Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e08 Episode Script

Expiration Date on Grief

[solemn music playing]
[radio host] Life was so hectic
that I took her presence for granted.
That's why I didn't notice.
She was always telling me
that everything was fine, don't worry.
That we'd leave our troubles behind us.
But I kept missing
all the signals she was sending me.
The way she talked,
the look in her eyes her warm tone.
There were red lights flashing everywhere.
But I didn't realize
they were signs that she'd leave me.
[Da-eun] If it wasn't for me
missing all of the signs he was sending
If I hadn't been
the nurse in charge of his care
to begin with,
would things have turned out differently?
[opening theme playing]
[footsteps approaching]
- [Da-eun] Oh
- [chuckles]
For you. Caffeine-free tea.
It's better for you right now.
Thanks for being so helpful.
[Hyeok-soo chuckles]
[groans softly]
Sorry this has been so much.
I know everyone's looking out.
Seems like you're feeling better?
[chuckles softly] Yeah.
For a while, I got sorta lost.
How could I forget something like that?
Dissociation is
a defense mechanism of a sort.
When someone goes through
a traumatic event,
it's natural that mental pliancy
could snap instead of flexing.
Some might unconsciously erase
the entire incident,
just blank it out totally.
[inhales deeply, sighs]
I want to do better
so all of you don't keep worrying.
But I guess I don't really know how.
Well, there's an old saying.
That "time is the very best
kind of medicine,"
but it can sound cliched.
Except in your case, I'm certain
that you're going to recover with time.
So, I just need a little time
to feel better?
Time is what you need, of course.
That being said,
how you use that time
is what really matters.
You should try keeping a schedule
in order to sleep well.
Don't skip any meals, always eat
on time, and exercise regularly.
You'll be better soon
as long as you can stick with that.
Yes. I'll make sure I try.
I wouldn't want to worry you, so
Mm, worry us?
I know how it looks.
I'm a third-year, not a new recruit.
It's not the first time,
I've lost a patient before.
No matter how many times you see it,
the loss of a patient always hits as hard.
It should be upsetting to lose someone.
Experiencing sadness is natural.
He was our patient, wasn't he?
For the patients' sake, and ours, too,
experience shows one thing.
We all need time to heal.
[breathes deeply]
I promise that I'll get much better.
But you should probably rest.
Just a few days, all right?
What'd you hear from Ms. Song?
Oh, she wants me to take a day off.
So, are you gonna do it?
I would rather just work, I think.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah. I just don't want to be
a burden the unit.
Hey, don't worry about
being any type of burden, 'kay?
It's just better to stay.
And all this work
can be a great distraction.
I don't want to cause you any worry,
that's all.
So I'm gonna go on a coffee run
as a treat from me.
I'll get it now.
- I'll go along.
- Oh, no, I'll just be a second.
A latte, lemon tea, Americano?
- And a blondie.
- A blondie.
[Go-yun] Sir, don't be nervous.
You can loosen up and relax.
You're in good hands. It won't take long.
Let's get started.
[patient] Okay.
[machines whirring, beeping]
[Go-yun] Bovie, please.
- Was that our last one?
- [woman] Yes.
- I'm gonna drop by the Psychiatry Unit.
- All right.
- [Go-yun panting]
- Huh?
Oh, Dr. Dong.
You must've just been in surgery.
[chuckles softly]
Lately, I'm just a little concerned.
- Oh
- Yeo-hwan told me about it.
And you weren't answering my calls.
I guess I was sort of out of it.
So, have you been feeling better?
Actually, still struggling a bit.
I'm reminded of Kim Seo-wan
from time to time.
He's someone I shouldn't have forgotten.
Da-eun, um
Hey, Doctor?
- Huh?
- Do you think you could give me a month?
A month?
I should focus on processing
and making sure I work this out.
I don't wanna have to go on pretending.
Whenever I think of Seo-wan,
I'd like to just let myself mourn.
I want to give that a try.
And then maybe I can start
to feel like the old Da-eun again.
When that happens,
you can ask me your question from before,
if you'd still like to hear the answer.
I know this is only recent,
so I I've thought about this quite a lot.
[soft instrumental music playing]
[sighs softly, chuckles]
I'll ask you.
Could we maybe start dating?
[soft music continues]
I think that I'll be able to
answer your question.
Ah, just one month, really?
I'll wait 12 months if you need it.
I'll wait as many months as you need.
Don't worry,
I'll always be here.
So please put all your energy
into getting all better. That's the goal.
Then let's plan on a month.
You can tell
From the way I am looking at you ♪
Hey you can make gimbap, right?
Can't you see me?
Why do you pretend that you can't? ♪
I've always had ♪
[Yeo-hwan] Why does the side
keep bursting open?
♪my eyes on you only ♪
Quit and buy a roll.
