Dahaad (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

New Beginnings

Don't forget us when you're in Delhi.
We want to see you
on a video call every Sunday.
It's getting late. There'll be traffic.
-Yeah, let's go.
-Come on.
-I'll take your leave.
-Take care of yourself.
Let's go.
Shall we?
Come on, we're getting late.
-Mama has a very long face.
-She'll be fine.
Forget about it.
Just focus on the competition.
Always remember what I told you.
You're smart and intelligent.
You can be whatever
you want to be in life.
A career is very important.
You shouldn't be dependent
on others for money.
The taste of hard-earned bread
is the sweetest.
Hold it. Yes, sir?
Any news on Anand Swarnakar? Where is he?
Sir, he canceled his ticket to Kathmandu.
Oman Airways just called.
He's hiding somewhere in India.
Somewhere in India?! That could
mean anywhere, Mr. Devi Singh.
Sir, we're trying to find out.
Double your efforts.
Yes, sir.
Let me show you something else.
It's me.
Where are you?
I didn't call for chitchat.
I have something important to tell you.
The police are looking for you everywhere.
You won't escape them for long.
Don't worry about me.
I'll do what I have to.
I'll handle it my way.
I've kept something from you
since we were kids.
But now, I want you to know.
I just hope you have the guts to hear it.
Go on.
How do you really think our mother died?
Everyone knows. She fell down the stairs--
She didn't fall.
She was made to fall.
She was pushed down the stairs.
Our beloved father did it.
He was beating our mother.
And when she tried to save herself,
he pushed her down the stairs.
She died instantly.
You're lying.
Father told me what happened.
And you told me the same story.
Because Father persuaded me
to tell everyone that she slipped.
So, that's what I did.
I lied to you, to the police, to everyone.
But why are you telling me this
after all these years?
I just wanted you to know…
that the father you worship
is, in fact, an unworthy bastard.
He murdered our mother.
This doesn't change what you've done.
Sir! Shiv just called!
Anand called him a few minutes ago.
Kassim is tracing the call.
Sawant, ask everyone around
if they saw anyone suspicious.
Morey, wake them up.
Sir, look!
They're still at the guest house.
They found a phone in Anand's room,
but he hasn't returned yet.
If he dumped his phone there,
he isn't coming back.
We've sent Anand's photo
and profile to the Mumbai Police.
Well, he must have left Mumbai.
He knows we're tracing his calls.
What brings you here?
Anand called me last evening.
He told me everything…
about what you did.
I didn't do anything.
It's all a fabrication
of his wretched mind.
You're dead to me.
And consider me dead too.
Shiv, listen to me.
I don't want to see your face again.
I've told Anand's wife and Tarini as well.
Don't try to contact us.
Join your right hands
and declare your consent
before God and His Holy Church.
I, Richard Abraham,
take you, Miriam Sushila, to be my wife.
I promise to be true to you
in good times and in bad.
In sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you
all the days of my life.
I, Miriam Sushila,
take you, Richard Abraham,
to be my husband.
I promise to be faithful to you
in good times and in bad.
To love you and to honor you
all the days of my life.
Your witnesses?
Yes. Mr. and Mrs. DeCorla-Souza.
He's the principal
at Mission School, where I teach.
-Thank you.
To the newlyweds!
We wish you all the happiness
in the world.
-Thank you so much.
-Thank you.
I have to tell you something.
The students didn't like the Hindi teacher
who was here before Richard came along.
I don't know what magic he has spun!
It's been two weeks since he joined, and
all the students have become Hindi fans.
One of them even said
"Good morning" to me in Hindi.
He said, "Suprabhaat, sir!"
I thought it was someone's name!
You taught them that, right?
Miriam, I can't tell you
how much he has helped me.
Not just with the school job, but
when I was looking for a house,
he sent ma'am along.
She must have shown me at least 20 houses.
