sensitive about it.
Uh, sorry, Hank.
Thanks for the trim.
See you on the other side.
All right.
-Let's go home.
[all sigh]
Hey, girl. Miss me?
Good to be home, but I'm gonna miss Hank.
He may still be here somewhere.
We should go find him.
That's great and all, but let's get
this box back to Mount Adrsya first.
We feel terrible
that Cornelius stole your Memory Box.
I don't know if any
of your stories are left.
Our memories were not erased.
They were simply locked away
where no thief could defile them.
Oh, partitioning the hard drive.
[Pandora] That should be the last artifact
to end the curse. Let's go see Dad!
[panting] I can't wait to
tell him we met Cornelius.
I have so many questions to ask him.
We're on our way, Alex.
Oh, no.
He's still stone?
[sighs] I don't get it.
That should have been the final artifact.
[groans] What else do we have to do?
Well, we've checked all the rooms.
Except for the one
we didn't know existed until now.
Look, behind the hourglass,
in the corridor we saw in the memory!
There's one last strand
of red-thorned briar.
And it leads right to Cornelius's vault.
Luckily, I remember the combination.
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