You're not that good a gimbap chef, man.
Well, it's for Deul-re.
I'm just proving
that I'm more than sandwiches.
I have absolutely no idea
About what you like ♪
So I've been trying ♪
[Yeo-hwan sighs]
You're gonna eat
the ones I messed up, all right?
Now I look silly ♪
I want to be loved ♪
I want to be loved ♪
Much, much more ♪
Hey, come on.
Switch the music to something else.
You can't just repeat that song.
["Propose" continues playing]
Hey, Yeo-hwan.
How many times in a month
could I listen to this song on repeat?
Well, we'll say that's about 30 days.
Twenty-four times. Take that
So then the total is 14,400 hundred times.
It's only been about ten,
so basically that means 14,390 to go. Ugh!
What's the matter with you?
Well, I told Da-eun so confidently
that I'd wait as long as it took.
But this is so hard.
[Go-yun sighs wearily]
Sucks to be you, huh?
[knuckles cracking]
Cracking your knuckles again?
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man.
It's happening again
'cause I can't see her.
Ugh, I can't wait that long!
- [knuckles cracking] Move it.
- Hey!
Time to try again. [muttering]
What? Wh what do you want me to do?
- Just swing hard.
- Huh?
I'll go into a coma.
A great idea, isn't it?
Knock me out.
Ideally, I want to be out a month.
So do your worst.
- [yells]
- [frying pan dings]
[pained groaning]
[Yeo-hwan] Ar-are you all right?
People don't pass out that easily.
[pained groaning]
[groans dejectedly]
It's only been a minute.
[knuckles cracking, groans]
Aww, man.
Ten o'clock?
No, half past.
[Ms. Song] You should try
keeping a schedule in order to sleep well.
You'll be better soon
as long as you can stick with that.
Be diligent.
It's all much easier said than done.
[air pumping]
Oh! Sorry.
- [woman] Ms. Jung. Ms. Jung!
- Yeah?
Great. Now breathe out slowly
[groans tiredly]
[Yu-chan] Hey, Jungda!
Are you coming out?
You gave up already?
Isn't this a bit much?
Working out, after work.
I want to get better, and this is how.
Who says?
Nurse Song, our boss.
- You're saying the hospital already knows?
- 'Course.
All right, is there a reason
that I got told dead last?
As your oldest friend,
I should've been the first one you told.
It's not like it was good news.
Hey, you might lose me
if you're not careful.
Hold on, you kept your condition
from me too, right?
Ah, touché.
It's because of you I've gotten better.
I'll pay you back, okay?
You know,
being so obliged to you sucks. [chuckles]
[scoffs softly] Great. That's so lovely.
- You ready?
- Let's not.
- You asked to play, so
- But it's so late.
- Too bad. Here it comes!
- [sighs]
- Hey.
- Huh?
Can we make a snack?
[nurse] Nothing out of the ordinary
happened overnight.
The patient got a good amount of sleep.
She'll be taken for an ERP test
a bit later today too.
Ms. Han Jae-hui, Room 510, came to the ER
and got admitted by the night shift.
Should I take her myself?
Oh, no, I'll do fine. Thank you.
[air pumping]
[air hissing]
Nothing unusual.
Whoa. [giggles]
You're pretty cool, Ms. Jung, you know?
Like, that was so fast.
I appreciate that.
You could use some lotion on your hands.
Oh We always use a bunch
of hand sanitizer up here.
I've got some lotion, I'll happily share!
- Oh, I
- [chuckles]
Here, try this lotion.
What d'you think?
- [Da-eun] Um
- It's soft, and fragrant, too, you know?
[sniffs, giggles]
Right thank you.
Oh, I think the whole place smells nicer,
all thanks to you, Jae-hui.
Do you mean that?
[giggles softly]
Aww! I'm so happy now.
Nurse, please come!
There's some trouble in the ward. Quick!
- Someone's freaking out.
- Uh, call for Man-cheon, please.
- [woman] Stop. What are you doing?
- [Jae-hui] It smells nice.
- [woman protests]
- Hey, Jae-hui.
- Jae-hui, wait.
- Ugh, stop it, seriously, don't!
Just try it.
Jae-hui, can you tell me what's going on?
You told me yourself, right?
This hand lotion is really nice.
So I went out and put
a little bit on them to try. [giggles]
That was nice, huh?
Jae-hui, um, the other patients
didn't ask you to do that.
- You should try not to disturb them.
- And what does that mean?
- Why're you being like this now?
- Huh?
I tried putting the effort in for you,
and now I'm like a big bitch somehow?
- Jae-hui, please, that's not
- Fine, I get it. I'll take it off.
Are you crazy?!
I messed up, don't you get it?
I'm trying to fix it!
[Da-eun] Jae-hui, calm down.