And finally, when we
entered this one house,
he said, "Yes! I want
to live here with Miriam."
I hope you like it too.
It must be nice since you chose it.
I need to use the washroom.
I want to call Melissa.
My phone!
Did you leave it in the restaurant?
I don't remember. I had it with me.
Don't worry. I'll buy you a new one.
-All my contacts are on that phone.
-That's OK. Never mind.
We'll get the numbers from Melissa.
We have just got married.
Don't get upset over something so trivial.
I'll buy you a new one.
Let's enjoy the view.
What a beautiful house!
Do you like it?
It's lovely!
Not lovelier than you.
Hello, Mrs. Abraham.
-Hang the murderers!
-Hang the murderers!
Why didn't the authorities act sooner?
Who will answer for the murder
of innocent women?
The murderers worked
in full view of the police,
killing 29 innocent girls,
one after the other.
And an oblivious Devi Singh
could do nothing!
But the people want to know the truth!
They're chanting slogans.
They didn't even bother to report
their daughters missing.
Bhaati sir, I found something
on the cybercafe computer.
-Devi sir!
Sir, I managed to restore
the data that Anand deleted.
He used to video chat on a website
called "onlinedostichat.com."
The IP address matches the times
Anand was at the cybercafe.
Who did he chat with?
-I can't tell.
-How can you find out?
The website guys. They have all the data.
Ask them.
Find out who owns the domain name.
I'll send it to you via email.
I'm starving.
I'll get the dinner ready.
Can you post this letter
on your way to school?
Melissa must be wondering
where I've disappeared!
We should have a baby.
You spend all your time working at it,
so it won't be long.
I really like kids.
I want to give them all the happiness
in the world.
All my love
and the happy childhood I never had…
I want my children to have it all.
You'll be a wonderful father.
When God created the world…
the water in the sea was sweet.
So, no one on earth lacked drinking water.
There was more water
than Man could ever thirst for.
God then said to Man…
"For every sin you commit,
a grain of salt will fall into the sea."
Man thought, "How can a grain
of salt make a difference?"
So, he began to sin.
One by one, grains of salt
fell into the sea.
And in no time, the seawater turned salty.
And the sweet water that God
had created became undrinkable.
And that is why man should never sin.
God is watching everything.
No thieving. No lying.
No bad deeds. No bad thoughts.
Did you post my letter?
I posted it ages ago.
I'll be late tonight.
-I'm going to Panjim.
I need to order some books
for the schoolchildren.
Excuse me.
Actually, my scooter has broken down,
and I'm late for a meeting.
Is the bus usually on time?
The board up there
has all the information.
Thank you.
Going to the office?
Excuse me.
Actually, my scooter has broken down,
and I'm late for a meeting.
Is the bus usually on time?
Yes. Every 20 minutes.
Oh! Thank you.
Going to the office?
Is it nearby?
It's in Tiswadi.
GCC. I'm a nurse at GCC.
My meeting is in Tiswadi too.
work at Pure Water Filter as a salesman.
How long does it take by bus?
-Half an hour.
-Half an hour?
Then I'm going to be late for my meeting.
Thank you.
You can come with me if you want.
It's up to you.
I can drop you off at the hospital
on my way.
I see.
Night shift?
Your family doesn't mind?
No. I mean I was only asking because…
you work at night.
So, don't they get worried?
It gets very dark.
The roads get deserted.
Moreover, you're a good-looking woman.
-My parents live in Macasana.
-Oh, I see.
So, do you live here alone?
That's great.
It's very brave for a woman
to be living alone.
Stop right here.
Thank you.
It was nice meeting you.
Same here.
It would be really nice
if you stayed in touch.
I don't have many friends here.
I'm just trying to make some.
Only if you want to.
Yes, sir. Anand created
the ID "richard008."
He used it to chat with Miriam Sushila.
We traced the IP address
to a Christian NGO in Nagpur.
What are you planning next?
I think Sub-Inspector Bhaati and I
should go to Nagpur immediately.
This is Kartik.
I know.
I saved your number the other day.
Ever since we met, I haven't
stopped thinking about you.
I'm sorry, but I don't know
what's gotten into me after I met you.
It's OK.
There's no need to say sorry.
Can we meet again?
So, I can figure out
what I saw in you in that first meeting.
But if you don't want to see me,
you can just say so.
I won't bother you again.
Tuesday is my day off from the hospital.
We could meet then.
-Are you going alone?
The person leading the investigation
is coming with me.
You mean Anjali and you
are going there together.
Why don't you tell me the truth…
that there's something
going on between you two?
There's nothing going on between us.
We just work together. That's it.
Don't lie to me.
What is the matter with you?
What's going on?
You should ask yourself that question.
What's going on?
You spend all your time with Anjali.
Are you that fond of her?
Alright, then.
Go and live with her.
Don't come back here.
I've been raising our children
on my own as it is.
I'll just carry on.
-No one needs you here.
-Listen to me.
-Shivangi, listen to me.
-What is it?
What is the matter with you?
Just let it be.
Let go.
Let go of me!
Finish your packing.
Miriam quit about a month ago.
-She was getting married.
-To whom?
I don't know.
Do you know where she lived?
Do you have an address?
It must be somewhere here.
She left a month ago.
How did she pay? Cash or check?
Govardhan Cooperative Bank,
Sitabuldi Branch.
Did she have any friends
whom we could talk to?
She called just once
before landing in Goa.
But I haven't heard from her since.
Do you know anything about the man
she was going to marry?
His name is Richard.
They met on the Internet.
They were chatting online for three years.
He asked her to marry him,
and Miriam said yes.
Do you have a photo of her?
She withdrew 10,000 rupees on 30th June
from the ATM on Furtala Road.
Nothing since.
That was one day before she left.
-What's her account balance?
-It's good.
2,56,510 rupees.
If you notice any activity or
transaction, let us know immediately.
Sir, Miriam left Nagpur a month ago.
She hasn't been in touch
with anyone ever since.
The only information we have
is that she left for Goa
to get married in Panjim.
So, you want to go to Goa now?
Sir, her friend told us
that the guy's name is Richard.
We know Anand was using that name
to chat with Miriam.
This man is Anand, sir.
We can find out more in Goa.
What if he flies on to Paris?
Will you go visiting the Eiffel Tower?
We're short of funds.
Stop playing a game of cat and mouse,
and contact the Goa Police.
You can go there
only if they have a strong lead.
OK, sir. Jai Hind.
We have to get back tomorrow.
And what about the Panjim lead?
He wants us to leave it to the Goa Police.
If they find something, they'll call.
The professor really knows
how the human mind works.
He chooses his victims wisely.
Poor Miriam has no family.
That's why she fell right into his trap.
I don't know who convinced the world
that marriage is the cure for loneliness.
It's a popular belief.
But marriage is
the world's biggest eyewash.
Sir, please explain that to my mother!
I'll be forever indebted to you!
You are seeing someone, right?
I was, but not anymore.
It wasn't serious anyway.
How did you meet your wife?
Arranged marriage.
My first posting was in Udaipur.
My family is from there.
Then I was transferred to Jaipur.
My mother went on a hunger strike.
She swore not to eat a morsel
until I married a girl of her choice.
To get her to eat, I had to get married.
Are you happy?
When I see my kids happy,
it seems worth it.
My kids are very sweet.
Shivangi isn't like me.
So, we often have…
Look at me, telling you my sob story!
Everyone has a sob story.
I understand because
my parents were no different.
Papa was broad-minded,
and my mom is totally old-fashioned.
Papa always used to say,
"Don't depend on anyone in life.
You ought to make a living
and earn respect."
He sent me to a good school,
a good college.