Jae-hui. Please! Please calm down.
I can't put my lotion on
or take it off, huh?
I'll just use it all, then,
all by myself, 'kay?
[Da-eun] Jae-hui, oh! Jae-hui!
- Jae-hui, stop!
- Let go!
- Please give it to me.
- Ugh, let go!
I said let go!
- [wails]
- [frightened screams]
No! Jae-hui, listen! Stop, put it down!
[angry wailing]
- Everybody.
- I said let go!
- Let's get you back to your rooms.
- Try to relax. Just try to relax.
[Jae-hui wails]
- [Ms. Hong] We'll clean it up.
- [Mr. Yoon] Calm down.
[Ms. Hong] It's okay.
Ms. Han, everything's okay.
[Ms. Hong] Let's get going,
please, everybody. Thanks.
- All right, let's go.
- [Mr. Yoon] Let's go.
[Ms. Hong] This is quite a mess.
The patient really seems
to like Da-eun a lot.
Borderline patients are like that.
They idolize you at first,
until you don't act how they want you to.
It makes them really unpredictable.
Sometimes even bipolar patients
seem stable comparatively.
Absolutely spot-on, Mr. Yoon.
Da-eun must be struggling.
[Ms. Hong]
Borderline personality disorder.
It's the hardest disease
for those around the patient.
One comment or action can be enough to
make them cross between heaven and hell.
And they often self-harm
if things don't go their way.
They really want to be loved,
but they don't know how to love others.
I'm just worried
she'll be too much for Da-eun.
She was already having it rough, you know.
Let's hope she can manage it all.
[kettle boiling]
[door lock beeps]
Ah, that's hot!
- Ow!
- You okay?
You're gonna have a scar.
One drop of hot water hurts this badly.
Just think of Ms. Han's pain, you know?
It's not easy to imagine how it must feel.
Jung-ran, by any chance,
can I ask if you would possibly
take her on?
She overreacts every time I talk with her.
Now I'm worried
she could make a bad decision.
Think she might try self-harm again?
Usually in cases like hers,
the disorder is something
that you're born with,
so cases like hers are hard to treat.
Try not to feel too bad, 'kay?
I'll be Jae-hui's primary for now.
I appreciate you reaching out for help.
You know, I had been thinking,
that when you were really struggling,
there wasn't much I could do.
That means a lot, Jung-ran.
And I'll work harder and better
to show I mean it, okay?
Mm. Okay.
I can buy the coffee. That's okay, right?
Sure, we'd appreciate it.
- What can I get you?
- Just a hot one.
- Deul-re, some for you?
- Oh an iced Americano's good.
All right, sounds good.
And four large orange juices, okay?
Thank you.
Here he is, this is the young
and rich doctor I talked about.
So choose anything.
Well, then, if you insist
- Take your time, yeah.
- A virgin vin chaud.
Virgin vin chaud here, too, thanks.
[elevator pings]
- [man] Could you press first floor?
- [woman] Eighth for me, thank you.
- [man] Maybe we shouldn't have come.
- Apparently, it's been super boring here.
[Cheol-woo] All right.
Sure you don't want that blind date?
My friend's a total catch, you know.
Is your friend much like you are?
[Cheol-woo] What does that mean?
[Min-seo] Just think it over.
You can figure it out.
How did I end up rejected?
Seriously, he's great.
Okay, how about this?
- You know anyone who might just be
- Won't you just be quiet?
I was only
Your pal sounds like
a pretty awesome guy.
- Oh, Deul-re, um
- Yes?
Wanna try out this guy?
Got a partner?
Uh, no. I'm not seeing anyone.
- Good, then I'll
- It's just, I don't like dates like that.
You'd better ask someone else.
[sighs] You'd have been great though.
[keys clacking softly]
You can just let me out
right by the intersection.
Uh [chuckles]
Somebody might see us.
Our hospital's gossip
can be a lot to handle.
maybe rings?
I can probably, um,
buy secret rings, matching ones?
- Buy rings?
- Yeah.
I don't think so. A ring would
get in the way while I'm working.
Buying rings won't do
[mysterious music playing]
Man cannot live on sandwiches alone.
[Deul-re chuckles]
Mm, it's so good.
Should we try tandem biking, like them?
I don't know how to bike.
When I was a kid, I wiped out on one, so
Ah, trauma.
You walk so much you must get sore.
Uh, we could get sneakers for you, huh?
I just put on a bandage before I go out.
Sun's a bit bright, don't you think?
How 'bout we go get sun hats?
You know,
I'm really loving sitting in the sun.
Ah-ha, Vitamin D.
[frustrated grunt]
Ugh, why isn't time passing, huh?
[knuckles cracking]
[door lock beeping]
[knuckles cracking]
[Go-yun] Huh.
Hey, ring the bell
if you're gonna show up here, man.
What's wrong?
- Jesus.
- Let's just drink.
Hey, do you think
the time might go faster
if I get totally black-out drunk?
Are you still stuck on that?
I just might reenlist, 'kay?
Moron. Who'd do that?
It's a figure of speech.
I'm desperate, that's all
- Hmm.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Why are you drinking like that, huh?
Well, I just
I'm just tired of being a loser.
Look, I know it's childish, all right?
- I just think-
It'd [sighs]
It'd be nice to get
some kind of matchy thing
A couple's thing.
You're showing off a bit, my man.
Don't ya think? Huh?
[frog ribbiting]
[Yeo-hwan] What's that?
It's this second-hand puzzle
that I'm getting.
I hear they take hours to do.
Here you go.
[Go-yun] Ahh.
[knuckles cracking]
So, the puzzle's used?
Yes, but my kid only put it together once.
Ah, is that so?
Gimme a sec.
And you made sure
these are all the pieces?
A person can go crazy
from a single missing piece, ya know?
Oh, no, don't be worried.
I counted them all.
Thank you.
How long do you suppose
it'll take to assemble it?
- [knuckles cracking]
- Uh, a day or two.
That's it?
That's, uh, pretty fast, really?
- Mm.
- [Go-yun] Oh, that won't do.
[frog ribbiting]
All right, then
[man] Uh-huh, yup, I'm here.
Oh, are you the one who?
- Yeah, that makes you Min Deul-re?
- Username Deul-re For Life, pleasure.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Okay. So 300K for every piece.
- It's a total steal.
- Oh, yeah, just gimme a
[woman] Ask if there's damage
and how long they were worn.
How long did you wear the rings?
Uh, they haven't been worn at all.
They're totally new.
Yeah, new, he said.
- But why weren't they ever worn?
- Well, um, why's that, huh?
Are they knockoffs?
Ugh, they don't seem like the real deal.
Uh, she, well
Couple rings just aren't her style.
His girl said no to couple rings.
[snickering] Jesus,
then why are they even dating?
Then why are you dating, yo?
Forget it! I'm not selling.
"Never mind," he says. He's pissed.
[laughs] Seriously? He's angry?
[boy] Guess he's not a chump.
[Go-yun] What's this?
Why are you back with that?
It was getting personal.
- And that upset you?
- That's not it.
Those kids get couple's items
to share, and
I don't even get to do that.
[tutting] That's childish, man.
I've got more marketplaces
to take you to if you wanna try again.
There's Lightning, and Carrot, and, uh
Hey, while we're here, let's search
this neighborhood top to bottom.
You're not busy?
Time is all I've got now.
[knuckles cracking]
Oh, two days?
Ah, come on, it took me an hour
[knuckles cracking]
Ah, let's look
Hi, hello, I just saw your post online.
Custom puzzles, I think it said, right?
[man] Yeah, how many pieces?
Uh, I'd like a month's worth, please.
[playful suspenseful music]
[knuckles cracking, sighs]
[grunts softly]
[knuckles cracking]
[upbeat music playing]
[Go-yun sighs]
[knuckles cracking]
[humming softly]
[Yu-chan] Two, one, two.
Work your core.
One, two, one, two, one, two, one, two.
[knuckles cracking]
[exhales softly]
Oh, ah, ow!
Ooh, dam Ah, damn it!
Aah. Ow!
[satisfied sighing]
[Da-eun] It really feels like
you only just got here.
- But it's already been a month, huh?
- That's true.
All right, then, you'll take your meds
three times daily, always with your meals.
Your next appointment is
on the fifth of next month.
So until then, just remember
it's best to stay really consistent.
Mr. Choi Jun-gi.
I'd like you to try
not to come visit me again, ever.
- [chuckles]
- [Da-eun chuckles]
I'll try.
[door lock beeps]
That's a relief.
Choi Jun-gi, you mean?
- You.
- Huh?
You look a little perkier lately.
You think so?
Another new one today, looks like.
You had her before, Patient Han Jae-hui?
Oh, Jae-hui is back already?
Only been out two weeks,
and she self-harmed again already.
D'you want me to manage it?
Oh, it's all right. I got it.
[Jae-hui groans softly]
[Da-eun] This looks like it really hurt.
This isn't painful at all.
When I'm hated, or even disliked,
that's much more painful, by a lot.
You still shouldn't
self-harm like this, you know.
You're lucky that your attempts
weren't serious injuries.
But keep up the self-harm,
and you can accidentally go
further than you intended.
You despise me, don't you?
No, I don't.
You just passed me off before
to another nurse.
I don't hate you. That's not it at all.
I thought if I stayed,
I'd make you self-harm again.
So I was worried.
I thought space was good for you.
[gentle instrumental music playing]
I wish you
would like me, too,
just as much as I like you.