He even changed our surname
from Meghwal to Bhaati
so I wouldn't have to endure
what he endured.
And my mother still blames him
for the way I turned out.
Like what?
The way I am. I never listen to my mother.
If she had her way,
I'd be married tomorrow,
and pregnant the next day.
I'm glad you didn't listen to her,
or else we wouldn't have met.
I mean…
the department would have been
deprived of a gifted officer like you.
I'll get some water.
My brother's wife and my parents
don't get along.
So, the family pressure
is on your shoulders.
That's why I live away from home,
and do this night shift job…
Don't you like your job?
The work isn't a problem.
But the timings are just…
It gets very lonely.
Have you spoken to your parents about it?
They don't care.
As long as I send them money every month…
it's all OK.
To be honest with you…
I feel lonely too.
I'm so glad that my scooter broke down
that day, or I'd be walking alone today.
In the early days of love,
only a few words are exchanged.
Eyes do the talking.
Bodies talk.
No one can hear anything,
but so much has been said.
What is love at first sight?
I went for a job interview today.
There's a tuition college in Panjim
that offers evening classes.
But why? Are you leaving the school job?
Now that we're planning to have
a baby, I have got to earn more, right?
Two jobs at once?
How will you manage?
I'll manage.
The timings don't clash.
School's done by early afternoon.
Tuition classes are between
4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
They pay well.
It'll be 10:00 p.m.
by the time you get home.
I don't have a choice, Miriam.
You know what the school pays.
We can't run the house on that.
I need to make some extra money.
But you need not stress yourself out.
I can take up a job too.
You've worked hard enough
all your life, Miriam.
Now, just focus on being a mother.
I want to talk to you about something.
My father is forcing me to get married.
He's chosen a girl for me.
He's pressurizing me to marry her.
Because her family has agreed
to all his demands.
Demands? You mean a dowry?
My brother is coming next week
to take me back.
I won't let them bully me this time.
Renuka, I've thought of a solution.
But first, I need to know
how you feel about me.
You know how I feel about you, Kartik.
Will you marry me?
Miriam's body has not been found.
Nor has there been any activity
on her bank account.
It's not his usual pattern.
What do you think?
Is she still alive?
I hope so.
What else can we hope for?
I couldn't stop the bastard
when I had the chance.
And now I think I'll never catch him.
He's a serial killer, Bhaati.
A leopard never changes its spots.
He'll resurface.
Instead of getting disheartened,
just be extremely alert.
I'll stay in Panjim
on Saturdays and Sundays.
They're paying me double
for some extra classes,
and my accommodation as well.
When will you come home?
So I'll be alone for two days?
I'll spend all Monday with you.
I've already talked to Mr. Raymond
and asked for a day off.
Message me if you need anything.
Hello, Miriam ma'am.
Mayur, the fridge gas is finished.
-OK. Let me check.
-Come in.
The compressor is dead.
It needs replacing.
It will cost 15,000 rupees.
You'll have to pay 12,000 in advance.
I don't have that much cash on me.
The compressor has to be
paid for in advance, ma'am.
-Can I pay by debit card?
Miriam Sushila's card
has been used in Goa.
We're going to Goa, sir.
OK. Keep me posted.
There's a shop called
Arulkar Electronics on Divar Island.
She paid them with her debit card.
There are three ferry terminals
at Divar Island.
Old Goa, Ribandar, and Naroa.
Send the teams to each port.
Parghi, go with them
and supervise the search.
Bhaati and I will head to the island
and talk to the store owner.
-Do you recognize her?
-Yes, that's Miriam.
And him?
That looks like Richard, Miriam's husband.
Yes! That's him.
-Was he in the house?
He wasn't at home yesterday
when I went there.
But I know him. He teaches Hindi
at my son's school.
Do you have a vehicle?
You, go that way.
Just knock.
-Miriam Sushila?
-Where's your husband?
-In Panjim.
-What are you doing?