I think it'd be great if you could
like yourself more.
Try to stop focusing so much
on what others think or say.
Try loving yourself, okay?
You'll be all right.
And try not to self-harm again, okay?
You're all set.
[Ms. Hong] Ugh, we always work so late.
Who's down to grab a beer?
Aww, I'm sorry, I can't.
I'm meeting up with someone.
- Deul-re, how about you?
- Let's do it another day. I'm busy too.
There's always something
after work these days.
Got a boyfriend?
- [chuckles]
- [Ms. Hong] Oh?
- I don't.
- [Ms. Hong] Well, that's a relief.
- Everyone's always so busy.
- [cell phone rings]
I'll have some all by my lonesome.
Deul-re speaking.
[man] Uh, yes, hello, ma'am.
Uh, I called to tell you
that we just found a new tenant.
- You mean it?
- [chuckles]
Then you can send the funds today?
Yes, I'll wire the provisional deposit
to your bank account right away.
[server] Take your time.
Let me know when you're ready.
[Yeo-hwan] Will do.
What's this?
It's for all of the sandwiches
and all the gimbaps you worked so hard on.
Now I'm just repaying the debt.
It's terrible to think that you
thought you were in my debt.
I just I just wanted
to do that for you, no strings attached.
When, when you love someone,
you put their needs ahead of your own.
[chuckles softly]
I appreciate that.
And I mean it, really.
I don't like it when I'm the person
doing all of the receiving, that's all.
I'll go on doing it
until you get used to gifts from me, then.
But I don't want that.
I'm sorry, but I can't accept it.
It took real courage to get this.
Please take it.
I won't. Mm.
No matter what, I'm firm on this.
[suspenseful music playing]
I mean, it is a gift, so
[customers murmuring]
- [woman laughs]
- [man] What's up with this guy?
- Need more time?
- [Yeo-hwan] We're ready.
We'll start with soju, then get the
couple's dinner, since we're
a couple, you know?
[server] Of course, miss.
You heard her, right? "Couple."
Couple's dinner, okay?
[server] The couple's dinner, yes, sir.
[chuckling softly]
[Yu-chan] Why'd you suddenly
wanna come here?
I just hoped coming here
would be fun and carefree, is all.
Sometimes I miss our grade school days.
Even if I scraped my knee out here,
I was never down for long.
I'd brush it off and start playing again.
I thought coming here
might kinda make things
a little easier to sort out.
Why's that?
Is it your job stressing you out?
I was thinking about it,
and, I mean,
sadness can't go on and on forever.
"I've been mourning for so long.
I have to move on with things."
"You've had enough time."
Thoughts like that
running through my mind, you know?
And I think moping around
makes me a burden.
So I'm going to shake it all off.
We're gonna run around and play
like back then, 'kay?
Ugh, you're a child.
You want to goof around out here?
[whimsical music playing]
- [Da-eun] Ta-da!
- Whoa, that's way too many rocks. Cool it.
Aw, you know the rocks are essential. God!
- Hey, you only play with one, just
- I'll choose this one!
- [Yu-chan] All done. There.
- Okay.
- If you step on a line, you're out!
- Ugh, I know that.
- Whoa! Wait, wait, wait! Okay!
- Whoa, that was close!
It was not!
Huh, you're all right.
[man] Hey, who is that?
- Whoa!
- Who are you people?
- So, what now?
- [squeals]
- [guard] What are you doing?
- [Yu-chan] Hey!
- [guard] Stop right there!
- We're running? Oh, we're running.
Oh God, hey.
- [both laughing]
- Whoa! Hey, we shouldn't.
- Hey!
- [guard] Stop!
I've been so happy since I met you! ♪
I could love you ♪
So much ♪
Although I'm still young! ♪
And my heart is still immature! ♪
- [clears throat] Hey!
- [music stops]
What the hell?
Hey, you gotta let me finish one verse!
- Hey, hush!
- [machine] Eight.
That's not the song we're doing!
[machine] Seven, nine, seven.
["Tears" by So Chan-whee playing]
[soft intro music]
[Yu-chan sighs]
[music becomes more dramatic]
- Let's go!
- Whoo!
[Yu-chan] Whoo!
- [Yu-chan] Yeah!
- Yes!
Nothing has happened to me! ♪
- It's like we never knew each other! ♪
- Whoa-oh-oh ♪
Couldn't you let me go like that? ♪
- You should forget about me now! ♪
- Whoo-hoo!
I know it won't be easy for you ♪
It breaks my heart
To know you'll be waiting for me! ♪
Just hate me instead! ♪
Stop clinging to me now! ♪
Don't ever look for me again! ♪
[Yu-chan singing tunelessly]
You will only get hurt because of me! ♪
- [audio fading]
- Let's go! Don't call me ♪
[feedback reverberates]
♪a cruel woman! ♪
Are are you okay?
Nothing's okay.
[solemn music playing]
[voice catching] Nothing's okay, and I
just keep getting asked
that question by everybody.
And nothing was ever really okay,
not once.
[sobbing] I wasn't wasn't okay.
It wasn't okay. It's still not.
[heaving sobs]
[Da-eun sobbing loudly]
[sobbing continues]
[Da-eun] Turns out,
time didn't solve anything for me.
Now divide those
to get the common denominator.
Come on, I said the exact same thing.
[Da-eun] Everyone has gone back
to life as usual.
I'm the only one
stuck in the same spot.
[Ms. Song] You want to take time off?
Why, all of a sudden?
I'm not sure it's that sudden.
Is it because of Mr. Kim Seo-wan?
[Da-eun] I was wrong before.
I think some time off
would actually do me good.
- [door closes]
- [man on TV] The party starts at 12.
So, everyone, please arrive here on time,
and enjoy yourselves.
Your boss? You talked to her?
What'd she say?
She said to take some time off.
I'm going to sleep now.
[Mrs. Jung] Good.
Forget about all this and go to bed.
You'll feel much better
once you've rested.
[unsettling music playing]
[yawning loudly]
[tired groaning]
So, you've been skipping sleep too?
- [sighs]
- Have you looked at the new schedule?
Our schedule's bad enough,
and I heard Ms. Park gave up her days off.
Looks like Ms. Jung being gone
is harder than we thought.
- [outgoing call tone]
- [sighs]
No answer from her
[Mrs. Jung] She must've muted her phone
to sleep.
Don't you think
it's too much sleep though?
Mrs. Jung, it's been days.
Should I wake her up?
Don't be silly. Let her sleep, Yu-chan.
She must be exhausted.
She's just catching up.
[engine revs]
[Yeo-hwan] All right,
we're almost back to your place.
I'll get out here, wait.
Why though? It's fine, I'll bring you up.
I need to stop by the store quick
before I turn in.
- I'll just get out here, 'kay?
- Uh
What do you need? Water, or? Water?
I-I'll call you later, then. Okay?
[woman] Is that you, Deul-re?
[chuckles gleefully]
I was actually heading up
to your place just now!
We ran right into each other. [chuckles]
[Yeo-hwan] Oh
So, who's this?
[Yeo-hwan] You must be
Min Duel-re's mother?
Oh, hello, ma'am.
[chuckles] We work at the same hospital.
I'm Hwang Yeo-hwan. It's a real pleasure.
- [chuckles nervously]
- Ah
Are you a doctor?
- Ma
- Uh, uh, I am. [chuckles]
It's, uh so great to meet you.
- Why don't we head up together? We can
- It's pretty late now. You should just go.
[Yeo-hwan] Oh, uh
[chuckles awkwardly]
I'd better get back.
Uh we'll talk again next time, then.
- Right. Goodbye, ma'am.
- Yes, let's! I'll hold you to that.
- So we'll we'll all meet up soon.
- Yes. I'll see you later.
[car door closes]
[mother] Well, he drives a nice car.
Your boyfriend, huh?
It's not your business.
[mother] Ah, so this is where you live?
It seems a bit on the tiny side. Right?
[Deul-re scoffs]
Why'd you bring a bag?
- So I can live with you.
- What?!
Well, I raised you, right?
It's only natural you should
take care of me in my old age.
Oh God. [groans softly]
Raised me? When exactly?
Did you forget?
Gambling and men were your top priorities.
I'd take care of everything else.
[gasps mockingly]
Oppa, listen to this brat,
how she talks to me.
That's right, Deul-re.
She's your mother. Respect her, okay?
I mean, you can't abandon your own family.
Your family too, right?
You're her brother, isn't that right?
Dumping her here on me
is better for you, I guess.
Oh goodness,
- Just look how nasty she gets.
- At 14, I had to get part-time work.
I got scholarships
just so I could put myself in school.
Because taking time off
would mean living with you longer.
And now you're saying I'm nasty?
You're a nurse now.
Shouldn't you be showing me
a little gratitude?
I just became a nurse to cover the debts!
But the debts keep piling up,
and it's driving me crazy.
You want to know what's hardest?
Paying off my debt gets rid of it,
but I can't get rid of you, Mom.
You're not gonna shake me, hon. [snickers]
Oh goodness.
- [sighs]
- [Deul-re sighs heavily]
You've been in here quite a while.
[Da-eun] Hmm?
Let's get you some food, all right?
It's been days,
you must want something to eat.
I just need to rest, that's all.
[whimsical music playing]
Get up. It's time to eat.
Please come eat a little, huh?
I'm not hungry, Mom.
Da-eun, you must be starving by now.