What happened? Why are you
looking for Richard?
His name is not Richard,
it's Anand Swarnakar.
He's a very dangerous man.
You people are clearly mistaken! Stop it!
If we were mistaken, we wouldn't
have come all the way from Jaipur.
Look carefully. His name
is not Richard, it's Anand.
He's a college professor in Mandawa.
There's no one here.
Miriam, where is he?
-I told you, he's in Panjim.
-Where in Panjim?
At Formula Coaching Classes.
He's a tutor there.
When does he get home?
In the evening. But he's staying
in Panjim this weekend.
He said he'd be back on Monday morning.
Does he have a phone?
Call him right now and ask where he is.
Come on.
I understand how difficult
this must be for you.
But you're the only one who can help us.
He has killed 29 girls.
Do you understand?
He has murdered 29 girls.
You're lucky that you're still alive.
His next victim may not be so lucky.
Speak normally.
Don't let him suspect anything.
Tell him that you're unwell
and you need him home.
We're at the Ribandar ferry parking lot.
This is the location that we traced.
But there's no sign of him.
Stay there.
Sir. There's a phone ringing.
Break it open!
What's going on, Kailash?
We found his phone.
It was in the scooter trunk.
The parking attendant says
that the scooter has been here all day.
When he's about to commit a crime,
he leaves his phone behind.
He could be
with his next victim right now.
We must get hold of him
before another girl dies.
I've put all the teams on high alert.
We've set up checkpoints all over Goa.
He's probably taken the girl to a hotel.
We need to check all the hotels.
There are 50 hotels in every lane in Goa.
It'll take really long to find him.
What do you suggest?
There's an association
of hotel owners in Goa.
We'll contact them.
Cross-check it.
I'm right here, sir.
Send an alert to every hotel.
Oh, shit!
-What's wrong?
-The condom.
I'll buy you
a morning-after pill tomorrow.
I have asked the priest
to be ready at 7:00 a.m.
By 8:00 a.m., we'll be husband and wife.
Once we're married, we'll go straight
to your parents in Macasana.
You think your parents will like me?
If I like you, why wouldn't they?
Is that so?
What are you doing? Kartik, don't do that!
-It's our first night.
-I'm collecting memories.
-Kartik, please don't do this to me.
-Calm down!
Parghi, go that way.
Where is he?
Come on, hurry up.
You've run for long enough,
Anand Swarnakar!
-What are you doing?
-Come on! Get up!
Who are they? Kartik!
Don't move.
His name is Anand Swarnakar.
He's responsible for
the deaths of 29 women.
Take him away!
Parghi? We've got him.
What's your name?
You're lucky to be alive.
Be grateful and move on.
Come on.
For many months, the Rajasthan Police
have been searching for the man
who murdered 29 women.
After a search operation
that went on for months,
the perpetrator was
finally arrested in Goa today,
where he was about
to kill his next victim.
-Sir, look into the camera.
I'd like to take this opportunity
to thank all the Mandawa police officers
who worked day and night
to carry out this search operation.
I'm also grateful
to the other police teams
who helped the Mandawa police officers
in the investigation.
-What steps will you take moving forward?
-Sir, could you…
I just want to know why you did it.
Why did you kill those innocent girls?
They weren't innocent.
Innocent girls don't flirt with strangers
and spread their legs for them.
Innocent girls don't cross the line.
So, they deserved to be punished?
And so do you.
What did you think?
You thought you'd become a police officer
and rise above the others?
A uniform can't change your skin.
Wherever you go, people can see
straight through you.
They see the way you look at your boss.
He's a married man, he has kids,
but you can't resist.
You can't hide anything from me, Anjali.
I see everything. Everything!
I know your background.
To change your name, place an ad, get us
the affidavit and necessary documents.
Madam, I've worked here for 12 years.
This is the first time someone's changing
their name from Bhaati to Meghwal.
-How long will it take?
-Two weeks.
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