Let's go eat together!
Let's go! I bought groceries today!
Please eat. You'll get better if you do.
Hold this.
Just take one scoop, okay?
Here. "Ah ah"
Here, "Ah"
I just wanna lie down.
I don't know what's wrong with me either.
I know that my mom is really worried.
And I know I'm not acting normal.
But I just don't want to
do anything right now.
[cell phone beeps]
[outgoing call tone]
Yu-chan, I
[Yu-chan] Yes, ma'am?
Can you come here and help me?
Take Da-eun out today.
Some air might do her good.
She's been in bed all week,
and I'm scared.
Just get her out of her room, okay?
I'm worrying myself sick over it.
[Yu-chan] I'll be right there.
It's good
that you had it checked early on.
You won't need any surgeries now.
Come back in another month.
What day would work?
[uplifting music trill]
- [murmurs sleepily]
- Hey, Jungda.
Why are you hibernating like a bear, huh?
Come on, get up, okay?
The weather's great outside,
let's go for a walk, 'kay?
[Da-eun] No, that's too much work.
Come on, you wanted to hit the beach.
Let's take the scooter.
I've got everything we need.
Just come with me, 'kay?
Sounds fun, right? It'll be fun! Hey!
[Da-eun] Just leave me alone.
- [Yu-chan] Hey.
- What are you doing?
Ugh, let me go!
- I said let go!
- [Yu-chan] Stay still.
- [Da-eun grunts]
- Ugh, just stay still.
[Da-eun] I said let go!
I told you to just leave me alone!
Your shoes.
And here, this too.
[Da-eun grunts]
I just said I can't!
Just moping is your plan for the day?
Sleeping your life away
isn't gonna solve anything.
Hey, Da-eun, just think about this.
You're not eating or drinking.
I can hardly bear watching, Da-eun.
[sighs] Stop watching me, then.
You're not serious, right?
Hey, try to think about the rest of us.
Your mother. Your friends.
You're really scaring me.
Don't you understand?
Quit making everyone
who cares about you panic. Listen to us!
So stop caring so much if it's that hard!
I can't not care. Don't you get it?
I wonder if you're eating,
if you're feeling sick,
if you're sleeping well.
All day long, I think about you.
[Da-eun scoffs softly]
Think you matter?
[tense music playing]
I don't matter.
I'm a complete stranger.
Thing is, I
don't understand it either, you know.
I hang around you,
pathetically clinging
when you're asking me to go and
I just don't get it.
What I know
Is I won't leave you, Da-eun.
So listen to me now.
If you go on like this, you'll die-
Just go.
I don't care if I end up dead.
Then I don't care if you die either.
[engine starts, revs]
[heavy rain pattering]
[Yu-chan] Then I don't care
if you die either.
You can sleep forever,
back in your hideout.
[Da-eun] I had never seen him
that angry before.
Now everyone is suffering
because of me.
[solemn music playing]
[panicked breathing] Oh!
[unsettling music playing]
[panicked breathing continues]
[panicked breathing slows]
But even knowing that,
I still can't pick myself back up.
[tires screech]
[breathing heavily]
[doorbell chimes]
I didn't order anything.
A treatment fee.
Not for me, for Da-eun.
[Yeo-hwan] What about Da-eun?
Isn't she getting some R&R?
[Yu-chan sighs]
She's been sleeping nonstop for a week.
I dragged her outside today,
but I can't make her understand.
She was talking about
not caring if she dies.
- Da-eun actually said that?
- She did.
You know she's not someone
who'd say a thing like that.
- And
- Huh?
Uh, has has she been refusing food?
Her mom told me
it's been ages since she ate,
not since her break started.
I thought she was doing all right
after her, um, brief dissociative phase?
Well, apparently she was never all right.
Maybe she kept it hidden
to keep us from worrying.
Well, I'd have to see her in person
to say more,
Depression is likely the cause.
You think that's what Da-eun has?
In Da-eun's case, she had a sudden onset
rather than something gradual, so she
could be in a dangerous spot right now.
I mean, tell me what to
to to do for her, or how I can
Don't try to help her now, just
don't make any kind of platitudes,
like "go outside"
or "you just need some sun."
[Yu-chan] Why are you hibernating
like a bear, huh?
Come on, get up.
Let's go for a walk, 'kay?
All right? All right?
Hey, it's fun!
[Yeo-hwan] People with depression
don't even
have the energy
to get their shoes on and step outside.
Even the simplest of things like eating,
sleeping, and washing up can be too hard.
[Da-eun] I told you
to just leave me alone!
Trying to force someone to complete
a task they physically can't do
is violence, right?
[Yu-chan breathes shakily]
Sleeping your life away
isn't gonna solve anything.
I don't care if I end up dead.
[Yu-chan] Then I don't care
if you die either.
So you can sleep forever,
back in your hideout.
[breathing shakily]
Ah shit.
[Yu-chan sobbing softly]
Just how much damage did I do?
Christ, how much
did I hurt her already, huh?
Ah, she was the one
who got me out of my dark place,
but I've only driven her
further to the brink.
I said it could be dangerous,
but we don't know that yet, all right?
- I'll call her and set something up, okay?
- [doorbell chimes]
[Yeo-hwan] Yeah I'm coming.
- Home, huh?
- Uh-huh, yeah.
Do you still have that perfume,
the couple's thing, for Deul-re?
I need it. Great, thanks.
- [sobbing]
- Song Yu-chan.
You're all dressed up.
Where are you going?
Uh to see Ms. Jung.
- We said we'd meet after a month.
- She has depression.
I'll go speak to her.
Hey, Go-yun, come on.
She's not listening to anyone,
so just let me try
No, I need to go see Ms. Jung.
[Yeo-hwan] Wait, Go-yun.
Hey Go-yun, just wait up!
- [door closes]
- [Yeo-hwan sighs] Damn it.
[doorbell chimes]
Ah Oh, wh who are you?
My apologies, miss.
Uh, sorry it's late.
I'm a doctor from the hospital
where Da-eun works.
Dong Go-yun, it's nice to meet you.
Da-eun! Da-eun!
Da-eun, wake up!
You have a guest waiting outside.
[listlessly] Who?
Dong Go-yun? A doctor at your hospital?
Hey, get up now.
Just try.
[Da-eun groans sleepily]
Come on, my dear.
No, Mom.
Now, go talk to your friend, okay?
Please, you can't just let him wait.
- Go.
- [sighs]
- Go. Go on.
- It's just
That's right, go on.
- No, Mom [groans]
- Go on.
Da-eun, I'm here!
[solemn music playing]
[Go-yun] We promised
to meet after a month.
Today is the day.
Seems serious,
judging by their expressions.
[Da-eun] Oh, so it is.
Well I've been missing you.
Oddly enough,
since I met you, it seems like, uh
my eyes have been drawn right to you.
Here it is!
When I first saw how much
you care for your patients
[Da-eun] Yes, I know it's late
for a call like this, I'm sorry.
and when you were working so hard,
without regard for yourself
[Da-eun] Couldn't we try?
Did you just hit me?
[Go-yun] Seeing you support
the people around you
in all of those moments, I
That's crazy! Whoa
Just kept being drawn to you.
You were so beautiful, I kept on watching.
You're always beautiful to me.
I just miss you being as happy, then.
He's confessing his love, huh?
I'd like you to
please get help.
I think you have to make self-care
a priority right now.
A psychiatrist could be helpful.
Why should I see one?
Ms. Jung, you've become depressed.
It's hard to admit you're depressed,
so you have to rely on others.
You're just exaggerating.
It's not depression, I'd know.
I work as a psychiatric nurse.
Don't you think I'd know?
Nurses can't nurse themselves.
Just like I couldn't treat
my own hemorrhoids, right?
Please get treated.
If not at our hospital, somewhere else.
I can set it up for you, all right?
Please, do it for yourself.
Or you can do it for me,
if that works, just please try it.
Can you do that?
Oh, miss.
Just how could you say something so awful?
Uh, I
Why should my daughter
see a psychiatrist, huh?
Butt out!
Whether she sees a doctor or dies,
it's not your concern.
Let's go. We're going.
Well, I thought he looked nice,
but he turned out so
Oh, he spouted nonsense!
A proctologist!
I mean, he
What would he know, anyway? Honestly.
I mean, you're the one
in psychiatry, right?
Not him, that wannabe!
[heavy traffic passing]
Your uncle in Jeju,
I'll have him send some abalones.
They made you better
every time you got sick, so
[ominous music playing]
[car horn blaring]
- [Mrs. Jung] Da-eun!
- [horn honking]
[Mrs. Jung] Da-eun!
[horn blaring]
- [horns honking]
- [Mrs. Jung] Da-eun!
[tires screeching]
[Mrs. Jung wails] Da-eun!
- Da-eun!
- [horn honking]
[Da-eun] Right at that moment,
I thought I wouldn't have cared
if that truck ran me over.
[tires screeching]
[Mrs. Jung gasps]
Da-eun, are you all right?
Look at Mama!
Have you been hurt anywhere? Tell me! Huh?
Tell me how to help you, please!
Da-eun, please.
Da-eun, hey.
Da-eun, you've got to be careful!
Please, come to your senses!
What's wrong, Da-eun? [sobs]
Da-eun, I'm here.
What can I do for you? [sobbing]
Da-eun, please tell me what's wrong.
Da-eun, tell me how to help!
[solemn music playing]
[closing theme playing]
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